The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 03, 1899, Image 1

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TI E\ ENING GALL. 1 fol. x. No. 232 ISOCIAL SALAD I PLEASANTLY REPORTED FOR I THE EVENING (’ALL. I LIVING. "How to make life worth ’living?” The question haunts ub every dav ; it colors the first flush of sunrise, ft deepens the twilight’s last ray. There is nothing that brings us a drearier pain Than the thought, “We have lived, we are living in vain.” We need, each and all, to be needed, To feel we have something to give Toward soothing the moan of earth's hunger; And we know that then only we live When we feed one another as we have been fed From the hand that gives b dy and spirit their bread. Our lives they are well worth the living ' When we lose our small selves in the whole, And feel the strong surges of being Throb through us, one heart and one soul, Eternity bears up each honest endeavor . The life lost for love is life saved forever. * * » Among the many novels and bocks I of various descriptions just out, not I one has excited more comment than I Alan Dale’s new novel, “His Own Ims I age.” That Mr. Dale’s book would be ! something quite out ol the ordinary, was a foregone conclusion among the many newspaper readers on both sides of the Atlantic—to whom his caustic criticisms of plays and players long since made both bis name ard literary style familiar. Nor was the conclusion in any sense a faulty one, for the seek er after the abnormal in fiction must need search long and diligently, in or der to find a story more sensational, more lurid or more essentially repel |ant, than that enclosed between the covers of this daintily presented vol- I I emu. Mr. Dale, like the fat boy in Pickwick, “likes to make yer flesh creep;” and it is but fair to him to say that bis penchant for imagining hor rors is equaled only by his skill in depicting them. A more hoirible monstrosity than the central figure of tbs present story was never conceived 1 by Poe ; a gloomier plot or a ghastlier I dinonement was never portrayed by I Hugo. The characters in the story I are not numerous, but they are graph I ically, if fantastically draw:.—from ■ “Reginald Ilelerick, actor, of carefully I embroidered reputation, egc-rnanias I of almost psycological import,” to Mrs. Landington, the Notting Hill house- I keeper—“a respectable, black alpaca ■ lady,” who “always wore a cameo ■ brooch, with an extinct busband’s hair at the back, ami a circle of white juch- I ing around her neck. Nobody doubted I her, nobody’ could doubt her. Any I jury in England would have acquitted I her of anything on earth, without I leaving their reals, with the cameo I brooch and the niching as evidence of j her virtue.” True, it is a little difficult to comprehend how the middle-class, I Pelicia Halstead, “one of those natur« j ally gray, incomplete creatures, we ■ used to call women before Mme. Sarah I Grand’s hideous prose declared war t against Tennyson’s matchless poetry,” | could ever, even by accident, have I achieved the marvelous histrionic suc cess with which ehe is credited ; but I then, if she had hadn’t achieved it, I there would have been no apparent excuse for her existing at al!—and the I book would never have been written. I It is h fascinating book, on the whale, ■ for al) its greweomeness ; and however I strongly we may feel inclined to quar- I rt| l with Mr Dale for bis lavish use of Story of a Slave. Io be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George I). Williams of Manchester, Mich , tells how such a slave was made free. He says: “My wife has been so helpless for five yea’s that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, ehe is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work.” Thia supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep- I leseuess, melancholy, headache, back i ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This I miracle working medicine is a god ! send to weak, sickly, run down people. I Every bottle guaranteed Only 50 I cents. Sold by J. N. Harris A- Son and I Carlisle A Ward, druggists I For Bladder Troubles I use Stuart’s Gin and Bu [ chu. I I 1‘ xtraordii sry adject>vn —.u.d, w< ma’ i add, e?.; for the r > her purih | Htltl-ffiilllUX, Whim malr-ii,.- fitini pHi’i j -—we c.ii.tiol but admit lit ,r E.k slot’ i* at !.-•»< clever and readable, ever > Hi idrli it may ho at the .-am" lime distiiici )y un w holesorne. ♦ * * All nn rubers of the Hawthorm Gltil are requested to meet with Mrs Wal ter Ellis Tuesday afternoon. * * + Mrs. Robert .1. Redding entertained the D. A R’u at an elegant reception r on Monday afternoon, in honor of Mrs, Robert Emory Park, the newly e elected State Regent. The bouse, beautifully finished and furnished, opens up delightfully, hallway and two elegant apartments accommodat s ing the guests. Mrs. Park is a woman of fine character, as well as attractive 3 personality, and her little talk of Mon day afternoon, on the duties and re i quiremenls of the organization, was enteresting and enjoyable. Mrs. Park, , with her soft southern voice and win ’ ning manner, made many friends. Mrs. Redding, who is a thoroughly charming woman, had arranged every ! detail of the entertainment for the greatest pleasure to her guests The daintiest of refreshments closed this most delightful afternoon. ♦ * * Little Miss Emmie Kincaid enters tained the members of the G G C Club at a lovely picnic in the beautiful grove near her borne on Tuesday of this week. Tie; affair was as charming and enjoyable rs possible, and the day was very delightful for the pretty little hostess and her many guests, * * * Mrs, Jas W McWilliams will enter tain the Social Circle next Wednesday afternoon. * ♦ * The regular meeting of the D. A. R’s will be held at Mrs. Redding’s Monday afternoon, at 4 30 o'clock. * * * A number of the younger set enjoy ed a merry outing at Walker’s Mill Wednesday. • * * Ihe 1. T. C. Club held a delightful meeting with Miss Willie Mills Wed nesday evening. Thursday afternoon occurred the v.ry elegant card party given by Mrs. Nall and the Misses Nall in honor of their guest, Mies Sara Maynadier of Baltimore. The affair was one thor oughly characteristic of the charming hostesses. A congenial company gifted with the charms, the certainty to entertain and be entertained, met in the lovely rooms The hours were frem 5 to < —just the pleasantest part »f the afternoon. The elegant home was a ; : dure of loveliness, adorned as it was, v. ith a wealth of sweet pea blos soms ; such quantities of them, fresh, fragrant and beautiful and interming ling gracefully with soft r.sparagua ferns and handsome foliage plants. Fan-tan was the game of the afternoon and the score-cards were tiny fans. The first prize, a beautiful hand painted fan, was won by Miss Mary .Banks Mills, and the consolation prize, a dainty handkerchief, was given to Miss Martha Wheatley, of Americus. Mrs. Nall is an ideal hostess with that charming grace and cordiality of man ner so peculiarly’ Southern. On this occasion Mrs. Nall was becomingly gowned in lavender and white organ die. Miss Maynadier, a pretty brunette* wore a lovely toiletie of rose pink taf fetas and nioutselaine de noire. Miss Maynadier is an unusually attractive young woman anil has won number less friends w ho love her for her gentle nature and charming manner. Miss Nall looked well gowned in pure white organdie elegantly trimmed in lace and satin ribbons. Miss Rebecca Nall, a graceful, girlish figure, in a lovely gown of white and blue organdie, was the fourth in the quartette who gave the guests a warm welcome. Ices and cakes were served by Misses Hermonie Nall, Willie Mills and Lucia Goddard, About 50 guests ' were present. * * * A merry parly o f sixteen left for biat Shoals this morning (q,- a week’s stay. Those who went were Misses THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Hei form glows with health and her fact blooms with its beauty, If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig , Syrup Co. only. t GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, BATUROAI EVENING, JUNE 3, 1899. y Florrie Jean Rielmrd*, Mattie Terry, e Eunie>- E: \ d-. rab Perry of Brun- :e 8W i( k 11 .' <i <• Il .•> / o I I) 1: Fill is y 1. zzie shr I>o r ,J«. i< - i , M - and n M is. S inc* , Mr aid Mis. e Carlton Jont-.“, Mes-r- Lyndon Patfer son, J ami - Fly i) t, Leon Davis, James Kimbrough, John Daly and Mi. Cun b ningharn of Atlanta * » « Ihe C. A. K club wa- charmingly entertained by Miss Minnie Brown J Reeves Thursday evening, n f Ihe Mieses Brawner art emertain _ ing the Walking Club this afternoon , in honor of their attractive guest, Miss Wheatley of Americus. * * * Little Miss Annie Ward entertained 3 at a most enjoyable party Thursday B afternoon. , The members of ibe Hawthorne g Club will give an elegant reception at f the Rilles Armory June !6,h, from 8 , to I’2 p m. A Frightful Blunder ' I Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, : 5 the best in the world, will kill the pain • s and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, < i b ever Sores, I leers, Boils, Felons, Corns, ’ all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile Cure on s earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran ( teed. Sold by J. N. Harris <fc Son and ( Carlisle & Ward. Bears the Kind You Have Always Baught ( CONFEDERATE REUNION To be Held at Glen Echo, Md- MeKin ley Will Attend- Washington, June 2.—Plana are . being made to hold a grand reunion of Confederate veterans at Glen Echo, Md., on the Potomac liver, a few miles from Washington, on June 7 and 8 It is proposed to have this reunion Q similar in nature to the annual en campment of the Grand Army of the R Republic. The preparations have been | j. for some time in charge of a commit- f tee from the R, E Lee Chapter of the [ I nited Daughters of the Confederacy, and the proceeds of the entertainment { will be used for the support of Confed erate veterans of Virginia who are in a needy circumstances. Ihe special organiz iti n in charge *• of the preparations for the meeting is | headed by Robert E, son of the ■: late Gen. 1 ee. President McKinley has accepted an invitation to attend the exercises of ' the opening day of the reunion, and 4 lie is expected to address the veterans, s Gov. Tyler, of Virginia, and Gov. J Lowndes, of Maryland, will als.i be present, together with ma: v otlor % persons of prominence. —. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relieved in six hours by “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding e promptness in relieving pain in bladder, I ” kidneys and back, in male or female. Re- <■ lieves retention ot water almost immedi- 1 ately. If you want quick relief and cure t th;-is the remedy. Sold by J. N. Ilavria ” & Son, Druggists, Griffin, Ga. i: Didn t Know They Were Dead. t The story of the Lond n music pub- ‘ lishers who received the other day a t letter from a gentleman, asking for the 11 address of Mr. Ben Jons >n, author of s “Drink to Me Only with Thine Ey< s ” > recalls another, says an exchange A very rich parvenu g ive an <>: h r to a I.ondon bimk-' ld r ir ' 'ong ago t o ” send him a thousand volumes or i of r books at Ins discrei im. Ti. I> > :, ,■ . 1 er very properly incl'ob.-d a 1. mds me i I edition of Shakespeare; but, win e lie ' i was gratified to think he h.i I pleased his customer, he was embari:;-- I by ( one pa-sage in a letter received from ' [ the millionaire, in which he remarked \ , , that he liked the plays of Shakespeare ) and would be obliged if the bookkeep-U I er would take care to send at.y morej g that he might write directly they were g published. Mr. ILA. Pa- . Bowman, Ga., write “One of my children was very delicate ' r and wc despaired of raising it. For * months my wife and I cot; 1 hardly get 8 a night’s rest until we becan the use of ! Pitts’Carminative. We found great re-1 lief from the first Dottle.” Pitts' Carmina- i h tive acts promptly and cures permanent r ly. It is pleasant to the ta t-, md children 'P ” take it without It is free trom t n injurious drugs and chemi als. lt For Diabetes use Stu art’s (sin and Buchii, I RoVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. i ROYAL BAKIN'! POWOtA CO.. KW YORK. A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. A Man Has His Entire Head Nearly Cut Off in Barnesville- Special to the Call.] f B \kni.-vili i , Ga., June 3, (2 p, m.) —bile going up an elevator at the Summers Buggy C , this afternoon, Mr, Elmore Haywood, had his head caught be! ween the ek and the wall, cutting <ll almost the entire left side of his head and face It is a horrible wound, and the phy sicians think h*- ran hv-.- ouiy a short time. He is 3 > years old, and was employ ed at Cochran’s livery siable. He is writhing in agony, and presents a ghastly appearance. O SJ 'X' CJ- i-J. X jfA. . Bears tl» Ihß Kind Yoj Have Always Bought Signature iFz 7 < -Z’. ♦ For Gravel use Stuarts Gin and Buchu. Methodist Church. Preaching at th# First Methodist church tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock and S p. m. by the pastor, Rev. C. S (>.-.ene. Subject of the morning sermon : “Gossip Defined and Back biters Dissected.” Subject of the evening service: “What Charity Does. Sacrament of the L ird’s Supper at the cl seo: the morning service. Ev erybody it cordially invited to attend all of the services. — I® ' T.. Excellent Combination. Th<- pleasant method and bem-fieiul effects of the wll known rcim *ly, Syiut of Ei<; . manufactured the < VI II liXIA ElO -VI ’ i r.(ti- the value of obtainin ’ the liquid tive principles of plants known to be them in the form most refreshing to tin taste and acceptable to the system. It is th- one perfect strength* tii ig laxa tive. cleansing the vsti in eifeetim ly, dispelling colds, headaches and fi-vers gent); yet promptly and i -i d. I: . . ..<• to overeqme habitual constipation p r- manently. Its perfect freed'ni front every obj< tionable quality and -ab statue, and its actinp on the kidn> liver and bowels, witl mt weakening or irr'tatii. ; them, m: ■ .' the idea laxative. In the pr >-ss of man '‘aeturir fly are n ed, as they are p- : < ••• :>nt to th< taste, but the medieina quulitie- < f tie rem ly :re obtain' d ;.1 : i:a .am other aromatic plants. 1 a tin tho< known to the < ai.ii oiima lio Syi-.i Co. only. In order to yet it • benelicia effects and to avoid imitation . plei■■ - remember the full name of the<’«n. pan printed on the front of every pa< , . . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK, N Y. For sale by all Druggists.—Price 50 perbetth Farmers Meeting. I’h farmers of this and attj jinin countit - are rtqu —u-d t • meet at th court house in the city of Griffin Sat urday, June 24th, at lit o’clock, forth purpose of electing wan h use director for the t nsui ng year CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough ,‘LF. StricklandS Co. How to Keep Cool. Our Suggestions of Today Will Help You. > _ JEST RECEIVED NEW Ml SUNS FOR WRAPPERS AND < IIH.DREN’S DRESSES AT 5c YARD. NEW BOTTISTE AND FIGURED LAWNS AT 10c WHITE INDIA LINEN’S AT 10c AND 12]<- I’ALMER MOStjl ITo NETS, WILL KEEPTIIEFLIE--OIT IN THE DAY TIME AND MOSQUITOES AT NIGHT I’RICF COMPLETE |1,50. Our Shoe Department. SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES LOW (jl ARTEREDSHOES. ON LY 75c. ZEIGLER BROS. FINE OXFORDS. LAST Y EAR’S STYLES AND WORTH |3oo ON CENTER t 'OUNTEII, TO ( LOSE OU I' AT $1 fin IFYOU YVANT SHOES OF ANY KIND WE HAVE THEM. Olli- Shoes Give Satisfaction. R. F. STRICKLAND * CO. KILL THEM. The Per Oxhle of Ciiieaies will kill iiie bugs Hint are destroying the'potatoes and garden plants. 25c tor 6-lb package. N. B. DREWRY SON. , K, H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. V. STEWART, M. I). DRS. TftYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from sp, ni. A physician will always b«. in our office > during that, time, DOQITinNQ SECrUET). May dep<»KU money rvwlilvnd lorluHiouin bank till pogliion Is , Kocured, or will accept notes. Cheap board, far fare paid. No vacation. . Enter any lime. Opeu for both aexes. DRAUGHON'S BUSINESS Nashville, Tenn. Savannah, Ga. f.alvrston, Tex. Texarkana, T« a. Indorsed by merchant* and hanker*. Three ' months’bookkeeping with us equals six. elsewhere. I All commercial branches taught. Foi circulars ex plain • Intr •• Home study Cnurw.” address “ iw-partrnenl A,” For college catalogue, address “ Department 4 ’ FRESH MEAT, Well selectM, worth < on oiero./ m every household. We keep on hand the best and largest -lock of Beef, Sutton an J Pori and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. f class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE. Act, <r “ O TATE OF GEORGIA, O Spalding County. WhiT-M. Chas. T. Smith, a lminHtrah r <r " Philip Sin th.r presents to th, court In his • petit: n, duly tiled and ent -r. ion record, that d he has fully administered Philip Smith's es ,i late. This is there fore to .-ite all persons c oncerned, kindred an I creditors, to show *’ cause, if any they can, whysald administrator should not tie Ji,, barged from his administru .. limi. and receive letters of niamissii.n, on the first Monday in August, ispp. This May I, 1*99. .1. A. DKI-.WKY, Ordinary. MARCUS W. BECK, ATTORNEY AT LAW,; Office over Merchants and Planters Bank GRIFFIN, GA. Receipts at Philippine Ports. Washin ion, June 3—Assistant r Secretary of War Meiklejohn has re rg ceived by cable from Manila the total receipts for the month of May from all tources at the ports of Manila, Iloilo and Cebu. They are Manila $501,- 770 r>o; Iloilo, SBB 200; Cebu, $5!) 100. Total, $049,375 >O. As showing a steady increase since American occu pation the following statement by ports is made for the month of April : H Manila, $457,002 00 Iloilo, $45 534; _ Cebu, S3O 757 80; total, $533 294 40’ r xceM of i< '.’t-iptß f r May >v r April ’• sllO 081 $3.00 per Annum LAUNDRY. For the convenience oi my patrons I have opened a branch Laundry at the second door below the Griffin Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old business on Broad street. I will superintend j the work at both Laundries and guar* antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. GOOD g J. ' noc. LuSTRVHD YOUTH ANO AGE 4 1 I " sent <> •• ye.-.r ' •” "f ■■■■ >• nd it the L'- 6 3Oc. ih. . f ’ 1 : n : i; . . tr it*.., miu mom v ioun >L-of into i - <■■■ I ' ‘ . I'. . iIvS , A . „ I " > . II: in. KA. : '(-n .. i . <-.1 ,;.i Al. Jmokmaho- . Woman’ . J» . ' : 'M!.•. r, .i •! <,.... Ta•> !-,. . Dh-akimi', r. l ayior’s Love Utters to the Public uro of g . !r . t* r- ■. < .rupi,. ropv £r< Agents Wanted. FREE I ■rs t our T’ /.u’i r r to e<, il the n / pri< r f the arth '•<- self-.- t. ".• Will ov<* fre.- Ij.- ch fold watch, diamond jin/, nr a s< I> In either >f iJriUtfhoit’ i’.'.e • .( ~ Nashville,Tenn., *c. . pstov..' r I < x irk 1’;.., '1 vx., «.r one i?< almost any ; iiisine.-s ColL /err Literary Sc hool. Write us. ! Mention Griffin (Ga.) Mousing ( All Fine Chickens For Sale. I have for sale full breed Minorcas, War hors> and Shaw -neck, Crossed Game and Hard I’lyrnrtutli Rock Chicken Also rettings of eggs from each lireed. These birds are select, E. L. Rogers. • / I VF'iF' J Uj'i i. * bill*! Bi W P te#- ® ■ * * anything you invent or improve; also ret? * CAVEAT.fRADE-MARK. COPYRIGHTor DESIGN * PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. S > for free examination and advice. < 1 BOOK ON PATENTS ;C.A.SNOW&CO. f J Patent Lawyers. WASHINGTON, D.C. $ FnilirßHejairSliop o o John T. Boyden has opened an Upholster Shop, and will do all other General Furniture Repair* ing, and Guarantees Satisfaction on work and prices. Please call and see me. JOHN T. BOYDEN 19 l-2.Hi1l St. I)H K. F,. J TAJVKS DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining, an the north. M Williams & Son.