The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 22, 1899, Image 4

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Clothing and Cents' Furnishings. Our stock is in tune with the demand. Just what is sought after ihc most can he found at our place. What the season, style and trade wants we have. We respectfully ask you to give ns a call WILEY L. SMITH, • 23 HILL 3THEET, GRIFFIN, GA Tangle Foot Fly Paper 25 dou ble sheets for 35c. With every 10c. worth Insect Powder we will give a sprinkler to apply it with. CARLISLE & WARD New Lot Beans Just Received. Now tu the lime to plant your second crop. A Do Watermelon and Cantaloupe Seed tor late planting. Medicines of all Kinds. Everything kept in a First Class Drug Store. Prescriptions a Specialty. J- N. HARRIS & SON. MELONS. Fresh Water Melons, first of the season at rock bottom prices. G. W CLARK & SON. CHEAPEST GROCERS IX TOW X. V,’ s -Ww\ OwO/' WPw J. M. SEARS. The Grocer. Che Evening Call. GRIFFIN, GA., JUNE 22, 1809. IMH ee over Davis’ Hardwar Sto> • TELEPHONE NO. 22. PERSONAL AND LOCAL DOTS. OR. J. M. THOMAS, .PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office: No. 23j Hill street, stairway next to R. P. McWilliams & Son. Tele phone 27, 2 rings, Jas M. Spurlin, of Liwry, vi-i’ed this city today. Rufus Buchanan, ol Liberty Hill, spent today in this ciiy. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Sims of I. berty Hill, were in the city n ! y Judge T. J B a siugsme, of Zebulon, spent today with friends in this city I v<>u i chickens have the - ’i t-'>s ad, try M :n’k 'e Sure Cun' f, • r Sin -H ul. l< \ i i'lli <• t h>m For s . ■■■ b . lia i. I) Ci irk 20 IE st. J -1 i I h ewry !. n A’ • ; lan I a RO' > • Cruucii in ><! a Im.- - ■ trip ! tu Aila nt a 11 d- v. 1! L Du I•> a i'< 1 hi< !a ■ ■ tri at ! Viney Mil ' M i B-t l h, <fZte . i r ' j today w ih lr-ml. in this, ci! . Vi- .1 Q B> > i spenrlit i few days in A tian’a l iemdii ati ns this alt.-rtio n were; i 1 P J.n.t s, of the C rnrmrctalt II ’ i a _en 11 CO f -a d ■ a ' • !(• a! fi. r- Im■ n I 1. i: is l..i< ilt i to say conci t ttitig the ! faults of olhets Mis Cara Mad-hx has -.inr- d from a p'cHr.nt '.i,- ■ n. M Curtis! Arnolt at Senoia Mrs. R. A Gordo; and t’e son ; ! returned today fn>m i visit to their * r 1 ives at Pai is, Ga Mns'G iruia Yocul.of Like < ity,l ’ Fin., is visiting Mr . .A. L, Quaititance, at Expeiiuieut, tor some lime. Judge John 1. Hall came up from 1 I ALicon tins ni -neng and spent the I<l I}' in toise: y( u : busi;., ss Mrs V. J Noi then ci me <!<> ans n on i Atlanta 'bis no rnii g and is being ■ p'easantly t nlert .itied Io !- • ti any i Griffin tn- : d . , Mrs. Tai s J Wbile and sweet iilt’.e daughter, Miss Georgianna White, left JUST RECEIVED TODAY. 54 Fine Frying Chickens. 20 and 25cts. First come first served. 75 Boston Hams weighing 3 to Gibs. Will only coat you 10c per pound and just as good as any ham. Fresh lot of good Tea, Green, Black and Mixed. Freeh crate Pine Apples and Lem ons. M WELL & EDWARDS. today for Finley, Ohio, where they will spend several weeks visiting rela tives. If your little chickens are sick and weak, use Magic Poultry Food. It will cure them. Lewis D Clauk, 20, Hill St Mr. anti Mr.-. W. Redding, of Au gusia, who arc on their bridal tour, are spending a few days with Col. and Mrs I; J Redding, a! Ex periment. A special train of 18 cars leaded with government mules passed through this morning enroute from Savannah to ■ f Chickamauga. Thisis the second train of mules Ibis week. John H Casteel, supervisor of the second division of the Central railroad, went down to Forsyth this morning to superintend the laying of a side track for the new depot at that place. Col. W. E Wooten, of Albany, who was a major in the First regiment stationed at Camp Northen last year, was in the city for a short while this morning while enroute to Atlanta. Lambert’s Death to Lice and Mites l will kill lice and mites on chickens. For sale by Lewis 1). Clark, 20, Hill St. I’rof and Mrs. -Daniel Gilliard, of Dahlonega, are spending several days in this city the guests of Mr. and Mrs T A Berry. I’rof Gilliard It- .di a J i responsible position in the I niv- r.-tty a' I) .blo.tega the condition of Mr. J I’. Saw ell ■be nsiderid very serion- b his min dly and physician. He has been con ■ fined to Ids lied h,r several weeks and . ja daily growing weaker Ir nt the dis- < is, wh’-'li is billing medical E sou In-re wjli be foun-t an adver tisement i .l I y nerd Dyspe. a Remedy ' —l’,; gii-ate-t P-niedy ' r alluviating i all dis, iti-s c,i iisc,, by dy sp- j ;1 1 which has vet be n discovered It you are tr tibled with dyspej e i or indigestion take Tyii- rs Dyspepsia Ib-m-dy and A member <1 the Grillin Ritlif, while at Warm Spring*, caiied on liie b- -t gir', who lived about two miles dr ant. While in tin pail r talking, | a d>'ail squad appeared nr n the scene, i ml at the | r >te-t o’' b- i h boy j and girl, cm rie l t betray void soldier i back to camp. (Bu ss wh< 1! v. W G. Woodbridge, pi.'iir of the Presbyterian church cd this city, I has had the degree of D I) -nt ft tried up him by F.rskin college o‘ Due West, IS (' Dr Woodbridge i- one of the I a!d<-■ divines in this statr-, a- d it is a . source of p a ire t i hi* rii my frit nds Ito know that this tin ii4i-t I*. i r has As ,i result of a slight e. ident at j < ■ Ilin, Cpl A F I is ~d a por i i f tin "nrltrn mi ••••}• train crew 1. ,v< been suspend-<1 ly the i Suu ihi r n c flic ia Is fol an ir. •. -si ig a' on. 1 t‘ne accident consisted in the derail I ■ ing of a car, a not n/ri qu nt occur- | r nee, w bile - witching aliriu! in Gris- I tin The incident, though a rather (trivial one, was decmeu important enough for an investigation, and tem porary rii-|-.i nsii n o' th< conductor and a jolt: nol tl.- crew was l.«c', j Their friends trust that tl . .cl: , me 1 out alright —Columbus E quire CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought SlXt'eLf Dr. M. A Simmons Idver Modi irte has a nan rial reputation. (-■.-■ t over about sixty years, as a most suc cessful Liver Regulator. BRUSHY BRIEFS. Bitt ,-HY, June 21.-J. H. Woods, of Digby, spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. !’.<«. Head. We arc ylart to not- ti, ,i Mr . Fannie McElhency t ■ !>< t.lei ;a. tbi- tun- Mi i Clyde Bell, (.! ELfoi, visited Mr. and Mrs. IL -L Bell! iinday. Mr. and Mrs. J. -nc-i Syk«, of Orchard Hill, spent Sun ' \ with relatives here. Rev. and Mrs m -ph Head made a trip to Atlanta Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim O’Reat, of Liberty Hill, -pent Sunday here with the latter’s parents, Air. and Airs. J. F. Chapmen. Miss Kate Goddard, who has been visit ing relatives at Elgin, returned home Sun day. Jett Moore, of Elgin, was here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Head visited Atlanta relatives Saturday. Several of us attended preaching at Midway Sunday, and report a fine sermon and large crowd. J. G. Barrow, of Orchard Hill, spent Sunday here with his daughter, Mrs. I’. R. Head. W. 8. Colbert made a business trip to Grifhn Tuesday. Walter Head went to Griffin Saturday. J. Nipper, of Atlanta, was here Friday. Rev. and Mrs. Jos. Head arc visiting relatives in Pike. Carson Clark, of Griffin, was here Mon day. — ■ -«► - •• Erave Men Fall Victims to stomach, liver and kidney I troubles as well as women, and all feel the I results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache I and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But ■ there’s no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says | “Electric Bitters are just the thing for a ) I man when he is all run down, and don’t ’ care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite ; than anything I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life.’' . Only 50 cents, at J. N. Harris & Eon’s or Carlisle & Ward’s drug store. Every bot tle guarantee;!. - - > “Will son.e one in the class,” asfced 1 the teacher of rhetoric, give a better , form to the sentence, ‘John can ride i the mule if ho wants to?'” “‘John can tide the mule if the 5 mule wants him to,’” said the boy , with the bad eye— Tribune. TEE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with i plenty of exercise in the open air. Her firm glows with health and her face j blooms with its beauty. If her system | needs the cleansing action of a laxative I remedy, she uses the gentle »and pleasant I Syrup of Figs, made by the California Fig I Syrup Co. only. —— - - A Good Excuse.—‘ They say Ruesell i , m» re t' .. ‘I ) a minute.” “Well, if that’s the ease, yr u can hard y blame tin- ;..d man i’.,r not i j wanting to s!i,p fir tn -i:- ' —’’hi ’acoj Timei -H ■-raid. Bed Hot From the Gun Was the hall that hit G. IJ, Steadman of j New Ark, 3H< h., in the ( ivil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises Burns,Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Erup tions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cents , a box. Cure guaranteed. So’ Iby J. N. i Harris A Son and Carlisle A Ward, Irug i{ gists. Y ung Metres —“I o .n’t • aby ! you should lea-. ■ hm> h • suddenly I'm 1 sure I ve done » 1 I c; tld to help you ; with the housework, and I bnv-’ done I a.I the Ci ...king Maid —“V- -’m, that’s what’s the matter.” “What is?’ “I can’t stand y'r c<»okit N-iv Yrk Weekly. State of < into, City of Toledo, ) Lt ( VS Cot NTT. f S 3. Frank J. Cheney makes oath taat he i the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that -aid firm will pay the urn of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each | and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Ball's CAT»Hun Ct he. FBANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib 1 in my presence, this nth day of December \ D., IS.-L. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s ('atarrh Cure is akin internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimo nials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. t-iild by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills an the best. Quick Sales. Prompt Returns. SAVANNAH MARKET CO., Wholesale Produce and Commission .Merchants. Foreign and Dcifiestic Fruits, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Cnions, Early Vegetables, Fish and Game. Writs for Daily Quotations, Shipping and Stencils. Special attention given ■ orders from tna trade- ’ ( I Wc will buy your Melon Crops at Highest 1 Cash figures. 1 Wire coops, egg cases and butter pails free ; We pay highest prices for poultry, eggs f and dairy products. 242 W. Broad St. Savannah. Ga. ] FLEIVIISTER & BRIDGES, (<<)- Contemplating a change in the line of our business Sept. Ist, next, we have deter mined to place on sale our entire stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., In fact every* item in our stock, at great sacrifice in price for the next 60 days for spot cash. Parties having accounts with us can have goods charged at regular prices. You can save from 10 to 50 per cent, on your purchases during this sale. This will prove the GREATEST OPPORTUNITY FOR MONEY SAVING you have experienced since our Fire Sale of 1898. Flemister & Bridges basFbhothebs Shoes and Slippers, ALL SIZES AND LATES STYLES. We have too many low quarter ed Shoes, and have decided to sell them very much below their real worth, so we have made another great cut in prices. biidfilii/// J iw 7 Drew Selby & Co. make the most stylish Oxford Shoes known to the trade. We have them in all the pretty shapes. Summer Goods Reduced in price to close them out. Great bargains in everything in Dry Goods,Clothing, Hats and Millinery. ! miss our Shoe Sale. BASS BROS. REGARDLESS OF AGE T 5 kidte.s-ire responsible for more •1c . .-. suffering, and deaths than any oth r organs of the body. A majority of the ills afflicting people today is traceable to kidney trouble. It pt rva.l -s all classes of society, in all cli mate\ regardless of age, sex or condition. Th< > nntoms of kidney trouble are un mistak.. '>, !ch as rheumatism,neuralgia sleepier - .u-s, pain or dull ache in the back a desiie to urinate often day or night, pro fuse or scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of clogged kidneys, causing pois oned ant germ-tilled blood. Sometimes the heart act? badly, and tube casts (wast ing of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result in Bright’s Disease, the most dangerous form of kid ney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influence of Dr. KI mer’s Swamp-Root. Ithasa world wide reputation for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. N<> one need be long without it as it is so easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. You can have a sam ple bottle of this wonderful discovery, Swamp Root, and a book telling all about it, bo';; sent to you absolutely free by mail Send • our address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and kindly mention that you read inis liberal offer in the Mid th.r, Georgia Farmer 0 Tax Receiver's Notice. 1 will be at the different pl -c-- i days mentioned below, for the purp ,,st .'' ; receiving state and county Taxes i<>r 1 • year 1899: ,„ n . Districts. April. May- Africa 3 Union Mt. Zion k Line Creek <> Orrs 7 Akins 10 Cabin 11 9 „ On Orr's days will beat my l cept the days named aliove 1 will I ■ office in L. C. Manley’s store until thel ■ of Ju v, when my books will be ‘ 11. T. JOHNsON. Tax Receiver Spalding I ounty, TFchestney SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Griffin Hanking Co- - (,| ,t Represents the best and ' ,’.7. Fire. Accident and Sick Benefit In* Companies in the country. _ , , I ...... . «... amt S ill. .rl. r ■ ' , . .uuruo b-'"■ ' " ’ ' ued J;.>...dct % V pr* Sterling Remedy <’> Chwrt"