The evening call. (Griffin, Ga.) 1899-19??, June 30, 1899, Image 1

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THE EVENING CALL, Vol. X. No. 255 WILL OF MR H. B PLANT. His Immense Estate is Left in Trust to His Widow, Son and Grandson. Nmv Haven, Conn .June 30.—Yes terday afternoon in the probate court, • the’willof the late President Henry Bradley Plant, of the Plant System, was admitted to probate. Among the executors are Vice President Erwin, of the Piant System. Mr. Plant’s will leaves specific lega- ( ciea amounting to s4l 000, to several , friends and relatives and some addi- ( tional contingent annuities. The en tire estate is subject to these legacies. The chargee are left in trust to the , executors, who are also nustees, and the trust continues during the life of , hfs widow and son, Morton, and the testator’s grandson, Henry Bradley - Plant, Jr. The trustees are directed to c pay from the income of the estates3o,- r 000 per annum to bis widow and $30,- 000 per annum to bis son, Morton Piant, and SIO,OOO per annum to bis L grandson, Henry B Plant, Jr. t The estate, remaining in the bands g of the trustees, after the decease of the ( j widow, son and grandson, is to be held a in trust until the youngest child of the grandson, Henry Bradley Plant, is 21 t) years of age, and at that time it is to c be divided among the heirs of born 0 children of the testator’s son and g grandson. No estimate of the amount of the estate left by Mr. Plant has yet been n given out to the public. 0 Possibilities of Liquid Air. " In discussing the possibilities of liquid air, Prof. Elihu Thomson says that one of its leading features, if it a were developed commercially, would a be its emergency value. By this it is meant the ability to obtain at will a sudden output far beyond the normal. Animal power notably has this emer gency value, and the success of electric *. trolley systems is in a great measure owing to the fact that when needed the station can be called upon for a tern porary delivery to any single car or *' train of a power greatly in excess of ? the rated output of the motors. The use of liquid air mixed with combustibles to form a high explosive d has been suggested. Such an explosive could ba made at the time of use, and if it were left unexploded, either by " accident or design, it would soon be-p 1 c me harmless by the evaporation of the liquid gas, F .r the projection of high explosives there should be a distinct place for 11 liquid air, as it can rapidly be convert- u ed into compressed air at six tons to the equate inch. Compressed air is q r. r. used for propelling mobile torpe* c does, or find torpedoes. Dirigible tors pedoes depend for power either on 1 compressed air or the electric energy - of a storage battery. . A storage battery would be probably from five to ten times as heavy as li- , quid air in a receptacle, (nr equal euer gy Prof Thum-on is inclined t > think f r that liquid air may presently be used lor submarine boats and flying ma* chines. fl | In lbe submarine boat it could be I evap rated by the heat i f the eur- I rounding water, and after furnishing I power it would ventilate the boat. r I Before its final discharge it could be I burned with oil in a fuel machine to I give further power. I♦ ♦ ♦ I Glorious News f R Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Wash- t I ha, I. T. He writes: “Four bottles of Elec- ; ■ trie Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of ( ■ scrofula, which had caused her great suf- , ■ feting for years. Terrible sores would f ■ break out on her head and face, and the , ■ beet doctors could give no help; but her ■ cure is complete and her health is excel- * ■ ient.” This shows what thousands have I Proved—that Electric Bitters is the best f ■ Wood purifier known. It’s the supreme J| fetnedy for eczema, tetter, salt. rheum, ul- ■ boils and running sores. It stimu- , ■ liver, kidneys and bowels, expels ■ poisons, helps digestion, builds up the ■ ' *»gth. Only 50 cents' Sold by .1. N. 3 T OB & Son and Carlisle & Ward, drug- H f® B - Guaranteed. I Os Interest to Inventors. 1 A. Snow A Co., one of the oldest roost successful firms of patent **jers, whose offices are opposite the 1 lo ’'ed States Patent Office in Wash* in ?fon, ]) C., and who have procured Wtuts for more than 17,000 inventors, 'hat, owing to the improved con- States Patent ce > patents may now be more O| ODep^ t '^-P (ban at any previ ■’J In 10 ’b e > r experience of twenty- 1 ' SOUTH MAKING GOOD PROGRESS A Great Increase in New Industries Over Last Year i* Shown. Chattanooga, 'Tenn,, June 30 I hat the south has for some lime been making remarkable strides in the field of legitimate manufacturing and de velopment enterprises has been fully recognized and some details of this progress for the first six mouths of this year are of more Chan passing in terest. The Tradesman has compiled a report of the new industries authori tatively reported for the second quarter cf 1899, and this report shows that the new industries for lite quarter ending July 1, 1899, exceed by 60 per cent those of the same period last year. Tn commenting on this report, The Tradesman says that the growth indi cated during the quarter was general rather than special. The new industries reported for April, May and June, 1898, numbered 483; for the same months this year they are 775—a gain of 292, and this gain is pretty well distributed among different branches of industry. Cotton and its products show the heaviest gain however. On July 1, 1898, there were noted 37 new compresses and gins, 29 new textile mills and 22 cotton seed oil mills; today’s report shows 45 new gins and compresses, 76 textile mills and 71 cotton seed oil mills. Municipal progress and. prosperity may be fairly inferred from the items of light and water. There are 28 now watur works and 55 new electric light power plants reported today, against 22 water works and 44 electric light and power plants that were new a year ago. These are the heavier gains. Compared with the report for the first quarter of this year, the second quarter shows a gaiu of 117 new in dustries. Combining the two quarters, the new industries reported during the first six months of 1899 include 30 brick and tile works, 15 canning fac tories, 69 compresses and gins, 130 textile mills, 93 electric light and power plants, 138 flour and grist mills, <»0 iron working and iron making plants, 4/ ice factories, 66 mines and quarries, 101 cotton seed oil mills, 17 phosphate and fertilizer companies, 21 tobacco factories, 10 sugar mills, 43 water works and 274 woodworking plants. He Fooled the Surgeons- All doctors told Renick Hamilton, o West Jefferson, 0., after suffering for 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and the best Salve in the World. 25 cents a box, Sold by J. N. Harris A Son and Carlisle & Ward, drug gist. The New Reporter He was just from college, and hav ing secured a place as reporter on a morning paper, be was assigned to report a fire on the west side. He did the work in great style, making half a column of it—for he was working on space, you know—and this is the way he began the story : “Suddenly, on the still night air rang the shrill cry of fire, aud simul taneously the devouring tongue of flame, whose light as it played along the roof's edge had caught the eagle eye of the midnight watcher, leaped forth, no longer playful, but fierce and angry in its consuming greed. Like glowing, snaky demons, lurid links entwined the doomed building; in venomous hisses aud spurts the flames shot into the overhanging darkness, while from every window and door poured forth a dense sulphurous va por, the deadly, suffocating breath of an imprisoned fiend, etc Next morning the embryo journalist was up early to see how bin brilliant t lo< ked in print, aad this is what j he read : “Mike Mahoney’s grocery, on Des plaines street, was destroyed by fire last night Loss, S2OO ;no insurance. *, —Philadelphia 'l imes. - - ■ . CASTOR IA T or Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the .//¥/? Signature of For Backache use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu, I GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JDNE 30, 1899. Let Them Riner the Bells If we want to get along with the Cu bans and impress them with our pur pose to do them all the good we can, we must not interfere with their local customs where such interference lias no other effect than to irritate them, Gen. Ludlow, the military governor of Havana, it seems to us, has made sev eral orders which have been lacking in wisdom. Some time ago he made an order prohibiting smoking in cabs and in public places ; also prohibiting men from appearing ir the streets dressed only in trousers aud under shirts. He also prohibited bull fights, and cock fights, and other custom? to which the people were very much at tached. His latest order that causes irritation prohibits the ringing of cbuich bells. The bishop of Havana has paid no attention to the order against the ringing of church bells, and we do not see any good reason for the order. If the people of Havana want their church bells rung why not let them ring them? The church bells are rung inmost American towns. It is true that there is a sentiment, based on the protests of nervous people, against the custom, but the regulation of the matter is left to the people themselves. If the government at Washington should attempt to interfere with the I ringing of the bells in the various! cities and towns there would be such a protest that it would be found nec essary to cease such interference at once. It may be that Gen. Ludlow and some others in Havana don’t approve of the ringing of church bells, but they are not the whole population of the city. The ringing of church bells is undoubtedly a long established custom there, and to put a stop to it by a mili tary order is calculated to create a sentiment in Havana against Ameri cans. If this interference with local customs is continued the Cubans will begin to regard our presence lhera with disfavor. They will consider u* as tyrants, and seek to get rid of us as quickly as possible. Besides, this in* terference with their local customs will make it difficult to introduce re forms that are really necessary for the welfare and happiness of the people. Let us confine ourselves to such mat ters as are necessary for the establish ing of a stable and intelligent govern ment in the island and leave local cus toms to ba changed aud bettered by time and education. By pursuing that course we shall stand a much better chance of doing the Cubans real and lasting good.—Savannah News. Discovered By a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. | “Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its se veiest tests, but her vital organs were un dermined and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She finally discov ered away to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much reliev ed on taking first dose, that she slept al! night; and with two bottles, has been ab solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz.’’ Thus writes W. C. Hammick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at J. N. Harris & Son's and Carlisle & Ward's drugstore. Regular size 50c and SI.OO. Every bottle guaranteed. For Diabetes use Stu art’s Gin and Buchu, Reflections of a Bachelor Woman without, religion is as nat ural as a cat without fur. After the first three or four tihies a man falls in love in the regular way he takes liver pills. A woman doesn’t begin to love al man until she begins to be afraid she isn't enough afraid of him The trouble with marriage is it't a j mockery if you don’t have ideals, and I i if you do, you smash them all. You can tell how much a woman trusts her husband by the fact that ; when he takes her to a vaudeville show I i with him she doesn’t think lie is in I I any danger—New fork Press. .... TEE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on good food and sunshine, with j plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face! blooms with its beauty. If her system | needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleasant | Syrup of Figs, made by the California F ig Syrup Co, only. . For Gravel use Stuarts iGin and Buchu. r— -Nil. - —-I I A ' RoVal ; Baking Powder ’ Made from pure cream of tartar. a Safeguards the food against alum » 1 Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. i j , 4 ROVM. 00.. KW TOOK. Jealous of His Pipe. A New York woman wants a divorce i because her hueband prefers tobacco I to ber society. She says be used to ; lavish .endearments upon ber, but now j his affection is al! given to the weed i "He used to love to hold me on his j knee,” she mournfully explains But ' now he replaces her lithe form with a i caddy of the beet mixture, and touches: his lips only to the stem of a beloved pipe. This is a aad case, but there is little 1 that is novel about it. If the broken (hearted wife would accept the situa tion gracefully, and (Miberately enter the lists against the caddy and the pipe she might win her beloved chim aey back again. She certainly has no right to assume that bis love is but ashes because be no longer offers bis ( knees aa a roosting place. her avfordupuis haa increased ; perhaps be has rheumatic twinges. Sensible women know that honeynn on fashions, like the honeymoon must wane. Lite isn't all billing and cooing. Neither is it all smoking. Let this stricken one look the mat ter over closely and see if she can’t trace a fair share of the blame to a woman of ber own personal appears a nee —Cleveland Plain Dealer. ■y~ - 1 | Wii'• '7 Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Strop of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate the .value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refn hiugt-.C.e taste and acceptable to the s\ stem. It i is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and feveis gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual con.- tipanon per manently. Its perfect fieedcni fr< in every objectionable quality and sub stanje, and its acting on the kidn< -,-s, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing tigs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained fronusenna and other ift . :’: ■ plant . i >i; • ■ ~ ' known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name < f the Company .... » CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILFE KY. NEW YORft N Y I For sale by all Druggists — l’i ire pt r L, W. GODDARD & SON, ■FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. W. B. Harris expet fenced Embalm er. Services at all hours. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Hearse F’rec. L, W, GODDARD & SON, Ncs 3 and. 5 Scionion St- IDli. E. L. H A TSFES DENTIST. Office upstairs in building adjoining. u c • I the n- rth, M Williams & Son, mcclure ten cent co. A WORD TO OL’R CUSTOMERS SPEND YOl'R MONEY WHERE YOl jCAN" GET THE BEST QUALITY t HEAi'Esr. <;|\ E1- AI.L YOER TRADE jIN OCR LINE AND SAVE MONEY. Screen Doors, al! sizes, 98c. Window Screens,,‘lox36 inches, 49c, 24x116, 3>; 18x32, 2 ><, 16x32 19,;, Ice Cream Freezers—2 quart, $1 44; 3 quart, $1 Hs ; 4 quart, $2 44; 6 quart, Glass Tumblers, 6 for 15c. McClure Ten Cent Company. R.F. Stricklands Go. o BUYING AT 1-3 OFF! That is what we have been doing this week. We give you the. benefit of our Low Buying. It will pay you to look through eur slock as there are man) things we can’t mention here. 7ic Lawns, now sc. 10c Lawns, now 7je. 10c Percale, now 6jc. 50c Ladies Black Silk Gloves, now 25c. 2oc Silk Ties, now 15c. Best Talcum Powder 10c. 85c Ladies Tan Hose, now 15c. Ladies Bleached Ribbed Vest 10c All .Straw Huts at reLiced price-. Mosquito Net and frame complete, $1 50. * Monday next we will sell 10 yds. Dress Patterns at 25c. SHOE DEPARTMENT, SI.OO Ladies Tan Oxfords at 50c. $1.50 Ladies Tan Oxfords at 98c. f $2.50 Ladies Tan Oxfords at $1.50. R. F. STRICKLAND * CO. KILL TZHZEjMI. The Per Oxide of Cilicates will kill the bugs that are destroying the potatoes anil garden plants 25c for 6-1 b package. N. B. DREWRY & SON- K. H. TAYLOR, M. D. J. F. BTEWAKT, M. D. ] DRS. TAYLOR AND STEWART, Physicians and Surgeons. Office hours from Ba.m,toß p. m. A physician will always be in our office during that time. PAQITIftNC SECLTJED. May deposit money f vul 1 IVII u for tuition in hank Uli potfUon b H<‘< ured, or will accept note*. Cheap board. Car fare paid. No vacation. Enter any time. Open fur both txxes. DRAUGHON’S X? /Z/? FRACTICAL Naahvilie, Tenn. rfh» Savannah, Chu Oalveßton, Tex. Texarkana, Tex. : 1 Indorsed by merchftntK and hankers Three rnouthh'tiookkerping with ok fpirtls *dx. cIM-whon-. AII commercial branches taught. Forrirruiarfc ••xplair. Ing “ Home Study foiirw*.*’ address “ Dcpaitment A Fur college catalogue, addrm “ Ix-partiwjjt ,j FRESH MEAT, Well selected, is worth considering in every household. We keep on hand the best and largest stock of BeWunon and Pork and in fact all kinds of Fresh Meat to be found anywhere. Give us your order and be convinced. FRESH FISH always on hand. Also a iirst class RESTAURANT in connection with the market, 'in which we serve tip top meals at all hours. P.S. PARMELEE, Act. ■— I c T ATE OF G E() KG IA, O ' Spai.di.m* County. When n. Uhas. T. Smith. adminKtrator ..f Philip Smith, n presents t<» tie court in bls petition, duly filed ®rid< nteredon record he has fully admlnisb re l Philip Smith\ ■i11... Thb ■, there' r< t .t. .., ■ ineerned, kindred an i credito't*. to show ■ ails.', if anv they can. why said a hninistrai■ r -hould not !><■ ills,'barged from his admloistra 111.n, and reed ve let I ers of f ,ismission, on the first Monday m August. KfA This May 1. isyt'. .1. A. DREWRY, Ordinary. MARCUS W. BECK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office over Merchants and Planters Bank GRIFFIN, GA. I: itn .te Voiir Howels With Vw < uret.. $3.00 per Ann am LAUNDRY. I" or the convenience of my patrons I have opened a branch T/iundrv nt t:l€ ‘ f ■ ' : ’■ .0 v lac G; ilhn Banking Company, which I will run in connection with my old business on Broad street, I. will superintend tne work at both Laundries and guar antee satisfaction. HARRY LEE. GOOD YJ/? ' * HO 12E ***?*’| l Jf g g ••-r U, } rh t Ad,-.- I TKNN. t :i:iu it v ill be s.-nt one year a, ■lrhl- .rip!. f,,- ; r 30C. I’.' l i . rl>■ e». r- • ir. it I;, ,D- . of 161 Ipa . -••• ’ 1 i.i St X A.-;;. La-.: , ', "• '■cxi.Nci , Ge.' i i al Imfoi'Mahon, Woman’s Di • ''• t'tusT, :■ 1 Gov. Tayvoa'. Du'ahimkat. lajlor’s Lore letter, to the Public are of CRFFi I rs at our r- r r r .t- • to e<\ al t' r<wlar pri< c ♦the article s. i-rtnj. we wiil give fre« bicych , • watch, di.rrioml ring, or a . ! h Jurxhin in either >f I>raughot.'' i/Uhim s .t olk-ges, Nashville,Tenn., •i. - .t'lii, <ir 1 ex.irk.if a, Ttx ,- r one 1?: almost any Jusinrs j C dirge or Literary Schoo*. Write us. Mention GRiFFiN (Ga.) Morstno Cali. Fine Chickens For Sale. 1 have for sale full breed Min orcas, War horse and Shawl-neck, Crossed Game an ’ Bard Plyrnoutii Kock Chickens. Also settings of eggs from each breed. These birds are select, E. L. Bowers. •» anything you invent or improve ; also get 5 J CAVEAT.TRADE-MARK. COPYRIGHT or DESIGN < . PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or photo. S £ for fr<e examination and advice. > I BOOK ON PATENTS ’ee before patent. $ • w / C.A.SNOW&CO.' £Txaxx xvvZxCa. WASM,NGTON ’ D c - * Everybody Say, Sa. * '?.«-• 15 < r,i’ ■<• Cali’:trtic, tile mos! wot> de; f : tiif.ii <us-overv of t»te age, p.vai 'i ’• fr ing to the taste, art gently ar« :■ > ‘i. •iy on kidneys, liver and bowels, ... Hie entire s .«• in, colds, *• -a arjsi. -.. j , ti ,.• buy and try a box of < • < .<’ to-day; Ki’, 25 50 cents. Sold and fruarat;te<'d io cure by all <trug«ji«ti».