The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, May 25, 1889, Image 1

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>n, nntii it is now » of an already bJ advantages summer and ripaldiug conn- . [ONAL DIBECTOBY. PEEPLES, JOHN J. HUNT, #n«f at nmm •»"' ° eorou - 1 Hill 3treat, bp Stairs, over J. H. othine Store. mar22d*wl.v TH0S. R. NULLS, 1RNEY AT LAW, ice in the State and Federal lee Over George £ Hartnett’s nov2tf FART & DANIEL EYS AT LAW, 5 £ Hartnett’s, Griffin, Go. ► in the State and Federal julylOdtf 0. L. PARMER, TORNEY AT LAW,. WOODBl’BY, GEORGIA. ■apt L CURTIS r.________ covered in a Cate _ who tlisappeajrjxl so mysteriously two W^IvS W<19 muixlfirftd. ss \V‘,'.Tuesday ysSfif evening Henry issrs Roesche s when near a catch-basin noticed a strong odor of patrifying flesh. Rooscbe pried a dozen of Cronin’s friends were at the suburban railroad station. The three Swnlar^brothem who have been inti- Cronin • James Bolawl and Patrick Mc- ing the evening Dr. ,T. R. Brandt, me who of the Cook acquaintance eounty hospital of was an i’a, si lively carefully identified examined it tlmt the of body the as Cronin’s disappearance, was interviewed in jail. He said if he had not been im- ----- 11 ... —, n id have eleared up the .......jR^srts-flSk stricken Jf when told of the discovery of Oiojim Cronin’s s body. body, Jcl© He ebjii said nituc although he had Hi -&a murderers. i<-i,.... 9 kWUt* •'***■ • aw potash Cronin dm Iib “ H-j are confident that Cronin . leredby conspirators, and that troubles in the Clan-na-Gael society had something to do with his “removal.” The newspapers -claim to have a groat deal of inside information which they dare not publish. Clews to tlie M«r<lnrcrs. The police are putting investigation, forth every fully ef¬ fort iu the Cronin forty men being out on the case, A gen¬ eral order addressed to all the police captains was sent out by Chief Hubbard, that all clews bearing directly or indi¬ rectly upon the ease should be followed" 1 out as far as possible. It is rumored on good authority that an arrest had, been made of the confederate of Woodruff, who is believed to have been implicated in the murder of Dr. Cronin. The po- £a«saawssrS 4 W firm nor contradict the rumor. Why He was Murdered, f ' ^SSt£StJtSRSSSSi l with the local branches of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, as well as with the Ctr.u-mv-Gael. He lielieved that the chief officer of the Clan-no-Gael was making funds a of questionable the order, and disposition he antago¬ of the nized tliat leader’s length poliey. expelled, together He was at =Ki«mon^ItisS found the chief executive committee ^ At* the convention to be held during saSusarte of the joint committee ing the report with docu¬ Cronin was intrusted the ments which substantiated these oft re- saritsswss'Jitt wbuiil fa# ten ike ciw%6 o^lwi Was Cranio a BrftUb Spy? One of the theories openly discussed on the streets is that Cronin was a But- tan spy and was murdered because of wliat he knew about secret societies and Irishmen especially active in the Irish cause. -- . _ 7lTn..elt la.Ien HiVwife Then ! —;-!-'— - ! '5™H? Ftfty-KIsht Miners Buried to a Welch Coal'Mtor. ■ London, May 24—A cave-in has oc- was introduced and referred by Representative to the judiciary Mo- rene was committee , __ Railroad Tensions Burned. Norwauk, terminus Conn., of May the Housatonio 24—Tim southern mile of new wharf, the freight buildings, coal freight bins, passenger and depot and n number of passenger cars were burned. expended New England $300,000 and Terminal the Housa- com¬ pany $300,000 in improvements there, tomc and two-thirds of this is gone. Stoam- vrs and sai lboats narrowly es caped CrueXtle* In an Insane Asylum. PuitADEimHiA, May 23. — Warrants have been issued for the arrest of three men, keepers in the insane department The affidavit was made by Reporter George W. Symond, who had lumself committed to the institution. Them will be a hearing in the case at 11 cf4 u ‘siTs,’a,r i examinations throughout were very 1888, His term wiU expire in a few rr * rm---or . Chfcaco Odd Fellow*’ Groat Schema, ..g^ttlsSKrCSShS In nniv.umnA.1 nfUlF V ie <P< Weak. ful winge d things and % away . Snow In Northern Ohio. fig!® isiderable oil was le >ted?y gas was struck. in the gas ill be made to find s? , V ix 'indom an unmitigated falsehood, called it nonsense, and Ml it was ridiculous, and t been no trouble whatever, ] ’ ' a. ^ ,«-» >»» i» s^oard.” was th renlv saving, _ sar TO CAPTURE PERSIA. to M t .'-J , - j j 3 ' Iriie T»'ar~*toi