The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 28, 1889, Image 4
■mAmm a. i ; Copied ; and : Enlarged auxurntofttion. W. M. D. « m* ssrssr^M fe lee, Only $500! (Of land close to town, t ptendidly located for Fruit Growing ■Ul NICE DWELLINGS FOR SALE ANO TO RENT! SLL H. DRAKE, eal Estate Agent. Butter, Cheese l p^Fi° da ^e^5 Bananas* *** PeaclMMk W. Clark & bon. ms ——AND—-- Griffin, G»., June »• For Sale. lion Jp- Milch Cow, S&S* with young L fc _■■ ----- * _ Fruit Shipping. ■uifwrowere wanting to ship fruit a Iced car should apply to me. I .rsatas W. Hassejcus. H. To Our Younj Men. Do you want to be rich and promi¬ lt? is the important question pro- pounded d by by the tlie eeteemed esteemed Atlanta Atlanta Jovhrnal l to t° the the young young men men of of Atlnr- Atlar- ta, which is equally enteresting to the young men of Griffin. ■■ W^ll Well, i ikntt then, •' lol. let na us melro make ■ a sugges- The young men of today will lie in charge of the business of this city a few years hence. % That is, certain of them will be. Which ones? Those who push themselves to the front and stay there! Any young man of , brains, energy and character who will devwte himself to building up a good business, who will idenetifr himself xjszzrttsrz ssssrj.wjrss the procession, will, in a few years, be a, rich man and a prominent .rfti- »n. r»4V5*v’ If you take care of Griffin, Griffin will take care of you. If>ou go to the front as a young man, you will be in tie front rank as a middle-aged man. Don’t wait for the tide. Don’t wait for anybody to die and leave you a fortune. Don’t imagine there is a better place than Griffin, for there is not. Resolve to east your fortune With this growing city. Then take hold and uiprk. Keep pushing. Grow as the oifcy grows. That is the way to become a rich and prominent t! Do not be Induced to take eome otbenprep- l$g-r .v ^A- s i i to h ' . ■■ • * — » ■ ■» *■■■..- ■ W&ere Shall Wo Summer It* This is an important question, both to the invalid and pleasure mmmlrmj- - ■■ ’ - bia, Georgia’s wonder- Spring, probably offers advantages to both the i and pleasure seeker. ■ twenty miles from Atlanta, \ directly on the Georgia railroad. Trains several y; full mail and telegraph dations. A magnificent ot Springs system ofbath- t finest mineral water in the moantain air, and the imont Chautauqua bolding ----~5r session there this season, "»it especially attractive, oeud your name to E. W. Marsh si 5 health and mdpta* augSO ’HOUND ABOUT. CltyNotes,; THE AUKHICAN GIRL. The Not practical, afraid of the plain raid young girl. girl, A poetical young A and posy, helper ruddy of eelf rosy. girl. **— A young KBMi A wear her own hair young girl. girl, A free from etare young Improve every hour, » No sickly sunflower, ■ i A wealth of rare tense girl. A progressive America', girl. A quiet and pure, A modest, demure, A flijEpr a wife young gir;. ' A nought everywhere young e’rT, A future most fair young girl, •A. A We * ■ ever ever seldom uwereewj discreet, * coo meet, gitls. This queen among queen# young D. W. Shaffer spent yesterday Atlanta. ' J. W. Little ' went to Atlanta yes¬ terday * . 1 f R. F. Strickland went to yesterday. All varieties of fresh turnip seed Dr. Anthony’s cheap. Young Grey returned Barnesville yesterday. You will find the Orange Specific at Dr. Anthony’s. William Sears, of Atlanta, is visit ing relatives in the city. k. 1200 fine, fresh watermelons at Blakely’s today. Low prices. JEck White left yesterday for short visit to Columbus. Fresh drugs, soaps, perfumes toilet articles cheap at Anthony’s Mbs Ida Bennett has returned a visit to relatives at Forsyth. Arther Stewart left yesterday a visit of several days to Decatur. Hoary Js\ Patterson, yfe£Qma^Ngr went to -Nrnvnun Rev. C. V. Waugh ami Rev. F. M Daniel went to Barnesville The largest and best stock of paints at Dr. Anthony’s. If hot Stock will get it for you. Miss Maude Hammond has turned from a very pleasant visit Miss Allie McCall at Macon. * Jim Cochran spent several here yesterday on his return to lanta from Barnesville. Mis# Victoria Thompson, a hand¬ some young lady of Hampton, is visiting friends in this city. Stonewall No. 2, Jr. realised from their fest ival at the Female lege grove on Tuesday night. Miss Ida Bennett, of Atlanta, ar¬ rived yesterday and is visiting Misses Maud and Lucy Flyat. Henry Sparks * returned from Barnesville yesterday, where he has been attending Gordon Institute. Misses Fannie and Hattie Smith re¬ turned to Atlanta yesterday. They have been vbiting lire. Thomas Nall. Mtes Estelle and Abbie Westbrook, lone Hammond, Rosalyn Reid nod Georgia DeVotie have returned froj* the Barnesville commencetaent. You can never know till you try, how quirk ’ ly a done of Ayer’* PHk will core your e#ck headache. Your stomAch and hmvels need H more effectually and cotttfbrtabty taaii any other msdieine yen oto flatf. lulip Smith, of t. -.T-^ '••/ f :>-•! w L, - »,*.» ■ %»+ The man who attempt* to stand in the way of public improvement# A new dry good# store, with an enterprising ujf-to-the-times manat it* head, is aae of the cer¬ tainties and wi'rb# ready Mr the fall Malcolm McLain, of Savannah, who has been here for several days returned hope last night. He wi!l return in a brief pe^pd accompanied by me family* to spend the summer handsome vltta near this city, stdtey, Jr., arrived home from Oxford, where he a attending Emory College- accompanied by his mother Ambrose who have been in hand!, both white and colored, are being ng supplied for sum- .. mer Wear with a blouse jacket with sailor collar and a very neat cap. The blouse and cap are- both navy tm the cap being trimmed with word. * " * “Dcetu has so doors to let oat sang un old time poet. In those days they had not dis discovered rem¬ edies that shut these doors. How different is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi- Wiuw IfUV/l bBISll’ww wBUUDj Mk nu'av** *** time. Don’t waste a moment then, lest life slip through that open door. It is guaranteed to cure in all eases 14, o| diseases for Which it isrecommend- dk money paid for it will be re¬ funded. g. Brief Items. i, JL Tie season for short cut sermons ie ot A modified baseball adapted to gifte would be a hit. The legislature assembles one week from yesterday. The Star says the corn crop was never finer or better in Newton coun¬ ty than at present. There are numerous complaints from housekeepers that servant girls smmgftting harder tp please. Sitty pairs pf russet leather shoes passed a given point on Broad street Augusta>in one minute. Summer resort hotel 1 proprietors hospekeep pace with the thermome ten* this weather.. They go up fast- The Legislator now tunneth his voice for oratorical efforts at theses sion that begins '•?. Atlanta nett week. Lawyers are bound to differ in their opinions of the law. They are paid retainer’s fees for that purpose. Eelskms, in addition to being tied around boys’ legs to avert cramps, are now used to line carriage whips. When*Sitting Bull and Gall have gone to their unhappy hunting grounds it is hoped there w>H be an improved order of red men. Watermelons are^^jobbing uff se¬ renely in the market places, and pretty soon every day will be Sunday for the average colored citizen. “A Very targe Percentage Of the American people are troubled with a most annoying, troublesome and disagreeable complaint called ‘ ‘Catarrh. It is not necessary to be A -"’- ’ ----- - ------* dlately relieves and thorough permanently and fair cures Catarrh. A trial will convince you. Use Clarke’s Flax Soap for the Skin. Catarrh Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. At Dr. NVB. Drewry’s Drug Store. The Ext. raven O? thetssorfcltt Mid’and- The following from the Columbus Enquirer-Sun is equally as important to Griffin as to Columbus: Columbus has a good prospect of being placed on a through line to New York nearly one hundred miles nearer than the Peidmont Air-line. The entire issue of bonds of the Geor¬ gia Carolina aud Northern railroad, from Atlanta to Chester, has been placed, and the money few complet¬ ing the road will be furnished as rap¬ idly as the work can be pushed. This line will place us eighty-two mites closer to New York than at present, and the Georgia Midland would have to be extended only twonfy-flve miles U|3 lefcttopolfa. bring us The still ^ and Northern is Georgia, Carolina a paK of the Seaboard and Roanoke system, and forty-four miles of it have already been built. If the Geor¬ gia Midland should form a connec¬ tion with this system it will b# a great thing, both for Columbus and thaxoad. TOC threat Dismal Swamp, umr fkomoklahoka. - -.V; / - 1 .-''A' v V., Kotos otProgttm Worn «** Oklahoma C ' — We have received number seven of the Oklahoma Chief, a lively and well printed weekly paper published at Oklahoma City, I, T., In which the leading* article is * headpd: “Two Months Oldl-Ws Challenge the Worid for ji Comparison-r-1,625 Oc¬ cupied Buildings—Over 5,000 Bona Fide Residents,and a Business Shoe¬ ing as Sound as it is Remarkable.” From the local coium is we take the following extracts: well The people of this city will do to give some loud-mouthed agita¬ tors we might name, a wide berth. Greed of gain, notoriety and pure cussedness are the wolf ears protrud¬ ing from tbe sheep’s clothing. The man who yells “stop thief” the loudest will generally bear watching, We know o’ a good many small in town whose capital and stock of trade on April 22nd com- a tin bucket of circus teuton- To-day they are owners of lots from f500to f1,000, and build¬ and merchandise ranging In tbe hundreds. Thus doth Fortune smite on Oklahoma’s children. We regret to chronicle a sad- acci¬ dent to Dr. Belabor, this week, the re¬ sult of frog ponds on the town site. White jumping oae of many de¬ pressions on the south side of town, Wednesday last, he lost his balance audfell heavily, brealri%bis legnear the ankle, Hon. F. A. Wetmer, of Staabery, Mo., member of the Missouri legists, ture, arrived this week and is figur¬ ing on making this his future home. Our inducements are so great that even ------------- statesmen are willing -------» to - sacri- flee position and fame, to be called an Oklahoman. Jim-crow. newspapers, like board t shanties, have had their day in Okla¬ homa. The papers printed in the new territory, with but few except¬ ions, would put to shame many old established journals in the states. The people of Oklahoma are news¬ paper supporters. When the boys can enjoy boating on the town site, it is time for some filling in — of ------ buffalo wallows. --------- We ., no- r tad tad. .kJ«ridtago..mtaik tare lake north of Fifth street Thursday. * at Edmond, to bo dodtatad on Mo^ day. Father Scallan, of Oklahoma City, is the founder of the new church, another evidence of his energy and usefullness as a church builder. Ok¬ lahoma City Catholics have let Ed¬ mond steal a mareh on them. Guthrie is making desperate efforts to get up a Fourth of July blow-outt The crowd will beat Oklahoma City that day, and the Guthrie fellows had better join us at the future capi¬ tal. The council Tuesday night granted a franchise for a street railway, elec¬ tric light plant and water works to a home syndicate, comprising General Weaver, J. D. Cook, F. A. Weimer, ’T.N. Richardson, C. P. Walker, B. N. Woodson, C. W. Price, Robert Kincaid, W. H. Ebey, H. Hollander and D. W. Gibbs. These men are said to have the vim and lucre neces¬ sary to push these much-needed im¬ provements at once, and we sincerely hope they will ds so. The appearance of Santa Fe street at any hour of the day, particularly on the arrival of trains, is western¬ like in the extreme. J Hundreds of rough-looking frontiersmen, drays, express wagons, hacks, horsemen and here and there a blanket-dad Indian, together with the shanty and tent-lined street, lend the scene that wild and wooly appearance peculiar to new frontier towns. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The ftst Salve in the • worid for Cute, Bruises, Sores, ores, Ulcers, Ulcers, Salt Salt Hands, fiheum, Bheum, Chilblains, Fever Fev< Sores. Tetter, :ter, Chapped Chapped Hands, Chilblain Corns, _____,___all and all Skin Skin Eruptions, Eruptions, and and positive¬ positive ly ly cures cures Pile*, Pile*, or or no no pay {required. action, Itis guar- teed teed to to give give Price: Price perfect perfect™™-.------------ 25 satis - box. or For money sale re - by funded. led. cents per E. R. Anthony. A Storm Theory. N. Y. Star. “Curious, isn’t it?” said Professor Robinson, of the Fifty-second street public school, last night, “the theo¬ ries that some people are putting forth to account for the alleged in¬ crease bf storms and floods in these these latter years. The latest one that has come to my notice says that there are more than 80,000 locomo fives in use in North America, and that the vapor from these sent out into the atmosphere each week will measure more than 50,000,000,000 cubic yards, which must be returned as rain, or 7,000,000(000Cubic yard# a day—quite enough to produce rate fall every twenty-four hours. Other non-condensing steam engines add Sghttimes eight times as m much mod, more, more, so »o that tlmt the total mass of vapor discharged A Fish Valued by V Iredy. HENKY 6 RADTS AMBITION, Best Smwsrt rjwjjg* Th« to lieooH Tehgtopii. - Atlanta, June 26 — The latest po¬ gossip at the capital ca>B»ecta Grady with the next campaign the fifth district as a candidate congress. That Judge Stewart have to contend with opposition Atlanta in bis next race, there now very little doubt and that it corns in the shape of Mr. Grady, among "the pi obabilities. Atlanta feels that she is the big dog the district and it was originally understanding that in the new this was cut out as Atlanta district: Politicians have never been satisfied that other county furnishes the rep¬ ON A GRADY-STEWAltT FIGHT. A writ-informed gentleman who is on a Grady-Stewart fight this drady morning: “If should come iu the race I believe he will he will carry Ful¬ six votes, two from Newton, Rockdale, two from gbftng Camp¬ and four from Walton, sixteen sure votes. Judge Stew¬ would have without much dispute from Spalding, two from Fay- two from Clayton and two from a total of eight votes, with a chance for DeKalb. This nominate Qyady.” Judge Stewart will probably very strong objection to the divi¬ sion of the votes in hi& district, and those who know the gentleman’s tal¬ ents in politics will not at this early day readily aacept such an easy dis¬ position of his candidacy. HIS EYE ON THE SENATE. Still further, with reference to Mr. Grady it is quietly hinted that in look¬ to congressional honons he will merely feed An absorbing aspiration torthe United States Senate. He is not likely to enter tbe lists against Governor Gordon for the first vacan¬ cy, but two terms in congress would 'find him ready to make the issue with Senator Colquitt. ^ | I A Safe Investment. Is one which is guarantee* YXiSSSZ. to bring: you turn tSffiSSX ol purchase price. advertisedPruggist On this safe pfenyou bot¬ tle can buy Dr.'King’s from our N«w Discovery for Consump¬ a of tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every , when used for any affection of Throat, £ £ thony’s Drag Store. Why He Grinned. The good natared Irishman who wear* badge No. 206 on the Indiana avenue line had a good deal ot fonallby himself last Sunday afternoon. It mu on one of hi* down trip* when a tail man with glasses boarded hi* car at Sixteenth street and assumed a position on Die rear platform. He remained there until Twelfth street was reached, and the% he took a seat inskle. At Adams street chuckling he alighted. The joHy conductor had been to hlnwair since the man bad entered the car, and when another passenger stepped on the platform at Monroe street the conductor said: “DM you tee that man who got off at Adams! He got on at Sixteenth street, and he took oat his pocketbook, picked a nickel out of it, handed me the pocketbook and carefully placed the nickel in his inside pocket Of coarse I wondered what he meant, and held the pocketbook in front of me for a moment He saw it and happened to think what he had done, Then he produced the coin and took the puree. I haven’t sees anything so funny in the aheent minded line since a fel¬ low handed me two dimes stuck together and I gave him fifteen cents in change. He surely thought he had got the best of me, , pleated and his look amused me greatly.”— Chicago He rald, His Dtatineutohing Feature. At Oxford a good <|ml of fun is poked at the Welshmen who crowd to Jesus college, and are currently believed mostly to answer to the name of Jones. There arrived one evening at the porter’s lodge • stranger, and a colloquy began ad follows: Stranger—Kind¬ ly direct ms to the rooms of Mr. Jones. Por¬ ter—Thera are forty-three Mr. Joneaeeincot lege, sff. Stranger—The Porter—Twfenty-ooe man I wish to seels Mr. David Jonea Mr. David Joneses in college, sir. Stranger—My Mr. David Jones has red hair. Porter—Seven Mr. David J o n es e s have red hair. Stranger (in despair)—-This is very awkward. Mr. David Jonas asked me to come and taka wine with him. Poster—Why didn’t you tell me Hist at first, sir! the Second staircase, ground floor, right All other Mr. Joneses drink beer.—San Francisco Argonaut ——-W-- W TT-:- i Merit Vim. We desire to say to your citieens, that fo years we have been selling Dr. King’B New Discovery for Consumption, Arnica Salve Dr. King’s and Elec¬ New Life Pills, Bucklen’s tric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such uni¬ versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to gnaranta 'EM factory ready to re™.------- - ------------ .—-- remedies have won their ^-reat^ popularity Anthony, on their merits. Advice to Mothers. Winslow's Soothing Sirup for (.(jjyran teething, Jemale is tho preserjption and 0 f one 0 f the best nurses physicians in tbe United States, and has been used for forty years with never failing: success by millions of mothers for their children. Dnriug the process of teething its value is inoalenlable {i relieves the child from pain, cure* in dya tbe eoturj and dianrboea, griping By giving bowels, and wmd colic. Una Ith to tbe tUilii anJ rest* tile mother Price 25 oeixa a bottle. angeodAwly. Special Sanitary Notice. any lot or to te , store houses or otto; build- We will have car Melon on the season. Another car _ Give ns your orders for save yon money. J. H. Keith * Co 4 / n. White, Jr-., &' CLOTHIERS, • HiU Street ★ * 81 Hill v GRIFFIN, GA., June 8th, 1882, ■ J. H. WHITE, JR., & CO., i -—- Again propose to, v* ' ■ Take - The Lead -IN THE- BEST GOODS JSOLD H THE CITY FOR TBE PI Coats and Tests from 75c. to $25. Full Suits “ $2.00 “ $30. Come, See the Goods and be Convinc they are all right and just what we represent. Splendid lot a | ‘ PHI | §|| Young Men’s Hand Sewed Shoes from the beet works in the country. .'jjjjijifr Thanks TK „ v»Vo to *A all. all - - " J. H. WHITE, JR. i *a «y . « Dreivry s : Drug : Store ’ -4—— '' Has just received a full supply of Landredtb, Cleveland and Johnson A I bins’ Garden Seed-also field seed-all fresh. Guaranteed EASTERN SEED POTATOES. STOCK POWDERS!! NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT III . N B. DREWRY. W. D. DAVIS, Hardware, Stoves, And Farming Implements. —............ . lo|-—-- Have just received a nice line' of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE and PISTOLS. __ * * ★ PISTOLS! PISTOLS ! ! ★ * DaT Come and see me. BOOTS. SHOES AND LEATHER JtiL AT JL 2 *t._ HASSElkUS’ SHOE STORE Home-made work and shall Shoes make and it point Leather to misrepresent a Specialty. nothin. Just rewired ^ We warrant all a goods, school shoes for Chudret a large shipment of Gents’ and Ladies’ and Misses’ fine and “AW^torfSSdfor 200 cords of Tan-bark. H. W. HA8SELK1 h m For )-( Cheat))-( Goods .......CALL Otf........ , W.M. HOLMAN <*CO. We Standard A Sugar for making cake. Citron, Current tfcHn|HJ| nd al kinds pi Extracts for Flavoring. The best Pat Flour, Mince Mmtf, Whes and in fact anything you want. * TURKEYS, FISH AND OYSTERS. ter Leave us your order and it wiH be attended te. — Amp Attention, Public! Thiais to certify that John Ieon, Esq., of Griffin, Ga., fe the only author feed and exclusive agent for the sale of our celebrated brand of “Old Gum Spring” Kentucky Whiskey, in the city of Griffladfom this date, and no other parties lave thfe noted brand of whiskey to offer to the trade. Those wishing a pure and unadul¬ terated whiskey for all purposes, will find it only in the hands of John lion- Try it and be convinced. The ladies, babies, and old men require it it “Old Kentucky,” and wherever known, for years. mn v26dlm THOMPSON, WILSON ____ & CO. A. LOWER, Practical Jeweler and Dealer in Diamonds, Watckes JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attenlior. given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA- New Goods Every Day Which we propose to tell Cheaper Than Anybody Jj Come «,ome to vu se se ns ns when warn yon yvu get gca wady reuu j to w buy. Every thing in the way of Canned mite, Imported Jams, Cranberries. Cream Cheese, Fine Confectioner^ of silk! - . PIP