The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 29, 1889, Image 3
v ed ino from om^aft^SS that trotf . ©out. I* every victim of this dls- o,I W ou!4W could h ^^oi ^r ‘ three ‘ 'lH words ' "'H iff se word* ».»” # AfW^i ?ti)i alone, X whloh ®y»elf had permanently iss troubled o£ rheuma- several me Rheumatism. Braa^esTfieiiKS Avoyellea Parish, I*. world^ejtwp be £S» »b^?them ^omnlSits." Ve great benefit from :u». **»v years ago I was taken i ill with rheumatism that I was to do any work. I took three Ayer’s Pills and was entirely Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, fbkmsRd it 1 . .tew Advertisements. letiRKBtrMnm n HAIR W BALSAM ■ and ■ beautifies the hair. A a luxuriant growth. >11* K» __________aadfcair falling SSSiSSmSsSSlmmS^^ HINDERCOftfiS. K smarm wzmmwmsm ExhaustedVitality Untold miseries .y m ■ ftmiltrs asd lotion . Waetern and Southern >** Worfifc^ ilSSSy, 1 jftSr* P«oWllLLS ■...... ■' US -------------I CB0S8 rUllOSB p BBAHB, Jffl, $- A ^KK^a^SrVSf. ‘ ' «W OjicAMJfr'. injlu*( sgp&Ss' !«v|f|5uitap«2£ =*!• Ftatvmwue*. SiuPhUs^Pa. HIRES HUUIS’ IMPROVED Ut TMSMCKACE MAKES FIVE GALLONS Awees-srue GMZcws WW3m»*°yMWMy —r*-' - *ooT • Oak your Drug gist o r Grocer tor It. * C. E HIRES, PH ILADELPHI A. GLAS _______. osrtlemen, •3 SHOE FOR LADIES. OK. OK. „ :w 'OOt SHOES. css? arc Examine W. L. Dei |3.00 Shoe* lor entlemen and ladies. POft HALE BY SCHETJERMAN & ifRITE, CRIFFIN. g AH . -- frn u H Adut MittURi B fn ^ ■ m PKTJffiRES, THE BEST'Pietnre MIRRORS Frames oi eJ kind*. All the “Rogers’ Group* In choice Etchings and _________ CARLE ft SONS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. CONSUMPTIVE - $ ferttk^SutJof and such ding, . which which thought trfi dtarn---- arts, arts, they they — ^ exercised exercised ’OOtonfltl S them n i ifTvo of 4 I ersto do outright violence, tile king this end resolved put them, to banish with their them, and to to ships and sent them to families, Ceylon. neighborhood When, however. the fleet was in (lie of that island, a great storm scattered it and one of the snips, after fore the being driven for many days be¬ of tempest, archipelago was wrecked upon one an of u abate ted islands far to the south, wwptthe survivors settled. Naturally ! culiar toa-ity oP gifts parents possessed of ( had developed^......, '’jJwroH dinary Having psychical set before powers, their J evolving a uet^tud adva humanity, of they had aide< opment these pov.. result rigid system of that stirpiculi was • after a few centuries mind reading became so 7 general that language fell inr**™**® as a means of communicatii For many generations the speech still remained volnn gi-adually the vocal organs sjljBlI ho ’ " few months wholly birth —■— „ after did, iMeM, still emit inarticulate cries, but at an age when in less advanced races these dren cries of, began the to mind be articulate, the chil¬ readera developed the power of direct mental vision and ceased to attempt to use the voice. "The fact that the existence of the mind readers had never been found out plained by the by rest two of considerations. the world was ex¬ In the first place the prtup of islands was small and occupied a corner of the Indian ocean quito out of the or¬ place dinary the track approach of ships. the In islands the second to was rendered so desperately perilous by terrible currents and the-maze of out¬ lying to Kxfs impossible toll shoals for that ship it was to next any touch their shores save as a wreck. No ship at least had ever done so in the 2,000 years since the mind readers’ own arrival.—Harper’s Magazine. "That III Matched Pair." be There daily is_a certain the down pathetic town figure streets to seen qn that has often struck the Man About Town as peculiarly fitted for an artist’s! pencil, it’is that of a very old man breast, With a long ’ white beard falling on his W \ with fashioned cloak, ancient and frayed: trousers and unmatched shoes. Ha carries several boxes of cigars under; his arm and visits the various offices offering look that them would for touch sale heart with a of wistful a stone. He beyond never begs, soliciting and has but little to say his Sometimes purchasers ho for wares. is chaffed a but little the by old thoughtless peddler silent! young clerks, his boxes and -woes quj weary round. knows Every him, one but none' ond street his name or place of abode. He is a queer contrast to the general life ancf prosperity, “age a touching that ill matched illustration pair,” of and of ana how want, poverty and wealth brush against each other in a great city.—- Bt Tonis Bepublic. Blair Says It’s All Rigid. * Mr. S. 0. Blair,Chicago,says: “We eouldnoi keep house without your Clarke’s Extract of Flax Skin Cure and Cough Cure. We have used both for numerous ”d. We troubles* especially the Cough for our cb recommend Cure to every family having <diildren. remarkably We used it for quick Whooping and .satisfactory Cough with If yon want the best toilet soap get Clarke’s Flax Soap, 25 cents. Ask Dr. N. B. Drewry, Druggist, for these preparations. Morphy Beat Satan. In the autumn of 1861, Confederate Morphy, on his way to the Manassas, was invited by Rev. R. R. Harrison, of Richmond, spend the evening with a number of other distinguished guests at his resi- to a colored eni “Jen d’Echecs,” It whicl ■B-an, room. and dress after reprcSeU the German idea mephistopfi chess with eles, engaged in a game The board lay tomb, a young the man. guardian on a ana angel of the youth looked down with sadness and interest upon the po¬ of the piece* on the board. The yyung man’s pieces represented the manly virtues, and many of them had already represented been the captured. tempting Satan’s vices. pieces The positioruof the pieces as shown in the engraving was one that had often been studied with care by the Richmond players, and the young man’s g^me tion was regarded Bet as in hopeless. Morphy’s The posi¬ he was asked up if the position presence, and was cor¬ rect position After careful the board comparision and in the of the on engraving, ho was answered in the in affirmative. Morphy always then dignified remarked, hi* quiet bat man-' 1 ner, that he believed he could take of chess expressed surprise, but Mor- jhy vindicated his belief in a short iiime. He took the young man’s game and played against each gentleman in Succession and won. The devil had no Chance against the genius of Paallibr- phy.-Ne w Orleans Picay une. ..j Lw so nuiny doors to let out ’ r " e ’” U k on old not time die peeftt|bse da ys they had discovered rem¬ edies that shut these doors. How different is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi- calDisco very, from the old time doses. Coiraumption that or it lung-scrofula, shut*, if taken is one in wide door Don’t waste a moment then lest life slip through that open door, rr T. . pSHSSfiS £* her SSCSfirnffiri? suggestion &«<** w» they unbearable moved uearer and at to the door. A , and this conductor passenger coming soon'got in collect on his fans she to asked him to open a venti- Utor. He did so, politely. Scon the- taay rapped on the door with ner um- “Please turn the damper in the stove 1” said she. In a few minutes the lady began fanning hyinn book, herself vigorously with a and remarked that “Oon- ductors didn t seem to have any judg¬ ment ahbut heating cars.” 7 At this juncture the conductor re- ,w ’ - that “Conductor, door f wish you would leave open* The heat from that Btovo is positively depressing.” “I am sorry to say, madam, but there has been no fire in that stove thermometer today,” said tba conductor, and the degrees.—Brooklyn instantly Eagle. fell twenty Sending a Shock. Englishman Among certain is eastern nations the sa^vi th which supposed, he from the suc- ce uses certain simple I A woman ree HpHPPHRRRpi of a physician who has become eel* brated tor htesuocesaful use of eleoi trieity quired: in various diseases and* in* quireu: “H anybody ®». back - had headaches in the of their neck, and was so nervous about doctor; “but I must more “Bless you, your they symptoms.” aittift myaymp- patSt ” come ^ ottier ^7 a* “But I can’t bring her.” “Why “Because notj’.’ she teriea to work oh her.”—Youth’s Com- p ^ ni01 h - - # : The Great Dismal Swamp, mire of Virginia, decayed is one enormous i of vegetation, a reffton of gloom and desolation; but not more so than the human system when blocked up- by decayed animal motter, which poisons the blood and brings household. gloom to an otherwise nappy Dr. Pierce’s Pleasat Pur¬ gative Pellets remove 411 waste mat¬ ter, and give Nature a chance to buildup. matter In little Things. “One of the best opportunities for a ionairo of this city recently, “is to rack his brains until he has invented something useful or that the -Wanta."& roM*al immownon m that it takesaskilled engineer (Hainan - v nomenal inventive ability to dq- anything in this useful to of manufac- machin¬ But there age is wide ‘field ery. to shrewd amateur*, a open so to speak, venience to supply housekeepers, little articles shopkeepers, of con¬ to designers bwhad eta, and can at rea¬ sonable ratesto execute the idea onceif is conceived. American women are bo accustomed to getting what they want timt anything which lightens their labors in thehouseholdh sure to ‘go.* Whan I was a boy cm tae farm a home my inottMr used to make ttu clean all the cHEer knives on 8un day with beta brick. Now, scraoinf witawii thm brick into a fine belhe powder mo*MaSoti lumps part of in the it, used whole to work, the othe; day I heard of a **aa ^ who has made i “w teadowttH ou know how difficult it w to up small coins from a wooden coun ..... and counters made, un- ties of rubber standing up thickly alj over ii Coins thrown on the mat are as easilvptelted up as if thergstood on drinker, the general n Mr. Lincoln gastronomic most folks w! led on i the officer, veiy general. 'No, young man,' ^ have seen from (09 many veryarii- >», - Seemlnglys Eradicated With repeated and powerful doses of quinine, chills and fever, in some one of its various ms, spring# the into slightest active existence again, m without apparent provo- ' cation. TO extinguish the smouldering cm here of tfrisobsttnate ahd recorniite less than to subdue it when ii rages fiercely in the system. Bostetterfs Stomach Bitter* is all snffleient. When every resource of the pharmacopeia has been exhausted against it invaiii, the Bitters conquer remove every lingering vestige of it. Nay, ?8^ sritto more, tos the influence Bitters will of atmospheric poison ^y that begets malarial disease, from its attacks. Disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, are among t he complaints to be- apprehended These from both the use oi miasma-tainted water. art cured and prevented by the Bitter** Rheu¬ matism, constipation and renal complaints, yield to its action. Advice to Mothers. M a, WlSHtow'B for children teething, is the 3 of one of toe best feoude S to physician* in the United fit has been need for forty years with «tY t&mm SuUn from all fin. 7 #• ' r: ” In Why happy shouldn’t ckcer I) [ 0$i ■ FVom heavy heart uml weary brnto Efassrss&M feKawes To them, shall 1 repine! fir %EK FinWTrt’ 3 S —Helen It Wtoriow J Afflicted Saves,—A w}thscrofula. fine family Two oi children died were the a test wouliffsoon followed, early; have but, for the timely and pemveringnee of Ayer’s Sarsapa¬ rilla, which built them Cp into a healthy and vigorous manhood. rr» -”M—('».’/■ . A Fl?h Valued by’a Lady. .What fish is most valued by a lady f Her-rmg. Dr. Birgers’ Let her Huckleberry ring the glad news of Cordial, Boying' colie, and her relieving child trom a case of cramp it teething. r A RUINED HOME. mC (tottery Ottr house is on fire 1 Our home is buinlng a p II so Werriag to the soul I M#e,«8eed, Is teDi^when^itdsstrojq. but how much terrible Inanimate when things it destroys ga loye, the more ; tiring tissues of the fltsh 1 Fire in the blood, how Cruel fa it« effaotl Otrierfag the fair skin with spots sstssssss Singeing thaw^f roots hf the hslraud Causing * te fall dead away. Cramping the fuactions of the Quick cureS •ZSST. Q#ick in «s effect, comes to mind, ft Uhbfcmft Blood Balm,.made in the beautiful City «f Attest* most convincing pms! of its remarkable merit. BTRobert Ward, Maxey, Ga., writes: “For twelve or fourteen years I have been a great suffer- tu from afterribl* fonxi of blood poison. My hMd| my skull bones. I became sohorriblyrepuisive that for three years I absolutely ref used t. let people see ais&'sas^'jxat.t; but condition c •> me, my coh~ - BAD BLOOD tfauedto grow worse, |Wl aches and pains; my nights were passed in misery I wwreduced in fksh mrisUength; my Iddneys ware terribly deranged, and we became a burden tome. f chanced to see an advertisement of Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) and when right or ten bottlea had been used I was pronounced sound and well Hito (beds of scars can now he seen on me, looking Bit a man who had been burned and then restored. If cun was w*B known in the county,”; ;M> , , ijt Lew JohnsoUj Belmont Station, Mlis., writes “My ears and scalp were covered with sores and all. my hair came out. I lost my appetite and became 1 a mere skeleton, f am now taking B. B. B., and the sores are going away and my strength Is oaring Jteto?........... . oa s>f:t BY FAB WdQ^tFngerkte —xo- SEW YORK OR BOSTON - IS VIA - SAVANNAH <! ' ' —:ilthTHE ' OCEAN : STEAMSHIP: LINE -v«kI ——ox rm — *fl4c >* ; . Central Railroad of Ceorgiai SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rate*. Good to re¬ turn until October 81st, 1889. Rail iwfe»&wjaiteSiri» Routes. If you are dick the trip will in- vigorafp and build you up. . f ,, Go East by Sea and You’tinot Regret it Bahsengars, before purchasing tickets via ther information may be had by applying to the Agent at your, station or to ii.’k b.mZSto sWsKtfEjf " taeMli ' GonT Pass. Agent. Trav. Paso. Agent, Savant .vaimah, Ga. ^tss mast asui a «.i* taSM- w asiSHSaffi in yo«T horn* t>r & toonthfi sss *od ehqtr* them to tko*« Ji*ni who ro»jr tera called. Urey itt h- eosme your wptnr. There Who -write ftl oaco «u> mm »( waivffifi tte-watcll lore, wm wr.l send and you art sample-that^ells Agents Send County in us husincB* in on to every sell hollas, for that our Town three wBl and Goods, and dol wa s: you a pay you from $190 to $300 per month. THE usnp nngmuro oo.^. $ 75 to$ 25 o tJOTrisa: preferred who can fnrniah a horse and giv tbrir’wWolotttoe to the LmrinoK. Spore mo au*t. r JOHNSON A CO., 1009 Mato St, Bicfunond Vh. N. B.—Please state age andbnrine**expert new Never mind about sending SgSOy stamp foi •re- Special Sanitary Notice. Jfetta is hereby gfren to »!! wham it may concern: That erery owner or occupant of era, occupant* or agents, within therity f to ctom»*ameaher theexpiratkm----- cative notice, the nmn’aal aha« tt to tedeme RWteHNpbWPpSw 1 \ * 1 IPENING OF —t v -t IS in*. «K». dAw to jnly 1 ,£>, ^ 1845, X»lfe Mutual Beaeit ¥FWAD¥ JERSEY. .'•c A ~ as ;, v: -^ - t25ar F s° RTY TW ° M,LL,0N D0LLARS - Annual Millten La f e and Annual tkvidands. No ‘ Eitlmatec." The best Life Contract on theTnai We invite a comparison of our Policies with those written by other fiatJ ~ 'T'f ~\f- ; W.SMANCHAM * SONS. Agent., “' GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, . CLARENCE V. ANGIER, State Agent. Atlanta, Ga. fiftvto*a*L meusmsmem SPENCE ft SMITH. OPPOSITE BBICK WABEHOUSB,80LOMON St Nothing lot rood work Will fce done \M1J i-1 teg* a ,1 e, dj lob to. *n> j if<*. H. Spence at the brim jon cannot fail loyet teir dullny. ( *)J cn ns lefor i j»u b SPENC E & SMITH, Solomon Street* Griffin, Ca. mm PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES Apt MiiMirii Coi ........MANDFACTDRERS....... Sash, Doors, Blinds, : Baatels, Moulding, Ballnsters, Newells, Etc., Etc. . Dressec and RoughiLumber, Laths and Shingles Oils, Window Glass I Paints, and Putty. MUFFIN, € ft i * r GEORGIA. ice* that you formerly paid and price wow toad: - - r You paid for 8x10x12 light Sash $L1G Our prieo r 90 c. - 8x10x18 “ nl.75. $1.4 C “ 10x16x12 “ * 2.00. 1.60. * ;t»* \ . “ ■ 1.28 ts - 35c. to 40c. Our Price 25 e *‘t* t 28c. to 30c. Our Price 20c *• ” Plank one side20c. to 25c. Our Price 15a For Dressed and Matched Lnmber $1.50 to $1.60. Our Price $1 2d to 1 4 Wsreho^e 1 '°'F^tory, 13th St. near Griffin Uotton HL0*. . i » ■ .. “— wi * Ms * 22^255 BSBXssM* '-Y- r w r'r 9, fm 1 fip a hl Blffir iftiWNsi'AwMU. ; {