The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 30, 1889, Image 3
heed only three word* ol r could banish Gout from the land, word* •S03C fiSfga would to-‘Try of rheum Ayer', a- TtoumaTtem. ^ ‘rtSS-^o 1 ftove^uf^^raP* yellee Parish, La. ■ritfto, HU* fij sixteen writes: -1 think they are the best Pills Jd. We the ktop time. a box They of thwp haw se all ^EpBi= jfroml SfiMr i of Ayer’s Pills and was entirely „ “thout reu Since that time * am never . of these pill*.”—I -Peter a box Sbfrwood, Wis. ihristenaen, ■on, Shferwooa, Wis. f$ Cathartic Wifi, PREPARED BY J. C. Ayer * Co., Lowell, Mas* Sold by aU Dealers in Medicine; lew Advetusements. f* A at uuu. r or circui dress CLARK’S 4," COL1 Il l lf I i it rl - U% Fsils^o a luxuriant Rwnrs.Oi growth. ■ l fc'J5j HiftcoxAco..KY tf ttotimft»t.isc.»iiX)raepu.u. IEXHaUSTED’/ITsIITY Untold miseries ffiSL >of order on 1 rother * it ©an.' i e you _ all sizes. stee£ KSTSiS&S^^^i-tSS 1 ti^NmyALPiils |j§£&iS& HIRES ** HIHBS’IMPROVED Me BEER! muaum UNC EASILY MADE > FIVE GALLONS ■ywwSifEEaw the most APPX T 1E XH O and WHOLESOME YXMFgRAHOB DBI Kg In the world. TRY IT. *Aak Unvetat Orecer for M. * goto or . C. E. HIRES,"philadelph1a. AS SHOE I who* row ladies. IOJ EoW 0 *- _________ , SHOES* Examine W. L. Douglas |2.00 Shoe* lor •ntlemen and ladies. FOE SALE BT SCHEUBiniAN- & WHITE, 7 ' "' CWIFFIN. wmm New Advertisements. - - 4 , nVi .Ai 'L l. I. . .. . !, *j»S MIRRORS •tweted brings, ed from in in the the one of the largest Established and best stocks stocks Country. Countr; , .»on receipt of stamp. MPT17E A 'W- fc.y, -uii II' 'i ^••T! W'rwT-inbiffii?? pr Enter- ®s foist arid August 1st prom* 4 tees to witness the largest andgmifll- eeb display of flowers, fruits and veg- on a similar occasion in tins state. Not only will the exhibits froffi ov*r” the state be larger and fine*. but tie ^display th\t is to be midi by t|e, Middle Georgia Horticultural Socie¬ ty, itself will be grand in its variety SOd magaitude. T|ti» lias been an abundant sedson of fruits and flow¬ ers and as three hundred delegates from different portions of tw statfe will be present, the members of our home organization will exert! selves to show the products ing in their best light. Other Horticulturists tpc State are taking great inti year’s meeting and wiU sei dibits. The express companies la agreed to give free transporttion all exhibits, and the low rates of given by the different railroads sure a large attendance and » smceeea- ap¬ pointed have secured ,urt House as a place of rneeti the Brick, Warehouse, where there is plete ty of room and ventilations, for a Jlisplay hall. Committees Save been appointed and are mating prepara¬ tions to entertain the visitors in ood style and maintain Griffin's reputation ior hospitality. Coinmit- tees on arrangements and 'reception w :, l be appointed to receive and look after the pleasures and comforts of ^ ©d and delegate s^ Presideat Badass w«U P. be J. p -infc- steiu to Berck- mans, at Augusta, who will distrib- *te them among the delegates and visitors visitors to to the the convention. convention. In In pm mi'- Suance to resolutions passed, Presi¬ dent J. D, Husted, of the Miadie Georg ! a Horticultural Society,, will read an essay before the convention on ‘‘what variety*of fruits should be "cultivated in Georgia” and Mr. S. M. Wayman an eesa$ on “Transpor¬ tation, what it is and wha tit should be.” The Experimental Farm com¬ mission iji u> meet b®re on Augu»t 2nd and 3rd and it is to be hoped that the members of that body will also attend the Horticultural Convention. There %Pl be a meeting of the com¬ mittee of arrangements at Col, Hunt’s office at three o’clock tomor¬ row a r ternoon, at which a fuU at¬ tendance is solicited. A letter -re¬ ceived from PreaidentBerckmans yes¬ terday indicates an anxiety for more practical knowledge «a to what Griffin can and will do for herguests, and it is time for the committees to get their work into more defiinite shape. “D cats has so many doors to let ou^. ~ life,” thOBe I rem¬ edies that shut theee doors. ---- different is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi¬ cal Discovery, from the old time doses. Consumption (ft it lung-scrofula, shuts, if taken is one in wide door that time. Don’t waste a moment then, lest life slip through that open door. It is guaranteed to cure recommend¬ in all cases, of diseases for which it is ed,. or money paid for it will be re- undedl» \ "\ , , * Where Shall We Summer It. This is an important question, both to tli© invalid and pleasure Bowden Lithia, Georgia’s wonder¬ ful Mineral Spring, probably offers the best advantages to both the health Only and twenty pleasure mil® seeker. front Atlanta^ situated directly on the Georgia Pacific railroad. Trains several times daily; full mail and telegraph accommodations. A magnificent hotel; Hot Springs system of bath¬ ing. The finest mineral water in the world; cool mountain air, and the great Piedmont Chautauqua holding its summer session there this season, make it especially attractive. Send yoor name to E. W. Marsh &CQj* Salt Springs, G»., and they will send you an illustrated pam¬ phlet on this great health and pleas¬ ure resort. aug20 Seemingly* Eradicated With chills repeated and and fever, fever, and in in powerful doses of its of quinine, various some some one one froms, rithont springs the into slightest active existence again, again, apparent embers prove- provo- thaa to subdue it when u rages fiercely m the system, fTostetter’s Stomach Bitters is all sufficient. When every resource of the pharmacopoeia has been exhausted against ft in vain, the Bitters conquer it—Will remove every lingering wiU vesture of it, Nay, within more, the Bitters protect atmospheric those, brought that begets the influence of poison Disorders malarial disease, from its attacks. at the complaints’ stomach, liver and bowels, are among .the the miasma-tainted to be apprehended These from both use of water. ore cured a red and ana prevenrea preventeaby c the Bitters. mutism, "—----and constipation renal con- w yield to its aetton. Advice to Mothers. | M i». Wdisdow's Boothtso Bibos £ r ebildrsn erf teething, female is tbe presoriptio* and at am the beet nurses physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers *— -uu«e, During the process value is incsleulibldS ‘ from pain, cure* dys Mr The Formidable Rival of ' ‘ / rfT * «•* ’i, • “VU'J 1 "' .i 111 . ■?\ ci t The Railroad Depot Club, which is composed of a number of the lending yeung gentlemen of this city, held an informal meetidg yesterday at the Union passenger depot and proceed¬ ed to place m fine upon its most prominent member for foiling to meet the morning fast moil. He was .l,o,-Uj lifter further «p street posing on one of the comfort¬ able ornamental seats, in frontof the spurious office of a popular «Wmber firm, these seats being placed by the enterprising proprietoiw ‘ boiio publico.*' When the prominent member above referred to,’ was told lie had been fined and that ’It - was in order to ante, he patfOiththe excuse of bei»g»“a little siek this morning.” The president white debating the matter-‘ia his own unhid as to WhetheB lie silould be excused or not, bis kind heart was touched by the de¬ jected countenance of this prominent member who; heretofore, had been sofaithful, that the fine was remitted notwithstanding the protests of the other members present who felt a C. C. or some other decoction of tjie kind would be exceedingly well timed on that hot morning As this organization is probably our friends, it is not out of place to at least explain that the duties devolving upon ifce members, are,principally to meet each and every passenger train between the hours 7:87 a. m., and 7l8T m., and to keep a etriet record (in their heads) of the accuracy of schedule maintained by the large number of trains arriving and departing here _ _ e,ich day; also to not© any eitorw, in their judgement, which moy occur in running the road These reports are to be madreon the Ides of March every fourth year. A committee of One has recently been appointed with power to act, in reference to all freight trains as above, and in same hours. The chib has a large number‘ Of honorary members who are always present on Sunday. * — ■■ , ' A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfantoi turn .of pu: can toy from our advertised Druggist a Bote k.£ OT £"itrfcS , 3 i .... - - • thony’sDrug Store. Bamum’s First Hippopotamus. “The first hippopotamus ever secu In thia oounTry," Bted Tody Hamilton, “was brought here by Mr. Barnum. It was about twenty-five years ago. Mr. / Barnum wanted one the worst way, and had been on the lookout for one for many years, when he heard that some natives in South Africa had caught it had been a big sold fellow in German a pit, dealer and in to a wild animals. The dealer got ah offer of 125,000 for jt and the offer was accepted. Ten thousand dollars placed was paid board when the brute was safely on the vessel that was to bring him over;another|10,000 was to be paid when he arrived here, afo&the remaining ration of three $5,000 months at in the expi¬ case brute lived. He arrived here in good condition and was.the center of ouri- of ty ior several months. But he waa ed to rent him to n man named ] who wanted to take him country exhibiting him. $500 a week for him, and the 000 was in so profitable year.’’---New that hewcleared York Sun. one .T 1 V -iv yf ; *" f)0 :■ *' The threat Dismal Swbwp, of Virginia, decayed is one yegetatian, enomons quag¬ mire of a gloom and desolation; but not so than the human system blocked tip by decayed animal which poisons the blood and gloom to an otherwise happy Dr. Pierce’sPleasak.Fur- all Pellets remove waste arid give 'Nature a chance to : ■ ’4 ■ -' ■■ r * 1< " Sh. W M >y " Mr. William EL Crime, the come¬ tells a story which he says wis to him by Mr. Edwin Booth, "a|tf point ab buo VI uwbwi, wub w» ——- the clergyman and availed herself of spiritual qualified consolation administer. that holy This man im¬ was to portant office having been discharged, fell to dis¬ tho moribund octogenarian coursing .about the manner in which she wished arid to have insisted her obsequies she should con¬ ducted, she that be so attired as to present a pleasing appearance. H / ,'i> “Tell me, sir," she asked; feebly, “what kind of coffins are now the fashion for ladiesf" “There are two styles, my dear sis¬ ter answered the mahried pastor, 'soothingly. “The coffins for women are satin. v* ;; ' ‘Well, then," said the oldtadv with when I wasagprll"- Savei —A fine fte&fly of efitfdrinivcre afflicted with scrofoia. Two died early; rest vronld soon htete IoBo*te», bat for timely and p e s t m ri ag UBe ofA'yer’s rilte, whtte toiH thtete Cp iflttf a fletifey vigoroos m anhood. , ^ j .-i A Fish Valued by'n Wh»t fisii» - ...... You ‘rill Mm w Sower*, The Uiy white Bo You wlil < JS” u , ti K how >lm - here) When th« tong ( .and Ufa Id do more, But why not before. Mend; tel. why u« runt t,-.**» > J| , To wave o'er my casket tn bccuty and blooms You will whisper my feuno Yriidthe prouder and fslnwt. ^ j . -..-iWMwore; 4 Vdk wffl oorne to rtiy gmvv with a heart > *>«*“»• tlutwow cwutot fill the dull e*r of before ’ .sidnH ,rc You win Ding of my you ; tetew^ t*e bright garland oK proto round - Tow-rtfe^'wty «ud b«» with Wbeft Cain la tee glory ahd useless the fames When the poor heart la etUI and the long¬ ing U o’er,' U>en ‘^^fc Why tot before, friend: oh. why not ; • . , -Wcheteln f&e Inter Ocean. A RUINED u HOME. ■■'■i*•'$%} Mi 4*. ; -if > :■ iii ijfo S' Our house Is on fire 1 Our home is burning up 11 WJwt cry, so piercing to the s»»l I Pise, mdeetk & flying tissue* of theghshl Fire in the blood, bo* Cruel in its effect I Covering thefair skin with spot*,, *nd blemishes. Twinging the limbs and joints with aches and pains, ifiSfiffing ulcers and* running sotted Singeing the very roots of the hair and causing It Disfiguring Lurdk'et«teS’tS55£ft form <M& feature. Think Beavdh,% cure, safe, sure and OUICK te H* effect, cotnes to mlnd. Ms Botanic Blood Calm, made in. the beauULuLcity of Atlanta, sraaerM most convindog proof af its remarkable merit. BTHobert Wart ®iey t Go., writes: Sitter- ’ “For weive reive or or fourteen fourteen, i years I have been it great 1 ' a of blood poison. My head. ny skull bones. I beCame sohorriHyrepuMre that dr three years 1 absolutely refesed to let people ne. I u^ed large quantities of most noted blood remedy and applied to nearly alt physicians near ‘t me, but toy cowfitioft con- BAD BLOOD. die. My bones became the seat of excruciating aches and pains; my nights were passed in misery, 1 Was reduced la flesh and strength; my kidneys were I chanced to see an advertisement of Botanic Blood Balm, (3, B. B.) and when eightor ten bottles had been used I was pronounced sound and well Hun. case was .well known in the county.” Lew Johtson, Belmont Station, Miss., writes “My cats and scalp were covered with sores and all my hair came out. I lost my appetite and became *h mere skeleton. X am now taking B. B. B., and the sores are going away and my strength it bate." . J,------ CUfl ■ - —...... BY FAR TlieM^IkpiPis^erkti f TO— --------- — - KEW YORK OK BOSTON Hit’-: ' i -IS VIA-— SAVANNAH J, 1 ' )i 4 mtm *! 1 m * 1 .; OCEAN : STEAMSHIP : LINE —or THE—— t»ntfal Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS *° s “ ” int Steamer and elegant servi he treat and dost, Incident to A Kail Koutea. If yon are Kick the trip will : vigorate and baud yfen up. : ‘ ' So East by Sea ahd YouTfnot Regret It lb« Passengers, routes, wdnhl before do purchasing rtqnire tickets first of well to W.P. SHELLMAN, Genii Pass. A«ent- . LdW Ttmr, Pass-Agent. Savannah, Ga, Biz**, wUto work* kamnbMttUtM * t*w* AKSj'i every town and nty 'to sell onr. . Goods. . Ssnd * u* oax t BOLLtiL nootAB, and and vfi we ij* 4 ^taMtwD WflOipee mesttl . j t-fiv FCBLiafiifeG on KICHMOiO, VA. -vrrrrr- iSSS >75 to$250 S''KS ..... twkir I may to profitably employed alio. «PT< 4, n‘-A , tj V ap3wed«n» , «,»■—■ — 1 . . . „ ... ... ..... Special Sanitary Notice. Sottee is hereby given to aU whom It may 35 tiieSwne bars cleansed wtthinmx 5) days alter fhia this nnHto notice, with with a ft thnrttncrh (of disinfectants. Any m _ _ _ .....^..... ^ ^ nsT»3 ii -• i,. [ \ l hJivc SM idtSSSK 1 . foat, wh in reach}' i^O come and exai I ; » . • ■ «E». R. NgWSS, ' : -SUM t».i mmu* tiTBEET. GftlFFiN. , 845, Xaife 1889 si , a H' 4 ■Aj lo }.$%<&) ‘ ? ’ ■T mw ^ A4RE|£ MJI— ■ " '■ A. ■ ■ o'C it: ' . . .Wqi Mutual Benefit Life Dtsmance Co., * ' ! i-..y j *11 1 j ‘ i * NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. -)of~-' 4 Purely Mutual. over FORTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Annual La ge and Annual bividend*l”* No “Tontine Estimates/' The best Life Contract on the market We invite a comparison of our Policies with those written by other Companies. S. W.BMANCHAM & SONS, Agents, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, i CLARENCE V. ANGiER, State Agent, Atlanta, 6a. dAw tosngl. * — P Irt- "T:' SPENCE A SMITH, OPPOSITE BRICE WABEHOKBE.SOLOMON St H. Spence ut tire helm yon cannot fail to fiet l»ir disling. Cell cn nr l«for i j« t 1) SPENCE & SMITH, Solomon 8treet,tGrifVifi 9 Ga. =M= PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES. M MANUFACTURERS.. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Mouldings, Ballusters, Htiells, Etc., Etc. Dressed anttRough’Lumber, Laths and Shingles Paints, Oils, Window Glass.and Putty. GHIFFIN, ,., W It i « I GEORGIA, We men nfto tare ttli oar good* end shell endeavor to plesee ell4 both ee to prioe end - Ym paid tar 8x1002 lijM, S.W 11.10. Ob.rj.rie.Mc “ 10x16x12 •* 2.00. “ 1.60. * “ Doors $2.00 to $2 50. “ 1.25 to “ Dressing and Matching 35e. to 40c. Our Price 25 o “ “ Weatkerkoard 25c. to 30c. Our Prioe 26«. ” ” Plank one side 20c. to 25«. Our Price 15c For Dre»ted and Matched Umber $1.50 to $160. Our Price $1 25 to 1 40 r ny to ahd ifytm ere not estteffed- that our work is not equal, or bettor done then yon have had done by ©there, we will make no charge. Wc tnank the public for 'Hi very atal r «H patronage D S6MMM end solicit * continuance orthe^Whae'' orwri .A* Factory, ISth dt. near Griffin _ Cotton Mills, i'a.C InIwl l.d ^s Mnl *i W W W......... . . fiteaa Lis£-3f^ 1 it 1 ." , — WHsi iw'fiMf. c rgffi ****** Grand f c. l Pwruor 1 Pent* or m' ritaTl notenti agpalil VP tom. R. ” KBB Is q Iiigfaest o*e<, ( tio^orn partor^ ....... ,iM !l a. n j |V p a