The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 04, 1889, Image 1
j- j- >>j r f <?*>' $ s ‘ , . m.^1 if . ■ -a- H*? • ■ 9A| H ■ HH 4 o, %> ■ ■ ' w •jBl j mY' Griffin Uttle ily in the its r.V»ri f»T Tho [iaHt half, in -l-»- atiou, building ail eoBlasap 1 -** .1, [irovu tins • be a business sta^HHuitl not a hyper¬ bolical description. During that time it has built and put into most successful operation a |100,000 cotton actury and With this year started the wheels of a second of mors than twice that capital. It has put up a large iron and brass foundry, a fertiliser factory, an immense ice and hot- .1-________1__- a«t.l ; hlitw’ • - broom factory, opened up the finest ignite uuarry m the United States, aud now has oar large oil mills in more or'less advanced stages of construction, with an aggregate au¬ thorised capital of over half a million dollars. plied for t«o anqUl^H^Hfemilea cha>ta*-&£ MfcMrailways. It has secured long, and while item in of the grape everyyear^B&successfully anditd^^^Bfccapacity has in¬ doubled ofHElte augurated a system sehools, with a seven years curriculum, second to none. This is part of the record of a half decade and simply shows the progress of an already admirable city, with the natural advantages ot having the finest climate, summer and a*.— asKsirjKr-s&ss: ompletcd. -' “ \^ _ THE RUIN ED FIDEL ITY BANK. 4 Harper and Hopkins Said to Hove Mean Victims of the Standard OU Company. OmanwAn, July 8. -Discoveries are alleged to have been made in Chicago and this city that certain wealthy men of the Standard Oil company were back toth his Fidelity on the rrKrtSwc-^ Letzer, mail collector, arrested a was Saturday the Hanover afternoon market for driving during through market hours, in violation of a oily ordinance. The street cars, however, are allowed to poos during market hours. In order by leaving driving las cart tbrougl^H^ j^^^kay market, and walk¬ or by J^^^Hfeself a ing to toe box, omen- lef t .the. Both Men in the Best Possible Condition. -; ; Sullivan Says He’s Confident And KHratn’stbo Belfast, N. Y. ^Sy3.—The Sullivan to Ms usual work After hammering <3 the heavy rawhide hag three-quarters with an hour, he sensed the rope and a light easy step shipped 1,000 consecu¬ tive times without a miss. “Tell my friends of this," he said to fee rmwrtefc^sq they may refute the ■PTrinlc m^ro taken along, and Sulf aftor^B nothing else until Sullivan Talk*. In an interview at s Churchvill, Sulli- course of training closely, and and my leg, hip and back muscles are than hard firm. My wind, too, is better ever. Tam B U/TIMOM, JuIIHLu is only in race we.* that PimlioMMy presents Nou-de- the appearance ssua^Krur jssm* rain After*o tramped heavy sixteen tain storm miles Monday in mud JB31- nearly his over that his it shoe tops, the declaring liveliest leg bn return was exercise he ever had. * t The loeal sports and other admirers of Kitrain have been planning a big send- °” m “ e3 B Will Wory the Htg Fellow. ^ would be a loner one, ana ASH that Sullivan would try his old-ttae aid ter- would prevent the big fellow from doing Mm any term, and that Jake would make Sullivan work so lively that he mmm fi antagonist’s as though M^yland club severcdtets of large odds Kilrain Monday received a dispatch sksreSks from Stevenson, his manager, at Mew favor*. engage abettors, therein, and deal as wiOKra J^^^their the aiders law and as di- roots; and in too event that such prise fight- fug shall take place, I call upon all con- se r vators of the peace, a*, well as law-abid- lug citizens In too community where the same shall occur, to take eriminal-prooeed- tags against the guilty persons under the act ofthe county place, should THUESDAV 1 i .. ■ , car, which on^» bej^to| drawn toB Ite-six- ** the ridian vi w 6m " , Trot, evening^* for day Knowlson^ SEft&Sf cial vote of ceived and c< me»t this ait against the prohibit 484, f 037. For the sal ing the poH 183.371} not, 288,- *’•! folk aud W< Thaxton, Virginia—Only Sevan or All on Board Reported Saved—Several Coaches **® *"• Plt " <,D *« r * Therein Sold to bound express, on the Norfolk and Western railroad, ran into a washout reported that betvteen thirty and forty of Thaxton WesWr night on the Norfolk and passengers railroad by which about forty were killed. SiSSa- informer here °““ 41,7 An says that there were only about seven of the crew and pas¬ sengers saved. Some of the oars ajid I ' f Cftpt ! Rowland Johnson in charge *Es^£Sftss6£ waa division, was on !i neaidrtg-Tren ViWki Sold. ; • - Beadxso, fte, July 3.—The imm® 000, waa put up for sole here Monc afternoon. of There was a large of atfcel at* anoe In forty leading minutes iron after mm the bidding toe ainssiim >- T h •o.; ■ « Hit Jolm Kunzo {laid ; All He Kmnr* i Ho Drove Coughlin to the I sori Cottage No of^^^^psh S' .try of toe "H TOi.vaS*' r.i,—tuk* DU1> Ie:«“«d0mtth“ oii.iu^ohu'Kuto who was indicted by the grand ju Saturday laah together* with six othei for Cronin, complicity In the murder of I was in the hands of the poke portent witness whose toetimony b m indictments the grand jury Saturday, -hastened « and final report. - It is understood that Knnze has te ,aflW?Zd the police all that he knows dreJI abotififl confessed that Ckflso^^l ha ■Motive Bathe Couulilin to tilts hlH night of May 4, the lurthor information the authorities B tamed from K mnse is not yet known. ANOTHE R “R EMOVAL," Tfcq Chlo»ao Poltee U» : M Think M that the i the ease ihe result of which The Herald*® believe justifies the suspicion doctor has been murdered. Says Helnevnjr Is Alive and IVeU. Wding Vaiiam bmmu Connelly, at Castle manager (tedem of the re¬ futes the statement made by The Her- 5 doctor's gW ab- 3 m i no why to be r Ms murder- tt @KS April ia and afeof May. from knowledge him sj Kr SS Moms Walsh. He arrived here on lr,. and on May knnt.,1 28 il... sailed T’J o,rntnnn rv*. .o a. ... who is wanted, jo arrives here < Shuonds, andj dmd^ eto** LUKE DILL ON IN TERVIEWED. H, 8^. vv a i.n .."AlTlUgnt-Thc 13U.P- pearancuof Malacray. JSX’MttJtSS Walsh, S “The i with the for four years. He is two or more y*aw ago. He is not When asked regarding thea^geddis- ■l^think about that story, and yet it seems that te l te from New York rather mysterioi I wrote him an i months understood ago and ne I at • before that he . I cannot i r. 1 , ten districts and the fiBTC fifteen...... Bl — operators and mfnen, H iill l.'lTXOt-'f, .Col* ill .'4 ll t e e # 1 P ■ 1 ■ - •% Jw . as.- n •ia. - ■’ i S-'-ft * ' \ Um 1 SI li« i: A