The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 04, 1889, Image 1

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Griffin Uttle
ily in the its r.V»ri f»T Tho [iaHt
half, in -l-»-
atiou, building ail eoBlasap 1 -** .1, [irovu tins
• be a business sta^HHuitl not a hyper¬
bolical description.
During that time it has built and put into
most successful operation a |100,000 cotton
actury and With this year started the wheels
of a second of mors than twice that capital.
It has put up a large iron and brass foundry,
a fertiliser factory, an immense ice and hot-
.1-________1__- a«t.l ; hlitw’ • -
broom factory, opened up the finest ignite
uuarry m the United States, aud now has
oar large oil mills in more or'less advanced
stages of construction, with an aggregate au¬
thorised capital of over half a million dollars.
plied for t«o anqUl^H^Hfemilea cha>ta*-&£ MfcMrailways. It
has secured long,
and while item in
of the grape everyyear^B&successfully anditd^^^Bfccapacity has in¬
doubled ofHElte
augurated a system sehools, with a
seven years curriculum, second to none.
This is part of the record of a half decade
and simply shows the progress of an already
admirable city, with the natural advantages
ot having the finest climate, summer and
-' “ \^ _
Harper and Hopkins Said to Hove Mean
Victims of the Standard OU Company.
OmanwAn, July 8. -Discoveries are
alleged to have been made in Chicago
and this city that certain wealthy men
of the Standard Oil company were back
toth his
on the
rrKrtSwc-^ Letzer, mail collector, arrested
a was
Saturday the Hanover afternoon market for driving during through market
hours, in violation of a oily ordinance.
The street cars, however, are allowed
to poos during market hours. In order
by leaving driving las cart tbrougl^H^ j^^^kay market, and walk¬ or by
J^^^Hfeself a
ing to toe box, omen-
lef t .the.
Both Men in the Best Possible
-; ;
Sullivan Says He’s Confident
And KHratn’stbo
Belfast, N. Y. ^Sy3.—The Sullivan
to Ms usual work After hammering <3
the heavy rawhide hag three-quarters with
an hour, he sensed the rope and a
light easy step shipped 1,000 consecu¬
tive times without a miss.
“Tell my friends of this," he said to
fee rmwrtefc^sq they may refute the
■PTrinlc m^ro taken along, and Sulf aftor^B
nothing else until
Sullivan Talk*.
In an interview at s Churchvill, Sulli-
course of training closely, and and my leg,
hip and back muscles are than hard firm.
My wind, too, is better ever. Tam
B U/TIMOM, JuIIHLu is only in race
we.* that PimlioMMy presents Nou-de- the
appearance ssua^Krur
rain After*o tramped heavy sixteen tain storm miles Monday in mud JB31-
nearly his over that his it shoe tops, the declaring liveliest leg bn
return was
exercise he ever had. *
t The loeal sports and other admirers of
Kitrain have been planning a big send-
°” m “ e3 B
Will Wory the Htg Fellow. ^
would be a loner one, ana ASH that Sullivan
would try his old-ttae aid ter-
would prevent the big fellow from doing
Mm any term, and that Jake would
make Sullivan work so lively that he
mmm fi
antagonist’s as though
M^yland club severcdtets of large odds
Kilrain Monday received a dispatch
sksreSks from Stevenson, his manager, at Mew
engage abettors, therein, and deal as wiOKra J^^^their the aiders law and
as di-
roots; and in too event that such prise fight-
fug shall take place, I call upon all con-
se r vators of the peace, a*, well as law-abid-
lug citizens In too community where the
same shall occur, to take eriminal-prooeed-
tags against the guilty persons under the act
ofthe county
place, should
i .. ■ ,
car, which on^»
bej^to| drawn toB
** the
ridian vi
w 6m "
Trot, evening^*
for day Knowlson^
cial vote of
ceived and c<
me»t this ait
against the prohibit 484,
For the sal
ing the poH 183.371}
not, 288,-
folk aud W<
Thaxton, Virginia—Only Sevan or All on
Board Reported Saved—Several Coaches
**® *"• Plt " <,D *« r * Therein Sold to
bound express, on the Norfolk and
Western railroad, ran into a washout
reported that betvteen thirty and forty
of Thaxton WesWr night on the
Norfolk and passengers railroad by which
about forty were killed.
SiSSa- informer here °““ 41,7
An says that there were
only about seven of the crew and pas¬
sengers saved. Some of the oars ajid
I ' f Cftpt ! Rowland Johnson in charge
*Es^£Sftss6£ waa
division, was on
!i neaidrtg-Tren ViWki Sold. ;
• -
Beadxso, fte, July 3.—The imm®
000, waa put up for sole here Monc
afternoon. of There was a large of atfcel at*
anoe In forty leading minutes iron after mm the bidding toe
•o.; ■ « Hit
Jolm Kunzo {laid ;
All He Kmnr* i
Ho Drove Coughlin to the I
sori Cottage
No of^^^^psh S' .try of toe "H
TOi.vaS*' r.i,—tuk* DU1>
Ie:«“«d0mtth“ oii.iu^ohu'Kuto
who was indicted by the grand ju
Saturday laah together* with six othei
for Cronin, complicity In the murder of I
was in the hands of the poke
portent witness whose toetimony b m
indictments the grand jury Saturday, -hastened «
and final report.
- It is understood that Knnze has te
,aflW?Zd the police all that he knows dreJI abotififl
confessed that Ckflso^^l ha
■Motive Bathe Couulilin to tilts hlH
night of May 4, the
lurthor information the authorities B
tamed from K mnse is not yet known.
Tfcq Chlo»ao Poltee U» : M Think M
that the i
the ease
ihe result of which The Herald*®
believe justifies the suspicion
doctor has been murdered.
Says Helnevnjr Is Alive and IVeU.
Wding Vaiiam bmmu Connelly, at Castle manager (tedem of the
futes the statement made by The Her-
5 doctor's gW ab- 3
i no why to be
r Ms murder-
tt @KS April ia and
afeof May.
from knowledge him sj Kr
Moms Walsh. He arrived here on
lr,. and on May knnt.,1 28 il... sailed T’J
o,rntnnn rv*. .o a. ...
who is wanted,
jo arrives here <
Shuonds, andj dmd^ eto**
H, 8^. vv a i.n .."AlTlUgnt-Thc 13U.P-
pearancuof Malacray.
Walsh, S
“The i
with the
for four years. He is
two or more y*aw ago. He is not
When asked regarding thea^geddis-
■l^think about
that story, and yet it seems that te l
te from New York rather mysterioi
I wrote him an
i months understood ago and ne
I at
• before that he
. I cannot i
r. 1 ,
ten districts
and the
fiBTC fifteen...... Bl
operators and mfnen,
H iill l.'lTXOt-'f, .Col* ill .'4
1 P ■ 1 ■ -
•% Jw . as.- n
•ia. - ■’ i S-'-ft * '
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