The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 17, 1889, Image 3
I has had a «o rhalf*c#ntnxy. Co., Lowell, Mass. *». Worth **»*>«*. . it. li. «Mr i... ^ $lbym»a,i ^WbnRMRM. s Wanted £, T »S r ; Complete and Grapic “ mactaMmKaX C. E, HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. t h r CRIFFI* TEL CDRTIS rNcw 7™- — Mamwement , '• «■ °* NIEL ' **• over, I run ‘The Leadville Herald’ two yearns. Pfrearelour things some of them poems of yours are a 'TAi BM»lvr.’ • “Yesj and that other one about Maud and the garden; they’ve got :tr^.- lUej '“ !nllc,thedi - Mr. Tennyson didn’t say much, but the senator (who likes to encourage struggling talent) assured him that if ever he wanted to print his poems in book form he could get. a check $40 bouquet on Shakespeare’s tomb. He sought in vain to learn aught of the whereabouts and condition of JWSSsS?!?. te&ass!!? needy. Had contributed to the Bartley Campell had fund, and as Shake-, speare’s in his Denver plays house also been he thought played' it thanright opera the, no more to help ont dead author’s widow and children in down every mill in which Carnegie the linger in s&ran hercheeks rows no mow weds Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip¬ tion. It recuperates the waste strength, puts the whole system right, restores th&roses the and the lus- ter and makes woman what she will give hatiBfactioi or, money will be guarantee has been bottle-wrapped, for and out many years. aliseaWV safe Oliver.fe V'sHSs# /, **j lies Caroline Parks. Mrs. Lucy H. Smith. 10 , Hr. Stff’enl j Mre. S. E, Varghn. • Miss Francis Whatley. John H. Wilson. Forman/'S^^ctor. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Bek^ly SIW offered, in good faith, a stading re- to^their Grand Extraordinary G on Tuesday, of of June Fortune's 18th, 16 ord some further information can bo: to M. t. Dauphin, Now Oi No. 61,605 drew the Fire 6600,000. It was sold in fortieth* at fl.OO each«ea New Orleans, La.: one tq.1 lahan, 331 Federal Sf.Boi also told in fractional fortieths at W.OOoaeb: snS^ES&iusra Klauber, Newark, N. J.; one to Frank E. 8.H. Pierce, 59Clinton St., Boston, ea).; Mam.; on# to s£&&£££&£S Stepheneon, Sacramento, one to a toL. Fioher, Fanatia, Shaw, Kae.; Newark. one N. to J., W. etc. C. 358 Halsey St, The will take next, place the 231*t Tuesday grand (always monthly Tuesday) drawing August 13th, 1889. Do not let the date be o rgotten. Good Advice, Showing Result. ty-flve years; suffered severely for six years before she began to use your ss&jssst cai condition. Triedeverythiug jR&raft with¬ out relief, when Dr. Streeter advised her to buy Ciorke’s Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh CuaL Relief foi- A Man Like Lazarus. Gjbeenville, Fla., June 25,1887. tacked Messrs. with Lippman Bros:-I of wmi Rio at d- a severe case Poison that defied all treatment. I went relief. to several Finally physicians I went but before found no a board of physicians at Tallahassee and was examined, and my case Iras declared to be a virulent case of Blood Poison, and all the medicine they gave me failed to eradicate the danger. I lost iy mr ^T lAff, arm in and a would physician hav| JlPiPIRI.....«__________.. arm . The corruption that came from va¬ rious sores was so offensive that I dis- two bottles of an Atlanta Blood Pu¬ rifier, also a lot made in Baltimore, and in fact everything that I could hear of, butreceivednobenefit. I had entirely Mr. despaired Qarkson, when gour here General ad¬ Agent, vertising P. P. P. (Prickly came Ash, Poke ssefcta. I L R. TIE TABLE 1, ll In effect Jan* 88rd, 1880. No. 15-Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Griffin................................. .5:45 a. ns ArriTe Atlanta................................ No. 16—Daily, Except Suni No. 17—Sunday Only. Leave Griffin...................... ..... ArriTe Atlanta.......................... No. 18— Sunday Oni Leave Atlanta....................... ...3:00 ■ Arrive Griffin............................ ....5:00 No. 3—Daily. Leave Maeon............................ ...,3:30a.m. Arrive Griffin......................... ....5:25 “ Atlanta .................. ....7:00 “ No. 11— Daily. .. 85J5 a.m. Arrive Griffin. ..10:43 « “ Atlanta.. Atiant, .,12:30 p.m. Leave Mi ...3:53 ...1:40p. “ m, Arrive Gi Leave ,^4:00 “ ...5:45 “ No. 18—Daily. iasSSSS:: “ Atlanta. .. 8:83 .. 11:00 Leave Atlanta............................. 9.05 a. m. Arrive Griffin....................-..........10:48 1:00 “ “ Macon............................... p.m. No. 27—Daily. Leave Griffin.............. 8:30 a.m. “ Newnan................. 10:20 “ Arrive Carrollton.*....,.................11.85 No. 28-Daily. Leave Car roll Ton ..4.20 p. m. Human— ^.— 5:35 - „ MJHMMli Sunday. , No. 29— Daily, except Leave Griffin..............................,.1:30 p. m. ^Newnan.^ — ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;.^ “ Arrive Carrollton...........................7:10 “ No. 80—Daily, Except Sunday. iSKSST::—- 8#* For furtherjnformation relative to tick¬ et rates, beet routes. sehRdnle, Ac., write to I I j the world, w ith all th I ga yga I | „ * j < - - —)o(-- ****** large stock of 3 tte pince to come. Ouch w a “borne enterprise,”, born and raised in Georgia, and have devoted aur« DON'T FORGET THAT WE WILL HAVE* gasassarwaata help boom our twon and country. Don’t forget the place. 53 Dreicry’s Store Has just received a full supply ef Landredth, Cleveland and Johnson A Rob¬ bins' Garden Seed-also field seed-all fresh. Guaranteed EASTERN SEED POTATOES. ’ STOCK POWDERS!! NERVE AND BONE UNINENTJI! N.B.DREWRY. SPENCE & SMITH, 8olomon Street,. Griffin, Ca. A. LOWER Practical Jeweler awl Dealer- in Diaiis, Wateto JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street 6RIFF1W, BA. rs, SHOES AND S'.'SKr” LEATHEI ?; HASSElkUS' SHOE STORE- Home-mid, Shoes and Leather a Specialty. For )-( Cheat) )-( .......CALL ON........ W. M. HOLMAN We Standard A Sugar for making cake. Citron, Currents, Prunes and kinds in of fact Extracts anything for flavoring. want. The best Pat. Flour, Mince Meat you ★ TURKEYS, FISH AND OYSTERS. *®“ Leave us your order and It will be attended to. New Goods Every Day Which we propose to ten Cheaper ^' Tha;n Anybody. ' J* ' ,/j F%£ _ e i%ZZ . h *Z .... X CreSL'c^? _ . V J ia g r y Je^y. J bronze, C nbe Gra^t, Raieine, Florida Malem Mic THE Purely Mutual. Islet, ever FORTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Income over Seven Million Dollars. La ge and Annual Dividends, No “Tontine Estimates.” The best Life Contract on the market We invite a corepariso Policies with those written by other Companies. 8. W. MARCH AM A SONS, Ag 3! Lotterie* which a * d