The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, August 02, 1889, Image 1

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^sssss '•tadnes# tlttX
statement and notahypsr-
ISto » ha* built *100,000 and put into
gnereiwful operation a cotton
Jfa •SSrSs&S second of more than iron and twice bru»« that fonudry, capital,
it has put up a large
broom factory, opened nptheflneet granite
quarry in the United States, and now ha*
more or leee advanoed
, with an aggregate au-
fn a few day* fora fourth road, connecting
nlntio* by nearly one fifth. It ho* attracted
m ound its borders fruit growers from nearly
•very State in the Union, untH it is nop sur¬
rounded on nearly every side by orchards
’ and vineyards. It It has has put put up up the the largest largest
Irnit evaporators ia the State. It Is the home
or the grape andits wiuemakingcopacity has
doubled every year. It has successfully in¬
augurate.} a system of public schools, with a
seveu years curriculum, second to none.
This is part of the record of a half decade
and simply shows the progress of an already
lIAUl-rON, georoU.
Practice* iu all the State wriKFed
Office, 81 Hill Street,, Up Stair*, over J. H.
White’* eiothiw'Stnre. mar 22 d&wly
attorney at law,
Will practice in the State and Federal
Court*. Office ovor George A Hartnett*
corner. novatf
GRIFFfff, • I 1 : : GEORGIA.
Pill Pprompt practice attention in all th* given Court*, to all and bnsinee* where
-erboshiemcalls. ’
BP" Collection* a specialty.
Money Wanted for the
Stark Plantation.
Good neighborhood.
Stark house, groom*, 3 etory 1 awe. Cea-
trallw i_____i:__s__
The British Sealer Black Dia-
mond Captured
• ■ -
By the United State® Revenue
Cutter Rush.
lithe Rush overtook the BlaokDia¬
mond and ordered her to heave to. The
captain of the Blaok Diamond refused
to obey the order. Bush Thereupon »lowering the eom-
mander of the ordered
of porta, and the guns were run out
This action caused the schooner to
heave to.
Capt Shepard and Lieut Tuttle then
boarded the English craft and asked lor
her papers. The officers of the Blaok
Diamond offered no armed resistance,
but refused to deliver the ahip’s^iapers.
Capt Shepard at once broke open the
cabin add forced the hinges of,toestrong
vessels from United States cutters.
Mr. Sowell believes that several of
the sailing schooners that sailed from
protect Viotoria, heavy armed, will be able with to
fiie intention themselves, of as they taken started without
making desperate not being struggle. The
British government have been advised
of the seizure, which'tho illegal, authorities
here contend was but until fur¬
ther details are received no definite step
can be taken. Your correspondent was
informed on reliable authority, that this
seizure will bo made the basis of aotion
for standing arriving with at the some United definite States under¬
as re¬
gards The the government Behring sea here difficulty. and the British
government have been only waiting for
something of the kind to turn up to
bring formal the protest matter will to be a entered foous, and and now* de¬
the a
mand made of United States govern¬
ment for w explanation of the attitude
evidenoe they have taken, which and the they grounds base their and
claim to upon exclusive jurisdiction
Behring sea._
Oread Dodge Enjoined From Carrying
On* It* Legislation.
Chicago, Ang. 1.— A special dispatch
from Cedar Rapids, la., says. An ao¬
court tion was at Marion begun Monday that will startle in the Masonic district
Barnes, Henry of Burlington, plaintiffs, J. C. Graves and
Bennett, and grand
officers of the Iowa consistory of that
branch of Scottish Rite Masonry oom-
session ting into of effect toe wriM the legislation lodge, reforing of thelast to
the Cemeau bodies, and which com¬
manded Master Masons to leave the oon-
sistory ishment of of Iowa expulsion. of that rite, under pun¬
represented The petition by states the plaintiff* that as the does body not
sonler the lflue lodge degrees and the
grand Sot lodge or it* subordinate lodges do
confer the twenty-nine higher de¬
tion crees, whatever, the grand and lodge its action has no is jurisdic¬ illegal
arbitrary, oppressive, proscriptive of
their individual consciences and Ma¬
sonic relations and hurtful to their
iment be in toe for of injunction oourt at
S SSe e c
. /J‘ 1 '* C ABLEGRAM S. . '"[Si
Maty DorrU^ei ttlllod la a Sldrml.h With
Egyptian Patrol*—Forol*n.
Caebo, Ang. 1.—Advices from As¬
souan state that the advance of the der-
ipsplis southward and
the Egy|)tiai ^^is m oving
Theadvaaceof Nad-el-Jumi’s forces,
S»BZs£ra groat uneasiness among the natives of
the oavalty and artillery have departed.
la encamped on the hills throe miles
north of Abu Simbel. Nad-el-Jumi has
established water depots at various
places. Active skirmishing between the Egyp¬
tians and the dervish outposts still pro¬
ceeds. The dervishes who had occupied
the village of Toski were driven out by
the Egyptians, leaving the dead bodies
of thirty-four of their number. The
Egyptians Gen. Grenfell also and made his many staff prisoners. have
from Koroeko to Toski gone
View* Which Can** Comment.
day London, night at Aug Walsall, 1 .— In Lord a*speech Randolph Tues¬
Churchill advocated several very radical
propositions which include the abroga¬
tion of the right to bequeath land and
the purchase of property for the erection
of model dwellings also for favored workmen local by the
government He op¬
tion as to the sale of liqnor, and de¬
clared the hours in favor of of government regulation
of labor.
All of the morning papers oontain
long Churc comments on Lord Randolph
h ill’s latest utterances.
The Standard sums up its criticism of
his position with a caustic reflection
Upon his inconsistency and sails at him
is a hack politician, upon whom no
school of opinion, can rely for six weeks
together. The Times and the other
ridicule his proposals unworthy papers at
serious discuss ion.
The Shah la Pan!*.
Pabxs, Aug. 1. —The Shah of Persia
arrived in thla city from England Tues¬
day. He was received by President
Carnot, and was welcomed gathered heartily witness by
crowds which had to
his arrival
No Alliance Vet.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 1.— A semi¬
official denial is given here to the state¬
ment that an alliance had been formed
Its Victims do to Sloop Fooling Dtsy and
Awake Blind. -
Montreal, Ang. 1.—Leading puzzled physi¬
cians here are greatly the over a
strange disease from effects of which
at least one resident and several sailors
just arrived here, have been stricken
with blindness.
Early Tuesday morning Policeman
Rutherford became totally blind while
doing patrol duty. The ease was oon-
sidered mysterious, but the physicians
at the hospital where he was taken con¬
sider Rutherford it due to niootine inveterate poisoning, smoker. as
was an
The mystery in tins case was intensi¬
fied, however, by similar eases the made
public Tuesday. When bark
Thomas T. Marshall arrived from the
Philippine islands Monday evening the
captain was astonished when informed
that one of the mew was similar stone blind,
the attack being exactly to that
tie man, and Henry Simmons, marshal
of the town, had a dispute over some
cattle. Jones used threatening lan¬
guage towards the marshal and the
totter attempted to arrest him. Jones
had a Winchester in his hand*, and as
Simmons The marshal approached returned began the fire shooting. with
heavy Colt’s revolver. Both fall but
continued shooting. When the smoke
of battle cleared Mirny tore dead men
were found. Simmons' where bis body family was lived, sent
to Fort Worth,
and Jones’ remains were sent to his
claim in Oklahoma. >.
A Disastrous Flood Visits Bloom-
field, New Jersey.
A. - ------ -
A Number of Other Towns Also
Elisabeth, East Ova«c«. »»»«« <»*»»«« aad
Newark Anions the Place* Suffering
M«et-Con,td.rable p amafe Done to
▼laeyartU at B»UF earners and Kin*.-
An « ^r A *•*-
dam have moved their effects to the
county will reach $20u,wo.
At Elluhsth.
At Elizabeth the store houses and ten¬
ements along the Elizabeth river were
flooded and the occupants of the houses,
mostly The negroes, were four badly feet deep frightened. in the
water was
basements of houses on Crane and
Harrison streets and the people sought
and West Florida, Grand street bridges. Caspian and
On Delaware, formed lake,
Geneva streets the water a
imprisoningpeopte ini U> dweUings.
and four inches. Houses were flooded
and occupant* in the were second compelled stories. to In tun the
Doddstown refuge section the flood was nearly
five feet deep and many houses were
erf the railroad, where there are many
elegant residences, was an la open d sea, ks
fences, roads and all other n mar
having disappeared.
In South Orange.
lages South along Orange the line and Of the the Delaware adjacent and vil¬
Lackawana road were all under water.
Torrents poured down the sides of tile
mountain and filled the valley at an
alarmingly rapid rate. The lime brook
seemed to oomedown in sheets and far
a time nearly inundated everything,
At Kingston.
toSf§S?S£ SlfeuSt kftol Con¬
vast grape crop is almost ruined.
siderable damage was done in a number
of towns in New England, but no lives
are report lost
Washout* and Urtdldm.
Landslides and washouts occurred in
nearly all the main railroad* in New
roads were alao blocked b y the floods.
placed In the yard contained ten
of water.____
Colton U.itnaff»il.
Dock Hint, Mies., Aug. 1. -The rain
the large s&eftms have overflowed their
banks. Thousands of acre* of cotton and
and bridges coi n have are boon sitpnergod. washed Fences The
oonvinced that in a number of cases the
rates for such servioe were excessive.
He has prepared n airoular order on the
^rim^order directs that hereafter all
disbursing disbursing officers officers the the or or others others department acting un¬
der der authority authority of of navy navy
will will suspend suspend the the payment payment o of any tele-
States until the official promulgation by
current fiscal year. furnished .. Mid
When these rates are
distributed as required by law. agents of
meats. Enormous bills for month telegraphic by all
service are incurred every and
the departments of the government
hitherto have been paid upon the vouch¬
ers of the telegraph company without
any So question. far the department is
as navy oon-
oerned, in the future the rates for the
coming twelve months will have to be
furnished promulgaled. the postmaster general and by
him When this is done
every disbursing offioer of the navy will
be supplied with a oopy.
It will result in a great saving to the
department, and if adopted by the other
offices of will the government, the a large government sum erf
money revert to
to the tele graph companies aa well.
A Machine Destroyed and Three Men
Killed Near Anderson, Indiana.
Anderson, Ind., Aug. evening 1.—It was that re¬
ported hero late this a
stiok of dynamite was fed into a thresh¬
ing machine in the western part of the
county Tuesday at n«m, the machine
atoms and two teams killed. Later ad¬
vices indicate that the old “peanut
gang” feud had recently been renewed,
and that some of the parties had conceal¬
ed the dynamite in a sheaf of wheat It
had been quietly announced that upon
the occasion there would be a contest
between rival machines, and a large
crowd the had assembled. dynamite Fortunately fed into the at
time the was
machine a greater portion of the people
were distance in the shade The of a feeder, large tree band some eut-
away. a
brothers, John and Thomas Carter, got
into a difficulty and John cut Thomas
several times with a knife. Jama* Car¬
ter, the father of the two, interfered,
and John turned on.him and slashed
hiding up ia the mountaina
- 1 tCI ' i ' *K ' .$&** **f fo ' ' • '
afternoon, instantly the propngx, killing and
tore, a son of injur¬
ing Joe Wallace and possibly William Fox so
badly that they cannot explosion reoover. lack of
The cause of the was
water in t he boiler.
Purely nod White Botkin*. ||
.Sg while bathing WWSBSett creek near his
in a
this afternoon, was stricken with
sis. He managed to crawl out on
bank, where he was found a short
afterward and taken home, but died
fore medic al assistance arrived .
C . Wrwkad la the Aratl*
have just returned and bnng toei
authentic news of the wreck, which
curred October A .188A The
Point Hoper . and
struck a rock near Nearly all
completely demolished.
toe crew were frozen to death.
Veteran* Will Boycott the Railroad,.
determination to discourage sprand encampment,
at the Milwaukee the
on gcaoniit of tire refusal of
to make sa tisfactory rates.
Gathered In by Standard Oil.
stataTtha^the , S5
&*«iS£l h l22r ,
been the last aooearion, and the
> ,(* t . . . ■ '
Murderers Di’ger and Smart Ex-
edite d at Lonls rlUe.
Th® Hepliii;^rou^eT«p Former's Noose Slips as
Nicholas gave way to the deputy
Henry Bell, who road the death i
SSESSESfir 61 *
Slowly Strangled.
floor, with d^ aw** wpol
DUger captured immediately hours left tiu la
was some
Smart** Crime-
Harry Smart was bom
villo, Ind., and wsa in h
tress, whose correct name i
ions along and the country river. prodtux
on July 9,1888, toe deck
i towed it
- -JffU;
At the time of thetrn
An scare is tx