The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, August 02, 1889, Image 2

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    t M.*
, AO*. 2, 1SOO-
■■■ r
_ I
,refer te.*Wlv
t factory. They
the i»t-
mi»t eobacribe
doily or the weekly
i and Sen, which ie
t of the borticul-
r to the
ft** f the St*
extending a hundr
1 the Colonel lea
he* talk!
the * iomtaation of
of Foraknr,
[ la the State by
will be In the
ibu» Poet replies*
this statement to
of the Poet while in
convention. Hi
tally informed ae
i nature of many of
appointments and
sing character of * Ma
knew what he
- ;
. ,»»
i as an evidence o< to*
I fanners t# make farming
! is not alwaye an
are often given
t raising money to
at*by which more
“-7 can be made. It has been
m i Chicago that it was a city of
, and yet no one can deny
and prosperity. It is but
l not be mortgaged lor
, and yet at that very time
i were poorer than now.
--------HP* which our
*« placed upon their property
enabled them to get out of
, of merchants,
™J clutches the supply
and tho interest they thus save Will
more than pay off their
in in » a tew «ew years. There is | rneamm a great
difference between paying *** %d
twelve per cent, interest and
fifty and one hundred per cent, Mi
was often exacted under the old sup¬
ply system.
The fact that the farms of Geor¬
gia can be mortgaged for a reason-
able sum is in itself a hopeful sign
aihl Is an evidence of prosperity
rather than poverty. It
cool calculating money lender*, who
always carefully study the situation,
have confidence in to# farmers of
confidence in their ability
sufficient profit OB
farms to pay the internet and princi¬
pal of their mortgages. Three money
tenders do not want the
Georgia, nor would they tend a cent
on them if they ....... thought they would
to take them ta payment
; that there are but few
> payment of these
i due shows that our
regressing instead
Vigor and VitaUty
nwnwMUuiH (ta*
Sitts. »«!b
liaanw _
by KHH Of toe papM* of tb*
that biirber hSTin education meet* loco,
evra dvtared, irrfned and
proud old Georgia, to* Empire Htoto
of to* South. Ufa the «MM old
0W "S ...'
hie boot by eteam power, and for I
reproach that *
general t«
the intellectual *
everywhere juet after the era of
perstitioo. Btft itdoesesem to
that here in this late day, when prog¬
ress is written In living colors on the
brow of oar State, in her agrkuitur-
vokw would be raised byreneooabte
It ls claimed by the enemies of the
movement for higheredocation, that
it is unjust to tax one man to educate
That (tie unfair
to twUd colfagee and fit them for
education, and let the common
Thie ls afalee idea of tairaeas and
It seems to be forgotten
by those who argue thus that untose
theeofkg colleges are writ fitted to tons
out thorough scholars, the common
would plod
3S a plane ofhigher in behalf education of the
Univereity, however, are tew,
and connned to tnat portion of the
They seem to think that the friend*
Of the University are not friends of
t he t o otm onaebo o l e -bat in ibis they
The whole question is just this, will
the 8 ttte of Georgia be content to
give a common education to the
masses, when it earn give higher edu-
cation to them by elevating the Uai-
. to —<—>—
•‘Oh, my back t ” ie a common m,
2K& pota arise* 4 SSeSE from B *it
tot* at
Kidney “ affections, disease, liver colds rheu- com-
overwork and
• AhfpJ n o t|Oaa
npnmnf Lown’ehon
blood rich and
pgre. Leading physicians and min¬
isters use and recommend it. It ha#
cured many, and tf you area sufferer,]
HM|<HifkTiUe Should Cbalmer Courier-Journal. for
run governor
to Mtesiesippi, the first Republican
r*J^” will be held at Fort Pillow.
Xml Catarrh
tendency is a tttthgerous extend disease, the From throat, Its
to ext to
bronchial tabes, and finally to in-
volve the should lungs in be conthmptlve cured, di-
sense, it promptly
that these grave danker* may
So confident are the
| manufacturer* of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh
id their ability ity to 1 cope suc-
with this havetor very prevalent offered, dfa-
*»ith, toey #500 reward years for
H i«u a case
| catarrh, no matter how bad or of
toMn jMmy yean standing, which
they cannot cure. Remedy only 50
mm by druggists.
Brewer** Central!.
Brewer, ol North
CaroUakshould change his name to
IfeiaiM. lie Sage of Waukegan
was toe only man who ever succeed¬
ed in holding up a party by the tall
antii it acknowledged him to be at
to« htod. Brower has a big con¬
tract oahte hand*.
to toB-dteUmle rffea lfeim.,
If you try th is ite e mly yes wfllmjrM mrey
•Ukh* teMseW, tesA is the merr Mood part.
tersmltoBie. Write Wood ItetaiCo., Alten-
.Va,«a. ter.hrehteowiv le ri — t na tewi y.
J.'T. nsvte, A»ant«', be. (W«it Knd),
Wrio*: r »r«mridwth.tB. “I coarider that B. ». ». B. hre peram-
mssessb ***'■' ' ^ * fc " * ’’ ggd fidatlca.
f,6otewtiteee, Ale., wrttoc“lfy
' rhad ulcerated sere throat
J. J. Hardy, Toceo*. 0s., write*: M
•I%IW> boute*
i troubled Mveroi years.”
Gs., aaya: “On* bottle
ly cured my child oiecM-
. finally indo«ed
rOarke’s Extract ol Flax
commenced to get atofiHri weB alter toe first
land »ate «wr,
carrel.” It
in the dspai ^ ttotof df Tbs J. 8
carpet city, .
Ifaaken Company, of this waa
sees yesterday by a
the Appeal, and whs
ing #15,000 of the Looieana
Lottery Company’s money, admit¬
ted that it was tone, and caHfng the
*TwW tell you
ah .11 about .tnfli it it II H you «nn promise not to
give It away, for W you wee* to do ao
I would be annoyed to death with
mat estate agent* and young todfce
desiring to make ray acquaintance,
and each to become my wife/’ Why,
said be, “I am thinking of employing
a typewriter to answer the numerous
letters I am da ; »y receiving by errand
boys and ma ’s. I can assure yon
that I have not lost one hour from
my work since I received the money,
which I obtained by purchasing one-
fortieth of ticket No. 61,605, which
drew the capita! prim of #600,000 la
the drawing of the Louisana State
Lottery Company mi the 18th ult.,
which amount waa collected in tail
the State National ‘ ftewk of this
city.” Wright T. Moore is an intell¬
igent, educated colored man, former¬
ly of.Hedy Springs, Klee., aad pre¬
vious to his removal to Memphis was
engaged in teaching school in Mis¬
sissippi for nearly six years. His
father, lames Moore, of HoByj
Springs, was doorekeepw of the State
Senate of Mississippi for about eight
years. Moore says toe Loofesna
State Lottery Company is a great
corporation, which de-
universal patronage from all
dosses and should be made perpet¬
ual, a* it has proven a great educa¬
benefactor and Is conducted
on toe most honorable baste.—[Mem¬
phis (Tenn.) appeal, Inly 2 .
I of lift goes sp
TV* tetter-board oi tth goe* down."
Up and down, up and down—one
day a millionaire, day buoyant next day in spirits, ‘dead
KtlS^ “laidout” with bilious attack &
a or
etotnack “on a strike.” This
way the world wage now-a-days. dizzy
If yon are bilious, mricholic, appetite
headed, dyspeptic, action want of liver, kidneys or
have torpid
or bowels, take Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant
Prileta—purely harmless; vegetably, perfectly
one a dose.
gee WlMt a Tonic Can Do.
Lit® City, Fla, June 24,1886. City, Fla
0 .H. Newman, ofLake
eaykhte wds has soBered for seve
year# with a complication of diseas¬
es, of which asthma was the most
prevalent. She has not laid down in
fed for seven years. He has expend-
ed all the money his business has
made him in that time for medicine,
r. r. oe imtHiy uiu but bu,
expecting taking to derive no benefit,
after less than *' two " ^ bottles
emptfio ns appeared all over, and she
immediately began to improve, and
now her skin is perfectly clear. She
steeps ..... soundly pillow, “ and every idhergenei night general on health an or-
been better i m years. Mr.
who is a merenat m Lake
, is very enthusiastic over the
core, , and and tnin thinks it the grandee blood
purifier and tonic of the age
Mbs. Winslow’s Soothing SYanp,,,*, for children teething, * is -** female toe •■■■ prescrip- toSttofiUterf
tion of one of the best -
and and physicians in the United States,*
has been used for forty yeara
with never-failing success by million®
oi mothers s for for their their children. children. Dur¬
ing the proeese of teething its vain®
tetocatetflabte. It relieves the chad
from pain, cores dysentery and drar- !
ta the bowels, and
iving to tli 6
child it rests the 'motaer. Price 25c.
a bottle. aug 2 eod&wly
B i a
/T m
Double Dh«y Steeping Car Service
Cincinnati and Jacksonville.
Solid trains between Jacksonville,
Closely Chattanooga and with doable trains
with connecting Pullman Sleeping Cars
to and from
Memphis, Nashville, Kansas Ci y
and the West and
Knoxville, Washington, New York
and the East.
Atlanta and Jacksonville,
Atlanta and Savannah,
Atlanta and Brunswick,
Atlanta and Macon,
^ Atlanta and Borne.
For rates, Tim* Cards and other
information apply to agents of toe
East Twin., Vs. and Georgia R R-
Geo. Pass. A Ticket Agt., Knoxville.
8. H. Hardwick,
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta.
- '-rfifo
- ,*^1* *» •- * e. I
U M. * I r
Sy - ' *««?
f i
ibegrmt mb
sen of Hoadte teroeuin* to mad te tee
Merit Wire ter before tbc public,
enrol SerofcU, fun
and riH
i> tbe Wbole Syrtaa.
.preRlbw. -iSSSKSS
for Amend-
meat of Charter.
s^srssSTSm. The petition ofth! oi
Co-operative Man
ufactuiing Company.
inj nmnmtrd by
e SOthot Av*U,
2SS5ES& Ptotomfifi# - < attuvijr> * »*m - woatejs 7 ;
eell or barter cotton ana owwr larW WwJm*
and all kinds oi form machinery, ’rehreles, used fer-
tiliters and other artWesofmercliandiBe
to geenre aB debts by mortKagw, fans or
purchase, al property lease or
pose of r transacting trai l— ..... of it* debts „ , ^
adraneesTto r necnrfng the payment ^rStt, ornsesneh
and sell, lease
real and personal prop* rty so pnrehased the ComjMMv or
received when to the interest ol
to do so and to do so and to do any and all
other acts which are proper and legal m bnsi- car¬
rying on a warehouse and commisiou
* that order
be ¥onr granted petitioners and issued jway by this an Honorable may
fnnW and dlAdtig ILebartor thifi ftfid
making it a part of homMem*-
■■ ■ atit&tel
charter. Dare this th^8rfd|y rif. HEARCY, of JuJy J_89S.
. ir. r.. Co.
Pre» v Farmere Cooperative HTg
3. V.. w 8TILWEI.L, Beefy.
I certify that tbs foregoing is a tro* and
correct copy as appears of record in tfcu
office. Wm. M. TiioMAg.CIeyk
Georgia Midland Si Golf SI.
Time Table, Taking Effect July 17, *89
~ Be: !»DAY.
Arrive. Leave.
McDonough..... 2 8:00a. m.
Griffin.............. 5:401 8:45 •*
Warm Springs-....------ 7:09
Columbus-.....................8:48 “
No. 51 .—Passexoek, Nobth Daily.
C olumbus. 1:05 p. m.
WarmSpring..*..—...*-.. 2:34 o-ra •*
Griffin.,,.................-.....3:50 p. m.
No. 52 .—Passkugkr, Sooth. Daily.
Sri Sin........................... 4:05 p. m.
Warm Springs,...™....... 5^8 “
Columbus.....................7:00 p. in.
No. 58 —Passbkobb, Nobth. Daily Except.
"■ Sunk ay. #9
fete,::: Griffin...:.. T .................8:15 tz 8:20 ”
. p. m.
McDonough....................9:00 Q-rm «
McDonough.:................. 7:30 a. r
Griffin...........................8:10 a.m. 8:15 “
Warm Springe.............. 9:35 “
Columbus.;....................11:1.0 “
No. 55.—PAfWBNGEB Nobth. Sohbay Okly
Columbus...................... 7:40 a. i
Warm Springs............. ..................Ito8a,m.lir00‘ 9:14 “
MvDOllOuBHi.,».,...»«******»A A.’rv
No. 1 .—Fb*ioht Nobth, MohBays, Weotys
Columbus............... 9:00 s. m.
Warm Springe.. U:42 “
Griffin,....................... ... ,2:18p.m. 8:30 p. m.
McDonough.......... ,...4:30 “
No. 2.—f'BEiaBT Booth, Tuesdays, Thpbs
bays ARB Sai Saturdays.
Mri^mough.. — ia.m.
Of FlffiB.v .*.,, • git .12:05 p. i P . m.
4:20 t
JS&t! ” 0fc - , ~-S5AffiS, fc
An Ordinance.
twenty dollare, or work on the street* for 30
fY&ss-iar &i
* *
L“ssn.*sr r».r tvro
in tevor
Ordinary * Aivcrtwemeni*.
by U. W Shaffer.
'Let til rbM^:
P 0 ri««!Ga,*b?te« on tfc.
....... -— ----——*T--^>-rr
SiTt.o ssa?g^strsrh« Mtetrart of tad L, a. *
pace of paying debts of deoeased and for di»-
jibotioB iunongiit tbc be»TB. ____^
Mondayia Angnet next,
QROIXABY I Georoia, B OFFIfa^PAUavo July 2nd, 1889 —Jol m H
TV, for tetters of Admtaistra- .
me late of said
tion on estate of Julia M. Kriti,
should not be E.W. granted. HAJ
i, said applic*
siou ou estate. before ,
Let all persons concerned showeuuee
theCourt of Ordinary, at my office, October by ten
o’clock a. m., on the firsthfoBday in
next, why such letters of Dismission should
not be granted. K. W. HAMMOND. Ordinary
V Georgia. July 2d, S. Brown, deceased, J. M. Jveitn, has
Administrator oi W.
made application to me for leave to sen ate
undivided one-haH interest fn one and one-
baH acres oi land, more or less, booDded
north by Broadway street, on the east by
second street, south by Flemister and Arnold
and west by other land oi said estate, for tee
purpose of paying debts of deceased and for
distribution among the beirs.
Let all persons concerned show cause be
fore the Court of Ordinary, V at aimy my office omce in in
a»ac™te* # 6 . 00 , stm&
HlUnAitl o Utril/t—or»u«a» 81,1889 —W. E. wra Alex
ty, Geobgla, May of Dismission
ander applies to me ior letters
on the estate of Wm. Woodward, late of gait
county, deceased
Let all person* concerned show cause before
her next, why such lette; letters
^^WDAMMOND, Ordiaa ry.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
can and settle at " ‘
claims against the estate of suid deceased are
notified to present them at once in legal form
A. L. ELLEDGE, Administrator, Columbus, Gj
Special Election.
Notice is hereb •by given______ ithat the ______ will bt .
held on Tuesday, the 13th day of August, deter¬
1889,in Spaldingcounty, an election to
mine the question whether bonds shall orshall
$§. fy^dco^^r % R«*T^
____aggregate known amount of sixteen bonds thousand of the
dollars, to be as conpon
denomination of five hundred dollars each, to
bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per
drrtlare annually thereafter 1 until all of'
bonds are retired. .
Raid election shaShe held and condut-ted
in accordance with ao Act 1879. of tee Legiriatnre,
approved There shall October printed 14th, orwritten tte b^-
be on
Receiver's Safe.
riage hardware material, ondh
* d*dto?9 hB _... _
Ncvr *rtv»rtise 7 ncn? s
ffenfflESiWIRRORS THE BEST Picture Frame* al
piiiTs;'JSrs^jsi JaWs
f! earCe a SONS,
to 4 Cafniogue on rreMpt of stamp.
1. The Preparatory liberal Department.
3, :.The Gollege frf Arte.
4. The Department of Theology.
%_t For(A*tafogro 2 »« 0 Mr»ep»ember. ^ intomafao
daily is ■ WBEKLi,
To Advertisers
proportion to prices charged, than any
medium in the South. m
With the combined circulation of two old
well established papers, it charges the 1
of only one. W/k
It is published in one of the agricnltnnafj
mantifacturing and railroad |
of the most progressive State in the j
with a large and intelligent surroud-
population and extra facilities for dto-
Being a flrst-Class newspaper, fully up to
ail demands of the times and the require-
df It^ei^rtttihncy, it is read not only
nearly every family in Spalding County,
hut in the eight surrounding counties, will
a godd'gfefieral circulation in the State ant
anti dovers it coni|H0tely.
Pieces ldW. Wfite for rates and sample
Griffin, Ga.
<e&i; M, and
8 ptorftV* Sill OtFBES fOBMS Aim gCAMI Qg-
rhy beuaste a«a p. t: r:i» t yoa wm fUeh end strength.
"Mi* foRtetedsttgfoe -—'' tho use of P, P. P.
m whoMblondtainani;
ntotA wtAw itoiiiHfce^- TOt^tori eHefn 1 to menotrasl irregularities are pecuterly
n^ OompMinSk, 6hf Chronic tnboro'l benefited by tee wonderful tenia Mt
Dt— Beam*, Chronic blood efotoehig preperttee bt 9. P.P.
«m , Prickly Ash, Poke Boot tad ’ PoHffito
Pcrtotm, Tetter, Sold by eU
tjlr* umUHMMNlMMMI.
wmuhu D m irei RTR.
tteto te in i te, tiTinci^te