The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 15, 1889, Image 2

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t AaaMNB--.--99.00
1 .....' '.'.' 1 . 1 .
r n » w iwtttlwt
,„farwMh .torn to * coasted mkM mhw---- fmt
i to
> Mate par tow tor
- sastsrtosDrtlT
' TheCoiatitu-
anythfag •»
feaota ffonnet to
" '
Berlin had
<£«"»' '
-i ' ■
a apathy,
the total
,, ________ 01*
» ol 2,568 vote*came
fork at Indiana p-
substantial and
The Demo-
UH m
„ i»®rt to Go-H.r-
torort ^Abowt
Naawscm)S,Oct,ia,1889 EF™Jgp ‘
/sismtta it. H.mM,
tat BSIm lubiud upon
with busk, voice and quivering chin:
“Colonel Snort, if you don’t attend
FB break off the match.”
• .-.--Tli truth is. Johnny, Blaine has
i—, lowhiritwr over the political field,
* i that there is a good
to be done right off.
unless I accept sec-
i the Bepnblican ticket in
»wBl not run at all.
.jrrim if ha waegoingto
attend the wedding, and he replied,
anlkBy^tbat he was not
“Bat Mr. Preeident, if neitlier of ns
will create talk.”
5, you go, bat I don’t
attend to breakingup
South while you are
at Is a little awkward, Mr.
Preajdeat, bat suppose we let the
Soetfh remain in ite present condition
uatB 1 get back- I will only be gone
a fa* days. Please don t let any
body else break H up while I’m gone
and don’t do It yourself.”
The President assented, and I hast¬
ened to the station, where Blaine was
holding back the train. I was very
cordially received by the Blaine par¬
ty. The tram bad hardly begun to
move before Blaine whispered.
“Did the old man intrust you with
any wedding presents?” , |
1 replied a,the negative, whereupon
Blaine sniffed the air contemptuous
ly, ii nd suite •«
jgf l lim»n mmtl haveheard.that and
he turns the envelopes inside oat
ime. ffobedidnt
hinweB, and that amounts to precious
Tbere is no doubt about it..Johnny.
Ifiahte Iff m magnetic man Before we
got to PhHfidelphia I felt like picking
* '■>’* pocket, such a peculiar
does be exert all around
m -^OffiMCMptioa at Richfield Springs
was l» tee nature of an ovation. The
„ In on,honor,
and the happy peasant* rent the mr
with Imitas lor Hnort and Blaine. I
l to quite a number of
and among them a
r ,
tfee bride, Cyras HcCor-
..ry nice gentleman. Wehe-
t quite intimate, all of a sudden,
iced me if I had ever been
Fearing that he was going
r beautiful sister,
-1 her own right on
f could to discoufhge
moi “No,
“ Yen.particnla
n’i 9 iMKtflttor h*r. Bj
... rinort whv don’t you
op to the Blaine girl*? You can cot
that fellow Damroscb out If you try.
Being so thick with the old man, you
have the inaide track, as it were. Or,
there to Oafl Hamilton; eh, Snort, sly
fog f*
are homely. O, um! Don’t talk!
They average 47# year*, including
dronthy summers and two or three
graaehopper eeaeonc. Tlien, again,
Cyme, hove you read how Mrs.
Jam** G. Btoiae, 8r., baa treated her
poorsk* daughter-in-law, the wife of
that ewetfe, Jimmy Blaine, Jr.?
Single bfeasedness has itadrawbacks*
but compared with Mrs. Blaine for a
mother-in-law, and Jimmy Blaine,
Jr., far a brother-in-law. it is para'
dim boiled down.
“How iff Secretary Blaine fixed,
financially? We have tried to find
out, but we can’t,” said Cy McCor¬
mick, changing tbe subject.
“Let roe tell you what a Texas feg-
the ‘perryquees’ was b—11. Now, the
of the Secretary of Statedon’t
to innch, but the perry queen.
the perryquees, the soft snaps,
pick-ups, etc, particularly when
Walker Blaine report* officially to
old man. are-very numetons
f was then led into a room to ex¬
the wedding present*, which
of a pair of new shoes from
hrfele’s brother-in-law; a brims
from her grandmother s
nnefe; half a dozen case knives and a
kerosene lamp from the bridegroom;
from a weaker New York friend;
of kerosene and a bundle of kin¬
from the bride’s mother-in-law:
also, n a nutmeg grater and some
mantel ornament* from the bride’s
Of course, Johnny, all these pres¬
ente were of silver and gold, embossed
with fleur-de-lis, and the work is of
the richest repousse, particularly the
tee nutmeg grater. Even the iron
saucepans and the copper wash-boil
er in the kitchen are of solid silver.
As my invitation read that my
presents were requested at the wed¬
ding, o beautiful silrer-mounted
bowie-knife from Colonel Snort, of
Texas, t Emmons' was Blaine added can to lend the collection It to his
“paw,” when the latter has a chance
to knife Harrison at the next Nation¬
al Bepnblican Convention.
The wedding breakfast, which fol
lowed the reception, was served on
tables decorated with flowers and
pieces montes. Thetnenn was very
good. There was a loud call for a
toast from Colonel Snort, of Texas t
and, havingeonaiderablechampagne
on board, I responded very felici¬
tously. Among other things. I said:
“Great musters have enshrined
love in immortal compositions.
They have risen above the scenes of
time and, catching the strains of
heavenly melody, they have again
descended and poured forth those
bars of celestial music, like the gen¬
tle toot which a one legged man
pumps out of a brass mounted cor¬
net on the corner of the boulevard,
before he goes around with a tin cup,
whining for pennies.”
f also told a very funny story
about an impecunious young innn
down in Texas marrying an exceed¬
ingly rieh young lady, and at the
wedding ceremony whe.i he repeated
the words “with all my worldly
goods l thee endow,” one of the
bride’s relatives whispered cynically
out loud: “There goes his carpet
While I was telling this funny story
several attempts were made to Inter¬
rupt me. Some of the guests rattled
drown my voire. Others coughed,
and Secret arv Blaine pulled at my
coat tail. 1- never saw such Kid
manners in nil my life. I was told
afterwards that tin bridegroom said
he didn’t see anything funny in that
story. 1 noticed that Emmons
didn’t laugh, although it was
Emmons-ly funny.
I drifted then to the tariff ques¬
tion. referring to the fact that tl»e
American girt was one local institu¬
tion that didn’t need any protec¬
tion. She could protect herself. I
also said something about marry¬
ing for revenue only, and was begin¬
ning to grow eloquent about our
infant industries when Blaine senior
(Hilled me down, and somebody mov¬
ed the previous question.
There was a great many distin¬
guished people present, besides my¬
self. I made the acquaintance of a
Western stock raiser who talked to
me about a cattfesbow he had visit¬
ed the day before, and who kept on
Ming np my glass no matter how
often I emptied it.
W here was I? Oh. yes, 1 was de-
ibing tee—great Jerusalem! how
head aches yeti There was Mr.
important English tbor-
heef tower in dovr-cofored
te ppr
Hbe was
gentle to be pat-
What stuff 1 have written! Alas!
Johnny, I’ve got I
the wedding —
temperance is .......... ........
!£^“ fc r 2 srJ 2
men. It s time for me to*pper off.
Yoors for temperance wfom,
-- .. w a re -1 —- ..
Every third person ?<"» meet is
troubfetftnoteor teas with bilionaoess,
and don’t know bow to get rid of it.
The causes are easily rerorded. 4
does not no its uuty. ana ousw al¬
lowed to aeeumlate; these cause the
white® of the cth lo turn yeBow, the
look thick and coarse, and
complexion yellow or dark. Hwoe
sure indications of biliousness.
Brown’s iron Bitters is the remedy the
want. It aete directly upon and
efeanaea and purifies it,
it on its journey through the
of the liver, giving to it ac-
.1_tatat fka kHa V*
A Co.Ikuu;»i at I itsrMtiu; (tbs** aa
''um* Saafeeto . ■ f ■?
Crnwfor.toTiUe, InA, tod a$lo,009 fire.
A Chicago Italian raid t>* trjfi. wad child
Smallpox has broken cat in Henderson
v. Term.
The Army oT tbs Teonas.** i > holding a
reunion is Cincinnati.
Twenty of the Iouiam unlilia are on trial
for dieobe.lie -.CA oa m-mm-n: day,
Hark Walter* banged himself at Nevada,
Mo., bwmaaj his Cavori h»r««lit-i.
Jackson Quit .-as, w*£i kio-r.i colored
urn, suicided at Oxrrecsburg. Ky. Jfo
The Baltimore Sugar Refining company
to* been incorporate l w.& a capi al of
$!,«»,«» in stock.
Scott Barlow, well know yon »g man of
Lebanon, ImL, was found dead in bed. He
C. B. Hoira-is, for the Chicago C.ty Rail¬
way company, ba* eabscribad flbO.OOO for
the world's fa:r fund,
George G-j.hart, of Swcetoer, InA, a Pan-
Hundio brakeman, was eat to piece* «t
Bukccruie by airs.
An exchange says: There are more
pans made on Dr. Bull’s Cough paid Sy¬ for
rup, free of charge, than are
by the owners. Agood thing deserves
the notice of the press.
Good Advice, Showing Result.
Edward silvey, Chicago, Catarrh gives testi¬
mony: “My wife had twen¬
ty five years, suffered severely
six vears before she began breathe to
your remedy. Unable to ex
Without reuei, wnen Clarke’s dt> oiwier Extract
vised her to ,:ilino\ buv
Clad /T>„ (I a pillion) r f’ntorr-h Latarrn fiiro uure.
lief followed immediately. She
tinued to use it until she Is now
t£lr STSo tanjO. ^htt"S.’ IUU 1U UHtUJ 7
fl.00. IV’ash the Baby with
Flak Soap. 25 cents. “ Dr. N. " "
Drewry Druggist, now has the
remedies on hand
A R eniarkable Cure In MUton,
Milton, Fla., Jan. 20, 1886.
This is to certify that I have
afflicted with Scrofula, a Blood
on for a number of years. The
physicians of Mobile and this
said nothing could be done for me.
[QrfJ WA U>VVI «?•
mix-u i nun xui v.. a physician
Mobile my entire body was all a mass
sores. I had given up hope, P.
as a last resort tried P. P.
ly Ash, Poke Root and
and after using four bottles
size) the sores have entirely
peared, and my general health
never better than at the present
and people that know me think it
wonderful cure. R repre tfull^^^
SI erou rtaL Poison.
Men-nry ** fmjnently injadiriouslyused
quark doctor* in rases of malaria and
poison. Ite aftereffect is worse than the
igin! disease. B, B. B. (Botanic Blood
contain* no merrary. lint will eliminate
curial poision from the system, v* rite
Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book
convincing proof of its curative virtue,
A. F. Britton, Jackson, Tenn.. write*.
caught malaria in Louisiana, and when
fever ot fast broke, my syetem was
with poison, and f had sores in my
and knots on my tongue. I got two
B. B. B., which healed my tongue and
and make a new man of me.”
Win. Richmond, Atlanta, Ga., writes:
wife could hardly see Doctor* eaHed it
ilitic iritis- Her eyes were in dreadful
tion, Her appetite foiled. She had pain
her joints and bones. Her kidneys could were
ranged also, and no one recommended thought she B. B.
cured. Dr. GtNam
which she need until her health van
restored.’ Ga., writes: ‘
K. P. B' Jones, Atlanta, eruptio
To* troubled with copper colored
loss of appetite, pain to the hock, aeb
joints, debilHy. emreiation, loss of hair,
throat, and event nervousness. B. B. B s
my systemn fine condition.”
Merchants and
Griffin, Georgia,
Capital, : : : :
Orgauited July 1. 18**5»
Prompt attention to sfi business
to us. Accounts solicited from bank*,
,Wgfc, **d t M
fan .frs^ri2a catetov-
j ,
•nyto. 1 a«d b*Xevm l».
| |W*a*-'.r : 'b'''
f*. to the A#rv ted now
. jrr*r* A-ver*-*.'
5 .'r -vbtsfta
ReilAvcd By
atorttol. —-P. if-X
T. blc Rock, NVI v adds.
■* i-Sto, hi «'hiWr«* affdrfyd or 'T?*?. with *
• *«»•
vSS3^ftS^»SSt- whooptwc 25 etotok”— * S 5 £
i» torejm. CIM Of. TTuatoSgtoa
A ..»
l» Hi Urym*t, VMcof we Kfflte. 3Um.
Kwt Gheny Pectwil.
remsta w
Or. J. C. Ayer * Co^ LoweB, Mats.
Mi to an Orac-W*. ’fto« : at* toUlw.**
November Sheriffs Sales
tod dwtaict os No. »lot.arttiB* , , ... off -
e« more or ton in the northcMt eorn-
d lot, sfeotoaettoktod* «BMt. toa
__________ Levied oa u
Uw County Court to8pridia»^«<ly to
»™r Of Oeoam A HartMto r*. dtos W.
Ordinary 5 *----
t iRDISART’S OFFICE—Spauwku toes
itolJufl ‘-sassSMttisns gjin Union a tol L Die ._ trier, — in said .. antoy adf
tribution and payausat erf debts.
o’clock a, m.. oa the fort Monday to Noyem-
ber next, why eneh appUeaticm tooaM
aot to granted. ^ HAMMON D Ordinary
rt, Geobsi*, October 4th, 188 «.—T. J.
Traylor applies to me ior tetter* of Adaitole
t ration on estate of T. H. Bate*, late of said
county, deceased.
Let ail persons concerned show cause before
the Court of Ordinary, at my office, to Novem¬ by ten
o’clock a. m., on toe tort Monday
ber next, why eneh letter* of administration
should not be e! granted.
$3.00. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary.
£ VJty, vBDINART’8 OFFICE-8rii D!XO CovX-
Burdett.,adininistratrix Georgia. October 4tb, of 1889,—Mary of Press-
A. A. Burdett.,admiinrtratrixofe«ateoir estate
ley Bnrdett. appiie* tome for leave to
one hundred acre* of land more or lew*
longiBg longing to---— to Mid adjoining ^joining lands land* of o R.
O. 8. Connell, LUU1WU, David m Nutt .lutt nuu and others, utucio, about auuut two
and one-ball miles from Double Cabin* in«aid
lore “ISTpr^i the Court of Ordinary, at my office ta in
Griffin, on the first Monday in November next,
by ten o’dock a. m., why such apfdieation
should not be granted.
fd.00. E. W. HAMMOND. Ordfnarv.
Vj rr, Geobgu, Oetoher 4to, 1889.—W. deceased, P.
Wa«on. Execntor oi J. B. Elder, ap-
' ‘ re to seB one bundled and
id tying to Union District
w —^ j ------ dag part y — mv wfi ot lot Wi • txv N«.- »■ J
bounded by lands of rf Jno. jno. H. H. and an J. J. Elder,
and ..........•, Martha A.Majair, deceased,and „. _™.—------- Coleman.
lor the of of di dirtributioa ‘ amongst the
purpose irpose 1
rate. Let all l concerned show war be-
tSmrt persons cause
fore the Court of of Ordinary at my office in
Griffin, bn bn the the first Monday In sueb November appMcs-
next, by ten Odock a. m., why
tion should not be granted.
$6.00. E. W, HAMMOND, Ordinary.
/X EO8GIA— Spa i .disc CocaTY—Whereas,
U Itnfn* A. Thrower, administrator of
Thomas Thrower, duly represents and entered to the Conri record, in
his petition, filed on
that he has fully administered Thomas
Thrower’* estate.
This to therefore to cite all person* concern¬
ed, kindred and creditor*, to show enttoe, if
any they can, why said administrator should
not be discharged from his administration,
and receive fetters of dismission on the first
Monday in January. E. HAMMOND, 1890. Ordinary.
$6.15 W.
/"t U BORGIA—Bpacwno Cocstv.—W hereas,
Jas. 6. Matthew*, administrator of
t, represents to toeCcmrt
in his petit luly fifed and entered on tec-
ord, that h taDy administered Josephine
Padgett’S .. d therefore estate. a to’citeall
T i his um to to tt person* concern¬
ed, •<J, AIUUICU kindred and auu iiriiiiuiB, creditors, to IVBU show 0 S vatreoji cans*, ** if
iny they can, why said administrator should
lot b* discharged from U* administration,
and receive fetter* of dismtorioa on the first
Monday to January W. HAMMOND. 1890. Ordinary
$6.15. E.
Administrator’s Sale.
More tbs Court House in »pal
______,, Georgia, on the the first legal Tuesday hoars of it. sile, _
veinb.r next, during for cash, following
to the bigert bidder to#
pro pert r of John P. George, deceased, of dtotribotion latejnf
said county, ior the purpose
and payment of debts, to-wit :
One undivided one-fourth interest to the
store house and lot fronting and known oa Taylorrtreet, the “Last
to the city of Griffin, Tailor a*
Chance” bar room, fronting running on back street
thirty feet more or fee* and one
hundred feet more or fees, bonded on the sort
bv the store of 8. H- Deane and on toe west
by J.M. Bishop’s hatcher and shop, lot in Also, the on* of
half UUti lUlCITffih interest to one house wv •« city am
Griffin, known M the Slaton Springer place, bound¬ hy
ed on the not th by residence avenue, place, sooth east by
the John D. Beorgs
Solomon st reet and west by j a
Also, one-haif interest in
thirty by
Griffi ‘
■ Sol —
interest in one house White and lot on Atoo, Chnppril «-
strict, (151 known aa of the land to Union pUce. District of
teen acres M. ELLEDGR.
mid county. A, nf
$9.00 Adm’r of Jno. D. George, d i m aa .
Wolice ta DeMar* anfi Credflar*.
All who are to ds briri to the mtote <rf Mat
g tsttaja agsas
*■ •jsat
mmm m
' I &A .ttfc*3
jfSlafe».-iK«sasfe"-5S*'* sgnfjgj sa
Department never so well stocked amd prices made to seU.
French Novelties in DRESS GOODS are marvelously beautiful and superbly grand in design and coloring. *
W tt[^GENTO%MBSES’, BOYS’ and CHILDRENS SHOES.-Stock full and complete-
M«d. to or tot
66 and 68 Whitehall and 1, 3, 5, 7. 9, 11 and 13 Hinder Sts., ATLANTA,
lore the coart Loom door of --
' etween the usual horore r*
rt bidder, toe foBowlag.
ST SS SKSi by totoof t
a sr^^5xs'„r«^ the property of toeartateof Roto. Brown,
, u ”
to.oo JNO. i. HUNT, Adee , r.
Farm for Sale.
One of the finest farms in Middle
Georgia health is lor such sale. that The he wishes proprietor’s t#
tire from the fatigue ol business.
This farm is about three-fourths of
a mile east from the centre of the
city of Griffin, Ga., adjoining the sub¬
urbs of the city, containing200acres, enclosed
25 acres with in an branch permanent running
pasture large On this
through centre of pasture.
branch is a splendid place for a mill
n; plenty ot water and water
*>u. Balance of land is in the high¬
est state of cultivation of any farm
in the state, having had thousands
of dollar* worth of cotton seed and
stable manure and composts of all
kinds put on it in the last few years.
Xt Is ai»o one of the best terraced
and ditched places in Georgia.
Ditches all scientifically run tho so
to prevent any wsshin^ of fioOO. The
ditching of the place the improvement cost
owner has made
the place a specialty ever since
owned it, not thinking that he
ever sell it; consequently it is a
bargain, such as scarcely ever is of
Also on the place is a flue
orchard of fruits of different
nice convenient dwelling, barn
all necessary out buildings.
place is only to be seen to lie ad
6 . W.^ CLARK.
Sept29d&w3m. ______
Puaetices to all the State and
onrts. oct9dAwly
Office. 81 Hill Street, t’p Stairs, over J. H.
White's nothin." Store. mar22dAwIy
Will practice to the State and Federal
Courts. Office over George Nk Hartnett’s
corner. oovStf
OHS n STEW AM. KIT. t. Bi«U.
Over George t Hartnett’s, Griffin, Ga.
Will pi aitke to the State and^ Federal
lovers, Reapers oi Giis
Feeders and Condensers.
One 5 horse 2nd hand Engine sard oft “tow
Gin with Brook* Press, for safe cheap. $
Osborn’s First-class G rass if over 60.00
» Reapers.......... 160.6$
Improved Miiburn Gin.
1 Centennial Gin,
’* - Hal?'$ Self Feeder Gif.
Prices as low ns same grade anywhere
0 . A. Cm\L\GHAM,
ngl6JAwlm 40 Hill 8t. GRIFFIS, GA
r me immr warn, iwuiwi ware,
•t Mwtumaw m, Mffirmu mtme.
^'tSZmlMSSUmS ^«.£iS'SErSSSS!
£? 55
tttonta. On.
Hardware, Stoves
And* ; Farming Implements.
■ •
—__ !o: - •
Have just received a nice line of C EDAR BUCKETS, _ POT-WA BE and
PISTOLS. • >&£**&'**"
Come and see me.
$ 35.00
Will Buv an Organ. $65 will Buy a Piano
Jj- iUI 11 flow IS full of fine Pijnss<5mi Organs, huioidy twj jt
bsve pr ices.
(Prickly Asfc, Poke Moot and Potass
fhyrictons endeme P. P. V. *s * yon win re ga in flesh
am combination, and prescribe it with j
great satisfaetjon for the carer SeesenScr? c-f sS|
teams and stags* erf Primary, ■
end Tmttary Byridlto. SrprtlbiaUhcc > -r^;cctl
matism, Scrotmeras IBcari and foter. jt 00 ai»inailim» ■ llliailiaaiilta pacalirrij 5i J
Glandular Swellings. P-he-is iai: Xkj-p tci:.^treal irregnlaritlsa are
. J
tL4t^ fccncSted by the ■—--
nay Complaints, old CStoenk Pieeti l-z tkit
XZSSStM ig^SGROFUIA ..... .. - .
' :>V*
'JK&SSg ft • I
have rcaiated *11 treaUoent, Catarrh, 3thi d deaaatog propartiaa ot P. P.P,
IHscasce. Comjdatoto Eca-ma, Meectalal Chronic Potion. Ftoala Tetter. 09 Prickly Sold by Jah.PukeB*»4 all Droggtotn. andPotaaslMa.
Scald bead. etc., etc. unufi BMffi, friffrieters,
p. P. P. is » pewrerfui tonic and an
excellent a pptOxer. lmfldiag ap the WhOucmu: n m iMWT S .
evstenn tapidly. If yoa are weak and man Mato, SATAfoUfi, CL
feeble, and fed badly fey **- V. P. and
fow Advei itsementx-
Z' ATHO-ME. For Circularf*,
“^r^ARrS COLLEGE, Erffi, Va
at OSCE—everywhere
A irA^rwry.Profitable Business
23th. Give referer
B. H. Baltimore, Md.
tea e loxnriant growth.
EPPi’i C 0 C 8 A
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operations of
and nutrition, and by a canto application
of the fine properties of we l-seiwted < <•««•
Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tab!.-.
with aiirlirately flavord beverage wbteh may
save n* many heavy dortor e tniis It a bj
gasyffljtajnsggtofts sagaasiysaew^g
floating around us ready to attack where! er
there to a weak point. We
f^ 5 G$as 3 &sgf England h
HomceopatW Chemists, Loudon.
Organ and Piano Co.
NEW Contain s a five octave, Nil*
Stop Action, furnished « »
MODEL large and handsome raw erf
solid black wahrot. P.k* »99 I i
ORGAN, cash; also sold on the bars j
Hire Hystem rt ffil 2.37 per
STVIiE V1.E quarter, tor tea quartet 1
whhn organ bom mes prop^
2244 . ty ol person hiring.
(these instruments. $22
832 . 50 , 900 , 97 S, 900 AND VP,
Organ and Pianos sold for Cash, Easy-Prt
ments, and Rented. Catalogues free.
How Uffiti How Regained,
mm ^■S«SgSBg _
and Physical Debility, Impurities
irrnne nwywwi sire
(UsdiiOTiahed author, Wi
ceiled the GOLD AKD
fVotathe _____Jnfiaal Natisaal lTtvI *f< M
ton PH ' ^ iTv S K 1 ?L DKBI
of i
directed M abom.