The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 19, 1889, Image 4
ices! during the put week lew Audi In every department and will be placed on sale Monday morning at IOACIABLE PRICES, M AVALANCHE BF BAR8AINS! ' « ... mneh. r 10 mbtfk W* *« , quantity ofit on at Se First m $1 M%$ ltd ™ FliBBtll l*?fc. , i%*S5*S: , “ ^ ........■ we. 0 ' ca' 8 . --- 118 once With 118. KEEL Y C -? MPANY -’- 24 Hi " St - J. - H. WHITE, - . JIL, & CO THE CLOTHIERS OF SRIFFIN! Am meiriag h3r bug* addition* to thtir already Inanre Stock of Mei’s Joitbs,’ Bits ail ClMrei's Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods. - )oi -- W* defy com petition in oar Style* aad Durability of Hate and the St of our Garment*. We extend many thank, to om-eoatomem lor their paat patronage and extend a hearty . drear to > ait all to to t*B and nee w in the htwr. WHITE, JR., «£ CO. 31 HILL STREET. ....... |5 See our Splendid Display * _ ()F FISH TODAY. . ' . V --1°) ». W. CLARK & SOW. BHS Sun. flrtflti, On., Oct. 10 -r: Mr. 3 L, Barnett, representing C. . J. Daniel’s Wall Paper House of At- »MtS«g= has a full line of Wall Paper < E%a samples and hi prepared to give estimates on all won in his line. Mend for him and he will be glad to show sam¬ ples and give figures. octlTdOt. AD VICK TOM 01 nKKS. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothixg Hvbi p, or children^teething^is female the preserip- ___! nurses ians tin in the the United States, _____ en used used lor I forty years never-failing ” by millions 1 r success snt of mothers for their children. Dur- tSEESSs® bowels, and health Price' to th ' 25 ’ o ■ ftng2eod&wly Saturday, Oct. 19th. All kinds Fish, Oysters Welna and Celery. Sausage. All Pork Sausage, Worst New Mince 17 l-2c. Meat, Cream New Jelly, Cream New 15c. Currants. Tomatoes 7c. Eggs Sola Crackers 10c. Patent Flour $1.50 50 lbs. bag. can Sweet Potatoes 15c. peck. Try one can Fine Baking Powders and get a chance t Pickles $50 Sewing 50c. gal. Maeeine. lb. goods cheap, Good Tea 50c. All stock In town. OUR BREEDS OUT IT 11 O’CLOCK. BLAKELY ■s^SbEI ..................... ! Underwear. Mw’i, Ladas' Lad» aad Cbildrea’s ia eaffiragwrfety, odes (to York be aold prire. fere ffhokmle ■ 5 % t r$ Men’s Undervest - f rom 25c. op. jimps * all ★ wool VMs and Pant* at only* 1.00 a soft. All other grades ia proportion. Ladies' Undervest u y Wholesale Price! -AT- Keely Co.'s. ’ROUNDABOUT. City Notes, and News From This and Adjoining Counties. WHE3 1 AM DEAD. When I am dead, my deor**r Sing no sad tonga for me: Plant thou no row* at my head. Nor shady cypress tree; Be the green grass shore i mi- With showers and dewd rop* wet; And it thou wilt, wilt remember. And if them forget. I shall not see the shadows, I shall not feel the rain: t shall not hear the nightingale And Bing dreaming on a* if through in pain; the twilight That doth not rise or set, Haply And haply may I remember, 1 forget. . may J. R. Fried, of Macon, was in the city yesterday. Dr. J. L. Fogg, of Barnesville, spent yesterday in this city. Ool. K. M. McTnslan, of Greenville, spent yesterday in this city. Miss Estelle Westbrook, a charm¬ ing young lady of this city, is visiting friends in Atlanta. When the hair shows signs of falling, be- gin at ones to nse Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation strengthens the scalp, promotes the growth of new hair, restores the natnrn ’ < f>,or ,0 sxay and faded hair, and renders it soft, pliant, and glossy. Dress Goods How Dry Goods rareived (17 Sntar- day's e x pr e ss. »w Bordered Suits. Vw Com bination Saits. New Henriettas ia Blade aad Colors. REV WHITES EIMBAIS. Standard Lord/ goods Calicoes at omly cad/ 5c. lOr. Kar New Plushes. New Velvets. New Velvet Ribbons, alt at mneh lees than yon can boy them elsewhere. BLANKETS. We can show the nicest fine o Blankets ever offered in Griffin aad prices that cannot he matched, a* KEELY CO.’S, Sam Smith, of the Keely Co., in this city, spent yesterday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. P, Blanton, of Pike County, were in the city yester¬ day. Little Miss Marie Markham left yesterday for Colnmbns after two days spent in this city. Miss Annie Stark came up from Colnmbns yesterday afternoon an is visiting relatives in the city. Miss Ettie Cook, of Barnesville, passed through the city yesterday, on her way to visit relatives at Reids Station. Mrs. A. T. Maxwell, of Hampton accompanied by Mrs. C. R. Post, of New Orleans, spent yesterday with friends in this city. Miss Susie Hale, a beautiful young lady of this city, left yesterday for Atlanta, where she will visit friends for several days. Miss May Paille, of this city, and her friend Miss Evangeline Cham- pane, of Springfield, Ohio, left yes¬ terday for a visit of a day or two io Atlanta and the Exposition. Miss Lucy Crouch, of Gay, and Miss Sallie Banks, of Hollonville, spent a short while in this city yes¬ terday. They were on their way to Pnttilk>, where they will visit Miss Ida Bell. Dr. J. M. Kelly returned on yes¬ terday from a ten days trip of re¬ creation, and we are glad to state that he has entirely recovered from the effects of his recent severe illness. In the afternoon Mrs. Kelly and chil¬ dren returned from a visit of similar duration to her relatives at Egypt. On account of the engine attached to the regular freight train jumping the track near East Point, yesterday morning, the cars containing Butts Paintings, which were to have ex¬ hibited here yesterday, did not ar¬ rive as the track was not cleared late in the afternoon. The which reached here at 10:80 night brought the delayed cars and they will give two exhibitioife as per advertisement,, which elsewhere in this paper. The of the troup arrived yester¬ and the tend, which is one ol the ever in this city, made a parade the forenoon. Gatorr} i* ia th* Wood No eaiefor tb» and dugmw diaMWtb poa*i natB Hie potioa ia thoroughly cradieated the •jwtiai. For thia purpose, Ayer’* ia tb* beta awl Moot rrosoaik-ai tirtw. Prirefl Sibortiaa, ffiHN A '•rtf# drew at Patter son’s hall oa Tbuwdsr night was sd by aa appreciative aadkmeeii The la the Loot aad Eornd . ■**•*— Mali. Mark am. AddwBtephe . fhattie Mitehcfi. There was do pretnason to great merit fa aa/ ol the performance, yet the merit was there. The recitations were uniformly good, with some that were exceptional!/so. Thepiecfi re- cited by Mias IGtchefl was not down bat was given by was excellent in the Tbs portariag aad the tamboaihw drill ware pretty aad gracefal. The calling of the time, while not as pleas¬ ing naif done by masiearadtrector’s baton, possibly better fihatrated the dare method of instruction. The elocutionary methods aad merits of Griffin’s young people hare sm&tlv Ctfdosea improved daring the last yearn, and to Mbs Mitch¬ ell is dne a large meed of praise for the share that she has contributed toward this improvement of a pleas¬ ing accomplishment. Her class baa mneh reason to fed encouraged by the progress made. “Tears have not seen and time quietly to suffer pain, wl when enter¬ prise ' can can afford aff 01 * such a panacea as Halva tion 1 Oil Synod of Gen**!*—Notice to the Otl- A committee has been appointed from the Presbyterian church to pro¬ cure homes tor the delegates who are expected to attend the Synod of Georgia which is to meet here on November 6 th. The committee will begin their work at once and the citizens are re¬ quested to make up their minds how many delegates they can accommo¬ date, so that the committee will not have to call the second time. Mothers and nurses should always rember that disappointment Dr. Bull’s Baby never attends the use of Syrup. Price only 25 cents a bottle. May; Mai Oct. 18 and 19. Breakfast Bacon................... Eggs...................................... No. 1 Mackerel...................... Fresh Herring, per doz.......... Tomatoes, per case today..... Canned Corn, “ “ ............. New Currants, just received.. Sweet Crackers....................... Leave your orders for Supplies, With me. J. M. Mills. ROSWOL f B. DRAKE k GO. This ’ well ' known |L firm ' consisting of Mr. Roswell H. Drake and Mr. Jas.M. place of the the leading representative Fire Insurance at this Companies of this country and of England. Among other strong and conserva¬ tive the: companies Liverpool*London iverpooi represented London & &. by Globe, Globe, them are * a company any Known known the world over and and tiie tne only only company eom, .. which always cashes its losses Atlanta promptly Home without any discount, the Ins. Co., a company doing business on the mutual plans, and paying divi¬ dends to its Policy the Holders, the .Etna of Hartford, Phoenix of Hartford, the Home of New York, the North British and Mercantile Ins. Co. of London, England. beyond All compa¬ nies Indemnity is question and which are proverbialy fair and just and prompt in tbeir settlement Of lOHSM V When solicited for insurance or wbeita von desire wffl to be place to a risk interest of any character it your to see these gentlemen. The business is now managed by Mr. Drake and his office h on the second floor of the Drewry building. The rates charged by these leading companies are the same questional air« . ______________ of Strength represented by some Other other agents, agents, and a it is wefl to hare the :he best always, but< ly so when m it it costa no no m< more. Unsolicited)( Give) (Good)( Advice Every prudent buyer will it «<* see the importance of this suggestion rend this “ad." Buy Your Cloaks Now. Baj your Wraps bow becausefour stock is unbroken, and you can make y oar from a complete assortment high prices, when he hir Xewlmk buyer Yortfsearebing prepared inching for for wir, bargains bargains^** against cmm* befoul* spent so mu New for ft."* weather catches you mM Oar Crier* ffiffi~lm Are Low enough iis$s a Stock of Dress (ioods Still Has Tk W! H No Exposition Prices Here! But yon can find an assortment of Dress Goods in our store the like of which has never before be*n shown in Griffin. It is an every day occurrence to be to! by onr customers, that our prices are lower Gian those made by any house in A lanta, Macon or Griffin. Wc have Trimmings to match every piece of Dress Goot in the honse. linings, Buttons and Thread are eonsiderend a small item, bi in buying a dress you always like to find all other these house things to suit Then con to ns, we can please you at aiess cost than any in Middle Georgia. i .vs .•‘Si - 7 4 -• » .j. Gentlemen’s - I 7 ? Overcoats! Wehafe a much better assortment ot NOBBY 0YERC0AT8 than we hare ever 1 carried before and light at weights, taking prices. light colors. Diagonal Worsteds, Beavers, * Overcoats In and all M styles of heavy weights. Examine Oar Clothing Before Buying. tour Ply Linen Collars „ 10 Cents Each rjf i A SCHEUERMAN & WHIT: ■ i ■— C.H. JOHNSON, SR. Still represents the old Southern Mutual Insurance cs. of Athens, 6a.. the cheapest in Geor¬ gia and as good as in the world: THE : GEORGIA : HOME and ethers as seed as can be found, as he would net represent other than good ones, and earnestly solicits the patronage of the community. He also represents the old Washington Life Ins. Co. of New Yotk, his choice of all the Life Companies, because it embodies all its premises in fhe policy. The Na¬ tional Accident Society and the South¬ ern Mutual Building and Loan Associ¬ ation, the best Savings Bank for Snail investments extant Call at his office No. 16 Hill Street and investigate. C. H. JOHNSON, SB. oetttitortn , . .BUTTS Gold. Pearl and Crystal PAINTINC8 be exhibited to GrMte, Go., under tent, lot at D W. » ettajon naort 15c, octlSdSt GRIFFIN CLOTKINC HOUSE! 1 flar*. an Tonsnallv Handsome Stock of Fall Suits and Overcoats , BeautiM Styles and Fabrics. NOBBY HATS! WOOLEN UNDER WEAK! And Just the Sweetest Line sf Cravats. iBO* Call for Charlie Wolcott, or l.oni* Nile*, who will give yon tbelateta point* on *tvta» GEO. R. NILES. octlOdAw )] YOU WANT A HAPPY HOME? -GO TO THE- NOVELTY CO * j » -v A AND BUY CHARTS ^ - R OAK. A DO YOU WANT TO SATE MONEY? it p ices on Silverware, China, Crockery, Lamps, etc, before baying. J. W. SPARKS, Manager. ter All stylesnw gcods erriving onstanfly. ’ BOOTS* SHOES ANO LI J,F HASSP KUS’ 51 Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty. ■SB The Most Complete Stock CANNED GOODS IN GRIFFIN SMQKE METROPOLIS CIOARS. m HOLMAN IWART. . ? mJm