The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 17, 1889, Image 4
ssssn _ — €I OAKN !! I ’ ; Wi Are Thinking of Baying » «-* IT*}* et, or Wrap of Any Dwiption, BE SURE TO VISIT * m COMPANY! ers : of: Low : BEFORE DOING SO, OR Von will regret it the balance of born days. WE HAVE OPENED IN THE LAST FEW DAYS OVER :300 Garments ! 'A- mM BOUGHT AT FORCED SALE, AT " : Fifty Cents On The Dollar! And Will Be Sold the Same Way. See Our MEN’S, - LADIES’ - AND - CHILDREN’S - UNDERWEAR AND SAVE 25 PER CENT. AT * •*. £ k l :ELY COMPANY, 24 Hill St. SATURDAY! Received Fine Lot ■P i\ 'If S . », 1 ★ COUNTRY CHICKENS, * FISH MO OYSTERS. * FRESH TURNIPS and all Fresh Weeds of the Seaton. .W. CLARK & SON. ' -»»»— n. mom ........Bn, Oh., Nor. 17. Wanted.— Three experienced trim- men at Hn. L. L. Benson’s Art Tw»pk- ___ Good There desirable Is nothing Sian in the GOOD eating MEAT, lino more and It can not behad at every butch¬ er shop. But atEADY^S. it is always to be found, in all Kinds, , *---•— * For Alderman. Third Ward by many citixens who are in fa vor of progress. BRINK THE BEST. — Gibson’s Gold Seal Whisky Is the beat whisky to be found in Griffin, and to sold only at JOHN I. ISON’S. Tiyit. novTdlm *—. Registration Not ce. Griffin, Ga., Not. 7,1889. Notice la to here! hereby given that books srass egtotMtiofi i of o the Yotersof rOriffinwili be opened at my my office office at at Brick Brie Warehouse on No¬ vember 14th and remain open ten days. Thos. Nall, Com. of Registration. .. .■ ■ ---- ^ —_____ For Griffin’s Interest. j ticket for aldermen EaptaoKl the people with the aa- sg$ etectra will promote soi Griffin: „.B. HUDSON. 2d M.J. PATRICK. 3d F. M. KINCAID. 4t l. * — C. P. NEWTON A BOOM Griffin! Ob Wn Fedamday. Wednesday, November aovemre 27th, for Mr. W. E. b?^n« NO*L » boom GrifBn I LOTSon theNorth- ere eoburton, on Hill street, stre> opposite Ltd. Ammi'a ___________ Each aad everyone of them will be an elo- *i£iSStS , attend * r * ? * the We sale ^ e ' and secure one *S?J£X!Z. a Cunningbam. given by A. G. Real Daniel, Estate Auc- d*wtd il ■ AU kinds Ftoh, Oysters, Sausage. New Buckwlient 6c. lb. Self-raising I 10 lb. buckets. 35 boxes Raisins just received. Also New Currant, Citron, lO top^. N,;, * C t°“ *.“ Ground dBT 11 o’clock. H,; Meal. Fresh Breads aud Cakes out at BLAKEL1. .„ niv 'ROUND ABOUT. J City Notes, and Mews From This and Adjoining Counties. “I a* corns*.” Happy Lies down i* the man that, when nothing his day of is done. The battle he to has sleep fought with be regret; may not won, „The Folding ,ftmK at last he bis bands ntn his hir&‘ bree Happy is be if, haary and upon forespent, He sinks into the last, enternal rest, Breathingthese only words:" I aurCoutent. ’ hat happier he flint, while his blood is warm, Seen hopes d friendships dead abont him Bares his brave breast to ivy’s bitterstorm. Nor nor shuns shuns the the poisoi poison barbs ot calumny; Olrtonly in*the armor God'hath meant J. G. Hunts of Milner, came tip yes- day ! Col. E. W. Hammond speut yester- ( day |n Atlanta, i Miss Ida Head, of Brushy, was in ( the city yesterday. Mrs. Josie Ridgeway, of Patillo, spent yesterday in this city. J. H. Patton, of Beeks, left yester¬ day for a short visit to Texas. W. B. Griffin and wife, of Sunny Side, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. F. M. Springer returned yes' tarday from u visit to relatives in Fayette Co. Mrs. Thos. Nall and Misses Corrine and Bertha Nall returned yesterday from a short visit to Atlanta. Mrs. Judge J. S. Boynton returned home yesterday from Monroe, where she has been spending several days. Mrs. E. B. Boyd returned home yesterday from Lagrange, where she has been visiting relatives for the past week. At the Presbyterian church at 11 o’clock this morning Rev. “The* M. UcN* MoKay will preach on Lessons of the Synod. Services at St, George's church to¬ day—Twenty-Seventh Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at 9:30 a. ib. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. in.,and evening prayer and ser¬ mon at 4 p. ib. Mrs. S. B. Niles died in Atlanta on Thursday morning. Capt. and Mrs. G. R. Niles, of this place, will attend the funeral, which takes place from the residence at three o’clock this afternoon. A Western newspaper says that j the latest sensation is a St. Louis the j : horse that chews tobacco; .. knf but j greatest sensation is Dr. Bnll’sCough | Buy your meat of EADY and be ! | satisfied. i | Ifottou *»•****«*» otteM " ■ , Following is the t-otton statement for the week aiding Nor. 15th Receipts for week.................... 1,252 44 since Sept, lit.........*15,3<0 Shipments for week.................. 810 44 since Slept. 1st..........11,655 Stock.........................-....... 3,706 Market steady. Middling 9J{. The price remained nncltanged yes* benlay. While receipts arestili good, there is a marked .tendency on the part of many planters to hold hack their sorplns production. Mfs. C. H. Johnson, Jr., left yester¬ day for Macon to spend a week with relatives. LAXADOR'fiH a D!‘BULL'S Salvation V Mcoo*l,2SCt*. SoUkfo ttit druggist v _ Rheumatism, Bearalgia, mi relieve SwdUngtftruUetjMmbagofrnunt, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Bare *, Cuts. Scafdt, Backache, Hjounde,kc L CHEW^i^lfticmTo ...n^UMCy rtMSS, n* «nat Totaei» A* Cu. At allow*, Cash or Credit! Parlor Suits $40.00, $60.00 and $75.00. Dining Room Furniture. Hall Furniture. CHAMB ER. SUITS. All kinds of Furniture at all prices and lower than anybody. BLAKELY & ELLIi. LOW PRICES! WHAT SELLS GRIFFIN GOODS. ' A.d the Lowest Prices Kver Known i„ Crockery and Other Goods are Found, at the Novelty Store. i i Joe Sparks is well known through, ! this whole country, not only by his j pleasant and popular style, but for ! |>is honesty and lair d«ling. Seek- nip? only to m&ko 5 Icgitiiuat© profit, i jj e bgjjpygg j n giving other people the benefit of the low prices at which he is able to buy goods. With such a policy, and keeping everything that the best taste can demand, it Is no wonder that in two years time the Novelty Store has gained entire con¬ trol of the market in every line of goods sold there. Dropping into his store yesterday the News as dSuk reporter was amazf ed at the profusion and variety o- beautiful new goods there displayed, all fresh and bought for this season’s trade. Beautiful vases, in Grecian, Egyptian, Renaissance and modem styles and every material, hanging and stand lamps, a new thing in “fairy lamps,” handsome china ware j in large sets and small single pieces, silver ware, jewelry, cutlery and many other articles were here displayed in quantities not to be seen elsewhere outside of the very largest cities. But it was when we priced these apparently expensive goods that we were paralyzed. Last year Mr. Sparks, by his intimate knowledge of the trade and bn VD £ in lar f q« anti - - ties, was than able anybody to sell lower , anywhere by 25 else, per j j cent, Bnteven he is not too old to learn,; and this year he haft bought from j the importers aud can now dis-, count his previous prices from 25 to : 50 per cent. Lamps sold elsewhere • for f4.00 he sells for $2.50; vases * last year $1.25 a pair he now sells ! for 75 cents; statuettes sold in Macon | for $5.00 a pair he sells for $3.00; dinner sets sold in Atlanta for $50 or $60 he sells at $40; and everj thing in like proportion If you want to see a nice display of handsome goods at prices within the j, ... f t he oidinarv ,, purse, do not reac 0 fafl to eo „ at the Norelty StOPe The 11 and 13 year old daughters of Rev. W. Z. Gardner, of Orchard Hill, were promised an organ if they would each pick five bales of cotton this season. They have more than ing the organ. =M-. nr. H. H. D»nW ^ fr om . .hort rMt .. Atl.-k,, Do yon hwr* awpeptfe tmUs? T«fo> Hood * Sarsaparilla, which ha* relieved thoa- nwb and win core vow. HoM by drngrbrt*. \ • > ■ A large crowd was in town to see Holland & Gormley’s circus yester¬ day, in spite of the rain, but the rail¬ road failed to bring the show in on time to put up their canvas. Atnigkt they gave an excellent perform¬ ance at Patterson’s Hall to a small but appreciative audience. Although nothing to what they can do under their ample tent, every act was good and the w'lole show was worth double the admittance fee.. They will remain over and give two performances Monday, and we be speak them good crowds. An ordinance has been passed by the board of aldermen of New York suppressing the hand organ. This is bad, because Griffin and other cities are likely to be invaded by a host of grinders in a very short time. The combinatiou of ingredients found in Ayer’s Pitts render them tonic and curative as , well as cathartic. For this reason they are the best medicine for people’of costive habit, as they restore the natural action of the bowels, without debilitating. Friday, Not. 14, -AND- SATURDAY, I5TH. WILL HAVE DRESSED TURKEYS, CRANBERRIES, CELERY, Norfolk and Savannah Oysters, Snappers, Trout, Mullet, M i ii tad Mil -- Sweet Potatoes, per bushel, 50c. Irish Potatoes 25c. a peck, Buckwheat 6c. Buckwheat just re- Hams only 18c. Boneless Breakfast Bacon 13c. Dried Beef bv the ham 1 2%c. at M. Mills’ UKAUTIFCL FACKS In Fashion. Here Nature with a lavish hand Bestows incarnate graces. And trt with an enchanting wand In fashit hion frames the faces. The dimple cheek, with health aglow. And eyes divinely lighted. The brighter and the sweeter show. When with onr styles united. Onr for styles, onr shapes and trimmings too, With colors truly blended, And ind not not a a thing thing I that is not new, Onr patrons say are splendid. Oar Temple has a varied stock, That every taste entices,— The people round our counters flock And wonder at onr prices. Onr Bonnets, Hate asd Caps and hoods. For matrons, maids and lasses. In styles and qnaHty of goods, No other wr^ae* j surpasses. L. L. BENSON’S Art Temple. ■ill That in the Same Proportion that You Reduce Your Spendings, t, Increasa . _______ v_._ Your p Earnings n . NinflA I ! ffi '\V:> ’ ... i fluently increases your earnings. % ml Don’t Say We Didn’t Tell You ' * I , : goods. A BEA"TIFU. LINE OF “HENRIETTA” CLOTHS In all grades, and all the popular colors, Our stock of DRESS GOODS I n |j n . I' mense; onr prices something wonderftal. Our Stock of Black Goods Does ns proud.’’ We delight in showing them, from the fact lhatwe always predated. Where Is The Man That Couldn‘t Afford An Overeoat this winter Send him to ns and we will convince him that he can. We will let the weather doits work, which is half the battle, and we will make prices that will be the convincing argument. If yon don’t look sharp he will carry one of onr handsome Dress Suits, or Business Suit out with him too. The Tailor made the suits right, and we make the price right every time. Wm flat fe Have at Moving Pm! White Blankets. Buggy Robes, White Flannels. Red Flannels. Carpets. Rugs. Oil Cloths, Mattings. Ladies’ Vests. Misses’ Vests. Speaking of Ladies’ Wraps WE HAVE THEM SURE. Big Stock, at Small Prices! |C The Picnic Season Is Hot Over. |V Buyers are Having a Oaily Picnic, Nl SCHEUERMAN & WHITE For Rent ft Hotel Ms is for rent, possesion will be given January The first. long known House has been os one of the best in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are now filled with guests and have been for a long The white. Honse will be rented FnM Or UnforniE and satisfactory reason given f or renting. For terms, etc., call on or address ROSWELL H. DRAKE, GRIFFIN, GA. Merc’nants and Planters BANE, Griffin, Georgia, Capital, : : : : $100,000 Organised Jnly 1,1889. Prompt attention to all business intrusted > us. Acc I ocounts ount , solicited from banks, firms and individuals. BOY®. President—J. D. Tice President—8. GRANT-LAND. Cashier—D. D. PKDEN. Ass’t Cashier—J C. BROOKS. Grantland, Diancrona—J. H. D. Peden, Boyd, N, W. B. 3. Dreary, Kincaid, H. H. S D. Bass. #. F. Strickland. octOdJbwftm I CLOTHING HOUSE! I Have an rnnmially HandBome Stock of I Suits and Fall , 1 Beautiful Styles and Fabrics. NOBBY HATS! WOOLEN UNDERWEAR! s And Just the Sweetest Line of Cravats. SSS- Call for Charlie Wolcott, or Loni* Niles, who will give you the latest points on style* octlOdAw CEO. R. NILES. DO YOU WANT A HAPPY HOME ? '-GO TO THE- NOVELTY CO. AND BUY JL CHARTER OAK BO YOU WAKTT© SAVE MONEY ! . Get prices on Silverwaie, China, Crockery, Lamps, etc, before buying J. W. SPARKS, Manager. teF All stylesnw goods arriving onstanfly. SOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER AT -hSA,- HASSEIRUS’ SHOE STORE jyL Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty. IW* We warrant all work and shall make it a point to misrepresent nothin. Just received a large shipment of Gents’ and Ladies’ and Misses’ fine goods, aud school shoes for Children and Slinper* of all kinds. » per cord paid for 200 cords of Tan-bark. B. W. HA8SELKC8. What We Have! 'V ' ■' * T wlr resh mi Buckwheat Flour, RAISINS, PRUNES, Florida Oranges, Mince Meat, Finest in the Market Cream Cheese 16c., All Pork Sausage 12 l-2c. & Steward. A