The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 15, 1889, Image 4
ii 4 tf ii * Good*, Cutlery, ■ \j0* ^ )N OF 1889 AND 1890. bent selected and most complete rtoek in this aec- „j, for the celebrated 'aoleagentB m *•—ter Girl and Champion Monitor Stoves , k. XPERIENCE hab shown 11 s that they are the best riON IN ALL LINES OF STOVES I - TIN WORK AND REPAIRING, D. To those in need of _____OR RUBBER BELTING _ ~ inducements. We are agents tor „ > Co.’s Powder, rorid, and enn offer big inducements to both the whole- “ r C. Burr & Bro. Builders’ Hardware a Specialty. OYS, TOYS, TOYS, URGE STOCK TOTS Of EVERT KIND. * M si:jW& Christmas Goods. or - ^TGive us a CALL when you want anything In that line. B. W. CLARK & SOW. ;?•< 'U * % *V~»A a N' 41 H v E ** ** ; . • tmaiiss’ Griffin, On., Dec. IS. For Sale 2,000 Hberta peach tress, one and one half years old; treesguajanteed. dec5d*w8w. Special Notice. A large lot of elegant Mufflers, Hankerehiefs and Hats, just by express, suitable for presents. Ladles attention called to this line of goods; all customers requested and the call public and examine are to themselves the most beautiful line goods ever offered in the market. J. H. White, Jr. A Co. Accordion Suits. New styles and new patterns, New York Store. Dolls! Dolls!! I have a big -Mock of Dolls, just received by express, all prices from Hie cheapest to a French Risqne Doll-No fancy on them. E. J. Flemister; Attention, Spalding Attend meeting at your armory o’clock Monday, Dec. 16, at 7:30 Ev¬ sharp.Business of importance. ery member expected to be present, y order D. G. Shehan, ©ward Watts, Seargent. Capt.Com’g. Oderly Wanted. To rent a room. Address “P. Q.” care this office. ______ New line Ribbon and Flemisteh’s. Rnchings at low prices at E. J. Oranges 25c. Dozen! Lemons 25 Cents Dozen. ★ ALL KINDS FISH, OYSTERS ALO CELERY. ★ {A SHIPMENT OF}- Iwmcdy’s FlncCocoan ut Maroons and Fancy Cakes, -(JDHT RECEIVED. J- * ■ ruit: Cake, and Glazed Fruits. Christmas Ooods Arriving Daily. BLAKFLY. .......... •ROUND ABOUT. City Note*, and New* From TMs sod Adjoining Counties. jobs’* own. Oh, still the tune that smites the air With wiki and gnn.awl horrid glee, where, oh, where Where is that On earth can Johnny bet * A. B. Hark lias returned home from a month’s trip. D. S. Muse is spending today with his family at Woodbury. l)r. W. H. Aycofck, of Williamson, was in the eifcy yesterday. The state has levied on the Atlac- ta and Florida railroad for taxes. Dr. H. J. Garland is .spending to¬ day with his parents at The Rock. W. E. H. Searcy is at home again after an absence of several days from this city. Mias Susie Dismuke left yesterday afternoon for a visit of a few days friends in Macon. Mrs. Jonas Boyd returned yester¬ day from a visit to her daughter at Riverside, Ala. About $'175 has been raised for Jhe Davis fond. It isexpected to send at least $200 from here. Miss Mamie Taylor, of Haralson, passed through this city yesterday en route to Atlanta. Mias Ruth Cheatham, of Wadley, who has been visiting relatives in this city, returned home yesterday. Mrs. Frank L. Mallary, of Macon, arrived yesterday and is visiting Rev. R. D. Mallary and family in this city- J\ Mrs. Mollie McLe»don, who has been visiting relatives here for several days, returned to her homeat Wood¬ bury yesterday. Two bate of cotton took fire in Boyd’s warehouse yesterday morn¬ ing from some unknown cause. The bate were rolled out and extingnish- ed without much damage. henm&tistn is cause iv iactiaucid tin the blood, wbicch Hood’s Sarsapardia neutralir- md than cares rhenmatisni. (91 1* has been visiting reiatives in for several days, returned j |0me ygfutorilnj’ J. H. Milner, of Zebulon, returned yesterday from Atlanta, spent the day here and took his departure for home in the afternoon. Abe Steinheitner, of Fayette, was in the city yesterday and eontributedftto dollar to the Davis fond. Abe was a good Confederate himself. There will be a game snpperut the Hotel Curtis tomorrow night from 6 to 1) o’clock, with possum, game and oysters. Price, fifty cents. Miss Rhetta Head, of Monroe coun- ty.and Miss Eva Miner, pf Cnlloden, who bee" viili *N? Miss Hattie Head in this city, returned home There is a buoyant feeling about future. A splendid growth assured. People--good people- in search of a home—a good home- will find what they want in Griffin. G. Gunby Jordan is in New York arrangenents for the build- the road connecting the Georgia with the Rome and Carroll* ton. He will be absent forsometime Capt. and Mrs. J. H. ,White gave a breakfast yesterday nfioming, com¬ plimentary toT. J. Burney, of Atlan¬ ta, and a few friends which, was one of .the most elegant and recherche affairs of the season and was thor¬ oughly enjoyed by all present. J. D. Nelson won the first prise from the Singer Sewing MachineCom- pany in this State for the largest sate and the largest collections dur¬ ing the past year, ending November 80th. The prise is a $75 sewing ma¬ chine, but its chief value is the evi¬ dence of Mr. Nelson’s efficiency as an agent. Tour wasted cheeks may have all the plump ness and bloom of health through your am of Ayer’s Safsapariila. This time-honored remedy still leads the van. It improves di¬ gestion, purifies the blood, and invigorates the system. Give it a trial. To the Ladies of Griffin. The ladies of Griffin are ly urged to take an active in the cpncert on Tuesday night the. benefit of the Davis fond, especially to tnrn out and to its support by their presence that evening. J. S. Boynton, Commissioner for 26th District. Accordion Suits. New styles and new patterns, New York Store. At the Methodist Church. Preaching by the pastor at 11 o’clock a. m. Subject “The duty every man to repent.” Rev. S. Richardson, P. E., will preach at night. Everybody invited. A Valuable Remedy. A letter from S. P. Wardweli, Bos ton, says: “I used Clarke’s June of Flax last (PapiUon) for Hay Fever Catarrh with Cure satisfaction, and find it is the thing I have seen which would without irritating, the Its of the nostrils ana throat. ing and healing immediate.” properties marked and bottle $1.00. Clarke's best. Flax Soap the latest and Try it. Ask for them at Dr. N. B. Dtp Drugstore How to Get WfestYes Want. If you want a Lot, If yon want Board, If you want a Store, If you want Rooms, If you want a House, If you want a Tenant, 18 „ If yon want a Boarder, If If yon want to Borrow Lend Money, Money, yon want to Ifyou If want to Sell Buy Anything, Anything, you want to Advertise in the News and Sun. Those who have tried will tell you that it pays. tf. F»>«rs al a J; > t ?*t IaiiuIob. London, ]>e«'. strike of the gas eiok t* ii rVrl . ,,guu ami the pre- limi tftry suarnug <>. tie mea and the ma-fter-t haring rendered the one desperate almost to niainess and driven tiie other to the extreme of determina¬ tion. bloodshed the likliiiooi uf rioting and per- haps demonstration seem» partaking very great. of vio¬ As lence vet no has been maic. A.hIixium a :u‘-r* strike. fUBMiNt.j. AH, Ab., Dec. H .—Several days ago the trainmen of the Pratt mines struck for higher wages. Yes- with B%b3£M hands and propose to sup- ^reen The twenty-ninth meeting of the Eng¬ lish church congress, recently held, was notable chiefly for two discussions A great deal was said about the utility of the system of brotherhoods which Canon Farrar has recently been urging upon the English church. The general senti¬ ment seemed to be that a community of clergymen, without family ties and liv¬ ing together, secured a great degree of efficiency on a very economical basis. The judgment of the congress was against the vow of celibacy, the general feeling being that celibacy should be im¬ posed only during the time devoted to the particular mission With this re stfiction, and tearing both the gates of egress and ingress open, it was felt that ■ communities of clergymen, organ¬ on a tatoskmary basis, presented a very effectivejnstrumentality for Chris- * ■ i Km’S" a 1 the Superintendent., I city was starred yesterday evening about four o’clock by a tele- phone message from the Kincaid fac¬ tory that a riot was in progress pigress and, asking for the police and 1 mtgeom. Officers Shackelford Floyd and Whitaker and Sheriff Connell were soon on the scene, as well us Dra. Kelly and Moore and a News and Sun reporter. But it. was all over before they got there, ami there was nothing to do but attend to the wounded. . - Robert Ernest, the foreman of the weaving room, was the most serious¬ ly injured, having a bullet wound in the bade of the head, a shot in the neck within an inch of the N jugular vein and a shot in the knee. He was attended by Dr. Kelley, who says that the injuries are serious but hopes for a recovery. The next worst wounded was C. L. Hammock, who was hit in the head and shot in the breast, above the stomach. The bail was taken out by Hr- Moore from the right side of the back, having struck a rib and passed around. This is not likely to prove fatal. His father, W.C; Hammock, fore¬ man of the spinning room, received a glancing lick on the left cheek bone, was hit on the head with a stick and cut slightly in the back. Jeff Ernest, a nephew of Bob, was struck on the side of the head with a stack. Others were probably somewhat in¬ jured, but did not care to show up, The trouble has been brewing for some days past, and while nobody at the factory seemed to be willing to say much about it, the superintend¬ ent himself, although present at the riot, declining to give any particulars as be did not desire “newspaper notoriety”—as if the shooting of three men was a private affair!—the facts seem to be about as follows: The foreman of the weaving room, Robert Ernest,is accused of casting re¬ flections upon the character of some of the girls employed, and discharg¬ ele¬ ed one of them, a daughter couple of of the days vator man, Jonsey, a feud between ago. This created a the other employes, who seem to have taken sides. Yesterday either Jonsey or Ernest—it is disputed which—challenged the other to out as soon as work was struck off. Accordingly tbepickingroom crowd, among among them Foreman Hammock and bis son, with the weaving room r crowd, headed by picking the Ernests, with met outside oi the room, hammers, wrenches, sticks and pis¬ tols, and immedately stopped until they their fell pis¬ to, and never tols were emptied. There were seven or eight men in the melee, and it not known who fired the first shot. Superintendent Woodward was side with the weaving room crowd when the pickerscame out, and some said that he tried to separate combatants, while others that he encouraged the weavers. Foreman Hammock to well here, having worked at Griffin tory No. 1, and to a man of good character. Ernest is a recent from Augusta and to not so known; but neither he nor the intendentare. popular with the employes. handled pistol John in Vaughn, the Hie and tinner, a row, arrested but afterwards released cause Booneseemed inclined to prose¬ cute. For the same reason no arrests have yet been made. The fusal of the superintendent, who Shonld have been an impartial ness, to take any steps in the with his manifest unwillingness to to have the particulars known, subject of unfavorable comment. Robe Suits. The best designs in the market, at New York Store. St. George'? Church. Rev. J. T. Hargrave, Rector. Third Sunday in Advent. Sunday school meets at 9:30 a. m Service and sermon by Rectorat 11 a. m. *- > Servtoe and sermon at 3:30 p. m. nmnBff gA rfflflflfflK Laxadob^^ Salvation Oil Will niton i Neuralgic, ,%*TfJSSX Hwn ....... \ P ’iV, I r V-.r On ■ -. ■>’ Every One |:cCf a * f+T# '*■& -."‘S' * • " ; : , , , „ . ■ FOR CHRISTMAS ■ ',rA l ^ . J xmrniM & » 4 ,il > *“'■* i‘, r <• <w », v“" !'v; i ' . ; Invite yon to give their stock a speclnl Investigation, and nseful, esu there he ronnd. ■» t^' if?® M ±,y .-1*1 i . •Ml 5i • ■ v - hat we Have Just Received - H J® * Holiday — For the ' V r . i ,....... ...-MW, A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SILK :: a: r 1 : be bough! , Any WRAP in the house, from this dote on, can forit, and why not raakea useful present when it cost now either a gentleman or a indy, that needs a new PAIR OYMOES prefer them to some worthless ornament ? Rave you a friend predate a handsome SILK UMBRFLLA ? Don’t Ion pleased with a handsome new carpet, than anything etenyon could give herf We are also showing a beautiful line of Rugs that would he very nice as a ent. Adler’s” Fine Hand Sewed FOR MEN AT ACTUAL COST 1 Ader has gone out of business and we can get no more of bis Shoes. We a few styles and sizes left that we will sell for Shoes just what they price cost of at cheap the fac , Thin is an opportunity to buy a fine pair of at the a pah. Men’s Overcoats ! Ijadies 9 Cloaks At cost to close out From this date on an 0VFRC0AT or LADIF8* WRAP be sold at Manufacturers’ cost We are determined not to carry any of goods over, it low prices will sell them. SCHETJERMAN & WHITE The Jeff. Davis Fund BENEFIT CONCERT, Tuesday, Dec. 17, ’89, PATTERSON'S HALL PROGRAMME. 2, Rondo Oapricrioso- ..........Mendelssohn. Mr. Denek. 3, 96n|f—Good-bye................... Miss Km StilWVU. nut 4, Value de* Vaises............................Hatter. Mr. Denek. ...Laracrinlo. 0, Reminiscences of Mr. La^a..... Denek. 7, Song—Madeline..... Sok>,1or^|^^Si ‘ % Plano 10 ’ \l] Thf^ai^® 50c. Reserved seed* without extra charge to be bad at Patterson’s HaU. Sale of tickets 1 iiwiaii OF NEW YORK. ■L'£S^”^r« W0W ’ ,000. Paid members i th, .orid, Mi It .Bwjtafc. ulrTlytrSm tp. rn Affihsa T * b8 SS5S|‘S£2^Gs. —to* l l ★ FOR THE NFXT FEW DATS ★ -WILL OFFER- Special Inducements -IN- I terns Of A! Have on band Igrga stock all grades Floor, and torn. Feed and f Gats, Bran, Hay, Salt, and a full lias Sugar,toffee, Tobacco, etc. ■' - i — . i —s . , •* v. •• S-M- Perdu , Tlxey Say I . -—THAT — DEANE & HU! A-e Aift-t .* hrv wii scil a!i their HOUIDiY WOODS L- f ★ Just 3< ceivp.d. A Fresh Lot o* ■¥ KENNEDY’S Crackers and Cakes FINEST IN THE MARKET. J. D. HOLMAN.