The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 02, 1881, Image 1

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VOL. III. A ME 11ICUS, (iKOlUilA. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER [881. NO. 90. it hush ko. b* W. L. WLESSNEK- OFFICE OX COTTON AVEME, Su.'toscriptioxi. 3£ates: I'm-VVkf.kly Onk Year, - $4.0(1. WEKKI.Y Onk Year, - - $2.00. Sunday Issue One Year, - $1.50. PROTECTION Jalaria! Ho numerous nrc tlw development* of Malt rift tliutpcnplo contin uity tu in they leR«t li»a"iiie I in lurking In tlwlrtyt* t'hiti* tnut Fnrer, Jleinluche, Intermittent refer, Oenernl JhMtUy, Itilhnis t'erer, jMMMttmlr, Tftiihohl t'erer, . Xante". AliK TUB— ( PUHELY V BGJ6TAJ1LK.) i- alBolutely certain In It* rru.wll..! efllfli; nnd • net a mure promptlj in cm Ing all forms of Hularlal • linens«*.s than calomel or quinine, without any of the injurious consequence* which billow tlieir H»c. islonally by person* exposed to Malar) It will Expel the Poison aud protect them from attack t A*, tee extract from W It Yale*’ letter, “ • ’ — -n from t 1 - tim Regulator nffordi d protecuun irow . «• worst and most deadly typo of Malaiia, to wltt Yellow Fever. “ ~ ,, ••Sikh: I have Hood the storm of four cj.idein bn of the Yellow Fever. I had It the? Ion, hut during tin other three I used 1 \ e Hi st visita ^ (4ll cd j our oied- uoiitinunlly in tlie room* of the sick rerat l is nil s l.lver ttegu- rulgn Specific aud Ant idol c in milder fori Buy only the genuine in white wratqn •d /..|»ared only by J- H. Zellm Jfcl'o Ten Valuable Plantations, he o!lowln{ described real rstalo I* oil' r d cale by the bank of Ani-ricusY* !•». 1. The Schnmpcrt building and lot corner est and Lamar streets, at tbo head of Cotton No. 2. The Phil Wort place, on Flint r'.Vcr, in 14th district, E™ county, containing acre*- *lx or eight inula form open. N >. 3. The Mr*. K. V. Cottle lot of laud near Wtggla-ville, Marlon county, containing 202 ueres, two innio faun open on li and fresh No. 4, 1 lace on America* and Lumpkin roa.i, six mile* from Aniericus, and adjoining the Jo* A. Wilson* farm, containing some 22* acre*—hall ml bairn i tlmVio No. 5. Fifty .sin 1*»tli diet lacks* Flo impr No.The riillllps place, near Alexaluler Pass nmtaiiuiig *<12 t-i acres, U being Impioved and laving two mule f*rm open. [ Mo. 7. The Admin i lace) adjoining .Stai.slll tarwick* farm In the I5ih district, some 600 acres •llmid, six or save ii mule faun in rullivstion. No. 8. The (’rocker plain-, near Smlthrllle, t iio-iin i acres, n oil ' live or six mule farm open it the 11 ice. No. 9. * lam 3<H) a ova in Dooly .oonnty, Just ,i low Film river bridge. No. 10. The Weston plaic, oil • ltailroad .three idles from Dawson, containing 800, acre*, five ill!.< farm, open* land, l his, or any ‘other plif-e vill ls> uttered, divided to suit pu,chater*.’ . S. II. HAWKINS. President. OCtlli 3DH. W. T. PARK, t Kiiuhnll llou-e, Deei ATLANTA, GA. I KEEPS. ON IIAN1> AT AXjIj ITIMES Wholesale/ Groeer, The Sow Month. NUCTHEH.V MANCFAFTI'IIKS. to tic had, It may please mamifae- Tlie Now York Ledger says: i A , klo . 01 ,.. Blll , ( rF^J„,, 1 ... IUbllfc . ll 1 '" r «r. to Indulge hi comforting II. • "Capitalists, it appears, begin to' *r, •» , lusions ns to the superiority or the " I ........ - i.i-.'i....... .!.» N»». Vurk 1'inu't E.u,o„»,. ! ‘;“K ine <*™ r 1 *« water-wheel, nil vr ■ tx .1 1 _ , . but so long us the latter docs ts ' work equally as well and at an ex- pensc a little less than hall' that of LOWEST CASH PRICES A LABOR AND HANDSOME Selection of Millinery Goods TIIE LATEST STYLES! Examine lle/orc ton Purchase. Miss Uate King. I’nblio Squnro, Anwtcus, Ga. Van. Riper HAS RETUHNED! His Photograph Gallery NOW or PIN! FINEST FIC’TIIKES, LATEST STYLES and ALL SIXES. Satisfaction Guaranteed Prices Moderate OVER T. WIIF.ATLKY’8 STORK, Americus, : : : Georgia. sep21-wtwtl' Prof. VAN RIPER. J.L HYATT Gcneml Commission Merchant 512 JlHOAl) SI„ ATI.AX’J' t. understand what a big bonanza the South is. and are spending some of their odd millions in making it ire- cessahle by lines of railroads. who went to the Atlanta cotton ex position were so sumptuously on- j Bteftnl the advantages vaguely n|. terto ined by the people of that bos-, 1||( , e( , b Ml , At \ inK0|1 K mtabli* c-itv. mm ho much dIcrsimI . * m. CONSIGNMKNTS SOUCITF.I). SATiSFAt I K)N < 5UAItANTEEI). put no reslraintft upon tlieir sitism, mid outdid tli< tllClllHcl iuduHtritil greatness There was nothing from the cotton , ib t.«u v b,,t„„. , . Ilftl)it in lUe y ortI; and oiitdul the Georgians ! u f fljm9 , t , dves in painting the future , l||e , 1(ll)i t'of the , rial greatness of the South. [ to tor’s clay, in the production of wliieli the South did not have many and iiicaicuiablu advanla^es over most other parts of the earth, and A Iicnuliliil Rook lor llie Asking ! JBItr applying personally nt the TDK SING HR M ANUKACT HANUP Untune , . » liealltiflllly lllllstiut. , d e UR1NO (JO. (or by 1) any adult prrsun will /r— -*■ UiH.k entitled UKNIUS REWARDED, -Oil TI1K- STORY OF THE SEWING IllCIIIAK, containing n b.iiulnomo and costly steel eiu-iuxhif Iron! also. *28 finely Cllgravcl WoO(l cut*, lobnrato blue sue gold llllia- i litri'o whatever i* made tor be Johtalncl only iy application at the tirunch and subordinate liticea of The Singer Mailufacturing Co. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Frineipal Otllce, 34 Union Square, graphed r l)rs. Westbrook & Joiner, Pliysicituis anil Surgeons, NDKltSONVILLE, T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM I IIKXKY AXItF.ltSO.N fj KflPKOTHJLLY announces to the public tim It Ms Itiirlier Hhop i* open nt all bu*ine»*li and on Sunday until II o'clock a. v. He In Has Removed from Eamai. stw COTTON AVENUE, IN' THE OOMMOUIOCS WIILiOINO 1IEI.OWTHK KECOBOER OFFICE. With s fresh nnil inucli rnlftrgeil sloclc of Confections and Fajicy Groceries, CONSISTING OF Fresh Canned Goods OP EVERY KINIt, CAXfllES, VIIKNCII nnd STICK Pickles, Sauces, Butter, Cheese, ZaeCoxxte Pear. - ALSO, THE Kieffei' Peasv One year old, uuil the new frilit, JAPAg rERSIIvSaffOlT, Terms Cush with Older. r llhcuniutaiii,’ancc*. Stomach and Ib.wcl Mod ions, !•!!«• ami Fi*lulu 1 Kidney, and all atfoctiona of the l rinarr organa, WomVDieemw*, etc, Also opium and Morphu v i Lara)ice’s and Wilson’s The All with safe and pleasant Remedies, and with out Mercury, Poisonou* or Nameou* Doses At tlm patient*’ homes, anywhere, llie furmsh- ing Medical advice, Medicihe, .etc . through mail in Atlanta. Mail «0 hill! a fu!l Malory aim «iaiemem 101 V*nr affiletlou. aymptom*, etc., and^ostagejo consult’Mm In poraon. Call upoh <>r write io u i 1 III-. .1. II. Siinnmiiv tarniiuative! CRKKKS. Till It’S.'. N l»S Wilt 1 IIAVK.I SKD mr i is that if i* fhc hrst hirer Mai- moro than twenty millions, looks to the eye of n traveler like u thin* ly settled wilderness. It lms fertile soil cnotilh to support the poptilv lion of North America, ami send, besides, it few barrels of Hour to eke out a bad harvest in Europe. The excellence of the climate is proved by the magnificent men that are reared there, and the re markable average of longevity by families of virtuous habits. Whiskey and tobacco will destroy men at tlic South, as well as in the North; and probably the warmth ol the climate renders those pois ons more rapidly destructive at the South than in a more temperate climate. Hut there are no finer specimens of our race to be found in the world than in portions ol j eate subject. In Georgia and th thn South, where the people are Carolines, there is hut one opinion generally temperate ami moral. us Lo t i„, L -.i|,:U'i'.y of Southern mills Accustomed to the saddle and gun : l0 p„ t .-hisses of heavy cot- from boyhood, and not. cramped 1 ^on goods on the nm'ket nt prices Wi l. l, Y Ver l'. U l‘ n ?. thCi :!^"'V ,,a t t ! | l( :f 1 the existence of the mannfactnr- 11 ‘ j ing Imhit in the Xorth is scntiinen- Ims not long people of Pat terson to make silks or of those of . , . .. , , | Trenton to make potteries. For Sli'E tl«t -natter, the h-i hablt-thcro is no limit to which this absurdity may not be carried—is of rocciit prowtli in Chicago anti Cincinr.ati. Vet in each of these cases the in* the visitors expressed, with appu- J , lllHtril . s , 1MoiBoll | laV em«t with rent sincenty, IhiMr surprise and ■ unmistakenhie-success. grat.licat.on at the ncwly-awakcn-j. SouUieni manufacturers will he ed and earnest sp.nt ol i „ ^, lM by M r. Atkin- ami business activity in the bun .1,. ,. clll , u . ka . , Io isu romal . ks | J , y hese imiiiulacturers hail very lit- w ,„ illlornlc ,| man all( , ha3 a rar ^ tie Losev, however, about the dis- j r r - position of the Southern people to j try tlieir hands at making cotton yarns and sheetings. 'I’liis is a deli- liy excessive early schooling, many of them attain a blended vigor and graco of manhood that arc nowhere excelied. For the Southern States the long night of adversity, we be lieve,-has passed. The dawn ol a better day jmd a brighter day than they have ever known lias come.” Stcnm Rufiluea- During the present business im petus over the country, and the re vival of her industries, numerous works for the manufacture and sale of steam engines arc springing up through the North and WcRt The true merit an I real worth of many machines now on market nrc quite variant, and the purchaser is anx ious of course to buy only such an engine, as will stand the test and do Ids work for a reasonable term of years. In this connection wc take pleasure in calling tiie atten tion of buyers to the reliable Kii* gine and Implement Agency of Messrs White & Miller on Hioad street, Atlanta. After many years ol practical experience in ascertain ing tiie wants of purchasers, aud in learnig the good from the bad, these gentlemen oiler to the public only that which passed the critical ordeal of time and years nnd every day use. Messrs White k Miller would be glad to confer ill person witli one in Southwest Ga., who contemplatcH the purchase of an engine or other Turin machinery. If you cannot visit Atlanta, send them for circulars and price with which tin- Norl hern mills can not compete. In the cotton mail- utactiiring districts of Rhode Is land, there is also hut one opinion on this subject, but it is under stood lo be precisely the opposite of that entertained by the possibly deluded people ol the ,South. Mr. Atkinson was of the New England party. When at Atlanta he talked much on many subjects, as is his habit. Hut lie maintained a studious reserve on the subject, of manufacturing in the South un til he had reached Augusta. The city of Augusta lias half a dozen very successful cotton mills aud a canal which will furnish water pow er for a hundred more. This seem ed to Mr. Atkinson a favorable place to give utterance to ins views on cotton mills in the South. He accordingly informed a reporter of Augusta Ohroniclo that lie “was satisfied the South could not com pete witli the North in manufactur ing.” lie thought “sporadic mills might succeed for a time, but the time would coujc when the local demand upon which they depended ceased, aud they would he no long er profitable.” The Northern mills wore nearer the great mai Icets, and have the advantage of concentra tion in largo towns and cities. They have un unlimited supply of (ir»l- class operatives in the French Can adians, who cannot be induced to go South. Southern mills must depend upon native while: labor,of which the supply is limited, and the quality not tiie best. Habit, too, is uu important consideration in Ids opinion. “The habit of knack of using his knowledge ef fectively. He is a practical manu facturer, too. If such a man us this, familiar witli every condition of the problem, can point out no more serious obstacles to the pro gress of cotton manufacturing in tin* South than these, there is noth ing to tear. The truth is that Mr. Atkinson and his feilow-inaiHifuc- ttilers are unable to look at the question without prejudice. Thejr judgments are unconsciously warp ed by their supposed interests. Tlieir jealousy of the South, (hough nati mi I, is unnecessary. New Kng- laiul mumi lecturers have no occas ion to fear the rivalry of cotton mills In the Southern States. The two will supply widely different fields. New England mills have already given up coarse goods and are producing prints and line, fan- oy, high-priedd stuff*. The market for heavy goods still exists, how ever, and is every year growing larger. Thn South’s struggles will not be with New England, but with Old England. Lowell, Fall River and Providence can afford to look on without fear of injury to tlieir local interests. lists. These engines avc found in every Stale, in the hands of the . hands of thorough machinists, and ' Northern people is manufacturing, their claim is that but very few i said lie; “that of the Southern peo- can equal and none excel their pb? farming.” ^ on cannot make machines in faithful workmanship, manufacturers out of a farming durability and price. I population. .Cotton^ spinning and i weaving in England is concentia- Atlanfa Mnrlilt- Works. j ted in Lancashire, linen-making in A needed enterprise in every | Ireland lias its home in Ulster, community is a good marble yard ! brass man ufactu res belong to Coil- and granite works. Those our people can find in the Establishment of Mr. •). J. Mullan. on Hroad Street Atlanta. A pruc nccticiit, mid manufacturing of all kinds to the North rather than to the South. The abundance of wa ter-power in the South is really no advantage. “In future,”* said Mr. ticnl mill liniftlioil workman liiiimclf, Alkinwn, “wuU'i-, in "inimljiotiir- j | y | a i,| would lw equaily - — * - — - to buy the wheels and to make i t,on«l to say as much as I have, but wlicelpits as if would for an engine, j j f j |j vu ||, ( . country will bear from Stephens on Ihe TnrltT. Alexander II. Stephens recently said on the tariff question. “The tariff, the tariff, and the Southern opinion regarding it! 1 uin nob sure what it is; in tact, 1 don’t think the people of the- South give much thought to it. Hut for myself, 1 made up my mind before I left col lege that atari!! upon importations, especially upon urticles which we can produce here, is decidedly the wisest, host, ami most judicious mode of raising revenue for' the support of the government, and 1 have never changed my views. I was brought up in Henry Olay’s school, though I never went to the length lie did. The tariff is an economic question, but the politi cians have made it a political one —very unwisely, I think. There should bo no difference of opinion as to the wisdom of a judicious tar iff—lor protection that protects, I mean. If the existing tariff is in jurious to the North, ho it is to the .South; ami it is so to both. It must be revised, aud that for the general interests of tiie whole coun try, and when that is done there will be no sectional-bearing in it. 'I'liis is one country, witli great di versity of interests, but a tariff ju- and sculptors the country affords,lie ean turn out from Ids works any thin from the cemetery head Insurance is higher at tin? houth, J , IU , j,, Congress on this question. Iwards of a lew dollars, to the tow- It’S I I IIEK l IJVKIt HEM- and the consolidation of the rail road lilies will reduce the cost of transportation to a point which will takeaway the principal advantage which the South now claims. Mr. Atkinson brings a very weak 10 Cent trine now nt i-ra M(irbu*. ('holm 1 ul (i'WMclia'd Bowels, ll vv* thy |mln ami Rri|>ii'i2 latUfacti Department are a hun-; dred valuable articles! such as Buckets, Pans! 7 i odassware, Hosiery, j <M,OSIN<! Ol’T S-VI .K.! Etc. JlocirrN IIiinIiionn ('oJKw. It was our gooil fortune lust week to meet I’rof. Moore of Allun- tu. A tliorougli expert iuthcHcl- enco of uccountH nnd the mysteries of book keeping, bin service* liuvc liocti sought in unraveling promi- bank nnd inueliunliln failures, annually sending out from the locni dcinands for the" sale j ll ' H of tbo host While capital and inmigrants 1 of tlieir goods. Tlieir markets are I limiuess young men of the country, e seeking homes und investments | in New York, I’iiilndelpliin and j South West Ucorgiu lias received I in our fertile lands un never before,] Cliiengo, a* well as Augusta,Char- the lienelicent resuits of liislnatitu- It is Wltlinl, pleasant to <a« ,( i, an( | entering into the magnificent, lesion, Savannah and Atlanta. As | turn ill the business education of I j t III-., t ] . it openings presented on every hand, to the question of operatives, the [ some of her most promising mer it lias Iicpoiiii remedy in many families in the city, where it is best /mown. our readers for the first lime. Mr. Mullan invites the inspection of his numerous models and plans, his style of work, its superiority of fin-! array ol reasons to the support of ! jsli, and his reasonable charges. ] his proposition that the South cun- Call upon or correspond with Mr. j not compete with tin: Xorth in Mullan who will chcrfiilly furnish | manufacturing, and his statements j ,„, nt i, a , e a household estimates and needed information, are not free from mistakes. The ,, . ' » • Southern mills do not depend up-1 Foolish lleoririuHH, Or. Wtiluoday tfiu 7l!i of lK-ce;nlK-r, t will crl it public outcry, lo tire bLbcm bid kr fnm my Ire | < rf-hnb’*? pnq erty tl i n on • •*«m- PlieiXKRMI ua ASHES. icksnilib ind many o( It'-nieiftlrer the tliii#>t».| coure. tTa«. G rail am liter 3 t 1881. impli- . Tire liiiest'llnUbi-*!, most |.’e*Hanf an elcvanl 1IOOTS ANDJ SIIOKS made. Th lre*t repairing dorre in. Ibc)m<wt *ub»wnilal k:i- j arii tre *tyli-, and all on n a*on*bl« lerin*. Itcfi-r W--.) A WEEK. SI-4 a -lay at l.onre ■ asl’.v ma.1-. 1 •pi mi f«>.||y ..milt li.v. A.Mrr*» i lH K Jt,C.> .«a^urta. Mahre. " Frifily a’nun.lier of foolish (jeurgiuns arc : supply of skilled spinners and } chants. I’rof. Moora renews his ciiieriiiiiy, *- i 1 i of rich without work. The glowing ] in Xew at a correspond- lo the ARIU-trU accounts or the trans-Mississippi i ing period in the history ol her I I lie medical card of Dr. W. L. are awakening dreams that never | manufactures, and it is absurd to | p ar R c f Atlanta a|ipeurs tonlay. " ' For many years ho was a resident of our section where his relations still live. ly culling lor it lor thn tlieir little xtonmehs. It is purely vegetable, and harmless in its action. For sah' by all druggists. all Is: realized. There is no spot j suppose that operatives cannot lie on earth where energy and push ( found in tiie South, who will equal are more necessary to secure the; the French Canadians. .Morever, mere comforts of life than in the j Mr. Atkinson scorns to forget that West, i’ll : same expenditure of wages of operatives in (icorgi: y and muscle in (ieorgia will "" " ” “ ■ 1 "" j pay larger dividends, while the ! comforts and conveniences are a . Inindredliild more iiiimcroil*. flftv-iivc or sixty cents a day, and in Massachusetts from eighty cents lo $1. In Lowell or Fail River, where sufficient water-power is not Making a specially of chronic casus, the successful treatment of I)r. I’ark has gone abroad. The alllieteil can confer with him in person or Ity mail. Dead card. A , ■' a * \V