The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 04, 1881, Image 1

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TUX- WBEELL1?. VOL. III. AM ERIC US, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING DECEMBER u 1881. NO. 91. rtiiMsimu jiv W, I.. OI.G8S1IER. OmCE ON COTTON AVENUE. S’jL’bracri-ption. Hates: Tui-Weeki-v One Year, - $1.00. WEEiyr.v One Yeah, - - $2.00. Sunday Issue One Year, - $1.50. s Die So minierous •Icvelo[»iiH-nt8 of Mnla • r!u llmt poodle contin ually suffer from this noxious ituisoti when tlioy least imagine i is lurking in llielrsys- < It ill.* and /■'tun?r b l'l/t>ltnitl ft- , /lt t iti\ar/ti', Vl'iT, III'HC/'ij/ Dfliilitl/, ■, Lassllatlf, <•#*<•, .\anxrti. ARK 'i'llH— Simmons Liver Regulator, (I'lillF.I.Y VKOETAlll.K.) Hit* itijurlo If iiikoii Maiariii, runi clial Gleet* unci >ro promptly in curing nil forms of Malarinl s than calomel or quinine, without any of ife Kills King In Johnson, Wholesale Grocer, --KKEP3. ON HAND— AT AIjXi LTIM.ES AND AT— LOWEST CASH PRICES A LARGE AND HANDSOME Selection of Millinery Goods THE LATEST STYLES! Examine Before You Purchase. Miss Hate Hill),'. INll-llo N.jiniic. AtnorR-u*, G:i Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery IN' OAV O PKNl ill 11 Arp. Tells the Experience of Prt**pngeri A linnrd Ah Flxcurslou Train. There General Commission Merchant AND FRUIT DEALER, 22 BllOAl> St., ATLANTA. CONSIfiNMENT.S SOLICITED. Free to Everybody A ISi'iuititiil Hook for the Ashing •* lly applying personally at the nearest ul»leo « TIJK SING Hit MANUFACTURING DO. (or hi postal card if at n distance) any adult person wil he prest utoil with a hcautifully illiisiruted copy o New Hook entitled 'GENIUS REWARDED, -OH TDK - STORY OF THE SIEVING Ml'llIM, containing a handsome and costly steel enslaving Irontispieec; also, 28 finely engraved wood cute, and tioimd in an rlohomto blue auu gold liilto- gra[died cover. No charge whatever in made lor this handsome book, which can be ^obtained only by application al the branch and subordinate uiticea of The Singer Manufacturing Co. I'rineipal Olllco, :il Union Square, It will Expel the Poison nud protect them from attack ! As evidence, see extract from \V I* Yates’ letter, where the Regulator afforded protection from t' e worst nud most deadly typo of Malaiin, to wit; Yellow Fever. ‘•Silts: I have Mood the storm of four epidem ic ; of the Yellow Fever. I had it the first vhutn Mon, hut duting the other three I used your' I was continually in tho »om» of the sick and dying, but i escaped. I have had several to ns I; me how I escaped; I told them it owing to tho virtue of If the Ft Simmons Liver Uegu- . to break out again, and I it hi of your Regulator, 1 would feel ns f I was 1(MN) miles away. Memphis Tenn., April 10,1S19.’’^ Having neutralized tho poison of Malaria in sach extreme cases, it enu ho idled on nan sov ereign Specific nud Antidote ill ndlder forma. f only the genuine in white wrapper, with Ten Valuable Plantations. The ollowing described real estate is ollVp. d for-nlo1»y the bank of Amerleiia: No. 1. Tho Schumport building and lot corner Forest and Lamar street*, at. the head of Cotton Avei. No. 2. The Mill Wed place, on Flint river, in Mth district, Leo county, containing 1/HO acres- six or eight mule ,'ntm open. No. 3. The Mrs. E. V. Cottle lot of land mar Wigglnsville, Marion county, containing 91)2 acres, two mule farm open on it and fresh No. 4, 1 lace on Americas and Lumpkin roa.i, six miles from Americas and adjoining the^Jea A. Wilsons farm, containing some 225 aero*—hell cleared, and balance in timber. ffi£sS& So. 5. Fifty acres in 15th district, near Jnckso • Flowers, well improved, N«. t*. The l'hillips place, m ar Alexnhder Russ containing SW2 t-2 acres, It being Improved and having two mule farm open. | Mo. 7. The Ailmm I lace, adjoining .Stannlll Harwichn .'arm In the l&th district, sumo 600 acre* of land, six or seven mule farm in cultivation. No. S. The Crocker plain), near Hmlthville, H »iw iiH) acres, sun • live or six mule farm open on the place. Xu. ». some 300 uerea in Dooly .oonnty, .lust below Flint river bridge. No. 10. The Weston pln-e, on Railroad three miles from containing 800. ncrotj, five mule farm, opc^Mand, t his, or any other place Will Ik; offered, divided to suit pn.chaters. ’ S. II. HAWKINS. octtrt’im Resident. FINEST PKTIHILS, LATEST STYLES and ALL SIZES. Salisiacl ion (*uaraiitoiMl Prices Moderate OVKH T, WH EATI.KY ! Amevicus, Georgia. Prof. VAN RIPER. e-p21-wtwtf J. L. HYATT Has liKMIlVKH KRIIM Lamai. Htukkt 10 COTTON AVENUE, IN Tin: COMMODIOUS JH’IT.DINC! HE LOW THE ItECOltDE U OEE1CE. With n fresh ami much enlarged stock of Confections and Fancy Groceries, CONSISTENT! OF Fresh Canned Goods l)rs. Westbrook & Joiner, • Physicians and Surgeons, NDEHSONVILLE, Oftice at Drug Store of W. M. Clark. MayI8-1y TONSORIAL EMPORIUM! III.MIY AXDiatSOX his HarherShopis open at nil business houis aim on Sunday until II o’clock a. m. Ho has re cently lltted it up in n neat style, ami Is better ■prepared 'Hum ever to wait upon his customer*. All who may wish to have Shaving, Hair Cutting Shampooing, etc., done in first-class style^ he vould be pleased to have them call mi him. Shop nml hud a good time—tiait they wore crowded a little and got there behind time, but she never did en- joy herself more and consider her A'lmitii con,million. _ money well spent. And I was is a power ol oomnlaint thinking how passengers behave about the railroads—about the way Homot | me9i f„ r the other day a big ! they do on their excursions to the f -., t feller leaned back in his seat exposition. I heard a man say this .,nd i.cgm, to read a newspaper and morning that the passengers "were ^nuk his big feet upon the seat by all jammed up together like si pas- 1 M1C| f ur [ was sitting opposite, and scl ol hogs. The scats were all the hack of my seat wouldn’t turn, lull and the alleys between, and One ol bis shoes touched me, and I folks Imd to sit in one another’s adtod him to please remove I is laps and the excursion train had fect |y om , ny Bea t and he did it. to give way to all other trains and pretty soon he took out some cig- wait by the roadside, ami they areltes and asked me take one never got to Atlanta till way after w hich j declined, and then he put dinner, and tl ey didn t have but up |,j s feet again, and went on three hours to slay there, and they reading. 1 st.o..d it awhile, and didn’t see anything hardly,and got t t |,e„ asked him again to take his hack away ill the night ami t hey feet down, which lie did, and then were hungry and tired and there [ put my valise on the wait, and it was no oussin man and no place to ' „asn’t jjy C minutes before he had sleep al tlie hotels and the atmos- f |jj 8 |,j,r Scotch bottoms oa too of my villi--e. Ij'miU here, my friend, aid “Alccsliajnw,” and took his fuel ilown quirk and Apologized by lien in* was reading forgot what lie was pliere was so bad in the curs the women like to have fainted, and one woman hollowed for water and a man t fil'd to get Iter some, but the stand up folks were so thick lie sa yj n<r j couldent get to the tank, and when he sometime he ditl he couldent got back,and ! ( | tl j n , r when he did get hack they had And 1 have seen men and wo- jolted a I the water out ol the dip-; l(m ,, t ,, emselvcs) like a per, auil what they .d,du t jolt out | gettc|1 hcl J a|| „ vc| . „ senti nm , , et spilt out before >u.e could (fink it, . , .. 1 - - - ; passengers stand up. It looks like that folks who demand the most in . i , • , j, i * . this eiibloonary win id always get her so mini she inst won dent bunt! , . • ", , .... ... the nioit, and lint operates as Jn premium on impudence and bad manners. One van see as about as The Heal Scarcity. A man went into a bank to bor row some money. Ho asked if they could let Win have a thousand dollars for a short time. “Oh, yes,” was the reply, “onethousand, or two thousand; if you want it.” The rale of interest was satisfacto rily fixed and the borrower was asked as to the character of his collaterals. “Collaterals? I have not got any collaterals,” said tho borrower. “No collaterals!” said the banker; “then it will be impos sible for us to let yon have the money.” Tho man was silent for a few moments and then cxclamed.- “I have heard a great deal of talk lately about the scarcity of green backs—there wasn’t money enough to do the business of the country. IJut it does not look so. I come here and find you anxious to lend . .. , . | me all tho money I want. No -u.d 1, where are you Iron, land he soarcity of ^cenbuoks here. ,J)ut couM drink it, and what she did drink run nil 1 ‘ U ’ M l ' ;l 1 over her new dress, and it made j at all and so on and so forth, and he wouldcnt ta’ e another excur sion train until the world come to an cndr" r And he said he took his children down to the show, and while he was watching the girl, the boys got much manners on the cars as any where, il no*, more,, and whether i you know the people or not, you j can spot their breeding before you . , . I have traveled with ’em a hundred away and it took him two hours to . ..... .. p ! miles. 1 have talked with tlie eon- hnd ’em, and hedidnt find one ol i , . n . . ... ..... ... , . ... ., . • .I il i d uetors about this, and they know, cm at all until the whistle Mowed, and so he was worried mighty nigh to death, and never got to see the exposition at all, ami the next time lie goes he is going bv himself ami take a regular train, if it does cost a little more, for he is bound to see Mn Ncw Vork , letccUvo . Tlloro it.and see it all over, (or■ it is the t , poor San lord biggest show in the world. ! | 10I1PS t, fai ’ - 11 takes a sight of patience lor them to get along. They have to act like everybody is honest ami a gentleman, when they know they imi not. They have tribe as polite as a Frenchman, and as watchful as a New York detective. There biggest show Well, you see that was the first excursion from this part of the country, and the railroads wasent quite ready and dident have ears enough, and what they had were overloaded, and the Imlgir.c eould- ent pull ’em, and they got there l til and rone man—who has grown gray in harness. I saw him the other (lav in a great sorrow, and as lie moved along among the passengers taking their fare they were gay and merry, and some of them joked him as of old, and lie answered with a merry bite, but things are belter managed ^ |, llt wi.o'i. he got to me and j One, two nml’tbrco yeitiH ohl forsnlo of tho celebrated SkoOoaate Peax. - ALSO, THE OF EVEItY KIND, CANDIES, FRENCH and STICK DR. W. T. PARK, i liliM Million llou-o, Decatur Street, ATLANTA, GA. il, ,i V v«"ii’s in -neoe«i*nri tioatmeiit «f i a-.uc Di-tus's in »*itli»’/v v «, nml various ion a atnl olil slaiuliilg d 1*011*0* UJ’Oil wliifll oil)*’ ve iili lull. iSyphll’s In nil it) form*. Pickles, Amices, blitter, Glieese, I i • RtifUiHutism, L’icur?,jCancvia, Stoumci) anU Rowtl AllfCiion*, Mict* ami Fi*iulo . Kidney, and ull affocti* “ \V.»ml),*Oi*<;aai**, etc, i * Al'/wRh »af»* and pleasant Uomodlos, am! with- ,,„l Mfivury, l*oi*uuoua or Nau«'n»u* At t»«e patients’ homos, anywhere, (ho furmdi ;,,u Mt dical advico, McUi' ilif, eic , through mm and; «r, If desired, *>r tho case roqidr.v it, lakes patients under his i*ersonal supervision in Atlanta- , . . , j Mail to Ilium (ull lii.tory mid t.lntemoiit fo,- | y.HiF nfilietiou. symptom*, etc., nnd Fosttti his reply Larabee’s and Wilson s JSIeffei? Pear- One year old, and the new fruit, One year old. Terms Cash with Order. The Testimony now, anil nobody need to hostitalc about going on exeiirsion tluys. Still 1 tliougbt it would be better for the railroad tc sell excursion tickets every day, for some folks can’t go oil the days assigned, anti it would avoid such crowds and such confusion, but a railroad man told me they couldn't do it that way, for they couldn't afford to SanFobi"move on. carry everybody at a cent a mile, and folks who were not going to the exposition would buy an ex cursion ticket and sell il when they inked after bis darling boy that lie had so often mentioned with a lather’s pride, his bosom heaved, and as lie look from bis pocket a photograph he saitl with a choking grief,“lie is dead; my boy is dead, and I wish I waswilh him in Heav en with him to night.” Hut there no time to stop or to weep, and W hat a fearful responsibility is upon those railroad officials, and bow much of kind consideration we ought to have for them. There is Mr. Heards- before you lend it you require col laterals. Now, that’s just what I haven’t got and can’t obtain, and have come to the conclusion that il isn’t a scarcity of greenbacks the country is suffering from, but a scarcity of collaterals.”—Des Moines, Town, Register. How 1o run Your Farm on a Cash llusls. A carload of fat lambs in May would come in very conveniently. In June a good clipping of'wool would pay three to five pounds per head, lly the middle of June oats should be marketed; in July and August wheat, rye and hay soul, and in Oct. and Nov., cotton lie turned into cash. Thus a succes sion of cash receipts would give us money to make monthly settlements with the laborers, discharging in the meantime all who were not do ing their duty. The advantage of the diversified system is that no ■year will occur when prices of the various products will be depressed. If one fails to bring a good price, the farmer has tho other on which to rely. He is certain, besides greatest aggregate profits in the crop, to have his land in better ac tual nml selling value. Oil the other hand, the planter raising an exclusive cotton crop ventures everything upon the throw of the dice, anil has no money but once a year to supply tho wants of his laborers, except by borrowing at ruinous rates from his factor. M. got to Atlanta and cheat the roll-. l|]u lniill ( ,i s , m teher, who sits roads out of their legal fare, r or roads out of their legal rare. For, l( ,| cg ,„, !lc |, all day says liei, Mr. Arp it is eons, tiered . -j lnosl ”, ‘ llie ni llt UBC1 , in J no sin m tins land ol iberty, for a . ... ", ’ ‘ pf. , , , I time with the trains at every sta- man to cheat a railroad. 1 ravelurs J t ; oll _ st . ll(lin „ his nlP3S a Se , contin will dodge their hue, anti mer chants will dodge their freights, if they call—that is, most of them. unity along tho line so ns to avoid collisions and to preserve the lives , .■ . , il, of the unconscious passengers. It is not one man in a h.ii.d.rtl Krei |lt .,, lins passenger trains that will pay the eondiietor it the ; ex( ., 1 7. si<>11 t| .. Ul|S f UL M,lar and irreg- conduetor toi,ta»Utni. '‘.riU ^ Uai u moviu , to ud fro Human Isa little tMM in ‘ llf “ wil |, the sped of the wind, and if way than any t.Llter, and I rfekon . ^ KamU | ev drops to sleep or ,1 is becan-f a man is tlcalmg not; 1|lakos a | l | ml ,|,, | . j„ st think ol the with another Ilian but a corpora- ., t() n| . ( , nM(1 |)n) p el . ly . tion Ilia!, as l.lnck-stonc says has . j Ml(Iv Ul . a Ul0 not no sniii. It s a sort or a tiling body told nut that the man who built the btiilgc at Ashtabula com mitted suicide. Well, i hat was all A biiarpku is on Xho way South with the “Ninety-live cents game.” His method of doing business is to enter a store and ask for live cents worth of some articles; on receiv ing it he tenders a two dollar bill in payment; thu change given him by the storekeeper generally con sisting of a dollar bill or silver pieces and ninety-five cents in Ins pocket, and, suddenly finding five cents in that receptacle, apologizes for making trouble iu getting the bill changed, and, plac ing the five cents oil tho ninety- live cents, pushes it toward tho storekeeper, asking for a dollar bill, saying bo dislikes to carry so much silver; upon the unsuspecting storekeeper placing a dollar on tho counter the sharper engages him in tulking until lie can place both the change and the bill together, when he coolly asks tho victim to exchange the two dollars on the counter for the two dollars lie had originally given him. flilfkidis OF TIM ri’S. NI>S WHO IIAVK IKKI) HOOD’S I1IIFKA LIVER HEM- CHE," [•liurcli iikiuM IiIm reply, linn*, fie., or, emm- to At lint: foiiMrit Rim iti person. Oall upohor write u ilr. .1. II. Simmons' ('iiniiiimlivo! of OyM-Htery, ln uiuii.LA, I'lioRr.i. . : Department arou him- valiiiiblo articles iniH 1 iimr m list 1 . READ"!! fl 00 died ! • sucli as Buckets, Pans oliissware, Hosiery, Etc. THE ill)] CLOSING Ol'T S-U.K. On WfdniMlfiy tlit; Til* of December, l will ut-l at public outcry, to the Ma !iOf*t l»Rl Rr from my fji*n In Torre! county, iieir Urn ah’s station, ail the perIsRah!*) property Hereon cou.-isii.iif <»1 tine miilos, e.'itUc hotts, eora, fo'Rler wa/oie, Ru^uy. blacksmith *tuo:*, and many oilier Imm imp!.- ^ _ Mient*. lit member the tlme.aiid come. | elegant BOOTS AND SHOWS mm) jrtS, Grl'2Vl3aUl- Rest repairing done in Hu- lU’Wt Mib.-lani V 1 •> yS arilsBcityle, and»! on rc-aaoMble term,. NoVfHiW-t, 1881. | to every gcntleinnn in Anmricu - j :ii my new shop In front t Rome fit*i’y made. * uee, yn .Fuck: >-u V oinrtt woii'l, do his |>ai*l towauls pay inu; a dehl. Tin* clmrch is a tiling—a corporation— and it is th.-d tiling that owes tin; j doM , and tl.a* - . is i In* reason why j is that it is (hr first< r Mnl- I olnirchcs arc always in debt. Just, | I so. Lei a man fail in business and his .assets get scattered or brought into coml and most every man that i)wed him will try dodge ami aviod payment. They will plead oII'm Is and credits and failure of consideration, they never would have lbought, <•!'. it the man hadn t It is witliiiI, pleasant to Rdf, j JlV'/, 1U ‘v.-’Vo*'ll‘v« and move in a so mud, so that Hiihlr.-n takf it | ^ij; cliocrlully, ulicnvartls iii llliunt- I The war is going .... all the lime J but. Niill il is a pleasant sort ol wai Iv '■ailing for it lor flic leli.T of and lilt re are no gum and pistols in it. Mankind have got to abusu their little stomachs. j somebody or soniclh ng, and they I had rather abuse a rich mu than It is purely vegetable, nil.l ! a poor nmn, or a gn at man Ilian 1 an humble man—Inti above all they’ anti not a hi,man being. " l'<”> ’> lllilu ,,| sl ,i,. i( | L .. Well it was all I Albany News and Advertiser: man is dealing right ami square up lh( . (l .|| 0 , v ( . ml |,| ,|„ |, y way of j “It is no uncommon sight to sec a (ace to la,-e With another man lie is , llstt | le same re- Dougherty county rollon planter reasonably honest, lor there is a s . )0Ilsi)(i , it . v is , t |, oso railroad I —some of them don t like to be kind ol business equality, but even .'l.ottr of I lie tlav called fanners—bring ills bucket Il Iiiis licmini 1 a limisclitiltl | romodv in many liimilirs in the ' cilv, where it is best /-iiiiwii. atoneineiil, ami just the same re spo11kibiIiy is upon these railroad men every hour of the day. So there are two sides to the case, ami it is well enough lor everybody lo look at both of ’em. It's well enough to abuse railroads a little bit ami praise 'em a good deal, for if we don't abuse ’em they will get careless and liigoty. Abuse is a good thing in its way. It helps both sides. I never slandered a man in inv life that Hie reaction to town to gel it filled with West ern batter. And only yesterdny we saw a gentleman from tlie rural districts of linker, carrying a two quail tin bucket on his arm and inquiring where lie could find “some good country butter.”—Only think of that! A country man, wlioouglit to have butter to sell every week, coming to town to buy for his own didn't e,.me, and i thought The | table! Well it is no wouder that more of bin cause I had slan-] •'Im people of Southwest Georgia that; are l»t>or, and getting poorer every year. There are too many consum ing drones in tlie hive. deied him. Its only a way human nature lias of getting even | wil 11 their own shortcomings. liii.i. Aim*. 1 Somebody lias made ealeiila-! A New York letter says: “I asked an intimate acquaintance of , , Jay Gould yesterday what he csti- 1,1,1. Mill it is :t pleasant sort of war, lion showing that the money '"'j mated that person to lie worth. vested in lenees in the Knifed j ‘Gould could close out to-day or States amounts iu the aggregate to ' within a weeks time, said the man,‘for $7i»,000,000,” The same Tint llii' i TUCK , . Usil Sniltli'i* 1 ... Slrt-el. Aniprlctii, <!-,. AMHtEW IM 1,,-l.V. liui'mlfss iu its action. For sah‘ bv all .lniogists. -Imt aln more than (lie national debt, j These fences, moreover, must he | renewed on the average once in I’aiIHimI. M:i lent rather abuse a inn iteration, for ; every ten year... They are grow- thrv can t g.-t mad or fight back. „n,rc expensive with the scar- ; Jess,.. Well. I reel' “ ” ; two siiles to evert i liearti a good old lady say I bat site i went down on Hie same excursion • portent purpo informant told me that the richest inciclmut in New York was Moses Tailor anti that lie was worth$40,- 000,000.” there are , , I Mr. H. K. Carswell retires from and | . city of timber and the increasing | t |, e e( jjjorial control of the Irwin- tlemantl for lumlicr for more bn- j ton Southern fi Appeal, and is succeeded bv Mr. John M. Ilaff.