The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 09, 1881, Image 1

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Ijc TRI- VOL. III. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING DECEMBER 0, 1881. NO. 93. imn\n. rum.ISHUO I1T W. L. GLESSNEU. OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE. Ou-loscri-ptiori. Itates: Hiss Kate King Mi Johnson, : KEEl'3. ON HAND AT AIjIj ITIMES TiU-Wbbki.yOne Yeah, Weekly One Yeah, - ■ Sunday Issue One Yeah, two. | LOWEST CASH PRICES fi.Oll. j $1.50. Wholesale Grocer, General Commission Merchant •HIS EXPEDIENCE IN ATLANTA. BUly Patterson* PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS W. H. K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, LEESBUItGIt, - - GEOP.GIA. Collections a Specialty. Mnyllwly W. n. GUKRIIY. DUPONT OUKItltY. GUKRRY & SON, Ameiucus, OEonaiA. (Offleo np *tmrn Grnnlierry & Barlow'i ro.) Will practice in all the Courts, both State am Federal. July 6-wswly. W. P. BURT, £>BK TIST, AMEItICUS, IGEOROIA. Guarantees eatlsfaction In the most difficult cases. All work warranted. Office on Lamar street, over T. M. EdeaN. Refers to his clonal record. n.iy 12 wa II. D. IIINTON.' J. C. MATHEWS. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in nil the counties <>t this .ludplat Circuit, also in Dooly county, in ti e Numenie Court of toe State of Georgia, and the I>btrlet Court or the United Flute*, ami In all other t»y special _on tract. 'office in Hawkins' new building, Liu .July 12th, 1881. HIE. IV. J. SEARS & SON. ELL.VVILT.E, GA. E. i. CUTTS, ATTOItNFA' AT LAW. Amkricus, Georgia, ihoiit the P Will practice In nil .the Courts throughout the SSuthreatern Cirnilt.^ Hp<M*lal nltenllon^Hrn to o the So numerous devcliipnientH or Mala ria that people cunt !n- n illy Miller from llil* noxious poison wl cn they least Imagine I lx lurking in their »>’*• Chills it ml Ft'wr, JiilermlltPht fVi Ililions f'l-wr, TUlili old IV-n Hendneho, >r, Urnornl Debllllt/, Jsissltnile, >, A! it u sett • VAIS ML OFFS VII l XUS OF MALA- MIA! , and have their origin In a disordered liver, whi< it not regulated In time, great sutTering, Simmons Liver RMTSTor, (PCIIELY VEOETAm.E.) is nhaobitely i Its r« medial tlTeet* end nets morp promptly in curing all forms of Malarial diseases than calomel or quiniue, wi'ln tho injurious consequences w* If luken ocuislonally by inim.„o . — Malaria, It will Expel thoPoUouMMl protect »• tlielr I A LARGE AND HANDSOME Selection of Millinery Goods THE LATEST STYLES! lixtimlnc ISe/ore You 1'ttrr.hanr. IHisn Kate Kius. Public Square. Atneiletis, G Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery NOW OPEN! FINEST pictures, LATEST STILES and ALL SIZES. JSIiO.tO Si, CONSIGNMENTS .SOLICITED. Free to EveryMy A Itosiuti I'll I Rook for the Asking! ! the nearest ot*te< IW applying person all}’ nt the TIIK SING Kit MANUFACTURING CO. postal erird If at a distance) any • Liftllly Illu4ruted copy ol GENIUS REWARDED, -Oil TIIK- STORY OF TUB XKiVI Yfi MICillM ving m mm manhfactoring co. . PrinelpMl .Mice, .11 Union Square, Sails fact ion tJuaranteod Prices Moderate OVKIt T. WnF.ATT.F.Y 3 STOKE, Amcricus, Georgia. B0p2l-wtwtf l»rof. VAN RIPER. Has Removed fiiom Lamai. Stueet to COTTON AVENUE, IN THE COMMODIOUS IIT'ILDING IIELOWTIIE IllK'OKDKItOFFICE. Willi a nail in Holt inliircnl tlocls ol Confections and Fancy Groceries, CONSISTING OF Fresh Canned Goods OF KVKItV KIND. CANDIES,FIIKNCH anil STICK Drs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians ami Surgeons, NDKllSONVILLE, : : GEOIIGIA, at Drug Store of W. M. Clark. OOic S-ly T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM! IIENI1Y ANDLltKON to the public Shut f l KfJl'KCTR Ul.liY announce One, two and llirrc years i>ld for sale the celebrated Xpci mo I'OIBOU nut them from nttnrk ! An ev Moure, sec ex tract from W I* Yale*’letter win re the Regulator uttorilul protect ,n *" 1 ' worst nml moat deadly type «f Ma aiui, u» Yellow Fever. .., "Sim: I have‘too.l the ttorm of four ep d. in ic*. of the Yellow Fever. I. had it ll.e llrst visita lion, but during llu. oth r three trine. I was continually in tho rooms and dying, hut i escaped. I have but r M ruk me tmw 1 escaped; 1 told then r owing to the virtue of your Simmons I | la:or. If the Fever wns to break out u ho.In tiottle of your Itegulntor, 1 w, » rare as if 1 waa IttW raiisaway ‘.Memphis Twin., April 10, 1670. * 11 living neiitralUvd the poison of such extreme eases, It eon Is- lelb-tl • eit-ign SjtrC’Jlc and AsLduie in milder I Boy only the genuine til white win fed prepared uuly by J. 11. Zcihn «x April 2lMy A Hie ■eral t DR. W. T. PARK, Jcoj'.ca Kimb.ll Home, Docator Slfvet,) ATLANTA, GA. Thirty v years In successfkil treatment of all j l)i*. as.--, in either sex, and various com- ini -nte«l old standing diseases upon which others lia a- fai led. * Curs Syphilis In all its forms, Neuralgia, Ilhi-uniati».ii, Uleers.jCaneera. Stom .chnud Bowel A If ec! Ions, lies ami Fistula. Kidney, and nil a tractions of the L ritinri W.H ,*ll s etc. Also opium Habit. AH with safe nn-I pleasant Hi oiii Mercury, PoisoU .U the patients' In id liorphli c and wlth- where, (he lunitsh- c- c, tnrougb mail :e. Modi* ih< mi«t expr.M); nr, tfdceir- d, or it, lakes pstii-n.s under Ids !►» In Atlanta. . ., Mail IO bill) a fil l history mid statement f* y.-ur a*tli -tioiL svioptoms, etc., and fostaue ft bis n-ply, terms. e»i.-. or, come to Atbnt coii.-iOtf uim in | Pickles, Sauces, Butter, Cheese, Larahcc’s aiul W ilson’s I3NT 3MC*ST L.eConie Pear. - ALSO, TDK— Kieffsx? Fear r One year ol.l, nn«l thn new fruit* J-APAXT PERSIMMON One jiarcld. Terms Cash with Order. RPp/5 I III From Athens Watchman. Now c vurvbody knows our gonial young I'ricml Hamsbothnin, who (loos a wlmling business on liroail stroet. Now Rains., ns the hoys denominate him, is on the Sadie Hcrnlmi'dt order of beauty, and al though In- doi't part liis syrup- liurd !• i : r pre.-ise.y in the niiddK ho don L miss llull, dividing linn ol’ slumbering anil undeveloped intel lect more than the sixteenth of an inch. Mr. Ramsbotlinm would not he selected by a lirst-class artist as his model for Apollo; hut in our chequered career we have stumbled upon a few worse-looking speci mens of humanity. When Dame Nature was putting her finishing or | touches upon this budding geni-B, she evidently undertook to curl his llnxcn looks, hut w is hastily called oil'before the job was artistically completed, ami lienee, in tho ndul- lerateil language of the Immortal Diird, our friend’s . "II ilr tpi-onts upon Ills brad, Lika feathers upon a iiixzloil chkkupic e.'* But the color of Rain's hair is wlmt excites the admiration of the beholder. When the manufacturer was at work upon this contract his stock of dyes must have run short, so catching a passing sunbeam he stirred it in with some yellow clay an I turned the victim loose. Now Col. Rnmsliotliam is either all business or a 1 pleasure. He can sell a hill of goods quicker than any merchant in Alliens, and then get more unalloyed fun out of au nut-hole than most men could extract with a hydraulic compress from Forcpntigh’s id reus and Hump. ty-Dninpty combined. In fact, he is a brick. Last week Hams, decided that he would take in tho Exposition, and his friends decided to send along Colonel Hamstring ns a sort of halnnce-whccl to his well-known jovial proclivities. Wo insisted on attaching a safety-valve to even this guardian, but friends of the par ties decided it unnecessary. After an absence of three days a telegram, llmt smelt strongly of the jiin-jams, arrived stating that the pilgrims would reach Athens on Friday evening, and a crowd of anxious friends gathered around nt Ram’s store to welcome the tour ists and learn the news from the Exposition. Hut wlicn the hack drove up and the hero of the occasion alighted, wlmt a sorrowful picture of dilapi dation met their sympathetic gaze! Tho blithesome friend wo had sad ly parted from a low short suns be fore would not he recognized in tile spectre of misery that invaded our pious circle. Rams, looked like Im hail been run through a steam rnusage-grimlcr, hail alustle with tile Iliad legs of a healthy Georgia male, wns struck by light ning, used as a lloor-mop, noted ns target, killed Gniteaii and wns llcc- ing from justice, ami had ridden home a-straddlc a cyclone. “You've been drunk, Rains.!” 1 proclaimed l,is i.m iner ns soon us lie got iu car-shot. “No 1 ain’t John,” was the hum-1 I hie response. “I just ain’t slept I I much since] left, ami don't never | want to go to Atlanta no more, j \ Loss of sleep goes mighty hard The Testimony OF THOUSANDS WHO HAVi: UHKD HOOlt’K Kill UK.I LIVER MED! LIVE,” is that il in the. heat Lit ieiue iiow in une. It has becoai I with me, and if you know of any ! mail that wants to trade a stump- j sucking mule for a fellow that's ! seen tile Exp sition lie can get a j good swap mil of me.” Ami Rams, made lor the water bucket* ! “Why couldn't you sleep?” wns the next conundrum. “Well,” continued the Colonel, sorter scratching his head lor an ' answer, “you see me nml Hamstring I put up at tiie Kimledl, nml they Jgave us a room next to tl e parlor. I Then they had dances in 'em every night, and you see the noise being so close kept us awake.” household “Isn’t the parlors at the Kimball carpeted nml nicely furnished?” “And how mauy more mixtures?” asked the tempcranco interrogation point. “Then old John Sherman insist ed upon settin’ tip lager, being it’s cheap, and as we knew he stole his money from tho government, we took it.” “And who else ?” asked tho new fangled confessional cork-screw. “Well,about tliis tune Jo Brown came s'nggoring in and ordered i champagne lor the crowd, a-ula- i you see 1 ain't no Brown man I fell sorter duty hound to .accept.” Tim torturer gave the thumb screw another turn. “Yes; about this time Colquitt said it was Ids treat agin, and or dered some country pencil brandy that lie said there uin’t been no tax paid on.” “And didn’t you treat in return for tliis courtesy?” asked a friend. “Oh, yes,” replied Rams.; “me and the other boys set ’em up be tween times, hut 1’in only tollin’ you about the most distinguished drinks wc tackled.” “After drinking that conglomer ated mass of intoxication what did you next do with yourself?” pul in Ram’s pnrtncr. “I can’t very clearly remember,” wns the honest confession; “hut it sccins like Gen. Phil Cook and me —no, I think there were two, or maybe three or four Gen. Phil Cooks—started over to get some oysters; hut the old table kept turn ing round so tlint T couldn’t get a lick at' my plate, and—and—” “And wlmt ?” asked a friend. “Well, hoy.-*, to tell (lie honest truth, I don’t know anymore—for got and left my note hook in my overcoat pocket and couldn’t jot it down—but I remember a police- mail asking me where lie must car ry me, nml I told him to Athens; hut lie didn’t do it, for lliu next morning I woke up in n strange hotel that hail iron slats for blinds, and Ilia proprietor charged me $10 and eosis for a night's longing, or thirty days on the chain gang. 1 tell you them high charges will ruin‘the Cotton Exposition.” “And who paid you out?” was the next question. “Well, boys, I was in a rigid skccry fix for awhile. I turned my pocket wrong side out and all I could consolidate was a pewter quarter and two punched nickels. 1 I lieu put up my watch and pocket knife, and tho boss of the shebang hid me go and sin no more. And you may Just bet,your bottom dol Inr that 1 nm a sugar-cured ham from tliis out.” “And how did your head feci ?” was the kind inquiry. “Don't mention that subject, hoys. If 1 had seen an advertise ment next day for a kettle to boil a turnip ns big ns Stone Mountain, I 'il have leased it oat for the job. I had plenty ucho in it to have used up enough of Perry Davis' I’aia Killer to float the Great Eastern from Alliens to the newly discov ered comet. It felt like some (el- low hail a contract to build a gov ernment custom' house inside my cranium, and wns driving rcd-liot piles of neuralgia through my brain witli thousand-toil sledge-hammers. You in ly talk about your yellow fever, cholera, black dentil, pink eye, cpizooty, small-pox, chicken- pox, Rtonc-liruisc, tooth-nelio, back ache, ear-ache anil every other kind of nelie, epidemic nml affliction. tiiroat had been conted with dried fish brine.” Of course Col. Rnmsbotham is a fictitious character, but most any of the Alliens Indies who have per mitted their liege lords to go unat tended to tho Cotton Expositjou can apply tills sketch with truthful accuracy at home. It is far from overdrawn. iry in New Vurk. The luxury and perfection of de tail in New York dwellings is pass ing into a proveyh. Nowhere ill the world, probably, is so much time nmt money expended upon tiie furnishing and ornamenting of the homes of the rich ns in tliis city. Tho draping of curtains lias lie- come a distinct branch of art, and every decorator and upholsterer lias one or more employes whose sole business it is to arrange in graceful folds the draperies, which are now indispensable, at doors, windows and fireplace. Even tliu banisters must now be stulfcd and tufted and draped on cither side with heavy fringe. Ceilings are I vet coed and painted iu the studios of distinguished artists, nnd then transferred to the houses that they aro to embellish. Hundreds ot wo men arc employed, nt an expense of thousands ot dollars, upon ctp- broidery and art needlework which arc to adorn tho sumptuous palaces in which our rich men live, l’nintings, statuary, carvings in stone nnd wood, the richest fabrics of French mid Indian looms, in deed, all that is rnro and beautiful iu nature ami art, arc brought to hear upon the decoration of these republican palaces. Even the Rtn- blcs in which tho horses, coachmen; and grooms me to lie housed arc far more luxurious limn tbo simple homes in which the fathers of our race passed their lives. The newly fini- lied stables of Cornelius Van derbilt, in Fifty-eighth street, far outshine those of the Roman Em peror whoso sumptuous’ appoint ments have become a matter of his- tory. . _ Recent Changes In Niagara- One who returns to Niagara niter n long absence notes tho' marked changes taking placo in tho faco of the cataract. My .first visit hero was maile in 1844, thirty-seven years ago. Thou tho broad ex panse of Table Rock was tho plat form on which successive thou sands stood. Many crept softly to the verge and looked into the abyss. Others more cautiously lay on tlicir faces and gazed at the crystal 1 cur rent ns it broke Into Jewels and Ihll in a stream fro.:: the awful height. Now the broad platform has fallen nnd Uie work of undermining is going still further on. in forty vears more the present standpoint ivili lie in the depths, below. Uilt more remarkable is the oliqugn in tiie shape oDIiu Horseshoe Full itself. Thun it was u perfect seg ment of a circle, so nearly like tho liee) of a horseshoe to suggest the fitness of its name. Now vast masses of rock have lieen dislodged in tiie middle of tho curve, making n sharp and wide diversion of tho current, so that the torn at pours into a midway gulf from which ilia mist rises constantly. This does not diminish, hut perhaps enhances the interest of tlio cataract. It breaks tliu circuit, destroys tiie but they arc a so itlilng halm of; perleet symmetry of tho curve. It (lillcad beside what I suffered l-om proves that the recession of tiie fall the cflbets of that Atlanta whiskey. If Lazarus, w ; th all his biles and afflictions, had stumbled on me soon tliis morning, I’d have gladly swapped him the least ache in my poor miserable carcass nnd taken his whole slock in trade. I tell you, if they want to convert sin- is going on with far greater force than Mr. Lyoll and Ills brethren in geology calculated when they sup posed they had estimated tile ages by the prog css backward on tliu verge of Niagara. If in liiif tho life-time of a modern man such changes have occurred, wlmt may tiers who have been to the Cott(Hi I not have been wrought by these Exposition, they ought to revise j mighty forces of nature in 5,000 the Bible ngaiu, and where the [ years.—/fee. frit nan Prime. Good Book tells of Satan pouring | •Ire and brimstone down tiie throats' Finvinrlmnni oiv' fl 1)1111— I V-'mttdv m many families ill the asked all inquisitorial bystander. LMjparuULIllcUL cl nun , • _ “Oil, yes!” replied the innocent _ ill i‘ city, where it is best /mown, victim, not seeing tliu trap set for (lred VRlUllbiC articles , 1 , t 4 4 , his unimpeachable voracity. I Tt is withal, pleasant, to ta/re, such as Buckets, Pans i s0 milc]l sot !mt children take it glassware, Etc. ilull Mpoll Dr. J. R. SiHiiutiiis' fiiriiiinativc! , Cholera. ♦or thi* core nf Dyo-ulrr;. Dossil, tlhulero Morbus • llolcr.i Inf'iitum, tin* Mtutiia’It IUiwvIh. It ac relieve* til.’pall! a:i<l iriqlii’J «t leave I he I-owe* ui-UU'. It J*i to U?| WHO U<e It. I H*r lio:t!i Ike uni •nUelt-l fl.uO m-tl Kiel f<*r -ale l y n. BlMMCMW. .. impcaclial .. I should surmise* it to bo neck-; |ilc:iKiii‘c under ddllcnltics to lout n dance upon a carpet nnd ! Tnniorv i cheerfully, afterwards f.cipient- surrounded by limiiture. If I re- j J1UMUJ ^ 1 member aright the ball room at the j lv callin'' for it for the relief of Kimball is on the third floor.” And ‘ | • ” the fiend cast upon his victim a i their little stomachs. sardonic g; iu of doubt. ! "Since I come to think of it I It is imrelv vegetable, and did take a soda cocktail with Gov. I Colquitt.”admitted Rams., anxious j harmless in its action. to turn the subject. ! “And is that ail?” queried the For sail: hy all druggists. ; seir-cmiKliliilcd torturer. i c^r.’.n«i ’ . I “Ami Gen. Gordon and me drank ; l m»?.-w"hoi’inVr.'nt'ni e.i N. ■a , * in y«*tr ..w.." r.m, ».i a bottle foil of French brand v to* *• A«ijti-wm»m:v. !- "■ ^ JnnelH tf thi: MIX FROM IMIliS. .WiU HOOTS AM> SilDM l^*t rrpairiu* ••«»)« in , r \ l •riintie »iyU\ and all c“ - “ of lost souls make it read Atlanta whiskey. You can just count on tliis erring wretch tumbling to the first sermon I hear on that line. But boys," continued Itams, “1 want you to bear in mind that I wan’t drunk, but just slightly over come.” "He is vhright; I knows how it isli mincseif.” remarked Gen. Stone wall, who had lieen a quiet listener. “But tell us about the Exposi tion, Rains ?” asked a rustic friend. “Now, boys, you mustn’t give mu away,” pleaded the prodigal, “but to tell tiie truth I struck up with some of the boys as soon as I reach ed Atlanta, and forgot all about the show until you mentioned it. And by tiie way, I must get a Con stitution a::d read up on it before I go home. Jim, bring another bucket of water, for I feel like my “Will you please insert this obit uary notice?” asked nn old gen tleman of a Binghamton editor, “I made hold to n> k it lieeause the de ceased lead a great many friends about here who'll be ghul to hear of his death.” And tliis was the storv we told tiie Chicago editor: “Yes, sir, there's a man in New York who was born drunk. Ilotli his parents were hard drinkers. From tho moment lie came into tho world lie lias in a state of beastly intoxica tion, though lie has never touched a drop of liquor.” Tho Chicago man had listened with great inter est. “Does ho feel dninkand act drunk all the time?" If* cngcrly ask ed. “He docs," wo replied. There was a sad. chastened, fnr-awny look in the Chicago man’s eyes as he murmured: “Some men have* dead loads of luck.” ■ r