The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 13, 1881, Image 1

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f L @1)t Jim metis VOL .III. AMERIOUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13. 1881. NO. 95. lUcovitn*. rum.isiiED in W. I- UI.ESSXEIt. office ox cotton avenue. Su.’o=cj:lptic^. Urates: Tui-Webkly Onb Year, - $4.00. Weekly One Year, - - $2.00. Hunday Issue One Year, - $1.50. Miss Kate King Elam Johnson, PROFESSIONAL &RIISIM CARDS W. II. K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEESIIUIIOII, - - GEOIIOIA. Collections a Specialty. Mnyllwly W. II. OIIEIlllY. DUPONT OITKIIHY. GUKKllY & SON, Americus, Oeoroia. (OfUcc .min* ovpr OrmilKTry & Endow . Will practice In all Uxo O.nwl., I»*lh Ki'tloml. Juh o-w.wij. W. 1\ BURT, £)E1V TIST, , AMKIUCUS. .OKOUOIA. <i.wr»iil.-« .nll.rnotlon In Hi; mod .llffloitll Ml work warranted. Ofllvo cn l..unar " r”', T. M. E len’*. Itef.-r- t*. In. I'ror.-. fi iual’r« c »rJ. any l'i * im ‘ |UHI II. B. IUSTOX. «• MATUKWK. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will j»raciico i all tl Ciicuit, alno In Dooly Court of too State «»f Court of the l?lilto«l ^til „y .pccltll minty. in tlio > a, *ml the •w, and ia all otlu v buiMlng, Lama: 111!. IV. J. slims & SON. T*r.»1i,, GA. E. , . CUTTS, ATTORNEY AT’ I.AW* AMKKICL'M, Grouch a* C Miiincrclal I* I KEEPS. ON HAND AT AliXa TIMES LOWEST CASH PRICES A LAROF. AND HANDSOME Selection of Millinery Goods —OK— THE LATEST STYLES! Examine lief ore Von Purehnxe. Miss Rule King. I’lihllc Square*. Aineili'U’, On. Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery NOW OPUNI finest pictures, I. A TEST STYLES ami AIX SIZES. Satisfnrlion (iiisiiTinleed Prices Moderate OVER T. WHEATLEY’S STORE, Wholesale Grocer, General Commission Merchant Proceedings of Hom'd or Commission ers of Ilooly Cou ill jr. Ollluci's of Commissioners of Roads aiul Revenues of Dooly Co., Vienna, Oa., December 6tli, 1881. Doai d of Com m issioners o*f Dooly County met agreeably to adjourn ment. Present their Honors, W Amorirus, sep21-wtwlf : Georgia. Prof. VAN RIPER. 'i'i llltO A I) St., ATLANTA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. SATISFACTION GUAltAXTEED. novSO lm Free to JmjMj A Bountiful Hook for the Asking! By npnlyinK personally at the THE HINMKK M ANUKACTU1 postal card If at n distance) any admit pen-.... «... preiu-nted with a IwittHifally Illustrated copy ol Sow Book entitled Ul'.NIUS REWARDED, -OR THE— STORY OF THE SKIVING MH’IIINK, (ontalalug a liiindaonio and costly slecl enslaving Irontisplece: also, *-!H finely engraved wood cute, and noiind in nu elolmrato Mae an gold llllio* graphed rover. No ch rtfe whatever la nmde lor lids handsome hook, which can »*o ^obtained only up lication ai the brunch and subordinate jiii. es of The Si. ger Manufacturing Co. m SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. ’ d iflllco, M Union Square, New ' Drs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians and SiirgMiis, NDEliSONVILLE, : : GEOKGIA, Ofticfi nt Drug Store of W. M. Clark. MavIS-ly T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM I henry axhlhson R K8PKCTKiri.LV announce* to the public that his BarM r Hhon ia open at all and on Sunday until II o'clock A. v. Ho has re- ccutly dn.-d it up in a neat style, a tut In l etter prepared ’than ever to wait upon his customers. All who may wish to have Shavlnp, Hair Cutting Shampooing, etc.., done in fird-elassi style, he vjuld lK* phnsedtolmve them rollon him. Shop near the entmnen to Barlow House. marl I Mill* and Fawr, Heator**, lulrnnllir..! ran,.... KWer. Ial..U„.lr, Tijl.hotil I'.r. r, .\,iiim,ii. auk tiik— imi.viit'i. urrsritixas or IIIM ; ,n l Ii.vl* II,t-lr urlylii in ** *ll«.r.l.r.-*l llvrr, ivl.ifli i* r.*im1alf*l I" H'"*** B r ** : " edn. hs and death will eiiMie. Simmons L ,v f:r Rmlutob, (IMIUKLY VKOKTAWI.K.) y eer Wash (leaner, Ijrirker and With LABOR RiihbiiisFamily Washer and Blearlier It Is Shelf Operating-Re- (jiiiring So Rubbing. No more rabbin*; cloth Wa. h iu day. •s lull of holes, ishing ».«rvest r. which will do its own work willu.nt any c ;.. Seeiiiu- U lK-lle\iUR; a "' , , | JJ U \v111 KniicI tl»c Pol nil tract from afforded i nnil protect •Ia t \V B Yates' letter, j **8|iis : I have »tood l l.o Mi icj of i hi*. Yellow l’Vver iion, hut during the oil I httd I three I itlnurilly in H.e i •owing to the virtue of your 8li»U" a hmr. I f the I Vver w«s to break out l.ada liottlOMf your Hejfulator, I v rate as if I wa. 1000 mitc» »way. . •-M. inphle Tenn., April IV ll.i* liitf nftilH»ll*«l Hi*-* H - "" Bnv only the gemili.e m " red Z. prepared only hy .1 H. /«'l»n April *iD*ly DB, W. T. PARK, i iitir- C»pim it Kimlml' llou-o, Decatur Mir.-eU ATLANTA, GA. TI.TIV v*'.ir* H* »iic=f«»fnl tr*' •nid vaito tiled. logdist ]). (I. AVERA. Ikmitiiville, - - - Georgia. Orooeries, Gtroceries^ Groceries. Hosiery, Notions, Millinery, On motion, Commissioner Ow ens wns appointed to visit Bed ding's mill and accrtain how high and long the contcmplatedbridge should be. Win. Miner, throught his ageut 1 J. F. Heard, gave liond and secur ity and took the oath cf retail li- 1I1CI1U. A v..v.. 7 — L. Graham. N. Vinson, J. C.Owens j qtior dealer and olitaincd a license and J. S. Lassclcr. Absent J. H. for that purpose. Wlictsett. .1. S. LisKctcr on mo-' On motion, it was ordered that tion was called to the Clmir. the Commissioners have u called Minutes of last meeting were read, meeting Friday, inst. and without objection wereconflrm- On motion,the Sup’t ofthe Poor cd. On motion, it was ordered, tlmt the following citation be run for 30 days; “Petitions have been laid before this Body showing that n 1,ridge across Turkey Creek at Redding’s mill, in said County, would be ol much public utility, it is hereby ordered that on the first Tuesday in January, 1881, will be let out to the lowest bidder the building ol snid contemplated bridge. Said bridge to be 175 feet ™ 3 25 ion" more or less, and 10 feet wide, W. L. Graham lor onn day's servi- more or less. Full particulars in L, months'ser- regurd to specifications, bond, vieo as Supt. of poor lionso. .. 14 00 , . .i i .. „„i,i i J. J. Simmons for burial expenses etc., to lie given on the day said „ tp()or !, oaie ’ l 25 bridge is to let out.” I J. F. Heard for ono month’s aer- ... o i • „ „ i vice as clerk commissioner s The subject of employing an ! c<mrt 4 lflij attorney for Commissioners and , N. Vinson for ono day’s sorvioo n« *- # • * . | i couiuiiRHionar. « w Consulting with counsel in regard . j o we n for one day's sorvioo as to lidiiorlieenso, tax of retail denier I commissioner . .... 2 01) ... I I. 8. Lassetor for two day’s service residing within the corporate Inn-1 [lM commissioner 4 00 House was ordered to hold all of the goods and chattels of Miss Queen Coppcdgc, deceased, till lur surviving minor should be dispos ed of. The following accounts on being presented were examined and ordered paid: G. W. llnshy for niorchandiso for tho poor house $10 57 Jolly & McDaniel for two coftlna. and boxes for poor honso 12 00 C. T. Stovall, for stationery for Commissioners 1 10 C. T. Stovsll for legal blanks for its oftlie Town of Vienna was poit- ponded till ntixt meeting, in con sequence of tlic absence of J. II. Wlictsett. Wlut should be done with the Poor House again came before the body, and on motion it was order ed tlmt it stand for another yca r as it now stands. After giving due consideration to the subject of employing it Sup erintendent and Matron for the Poor House, James Simmons was employed foraycar's time from tiie 1st Tuesday m January, 1882, till the first Tuesday in January, 1883, ola „ U „ U „ K , ...n . w—. B as Supt. at §14.00 per month, and i U se a patent inside ever since Sophronia Woodard •’ortho same | Edison took out seventy-one pat- Heard A ltnilgere, mercliandise for poor house 17 13 F. F. ltapo for receiving, dieting and discharging prisoners 27 00 J. H. Whetactl services ns com missioner, 4 GO On motion tho body adjourned lorn- ilay the Olli inst. I. II. Lassktkii, Chain'll pro lein. J, F. Heard, Clerk ft. C. D, C. About Editors. Il may be Baid that a country newspaper's subscription bills arc cool, but they nrc not collected. The man who stops his paper to economize ought to cutoifliis nose to keep from buyin gbandkorohiofs. A Texas editor having been ac cidentally shot in the stomach while out hunting, has been obliged to >ld for sale of Ihe celebrated Ci.eGozx'be Pear. -ALSO, THE - Kieffer Pear> Ono year ol«1, nml llm now fruit, JAPAW PBSSIMlifiOW', One year old. Terms Ciisli with Order. sep/r, lm Tlic Testimony HI- TIIIIUSI.NIlS WHO llAVK.I SKI. “11000‘S FIRFK4 I.1YKR MFIH- CI.YK,” length of time as cook and wash woman at $8.00 per month. The Reviewers appointed at last meeting to review a contemplated road in the 2nd Di triet nmde the fallowing report: State ok Qeoiuiia, i Dooly County, t To Hie commissioners ot Heads and Revenues of Dooly Co.: The undersigned, appointed for the purpose of reviewing the road petitioned lor by It. L. Barfield and others, commencing at the top of the bill South of Byrom’s bridge and running in n North east direc tion up Turkey Creek, by the resi dence of Jacob Ilobcrt’s, Prospect cuts inside the last months. We took out more than seventy-one pat ent insides the last time we got our mail at the post-olllee. Ernersu*.! says: “A man passes for wlmt lie is worth.” An editor passes because the man who gives him the pass expects the editor to give him six times tiie worth of it in a favorable notice. One who signs himself “A Po et” writes asking us lor our club rates. Nothing; nothing at all. Bring along “the piece you have just dashed oir,” and we'll do the clubbing gratis. According to a veracious but un known scribe, an Iowa editsr was challenged to fight a duel. He promptly accepted, and chose axes as the weapons. Then he issued s IIL'IICi: Ol rtHLUW n, • • •'••l un blit; nWU|/<MI**. . Church and to cross one of the ! supplement and named forty rods tributaries ol Turkey Creek at »» tire distance. (,’lewis’ mill, nml thence to inter sect the Ilawkinsville Road near the residence of Louis Clevis, make the following report: We have re viewed and marked out said con templated road and Hud it all on good level ground ami that there | will he no bridge to build on the | said road. We believe that said 1 road will Ire of much public utility as a iiiirkct road to Montezuma and Hawkiusville. N’ I (Yorkerv ,V, Al*o «r-itiii» vu l M'lrpliii Hard wave, Storks, CANXKP ROODS. 1) lour, Flour, G. AVEUA. Ur. j. is tlmt II ix ihr hex! f.irrr M><1- ir'nir mill' in nxe. | It lias become :i household j remedy in many lamilies in the l'lnw : eily, where it is best Z nown. : It is xvitlml, pleasant to ta/.-e, I so much so that children take it j cheerfully, afterwards fiequcnt- | |y calling; for il for the relief of : their little stomachs. Six Nevada widows, each wortli over $300,000, have formed a com pact and solemnly agreed to take no men hut editors for second lius- bauds, 'flic reason of this is tlmt they know editors are above pecu niary considerations and will only wed for love. And we wish to add tlmt every editor in tiie land con- H iders all those ladies as among the loveliest or their sex and highly In- tcllectual. A Texas woman is gradually he- i coming petrified. Her feet and J bands arc already as hard as stone, Jacob Hoiieiits,) | and when her checks undergo the J. K. Bi, Reviewers. : metamorphosis she will be P. B. Monk. I j fully competent to enter a newspa- Sworn to ami subscribed before I j,er office, draw a chair up along- me Noe “i;.|i I SSI i side the editor and reel oil the fo • me Nov. -« ' ' £ • | lowing legend: “I have here an i • \\ vi. ItoiikKTH, .V I . lnHlrBlet , itjBiory of the l’atngoni- On motion ciialiens in rcganl-o fo|(r f u i|.| ia ge engravings in tliealiove named road were to be url( .|j nmnlxM' to lie coinplctwl in ,. in sevcnty-ninc parts at fifty cents a the Hoard of Hoad Commissioners ; |j|(rary gllou hi without and il in tiie 2nd Dist., Win. Daniel was , >u w j|j p„j your name lierc at the appointed to fill said vacancy. head or my list I’ll furnish you the On motion, the Clerk was order- first numbers gratis and you n. give me a little notice in your pa- edto notify as follows lo the ^ ^ ^ p „ t ||owB yolir Itoad Commissioners of the 2nd. — » TIIK SLiiu.ns Can alive! I'ilfEMX FROJI IIEI1 ISiiiS. t.i 'iiiMiTs a'xp s ii<> i:s r-cairi. T ".VIits. .1. It. SlVIVIoxs Aviiitni m oi.i:y. , , ...i.i,, District. Whereas, we have rcceiv- — It is purely u ouhibk, ami ( . { , infdrIn!Uion tll; , t y 0ll have neg- Postmaster General James has harmless ill its action. |, eted to have an abutment put to not j^^ent o7ihe At- the bridge across Turkey Creek at )nnta Ex|K>sition last week betook l BS ,s “’’ Thompson's ford, yon are, there- up a “stick” anil set the words: - — TVjj fe.rc, hereby notified ami required “New opportunities teach new du al'll) .:„:,iTo.T : to have said work done at once. ■ ties—Atlanta, N'ovemlier 30. l-’or s lie f»v all druggists. A Mnety-ene Days’ Fast. Bombay Gazette. A religious mendicant of the Jain caste is reported to have just completed a ninety-one days’ fast at Pahlanpur. An eye witness describes in a Surat paper the ap pearance of the man on the last day of tiie penance. The “saint,” says the writer, underwent a fast of eiglity-six days last year, and lias been more or less accustomed to this form of infliction. When seen on tiie umety-first day ofthe recent fast his veins were much swollen, and he seemed to speak only with great effort. He was seated on a blanket in a cor ner and had near him the sour wa ter and curdled milk, which he sometimes drank. He seemed, however, to be capable of physical exertion, and up to the last day procured the curdled milk-water for himself. He was all along en grossed in prayer and held no com munication with other men, except on religious tc pics. The man has spent his life in strict asceticism, and Iub denied himself all food and luxury save what may be got from the milk-water bread, nnn yellow rice. His bedding consists of an ordinary blnnketand nothing more. Many Jains undergo penance in the sliapc of fn-*ts and other sclf- infiiotions, but it is said that this man’s efforts in this direction are unapproacbcd by even Ids most devoted co-roligionists, and he lias drawn to himself a largo following of Siirnwaks. Ho accepts, howev er, no presents and no fees. The Needs ofthe South. Waver oai He j hi r Ur. The two great wnnts ofthe South to-day nrc cheap money and uni versal education. It Is necessary now to pay from 8 to 15 per cent, and they are hard to obtain even at those rates. It is simply im possible to borrow money on real estate even when there arc im provements on it. There are no savings banks; tiie national banks cannot loan on real estate, and loanable capital in private hands is extremely scarce. When money can be had there at fnir rates of in terest, with real estate security, there is still to be a more powerful impulse to industrial activity. But no less important than cheap mon ey is popular education, not sim ply of the schools, but through newspapers and books, through business experience and contact witli the outside world. The South is still too solid, stands too much by herself. She needs to be stirred up within herself and with the rest of tho world to learn tho lossons of thrift, of industry and of tolerance. Tiie change from the old life to the new has been nobly begun and the sky is bright with the promise or a glorious future. The Dublin Gazette thus tell* of a wonderful "king pepper bush” in that neighborhood: “There is growing at Mrs. Daniel Fisher’s, about three miles from Dublin, the king cf pepper bushes. Tho tree, for Buell you may torm it, is of enormous size. It 1ms attained the legal age of majority, which gives it, beside its productive qual ities, the title by which wo call it. During tho present year it has. bloomed and fruited, and from it there have been seven thousand pods gathered fully matured, and it is impossible to tell how much more there may he yet to add to the almost incredible amount. The bush or tree bos been preserved through twenty-three winters, nml never ceases bearing.” Among tiie remarkable novelties of recent discovery is the boot- I,lacking plant, a native of New Soutli Wules. The leaves of thiB shrub contain a tough substance gifted with all the properties and attributes of tiie finest boot polish. Squeeze them gently and they will yield some thick, dusky drops of sticky fluid, which must then be spread over the surfaco ofthe boot. This done, a polish of dazzling brilliancy muy Iks brought out by n Tew touches of tho finishing brush. Senator Hill tells a correspond ent of the Telegraph and Ifeuen- ger in Washington that Mahone ami his cohorts will soon hear from him in the Senate. He 1ms placed Mahone where ho wanted him In tiie Republican ranks, and now Mr. Hill can turn loose on him to his bean's content. I f Guitcau is found guilty of mur der, Judge Cox will have the au thority under the revised statutes of the District or Columbia, to di rect that his body, after hanging until he is dead; shall be delivered to a surgeon for dissection.