The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 16, 1881, Image 1

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VOL .TIL AMERICUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1C, 1881. N0.9C. I'L'IJMSIIKI) 11T W. I,. (JI.ESSJEH OFFICE ON COTTON AVENUE. Su.1cccripU.on Hates: Tw-Wkkki.y One Yeah, - $4.00. Weekly Onk Veaii, - - $2.0(1. Sunday Issue One Year, - $1.50. ffliss Kate King Elam Johnson, Wholesale Grocer, I KEEPS, ON lrAXD— PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS W. H. K1MBR0UH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEE8BURGII, - - GEORGIA. Collections A Specialty. Muyllwly W. It. GUKRItY. DUPONT OUEItRY. GUERRY & SON, Americus, Georgia. (Oflleo up stairs over OranCcrry & Barlow's store.) Will praetieo in nil tho Courts, both Stnto and Federal. July O-wswly. W. L-*. lYU3-lT, DENTIST. AMERICUS, ^GEORGIA. Guarantees satisfaction In tho most dlfllcnlt Panes. All work warranted. Oflleo on Lamar mi root, over T. M. KdcnN. Refers to his nrofcs aiotial rec rrd. N>*»y W waniU-wil. It. It. O INTON. C. MATUEWH. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all tho counties of thin Ju.lpial Circuit, also in Dooly county, in tho Kunrenio Court of tne State of Georgia, and the District Court or tho United Staten, and In all other court* i.y special contract. v hnildlng, Lnii W. J. SKA HS, W. D. SKA US. lilt. W.J. SEARS&,m ELLAYILLE, GA, ”'"e. /. CUTTS, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Amkuicus, Georgia, P Will practice in all .the Courts throughout !he sjiitlurcntorn Circuit. Special attention given to Cmiiiicrrinl Law. Ofllce on launar street, over sane Store of Col Peter Brown. So numerous arc tho developments of Mala ria that people contin ually sutler from this noxious point,n when they leant imagine I in lurking in their »>’*• at all times LOWEST CASH PRICES A LARGE AND UAND&OMK Selection of Millinery Goods THE LATEST STYLES! Examine Before You Pnrchaee. MInn Hate King. Pnhlic Square. Americas, Ga. Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery NOW OPEN 1 FINEST PICTURES, 1 LATEST STYLES anil ALL SIZES. Satisfaction.Guaranteed Prices Moderate. General Commission Merchant AND FRUIT DEALER, 2* BllOAD St., ATLAXTA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Free te EieryMy A Heautiful Book for the Asking! By applying personally at the nearest office of TllK SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. (or by pistol card If at a distance) any adult person wifi lie presented with a beautifully Illustrated copy of New Book entlllwl UENIUS REWARDED, -OR THE— STORY OF TilE SEWING MACHINE, SOUTH GEORGIA CONFERENCE. Appointments for 1889. SAVANNAH DISTRICT. J. B. McGehre, Presiding Elder. Savannsh—Trinity, J. o. Branch. Buvsmiab—Monumental, G. G. N. McDon- Savannah—New Houston 8treet, O. W. containing a handsome and costly steel enslaving ‘ “ ‘ Also, 28 finely engraved wood cuts, u eloboratu blue anc gold lltho* No ch*rge whatever Is made lor Job tallied only OVKU T. WIIKATLKY’S STORE, Chill a and /Veer, Jlctnbirhr, Inlrrmiltoat Fcrer, ilrnrral Italrilllfft Unions / Veer, Lnsitltudr, Tf/jthold >Verr, -Vansen. —AUK TllK— JlIA ! and have their origin In a disordered liver, which it not regulated In time, great sulferlng, etliicKN and death will ensue. Si m mo ns Li v f.r Regulator, (I'UIIKLY VEOKTABI.K.) Americus, Georgia. sep21-wtwjf Prof. VAN RIPER. y* Washing Machine that will Wash Cleaner, Quicker ami With LESS LABOR !r.*U.plocoj*l and bound in grapheff covar. . ... ^ this hundsome book, which can i»e ,« „ by application at ibu branch and HnlH>rdluatc otllcesof Tho Singer Manufacturing Co. * w m SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. I*rincipnl * Mllce, S4 Union Hqtiare, ?* ly. w tri. New Yor aid. Matthews, Springfield—II. P. * foyers. . J" Goshen—O. G. Mlng.sdorf. S Irani*—W J. Flan »ers. * 11 ton—.!. B. K. Smith. Bethel—F. W. Stubbs. Brier Creek—J. B. Bryan. Wayneiboro-F. A. Branch. Bethauy—T. K. iAonard. IajuIsvII'.-J. |». Wardlaw. ShuJ.oivMo .Ijjl Ti unilt,—O O. rl„rk. Washington—W. L. Carter. Darlaboro—N. A. Clark. Gibson/—£. F. Riley. Monumental church—J. O. A M salonary to Mexico-it. W. McDonald. MACON DISTRICT. Koy, and. Dfs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians and Surgeons, N DEltSON VILLE, GEORGIA, Oftloo at Drug Store of IV. M. Clerk. Mayl8-1y i j j i : lr f 4 O TONSORIAL EMPORIUM I IlEMtY ANDERSON R Earner. . „. his Bar'befShop lit upon At all business ho Sunday until ** E8PECTPULLY announce* to the public that ip la open at all business hoi fill o’clock a. M. Ho has ceutly fitted it prepared 'than All who may •' Shampooing, ... — .... rould bo plcaaod to havo them call on him. Shop tho entrance to Barlow Ho*iae. mo7l3 1 it up In a mat stylo, and is better ban over to wait upon Ills customers, ly wish to hftVo ShavIng. Halr Cutting ig, etc., done in first-class style, lie Rohbins Family Washer ami Bleacher —— „ Js Mf oiieraang—Re omutly In eu 1 cTimn'd or ...s tonsoqm nc occasionally by per*. Malarl: It will piXpel the Poison aud protect lii.^r.'^.ici.'wiii aAiTojn Ln'.lnr, »■ m.y of a-I.Ulic'. gmliii i« b.»«ta|r; »JI(JMi will ,.J which follow tlieir u»e. trv it once, you will never agnln Wnrii wlUlout It Veil., Kxii.. them from nttncU t wl.lcr.oe, aw extract from W B Vat. • tin* Regulator afford, d piA,i.-ii:.m and most deadly lypo of Ma.aut » wit: ”0iim : I havo Unci 1I.0 storm of fourcp.d. m- lei of t ho Yellow Fever. I had U 1 he 'Irst visit a lion, but during tht othorthree I wsml ywr»«si- i.:ltu>. I was continually in Hie rooms of theswk and dying, but I escaped. I have hud never*I t'» ask me Imwl escap'd, l told Hi*in It was all owing to the virtue of your Simmons Liver Ueiru- lat.,r. If the I Vver %v»a lo break out again, and I hu.1 a l.ottlo of your Kemulator, l would feel an ate a« if I was 1000 miteanway. •-Memphis Tcnn., April 16, 1670. , Having neutralized tho poison of Malaria In •Igu SjteC’Jfc and A11 tuh rZ prepared mdy'by J. H. Zclliu Jt llder foru bite wnipp. SR. W. T. PARK, I (Oflleo Oppokit Kimball House, Decatur Street,) ATLANTA, GA. Mfkil ticatmeut of all - sex, uud various coiii- cs upon which others id Morphli.c * All 1 with safe and pleasant Itemedles, and with out Mercurv, Poisonous .»r D. s. s At tbe patients* homes, anywhere, .be turmsb- tng Medictl advice, Mcdicihe, eic, tbroogb mail un i • xpr.s-o; or, ll d.sind, or the ca*.* i.qair.-s It. tak.M patients under bis personal sUi^r.UU»u in Atlanta. Mail 10 him a full history and statement for l)r. J. IL Simmons’ Carminative! of Dyv*ntcrr, Pi«r>h<ka, Choi, rj, Cramir ke a chi x, doe* the how.-:* costive. It give* unparalleled satisfaction to ail who use it. Price 2oc to Jl.uo per bottle. I 1 Ohol.-ra Morhu.. tbe Stomach and Bowels. It : relief tbe pain and gr*i log l.aim. MUM. J. II. KiMSIOSS, (juiring No Rubbing. a more yellow clothe*. > more hard work on Washing day. , [> more rubbing clothes full of holes. t‘. Y ; a I,,ora laute hark* washing harvest shirts, if the Bobbins Family Washer ■ml or*u*<< any 'other machine, it is the heat in tho world and will wash any thing fiotna Isce curtain to a horse blanket, well and au'ckly. it cannot be broken or get out of order. * Address, 1 " * 1 n< I'lldL'IM' (It D.G.AYEllA. SMITHVII.LE. - • - GEOKGIA. QX0QQ’SiQ3p Ctrpcerfesp - Gz-ooeries. 'Hosiery, Notions, Millinery, Crockery, Hardware, Stocks, Plow cannep noons. Flour, Flour, D. G. A VEKA, The Rootlets One, two nmVtlireo yearn old for Bale of hno colgurnted 3«i©C?oat© Pear. -ALSO, THE- Ono year old, and tUn liew fruit, J*sB.J?-0kXT raMlMMQSr, One yenr olil. Terms Cash with Order. nop/5 4111 The Testimony OF THOUSANDS WHO IIAVK.UHKD “HOOD’S EUREKA IdVER MEDI UM!,” is that it in the Lent Liner Med icine now in w>e. It lias become a household- remedy in many families in the city, where it is best /.mown. It is withal, pleasant lo ta/.-e, A. T. Mann, rresiding'Kldcr. Macon—Mulberry Street—.7. 8. H. S. Sweat supernumerary. Macon-Hrat Street—B. F. llreodlu C, T. Toole supernumerary. Bast Macon—1*. II. Crumpler. Macon circuit and Jones Chapel—J. 1>. Maudlin and D. It. Mo Williams, suporuiitner* ^Sordon-J. G. Harrison and J. W. Burke. Irwlnton-O. Boland. Jeffersouvllle— J, Carr. T w! anvil! r— Hawkiusvillc and Cochran-1!. R. Felder. Wilcox circuit—To be supplied by B. JL O. Walters. Haynesnlle-^l. D. Ainesworth. Fort Valley—N. U. Oualey. Perry and bandy Hun-B. U. Sasanett. MaraballvIUo and Moulezuum — W. M. Hays. Kuoxvillc—8. N. Tucker. llvion^L A. Snow. i Weaieyan Female College—.W. O. Baa toruaidont; C. W. Smith, professor. . Agent and Snperliilenileut Orphahs Home lz. B. Payne. . AssUtant Editor fVedeyan Christian Advom J. W. llurko. Mi**iitnary to Uoina— COLUMBUS DI8TU1CT. J. W. Hinton, Presiding Elder. Columbus—8t. Luke-Walker laiwls. Columbus -8t. Paul -W. 0. I»vott. Ilrotid Street and Midway, J. W. Domingo'. Girard, To bo supplied. Catnula. J. M. Lovett. Ilamiltou, K. J. Burch. Talbotton, E. H. McUehee. 'I a]bot circuit, ■. I. Rentz. Geneva, J. T. I.oire. Butler. It. F. Evans. Reynolds mission, To be supplied. Beuna Vista .and Yount Gilead, It. L. Wiggins. Marion, J. R. Littlejohn. CnsActo, L. U. Green. AMEU1UCS DISTRICT. J. M. A ustin, Presiding Eldur. _ Americas, J. o. A. Cook. Randolph, it. B. I/Oatcr. Clay, P. U. Sims. Leary, G. T. Kmbry. Cu libcrt and Georgetown, P. 8. Twltty. Lumpkin and Provldtnce. B. W. Key. Dawson and Oraves, G. 8. Johnson. Weston, II. 8. Seidell. Terrell, J. M Pul tor. Hmithviilr, K. II. Mcf/sue* Stowarf, J. E. Seidell. Magnoha Spring*, T. 8. Armstead, hllaville, L. A. Dorsey uud It. F. Wllliam- sou. Schley mis Ion lo bo supplieil by J. It. Ware. wla y., „. v . Vienna uiiesion, W. W. Tidwell. Snow Spring. W. Lane. Andrew F.imile College, President, If. W. Key; Professor, D. t* Abbott. , TlIriMASVII.LK DISTRICT. Fort Ualnea. K.*M. Whiling. Blakely, J. H, Culpepper. Albany. A. M. WlflUma. CammJIa, S. D. Clemeuts. Cairo, H. C. Fentress. Balnbridgo, J. W. Simmons. Atlapulgus, C. D. Adams. Whlghsu, W. C. Da.Is. Pollam, To bo supplied by C. II. Crlcholl. iriniiy, II. C. Bruton. Thotm.avlllc circuit, To be supplied by H. Davenport. * r Boston, N. D. Moo rehouse. Marvun, K. 11. Bryant. Louudes, Echols miaalon, 8. It. Wi aver Qu.tuiau, W. W. Stewart; V aldosta mission, J, It. M; Leakey. Sunday School Secretary, R. M. l/oekwood. WAYCU08S DISTRICT. J. M. Marshall, Preeidlng Elder. Brunswick, VV. F. l«oyd. Uatudo: mission, To be supplied by 8. A Mitchell. V 7 St, Mary’s, J. J. Analey. Charlton, To lie mit.plied. Darien, J. It. Crowder. Jooeavillo, To be supplied. Umo-v.lle, A. A. Ellen wood. Jessup, R. L. lfonilker. Rlarkriicnr and Wnycrosa, J. 8. Jordan. Bethel, J. W. Folsom. Homervllle. To be supplied by J, W. Watt. Nubhville 1 F. Carey., I Brookib la, To be supplicA Moultrie Mis-imi, South Cofiee inl*«ion, To bo snpplieil. Worth. J. K Itorie, 1 ‘ Worosboro mLsIon, W. J. Robinson. Hstilla, C. T. Bickley. Green Hold, To be su,i|lied by J. W. Wells. KASTMAN DISTRICT. J. O. Anthony. Presiding Elder. Eastman—G. C. Thompson. Mritea- J. L. Wiillams, Jacksonville, D. K. Anthony. Oeniulse*, W. F. Robert*. Hpriug Hill, F. W. Flaudera. Graham, W. J. Stalling*. Mt. Vernon, W. N. C. Conley. Kcodavllla^J. J, Gild. Hwalnsboro, J A Laiigatoii. Wrightsville, It. M. Booth. Oconee, If. J. I lodge*. Dublin, M. D. Pope. South Batlew. C. A. Moore. Mill ray, T. I Neese. Kxcclstor, \V. 1). McGregor. Cobtown MDaiou— Bryan, To be suppli. d. Hummertowo, tv beleupplicd by J. V. Pur- vers. Sunday School Secretary— Eastman District High Hcbool.C. C. Hines. E II. Ilarmen, trausfvrrvd to Florida Con ference. The Llmc-Klln Club. Detroit Prco Prcim. “I should like to Itev do Seckro- tary read do folierin’ letter in a werry loud voice,” said the Prcsi- dent as lie handed over a letter. Tlte Secretary read as follows: Qi.en Rose Tex. Dear Bro. Gardner—There is a man down hero who says that col ored folks haven’t cot any souls. That only white folks turn to an- gels when they die. He points with triumph to all the pictures of angels ever painted, in which not a single eolored angel is scan, lie says lie defies even oltl Bro. Gard ner, tho greatest living logician, to prove that colored men lmyo souls all sntnee ns Afellean men Will you accept tho challengcf Respectfully Cottonseed White. There was deep silence in tho hall for n long minute, during which the thermometer went up lJi degrees. Then the President said: “Yes, I ’cept tho challenge. Let flat Texas man prove to me dat white folks hev souls an’ I will prove dat black folks hev tho same. Itnin lest as easy to prhv’e one as do odder. As to the pictcrs of angels, de black faces am not do only ones left out. Whnr’ am de Chinamen, de Arabs, de Injuns, du Laplanders, an’all do odder folks? Nobody eber saw a red-headed an gel, an’yet do all onr red-headed citizens go to de had place? I’ll defy dat Texas whito man to show me any face among de angels clter painted resembling a Texas man. lie can’t show me deface of a Dutohman or Iilshtnan, or Frtnab man or Spaniard, hut does dat prove dat Heaben was bnilt for de use of a few Americans? We doan’ take our black skins to hea- bon any mo’ dan white lolks take dcir mutton-chops whiskers, glass eyes an’ false tectii. When wo ar- rovc at de gate death lias gibcu all fin anirni nnlnr nn*(1n iinn’nLI KlnnL* THE rinxFMiiaisiiEs. Tlif* rtm-st flmsh. it, most ptrassnt •Kiamt BOOT* AND HllOfc* b**s» repair 1 * ““ •rtlstii* styl*'. *nd all on >-t *u»»>*ttot in I terms. R« Cali «nt m nuilEH UUUI.EY. Tlte youngest anti smallest horse thief on record lives in Washing ton, Wilkes county. He is about eight years old. He stole a horse from a rack in town, and was get- ting olf finely when he was caught, so much so that fliiltlriMi take it Of course nothing could lie done with him by the law an account of cheerfully, afterwards liet|Ueut> his age. ilc is a regular hard ; case. Only a few days before lie ly calling lor it for the relief of stole the horse, his mother whip- , , , ; ped him nearly half a day and then their little stomachs. - ; hung him up in it Img and smoked T . . , 1,1 , him, because be stolen gentleman's It is purely \cgetnhlc. anil , na il from the post office. harmless in its action. For sale by all druggists. . II. IIAI.I.K 1 **!’ Jt t SI A Wisconsin man stole thirty- : nine sheep anti n steer, lint tlte | warrant charged him with stealing | thirty .nine steers ami a sheep anil he left the court room with all his reputation restored. de same’dcpoo’old black man who has slaved an’ hungered an’ suffered nil his life stan’s clus beside de white man who lias had riches nit’ contentment. A piece of white chalk kin be wrapped up in black velvet as well as in bleach ed colon “I tell you, iny frens, do road to Ilcabcn am long nn’ full of pitfalls an’ quick-sands an’ steep hills an’ lonesome hollers, nn’ de soul which so reaches du golden gates am de cleansed an’ purified dat de poo’ ole body left behind on airth would nchcr know it. It isn’t de money, de raiment, do white skin or de lino talk dat helps do pilgrim ober du quick-sands nn’ pass de tickets filled wid darkness un’ile skeletons of de lost. It am de heart nn’ its kind thoughts an’ good deeds. Let us now purcced to hlzness.” Points iu Karor of Cotton Hills. The Lewiston, Me., Gazelle re marks that in the mutter of divi- dens the Southern mills have the advantage. The Urantsvflie fac tory of South Carolina, paid a dividend of 20 per cent, last year; the Augusta mills, 16 percent.; the Langley mills, 15; the Wood- lawn and Lawrence, of North Carolina, 15, and so on. The July dividends of forty-live mills In Georgia average over 12 percent. The Lewiston, Me., mills did not pay a cent of dividend. Water power is much cheaper Mouth than in New Knghuid, and in many places it can he obtained for noth ing. Labor is much cheaper, averaging $1 25 a week South, to $10 per week North. The .South ern climate favors manufacturing. Thudillcrcnceappears 10J percent, in favor of the South. Ail Earliest Young Mail. |Huilaun Journal. I A citizen said to u young man who vis ted his daughter that lie couldn’t aiford to have so much wood burned in the parlor stove evenings; the young man must come less often, or quit earlier or furnish Ids own wood. Next day two cords of good hard wood were purchased by the young man and piled in the citizen’s yard, with a big sign over the pile reading: “For use nights only.” A Meteor of Green Color. Orlmn IUM Now,. Some evenings ago we saw one of the most wonderful meteors that j ever brightened the surrounding { The Griffin Xnwe says two cars hills. It was some time between passed down tiic road the other the hours 11 and 12 o’clock; we j day hound for Savannah, contain- were quietly meandering home ing 10,000 chickens, 1,000 turkeys, from tlie sanctum, when suddenly a! and 3,000 dozen eggs. They were bright rosy light loomed updirect-1 from Knoxville. Two car loads ly from the Southern horizon and ! go down every week, and average shot with a flash toward the north-! the shippers about fifty cents a cast, at an angle of about seventy j pair for chickens, and from a dol- degrecs. When aiiout midway the j lar and a half to two dollars a pair heavens tiie color suddenly chang- j for turkeys. Eggs net about twen- cd to a rich green. * ty cents. . Big Words. Don't use big words. In pro mulgating youresotric cogitations, or articulating snporfioial senti mentalities and philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your conversations possess a clari- fied consoiseness, comprehensible- ness, coalcscem, consistency and a concatenated cogency. Eschew al 1 conglomerations of flatulent gar rulity, jejune bablement and asin ine afieetations. Let your extem poraneous desnantings and unpre meditated expatiations have intel ligibility and veratious vivacity, without rhodomontade or thrason ical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllable profundity, pomp ous prolixity, psittnceous vacuity, ventrilequinl verbosity and vanilo- quent vapidity. Shun donlble-in- tendres, prurient jocosity and pest iferous profanity, obscurant or ap parent. In other words, talk plain ly naturally, sensihlv, truthfully, purely. To Get Kid or Rats. (Scientific American.) We cleared our premises of these detestable vermin by taking white wash yellow with copperas, and covering the stones and rafters in the cellar withjt. In every orev- ico in which a rat may go, ‘we put the crystals of tho copperas j and scattered in the corners of tho floor. The result was a perfect stampede of rats and mice. Slnee that time not a footfall of eithor rats or mica has been heard around the house. Every spring a coat or this yellow wash is given tho cellar as a puri fier, as a rat exterminator, and no typhoid, dysentery or lever attacks the family. Many persons delib erately attract all tho rats in the neighborhood by leaving fruits and vegetables uncovered in the cellar, and sometimes even the soup is left open for their regale ment. Cover up everything eata ble in the cellar and pantry, and you will soon starve them out. Let the Creditors Cry,,,, . , Old Uncle Moso is much given to sentiment, particularly when lie lias got on the outside of a dram or so too many. During tbe ex citement attemient on the burning of the Capitol, he overstimulated himself, and towards evening ho meandered down Austin avenue in a maudlin condition, blubbering, “I havo lived hero all my life, and now I lias lost de Capitol. I Imln’t got no capitol left, boo-hoo-hoo I” “Hush your Jaw, you old mahog any colored gorilla,” said Giihoo- ■y- “I haven’t had any capitol in tho Inst ton years. Do ns I do it.” ’ How’s dat boss?" said tho old man, passing tho hack of Ills hand over tho beak of Ids nose.” “Let your creditors do the cry ing over the loss of your enpitof.” —Texas Shifting. Tho New York post-office lias a man whose business for the past twonty-five years has been to de adlier bad addresses. He has col* leeteil directions of tho various cities of tiie country, and is said to know all tho streets and a great numlier residences of Now York City. Soino time ago a foreign letter came directed to “Patrick Mahoney, First House iu Ameri- The letter was from Ireland, and after the usual inquiries the clerk learned tliq time that the ves sel bearing tho letter arrived. As an experiment lie placed it in tho hands of a carrier, who was instruc ted to deliver it at the end of Pier. Tho house was a sailor’s hoarding house, and strange as it may seem, Patrick Mahoney was found. When the letter was open ed the only contents wero found to lie a draft for $400. John Sherman has been taking a lusty look at the solid south, and returns to Washington expressing pleasure at his reception and at tiie abundant evidences of the south’s prosperity and lawfulness. This expression will probably stand un til the next election time, when Mr. Sherman will be apprehensive that the south is hntching a new rebellion, and will declare that it is a shiftless and tumultuous sec tion.—[Ex. |P*in