The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 18, 1881, Image 1

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TRI- WTTtRK T .T VOL .TIL AMERICUa GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING" DECEMBER 18> 1881. NO. 97. jVmmntisllmi'tlM, runueiiKu bt W. L. GLESSNER. OFFICE OX COTTOX AVENUE. SuToscription. Hates: One Yeah, - $4.00. Weekly One Year, - - $2.00. Sunday Issue One Year, ■ $l..'>u. Is Kate King Elam Johnson, : KEEPS, ON HAND W. H. K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEESBURG H, - - GEORGIA. Collections a Specialty'. Msyllwly w. n. auBimv. DUPONT GUKUItY. GUERRY & SON, Americus, Georgia..* (Office np slnirs over Gronbcrrj A Barlow’s ■tore.) Will ornotico In all tho Courts, both State and Federal. Juhr6-w»wly. W. P. BUET, XJB3VTIST, AMKUICUS, (GEORGIA. (lusranlees satisfaction In the most difficult e»scs. All work warranted. Ofnce on Lamar str«M!t. over T. M. Eden’s. Refers to his profw sioual record. 12 wands-*it. It. D. JUNTOS. *• HATHKWH. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in all the counties of this .ludplal Clicuit, also in Dooly county, In t».c 8«ipreroe Court of tae SUtcof Ueorjoa, and the DUtrlet Court of the United tfiatos, and lu all other courts dV snecinl contract. . . Ofiico tn Hawkins’ new bniMInff, Lamar fctroit. .July Pith, 1881. W..T. flKAltS. W. D. SEAH8. LW.J. ELLAVILTjE, ga. ”"e. a. CUTTS, ATTORNKY AT LAW. AMKIUCUS, Ukokgia, p:\Vill practice In »:l .the Court. Iliroimliont lie 3uiilb.e.UTii Uir-nll. Special aUoutloo «l«cn to Om.i.ien.l»l\ Offlcc on Umar airn-t, over .'It.. Stare of O..I rater Drown. LOWEST CASH PRICES A LAROK AND HANDSOME Selection of Millinery Goods THE.’ LATEST STYLES! Examine Before ton Purchase, Hiiw Hate King. Public Square, Americus, Ga. Van Riper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery NOW OPEN! FINEST PICTURES, LATEST STYLES and ALL SIZES. SnllsIiidioniGunraiiteod Prices Moderate. OVKR T. WHEATLEY’S STORE, Americus, sep24-wtwtf : Georgia. .ix- l»rof. VAN RIPER. General Commission Merchant AND FRUIT DEALER, 22 BKOAD St., ATLANTA, CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. A Beautiful Book for the Asking 1 It applying personally at the nearest office IK SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. (or b? C mtal enrd If at a distance) any adult person will • presented with a beautifully Illustrated copy of New Bonk entitled GENIUS REWARDED, -OR THJ5— STORY OF THE SEWIK6 MACHINE, containing a handsome and coetly steel enslaving frontispiece: aloe, 28 finely engraved wood cute, and bound in an sloborate blue an,: gold lltho- graphed cover. No charge whatever is made lor this handsome book, which can to (obtained only by application ai the branch ana subordinate offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. m SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Pritiflipnl < Mllcc, 34 Union Square, Drs. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians and Surgeons, ..NDEUSONVILLE. GEORGIA, Office at Drag Store of W. M. Clark. MavIS-ly T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM I HENRY ANDERSON Sunday until ceutljr fitted it up in He has re- , _ - ,. . ‘1 li hotter prepared'limn ever to wait upon his customer*. All who may wlah to have Shaving, Hair Cutting 8h:iinpooing, etc., done in flrsLcl^ss style, he would bo ploaacd to have them call on him. Bhop j Wasli Cleaner, Quicker and With nally Miller from this J noxious poison when j SS---ILESS LABOR tcui. Chill• and AVssr, Ileadnehe, Intermittent Fever, tienrral Mobility, Hlllnue Fever, iMeeitude, Typhoid Fever, AfllliMl. —ARK THE— PAINFUL OFFSPIUIfOS OF MALA- It IA t ; and have their origin In a disordered liver, which it not regulated in time, great •utTcrlng, h. wduesa and death will ensue. Simmons L ,v er Regulator, (rUHKI.Y VKOKTAI1I.K.) I. .b.olutely certain In It. P nunllal c«Wt« nrul ueU more prompts III curing ..11 l.irlii...! U.l.rlnl dIssues than calomel li the injurious coiwquj’i quinine, without any of _ _ ls which f.dlow their use. If'takVnuccaiionaUy by pcr.unc evpoee.1 lu Malaria,. It will Enpcl th. »nd prot.ot j Sek™ or «« " u * ®^V*' them from I J. T. Illusion, Kobhiiis Family Washer and Bleacher It Is Shelf Operating-Re quiring No Rubbing. BN'.I more yellow dot to*. No more Imrd work wu Washing .lay. No more ruLLIng clot lies full of hole*. »lame Lucks vva»liing harvest ahlrta, if ... LVmII.' U/a.I..» n||d it any wifi The Rootlets One, two nn<V three yearn oldforsalo of tho oolebmted LtQonio Fmt. Asulstance. » - saw ; . , try it once, you will never agalii wash without It or use any other machine. It la tbu beat in the world; uud will wash anything fiorait lace curtain blanket, well and ^irckly. It cm not !»e eticoa, Ga. A. evMcuc., ,eeeltract from W II Yale.' lelU-r, | -Oclabc. •*. worst** ssiwiasysi 'rK^Twit! ' ofciaaVl "hive sI.kx! ihe atorm of four epidem ics «>r tlwt Yellow Fever. I had it G'e ‘[wt vlaita tlon, hut during tlu other three I rod >•«[ m. .U •nddvla I . W Kt C 72Sl!J!.^I a* k me li'ow l e sea pit U 1 told them It wns all owing to the virtue of your Simmons l4v*r Ke»u- latiir. If tho Fever wss to break out had a Lottie of your Regulator, I would feel at ■are as If I was 100(1 milciaway. . ‘-Meinphis Tenn., Aprit 18, 1679. Having neutralism tbo poison of Malaria In ■ill'll extreme cases, li van be relied on aaa aov» IEl«i In milder lormi. Bov only the genuine it* whj**,. w rapl* rr * ***** red Z prcjaml ouly by J. II. Zoilin A *-0. April a»*ly SB. W. T. PARK, [(Office Kimball Hou-c, D«alnr Slnml.) ATLANTA, GA. Thirty r.-m In iil«M«fbl llratmMit of nil ! ^IlllinCrV, ei..,Dhi'uc*, in either sex, nml^an.uis com- j v > Crockery, Hardware, Plow ich and Kowei j nary organs, id Mi D. G. AVERA. 8M1T11VILLE. - • - GEORGIA. G'jrOQ&xiQQr Qi-ooexiep- Hosiery, Notions, K&a&er Pea^ Ono year old, and Hid new fruit, JJWPJ3JT Pa^3ZACMOS? r Ono year old. Terms ('ash with Order. aep/G 4m The Testimony OF TIIOI’BANDS Wllf) I1AVK.UHKD “HOOD’S El'RGKA LIVER MEDI CINE,” is tliat it is the best Liver ifeil- icine now in use. It lias become a household As To AdrerUslag. It you have goods to sell, adver, tile the fact. Hire a man with a lampblack kettle and a brush to paint your name and number on all the rail road fences. The cars go whlz- ciog by so last that no one can read them, to be sure, but perhaps thh conductor will be obliging enough to stop the train for inquis itive passengers. Remember the fences by the roadside ns well. Nothing is so attractive to the passer-by us a well pointed sign: “Mullington’s Medi cal Mixture for mumps." 'Have your cards on the hotel register, by all means. Strangers stopping tor the night generally bqy a cigar before leaving town, and they need some inspiring liter acy food besides. : If an advertising agent wants to advertise your business in a fancy frame at the depot, pay him about two hundred per cent, moro than it-is worth, and let him put it there. When a man has three-quarters of a Second iu which to catch a train lie invariably slops to read depot 'vertisements, and your card Ight take his eye. Of course the street thermome ter is excellent When a tnnn’a fingers and cars are freezing, or he jsipufllng and “phewing" at the beat, ii the time above all others w&en he reads a thermometer ad vertisement. 'Print in the blackest ink, a great sprawling card on all your wrap ping paper. Ladies returning from a shopping tour like to bo walking bulletins, and if the ink rubs otr and spoils some of their finery, no matter. Don’t fall to advertise in every circus programme. It will help the circus to pay their bills, and visitors cun relieve the tedium of the clown’s jokes by looking over yqur interesting romarks about “ten per cent, below cost," otc. A boy with a big placard on polo is an interesting object on the street, and lends a dignified air to your establishment. Hire a cou pie. Advertise ou a calendar. People never look at a calendar to see what day of the'raonth'Tt T». ' They merely glance hurriedly at it so as to be sure that your name is spell ed with or without ap, that’s all, When the breezes blow, waited by a paper fan in the hands of a lovely woman, ‘tis well to have the air redolent with the periume of the carmine ink - in which your business address is printed. This will make the market for decent fans very brisk. Patronizing every agent that shows you an advertising tablet, card; directory, dictionary, or even an advertising Bible, if one Is offer ed at a reasonable price, shows that you know where to invest your money. But don't think of advertising in a well established, legitimate newspaper. Not for a moment. Your advertisement would bo nice ly printed and would Had its way into all the thrifty households of that region, where tbo farmers live, and into the families of the wealthy and refined—all who have articles to buy and tho money with whloh to buy them; and in the qui et of the eveuing, after the news of the day has been digested, it would be rcud and pondered, and the next day people would come down to your store and patronize you, and keep coming in increasing numbers, aud you might have to lure an extra clerk or two, move into a larger block and more favor able location, and do a bigger busi. ness; but of course, it would be more expensive—and bring bigger profits.—New Jfauen Register. ‘Doctor,’ said an old woman to a medical man, ‘kin you tell me how it is that some folks ls born dumb?’ ‘Certainly madam, replied the doc tor; ‘it is owing to the fact that they come into the world without the power of speech! ‘La, me, re- SrphiU. Is >11 it. form., Nenrolst itto-uuisthm, UlcerMCuKcn. *■ *— 1 Atl.cllon., IS'.. .11,1 Fi.iul. Ki.lnov, mi l all »ffe, lias, of the L ril. WuititvUI-ea*.*, l ‘t r , 11» opli II,.1. lorphi All with t*(e an<l hlci'ant RemHlpa. and wfih- 1J «U« rt‘, (ho funuali- •. e'e . through mail Stocks, CANNED HOODS. , I\>i. Lis jup otml »U|*.r>U!oi It, lake-* |»**it- Iti Atlanta. ... . - ! M ill to him a fu'l hiaiory aud statement far . I'rti-th.u. ajrtnptonis, etc., and fo-taxe fbr } etc, or, tow to Atlanta and j pt-ra >ii. ('all upoh or write i Flour, Flour, 1). U. AYEIIA, K, piy» i Siiirn*’ Oirmiliativr!'PHffiSIX FMH HHt tSBES.! >P' „ ♦»„, .. rlrijsliiat, nt'*sl I.VaaflRt WcAMIl,' «n ‘ liol. r., |lt HI,UTS AMD SIIOBS m*l.;. Ibr . .untie..J1.-.W1 •"!m“•„“•*7! . remedy in many families in the ! marked the old lady, ‘now Jest see I .. , ' what It is to have a physic cduca- . city, where* it is best /»*iio\vn. i\q^\ »j Iiave axed my old man i . i I more nor u hundred times that'ere , It is withal, plc usant to taXc, salno t | 1 ( r) ^ > an( j a || that 1 could | so much so that children take it: "J? r f? ct out of •* im Ws, - -Kase the J r i cheerfully, afterwards frequent- j “My darling” belaid ‘let roc, , ,. n , all, let me share all your life bur- , ly calling lor it for the relief of, ,i ellg f orcver .’ Share ‘cml’ she ex- |. , S claimed ‘yes, you oan have cm all their little stomachs. j a „d you can begin by going out in U - ’ the rain and milking three cows.’ is purely trgetaUe, and An( , Ui8 affet . | on fo b r the countrjr maid oozed out at the ends of bis lingers. “iBdletlloas.” Coaritr Journal. Washington, December 13.—As stated in last night’s dispatches, it is the intention of the administra tion to try and break democratic rule in the southern state, follow ing np the success of the movement tn Virginia. As a confirmation of that statement, it may be mention- ed as a political laet that arrange ments are now being made to wrest Tennessee and West Virginia from tho democracy. The whole bent of the stalwart element of the republi can party and of the administra tion will be in that direotion. The ory has gone forth that Tennessee must bo captured by the republi cans, and every effort is being made to Indueo the fulfillment of that de mand. The stalwart wing of the republican party is rallying to it; all that tbo stalwarts and the ad ministration oan do to secure the overthrow of the democracy in Tennessee will ho accomplished without ecruplo. It Is oIbo a no ticeable fact that the stalwarts are patting Emory Speor, of Georgia, on tho back and urging him to be come the Mahone of Georgia. But it Is to be placed to tbo credit of the political sagacity of the stal warts and the. administration that they do not expect any Immediate fruits from Georgia; they only want Mr. Speer to Inaugurate the endeavor. Their first objective point is Tennessee, and. alter that they propose to bounce upon Ar kansas; and then, if successful, they will devote themselves to oth er states, being guided in their ac tion by tbe consideration as to where tbe chances, carolully weigh ed, seems best. A Mystery Explained. One of the most learned and dig nified members of tho Austin bar got a terrible rebuke trom old Un cle Moso last week. The old man had Jim Webster hauled up before Justico Gregg for stealing his Spanish chickens. As Jim Web ster has political Influence, bo was defended by tw6 prominent law yers. Uncle Mosc was put on the stand and made a bad case against Jim Webster, testifying to having found - -some*-of tbo- chtokens- in Jim’s possession, and identifying them by the peculiarities of the breed. Ono prominent lawyer then un dertook to make Uncle Mose weak en on tho cross-examination. “Now Undo Mose,’’ said the lawyer, suppose I Was to tell you that I have at home in my yard half a dozen chickens of that Iden tical same breed?" “What would I say, boss?” “Yes, what would you say, Ifl was to tell you I’vo got that same kind of chickens In my yard?” “I would say, boss,dat Jim Web ster paid up yer fee wid my chick cns,”and a pensivo smile cropt around under tho old man's ears and met at the back of his head — Texas Siftings. The Atlanta Critics. The Atlanta Sunday Qatette has some sensible remarks about’ the lo cal dramatic critics of that city, and says “the criticisms in tbe dai ly papers of Atlanta are worthies*, and may be written by tbe office boy, pressman, police court repor ter, the editor or business mana. ger. All tbe shows that come to Atlanta are good, according to Through Georgia,” played at a ban A BeM Leap For Msney. One of the most daring cases of robbery ever recorded in the an nals of the State occurred last Fri day night on the Central railroad just above Hampton. The Expo sition train was coming on at a rat* tling pace when suddenly it came to a dead halt and a man was seen to leap off and run back up tbe track with a valise in his hand. It seems that a gentleman from Augusta, whose name did not reach ns, was on his way to Savannah with a large quantity of valuables contain ed in a valise. He had been to At lanta and, thinking everything per fectly secure, carelessly placed his burden of wealth on the seat at his side. By some means or other the robber bad been informed of the contents of the valise, and follow ed the gentleman on the cars. Seeking bis first opportunity when the man was looking out the win dow, tbe wrotch snatched up the va lise and, walking deliberately up to tho danger signal, pulled It and then, as tbe train suddenly stopped, he stepped quickly to the platform and jumped off with bis przie. The owner of the valise gave the alarm at onoo and immediately a large posse of passengers put out after the robber. As lack would have it, the train stopped in a long out, and tbe robber, finding him self unable to gain tbe woods, and being so closely pursued, dropped the valise and scrambled up the em bankment, making good his escape. The owner of tho valise showed or told how valuable it was, and we are informed it was worth over $100,000. He further states that be remembers seeing tho robber a number of times iu Atlanta, but never once d reamed be was spotting the valise.—Griffin News. A Fine Exhibit. Upon leaving for Atlan'a yester day morning, Judge J. B. Latimer carried probably one of the most unique exhibits that will be display ed at the Exposition. It consists of a pyramid of glass esses in which he shows specimen stalks of the Great Bohemain or Texas Storm Cotton. Tho lower case is two fiat squart and three float Ugh, in wfitchts aetalk of thi ■ cot ton con taining just one hundred bolls. The second case is two feet square, and two and a half feet in height and contains sixty bolls. The third seetlon of tbe pyramid is a logo oval glass cover containing a still smaller stalk but perfect in every particular. Surmounting the summit of this pyramid will be samples of the cotton In lint form. It Is artistically arranged and Is a beauty. Mr. Adrain Latimer carried with-him his mammoth collections •f Butterflies, Motbe, Dragon Flies, and othernatural curiosities, which are well worth a day’s careful stu dy. The arrangement of bis va rious cabinets (s perfect In every detail and evinces the taste and tact of tbe master hand that ar ranged them. We warrant that these displays will attraot much attention and know that our Or dinal? can oome nearer talking Cotton than any man who vislta the Exposition.—Lumpkin Inde pendent. The Penalties sfUreataess. Gen. Sherman wept the other day, after bearing “Marching linrmlcss iu its action. he st..mall a <1 itowei ■ IlcvcstUe |Ktlit ami rh| l»| pry 2Pritlp*»* ! *n i*» An “iwMtJra £ 'jME-iCS 1 * U,UI '’' 1 ‘-' “S'iuT! 1 j! r ii- SIMMOWS, j C«M»u AAu'tn.-u-. i. f S. A. Ui'tlth’s 1 t’lUMllM AX UK MY DtUl.KV. For sale by nil druggists. Ip jwwr •fOV m > outfit tree A‘M A Nevada school teacher died l the other day, and the local papers ,.d, i-i iu. uni sa ; announced it under the head, "• “Loss of a Whaler.” these critics, who made no differ ence when praising Gerster or Sat vini and any wall eyed commcdian in some unknown company.” There arc few men In Atlanta capable of criticising a dramatic performance as It should be. Gra dy could if he would, but he’s too lazy; Henry Richardson can use the scalpel rather exterously, but he doesn't seem to care much about it. Smith Clayton is probably the best critic, possibly excepting Sam Small, but the former has his stand ard of excellence so elevated that actors of even real merit are sneer ed at as failure". 8mali is proba bly the fairpi*' <1. auntie eritio in Atlanta, while Mr". Mary K. Bry an, of the Sunny S wt/t is the best Madam G— calls at a friend's house on a wet day, her feet being damp, says to her friend, ‘My dear, will you let your maid brind me a pair of your slippers?” ‘My tove, replies her friend (there were sev eral people in tho parlor,) ‘do yon, think my slippers will fit you?’ ‘Oh, I think so darling, If you will put a cork sole inside of them.’ Two Kentucky maidens have opened a btacksmitbing shop, and it is an interesting sight to see a mule blnsh when tbe girls accident ally tickle him while patting on hit new shoes. quet. His neighbor, Gen. Grant, asked him; “Wherefore dost thou weep?” Tho General answered: “I never waq go allflred sorry that I marched through Georgia as I have been in tbe last five years. Georgia be darned. The people are good enough, but I’m listening to that tune for tbe 3,465,857th time.’' How would you like, Ulys- •is,” lie cotlnued, “to bear that in fernal’melody over three mUHon times? They have played It to me from Maine to Texas, and from Florida to Toronto,” and here he wept afresh. But Gen. Grant quietly patted the hero on the shoulder and said: “Shepiian, it is only one of the pen alties of greatness. I suffer worse than you do—I’ve lud seven mill ion cigars given to me because peo ple think I like to smoke, 834 hull pops, »nd mow herast fhss 1 oan coant. Sherman” continued the general, “whenever I see a horse, a cigar, or ball pup, I feel jast as badly as you do, bat 1 never give way to my feelings. I—I sell’em.” “Yes,” answered Sherman be tween his sobs, “yon can sell'clgars, ball paps and bones, bnt I can’t sell that d—d tune for five cents.” —New Orleans Times. It sbo-’ldn’t be 'forgotten that the time for swearing off rapidly approacbetb. M ANT