The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, December 23, 1881, Image 1

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.91 TRI-WBBKX.T. VOL .TIL AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23. 1881. NO. 09. JtmmMsgjCwdn*. * \ 'W PICE ON C< ' OFI r COTTON AVENUE, Svfbseiiptioa Kates: Tbi-Weekly One Y eau, Weekly One Year, - - Sunday Issue One Year, $4.00. $2.00. $1.50. Mg King Elam -KSCTS. ON HAND At AXiZi TIMES LOWEST GASH PRICES Wholesale Grocer, SENT BY EXPRESS. General Commission Merchant W. H. K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LEESBUBGH, - - GEORGIA. Collections a Specialty. Ijllwly a ■I U. G1 DtiPONT OUEKTtY. & SON, Ameuicus, Qeoroia. Will practice in all the Court*, both State and federal. JulyO-wswly. WsVi BTJRT, OBK T 1ST, AMEUICUS, (GEORGIA. Guarantees satisfaction In tho most difficult Cnees. All work warranted. Office on Lninar street, over T. M. Eden r ZZT J. C. MATHEWS. II. 11. JUNTOS. HINTON & MATHEWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice in nil the counties of this Jutlplal Circuit, also in Dooly county, in tho Hnurenio Court of tuc Bute of Georgia, and the District Court of the United States, and in all other courts tiy special contract.. office in llnwklns’ new building, Lamar Street, duly lath, 1881. A LARGE AND HANDSOME of Millinery Goods THE LATEST STYLES! Examine Before You Ptirchaee, Miss Kate King. Public Square. Amerli-uv, Gi er HAS RETIJltNEI)! His Photograph Gallery NOW OPEN! W. D. 8EAR8. D1I.W.J.SB1BS&M ELLAVILI.E, GA. E. A. CUTTS, FI NEST PIC TURES, LATEST STYLES and ALL SIZES. Satisfaction (lunraiitooil Prices Moderate oveh t.’s stoke, 22 li ISO A I) St., ATLANTA. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Vi 0,3.1 lin Free to- M M] A Beautiful Rook for the Asking i Ny.applylnjf personally nftho nearest office , of *HK SiNwEtt MA NITKACTUKING CO. (or bj UKNIUS REWARDED, -OR THE— STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE, containing a handsome and costly steel engraving frontispiece: also, 28 finely eiigravcil wood cuts, and hound in nn elobomte blue anv (told liiho- graplieil cover. No cli rgo whatever Is titndo tor this hmidsome hook, which can l«e Job tallied only by application at the branch and subordinate ,* Hces of The Sii-ger ManufnclurlnK Co. m SUER MANUFACTURING CO. Principal I• Dice. .14 Union Square, s ?* ly. w trl. New York. I)r.s. Westbrook & Joiner, Physicians and Surgeons, NDEllSONVILLE, GEORGIA, Office at Drug Storo of W. M. Clark. May 18-1 y T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM I HENRY ANDERSON 'Minnie Harlan was alono in tho world, hor motiier just buried. She was a beautiful brown-haired girl, with soft, shy eyes of violet gray; and rosy lips compressed to a firmness far beyond tier years. For alter all slio was scarcely sov- entpen, and bo Deacon Qiay was telling her as lie sat by the fire spreading Ids huge hands over the lihzc, and asked- abruptly: “IJtit What arc you going to do to earn your bread an’ butter, my child?” ‘.jl don’t know—I have thought —mamma bad an uncle living in Now York, who—” "Yes, yes—I’ve heerd tell about hinfr—lie was mod cause your moth er .didn’t marry just exactly to suit lilOL wasn’t lie ?” Minnie was silent. Deacon G uy waited a few minutes, hoping site wohld admit him to her secret med itations, but she did not, and the dcMnn went away home to tell bis wife “thnt Harlan girl was tho very queerest crcctur he had ever come across.” In the meantime Minnie was busy packing her scanty tilings into her enrpet bag, by the weird, flickering light of tho dying wood lire. and proparing to closo tho ofllco,” said Minnie, starting nervously tc hor feet, “I must go somewhere.” “Miss Harlan,” said Frank, “my homo is a very poor one—I am only a flve-hiindrcd dollar clerk— but I am sure my mother will re ceive you under licr roof for a day ’or two, If you can trust me.” “Trust you ?” Minnie looked at him through Violet eyes obscured in tears. “Oh, sir, I shall be so thankful.” “‘I will go to New York,” she nig to herself, setting her pearly teeth together., “My mother's uncle shall hear my cause pleaded through my own lips: Oh, I wisli my heart would not throb so wildly! I am an or phan all alone in the world, who must fight life's battles with her own single bands.” Americus, Georgia. ii. j,., .. „ . nl !• better r ._ r rto wait upon Ills tuatouicn. All who may wish to have Slinviwr, Hair Cutting sop24-wtwtf Prof. VAN 1IIPER. r the entrance to Harlow IIoum ATTORNEY AT LAW. AUEIIICUS, GKOliOIA, P Will prtctlra In nil .tho CiiurU Ihrouittiont I lid 8onlhire.t.rn C’lr-nlt. allmtlou «lvcn to Ijiv. Olllc. on Imtiinr ulnut, .line Sloro of Onl rotor Brown. PROTECTION So numerous are tho developments of Mala rl# that people contin ually suffer from this noxious poison when they least imagine I is lurking In tbclrrys. Chills and Feser, Headache, lutennltteut Fever, General Debility, JllHoue Feeer, Lassitude, * ’Ti/pheid Feeer, Nausea. —ABIC THE— PAINFUL OFF8PUINUH OF MALA- III A / . and havo their origin In a disordered liver, which it not regulated In time, great suffering, eduesa and death will ennue. KGRTAULE.) kin Its remedial effectsnnd l nil formaof Malarial , , Jnlne, without any of ices^ahinli follow their use. y by jKramis expoaetT t«» Malaria, It will Expel the Poison aud protect them from attack I As evidence, see extract from W B Yates’ letter, where the IUgulator afforded pratectloii frooi t ii 1 most deadly type of Malaria, to alt. iprm of four opldcnn* J ft the llrst visits ' Ji«i ivo had •ffversl in For any Washing Machlne^tl a' willj Wash Cleaner, Quieter anil With LESS LABOR Robbins Family Washer ami Blearher It Is Shelf Operating—Re quiring* No Rubbing. - - ■i- r , 8lD T r w», lo Break t ir K-gulKlor, I wuuU such extreme cases, It eon be leUed on asn so\. erelgn Specific and Antidote in milder forms. But only the genuine w white wnpper, with red Z, prepared ouly by J. 11. Zctliu A lo. April 2U*ly (Office Kimball Uoum, Decatur Street.) ’ 'ATLANTA, GA. Thirty years In successful treatment of- all Chronic Disease*. In either sex, and various com plicated old standing diseases upon which others Chronic Disease*. In plicated outstanding C»M SJpMIU In nil it. form., Nennlib. llPcunintUm, Ulttn.iL’Mlcera, StomKChnn.l Bot.I A ffectiuns, Pi!*s ana Fistula. Kidney, and all affection* of the Urinary organs, Womb,‘Diseases, etc, Also opium and Morphine All with safe and pleasant Remedies. and with- >ut Morcurv. Poisonous or Nauseous Doses out Mercury, Poisonous or Nauseous ----- At the patients’ home#, anywhere, the I in* Medical advice, Medleihe, etc. through mail andexpr.s*); or. If desired, or the case requires It, takes patients under hU personal supervision la Atlanta. , . , MaU to him a full history and statement for jroar affliction, symptoms, etc., and postage for hi* reply, terms, etc, *“ consult him' to AtLmts and I In per*>ii. Call upoh or wriie to u* Dr. J. R. Simmons’ Carminative! utrrv. t>ilK«n.K>. tliolir., na Inf.ntuia, Cramp, lo il,. It SCI. Ilk. o cl*.no, .nd niriis <• onec ' doe V?°l ■ Ihe Load, ewllis U (five, nnpaialleled ..vtl,faction to all wti<>. tuc IL I'rlee tie to |1,00 pcrtaitlo. .J'r^srj 1| ,.»dfar-t«J.y HMoNSf to Cotton Avtnae, Americus, tin [Ko mow yellow cloilw-s. Norooro hard work on Wiuhinc day. Jj| No mdiu riibLIng dnjhef full of hokn. No more lame harks washing %rv«at shirts, if hi will nw th# UotihiDH Family Washer and lonelier, which will do Its offrn work wlihnut anv ►Mane'*. Secin* l» helleviug; aml lf yon wifi in’ it once, you will never again W>'*h without it is any other machine. It is lliFwlt In tho d; mid will wash anything fiomu Isco cuiiain liorso blanket, well and qn'ckly. Itc.mnot j»* t of order. Address, J. T. UUKKHY, Americus, CJa. » Octobei .'JO-wAtw 6w. broken o 1). G. AYERA. m- GEORGIA. 8UITHVILLE, One, two nml tliroo yonrs nlilforsnlo nf tbo colobmteil XioConate 3P©ar. -ALSO, THE ISxoiieT WmmXp One year old, nnd tli« new fruit, jax»j3.xt x*sns^xx*a«oiT, Onrf^lraJoAl. W U I; Order. Terms Ci Qxooex-ies. Hosiery, Notions, Millinery, Crockery, Hardware, Stocks, Plow CANNED GOODS. Flour, Flour, D. G. AYERA, OF THOUSANDS WHO IIAVKU8KD n EUREKA LIVER MKDI- CISE,” is that il in the hex! Liver Med• . reT "M’O’TT’OBC trine 'note In nee. “* It lias become a household remedy in many families iu the city, where it is best known. It is withal, pleasant to ta/re, so much so thnt children take it cheerfully, afterwards fiequent- Lowor Broadway at 1 o’clock in tbo evening. Wliat a babul of crash ing wheels, hurrying humanity and conglomerate noises it was. Minnie Harlan sat in. the corner of an express oftice, under the flare of gaslight, surrounded by boxes, a id wondered whether people ever went crazy in this perpetual din and tumult. Her dress was very plain—gray poplin, with a shabby, o'lLftisbioned little straw bonnet ribbons, and>a blue veil, while her only article of bag gage, the carpet-bag, lay in her lap. She had sat there two hours, and was very tired. “Poor little thing,” thought the dark-lmired young elevk nearest tier, who inhabited a sort of wire cage under a circlet of gas lights, and then took up his pan and plunged into u perfect Atlantic ocean of accounts. “Mr. Evans.” “Sir ?” The dark-lmired clerk emerged from his cage with his pen behind his car, in obedience to the beckon- ing finger of Ills superior. “! have noticed tlmt young wo- man sitting there for some time— how came she here?” “Expressed on from Millington, Iowa. Arrived this afternoon.” As though poor Minnie were a box or a paper parcel. “Who for ?” “Consigned lo Walter Harring ton, Esq.” “And wliv hasn’t she been called for ?” "I sent up to Harrington’s ad dress to notify him smnu time ago, and am expecting an answer every moment.” “Very, odd,” said the gray hair ed gentleman, again taking np his newspaper. Some llircc-qunrtei-s of an hour afterward, Frank Evans came to the pale girl’s side, with indescrib able pity in his hazel eyes. “Miss Harlan, we have sent to Mr. Harrington’s residence—” Minnie looked up with n feverish red upon her cheek, and her hand clasped tightly on the handle of the laded carpet hag. “And wo regret to inform you tlmt he sailed for Europe at 12 o’clock this day.” A sudden blur came over Min nie’s eyes—siie trembled like a leaf. Frank Evans bad been turning away, but something in the piteous tones of her voice appealed to eve ry manly instinct within him. “Shall I send to any other of your (riends ?” “I have no friends.” “I’erbnp* I can’ have your tilings sent to some quiet family hotel ?” "How late you are, Frank! Here —give me your overcoat—It i» all powdered with snow, and—” But Frank interrupted his bust ling, ciicny-cbcckcd littlo niotlur, as site stood on tip-toe to tako olf bis outer wrappings. “Hush, mother, there is a young lady down stairs.” “A young lady, Frank?" “Yes, mother, expressed on from Iowa to old Harrington, the rich merchant. He sailed tor Europe this morning, and she is left entire ly alone. Mother, slid looks like poor Blanche, and I know you wouldn't vcfnso her a corner until she could find something to do.” •Mrs. Evaiiswent to the door nnd called cheerfully out: “Como up stnlrs, my dear, you're ns welcome ns a flower in May! Frank, you did quite right; you nl- ivays do so." The days nnd weeks passed on, nnd still Minnie Harlan remained nn inmate of Mrs. Evans’ humble dwelling. n .'t seems just ns though site bad taken our dead Blanche's place,” said the oozy little widow; “and she is so useful about tho house. 1 don’t know bow I ever managed without her. Now, Minnie,you’re not in eurncst about leaving us to morrow?” “I must, dear Mrs. Evnns. On ly think—I have Veen here mi s’, two months to-morrow, and the situation as governess is advan tngcous.” “Very well, I shall tell Frank bow obstinate you arc.” “DearestJMrf.Evnn^plotsodon’t. Please keep my secret.” “ Wliat secret is it tlmt is to be so religiously kept?” asked Mr. Frank Evans, coolly walking into the midst of the discussion, with bis dark hair tossed nbout by the wind, end bis hazel brown eyes sparkling archly “Secret!” repented Mrs. Evnns, energetically wiping her dim spec tacle glass, “Why, Minnie is de termined to leave ns to-morrow.” “I inns’,Frank. I have no right to further trespass on your kind ness." , , “No right, cli, Minnie; do you know tlmt this old house lias been a different placo since you came into it? Do vou suppose wc want to loso our little sunbeam?” .Minnie smiled saillv, but her linnil felt very cold and passive in Frank’s warm grasp. “You’ll stay Minnie?” “No.”" She shook hor head delcrmined- ly. “Then you must bo made to stay,” said Frank. "I'vo missed something ol great value lately,nnd I hereby arrest you on suspicion of being the thief.” “Missed something?” Minnie rose, turning red and white. “0, Frank, you can never sus pect me!” “But I do suspect you. In fact, I am quite sure that article is in your possession.” “The article!” “My heart, Miss Minnie. I know Hint I am very young and very poor, but I love you, Minn'o Har lan, and I will be a good husband to you. Stay and be my little wife!" So Minnie Harlan instead of go ing out as a governess, according to the programme, married the young, dark haired clerk in Elli son’s express office, New York. They were very quietly married early in the m iru'isg, nnd Frank took Minnio in nn- to his mother, and then Wulit calmly about bis business in the wire cage under the circlet of the gas-lights. “Evans!" “Yes sir.” Frank witli bis pen behind bis ntive left me.” “AM but, sir,” said Frank, “you cannot have her.” "Cannot have her! What do you menu? Has aoything happened?” “Yes, sir; something has happen* ed; Mi* 8 Minnie was 'married to me this morning.” Waller Harrington stared. “Take me toiler,” lie said hoarse ly, “X can’t ho parted from my on. ly living relative for a more whim.” “I wonder if he calls tho mar- ri'ige si rviuo a more wliim.'’thouszht honest Frank; but he obeyed in si lence. Frank Evans is an express clerk no longer, nnd pretty Minnie moves in velvets nnd diamonds; but they are quito its happy as they were in the old days, th-1 is saying enough. Uncle Walter Harrington grows older nnd feebler every day, and bis two children nra the sunshine of liis declining life. A City of Lambent Light. The city of Aurora, III., forty miles west of Chicago, aflbrds a striking spectacle of the revolution in lighting cities by tho elcctrio tower pin". At night the city is bathed in a flood of lambcrt light, nnd her citizens arc in a state of delighted enthusiusm over the splendid practical results achieved. The system consists of six elect no towers, made of iron rods and. net work, each 150 feet high. These nra crowned with electric lamps of 2,000 caudle power each, or cqeal to 125 gas jets. The cost complete for each tower nnd apparatus is nbout $1,000. Ono electric tower lamp, fed liy soft coal at $3 per ton, gives a 2,000 candle light at 2J c. per hour, a ratio of 2) to 50 com pared to n corresponding use of gas light. The people of Aurora are universally jubilant over tile result of the adoption of the new system, and express the most cam* est nnd complete satisfaction with the Brush tower plan in ail its bear ings nnd aspects. Men of Grit. Tlio large majority of men do not use a titho of the power they possess. Their talents are mostly in n nupkli). Ono of the wealthiest men in Wall street to-day, broke down in. business a good many years ago. He went into an office where ho was well acquainted, and said to a member of the Arm that be bad no bread-for Ids family. “I am ready to go messages for you, or perform any other service.” He bung up Ids coat and com menced work around ' the lowest round of tho ladder. Previously, this man’s cheek was accepted any where on the streot. You may bo sure such a man gradually mount ed up. Over in Boston a like minded mnn fell out. Ho was without bread, and soon would be without shoes unless lie wakened up and stir- red Ids energies, lie was book keeper, and at ono tima earned u handsome salary. What did- be do? Tills ho did. He took a cot ton hook and went down to load and unload cotton at so much nn hour. Behold another tnnn with grit. The owners of the cotton and tho ship eyed tins hero. Soon tho de cree went forth: Como up highor. Ho resumed tho quill and laid by the cotton hook. Discouragement never weakened the Boston lioy. Whiners with hanging lips and chicken hearts, who cure their troubles witii tiio bottle or tho pis tol, are pitiful creatures, who should never have been born. MIX FI10.11 HI® ASHES. TL« flnpil RnUhi'H. ■•Hi ii’«*awint Wftilli? .IwaSSt BOOTS ANI> RIIOBS w*-. Tbj tM njullii* 'Ion" In the n'i«t V. ' allLUe ityle. ih'l all on n-a~-i">'>l“ to every gciuleinitn in Amerieu-. toll n at my liei .hop In (mot ofehj. X.A. S.-llh. -r flee, jn Jackson StnvL AomtL Minnie o|ioiied tier little leather car) as 0 f yore, quietly obeyed the i purse and showed him two ten-cent- | >e ) IC8t a f the gruy-baired ulllcial. i ly calling (or it for the relief of pieces, with a smile that almost “Do you remember the young , , , | a tear. - their little stomachs. j “This is nil the money I have in It -As purely vegetable, and " “But wiiai. are you going to do?” “I don’t know, si-, Isn’t there a workhouse, or some such place I j could go to until I could And sonic- | thing to do?” | Frank Evans couhrscarcely help smiling at poor Minnie’s simplicity AXIMtEIV IMTDLEV. harmless in its action. For sale by all druggists. woman who was expressed on from Millington,Iowa,two months since?’ •Yes, sir—I remember hor.” A tail, silvpr-baircd gentleman here interposed witli eager quick ness:'’ “Where it she? I am her uncle, Waiter Harrington. I have Just returned from Paris, wiicre the news of her arrival reached me. I ijiliG Miuiit fr.-!- * a'iiIo-..’ll."iiai.i.h-i-r a l o. “They are putting out the liglils want her, she is the only Hvtugrol r.iitl.n.l, ll.i>m- KviAIr A question or Mileage. Jones held an execution against a farmer, and when lie called for a settlement the agriculturalist took him out into a big pnstiira and pointed out a wild steer as tbo particular piece of property to bo levied upon. Jones chased the steer around for a while, and then sat down, and taking out bis book began to write. “What are ycu doing there?" asked the granger. “Charging mileage,” replied the constable without looking np. “Do I have it all to pay?" gasp ed the rancher. “You bet.” “Then take this tame heifer here. < I can’t have any such game ns tlmt.” The W rrentan Clipper remarks that Rev. T. DoWitt Talmage says that hull is strewn with tobacco leaves. .And now good smokers nnd chewers of the natural leaf are not particular where they go. A jealous colored Spartan whip ped liis sweetheart beeousn she took a promenade with another gcmmuin; {and now the OtlicIIp is in jail.