The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, January 03, 1882, Image 1

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VOL .III. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY S, 1884 NO. 101. H FUHLIHIIKl) BT W. L. GLESSNER. to | A Beautiful Kook for 1 lie Asking! ipMyj l I liyjTT >k for (lie Asking! Ul J—11 11 A XI X X OFFICE OI COTTON AVE.YIE,! , Has Hkmovkp non L.vmai. Oram* to i I’Mlal raril If at» di.tsnce) any orfull iwnon will ■ I'r—ti nldl with a IwuntlOllly Illu.tniUsI ci»j,v ol «**»• llook entltloil Su-Tosciiptioa Rates: Yiii-Weeki.y (Ink Yeah, • JbOft. Weekly One Yeah, - $2,011. Sunday Issue One Yeah, - 11.50. UKNICS REWARDED, STORY OF TIIESKWi.MI HUHIYS:, COTTON AVENUE, n tiii: coMMomnrs wilding IIKI.HV.' I 111'. IIKCOIiIIKII Of KICK. PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS W. II. K1MBROUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.EESHURfiir, - - GEORGIA. Collections a Specialty. Vsjllwly 1 g.*M iiiii 1 r in ..1.1.1c 'lit-iilirri , 'Villi a ami uniiMi . n'ar«<*il nl»w»k < £8* Confections and ’’HE SINGER MANOFACTDRINt} CO. I'rinrlpnl Offic**, U Union Square, Fancy Groceries, T0NS0RIAL EMPORIUM! HENRY ANDERSON CONSISTING OF . It. OL'KIUIY. m:roNT m’Kitiiv. GUERRY & SON, Americuh, Georgia. <C)rtice np •mini ovor Oran Worry A Harlow’* •tore.) Will prartia* in all the Court a, Ix.tli State and Vodmal. Jnlvfl-w«wly. w. p. ’bijrt, jDBK T 1ST. AMKBIC'US, v OKOR(i|.\. Cuaranl II work warmuled. OflU-i ' lits proi< Fresh Canned Goods OF EVERY KIND, i f?A N DIRS. FRENCH ami STICK ’Wild Ik* pl.awd In lm en mil infaction in the I work warranted, o ■ T. M. K-leu’i. He fori rd. m.ij it. d. nnrros. j. c. Mathews. HINTON & MATHEWS, ! ATTORNEYS AT LAW StNteof t; .... Court of the United tiaioi*, ami in all other oourii «»y special contract. Oillco in Hawkins' new buiMiug-, Lamar SliCft. July lali, 1881. W. J. SEA US, W. 1). SEA US. Pickles, Sauces, Rutter, Cheese, i tu j (3j c n j, •Z B I -0 •• I i ll 5S _• I Larabee’s and Wilson’s “Hkpi “■'ll III \f}' DR.W.J. mmm* ELLAVILLE, G.Y. E. A. CUTTS, Zrf.@Qoxite Pear. —ALSO, THE Kieffer Pear, ATTORNKY AT r,AA\ AMKltlvrs OKour.iA, throuttl-oitl tlm One year old, and the new fr;;it, T rERSIMMOlT, . One ymrold. Terms Cush with Order. sop/5 4tu Chill* unit Freer, lleiuhirhc, Intermittent Freer, Henerul Debility, ItllloiiH Freer, leHnult Mile, TyphnUt Ferer, Stnmnt. AUK tiii:— I OF .11.1 LA- I ami have their origin In a dliordercd liver, which it not regulated in time, great •nlTcrli g, »-• ednesA and death will ohmic. Sim mo.\s Liver Remmtob. (l’URELY VKOF.TAIW.K.) i« nhaolutelv certain In It* r* mwllnl elTrcta and acta more promptl) tncuil ig all foiiuanr Malarial iIIwuipj than calomel or quinine, wI'liout any the iujurloua can-*queuc« which follow thair ««•. If taken occasionally t*y piraona ex|*)i*od to Malaria, ■ twill 12 v pci the Polnou anil'protect them from attack ! Ah evidefcre, ace extract from W II Yalea’ Idler, Where the r afford, d pridcethm >rom 1 y and most deadl, type of .M i'nda, to Yellow Fever. m £mm: I hav. ic« of tbo yellow Ft VrLii Hiper HAS RETURNED! His Photograph Gallery NOW OPENI FINEST lMt l l llKS, 1.4 TENT NTVI.EN anil 41.1. SIZES. The Man And The I.nml. Personal Appear,inee of Brewster. Old And New Sooth. We have, from time to time, iu- j A Washington special gives the. (Joorgia has the ablest journals, sisted and proved that it is not the following description of the person- the ablest statesmen, tho ablest soil of Georgia that lacks anything . al nppearaneo and characteristics ; business men of any state in the for wealth production, bn t Hint it 1 of lion. Brio. II. Brewster, the 1 South, mid her people Imre been is tlie man who owns or farms it ; now attorney-general of the United 1 tho earliest to learn that their des- tliat is only to blame for tho fail-! States: 1 tlnv is In their own hands, with urc. Not long ago, we instanced j ‘‘lie is one of tho homeliest men ! boundless possibilities. Kergrcat how a merchant of this city helped wiio have ever been in public place. 1 men of war times arc, as n rule, a young man to buy a plantation > When lie was a child lie fell into among tho most liberal and pro! and stock it. Payments were to he 1 the fire and so injured Ids lace that' grcsslvo leaders of the whole made on long time and easy terras, it Ims remained to this day tend-1 South. Tile young man tried tno years lily disfigured. It. is an drawn out The Potion Exposition will si- and mucumilu*d. lie had hardly of shape a* to p.isiijiely shock liou-e the l.imi of many spindles in paid the interest on ihe -iiiii invest- sensitive people. When Mr. Brew- the North, and it will make the ed and none of the prim ipal. The ater speaks, however, all is lorgot- South lunch more the legitimate merchant took wlmt stock remain- ten. His voice is musical and his Held for both invention and capital ed and managed the land himself,, manners are most engaging. It is 1 limn it has over been in the.past, at odd intervals. In two years he related of him, that once, upon his It will tench to tile great mass of had not only repaid himself, lint travels, lie was seated at ono of the the Southern people what onlv the hud a farm that, managed with .lining tables of a leading New theorists hnvo known until now sense, was bringing him a net in- York hotel, lie was engaged in that the greatest boon to the South oome of $‘2,50(1 annually. That is the courts of that city, and as his j after the cotton gin is tho cotton a striking example of tho great stay was protracted, ho was given n spindles; and I hazard nothing in truth Hint “there is more iu the regular table. At tins table sat a saying that, in another decade, man than in the land.” Another. gentleman and his wife and one or Georgia will spin all her cotton, example is cited by our Albany j two lady relatives. They were so have looms for most of it, and make friend: “There is no sense in pen- much disturbed by the sight of Mr. j the m.isio of tl.e cotton fnctory pie saying they can’t do well in 'the i Brewster that they requested the 1 heard iu every centra of the South, pi'icy woods of Worth ami Colquitt 1 landlord to remove him, as they Of ull civilizations of the nineteenth counties. Miles Munk, of Colquitt 'said the sight, of his countenance century, the Old South wnsthcon- lioiiiity.. wns iu town yesterday, and ; destroyed their appetites. The ly one that would have paid morn said he had twelve500 pound landlord went to Mr. Brewster and than two hundred millions bales of cotton and eight hundred frankly told him of the requestor lars annually to n hated North to bushels corn wi‘h two mules, and Ins fellow gucsU. .Mr. Brewster spin its cotton. With the cost of made more potatoes than his hogs said: “1 am used to such inci- a thousand miles of transportation, could destroy, and lie had about dents, hut if you can persuade the the cost of baling, the injury to fl- forty head of fatleoing hogs, and gentleman and ladies who object to lire by pressing and separating it lie made three large barrels or sy- mi* to consent to nn introduction, again for tho spindle, and the in- rnp, besides grounds, and attends and allow me to talk witli llictn fer creased cost of labor in the North, to Ids sheep; that he will have sev- live minutes, I am certain they will nil pleading for the spindle ‘in. the oral bales of wool from Ids sheep, not ask to have me go away." South, the. North gathered the and drove in two of the fattest! After some argument the landlord chief profits of Southern products mules that have been in Alliany j succeeded in (icrsunding his sensi-, by receiving the raw material and this year.” live guests to consent to such an returni-g it in web to lie sold large- Georgia needs thousands of introduction. *The sequel is very ly to those who should have made those kind of men where she has brief. Before the stipulated live it. But the New South has |stnd- only huiid.cds. They will Is* niiiiiilesliadpaMe.lthecntiroparty icdsimplonritlimctio ) nnditsCot- either developed among’our native had become so completely fasci-1 ton Imposition Is merely a huge popu.ntion, or else men will come anted with Mr. Brewster that they , blackboard on which is presented from abroad to till and owii and in- tendered him the most piofusc to thc-wholo South tho plain lesson crease this good Southern heritage, apologies for their previous ohjec- that tho three hundred millions Brains and energy are the wonder lions, anil afterwards became his wort h of cotton produced tills year workers. They have, in combinn- linn friends anil most devoted nil- will be worth tliroej hundred mill- lion, made sterile New England a mirers Hu is married to one of ions more when the ample nnd ice- garden spot,and Belgium, natural- the most beautiful woman, the‘len.1- (less waters of the South shall lie ly poor, tho richest of countries ' iag ligurc for many years in Pliila employed to whirl the merry spiu- n’gricnlt.iiies. See what they did j delphla society. In dress Mr. dies at home—[Col. McClure in for,Chum Speckles, of Honolulu:, Brewster is very eccentric. He I’liilaileliihia Timet. A few years ago lie was laughed at wears ruffles of the style of seven* - — - when he purchased 10,000 ncros of ty-llvc years ago. llis coat is a A Revolution 111 Cotton, laud at tun cents an acre, as the bine swallow-tail, with brass hot-. A patent for nil invention des- Inict was nt the foot of an extinct Ions, and his waistcoat is long and tilled to revolutionize the methods volcano, and covered with crust on made of bright buff cloth. lie la ; of planting cotton, was granted a the surface like a flagstone walk, one of the most singular appearing week or two since to I’rof. Thomas lie broke op this crust, mixed the men in every way Hint have ever j Taylor, microscoplst to the Agri- dust with a snmlPqiiantitv of veg- assumed uosition in Washington'! cultural Department at Washing- ctnblo would thoroughly irrigated olllcinl life. ton. Experiments extending over the soil thus .formed, and planted several seasons hive developed the SU g ar t .. lnt . q‘ 0 {|ay | 11: j„ „ m j|. Slirriiiiin's Newspaper. fact tliut seel treated by tills new lionnrc. Washington, Dec. 25—Although process comes up in ttom eight to Wo need not multiply examples the senate appropriations commit- ten days earlier than If planted lo prove an axiom a self evident tee is at work investigating the without treatment. Ibis, it is r nmrrar n > nrr imm™ proposition. There is no better j treasury department rascalities, yet! claimed, will cnnblo planters to LOWEST GASH PRICES place on this planet than Georgia i tho Sumla,, Gazette, a stalwart or- : tako that time from _ the period ! to he happy and comfortable es- j gan, keeps up its lire on the treas- when tho frost is liable to injure 11 mm ixn nimnn ■ pcoiully in agricultural districts.! ury tycoons. It gives an account the young pluiits. A collateral a.i- a.-iui . It. Is tiie man and not the land at ! of how Sherman established a news-, vantage gained by treatment is , . ...... . fault. We admit that hralnless paper in his interest hero last year, that the seed, liolnz entirely treed Selection. 01 Ifllllllicrv Goods and i.llo runners will not succeed According to the (labile, Sber- from lint, can bo planted by a ma- J ; here. They would not prosper in mail chartered one I<. A*. Vale to chine as in corn. The proccsn U “°F- j an Rden. When Georgians, In the I conduct the paper. Type i« re- os simple a* it iff claimed to bo elll- i mass, apply themselves to proper ; qnlrcd, even for such a weekly pa- caelous for the purpose named. It ' culture and diversification of it,! per ns Sherman wanted published consists simply in pouring an ncul with soberness, thrift and activity, here in his political interest, but he Llic seed, and afterwards wash- they will Und that there aro in the was disinclined to buy type. In ! jng’in water. The cost of the ehetn- Department are si hun dred valuable articles such as Duckets, Pans glassware, Hosiery,! Etc. Ess Kale King KKKPd ON IIAXD ATP AT-.D TIMES AND AT- Til K LATEST S1TLKS! Salisiiii'liou Giiurnnlcc'd Pricks Moderate Examine Before lo:i I'lirchate. 1 sae j. c .q HO i| m | nl( .| ( . s „f ,, ru |it which casting nliout him for some means leal is merely nominal, us it can be Itlisa Hate King. are always accorded to him who is of escape from expenditure on Ibis used repeatedly without detoriora- i-niiii.'1'c. smeriru-. oa.. I worthy to discovcd them.—Align*- account, he ehanceil lo think of the lin lf‘D' strength. ^ Jvx- The Testimony ( four fjt'di Icioftbe Yellow F. vrr. 1 La*l it tl»« llr»t vlww Kan, butdnrlDf Ibt i.tlicr thm- I awl >oui*iimkI- •IfJnP. I was continually 111 Hi** n*.»niB of the >lrk AllKM’irilS, i|l ilylnp, but l f^c.»j*ru. I l| ‘I vi at t. w ii s wing to th# virtu*- ir Simoioiw I Aver If Ibt* Kvrcr X*a* to lire ik ‘Hit again, Int i ii hottlft *»f your Itrculntoi " WAS fiNK) r Krtrii I f.fl : imI I ; Georffiu. I’l’iif, VAN RIPER. sir.'Mir i wittfinwiniii. »»•}'. ’“I'- 1 ul " 11 '•Ucmpbli* Tmn., Aisll 1*1, Islfl. * . , Ih.vlnit nwiilrkltzMl tins l~l«m of M.I.iu. In - nucb extreme caaes it ran in- iHM > ’frelqti Specific unit Anluloie In lolWcr Uo?‘.nly-tbo KtMiium* hi white winpiKr, wiih ; xih| 7. prepare*! only by J. II. Z« 'hn i ». April 2JKly DE.W.T.PARK, ClD,c O|>|K>.ll Klmli.ll ilc*"-.., Iki-mitr Sir. . ', ATLANTA, GA. Tli'rlJ^ ^reara in ,LCrf*M0il It J. I J MW I2T.K'I{, Q'l iiowei . . n*l v*»i« pll**hti«i «*IJ •*l:iil‘li*nr *li*«:.*i»*-K U| liuve fai l.'*I. Cun* SyphlljK Iu nil it« form#, Ithrumatism, l'!c*T».i<'an cii*, Mom x!: Alli cilom*. Pi'efi and Fi*tt»|s. Khlney. aud all affections of tho Urinary oryiim, WiMih f *U.#eur«, etc, ALo opium au l Morphii v Habit. All with rafe nnd i IcAxant Itcmvdh-#, and w ith- out Mercury, Poi-.noM or Nut.»«»iw IKim At the patioiits* hciiir*, anywhere, ihc luntuh- '.na Mrdicii a irier, Meditih*-, e c, tluougli mail nnd rxpr* "«>; or, if doairt d, or ilie casi* rrqiiir* It, lake* imtivn'.t uuder bL p ?< o *" AM Killers. hi«hoih*M* al;I, I SflJlNl (.KOUGIA, . ! onal super* l< lid st:itcnt**nt for , mid | o-taic for > to Ail*nti and iu At ; a Mail to him a r u '.i luatory Yoar a IU tl-.u. symptoms, cU hU n ply, t» nn#, etc., or, cun conduit him in peram. t »li up Dr. J. U. Siiuaiiins' (Mnative! j Watclies and to Chronicle nnd Cnnslitnlionulisl. government printing olllco. An periments with other seeds have - —i interview with the sanctified Pef- been made, and while tho germ of There was quite a scene in (Ini- rees followed hard upon the happy none was injured, the treatment voston courthouse the other day.! thought and the result of the inter- was only found to hasten tho ger- A young lawyer Imd just finished view was that ho purchased ns old inlnation of those having either a an impassioned appeal and dropped, metal, at seven cents per lm ml red, hard sheli-liko or tough membra- as he thought, into his chair, but j n large amount of new typo nnd in- noons covering. A Boston house \s mm MiKii nii.ii!- missed the chair. As he •struck j definitely postponed payment of has bought the patent from Prof. the floor there was an explosion, | the small sum of purchase money. Taylor, and it will, it is understood, as if u young cannon had exploded, Thus the lypo was got out and • soon place it on tho market In some creating much excitement. The the Washington (lU.bc soon made shape. prevailing opinion was that a pis- its appearance. Its publication t *i »T , /T \ it * tol hud exploded in his hippoi kef., was continued by .Sherman aud ” 0 M>0 that Col. IltMi o. but, upon raising him up, it was Vule until the highly popular and Kicks, of Mississippi, the second found lie had flattened out a beau- spontaneous demand of the former 'largest cotton planter iu tho South, lioiisrliold tibil Lot. it seems that an old uh president of lito 1 nltod States recent letter declares that lie but reckless mcmlier was to blame , was i/I iktly kim.ko by the then ,, . . . AftA * ivimalv ill mailV iilillilics ill till* f"rthe**X|ilot,i'in. When Ihe young (.'hos. Foster nt Chicago, ill. Then ’ ’ ! lawyer was about to sit down the ' toe paper, type, etc., were sold to h;.s learned of improved macnincr\ city, tvlicri’it is best /.‘liown. 1‘Mer |>ullc<l the chair away, tint he a Gerninn in this city, who is now ami methods by a recent visit to hail forgottet than his own silk hat 1 publishing It iiinler another name, the Atluuta Cotton imposition. It is witlml. jilcnsiiut to ta/.-o, was tinder that very chair. The The proceeds of the sale were ah- jj c bought ho was a Drettv good . eider lawter laeghisl j sorbed by Sherman and Yale, and , . . , * , V, B . so much so that children take it: „ nt ,| |,<* identilled the mutilated Loth utterly forgot ihat the typo former licrore visiting the l-.xposi- . . n , .. | hut as his own, and then he smiled was not paid lor. There is strong , tion, but eontcsscs that what lie cltccrlillly, illtorwarils licqiicilt- S sickly srnile that, had it been pirn- probability that neither now lias learned there will save him several ... tographed and sent to the Houston u ic slightest recollection ns to thousand* of dollars annually, iy calling lul it lor lilt* rolirl nl Board of Health, they would have whrrc it came from. Defices’mem- ^ |J( j w |, tt t j, true of Col Kicks is their little stomm li--. TII"VS..:,|IS WHO ll.tVK.CHKD USB," is tlml // it the hex! I.irtr Afeil- irine lime in ll Ims Imtoiik* Board of Health, they would hav* Iss'ii fully justilied in quarantining at one**.— Itnleetlon A’aics. ml ihf 8ti«u*ii a «i n*v • lift # llM* {Ktil nth*. Irtu* ilie tAtUrxHiun t<* a l who u*«* it. l’rtci Xx to fi.<N ~ bo:,u - '''^“mrs':'j/bd's/mmoss. II iyt».ly *‘r.:t.Mi S'rnii., *-a Jewelry Of the Latest Designs All Repair Work ritOMPTIA DONE. .1, E. Sullivan. where it came from. Defines’ mem orv as to tin* transaction is no . , . doubt quite ns bad, very likely doubtless true in less degro.* ofev —— • worse. A mail who Imd something cry planter who has attended the Some poorly informed, but per- to ,|„ , v i(|, iLc procurement of this great show. Imps well read, pr.-aons imagine type from Defrees was given a small m » m — - that the tariT wliielt was so fright- p’hu* in tho treasury <lep:*rtment Iteptihliean legislation lias driv- mil high during the war, vielded R reward lor the services ami to tM . t!ie American llag from the enough duties to pav the cost of Ms r ‘ ,t,,,,lccl,ou ol tl " ocean. That party Ims accomplish- tl.e war. An official statement ^ ’ — ed what tho combined fleet of all puls the (arid revenue to the gov- A Washington merchant goon oil l ' ,c nation could not have done eminent for the four years *>r Ilie collecting tours with a gun and a twenty years ago. This policy t.'XDKn t., ox tub conxzr. wnr a i $:l0o,:ii;g.‘2l3, while the war couple ol dogs. has been pursued at tho bidding SIIAUI* IlAZOKK I col ,t was fill,ITfijitfi,240. Make; Dooly county is called the Kgypt of the tariff protected kings of the ATTENTIVE HELP! I the Riilwtraetion for yourself. , of Georgia. ; Eastern Slates. i It is purely vegeta111* harmless in its action. i'ur sale l#y all druggists. J. R. COVINGTON, FASHION.4 1141. Drill,