The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 17, 1884, Image 1

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Americus Recorder. ■AUJ Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 1884. rr-CAPITAI, PHIZB SIA.UUO.^SS Tlrk«Uonly|a. Shares m proportlou BEfl Americus Recorder. PUHLDUIKf) IIV W. Xj. aZjBSSSfBR. uri'ICE ON COTTON AVENUE, # IIIOFHSSIOXAIi& liUNIMSS CARDS: SSi - , the arrangement* for all the Monthly and 1 ! Semi-Annual Drawing* of The Louuiana j State Lolti ,y Company, and in person man- • j age and control the Drawing* theimelce*, . iiin« »rn T 4 xtr m \ d the Mme are conducted with lion- K T( ) It JN Hi J AT 1J A W * t,y \ fairnaw, and in good faith toward all n i a v/iixi m j j. a v * : partu*, and we authorize the Company to bLLAYUXE, GA. j tl * e Itii* certificate, with fac-*imile* of our IKRMH—Ml claim* from *8o or on<le*. $8; J *igmiture* attached, in itx advertisement*.’’ la try Kits. C. R. Md RORY, ■lit. Nochanrof unlw DOCTORS, Dr. 0. B. RAINES, NllllliEOX A\O rilYMCIAK. hi* prottHsloiinl service*, with an cxiu-ri* i>nc** nl 1W v.':Ts t<> the n.-oplo ..f Ainerku- ami kidniiv. Office over Pavia .t Calloway’* Store. Hi * deivc at corner <*f .Imkwm amH.liurc Ii »tr<w*. L’all* will iretire prompt atteutioii. >nn*ffil DR. C. A. BROOKSr ! Farmer Gordon’s Economy, Rkatc ’'' " , " 1 1 n ue ** J without them.” BY 1.17.7.IK WILLIS flAKTIN’OK. frXIZj. with a capital of *1 Comnilaalonera. 1H88 for 25yvnr* l.y ih<‘ LutfPI i- itaLlo ptiriMiacf— nnc ]>Oi>lll:il film pttvsen 2d, A. IE. tcah-jt AMKItKVs, GA. MISCELLANEOUS. INTeil Piols-ett,! CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, J TAJ.BlirroX, - - - - UKOKUIA j Ita Graud Kindle Number Drntvluci ! *»ae plnce monthly. , rill im-ivo A SPI.KNDID OPPORTUNITY TO RlH «t thu WIN A POHTUNK. NINTH GRAND • r Leo and | DRAWING, CLASH I. JX THE ACADEMY ' mjr 5 dm. <»* .ML’.SIC, XKW ORLEANS, TUESDAY : i *• tHH * *1** Monthly Draw- j CAPITA!. I’lll/E, liir.-i.OOO. ' j 100,000Tickets at Five Dollars Each, i i Fractions, in Fifths, in Proportion. LIST OK PRIZES: i l CAPITAL POIZE $75,000 [ ‘Jo 25,000 ^4KlM c POWDER "I Absolutely Pure. * **'!' I* jaiwder never varies. A marvel of purity ; atrenyth ami wMiworaene**. Mure economical ’* > ordinary kinds. and cannot !*• sold in »n wnh tin-multitude of low teat, abort dum or ]>hoap)inle powder*. Sold inJu in royal baking powdkr co, ioa ■eel, New York. ocfjlyl. an do hut Instead of that alie can't even ! have things to work with. Ye’ll “You must have lost lots of fun, I never get a cent of my fortin. I’ll i then; I 'm real sorry for you," said I settle in on Uannah and the boys." ! Willie with tears in his eyes. “I i “That’s all right. Why did yon i Stephen Gordon was a rich shan’t let my liovs without, when | not tell me how selfish I was be ! farmer. Rroad acres, fertile lands, j I'm a man." jforc?" land money at interest, were his, i A weak passed by, and in that “Haven’t I lieen a-tciling ye all j but with all this, he was always I time the Gordon family had no I the time, and what good did it do? I talking economy. pastry, cakes or puddings. Now, | II yur stmnaoh hadn’t been pinched Mr. Gordon liked all kinds ol'| a little.j-er never would have found sweetmeats, and it was so hard for | out how good it was tofollow what him to do without them. He I yer alters o-prcachin’ to her, ‘We craved them so much that when lie must economize,' 'We roust econo- went to the store he bought half a mize."’ pound ol block sugar and put in I “Well, 1 did miss the goodies, his pockets. He had never “econo- j but that wasn’t all the reason, and (jiticura Infantile Blood Purifiers and Skin Beautiflers. ‘We must economize" in this, that or the other, was always his theme. His family consisted of a wile and three hoys and an uncle of his, nil old limn of more thau seventy years. One morning lie entered the kitchen where his wife had just been working over butter, and had the great bails all ready lor market. “My! Hannah! What butler! It makes a fellow's mouth water to look at it, and I've got just forty cents a pound all winter; it's so much better n most folks' butter, they are willing to pay a good price for’t. How much have you made this month?’' “This makes just forty pounds this month.” i inized” on his living,mid he prided ■ it's never too late to mend."- “Weil, that ain’t so bad for this sauce. himself on setting as good a table as anyone iu town. On going homo one night lie found the minister and his wife making a call. He was glad to see them, of' course, and now, he thought to himself, Uaniinh will have a decent supper once more. But what was his consternation to see, ns he scaled himself at the table, nothing lint bread and hut- cold boiled ham, and apple- GIN WORK. i? hxpri-i. :ti our expeifd to xJ’ornlui!’.,.. i^Vs^uTCw “‘“Him hills. 2S. 1 M Monumental Marble Works, nibl.KKA- McCAl.h, I'riiprieters. s -“li-wsst Corner of tin- Public S.pisre, AMEHIC-US, OA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. et PROVISION STORE.; W.H.&T.M.C0BB u»l !1 5 ruiibiwifl ftan ILirs* A r.,M, ti,.-Aim Mgrkrt :iik| Provlaion Sio.e on COTTON AVENUE hand thfVi ri ln*»t «-•»!* «»f : M®, PORK, Kill AMI SAUSAGE, Urepn Uioeerips uiid Provisions, of WgeiiMi. and Pmlta in ! *•* a flrit. la*uidt*htnvnt, nr.d' yi\V ?»lo'ir ‘ px**! fc'norta at ihc louvat j .-ricea. . ^IIWieatpHcc pld for Cattle, II»ff», and a - or eoontry prodoe>-, •vmerlcaa. Ike. 15. -06tli EDITION PRICK O.YIY $f. : MRS. FRED LEWIS FOR PALE, LANGUID, ;sssBssmtiB HAS ON HAND A I.AROK BALLS BABYJS.K Uruiififlrr, mid Toll simp, an i-x- ■ iiM*«r NktH ami Nuraury STILL IT HER OLI) STAND. BiATS, Soore Books, League Books, Masks, Cloves, Bto. A NEW U\K UP time of the year “Xo, but it’s real hurd to work over butter by hand this cold weather. If I only had a mittor- workor, it would be so much easier; it makes me so tired every timo I work over ten or fifteen pounds. I don’t get over it in two or three days, my arms and back aro so lame. Can’t I have a blitter-worker, Stephen?” Nonsense, wile! “1 suppose you want me to pay lire dollars for a butter-worker, don’t you? Why, my mother hud a largo dairy, and she never wanted a huttcr-worker —she preferred to work it with her hands and save the money ratlicv than spend it on every new thing that came along.” "Well, your father had more grass to mow than you have had, and lie never bad a mowing ma chine,or a raking machine, and you have both." “Well, don't you see how much time and labor they save? Why, I would Iiavu to hire twice the men I do now, if it wasn’t tor them." “And don’t you suppose it would save me time and strength, too?” “Well, perhaps you can have one sometime, but I’ve got so many things to buy this spring; I’vo got to have a new horse and wagon, and several new fences to build, and I don’t know what. I tell you, wife, we must economize all we call," said Stephen, as lie left the room. Yes, that was always the way when she wanted anything; perhaps she might have it sometime, but now she must economize. This her husband said five years ago, when she wanted a new stove, and she was using the old cruckcd stove yet. It was just so about everything in the house. Her home was hare and comfortless. Didn’t she economize? Wasn’t her own wardrobu thread bare, and also that of her boys? Didn’t sbe patch their clothes uutil it was lime ‘ wasted to patch them more? Didn’t she economize in everything but her table? Oh, yes! And the lit tle woman rallied tier dishes in a way that surprised Uncle Moses in the corner. She would economize bo ns to make Mr. Gordon feel it. “Hannah you shall have a butter- ‘Well,” said Mr. Gordon to bis After dinner, Mrs. Gordon.went back to the dying child, and her husband lianiessed up and went to town. In about two hours bo re turned with a tinsmith, a new churn and a butter-worker; a new sled for Willie and two pair of skates for tlie other boys. When Mrs. Gordon came home she found the children rejoicing over their presents, nnd Uncle Moses and Mr. Gordon bnsjr ’get ting tea. Why, whore did that stove oome wile, “I’m afraid the pastor will I from 7” said the astonished woman think your supper a scant one.” and as her eyes fell upon the new “I’m sorry, Stephen, but tire laot churn and butter-worker, she or is, we have been economizing lately, claimed: •<wo!(| «u si,--, and they came so late tluit I had “Why, what does it mean ?” - no time to prepare anything dilTcr- “It means that wo havo done cot.” {‘economizing’for the present, afid “This delicious bread and butter ; that you aro to havo the money for needs no apology, to say nothing | yourself for all the butter yi n of the other good things," said the j make. This is your capital to be- clergyman. | gin on,” said her husband, as he I’oor Stephen, his pride was | handed her twenty-five dollars, deeply hurt as lie contrasted this. After this Mr. Gordon never told table with others that had been his family again, “We must econo spread in honor of his pastor’s 1 mize,” and Hannah gave him no visits. ! cause to do so. ,, “Have you met with losses j — . m"' — recently?” asked the pastor’s wife, j Southern Postefllces. with concern. (Mu.) iiuitr oumoent. “Oh, no,” said Mrs. Gordon, “but: A commission especially appoint. in the spring, on a farm, there are ed for the purppse, has been inves- grcal many tilings wanted, and we are economizing in order to meet expenses." The next morning Mr. Gordon called on a neighbor, Mr. Jones, to pay him for a pair of young cattle. “Hero is tho money for the steers,” said Mr. Gordon, handing him a roll of bids. ligating the New Orleans postofilee and finds matters there in n serious condition. We do not wonder at it. From personal observation and experience, the United States mail service throughout the south is a neglected institution. It is not given thu attention by the Icpartincnt that is given in the Mrs. Jones was working over j north, ami tho attaches appear to hor butter in the kitchen. Siie had J be both incompetent nnd careless, a butter-worker, and it was nston- \ In April last the editor of the ishing how fast she made the lint- { Democrat spent several weeks in ter into cakes and stamped them, j various parts of the south, and our draining out every drop of butler-1 experience with tho mail service tuilk witii hardly any exertion, I was not such as to glvo a very while Mr. Gordon watched her. ! favorable opinion of its clllcieiioy, “Got u butter-worker, I see." : At Montgomery, Alabama, wo “Yes, and I don’t see bow 1 liv- placed two letters in printed cnvel- postage prepaid, and placed tbi ed without one. It is so easy working butter now compared with wbat it used to lie. Why, it used to inako me so tired to work over so much butter, that 1 wasn’t good lor anything for two days after wards.” •‘Here, wife, is twenty dollars you wanted for a cloak. Give Mr. Gordon a receipt for lifty dollars.” Mr. Gordon started. Twenty dollars for a cloak ! When had he giveu bis wife that sum for anything ? He looked around the kitchen. Here was a j model range, a sink and every- j never returned to him. Further opes, with personally placed them-in a mail ear on the train. Neither of the two lettera reached tboir destina tion. Another instance. A letter containing a valuable and impor tant document was mailed from Griffin, Gn., to Mobile, Ala. Aftor waiting several days tor it, we ordered all letters forwarded to New Orleans, but the one iu ques. lion never reached there, or at least was never delivered. And although it hail the printed return card of its writer on thu envelope, it was Ft thing convenient and handy with which the farmer’s wifo could do her work. What a contrast to Hannah’s kitchen ! He well knew he was belter able loailord sucli an worker if you want it,” said Uncle ’ outfit than his neighbor was. Moses. On returning, Mr. Gordon lirst [ "No, uncle I -will have one, but j stopped at thu barn. Here every-; you shan’t give it to me. Stephen I thing was iu older and everything I box rents were placed at from two j can alford it, or I would not have j convenient to work with. Was it to three limes the ligurca usually OLD STAND 0.\ J.K'KSOA STREET I asked him. I havo taken loo much [ possible that lie had made Hannah | charged in the North. A gentle- — AT llEli — than this thu office at Mobile and other points appeared to be run on the principle that no ono had ant- right to even ask for a letter or pack age, and the clerks iu charge had to be urged before they would look to sec if there was anything. At some places wo were informed ! from you already, but now I am do all the economizing ? JUST RKCKIVKD! ' jurK-'JI'.r For Sale I THE WONDERFUL KNOW THYSELF,-. i (iiTal Medical Hoi k on »-«k fop every »„»i, BNM iliiilil SELLING HIT AT 0 going to economize so I can have all I need. Husband is always talking economy to bis family, but I can’t sec any way he practices it himself; but lie is going to.” Thu next day at dinner Mr. Gor don said: “I guess you foigot to put cream on tliia boiled hum,Hannah.” In one corner of the shed was something that looked a little like a sled. His little hoy bad lieen trying to make one, aod the words of the child rang in his ears: “I shan't let my boys go witlrout when I'm a man." He went into the house. man at Americus, Ga., who had moved there from Illinois, wrote to the departmental Washington ask ing to know the reason why he was charged so much more for box rent there than he had keen iu the same sized place in Illinois. The reply was that no complaints had been received in regard to the matter, -Where is Hannah ?” he inquir- 1 and as long as the people were con C. W. COKJUt, of Oregon, Formerly of Americus. U«. Price 50c at *1 each. ^ Apply in .Iso, M. Coksh, ^ II HIM, Its 11113 AT COST! & “No. I didn’t forget, but I’m [ ed of Uncle Moses. ’ tent to pay the price, they did not saving my cream for butter. I “She's gone over to sec Stile’s [ see any reasou for making a re-due- must, make ull I nan. for we must i sick child.” , tion. It is needless to say that economize.” The farmer sat down and look j such a demand was made on the A little later: his paper,blit his thoughts were too | department and soon brought I'm ready lor pie, now, wife, busy to read. He had never look-. reduced rates. vou’vc got one of those | ed so mean in his own eyes before.] Such instances as these arc giveu what I nc was still angry with his wife, merely as illustrative of the way in 1 for humbling him so the night lie- which the postofilee department neither. lore, by giving the minister and conducts its business down south, akc pas- 1 his wife such a supper. Yet now, Tho representative men of the it takes as he thought it over, lie wondered country are uever appointed post- inomizc,: how he could have blamed her. masters nor in the responsible posi- “Uncle Moses, how much do yon lions, but these places nre given to 1‘apa, can’t I have a sled? You ' think it would cost to elotho u , retainers of the administration for I last winter perhaps I might | woman for a year ?" , political work done in dcllance of c one this winter," said Willie, I “It’s never cost much to clothe ; any civil service laws or any plank aid. 1 your'n," said he, his black eves in the Republican platform. 't I have a pair of! snapping. “I never thought jou — - «—•+- skates?” said Fred, a Ihjv of ten. i could have been so mean and stiugy i 1’opo Walker, who, with Robert “It’s such good skating; picase buy with any one as you have lieen with Toombs, arc the only' surviving tliS <f: MERRITT, i them for me, papa.” her. She’s to good Tor ye, and it’s members or the original Confsder- Anns, opymin naai.l { “No,^ indeed, bojja,^ we ^ must j time ye found it out. There you ]ve ate Gnblnent, is praoticiog law at ‘No, Stephen, I have got 11 I.. ,ru, It C*St ."emits try an ..., trial. ^ time, too. We must «! MasiHave tie Casl!:33 “It’s such go. sled or I got enough to keep her tike a lady, Huntsville, Ala.