The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 29, 1884, Image 1

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Americus 1u k) Recorder. Established ]879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1884. Tri-Weekly, $4.00 per year Simur. IJUl " " Weekly,., ^CAPITAL PRIZE fl.1,OOO, Tlcksts only>3. Shares In proportion A m eric us Recorder. VUIII.ISI'KII MV w . ii. eniBSSNEn. OFFICE O.V COTTON AVENUE. HimBHIilUMSimt CMS # ill'I'X’/rv , the arrangement. for alt the monthly and . l.A i aim. ... , Srmi-Anmntl Drainage nf The Jeruuiana c IJ. McCItOIiY, '■""cry Cmnuany.nndinpereon man age un,I Control the Draieinge themeeleee, IIMV^UMVV AT I A VV r n '" t l/iat tkeeame. "re conducted nth hon- A1 1''till Pit A1 1ji\ It < . cety.faimcee, ami in good faith tomml all; i | . 11 , l' ,•. \ partiee, and m authoriu the Company to *.LI,A\ I l.i.l-., HA. ; me thin certificate, with fnc-eimileiof our : ! eigmiturce attached, in He adeerliicmenu: 1 DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, Sl'Rl.EOX AND PIIVSICIAN, •rt. r« hi' f»CoWM»on*l sorvlcr*. with an expori- i iHv ot 20 vi’iir*. lollia iwol.le "f Amoriru- Slid j !n<-or)»orated umiilv. (MUCH over I iHViKi^Callnway V Sir— 1 .Ien--i ’a< corner of .Imrlraoii mol Church l td. will receive prompt Nltrutloii. h DAHSOJS DOTS. THE U. k If. KOAD SOLD. capture, with proof to conrict. of tbs par - | list who wrecked the train. I — Dawson, August 2f»tli.--Eve ryltiiuK ban Five thousand persons were in the city u * B * FLANT ADDS IT TO Ills SYSTEM, quieted here now. Wo had reason to fear ' on the day of the execution, and two* of an attempt at mob violenconn tho part | thirds of them wero negroes, of the negroes at one time, and tho wreck* I Mounted and foot polioe in large nam ing of the train with the soldiers on i herskept order the day of the hanging. 1 board went far to prove a devilish inteu* | Every man from the country who waa tion on the part of the negroes. But hap* | here, was armed for any emergency that ' pily all attempts at violence were i might ariae. W. K. P. thwarted through the wise management i Commissioners. d i*. IMH for Vi yen rt hv «he Join ture for hdnrutloijMl untJ Chniilnbli* tiurporan— Wish H rspltnl of «l.000,(NX)-to which u rceervs j flltul of o DR. C. A. BROOKS, |.ViO,004 hs» »lncc Iw«mi nddi-d. ••rwhclnnnr poeulir vutu iu franchlnr |wrt of ihi* i4PM-nt atnts CoDetifstioa ' r 2d, .L !».. AMEimrs, c;a. i *H» i, it si I »AVcni¥»rlV drusr .loro will iwivr tir-iniiit nttctitlon. Will ho louiHl ut night at the i^lrnw of Col. M. II. Ilswkln-, oorncr Leo mi.| Colli dgo »tit*rt*. may ft 8a. | sdofiinl iNwvmber , Tier unit/ iMUtf »trr MV«f otk «m.| nuiuntd” •/•»» men. It terror tret UI t* pe.ttjeei*/r. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place mombly. A HPLBIVDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUMC. NINTH OK AND DUAWINO, CLASS I. IX TIIK ACADEMY t»K MIMIC, XKW OKLKANH, 'lUESDAY, MISCELLANEOUS. Nell PloKett. Will do Pluttrinc, Brlrkworlc and H,,0., work | t'lti-nniim-a Mi-lolly. H,-|ttlrlnu dun.. Or.l.r, I r„mptly «ll.n,I,.-11„. ->cUtf | Fresla Meats i i> —AND--- j * 1« COUNTRY PRODUCE! j , mui n«*vr i«n*|>aito furnish tho I nl.ll with ' — ioIoi* ns-it., *ucl» «. lk« f, Pork. Mutton, and Kltl. I nl-o Invi- on hind lit nil tlmut chh-luni* September U, 1884 -lTSd Monthly Dn.w- inr. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 1 100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Each. Fractions, in Filths, iu Proportion. LIST OK PRIZES; I CAPITAL PUIEK $76,000 j 1 do do VftJoOO | * *,ooo| .... 12,000 .... 10,000 ^AKlK c -•POWDER Absolutely Pure. PTti* ]iowd«-r tu-vrr varl»-«. A mirvrl of |>urlty Ptrrtijftli and wlu.le^.m«-ne>.. rronutiilcsl than the onlinary kind*, sod mnnot lx- sold in ;ioa with tho tuoiUtodenf low tot, abort lu in 1.108 loo. : *0, i ». t .___ i.itlon Trixo, of f 7f>0 ftf.T.V) 1»7 I'lliw, aiuonntlntr to f'.’C/>,W)0 A|iplirstiuii fur rate* to chib, .hould tm made ......... f t | )u Company |u Now Orlenot. ii (hi- otlln GIN WORK. rthdly « •' fits REPAIR OLD GINS I Afn-r imlne Iu . au uxperiviic» of several yrirt in <tb. lai K mt slit m .iitifartori.-^ I know | ibut I «iii rive MitltfS'-llui. All work guiran- • tI mu loc:iti*<l w!tu inv fattier on .K-dtr-uii I •trivt. in rt-ar of Olln-r A Ollmr's abop. Work ralirasd. inuytSMnl F. A. CAWKRON. K-lr- 4. Mt'ier. C. Horace Mcf'alL ' ‘ Marble Works,, MII.I.GK k Nrl'Al.L, Pro|irlrtont. >utliw«,t ('urner of tho Public S.|itar., AMKltlCLS, UA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. \ aftbe tx-nt Italian and Aincrlcsii Marble. Iruu Railing for Cemetery Kudos- ores, n Hpeclnlty. ««'iy __ _ Meat Market I and uddrc** Itulutcred f«ett< NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL DANK. New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary h-livr* by • Mail or Kx|-ivm (all xnma ot fS and epwnd by I Kx|»r«-»B atour rat«i.»i‘Ma New Orleans,'La, .ir M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh — DAUPHIN, v Orleans, I . Washington, D. C. Infantllo Blood Purifiers and Skin Beautlflers. A Positive Cure for Every Form of »kln mill ninoU Diseases Irani Pimples fa Merofula. jxr.%\TiLr.. iur. Scab. I'unnl/.J Milk Praia, orm nf Itcb- Uia- Kirfb 111 au,udi.... sfuinu.4 and Inlirniwl —;in. anil Sral|.. with Ihm ui Hair, from Inlancjr to Axr. rarrdbt ihaH'iimu kv4oi vi.nt. th*- saw Mund inirlHar. ini*-rn»ll». and Cl.'TI* i ua andt'mi'i'Bi Seal-, fba srvat akin oir**j ritrrnally. .lW*iW* ( .«rc «x<( mijt, nmlmag “OUR LITTLE BOY." Mr and Mr*. Evan-tt Rtrbbin*. Bnlrhvrtnwn. M»«.. *nir: "Uur little hoy wa* terribly altlicli-d with Scrofula. Halt Khnum and Krysitwlaa avrr ^inw ht- «»* horn, and nothinr »* c«»nld |in him h.-l|*rti hint until un trind rniiTut Kkukuiln uhtcli rraimall/ cured him. until lie i« uuw m fair “WORKS TO A CHARM." J. S. Weak.. Ku|., Town Tmaaurrr. Ht. Alban., \ t.. in a Utter dated May »: " It uurk* In a chat in nu inv baby'* face and head, t'ured the head entirely, and haa nearly cleaned the face nf we*. I have recommended it to nvveral, and Dr. plant ba* ordered it for them." “A TERRIBLE CASE.” Charle* lUyre llinkle. Jer*eyf'ity Helfhta. N. J, write.- "M> —u. a lad of twelve year*, wa* com* blntely cored of a terrible ra— nf ICriPiu* by the ('ITUTSA Kl .UI IMF*. Krnln the |n|. of hi*head All School Supplies, i.... had FOR PALE, LANGUID, tnaciaied children, with t*imply. aallow akin, iw Ct riiruv ItKMl'.PllH will twove • perfect leaning. elran*inir tha blood and *kin of Inhart, •d initmritiei. and ei|N-lling the germaof acruf* la. rheumalUiu. coii*uinpt inn and aevera *kln H*ibl everywhere. Price: CVTTCnu. M rest«t Ixt-MM. •I.l«; S-•*•-. Scent*. Pom * DSL*U at* I MI 4I.-AI * .. Iteei-wi. Mar.. rod r»r •* Ifutv »*» Cure Skin lllvratM." •t. ltath sinl Nursery RARV rw DMD T muui Drautlfter, and T* SatuiUvc. STILL AT HER Oi l) STAND. PROVISION STORE. MRg FRED LEWIS * # W. H.&T.M.COBB W-k t . ..I IVo.I.lou OOTTOIff AVENUE k. r;, „„ h,.,l tl„- >, rt l»M cut. of | KEP, PORK, kill A\H NAM, Mid uleu a full I of (in-cn UrovcrlPH ami Provisions, • mbrsilug all kind* of Vegcluhlc* an*l Kruita In On ir M-a->n, Cntinctl (J«-o*le, etc. It l» their aim *•' keep a llret • la*, otabllabttn-nt, asd givt thsir • •i-tniin-r* gou-l gnoita ut the lowest prUca. Ilia In** t price |*sld for Cuttle, II--?', and Americus, (in., Aug. 24, 18*4. tf Ml Radii! Hnj, = •rice t>ild I cosot ry nrotlsee, ' artes*. D.c. 15, -561 Ii EDITION. PRICE OILY !|;l, In a very short time- I will move into the two stores now i occupied by Messrs. J. B. Dunn : and K. T. Byrd & Son,—both I made into one—and before mov- l ing I will sell as much of my KNOW THYSELF,W stock as j»ossible at prices that A b'rcat Mediral (York on Manhood., ... . -rm. iitr« ..aj-hyir., Iix-1 will suit purchasers. This, like »“''rrti“,' l .,V7;ri';i!!." , '.7 lr taaTw l ' , «'rTi!£; 1 "*> • 1,rnlPr °W en, i' s genuine and .'Oung, middle „ge end old, it contain* I2i pre. . --•'■-rX,’„V,i 1 :! teJ'S-X «!: i Will 1„> carried out to the letter tll' k.* * hoae egrwricoce or »i tear* la *och as ‘ ^A7T.te7irJftfful5IJSa:! C'-onn- and be convinced. S. M. COHEN. OLD STAY'D 0\'JACKSOX STREET! &ru a Kali..-* offer* her dmeri- H.iuka to the memt>er* oftba Are depuitaicut, by <.huue noble etlnrt* abe was rave-1 fforu ai rious lo** during ths lire, and ensl le*l her to greet I,*r tr <-imI» ut the place where they have *.. long lire., a- cn tnsual to find her. atrilfti auat wr tr of Mayor W. II. rbeA(bnm t SbenflT W. N. Thornton, .fudge H. 8. Bell aLd many j of our citizens, but more espcoittUy to tbe i military wbo over-awed the disafi'eoted element. Tbe Dawson College Guards, | reinforced by some of our young men, | did noble service during tbo episode, os I they were under arms for three days be- > fore the hanging, picketing tho town dur* | ing tbe night and exercising general ! police duty at all times during tho time. Capt. B. C. Adams commanded the Guards, and was unselfish in his devotion to his duties during the time, remaining up all night aod giving Ms individual service to the lives and property of bis fellow citizens. When the Albany Guards and Albany Artillery reached us we truly felt that “a fellow feeling makes nil tbe world kin." and the tap of the drum aud tbe sound of tbo fife of the miii*ary wbo camo to onr aid infused us with hope and courage. We feared hut little from onr own negroes, but we had undoubted proof that an element in some of tbe counties around us were bent on mischiet, aod it was only by wtse man agement that the most dire results were averted, and oh a people we will ever feel a heartfelt gratitude to the military of Albany who so promptly responded to our call for assistance. They came to us as gentlemen, they stayed with ua as gen tlemen, and they left ua as gentlemen, leaving an impress upon tbe minds of all hsre by their gentlemanly deportment. If the time ever comes when they may Deed ua, wn will “rush" to their assist ance. The negro Geo. Joues died with an in- difference that was appalling lo see in n human oreatnre, and the naual chatter of the culprit often seen at tbe gallowa was not seen at this eiecution. Jones admit ted hia guilt to bis spiritual adviser and died hardly more than eighteen yean of age. On his way to the gallows ha took moro interest in the tobacco that lie was chawing than iu the fate that awaited him, and asked for a chew when upon tbe soaffold. We hope that the terrible example made by the law iu this case may ever be a lesson to evil doeie. Our community is plunged in grief for the loss of three of ita moat prominent eitixens. W. T. Campbell died on Mon day. He waa one of nature’s nobleat gen tlemen, generoue to an extreme, ho won the loving esteem of ell who knew him. Daring the war he refugetd to this sec tion from North Georgia where he held the position of Judge of the interior Court. For eome years here be held tbe position or Tax Collector and Tax Re ceiver. His loss will be sadly felt. J. B. Bragan died also on last Monday, and hia loss to us na a people, is iucaleu- lable. He left an impress for good upon ell those be mingled with by liia unswerv ing Christian course of conduct, and be will not soon be forgotten. He was for a number of years a citizen of Cuthbsrt where he held offices of trust, afterwards eomlng to this city and living here to the time of hie death Judge L. M. Lennard died on last Tues day. A light of no ordinary brilliancy has gone out In thin death. Judgo Len nard wee one of the earliest settlers of this commuoity, having lived here nearly his life time. For alraosttwelve years wus ordinary of Lee county, as well s« tide county, and from the time of the establishment of this county to the time of bis death, he was a member of the Board of Edncalion—nearly all that time school commissioner. He wus e man of [ polished manners, and shining intellect, and in the discharge of his official duties was honest to an extreme degree. His loss will be severely felt. By the death of Judge L. M. Lennard, a vseanoy ocours in tbe Board of Educa tion of Terrell county, and as it is neo- y to have on the Board men who ere ednoa- WEBSTER COUNTY. Oak Hill, Angnst 27.—Thinking, per haps, that a few items from thin section would bo ot somo interest to tho many readers of tho Rkcohdkji. wo send you tho following report: Crops, as a general thing, oro pretty good. Wo think farmers will have plenty of corn another yoer, and if supplemented with plenty of home-raised meat, will make them feel independent. This see- Uon is cortnioly on a boom, and will become one of tbe foremost sections in Southwest Georgia. All that is needed at present is tho building of the A. P. A L. R. R., which wo are confident will be rapidly pushed to completion. Hot. M. It. L. Binion and Rev. Mr. Mabry have been carrying on a very in teresting series of meetings at New Rich land church, for tbe last two weeks, and much good, wo hope, have been accom plished in the Master’s cause. The friends end patrons of Oak Hill school will complete their new academy this week, which is a model building in every respect. We learn that it will be dedicated to tbe advancement of morality, refinement and education, by their teach er, J. C. Laylleld, on next Friday after noon, nt four o’clock. We wish, Mr. Edi tor, that you could bo out. With snob a hnndsome academy and with auch an instructor as Prof. Layfield has proven to be, wn can not expect less than for Osk Hill to become famed in all that pertains to religion, refinement, morality, etc. We have in the old academy near sovenly pupils and under the able super vision of Messrs. Layfield and Nicholson we are confident they are properly cared for. Mr. Editor, sinoe bacon has gone up and protracted meetings coming on, wa have been compelled to use an immense quantity of beef, in oonsequenue of which the gnats have become almost intolerable. Why, sir, it is like committing suicide to go out without a bodyguard. Pineville, Marion county, mast bo a very prolifio spot of the world, us a gnat arrived at Oak Hill on Katurday last, from that direction, which on being captured weigh ed ono hundred and eighty-five pounds. This is said to hove been tbe largest one over seen in Webster oonnty. This state ment need not be doubted, for wo hnvo plenty of tbe best citizens in the county to back un. Fact, aud without a doubt. N.B.4. FROM IIATCIIER STATION.. Hatchkk Station, August 25.—At 4 o’clock p. m., Saturday last, tbo ther mometer marked 93°, being thp hlgbeat point reached the present summer. Not withstanding tho oxcussive heat, the heal’li of our county la unusually good. Except the territory borderiog the Chat tahoochee river, there is scarcely a cose of local sickness only near tbe river. The Doctors say it la distressingly healthy. Dr. Mason Raines baa located in tbe Midway neighborhood, and is stopping with Mr. T. J. Metbviu where ho may found at all tirocN when not on professional calls. Tho early planting of cotton, where properly attended to, baa made a fair early crop, but tbe upper middle and top crop, like the late planting aod all old lands, is a fixed failuro. We cannot realize more than sixty-five per cent, of an average, as it is now too late for tbe stalk to recuperate and mutureuny moro bolls, or at least not enough to change the above figures. Under tbe burning beat which uuw prevails on the denuded stalks It is opening very rapidly and pickers are in good demand. The Misses Methvin, alter using Irish potatoes all the season from a patch planted with one peck of seed, have housed ten measured bushels and still have a patch untouched. They also have hog and hominy to supply their planta tion. This speaks volumes to the farmers suggest Prof, i of the sterner aez. For th*-next |Ttairtjr |n>- Stock ol wins KIHS. HKAsinr.H vs>r** :-»u. Till' [«-2*« l-our.d In t* tiftifnl V baiii'-al. liL-nry i AT COST! ;-»m. luwrauv* «emu. '*n4 »■»».' Barzmin Store, Cotton Avenue. W *f' U l •»»ol^i iU aulb.» f hy lh<- National J " ’ .V*«orix|lon. to tlx- oltln-r* of wtw*b liv julylStf ii Vis r?„°„ K - AGENTStbS ... -w— .it »<*• »tao4- ■» a/J book* of the rotiir »o4 *»Utw world, rapsvtiT illustrated, richly bosad, reullei .'.rv?***7** Mm1 have t«jn*d thru CA I skin *» a raera tract ho of farmer price*. 0*0 5**' Soek! • th 7 !*>•«*•*• » sprain CM Laity. COUNTS and azdaolve trarlto- D ry •■«*"tf«!lv «ltfTUVOn C Menu. loo-mff«esta'*f • ft—.Write iftncfc. TrlYOtLr JOlIJrilTALDKN, Pswu"er, IVerl nwrb.wiv • New York. W|t«l »IiohU Ih- rami bv tli<- votiiiii •iriKtm*, m l hr th. »mi' '"l |Or raller ' Sent «1L—L-m i-xi |jui.:«:. 1 IT* • •“ of • winy to whom tbi i • J^r'l *"t bo awful, r youth. |.ar.-nt I DC T/."' ‘"wrajiorordrnymaa.-Artooout- 1 * i tr »■ fraiwdy Mmllrat InHitn *, or Dr. , In * yj. 1 * 1Xo * UulSi.fh Strrat. Doeton. , by From a Quart ;u» alliai rased of rach fooua will Do 1 it b* ib< ira aa before bgyiai *!-where. 11 Ramembar that «t Ibrac Iav 1'rb afTxd to rbsrfe say ssoda, and H. (,'. Adams, principal of the commer cial college here, aa one who will fill the mi our KaUra | vacancy with exalted ability, aa bis prac- iriArfTf.gan-i tical common sense, united with a high order of scholarship, well fits him for the position. Our young friend, Clyde Toole, of your city, was with ua on laatj Monday and Tuesday. He was in the rank* of the - - •" i ■>' V -: .2SU& wC5faSS2 ■•ibrir intereal to \ execution. Cendidatea lor the lower boost- are looming up. the latest is the name of Mr. T. P. Kimble, suggested in the George town Echo by “Countryman. ’ Well, it U doubtless a wise provision of tbe Crea tor that all people don’t look through tho same glass, otherwise, too many peo ple wonld g«» to mill the satue day for all to get meal. Misa Carrie, Gay hr Blakely, ie visiting latives and friends in the nsigbbr~ L - - * Hhe is a rare beauty, fasbtonablo i trial. Cfcwli* Itannall. ,!Am. ow- to .1,1 t>U 1 cw«llng » flntt.r among th.yo' oM fri.nJ. aa a m.a.har of th. Atbaaf ‘‘P* *.<***, Ml j Guards. i • am By the wrecking of the train the Albat^ I Artillery bad to leave behind them their cannon, but they came armed with don- ble-boreled shot guns. They meant bust- yjasr- Uumus. EVANS MERRITT, Cotton Avesne. Oppedt# Hotel. JalyUml 1 Snpt. Kilo., ot tbt bouthweatem nil- toad will have in the Dawaoo Appeal a. 1 attvariiaaneBI e(a reward of 120# for tha A C ARD. To all wba araaodentig from thtarror, and (ndiaentiona ol jontn, nenron. waakncaa, early decay loaa ol manhoods da, 1 will atnd a hn, that will cure you, KUEE OF C ftAftQE. ThU gnat remedy waa diacovarad by a miaiionaiy inDonth America. Sandaaalr-addreaaad envelope to tha Btv. doth** T. ISJfaS, Station D, Nett York tVy New Yore, August 26.—Tbe Krlanger syndicate, through J. Sellgmsn, of this oily, sold to-dsy tlie entire capital stock of Brun swick and Western Railway, ex tending from Brunswick to Albany, Ua., to B. B. Plant, ol New York. Tbs purchaser takef, control on Sept. 1. Arrangements will be made at onco to put tbe railroad in flrst-olass order. Tbls road Is the shortest lino from tbo West to Sa vannah, Go., and Jaokionvllle, Plo. Tbe road waspurobased by Fred Wolff, of Montgomery, Ala., for tbe Erlanger syndicate about four years ago. The prioo stated at the time was $2,000,000. Tho syndl- dalo made but slight improvements, end did not attempt to osrry out its original Intentions, wblob were to extend the road so as to connect with the Cincinnati Southern and thus make connections with tbe West. TUE BOAD UNDER THE MANAGEMENT ol tbo syndicate le sold never to bavo mado any monoy. In fkot, It did not pay more than running ex penses, lu trade being almost en tirely local. It woe poorly eqnlp- ped, and iu business was, to a cer tain extent, crippled by othfr roads. TnE BONDS or TBE ROAD were largely held In Germany. Ssligman hod sonu InUrtst In the bonae, and last winter be made a trip over the road for the purpose of discovering iu condition. At that time It was said that be ex pressed sn intention to osrry ont tbo original purpose of tbe.eyndl- osto. He was accompanied on that trip by a number of New York capitalists, and also by President Raoal of tbo Georgia Central end Mr. Plant, of tbe Savannah, Flori da and Western. It was supposed at tbe time that if tbe road waa not extended it would bo sold to tbe Ueorgis Central and tbe Savannah, Florida and Western. BOON AFTERWARDS IT BECAME EVI DENT that tbe Krlanger people did not Inund lo extend tho rood,and that tbo purpose was to sell It to the best advantage. In bet, to bring about that object reports were cir culated in tbls city that tbe Krlan ger people intended to build on ex tension from Wnyoross, Go., to Jacksonville, FIs. This waa to bring tbo Savannah, Florida and Western to terms. A report was also circulated that they intended to build from Albany Into Ala bama. Tbls was InUnded to bit tbe Georgia Central. WITHIN TnE LAST FEW WEEKS it has been understood In railroad circles that negotiations wonld be opened for tbe purobaae of the road. Lett week a number or Goorgia railroad men arrived beta, aud communication* were at once opened with tbe agenU of the Er- Isngcr people. It is understood that the safe was a compromize. It is unknown here whether tbe Krlanger people made tbe first ad vances or whether Mr. Plant was an snzlous purchaser. It b be lieved, however, that Mr. Plant has made a good bargain. Men well up ' in railroad matters here say that be nan utilize tbe road to great advan- uge and can make It much mors than pay a good tntorest on tbe purchase price. Tbls purchase will make bb railroad system Include about SOO miles of rood In 8ontb Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Tbo Hawklnsvllle Dispatch an nounces that tbe Georgia Land and Lumber Company have suspended operations in Telblr and Dpdge counties. Tbo bands have sought work slsewbsre, many of them go ing down about Waycross. Th# Northern men employed have re turned to their homes, end tbe mules end horses an being sold off. Tbo Georgia fond and Lumber Company conducted a very ex tensive business in lumber, per haps the largest in the South, own ing several miles of railroad and 300,000 acres of timbered Unde. Tbcir milts on St. Simon’s Island were dosed several weeks ago. It is generally believed tbit tbe busi ness has not been profitable, and that operations have been postpon ed Indefinitely. In the Taliaferro court house stands a new safe that cost, per haps, $250, that bos never been used, although It has been .there two years. The CrawfordvlUe Democrat says there b not an oS- alal In the oiuntt that can open lu mrnm