The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, September 03, 1884, Image 1

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Americus **'2£SZ‘-r Recorder. Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1884. Thi-Weekly, $4.00 per yet Sitxday,.. lM M M Weekly, ** ** Americus Recorder. w. i* ruui.imiKD nr OXiUSE OFFICE oaf COTTON AVENUE., I'llllFESSlom & BJJSMBSS CARDS uFyiii.’ C. R. JIcC UORY, tS-CAPITAI. PIU7.E STS, 1100, JS\ Tickets only $9. Khares In proportion Louisiana State Lottery Co.; “ We do hereby certify that we supervise 1 the arrangements for all the Monthly and ... ! Semi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and in person man age and control the Drawings themselves, * ntfiiAT) Ml? V A tV T A W and that ^ ,e Mme are conducted with hon• ATTORN M AI LAW.] uty.faimtu, and in good faith tounrd all T tll ,,iTu n» ' parties, and we authorize the Company to fJJjAV lUIib, OA. i nn9 thin certificate, with facsimiles of our l HUMS—All eiHimo Irma $uo or *'*; ! signatures attached, in its advertisements/ i rom • X> *" ,cn I"‘ r c ® nt * • oxer • i,00 » ’‘ CVPM •rroiit. No charge** unle** collection* are iun<lc, ' May 14*tt Dr. C. B. RAINES, SURGEON AND PIIWSICIAN, proto>8lonal service*, with an experl< 1 NEW THINGS IN WATERMELONS. ' FLAVORED WITH VANILLA AND LEMON, MADE INTO SALADS AND EATEN WITH BEANS. Commissioners. aw. to the people <>r Americus sort j I meliorated in 1»«8 for 95 years by the Lejjlsla- •cover Dsvfs A Callnw*y’» Stow. Ues tore for Edticutlouul and Charitable puriioacs— of .IhcIohiii ami Church atiWi*. | with a capital of f,DOO-to which 1. will rec«i*«» prompt a ^kiH 6 POWDER DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMKKICU8, OA. it nt l)*Tcntx>rt's drug riortf rill twelve ttctition Will bo r.innj .1 nljbt ul tho MISCELLANEOUSi_ ISTeil Pickett, I TALBOTTON, * - - - - GEORGIA Will do Plastering, Brickwork nud Housework Calamine a specialty. Repairing dons. Orders promptly attended to. oct9tf Absolutely Pure. JfTi Is powder never Tarl*'«. Ajnurvclof purity r phosphate powders. Sola mm. KOVAL BIKING POWDER CO, 106 Wall Street. New York. oefilyl. fmnt of over 4560,000 has *lnce been added. By an overwhelming popular vrie it* wne made a port of the pteaent Stats I'onatitiRion adopted December 2<1, A. 1».. 1879. lUf ' 1 ° n an<i -22 1 atrengtli and whole^tmenee*. More economical the. people oj any Slate, than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in It merer scales nr postpones. J compel ion w ith the multitude of low test, abort lta Grand Single Number Drawings alum or phoaphate ^.wden.. Md only in take place monthly. " A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. NINTH OK AND DRAWING, CLASS I, IN THE ACADEMY OK MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, lUKSDAY, September 9, 1884 ItSd Monthly Draw- Iok. CAPITAL PRIZE, *75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractious, In Filths, in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES: I CAPITAL PRIZE. do , $75,000 . 2.1,000 . 10,two . 12.000 SALT RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Pos itively Cured. GIN WORK.; ; I would reaped hilly atate to the pnblie that 1 am now prepaired to REPAIR OLD GINS I Alter bavins bed . experience of several in th* larseat fin mum fact orica. 1 know that 1 can five aatU&ctlon. All work pinran- tml. I am located with my father on .iHrernm street, in renr of Oliver A Oliver*! ahop. "ork •oli<-ited. |may<8Mnj F. A. OAWKRON._ Kilw* J. MiMer. C. Horace McCall. 9 Appioxiumtion PrlfM of f730.. 1,907 Prize-, amounting to ...... $26.1,600 Application for rates to club* ahould be made only to the office of the Company In Now Orleans. For further Information write clearly, Riving Dili addres- *’ *“ ** “ " " J k, ‘ Make I*. O. Money Order* payable and address UcKbtcml Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL DANK. I New Orleans, La. I POSTAL NOTES and ordinary lettera by ! Mail or Kxprern (all snmeot §9 and upward by . Kxpre— at our cxpensi-Ho Monumental Marble Works,; MILLER A Met’ALL, Proprietors, ! 8'ttilliweat Corner of the fee Square, AMKHICU8, OA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. i < uf tlm beat Italian and American Marble. SI. A. DAUPHIN. 00T Seventh St., Washington, D. C. In a very short time I will IVdOAt IVlMrliGt i move into the two stores now I occupied by Messrs. J. B. Dunn j and R. T. Byrd & Son,—both ! madeintoonc—and before mov- i I ing 1 will sell as much of my j stock ns possible at prices that will suit purchasers. This, like PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BB Hat Inf pnrciunutlhrom llare A Cobb lhe Me! Maiki t and Proviahm tllo.e on COTTON AVZOniS keep on hand the very heal cute of J MB', PORK, KID AS1D SAUSAGE, | my former offers, is genuine and umi iw.full mu- or | w jn |, f . carried out to the letter Come and be convinced. S. M. COHEN, Bargain Store, Cotton Avenue. 2661 li EDITION. PRICE ONLY fl.j J!*" Unfit Groceries and Provisions, embracing all kind- of Vegetable* and FrulU In tbelr »<•»*,in, Canned liiNMl*. etc. It I* their aim to keep • nr-t class establishment, aad fiv# thair •'ii-uinu*r« good gooiiaut the loweat prici DTlIililifrt price paid for Ca i,jtry priKlr* Cattle, Hoga, and i i leua, D. c. 15, ■pt'ZKM A. or Salt Khrniu. with it- agonizing Itch- Xl inf and bnrninf. instantly relieved by a warm Itath with UVTicriuSt)Ai\ and a -ingle application at U| rictnu, the great Skint ’nre. Thia re| - daily, with two or three doae! of t'tTTK L'B vt;sr, the New Blood Purifier, to keep i cool, the perspiration pure and nnirrita * ~ the liver and kidney- ac speedily cure Eczema. Tetter. Wngwoi Lichen Pruritua. Beaded Head. Dandr specie* of Itching, Scaly, and IMiupl all known reuiedio, . w JI.PiL landruff, and every . .’Imply f* ' best phy- gratefully acknowledge- a rare oi Brit Kbeom^on year-': not*alde% w*a*lk eieepf on*hand* and knees for one year: not able to help hitn-elf for eight year*: tried hundreds of remedies; doctor* pro nounced hi* case hopeless; permanently carta by CtrnrURA (blood purifier) internally, and CiTTWinw and CVTianiA Hotf 'the great akin cure*) ezternally. Chita. Houghton, Kew.. lawyer, 2S Htate 8t.. Boston, report* a ea»e of Balt Rheum under bis observation for ten years, which covered the pa tient* body and limb*, and to which all known method-of treatment bad been applied without benefit, which wae completely cured solely by the CrTP’i.'RA RKMitnifM, leaving a clean and oealthjr KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work on Manhood. iated Vitality, Nervous uud Physical fDc- . It/, »«rv Premature Decline •unift, and the unfold miscriea •dw-retlon or esceaaca, A l)«ok lor . .'ounr. middle aw mid old. it contains 121 pre. seriptiona lor all acute and chronic dLcaact, each one of which is Invaluable. 6o lound by the nu- thoj, whole cxperlCDre -or « years is aoeh aa | probably never b. fote tell to the lot of any phyat- ; ri-ui. Oofl pagi a bound la bcaiAlfnl French ma-iln, rmiewse.1 covers, fall gilt, guainntred lu n dner j work In every t-em>e—mechanical, literary and profeaaional—thuii ar.y other work sold In this • •-ountry lor #2.50, or the money will be ret untied : In every instance. Price only $1 by mail, poet • paid. Illustrative aomple 8 cento. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by the National Medical Association, to the officers or which be , Thi-lM>ok should be read bv (be young W in- , •tri.cimn, and by the afflicted for relief. It will j l>cneHt all.—London louicet. 'I h<-re la no ii.embe.* of soeioty to whom thi I '‘•-.k will not be useful, whether youth, parent | g ardian, Instructor or clcrgtmau.-Argonaut. i Address the I’ea'-odv Medical Institute, or Dr. I Jl • II. Darker. No 4 Bulfiiicb Rtrcet, Boaton, ; alios , who may be consulted on all dlseatea re- 1 Voting akdl and eatieriencc. t.'hronin and ubatl- . i-tte «lls...vcs that have baffled they FA I eklll J •»t all other pbyaielan* u -peelal KLHLaity. euch treated aucccaafully wltuTLIVCITI C ®ut bj. instance of failure. I n TOuLr I march .w|w •for'rent. ^ The late reaiileoce ot L. C. Harrelt, on i 4'iiarch Street, bow occupied by A. A. 1884°" I*oa»e*aion given September 1, Alao, in East Americas, a good faur- t 2°. m ^ we,lln 8» kileben, etc., foot acre* of land in lot. Poseaiion uiveo inline* ^ Angoit»*? Js0 ' “* CoMB * • ill School Hies, MRS. FRED LEWIS’. Philadelphia Times. “There’s no fear of a watermelon 1 famine this season,” said a dealer 1 at Arch street wharf, yesterday, as he gazed upon a pile of tbo luscious, I green coated fruit. “They are coming in by the boat load. They come mostly irom Jersey and Maryland just now. Early in the ; season they come Irom as far south !as Georgia and Florida. They range in price from $2 to $15 a j hundred.” I “Any new varieties this year?” i “Well, we have the vanilla and i the lemon-flavored watermelon. | They are got by injecting tho va nilla flavor or inserting a bit of ' lemon into tho stem while the ! melon is growing. The flavor is I taken np by the pulp, and makes a delicious combination. Ouly epi cures know of this wrinkle, and we therefore have few of the doctored species on sale. You can get a toothsome dish by plugging a melon, injecting a little tine claret, restoring the plug and allowing the wine to be taken up by the ! fruit. But beware; the combina tion is as seductive ns ltoman punch.” • “Any new way of preparing the melon lor table?” “Well, I’ve been eating melons for forty years and I still prefer ’em plain. Some of my customers, however, like ’em mixed. Ono of my best boarding bouse customers bas watermelon salad every Sunday in tho season. She prepares it, she says, just as she docs lettuce- cuts the red part of the melon up into hits anil adds pepper, salt, vinegar and oil. It ought to make ’em sick, but she docs say her boarders just light for it. An other family that I know of ponr molasses on tbeir melons. A good many people, I believe, always add a squeeze of lemon to the fruit. A Boston family that deal with me nre always particular to have their mulons firm and just ripe and don’t baggie about the price wlion tliev get them to suit. They havo the"melons cut into little strips and cat ’em with cold baked beans. But, as I said boforo, for my parti like ’em plain.” The World’s queerest Ballroad. Railroad Age. Nobody has over yet doseribed tlie wonderful littlo feeder of the Leadville division, which modestly leaves the main line of the Denver and Rio Grande in Brown’s canyon and ascends the mountain gnlehcs to tho cast with the steepest grades and heaviest ourves in the world that are overcome with the ordin ary urivc-wheel locomotive. Afar up in tho range of mountains, sev en miles away and nearly three thousand icct higher than tho bed of the canyon, is tho famoua Cain- met mine, from which is extracted the hematite iron ore that keeps in blast the furnnceB of the Bessemer works at Pueblo. Every morning of the year a ponderous locomotive and a small train of oars toil up this steep, and evory afternoon they make the perilous descent to the valley loaded with iron, with the steam brakes on the cars, tho water pressure on the locomotive drivers, and n man standing at the brake wheel of each car. Tills is the most wonderful picco of railroading in the univorse. Tho MIRKS. m|z | mom grade is 406 feet to tho mile, or nearly 5 per cent., and the maximum curvature 25 degrcca. The terminal of the branch is half a mile higher than the commct cc. ment. Imagine, then, the difllcul- ty in ascending’ with empty cars and the danger or descending with loaded ones. Still, strango as it may seem, a locomotive can not make the descent unless at least five cars are attached. The latter are essential to provide the restat ing power for the steam brakes. Tbet-ip up issnailisb; the return is rapid, in spite of the steam pres sure, which cuts the car wheels into sparks, that fly out into aeon- slant stream from the brakes, in 'spite of the roverso action, in spite V. IP. COKIUt, o/ On non, of the lavish use of the sand pipe Formerly of Americn-. iis. price oOcsad . and in spite of the water brake on a hi* hand*, hea-l and fare, and nearly destroyed , Slier tho mo-t careful doctoring and a ssullation at physician* failed to relieve him. Mr. *1ssbii Tlilel, Wilkesbarre. Pa., writea; lend far " H»w I CUTI‘ a chairman. “Hall* 916 lo address, Mercer University, MAOOKTi GrA. greatly exceed tho matriculation and other of in-tltntlona In »vhlch free tuition prevail-. Tb« Theological Department, designed to |n - Dart* young men for the ministry, la presided over by Rev. J. 0. Ryala, I>-1). The Preparatory School, of which Mr. A. I. Rr inhnm, A. M., U principal, I- in •UL-ceaaffllope ration. A commodious achotd house I* about to be built on the college grounds, and will lie ready bv the opcnin£of the fall term. 'The Department has a faculty of three I’rofc—ora, with Hon. Clifford Andi-r-on, Attorney General of tho Btatc, flood board < per month and i*.*) per month F.f catalog ui jul>«s6tf W. 4. PRILI IP*. ★ BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. We call the attention »f the publh that we are prepared to till all ordet Bread, Cakes, Candy, Etc., or our • good and pure. We keep Con reel rona anu Groceries, which we -.11 nt the ruling price* Buy and sell Country' Produce. Give i t a eall. If, ./. PHILLIES ,t‘ CO. juijjotr For Sale I Tilt: WONDERFUL HOOK, ' lie foct r Fresh Americus, G*., Aug. 24, 18M4. if — inmUkkwith tiTe Norwicb Union Fire Insurance Mty Of EnglM : il wb. Apply to 4s,>. M. Umtut, I Cotton Avenue, America*, Go. j August 10,1884. m2 the locomotive drive wheels. FOR SALE. Ono apan of Male*, one good tw**-lw»r** one good spring wagon, with top. oo«- two how turning plow, one cultivator, doable set wagon hanreas, double Mt boggy harnei Will Ins sold cheap. Enquire at tbiaoRli August IT, 1884. If ai,iBo,o7a.; TO PLANTERS, A Ktntlemin of experience and well rec ommended desires a situation u overseer ofsplsnution. For farther psrtlonlsrs so inlts st this ofBcs. eii',1711 A. L, USES, Aoent, AI Bin* of -merle*. August *7. M3 Tenants in Havana are not corn* plaining of high rents just now, It Is stated that 4,006 houses in that city are vacaat, while owing to the general depression many landlords are allowing those who have been good tenants, and who are unable to pay, to live in tbelr houses free of rent. The real es tate market is broken up. There seem* to be no hope that tbe end of the trouble it near. I The Magnetic Hlrl Returns' lo «eor- gls. Miss Luts Hurst, better known ! as the “Georgia wonder,” passed through Chattanooga Monday i night en route to her home in 1 Cedartown. Georgia, from a six I months’ tour through tho north and ' east, where she has exhibited her pceuliar mysterious strength, which is too well known to need further explanation. She was accompa nied by her father, mother, and Mr. P. M. Atkinson, her manager. A reporter of the Chattanooga Times ventured within speaking distance of her and hud a short in- terview. He learned that she had been having a delightful tirno on her trip, and that she was received favorably everywhere. She says! ‘•Concerning this singular power I possess, I can not give you a more definite solution than when in Chattanooga last winter. I have studied hard to discover what it was, but am in completo ignorance of its origin. A great many emi nent physicianx in New York and Washington attempted to explain it, but none did so to my satisfac tion, and not oven to tbeir own. A few of them told me it was strength, but it is not tbe case. My audi ences in every city seemed per fectly satisfied with my exhibitions, but, like myself, were puzzled and mystified. 1 have named it‘myste rious magnetism.’ ” “Miss Lula says that there is no grounds for the statement that sho has married Mr. Atkinson und that she doesn’t oven love him. In speaking of money matters she says she made about $40,000 in cluding expenses, and adds: I expect a more profitable tour tide winter. I shall travel under tbe management of Mr. Charles Frohman, owner of tho Madison Square Theater in Now York. My next engagement is in San Fran cisco, where I appear on Septem ber 8th, and will remain there four weeks. I shall then make a tour of tho entire west. I shall come to Chattanooga, if possible, but that rests solely with Mr. Frohman.” Tlie Rate tVnr from Albany's Stand point- Ncvra and Advcrllacr. It is generally understood that tho East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia is making preparations lor a vigorous light with the Central, and a livoly war of rates is ex pected. It is not at all probable, howevor that Albany will reap any of tho benefits of this fight. Upon the contrary, it may be a miHorer. It will certainly be placed more at n disadvantage with Americus and other competitive ootton markets on tho line of tho Southwestern railroad if the pool at Albany re mains in force and a war of rates is declared between the Central and tho East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia; for if the rate is put down from Americus, cotton can bo ship ped from that point to Macon and thence over tbe East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia at a mueb lower rate than we havo at Albany or ean ever hope to obtain so long as tbo threo roads terminating here remain in tbe pool. Mr. Blaine’s great strength in tbo west seems to consist princi pally in delegates to Republican national convention*. There ie no popular upheaval there ur else where in Ids behalf. Even in Iowa, where Garfield bad 78,000 plurality, the Republicans are becoming alarmed at tbe outlook. This is largely due to tbe defection of tho German vote, which is said to be ■olid for Cleveland. Tbe fusion of tlie Demooratsand Green backers, and tho strength displayed by tbe Prohibitionists, together with the loss of the large German clement, combine to make the situation very interesting. Under the elronm stances, tbe growing alarm of the Republicans is not surprising. Tbe Fusionipta may not win, but they will keep tbe Iowa Republicans at home and give them little time to watch or assist in tbo general can vass outside of the slate. Uusbrod Vaugbsn, of Jersey City, received a bullet wound be low tbe left eye at tbe first Manas sas, was tsken prisoner and con fined in tho Libby prison, afterward at Tnakaloosa, Ala., for twenty- two months. Tbo bullet was nev er taken out, and Vaughn bad al most lorgottco it. .1 tew days ago, however, there was rn itching sensation in bis nose, and closing his left nostril and blowing bard several times, he was delighted to find in his handkerchief the bullet he bad carried in bis head for twenty-three years. A collector of cariosities oflared him $250 for It, but tbe offer w*a refilled. FARMER CLARK’S AUCTION. HOLDINU A UATTLESNAKE UY TIIK TAII. AND INVITINU BIDS FROM . IH8 NEMIIBORX. i Farmer Clark,of Vernon,N. J., near Warwick, says a special, stood tbe other afternoon in the middle of tbe roadway, near bis pretty mountain home. His right arm was stretched out to its fullest ex tent and from between bit thumb and finger dangled a Immense rat tlesnake. A erowd ol villagers Btooil at a respectable distance and watobed the writhing inaka awing backward and forward tike the pendulum of an old-fashioned oioek. Farmer Clark held the snake just below its fourteen rattles. The snake measured four and a half feet in length and was thirteen inches in cironmference in Its thick est part, and the farmer’s uncere monious treatment of it had made his snakeship terribly mad. “He’s all alive, oh,” said tbe reckless Farmer Clark, grinning at tbe orowd, “and he’s coin' as he stands fur a dollar and a quarter. I want the quarter fur my little boy, who spied the critter fast, la tho old stun wall. I wasa-workin’ in the fields, and my little boy hollered out; 'Come here, p*p; thore bees a big snake list crawled Into the wall here.’ I went o’ course, an, suie enuf, I seed his rattles stlkin’ out. He near ketoh- ed me wen’ I yanked bln oaten bis hole aud went over one post and rail fence.” Farmer Clark was oontihning to expatiate on the beauty of tbe snako when with tbe rapidity of lightning the snake doubled np like the lash of a whip und struck, just missing its captor’s band by two inobes. This caused the instanta neous release of tbe snako and it fell in a mass of the mnddy road. Tbo orowd instantly scattered and two small boys climbed a tree. The snake was soon captured, how evor, by Farmer Clark, who af terwards disposed of it for a dol lar and a quarter to Theodore Fre- linghuysen Wood, a collector of snakes and animal curiosities, Hy ing near Vernon. A Drunken Celestial. t'1'broufb Mill’ The other day a baokmau, who bat lioked everybody In Blooming ton who nns bad the lomerity to fight him, met a Chinaman on the streot and said to him: “Git out ’o my way, yo nasty yaUsr brute, or I’ll mop the ground with yer.” “Me no blate, me Chinee man. heap dlunkee. Me dlinkee whisky ail samee MclUoan man. Me no get- tee outee way. Me walkce whellec dlam pleaseo slice samee.” “D’yer mean lo insult me?” “Me no in- eultee. Me tellee heap tluth. You no llkee, whatee yon dp about- ee. Me eay allee samee yon dlam lie. Me dllqkee whisky, me dlink. eo beer, me dlinkee heapee wine, me dlinkee gin. Yon no likee, watee do?” “Well IIIJes’ lick ye till ye can't walk," and tho hack- man began striking ont wildly, while tho Chinaman kicked him in tbe stomach and then, when be went down, bit him in the eye and bit hie ear, and then kicked him on tbo chin and made him bite hi* tongue as he tried to get up, and twisted his nose and spat in bis lace and walked on him and danced on bis body. When a policeman pulled him oil be cried, waving his pigtail about bit ean: “Me get- tee dlunkee. Me dlamme. Me figb- tec. Megettee in jail. Me go bcllee allee same Meiican man." We think it was a small thing on the part of somo of the Amerious people to have opposed the claims of Mr. Murray, of Schley, for state senator from this district, because that county opposed Amerious in tbe Buena Vistarailroad. Accord ing to the rotation system, which has been the custom in this dis trict, it was Schley county’s turn this time, and tbe rights of her cit izens should have been respected — Moutezamz Record. ' Tbe purchase of the Brunswick anil Wes tern road by Mr. H. B. Pisnt makes him one of the rail road kings of tho south, now hav ing 900 miles of road under bis control- HU roads are all located in Georgia, 8outh Casolina and Flarida, covering the orange and watermelon territory. A CARD. To *11 «ba are suffering (Irom the error, and indlsenlione ot jontn, nervoue weakness, early decay lo*a of manhood. &c., 1 will lend a Ipa that will cure you, FREE OF ( (lAJROE. Thia gnat remedy warn discovered by a mUeionary In South Amerioa. Bendaeelf-addreieed envelope to the H*v. Jours T. fstu*. tiMion D, Em Trri CU|r