The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, September 14, 1884, Image 1

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Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1884. Ambricus Recorder. W. b PODMIBCD UY GIiBBS OFFICE ON COTTON ATEMCE. LAWYERS. C. B. ScUROKY, ATTORNEY at law, P-LLAV1LLE, GA. iliuSIS— All claim*.flrom »S0 or ouder.W; M»r 14-,ft Dr. 0. B. RAINES, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. >A, rt hi* proicnlon*! Services, with an expert* ne,. of 20 Yc:irs. to lha pepi>le of Amertcu* nod tdmty. OBooover Paris A Callnwaj ’a Store. Itea ‘ence at corner of Jackson and Church at root*. : ,H* will receive prompt atteution. laiikflil DR. C. A. BROOKS, SHKLLIXU OX THE GULF KEYS. AMERICUS, GA. ,;»lla left at Davenport's Jrug store will r prompt attention. Will be found at night« residence of Col. & H. llawklns, corner Lee and Colledga atreeta. may 5 8m. AlISOEL LANEO US. jsreil PioKett, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TALBOTTON, .... GEORGIA Will do Plastering, Brickwork and Housework isotnioe a specially. Repairing dona. Orders promptly attended to. oct2tf GIN WORK. Id respectfully stale to the public I am now REPAIR OLD GINS I having bad an experience of aerernl rears in the largest gin minnthciories, 1 know that I «an giro satisfaction. All work gtnn cod. I nm located with my father on Jeffers jtreet. in rear of Oliver A: Oliver's shop. Work •olicited. |mayf86ra] P, A, CAMI3KOW Etlw* J. Mt’ler. G. Horace McCall. onunieiital marble Works, .MILLER & McUALL, Proprietors, Southwest Corner of the frolic Square. AMERICUS, GA. Monuments,Tombs, Etc.,£to. JUin beat Italian and American Marble. u lUlllug for Cemetery Encloa- or««, a Specialty. Meat Market PROVISION sros. W.H.&T.M.C0BB If a lug purchased Rom Hare At Cobb the lies Mulct ami Provision 9to.o on COTTON AVENUE keep ou hand the very beat eule of J BEEF, PORK, KID AND SAUSAGE, and also a full line of Green Groceries and Provisions, their season. Canned , to keep a first class establishment, aad give thalr customers good goods at the lowest prices. . Hrillghcst price paid for Cuttle, Hogs, and a klnatofeoantry produce. America*, Dec. IS, 266th EDITION. PRICE ONLY *1. KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical Work on Manhood. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical lIX* wnty Premature Decline in man. JCrrors of >oma, and the untold miseries resulting from'fn- dUrretlofl er Mceaae* A Look for every man jouag. middle ago and old. tt contains 124 pre. ^PWoM.fovalUcntoaid chronic diseases, each !’?* 0 T*bleb la Invaluable. Bo found lv the nn- ‘tperlenee 'or U years 1* snch as .V‘!r b iL Mver ° cfor * W1 to tha lot of any phyn- .iii ‘ bound in beatftiftil Kronen muslin, **«*»ed covers, fall gilt, gnaianteed to be a finer . *. w J r aeehanlcnl, literary sud Kufessloiwl-tbt.n at; other work sold In this •wontry for *3.30, or iho money will l*t refunded "'7HI1W. price only ft by mail, post ££> JwfnUvn sample « cents, fiend now. awarded the author by the National JgJJ^Aaooelatlon.tothoomcen of which be JS*.L^AonWU read Ly the yonog for In- ssaaaaaa?*' 3 * •• wu ' J: “• £^ k,r ’ Ko - * Dulflticb Street,' Boston, SffStStS and**peite»e#. chronic end otwil- gfe'WaffwaHEdug ^^ssss^thyself POWDER Absolutely Pure. r T■ is powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesnmenos*. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in compction w ith the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder*. 80M only in tin mm. HOYAL B4KINO POWDER 410,106 Wall 8»reet. New York. oc!2lyL SALT RHEUM And Every Spocles of Itching and Burning Diseases Poe- itlvely Cured. DCZEM A, or Balt Rheum, with its agoulaiog itch- it Ingand burning, instantly relieved by a warm bath witIiCcticuraHoai*. and a single application of CtmciTRA. tbd great Skin t'ure. This rrnoated daily, with two or threo do-es of Cirncun a ib.i-of.- VEJtr. the New Blood Purifier, to kwt-p tho blood cool, the perspiration pure and unimtatinir, the bowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure Eczema.Tetter. Ringworm. Psoriasis, Lichen Pruritus, beaded llead. Dandruff, and species of Itching. Scaly, and Pimply ilium tnoKcalp and Skin. when the best ptiydeian Will MfDonulil,2312 Dearborn 81.. Oilcago, gratefully acknowledge* a cure of Halt Uheuni on head, nock, face, arms, and legs for scviuitoon years; uot able to walk except on hands and knees lor one y***r: not al.lo to help himself for eight years; tried hundred* of remedies; doctors pro nounced hi*cose hopidess; per.nanentlv cured by C'irricnaa Remolvent (blood p'triliori internally. CnicuitA and Cuticusa rto.u* aho great skin ‘ rnally. cures) external Chits. Houghton, Kao., lawyer. 2d Rtato HI., iostim, reports a cane of Balt Rheum under his bsoi ration for ton year*, which covered the pa- ient'n body and limbs, and to which nil known lethoda of treatment had been applied without Hiii.tiy. which was compb'tely cured solely by tho Rkmeuiks. leaving n clean and healthy on his bauds, head and face, and nulfered which appeared uly destroyed i*l careful doctoring and consultation of physician* failed to relieve him, h« used tho tJtn-p’iruUtKMKiilF*. and was cured, and ha* remained so to date. Air. John Thiel, W|lke*harre, Pa., writes:- d four bottles llr* Mend for ** How 4« €.'« * Hkln Dlscit/sca.” CU7T ■fl’OR RENT. ^.lltjimJMct L. O. Barrel t. oo Si™ -1 “ ow by A. A. l ossesaion given September 1, sSMSSSKSS; All School Sillies, MRS. FRED LEWIS’. Amcricn.. Go., Anp. 24, 18»4. if IIoviDg opened the Rylondor Aeodemy I propo,. to open, on Slnnday lb. 18to of August nerl, u School ot High Gnulo for Uoj. ood Girls. Terms, nites etc-. M heretofore. Having bod much experi ence in conducting ocboole of auch ohor- octer I earnestly solicit o liberal polronoge of tbe good citixeos of Araericno ond vicinity, ond for the same pledge satisfac tion. W. H. ALLF.N, rrincipol. July 20. 1894. if INSURE WITH THE Korwlch Dnlim Fire Inm Society ASaBTB *1,180.072. A. I„ REES, Agent, Al Btttbtf Smerfewo ttiulftol On the morning of the I3tlt of June, our family, and a portion of Mr. Hines’, set sail Irom McKen- ney’s Landing, pn Gambol Creek, near Milcbclville, Fla., fur a cruise along tbc coast uf tbe Gulf oi Mexico. Our voyage was to lie made on the “Onknhie,” it neat sloop of about five tons. We felt perfectly secure ill site.t a safe little cralt with Captain Billie Stowil at tbe helm. Captain Slowel, universally known as “Uncle Billie,’ - Is cele brated for his genial dispositiun, good 8eamanship and matchless chowder. Our lirst stop was at Fort nomer, where we received an addition lo our party, Pr. Harrison and fam ily. We now numbered fourteen souls, three gentlemen, four ladies and Hie Olliers children.' After we got under sail again, we skimmed smoothly along over the bright waters of the Manatee river for several hours, entertained by Un cle Billie’s wonderful sea yarns, lo which we listened wilb the utmost degree of satisfaction and delight. The flrst place of interest wc pass ed was Braidcn Castle, a large, picturesque concrete building, al most bidden by palm trees and ole anders. It was built before tbe In dian war, and the lirst owner and his family were killed by Indians while at supper. We passed Elcnton, Manatee, Palmetto and Brnidcntown with out stopping. About 3 p. m. wo landed at Fogartyvilie, lunched and rested a while, then set sail for the Keys. A little way from F artyvilie we passed a pretty little sloop lying at anchor. Uncle Bil lie told us its owner committed suicide a few days before, and it would have to lay there till some one was given authority to dispose of it. The next town wc passed was Palma Sola. Wo saw two steam «rs, several schooners, sloops, etc., at the wharf and anchored near. A little below this point wc passed the wreck of the steamship Dover. She went to pieces against a hid den rock in Tampa Bay about a year ago. Uncle Billie was on board the Oukaliic cn route for Tampa, and reached her in timo to rescue the crew. We were now out in Tnmpa Bay and tbe sailing was delightful to all hut one of the parly, who be came awfully seasick at this junc ture, and of course after that ev erything had a melancholy cast to her. A little after dark tho keel of our vessel grated upon the sands of New Key, about forty miles from our starting' point. Wo were eager to get ashore, and after building a camp Ore tho ladies cooked supper while tbe men pitched the tent, and wo got ready for housekeeping. The children went wild over the shells and white sea sand, and tbe older ones were scarcely less en- thusiastie. After supper we all went on a chase for sand crabs. It was royal fun, but wc were tired, and Boon sought “tiroil nature’s sweet restorer,” ond wero lulled to sleep by tho roar of tbe breakers on Hie shore. Blight and early next morning we wore up to sec tho sun rise, and soon had break fast over, and proceeded to take a survey of our islnnd. It is a very small kev, and was once a part of Long Key, but was cut ofl from it by the last hurricane. It is between Long and Anna Maria Keys, ond ono of our parly sug gested that wc chiistcu it anew and call It “Anna Maria's Baby.” I wish I possessed the gift of elo quence. I feel that language will fail me wbeii 1 attempt to describe tbe scene. To us, who were so un accustomed to the seaside, it was like a dream of Paradise. As far tbe eye could sec the while caps were chasing each other in mad monster, measuring ten feet length. His moulli looked like vust cavern filled with dangerous looking teeth. We succeeded getting a piece of his skin, though with difficulty, for it was ns roit, ns a rasp, and almost as thick. V saw large schools of thorn passing the island, and they came so near that it made bathing a little risky. As often as wc looked toward the Gulf we saw sails passing at greater or less distance. We saw a few ships and steamboats, but most of them were spongers, fish ing smacks and sloops. Nothing of interest happened till next day at dinner Uncle Bil lie predicted a “squall,” and the indications were good. The east ern sky was black ns night, and not a breath of air Btirrlng. Tho dis tant, and almost ceaseless rumble of thunder sounded like a death knell to the timid hearted ot our party. The thunder came nearer and nearer, and the vivid flashes of lightning were almost;continual. Wc began to get everything in or der, but in less time titan it takes to tell it, the storm hurst upon us The wind blow with intense fury for several minutes. All the pegs of the tent wero jerked from their places as if they hrd been so many straws, and it seems that the wind would blow it away in spite of all our efTorts. In a few seconds tbo rain began to fall in torrents, and caeh of iib took a position where the pegs of tho lent bad been. At first we wera very much frightened, bat in a short time tho absurdity of our situation became so appar ent we could not resist a hearty laugh. About this timo we dis covered Undo Billio in trouble. The Onkalite was about to be stranded. She had dragged an chor, and was beating against the shore with alarming force. One of tho hien went to tho rescue, and be and Uncle Billio succredcd ingot- ting her in deep water again. Af ter aho was safely anchored they came back to us; but the worst of tho storm was over, and in a few minutes tbe sun was shining as brightly us if there had never been a cibudod sky. But oh, how wet and cold wc were! Wo wont at once to tho warm salt water, and after bathing, felt wonderfully re freshed. From this point wc shelled on Auna Maria aud Long keys. Tho former extends north ten or twelve miles, near the mouth of the Mana tee river, and tho latter south to Savasota Pass. The men took sev eral hunts for turtle nests, and found four or live “crawls” on An na Maria Key, but no eggs, as sorao one hall already secured them all; At this season the coast is thronged with turtle huntors, and it is a race to Bee who can get on the out side beach first in tho morning, and often tho earliest ones are disappointed, for they find the bears or eoons have been be fore them. Tito turtle usually rests at night, comes up at high tide, crawls out and passes up the beach several feet above ldghcBt tide mark, deposits its eggs In tbe sand, after first making a bole about a foot deep and as largo as a water bueket. They lay from a hundred and twenty.flva to a hund red ard fifty eggs, aud after cover ing them they deface the soil for some distance around tho nest so that it is almost Impossible to Ond it. The turtle hunter carries a long stafT very sharp at the point, ami where be discovers a crawl he thrusts it in tho groitiid and i( it reaches a nest, when it is drawn out', the point will ho covered with the yolk of the egg. Marly next morning, which was Monday, wc set sail for Savasota, with a fair wind, and anticipated a pleasant voyage, bnt we bad made but A short distance when tho wind; died away, aud there was a dead calm. T.icro we sat in tbe blister ing snn lor an hour or more, wait ing fur a breeze. Alter a while it delight, and the broakcis roared . came, and with it numerous float- and beat against the shore. ing clouds. They both increased We gathered shells and wnleiied i rapidly, and Undo Billie said ho the bright waves until the desire to ! thought likely we would have an- bathe in them became irresistible, | other squall from the cast. To so we douned our bathing suits; most of tho party this seemed and plunged into tbc surf. Oh! it rather pleasant information, was 'glorious. We were tossed about by the great wave* quite a white, till announced by the older ones that it was liuiu to come ashore. After dressing, wc went back to the tent anti loutid Uncle Billie making a red fish chowder. Only those who have partaken ol this delightful dish caD form any idea of bow delicious it is. they said it would bo a variation, and “variety was tbo spicn of life, etc.” hut to your humble corrcs- pondent the thought conveyed no pleasant anticipations, f could look out - upon tbc lead blaek clouds, flying With such fearful rapidity toward us, bringing a tor rent of rain with them, and my spirits would sink' to the lowest While dinner was cooking Uncle depths of despair. Billie threw out a shark hook, and Pretty soon Uncle Billie gave tbe the line soon began jerking at a furious rate. We all ran to the rescue. It wgi.bard work getting him ashore, hid he waa a huge order to lower away tbe main sail and we would attempt to out Mil tbe atotUjwnbt oqly the jib. Tbe triad continusd to freshen and ws sailed on furiously. Wo gained the race, however, and landed at Savasota just as the rain began to fall on us, and decided to camp there a day or two. This is a small village prettily situated on a blufl over looking Savasota Bay. Next day, two of the men look the row-boat and went down to the clam bar, and returned that p. m. witli a load ol clams and oysters. While they were gone they came dice to face with a huge panther on the outside beach, but being unarmed they gavo him a wide berth and made rapid traoks for the boat. Uncle Billie made ua a clam chowder lor supper, that was a feast lit for the gods. That night wo had an oyster roast, down on the beach under the brow ol tl'u olilf. It was tbe flrst one iu which any of us had ever participated, and we all de cided that oysters were never so nice as roasted. Like every thing else, this en joyment had an end, and we .slept the sleep ot the just that night, and left early next morning for Savasota Key, but on account of a bead wind, we were unable to land, so we went on to Big Sava sota Key. There wo hunted shells and turtle “crawls” a while, then sailed for Bishop's Fishery. - This Is a enormous shell mound, made . rears and years ago by a tribe of ndians whose camping ground it eras during tbe winter months. Bends, bones, tomahawks, arrows etc., have been found here, but It was not our good fortune to seoure any such curiosities. Perched on top of this mound, are two picturesquo, if not elegant palmetto huts. They are inhabit ed during tho mullet season by a company of men, who pack large quantities oi fish for til • northern markots. Tbo Government Coast surveying party have erected an observatory hero. Wo climbed to the lop of it, and bad a grand view of the Gulf of Mexico on one side, and Tampa Bay on the other, and twelve or fifteen mites to tbe north tho great lamp in the light towor shone like a wonderfully brilliant star. At this point we saw tbe rubber treo, wild eolton and a gumbo limbo; thi* tree has bark on mob and a half thick, a peculiar, gum- ing wood, and pretty, fragrant leaves. This was the flrst place at which wo encountered mosquitoes and sand flica. All tbo breezo before had been from tbe Gulf, but that night it came from land, and oh, how they peppered us I Wc spent a sleepless night, and departed next morning with no feoiinge of regret. Our next stopping place was Passage Key. Nearly all the sea gulls on the coast go there to lay their eggs and there was a eloud of them screaming over our heade all tho while. We got a bucket of eggs and some shells, and headed for tbe light house, now plainly visible. It Is situated at Egmont, tho prettiest koy on tho const. The wind and tide wero both against us and wo found, after many unsuc cessful attempts, it would be im possible to laud, so we very reluct antly turned in the direction of Fogartyvilie. The sky was porfcctly cloudless, hut tbe wind blew fresh, and tbe sea, lo us, seamed fearfully rough. Our little craft rolled so it was al most impossihio tor us to stand. In a short while we passed near the “Lizzie Hendcrsou” lying at aoohor waiting to exchange pas sengers with tbo “Alabama,” which was plainly seen in the distance, ond looked as if she was going to run right over us, but really was long way to the left. Before many hours we had land ed at Fogartyvilie, and prepared camp for tnc night. Tbe suicide's little vessel, that wc had seen a few days before, gallantly riding the wave, was ying upon its aide on tbe beacb, where tbe last gale had blown It. Ono could not look at ft withoat feeling of sadness; it seemed so friendless, drifting about at tbe mercy of wind and tide. Wo were all getting tired and home-sick, and tbe motion to start for home next morning was ttnana- mously curried. Before leaving we visited the ope place oi intetest in tbe little village; .be residence of “Madam Joe.” Sbe ia an old Gorman lady , one of the first settlers in the county- She has a lovely place on tbe bank of the river. There we MW-a great many tropical fruits and plants, hut to us, who are ac customed to these her. coflee trees . were.interesting; We had beard so. much of tbem, they scarcely - sTk-b came up to our antlcipalioes. They have a very insienfffieant white flower; and dclielte green leaves. One stem often has Modhr,' ripo and green berries at tbc same time.. “Madam Joe” received a," ■" premium ot ten dollata for the first pound of coffee raised in the United States. After Admiring her flowers, line shells, coral eto., we wended oor way to the baot and sailed for home. At 4 p. m. wo arrived at the landing Irom which we started a week before, warm, hungry-aad thirsty, bat with a nice collection of shells, ouriositics, etc., and pleas ant memories of otir cruise. Mbs. B. I; McKe.vney. trapiTAi piiizb *T«,ooo,_ja Tlckatsoalyes. Sllmr» I* aroixrllSB LS.L. Louisiana Stats Lottery Go. “ jW d» htrtbf entfyUM mtmmmt. Oie arrmiyemenU for all the Monthly an4 Semi-Annual Vraieinge of The Lmmlana State lMtery Uomnanu.andinpereon man- aye and control the Drauinge thtmeeltee, and that the came are conducted tenth turn. partite, and lee authortte ajoSOpeSey to tue thie certificate, with Jae-timilee (four eiynaturee attached, in ile adeertieemenU.-. Commlulum. Incorporated in IKK (or » ran b. tho Lczlltt. t”,r" for Uduentlonal and Uhtrltnbfa pnrnoMf- wlth a capital of 41,000,000-to which . feii/n (had DTmr 4UO.OOO bu .Inca bam added. f*« only Lottery tttr ujUdon and onioned,~ tie people of any S/nteu . It never italee or poeiponet. maraud stunt.H.mbaiHrawt*«a t*ba ptacamauikly. , Oatabar it, IBS*-liad Umthlr ltrawlar CAPITAL PRIZE, *Y0,O<X>. 100,000 Tickets at Fire Dollars Each. Fractions, lit Filths, In Proportion. LtSTOVPUlZKS: 1 CAPITAL PBIEE............’. Mm i s mss~a w do SCO, MM ra do no, 80,000 M So U, 84,000 0 Appioxmmtlon PHjujs nV’fMM l •“ “ jfa jg 1,M7 Prices, amounting to 9263,600 • TO# aagfeStt and nddreas Rcglitcred Letter, to SEW OBUMSS WATIOWAI. ■ASK, ■nr Ibfaasigta. . POSTAL BOTES and ordinary by WaU or Kaprru (all mma ol CB and npvard by Kzprra. at oar capaaaatto , , , . stVoS't'u, srM.A. DADPDIS, ’ ” ¥ SOT Sorautk si,, Woiklastaa, D. O. t yi L-Mra! w. j. pSilmi-s. joint s. hikes. BAKERY, Cotton Areuue. - , ; Wo call tha attmtloa of tbo pul,Ho to tbo tbcl Hut wc ara ttrepared to tut all otdm Tar Vraah Dread, Cahaa, Candy, Etc., of out own bubo— tmdsBd para. Wa bar, aba -tTfilifc Groceries, which wa Bell at tho rahax prices Bnt and soil Country Produce. Giro ua a call. IP. Jo PHILLIPS cC CO. JalylSir For Sale or Exchange. Two stationary engines, three boiler*, f * rctlj, saw mill, trial mill. UUi mill, Iron* f SSsfeSFi yellow pino lumber at St per two Ulan tbe mu 1 sorcral jsars. Contracts far mUUtm ot rest of lumber ran be bad la Darien, where It sob be • drilled el toy eeesoa ol the year. A cash par. can bora usa of tousea, bams, commas. »rlra, etc,, tor a reasonable lime free of'eo.V lac above property Is loealad oaklet eldaefOa- malree rtrsr, lo mlloe south or IbwhlnirlUs and diet eaet or Beetatw. Tbe aburo property II be aold chesp Ibr cash or will ha escheated far Americas or Hunter candy property. Par Inriber partlcntan enquire nt KKOneorn office. Angnst 87,1884. If' DURHAM’S T IMPROVED * STANDARD TURBINE \ Is the beat constructed and On. WsaKfUffmat DISSOLUTION. Tbo8rm ol U. IL TOJ4HEV * Co. bulb. barofUtaMaOrabWlUecntlrat i^.Commfiloa^dCoUoabS TAmartcus, Ga., An*. 8S, USft the Umber- ti I Dissolution XTotlos. - . - WAJffTBD. ■' bobaa. isHaUd IbrsHM* 1 filCMOV/ EafcblaASIA I