Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 16, 1884, Image 1

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;7 ■ - s— pfe ^ ftsst anil '•'- «0 ' ifthst t'a* *Wpr- ®< 14* . ,/.-! >4. l.iS ..ri» iDrv.1: (ft -./I! 1* .IlIVtsifT *i ,v.R -Kitjnmitot* Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1884. Americus Recorder. lawyers. i-TH Bj Hcl'R&RV; - ! A^'OROT/AT-UW. fcMAVlLIiE, OA. t. SopbinK 1 "— HrtL MWXS NEW ADVERTISEMENT, AfToqi^l woxmu k .Miiiii j;v.j .w MiW 7* mono UMto »tiM '<*aan Ao ru fJtia <>ui i *l/ or miuAoretH ■ju i Dr. a R'RAINES, BURGEON AND PHYSICIAN iffcit''bin WoKMlcmitl servin'*, with an rrprrU «>nmotSOrc!ir«.totlM people of America* and vtcimVy. OtteeovrT Dftlrfft & Va)lawny'* Store. R**s dunce at comer of Jackson and Church »tr<*ctn. Call* will receive prompt atlunion. ’anUrtil DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMERICUS, OA. Unlit left at Ptrcptwttfa dm* *toro will r «. wll I * prompt attention. Will be found at n!*ht ut the {endeuee of Col. 8. 11. Uawklh*. n-roer I<ee ai * Uolicdge ■treet*. *, r muyB»m ^MISCELLANEOUS. ISTell PloKett. TALBOTTOH, * - - - GEOR Will do Plaajerfng, Brickwork and Housework CalMunine a specialty, fr-palring dona. Order* promptly attended to. octttf aiN WORK. ^ I would respectfully state to the public that I am now prepaired to REPAIR OLD GINS I After havloit bod an cxi*ericnce of ye«r*ia the largest jtln * “ that I «ao give witUmctl... — tct'il. I am located with my father on .liflcixm nlhctoric*. I know a give Kitlsfartlor. All work gu . am located with my father ou .luff street, inner of Oliver A 01 Ivor’s shop. Work soUeitad. Jmayrt jmj F. A. CAMERON. Krlr. J. Mi’ler. G. Horace McCnll. Monumental Marble Works, Ml 1.I.KK * Mri’Al.h, Proprietors, SuiithwMt Corner of the f^tSTic Nqunre, AMERICUS, OA. Monuments, Tombs, Eto., Etc. «.(the l***t Italian and American Marble. JOHN’ 8. MUCK*. ik .fJU'JoG t \ ' ' 1 -■\ i \ . - . i« mlTn llii lAMERICUS, GA. ,. Aftout September first, .wo* shall ffluyfr intp our new store, at the old^staud,* SaiTow^ltock* Publics Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods inn our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at pricesdower thah have ever been reached before FOR CASH I LATEST NEWS- EXPLOSION AT EUFAUJ.A Hmnl Killed and Wonnded. Tl»« ali elation Campr.a. In Plain.* i # gp/alal to UM«an;. . Kvi'*ula, Am., Sept. 15 The boiler ot the cotton compress at lIlia city exploded to day at noon, killing several negroes anil liadly New Orleans Big IShow.'. ’lWw.'olxACHr,:^*?^' *' There was. a murder committed in Randolph county last Saturday , ... —,—, | evnnipg. A young n>»nqaRe«U°« Pholp, shot Mr., Henry It Daniel I through, the liwfjf. In'" nod tji^ ; World> * ^ ¥ instantly, with very ,/UUe „pe no provocation .Liquor wqtj at. tho bottom or i' , as usual. i stand the murderer, i has been ar .. . .; I/mm Mr. Waller llozicr, son of Dr.' BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. " • call the aiu-ntion of Uir public to tho fat >bAt wr treurr pared to fill nil order* for Frv»b Hrend, Cuke*, Candy, Lite., of our own make— *Hxl *nd pure. Wc keep a’*o Connection* and Oroccrlc*, which wa Ml at the ruling price* Huy and aeU.Cwmtvy IVxluco. Giro ua a call. n\ J. PHILLIPS ,t CO. lulyS&tf Meat Mamet PROVISION STORE.*M;COBB kvop on haad tho verj Wet cutu of « m, PORK, kid Ai\D sausage, and .ho . full hiH> ijr Wreeu Groceries and Provisions, JS?£|*1 U “id. «f VaiaUblM «li'i mill. 1. ^OR RSNT. rhn h .^ l *JS. r * ,lll,nc * of L c - Barrett, on S" ok now oeenpied by A. A. ^ OMeMion given September 1, rni!?V n America*, a good tonr- of i?». JJIohon, etc, four ocrea ,0 V Riven inline* Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will )e convinced that we mean what we say Remember tye have great bargains to otter for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don't fail to come early. oat v jc- r > JAS, FRICKER & BRO Americus, Ga,, Aug, 13, 1884. wounding several more. Xo white j L, P, Dozier ot Quivmau coudty, men are known, to be killed, but. bas been visiting rcalives in. our several are wounded. The build- j oily, and returned home to-day. . ina> ia» hurtling, iinri»«Mi>ot b»i -* saved. The compress was but Just 1 CapL J no. P. Allen of our city, finished, and began operations for j (who j, first cousin to the Kev. the first time to day.. Young J. Allen, now in China,) Mr. Mike Pickett, of Amerlens, | | 0(t yesterday for Philadelphia, who was In charge ol the compress,, w h cr o she will remain with her was (ast seen in the building, but i brother, Mr. Frank P. Allen, for everything is in such confusion | two years, anil attend the excel- that it is not known whether be os-, | on t literary and musical schools caped or not. Mr. Piqkett had been „f thnt great city. Miss I.illle it on a visit to relatives in Aroerious, | only sixteen yesrs of ago, is ono of' and had only arrived here Sunday i t l,o prettiest snd sweetest young at, tho wnpwiq naos, special uommitslou- nndenJ B,,>r th « B*pd*»»»n tWLdlidWr U^n»»lhn» been condndtlue theinurtter. f tfbetnqiugume'rt iMBrrrfVtilhT Indiviauai raLAkaMlfl*. to thf position. The iCommlsslonevw re- J | port a. largo number ol exhibit. evening. j Indies in our city, and I predict Four hundred halos of cotton arc j „| le will lie tho bollo of Dawson on on fire, and It is impossible to get 1 | )er return two years honoo. Her near enough tho building to find I brother, Frank,* formerly of this out who are killed and who are j place, is now doing a thriving not, nnd what caused tho oxplo- business in a large iewelry estab- 9 j on I lisbment in Philadelphia. I'ontrarion in Gear). Macon, ^eplumbev 13.—The u'ima. 1 to b'.*nloi,“ , u.’d Th * I ,lrm of *'ly riol{ * Bowmen, well MIITHVII.I.K SPECIAI.N. ' Special to Rwortl«r. known contractors now counectod with tho building of the Buona Mr. Fort McAfee, of the Central) Vista railroad, was before United rnilrosd, is witli bis mother In this i States Commissioner L. M. Erwin place for a few days. j Uwlay charged with selling at re- at , r I, .. tail tobacco without license. The McAieo nnd family ftrln oon „, to of Me8grB . K g have moved to our town. They liowmun, 3. \V. My rick, eon will take charge of tho McAfee I tractors; W. E. Hill sub-contractor, ti & D. f: Houbo on the 1st of November. Mr. T. XV. Johnson will ro-open bis house on the 17th instant, nnd will probably spend the remniuder of his days In catering to the pub- die. “ Mr. D. (J. Avcrn began today moving in his new store rooms. They are as neat as any rooms in our knowledge. Mis. A. V. Kalcigh, the wile of Mr. A. V. Raleigh, who was the victim of the sad occnrtncn on the East Tenuesseo and Virginia Rail road, some time since, is in our | town visiting her friend, Mrs. W. S. Deidrlelt. Wc hear that we aie to have a new mercantile firm soon, and wo are at a loss to know what house they will locate In, as there, is nota vacant one in town. HA\VSON DOINGS. Festival— A Rncenaful Farmer-Mm r- <l«r-P«rianalie Hptvinl Id RaroHcr. Dawson, Qa., Sept., 16.—The supper given last Friday night by he ladies for the benefit of our military company, was a grand numerical and financial success. There were between 200 and 300 persons in atteudanco, and enough of “the good things of this li r e" to m DEALERS IN A COMPLETE LINE OF PURE i«, ^ *' SSsneua, Ca. saiasgwg Biaaolutio& Notice. o^yi 'tSS M. B. COUNCIL J J.'OBD COUNCIL & WILLIFORD, PROPRIETORS OP GEORGIA and C. 31. Uornesly, sub-contrac. tor, and J. R. Boudro, keeper of tbo commissary department. Tho warrants were sworn out here. United States Marshals Cash and Harris made the arrest at the camps in Marion county. To day a member of the firm received a tele gram telling him to be quick nnd tako out license nnd save them selves. He went to the office of Deputy Collector W. II. McWhor ter and asked lor license from September 1, which was told him, but was told it would not avail him anything if lie lind violated tho law.' He left, and returned in an exeited manner, asked lor four moie coupons, representing months back. They wero sold him. At the same time he remarked that he would risk the result. The trial before tho commissioner followed, when he had admitted the sale by the firm and produced the license. It was n laughing matter with the court. Messrs. Hill and Uornesly were discharged. The others were committed in the sum of $160 each. Arrested for the Albany Wreck. Macon, Oa., September 13.— Lieutenant Wylie, of the Macon police, returned to-night, from Ai- bany, where bo has been working up the case of the obstruction of tho train bearing the military to hanging of tb>' negro several days ago. He succeeded, after a fine piece of dotective work, in arrvet- (ng Gilbert Jones, Tobe Cross, Filinnn Giier, Aaron Jaekson and and Copenhagen, and ap. for space at the exposition head quarters indicate that brer 400,000 square feet of space will be needed for foreign exhibits alone. .<* . Tbe Great Easton carrying ex hibits free nnd landing them at the Exposition wharf, where they will be received and moved Into tbe building freo by the terminal force oi the Exposition, removes tbs ob jections heretofore offered by many foreign exhibitors. The Exposi tion to day bongbt tbe Shaer Rail road, extending from the exposi tion grounds to tho trank Unss, and a track is being laid into lh« main building. The exhibitors of .the United States will thus be eatrad all cartage in New Orleans. Direct- or-Gcnoral Bnrko stated to-day that all preparations worn In hand, and that tbe buildings and grounds would be In readiness. Exhibits are already striving. Apropos of the colored depart ment in the World’s . Exposition, Mr. L. R. Baker of Selma, Ala., who wa* chairman of tbe' ootdtdlu tee to award cotton prises at the Philadelphia oentonnlal, reoalls the fact that two of tho first prlxes were awarded to Southern colored men. One of these was awarded to* Adorn Kellog, of Kellogg’s Landing, Madison parishi La., and tho other to Berry Montgomery, of Mississippi, represented by a Phila delphia firm, according toaplan adopted by the committeo.. None of tho judges ' except Mr. Baker knew who tbe parties exhibiting were until after tbe prises bad been awarded. A Judge's Suicide, lif.vo • i Albany, Ga., September 18— The bloated body of a suicide was found between tbe two railroad bridges here to day. It proved to be the body of Judge Thos. Spicer, ' who kilted himself with poison. He was last seen alive on Thurs day’ morning. Hs was onca very wealthy, but becoming involved be gave up his property to bis credit- ors, and baa lately lived upon char ity. This so preyed npon blk mind that he put an end to bis Ufe. *He was the first Judge of the County Court of Dougherty county. A Democratic Majority of 44,130. Littls Rock, Ark , Sept. IS.— Oftlotkl returns show tbe vole east for Governor at tbs state'election to be: Hughes, Democrat. 99,972;.. . Boles, Republican,65,886. Hpglws’ majority,44,186. feed half as many more. The net | Burgh Scroggins, all negroes. Ho Opera lionse Block, Americas. Gu. ”1 •We wartM cull 1b« attention of Cotton Planter* ttiui ng-un pret* handle aud More tiieir cotton on the most favorable tcruis. Our watWMme i . flreproof, and Heparate from any other bail<linge,Dm* insuring hAr nleVof in furane.y. We propose to give oar customer* fair weight*, ami •ccaro lor thco* ih*» high-M mi ket price. Thaukful for tho liberal patroungo beatowed upon u* last year, we ask oontinuaaco of the same. ^ t 4 . ii* j mi^rtrai '•tfjLeelf TOOLE, McGARRAH & T0NDEE, and GindnuB ffirciiants 13 ETPBN thank* to tb*ir fri«D*U of flntntcr .ind udjoiring eountD.-p-.r ihtie wry jutronag* n the f* and no.Kitu conti utun>« of the June la tl-c fulorr. wc t»k« In noUfy>ng)U rU a.I* and acquaintance* or PL T. m. OT fjuea fa.11^ capacity IL»Ieatu4». Hi* experience In thio buoU toufrUr,’ lamiwM might. u< SUr imllaj la mry (■ mac. proticcda were $105 00. The finest cake brought $16 60; snd was voted to Mis* Doode Kendrick, who'fecclved 67 Votes ; Miss Mary Speight Baldwin receiving 65 votes. The committee deserve a great deal of credit lor their great perseverance and good manage- ruent. P . Mr. J, B. F. Harrell, residing two miles south o( Dawson, is ono of the host farmers in the State. He runs eleven plows and looks right after the whole business him- He gathered 2,000 bushels : of oats this year; and, notwlth- j stand tbe drought, rust, etc., will ! make st least 100 bales of cotton, I between 2,000 and 3,000 bushels ! of corn, and an abundance of lod- | der, peas, potatoes and sy rup, and j will, kill mote, than 100 bend of | hogs this fall. He bought nbont 500 pounds of meat lor his bsnds this year when it was low, and sold twice that amount of his own raising while tbo price was high. He does business on a cash basis, and Inveata his proBts In buids, which arc Increasing in value at the rate of 25 peremt. per annum. was assisted by Sheriff Edwards of Dougherty county. The negroes were carried befort J ustioe Hester, and bound over. Lieutenant Wylie thinks lie has enough evidence to make a strong case sgainst them. Albany. Albany, Ga., Sept. 14 A shocking accident occurred here last night. A little son of Police- nun Sim Herrington, having In flamed eyes, bis mother, intending to pour eye water in them, put carbolic acid into one of them by mistake. As the child closed bis eye when but little had entered, it is hoped that his eyesight will not be destroyed. His eye is fright fully swollen, and hissyelid will be burned off, though soothing reme dies were used upon It. lews Claimed far Cleveland. Wasuinuton, D. C., Sept. 13.— Representative Murray, of Iowa, said to-day that be really expects to see Blaine beaten in that Siale. “We,” be said, “will get 98 per cent, of the German vote. The fusion la working harmoniously and will command the entire sup port of the Democrats and Green- backers. Tbe Iowa Repnbl leans are appealing for Rowy to save tbe Bute, and, though it sounds like exaggeration, l tbjgj^i cany it.' , .i*,**.. A War-Worn Velerw Surprised. Now Orison* flsajM* Aag. If. * t- Another holder of a part of tioket 15,366, drawing $75,000, August 12, In The Louisiana St|te Lottery, eollected bis money yesterday. - Mr: Louis Seymour presented Ms' ticket, drew bis cheek, and was perfectly cool and pleasant.' He la a native of Memphis, was at tbe battle of Shiloh under Gen. Beau regard. His health, Impeded In the army, was much worse, and be came here to benefit himself, and be baa worked on tbe World's Fair buildings in New Orleans. He baa atuok to it steadily for nearly five months. Ho believed in luck, and never failed to purchase a ticket in The Louisiana State'Lotlery. Americus, Preston and Lump- V kin will probably obange their plans snd make their contemplated railroad a narrow guage railroad. The Rxcuania tells ut tbe dltebt-’ ors have tho cbst<ge'uii9er consid eration, and tbatJonroalfbvoraU.' It very truly’says that a narrow guage road can do all thp railroad work needed by -Mm oqasannUJas , to be ’ served.. Standard ' roads araf _ ^ rove tobe Udl AA* From the crop reporte all (tver Georgia, this may yet be ealled a oorn.fod.mte Bute.—Savaaaak - - NcWS. .*LuB^ •'< M«»* tii* but they do not elways prove U blessings.—Columbus Time*,