Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 16, 1884, Image 2

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mm Americus Recorder. W. In CUMin. Hiur. o«cUiunn» *r Wetetenjaatp. nmmA*, nan. D1I1.I RECORDER. The Ehouu to-day make* its advent m • dally. It ia an experi ment lxitli 0J»6 the pert of tbe publUberaod the pub1ic-wllh tbe former aa to whether It will be ao- corded siich support aa will make it a living Institution, and with tbe latter aa to whether it ia worthy of i eupftort add entitled to live. Lika all other Hew enterprises, Its flrkt tliya will probably be onea of miabapa and mistakes; bat we hopo to remedy them as fast aa possible anil make It a paper that our pebple will be prond of, and that will reflect credit upon our city and eection. In return, wo aak from our people a cordial and substantial co-operation In our efforts to give them a live daily paper. Ta the People of the Thirteenth Sen. atarial District, Amkricus, Ga., Sept. IS. Hearing that a number of pep- pie were duiaattafled'wlth toy nom ination, and feeling that it waa my duty to aacrllice my own ambition to the harmony of the party and tbe welfare of the country, for the aake of peace and brotherhood, I took the responsibility to-day of Writing and hkvIHg delivered to my competitor, the Hon. W. 1). Murray, tbe following letter— Amkricus, Ga., Sept. 1.1th 1883. To the Hon. W. D. Murray: Hearing that a number of Demo- crate of the District were dissatis fied with my nomination, through misapprehension of the (dels' doubt less, and that discord reigns where harmony should prevail, I have felt willing and desirous of using my best efforts to secure harmony in tbe party. Two plans have been suggested as feasible. One to submit the issues to a Demo cratic primary. This seems inad visable, aa it will only continue THE •ERATOKHHIH. j the issues and promote discord In in another column will be found | stead of harmony; besides, the some correspondence between ; time is too short before the elec- been wronged. Go to them and I assure yon I will abide any action they may take, and it they wish to submit the-right of Scblejrto name the (iwdidate in a pfhiaiy eleb. lion to be bald in tbe district, or to any other honorable method, I am content and aboil be happy to abide her action, and what I bare said ia all that lieth in my power to (ay. |. ' Respectfully, • W. D. Murray. j The proposition contained in my communication to Mr. Murray waa made unselfishly and in good faith, and with the fear that some ot my dearest friends might disapprove of my course, and well knowing that tho promoters of discord would, in' tbe event my proposi tion was not accepted, Impute to me other motives than those by which I was actuated. You see from the above correspondence the proposition I made, and that my competitor has deliberately reject ed it. If he had accepted it, both of ns would have retired from the contest, and the entire senatorial trouble would have been removed and that peace and' harmony, so much desired by all good citizens, would have been restored. But my competitor evidently thinks his own promotion more important i "Wt do hercbyeertify that tee supertue the arrangement! for all the Monthly ani Semi-Annual Drawing! of The Louitiana State Lottery Company,aniinpenon man age and control the Drawing! themulcei, and that the tame are conducted with horn- etty.'f airmen, and in good faith toward all parttu, and we authoriie the Company to uu thii certificate, with Jac-iimilet of our lignatura attached, in iti adeertieementi.“ Hon. 3. X. Hudson and Hon. W. : tion for the nominee of the prims- 1). Murray in reference to a settle- j ry to make a canvass in the event ment of tbe senatorial question. ; of opposition. The convention As the nominee of the convention, ' had it in their power to remit the [ than public consideration, and lie Mr. Hudson certainly made a ' matter to the party ami did not j prefers to continue the strife and liberal 'proposition, all and even ! see Ot so to do, and I do not feel emphatically refuses to make any more than could be asked of him I j authorized by my own act to but it was evident that Mr. Mur- I recommend this course. Being ray conld not accede to it without j fairly and regularly nominated by STILL LEADS! tun for KitofeiUdful Rod with acapital or #1,000,uuo-i fund of over |AAO.OOO ban id nee been n titled. By an overwhelming popular v*U\ ita wn* made a part of ihcpiewnt State Count'fnt‘on adopted December 2d, A. The only I/dtery aver teftd on and > Ike people, of any S'ate. It never scaled nr pcstpom lit Oread Slagle number Drawlaga 1 purpose*— which a ream* popular v*?e it* franehUf pwent 8far "" ' ~ D.. 1879. IT¥ TO GHAMD CADRilY lake place moathlfi A SPLENDID OPPORTUH1 1 Win A VORTDSBs TENTH DRAWHFO, C1.AS8 K. fN TliK'AC OF MUSIC. NEW ORT.KANS, 'lUKSDAT, October 14, IMA 1TM Monthly Drawing. CAPITA (. PRIZE, *1*1,000. 100,000 Tickets st Fire Dollars Cirb. Fractions, in Fifths, Is Proportion. LIST OF I’KlZhS: 1 CAFil Ale PHIZK 978,000 1 do do 911,000 10,(k reilnqulshlng the claim of bis peo- j a convention of the three counties, pie that Schley was entitled to I according to party usage, such a name the candidate, and this he refuses to' do a* their candidate. Of course this ends all efforts look, ing toward a compromise and tbe contest must ba settled at the polls, when tbe Democracy of this district must determine whether concessions in the public interest. Certainly I could not do more than I have done with self-respect and with a proper regard for the con vention that nominated me and j step would lie a reflection on the j the people that convention repre- convcntion and this would lie un-) sented. just. Besides, the late mass meet- j Confident of the triumph oi right, ing at Kllavillc did not oiler thisj and with a conscientious convic- mode of arbitrament, and as it was I tion that 1 am not responsible for discussed in the district before the meeting it is fair to presume that 9 Approximation Frixe* of f780.... ♦•.wo 4,8no 3.280 the claim made by the people of !t would not meet tiie approval of Sohley is a just one and will war-1 Hr. Murray’s supporters. Another rant tbe tattling aside ot the setion of a regularly organized conven tion. We do Hot deny the right of the people to set aside the ac tion of their delegates in conven tion, for to do bo would bo to abandon the rights of freemen; but tbe question it whether the circum stances demand suob a political revolntion at this time, and whether the danger that would result from such a revolution would not overbalance tbe righting of a tingle grievance, and this question should be osrefully considered by every voter before he casts his bal lot. Th, Ddgar Thompson Steel Com pany, ol Pittsburg, have notified their employes that unless they ac cept a reduction of wage*, a shut downIsinevltable. AndrewCarde- gie la at tbe bead of the company, which employs 5,000 men. Chic reduction will probably be agreed to, as theie has not been so many idle men for ten years. Only half of tbs mill* and glass factories are plan is for both the candidates to withdraw and let the party select from Schley county some other man in snoh way as may be lair and just and in accordance with custom and usage lu the district. Tills will remove the causes of dis sension and promote and secure harmony, 1 nui willing to this course and make the proposition to you, to lie acted on at once, that we both withdraw and let the party nominate some other Schley the evilB that may ensue, I appeal to ail good citizens to stand by that party which has been our only protection in tbe past and which is our only hope in tbe future. ; J. N. Hudson, j It is a singular fact that thej only gains made by the Democrats • in the recent election in Maine | were in the manufacturing towns j where the tariff was made an j issue. The Dsmocrats made but j little eifort, and the National com- mittee did nothing. | 1,947 I'lize#, amounting to §2fo,t00 Application for rate** to club* •hotild be made ouly to th«* offlee of tho Company in New Orient:*. For further information write rlenrlv, giving fill! aetdres*. Make P. O. Money Order* pnyntrie and ftddrcs* Registered Letter* to HEW ORLBAHI NATION AI. BANK, law Orliaai, La. POST A I* NOTES and ordinary letter* by Mali or Express (all *um* of 95 and upward by Kxnre** at onr to M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleana, La, or M. A. DAUPHIN, OOJ Seventh St., Washington, D. C. Mrs. ELAM WILL OCCUPY HER NEW STORE IN BARLOW UL0CK, A Cincinnati dispatch says that j in speaking of the attitude of the I OOtODOV my support to whomsoever may be nominated. Whilst there is disaffection, 1 have no fears of my success, because I am confident that the Democracy of the 13th senatorial district will not desert the standard bearer that they have chosen. The evils of this contest do not so inuoh concern this campaign, but they reach far into the future and strike a Joab thrust at the organi zation of the party and all future nominations. The right to repudi ate one nomination fairly tnado running. There ie great dletrcss j carries with it tbe right to rejeet among (he poor, and 4,000 rooms : all—destroy harmony and organ!- are said to be vacant, owing to the zation and you destroy the party. county Democrat, and I pledge! Gormans, Col. Markbreit, the prin- j 1st! “doubling up” of poor people. And yet Republican orator* would have these workingmen believe that a protective tariff is a blessing to then. It would seem that a live emi grant agent from Georgia might easily turn a large number of the incoming future voters of the country southward, but unfortu nately Georgia hasn’t the live emt- S runt agent to do the turning lacon Telegraph. No, and (be never will have one cipal owner of the Volksblat, said: “I have to find tbe first German Uepublioau who will vote for Blaine.” Hon. W. M. Springer, of Illinois, predicts that Cleveland will carry that state by 100,000 majority. We are afraid William is a little too confident, and we are willing to compromise by striking all the cy phers off the majority. Kufaula must be troubled with malarial diseases to an ahumlug de gree, since we learn from the Bul letin that one druggist sold eighty ounces of quinine in less than one week. An Augusta business man wants the government to end the hard times by calling in $100,000,000 of bonds. The Evening News favors the scheme and we give it our un animous sanction; now let it be done. Much as I appreciate the high honor conferred upon me, and well assured as I feel of my election, I regard the aspirations and ambi tions of every man aa subordinate to tbe party's Interest and success, and I have ever been, and am still, willing to make any bonorablo sac rifice for tbe peace, harmony and Col. A. J. Lane, of Macon, ia in success of tbe Democratic party. New York, endeavoring lo make Respectfully, ] arrangements for building a nar- ‘ J. N. Hudson, j row guage railroad from Macon to To this I received, this after-; Florida, noon, the following reply— Ammicus, Ga., Sept. 13,1884. an long as our legislators pursue j amkricus, Ga., Sept. 13,1884. The RepuMieau campaign fl- the narrow-minded, niggardly J y ^ nances must be running low when policy of saving a few dollar, and yourt of th# , 8lh rcceive( ,. , n the leader, are compelled to urn. reply allow me to say I recognize j the firemen In Washington city, no principle In tho pending cam- losing thousands. If Georgia withes to retain her proud title of Empire State, the mutt get tome live men in the legislature aud back them up in making a few innovations. The indications are that the big Republican vote in Maine will prove tbe party’s defeat. The Uermut of tbe West look with suspicion upon the big vote by which tbe prohibition amendment waa adopted, and sena te have an idea that Mr. Blaine bad something to do with tL An a consequence they an not entimslatlc for the plumed knight. NEW HATS Jttut Arrived and can be seen at her old store room, with Mrs. Fred Lewis, South sida of Public Square, Americas, Gs. septutr We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our Immense stock'of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufacture, and will be sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to introduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now lo those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: We will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be convinced. Americus, Ga., July 25, 1884. *» KIOW THYSELF. A! Great Medical Wark on Vitality, NVrrou* and Fhyrical fDe* aaturn Derlino In man. Error* of w untold miMriet retailing from In* ttSpsx chrome dbe****, each So found hr tbe aa- xperltnco for *L year* ta *uch a* r lK'foro Mt to tbe kWofanr phyat- I page* bound In braisifnl French mtuUn, — assSt, / another work mid In ihU Vshanatad Mllty rromalore Youth, and tho discretion young, mt •crlntlon* for all one of which is Invalual thor, who** ex ' probably never dan. 804 pagei embossed cover*, foil gilt, gumi work in every a*“— *“ nroflMakmal—than country for |2.So, or the money will ba refunded J1CT..1SS8S; This book should be read bj the young for In struction. and by theafllkted (hr relief U will bonedtali. London f.aneot. Them I* no member ef society to whom tbi book will not be useful, whether youth, parent 9 hard Ian, laotr«dororcleify«mn.-Anonaat. Address the Peabody Medics* laotitnie, or Dr. W. 11. Parker, No. « Bulfincb Street, 'Booton, Mas*, who may be consulted on alt diseases re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obeli* cate di*ca«e* that have baffled theLJ Pi I dtttt of all other phymdaaa a -r- 1 HIT **5Ex *"TH Y8mJF Tbe stales holding election* in i paign lor Senator ot this the 13lh j October arc Georgia on the 1st, ( Senatorial District, save tbe right ’ and Ohio snd West Virginia on | of Schley county to name the man l the utb. or candidate of the party. However 1 much I may deplore the situation, 1 ieel I am not the cause of this trouble. Being a Democrat, I would do anything in my power aa an Individual and aa a member of the parly restore harmony, but I am not a personal candidate. Schley county has acted in tbta matter and her action you well know. I have no personal ambi tion to gratify. Like all true Demo, crate 1 desire harmony, lmt from 4HUg*»j my standpoint I aa not n personal The first bale of cotton ha* just arrived in North Georgia. Tk. ShMI Why, L W. Huper't Nelson County Whiskey Ie preferred shove all other Brands ia bruauae it ia the moat regular and most perfect Product, laoooteatably ever made. A long experience in the mennfecture of the Harper, tbe Urge eapltel of the Distiller ahlch enablee him to hold hie Whisker until it heafttlly ma tured, together with the bet that tha Whiskey ia boaght by sad shipped me to direct boa the Distillery accounts tor tha unvarying satisfaction it has glvaa Ihoaa bast adasated to a tna Whiskey. J. fo*** 1 * |*|a lomL sprit ta Aasrieu/da 1 To* S*kl« I the mmm boom, —BY C. W, COKES, of Oregon, Formerly ot Americas. Ga. Price 60c and 41 each. Apply to Jmx M. Cox ra. Cotton Arenne, Americas, Ga. August 10,1884. m3 One •pan of Mateo, one cool two-bone wagon, oa* good apriac wagon, with top. one two-hon* taralng plow, one two*hora« coltlrator, doable •el wagon hnrmeea, doable eel baggy harneae. Will be sold cheap. Enquire at thi* offlee. Aaga>t tt, 14M. tf TO A gentlsman of exparitnee and Wall tec- oaaasakdad daaisatastoaaU—asavaaeaar of a plentatioo. ror farther yariianlara eaturtal tbt* etee*. aipiriT WHeatley’s Corner. Ho! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Comer and buy The 'plcndid.auccte* which ntteiMedfmr’effortnJn Introducing tbe *ale of FIJNTE CLOTHING t* oar e , ha* lndaeed.a* Ij being out for the Springtf*d* the Jirgcri, hanrt*oro«*t and tnoat complete line of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AXKRICUB! a vlegnsoe of design, heduty nf flabb neiaxps**. In emy Imfonce w# GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE W* h*re)alAO a large and well selected itock of perfect fltting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! And every thing hi the way of Gent's Furnishing Ooopa. FoUte and attentive Saleamen will [pleasure in displaying these baantlftU goods whether you wish to bay or not. THORNTON WHEATLEY, Wheatley’s Corner, : : : Americus, Ga. HAVING MV STOCK THAT WAS LKFT FROM THE FIRE IN ORDMt. AND REPLENISHED WITH NEW GOODS. I AM NOW PREPAR ED For BC8INE88. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. BOOKS C: AND i-PERIODICALS AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! Best and Cheapest Writing Paper and En velopes in town! Croquet, Base Balls, HaMMOCKB, GhESS, AND Light Reading for Summer DaVs. BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWAV • NEXT D00H TO POST 0FFI0E. A'