Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 17, 1884, Image 1

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Established 1879. •* <*«» MMH i it i t i Vi!. , j •> f* ,u;.. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1884. WHIKW, 8.00 “ 1 Amerious Recorder. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. W. 2-*' PUBLISH K» BY aijEBsrjBH. OFFICE O.V COTTON AVEMIE, f MSIOEL & BUSI.VESSjBARDS LAWYERS. j C. tt. XiVBOBY, attorney AT LAW.. bLUVILLE, OA. . i Jas.Fricker&Bro. AMERICUS, GA. , unless collect lout a DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, subveox and physician. Mlcr# liia pro?c«slon«il service*, with an expeil- I'lin- ot ao vaWt to (lit* ucoiilc »f AnuTicu# mid tirimiv. Office over Davis & t'allawn> ’« i*t»itf. Ho* (li'noc flt corner of Jnekton and Church »n* , ci», UiilU Will tecciyu prcuipt attention. tanSfiil DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMERICUS, OA. MI8CELLAXEO VS. ]Voil Pickett, Will do Plastering, Brickwork and Housework lfitl*>Diineft epecialty. Repairing dona. Ordtrs promptly attended to. oeiStf GIN WORK. ' t would respofttfully stale to the public that 1 um now prepaired to REPAIR OLD GINS 1 A fu-r havlnz had an experionco of several fears in lli » Ini-Rest Bin minnljiciorics. I know that 1 can give satUfa-tlor, All work gn ran- iecil, i amleCHied with mv father on .Icfferson si reel, in rear of Oliver A: Olivers shop. Work ■ohmed. |innyvS5ml P, A. OAMKitUN. Kdw J. Mi’ler. 6. Horace McCall. Jtloiiiiiiiental Marble Works, MILLER A lit!'ALL, Proprietors, Smith west Corner of the dSfcc Square, AMEUICU8, GA. M onuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. of the bent Italian find American Marble. " I Pflll.t IPS. JOHN S. MIF.HS. ★ BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before FOIES, CASH I Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that wc mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Amerious, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. t LATEST NEWS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. * T Is powder never varies. A nnrve! of purity Rtrongib and wliolw-omenes*. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot l>e sold iu oompmion with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or plioRphate powder*. SoM only li.rivn pmviivi.' im i SALT RHEUM And Every Specie* of Itching and Burning Diseases Pos itively Cured. " e call the f the public ’hot we are prepared to fid all, Cuke*, Candy, Ktc., of onr own make— . ib>od ami pure. We keep a Vo Confection* and ] Orocerlos, which we u-H. at tbo ruling pri;r** Hay and «?1! Country Produce. fllve us a call. ir. J. TIIXLHF8 <l> CO» ! fitly 23tf Meat Marketj PROVISION STORE. 'V. M.&T. M.00BB Hat ing puroUaned from llaie A Cobb M*ihvtur.d Provision 'Mo.o on COTTON AVJESWTtJ 1 M Uu-1 tie v-n U«« cl, A . i “" gim BFLF, PORK, KID AND SAUSAGE,! si. II. council 7CZF.M A. or Skit Jtbei i. with it* ngoni/in* itob- mtljr relieved by a warm , and a *in*l« application in cW ^hU re^eatad icep the blood irritating. the y» active, wifi apeodily enro Erznma.Teller, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Lichen Pruritus SralhdHead. J»»mlruff, and wry species of Itching, Scaly, and Pimply Humor* of tile Scalp and Skin, w hen tile best physician* and alt known remedies fail. daily, wh tilroor uTrecdo'iIc^ New.Blood Puritli . jtho liver and kidm Will McDonald. grateful y ac' bead. neck, years; not a for one year; n». years; tried hundreds of u Nt.. Chin alt Rheum and h or|it on nanus ana antra >ne year: not able to help himself for eight —.j; tried hundreds of remedies; doctors |>ro- lounced his ease hope less; permanently cared by utk'uha Ilr.soi.vKsr ddood parirtnri internail/, ud CniCUHV and tmen* Ho.u- (the great ekfu wily. Chats. Houghton, I'.sq., U Bosu n, report# a cas-j ofSalt L. obserfatiou for ten years, which tJ’Wit s boily and limbs, am' ‘ methods of treatment had benefit, which wat CUTtOUWA RFMr.n ‘I Mtate Rt.. . under his ed the pa- .. ... which all known bead applied without sly oared eolely by the nu a clean and healthy F. If. Drake, K«q., Detroit, Midp, suffered untold torture* frn >n bin hands, beat which appeared and nearly destroyed refill doctoring and a cd that I <..uhl i i Nfcln DlwNtta" CUT! ARID DEALERS H A COMPLETE LISE (IF FIRE DREGS, Amerious, Ga. ,i. Tvn.uroni) COUNCIL & WILLIFORD. PROPRIETORS OF GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, Opera House Block, Americas, Oh. Breen Groceries and Provisions, ’•mi.rachig all kind# of Vegvt iblce and Frulta lb jn-dr season. Canned Uoods, etc. It is th*-ir aim to k.>^p a ftnu r | aH , establishnreiit, ai.d gtvo their vuHirmcrs good fc ’oo..a at the lowest pricta , ►Y r Hlshc« pilcc paid for Csitile, II.and a ■ m u nr country priKinec, A ' Orica#, lb-c. 15. FOR RENT. ' Btrrott on i fffb'proof, and Kppar&te from auy other bniMiog*,thus lUNtiring lnw Mtp«of u»%tmtnce. • e .i v v \ » ' We propoifi to give our custoinf-rs fair weights, and “ecnr** for tlu oi itre higbe-st nmr- .Sent«>fuLei V i ,<et Pr‘ ctJ ’ Thuiikful for the liberal patronage bestow« d tipon us lint year. w* at*k f ' 1881. ** 1 ’ ' continuauce of tbe Burae. *.ngi3m2 MAOON, The Fa'I ... of this lustitutlui Witlneaday (<4tb) in September. ‘ tunim is low, a be built I^iw Dopniti 6 opouiny ol the /.iJJ I III open on >»er. .... . do«» not verj' greatly exceed tho matnculatlon and other foes of Insil'utions in .hnh tr* c tuition prevails. Thu Theological Hfipar'tuent, designed to pre- C an* young men for them nUtry, i« presided over y Uev.dTo. Kyats, D D. The I•repar.uory Hchool, of which Mr. A. I. Branham, A. M , 1* piinclna', Is In »u>tesafUI<>i*c- istion. o commodious seno d houw Is nlwut to md will be ready ... - facnlly of three I’rofaaaorr, w Itlr II'*n. Clifford Anderson, Attorney General nf the Bbite, ns chairm i. O-md boapl can h« nad at tho “Hall” fir #10 Diith and in private t-mdllra at from *15 to address, Y, ary Faculty. For Sale or Exchange. Two stationary engines, thien boilers, planing mill, saw mill, eriet mi'l, lath mil 1 , Iron turning lathe with piping, l.i pfrstora, i unit s, bolters. Irgc J»» wi«Ja# for t uuJinir limner to the mid and lumber to riv.-r landing. Knougli hard wood and yellow pine lumber at •> per 10001*» last the mil 1 several «eirs. Contracta for million o' feet o| lumber can bo bad In Dar'ea, nri.ire it can f dinted at any season of the year. A cash pnr- chiw r can h'-ve u»o of houses, I nrn - ** sari* a, etc., for a reasonable timt fr* •operly 14 located , 10 mile* south f coal of Kasimae. Tlie nbovs property i'gee river, I commie* _ of co t n east side of Or. HawkinsrUIe and will cash or will he exchansed iff Amerious or Uutnter county property. For ur her particulars enquire nt Kroorobb office. A must It.', 1644. tf W.* would call tho attention of Cotton Planters that ! handle and store ttieir cotton on the niost favorable termh. Our warehotin. ? * atl ? f^iJ^oce of I. C Luurch Street, now occupieu uv a. a. i,- r-'i mL B i ;’.7 ’7r ul” V . ” ** gi ver J Sepicrnbei 1, i ket P rice - Thutikful tor the liberal patronage bestow.-d upon Notios nf Dissolution Posse*;! it, Mr. Meritt r.tlring L . basilic**. The • usiness will be conUinicd by W. if. tvun 4 , wh i aaauiu<>4 all the du da of the firm, and with whom all person “* *“■* • **- - - AUi i<>, iu East Americun, a good four- rooin dwrellmg, kitchen, etc., four nert* ’Did in lot. PuHsesnioo piv^n inline- diatdy. Apply to J\o. M. Cokf.u. •'ognat 20th. tf DISSOLUTION. *» inn .1 II. II. ToMMKY * CO. h.,< i! '••d enpartnrrahlp. A. *. Unnuon, f» m- • late finn, will contiuu^ in il.* B*ok TOOLE, McGARRAH & T0NDEE, Mouse M Commission ffiercbaits R nd«bied to thu rlini .. II. kVANfi. T, M. MERRITT,.Ir. s|tor ihulr very llWu. patronage e tako pleasure iu r.otlly'ngj tb ^KTL’KN thanks to their friend* <*f Bafilter and adjoining co T< the past aud eodcit a continuaocc of the 'amo In the pitui ! rk-ada and acqnaintances of COL. T. M. FTOLOW, n-, . itu Iu «m b. with u, th. Coml.c r. 4.!. tt. C|U.») .1 Hi, .»(K!ri.iM In lU. tu.l- n 1 u S. 1 m °f «• Tt )MM EY h CO. |< o’a olve l. CcttokT. m i'?i ,r W l 1 li on ’ lDM . t,,# Brektre** \ »>•••. •ottp'sd with hie well known integrity* lahnreahorreet weight* andftlf dsailnf in every Ir.suncc a?2 •* on Got ton A vvnu# '•**, lw * 11 i Aciltlflu, OinJtif.11,1111. kl Dissolution Notice. IV. II. KVASS. PLYMOUTH ROCKS. Any one wanting some of thu famous breed of fowla, rdeis ton aeptlltf sending their DAVID SAU&4. WANTED. To • dw.Uis, hjiu. i.itoU, Mr . uiOl a.,.,. «a, fVl 1*A IV SON bourns. Dawson, Ga., Sept., 16.—Miss Lillie Lee, daughter of Mr. W. W- Lee, of Dover, this county, came up yesterday and entered Prof. Qiiilliau’s school. This school now has It fly-eight pupils, and only two more can be accommodated Miss Lou Bragan returned home from A mericus yesterday. Messrs Durham and Simmons, merchants at Leary, were in our city yesterday. We have several severe cates of sickness among the whites in this vicinity, and have hid several deaths among the colored people recently. Mrs. Willie Carver left to-day on a visit to Atlanta, Oxford and Covington. smitiiTulV: annul. SMiTuvittE, Sept 16 Mr. W. W. Thompson presented us with the first Keiffcr Hybrid pear that has been raised in the state. Jt is a perfect specimen and weighs six- teen ounces. The “last run’’ of watermelons are being offered in our town now, They appear to be so full of chilis that they can scarcely keep still. Quite a novel sight was to be seen on our streets to-day. A steer and cart driven by two negro I’ltOM WEBSTER. ' 5 ** Preston, Ga., Sept. 16—Editor Recorder:—Seeing a piece In your last Issue marked “Pair Play,” written by Mr. 3, B. Hudson with the assistance of another aspirant, who is afraid to make the venture (or-some one else), I think it needs a reply, especially in regard to Mr. Hudson’s satisfactory record in the legislature to bis constitu ents. Mr. Hudson was elected upon promises to bis constituents, of whom I am one, to pass a certain act which he claims he was un able to accomplish. This don’t look like he had any influence or much ability, or he certainly coaid hsvo put through a local act con cerning nono but bis own county. The truth of the matter is Mr. Hudson introduced his bill and let it go by himself. This is the only record that I have ever beard of his making in the legislature and it has utterly failed to give satis faction to bis constituents or to make them proud of him as a rep resentative. Voter. Republican Deserters. Washington, Sept. 16 Hamil ton Pish, Gen. B. H. Bristow, and General Francis Walker have announced their determination to support Cleveland and Hendricks. Benjamin H. Bristow was secretary of the treasury, while Mr. Fish was at the bead of Grant’s cabinet, Francis Walker, ohief of the cen- women perched upon a bale of cot'-* SUB bureau. It will be their first . sicksov, Msi,'ia ton, which they threw off at our warehouse and sold, and supplied themselves with all the goods needed and wended their way slow ly home. They live on rente-1 land in Sumter county, about eight miles above here. Thoy say they will make five bales ol cotton and plenty of corn, potatoes, etc. They have nojrelatlves,doing all the work themselves. This certainly should prove an example for our colored people. Mr. John T. Furgersou, one of Lee's most substantial citizens, in in town to-day. ARTESlAk* ALBANY* Albany, GA.,Scpt. 16—The cot ton crop of this section will bo about [Onc-half ol expectations in May aud June, though about two- thirds of an average coop; too much rain in July and none in Au gust. Other crops good. The Republicans last week nom inated the Hon. Ishmael Lonnon, the village blacksmith, for repre sentative. He will get largely leR. Not a white Republican attended the meeting. The Democrats will name the man next week. Considerable excitement in tho city caused by several arrests last week of lour or five prominent col ored gents, supposed to be impli cated in the attempt to wreck tbs train on the evening of 21th, car rying tho military to Dawson, the particulars of which are familiar to the public. Several detectives, are here aud at work, aud are con fident they are on a hot trail. Look out for some startling news. Onr hotels are expecting a bon anza this fall and winter. Every roam in each has been engaged. So much for artesian water. Cotton is coming in rapidly, but our receipts will not exceed last year’s so far. Capt. Davia, tbo new president of the B. & W. road, baa taken charge and the public may look for a decided improvement in tbo near future. While Capt. Davit will of course have the interest of the road at heart only, he will not forget the Artesian City’s interest. Mr. E. C. Jones and family re turned from Amerious last week, where they have beenapending the summer, considerably improved, if Amerious is a sickly town. J. Blaine to Take tbs Slump. Bar Habbor, Me., Sept. 16.—Mr. Blaine left yesterday for a apeak, ing tour through the West, having been urged so to do by bis friends, who declare that nothing bnt bis magnetic pretence will save the cattaa from defeat In Ohio, Wlttoa- •In and Illinois. volo for any other than a republi can, they say, but they must vote ior him unless they choose not to vote at a<). The idea of support ing Biaino is not even considered. Gresham to Succeed Folgsr. Nkw York, September 15—The Sun says to day: “President Ar thur bas, it is aaid, settled the va cancy in the cabinet. He baa vir tually offered the post ol secretary of the treasury to Gen. Gresham. The latter is willing to take tbe plaeo. Gresham’s transfer will probably make Frank Hatton post master-general, as it is understood that tbe President is anxious to re ward Hatton especially well for bis good work at Chicago.” Big Balloting. Edkn, Ga., September 16.—Tbo convention of the first (Savannah) Senatorial district convened here yesterday, and up to tbe time of adjournment last night five hun dred and fllty-six ballot* had been taken withont choice. The dead lock is caused by olaims under the rotation aystem, Bryan aud Effing ham oiaiming tbe right to tbe can didate, while Chatham is holding to her candidate. The convention will try it again to-day. Ohio at (he Exposlffos. What will Georgia do? The question is suggested by tbe ac tion of Ohio in tbe matter ol s Stale exhibition at Hew Orleans. The Ohio commission held a meet ing in Columbus tbit week in which - every county in tbe State was re presented. It baa been settled that the State Board of Agriculture make an exhibit of grains and cruses. Tbe State Horticultural Society will show a collection of Ohjo fruits, Tbe Ohio Experimen tal Station will make an exhibit of its work. Ohio State Universi ty will exhibit tho building stones and economic: minerals of the State. The State Archaeological Society will have a display of the implements found in Ohio monads. Tbe wool-growers will exhibit sample! ol Ohio wools. Tbe Dairy Association of tbe State will make a display of the dairy product* of Ohio, snob as cheese, butter, etc., and dairy impliments. man' The tbe educational progress of tbe State in the last few years. Tbe ladies of tbe Bute are also to be given an opportunity of showing what they can do in the way of needle and fancy work. Tbe agri culturists and lire stock men are also to have an exhibit of tbe im proved live stock of tbe Bute and tbe machinery. This la the way the Western folks go about doing these things. How ia Georgia going to stand by the aide of her enterprising sister States at Hew Oilcans t. will sbe be forced to bang her bead iu shame, or will she be able to bold it up with conscious and jnat pride? —Atlanta Jenna), • * * iO| ■uuii m uiiccuv) uuucr 4 CLV»| I dairy impliments. A gentle, i ia also preparing an exhibition. I school commissioner will show