Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 19, 1884, Image 1

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& n A<I H H 3. Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1884. Daily, Pun YKAtt....*(!.00 Wkkki.y, “ ... 8.0 Americus Recorder. rimuiiuo »y j W. Xi. j office ox cotton avenue, PROFEMIOSAL & BUSINESS CARDS j lawyers. _ C. B, Mcl'RORY, ATTORNEY at LAW,I hJ.I.AVI/.LK, GA. TERMS—Ail claims from #80 or wider, H; Iron: f iO U> #500, nor c*ut. No May 14-tC DOCTORS. DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMEBICU8, GA. U!l* loft at Ljvcnnort’a druft "lore will receive i,r»mDt attention. Will be roun.l at night nt the t?<\<lenc* of Col. S. H. Hawkins, corner Lee nnJ MIS CEL LA NEO US. TSTeil PloBLett, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, TA1.BOTTON, .... OKOBOIA Will do Plnetcring, Briekwork nn<l Housework i'»i<ominea specialty. ItepalrlnK dona. Onlara promptly attended to. octStf GIN WORK. ^ 1 would reject fully atatc to the public that I am now prcpairwl to REPAIR OLD GINS I All<r luvln* ha«l an experience <>f several yw*in the largest giu in innfnctories, 1 know ilmt I «:»»i give wttDfaotlor. All work girran- * - ' '** —* father on ,?cflcr«on diver’s shoo. Work A. CAMERON. 0. Horace McCall. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Jas.Fricker&Bro. AMERICUS, GA, About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where wo shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever Dr. 0. B. RAINES, SlHGEON AND PHYSICIAN. iHerf hi* prole*jlonal service*, with an expert* 1 •*» to the pooiile of Americus and -. - r Us vis A Callaway’s Store. Be* ilrtv'e at comer of .Tnckson and Church streets. .in■cc.-ire prompt ftticu.ion, b roug | lt to Southwest Georgia. At our pres- M1I.I.KK A NrCALL, Proprietors, Southwest Corner of the fflttie Square, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. uf the bc*l Iiulmn and American Marble. Irou Railing f° r Cemetery Kuclos- nrea, a Specialty. JOHN' S. MIF.HS. BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. We call the attention of the public to the fact ’Iwt we aro prepared to till all ordora for Fresh Rrc*.l, Cakes, Candy, Etc., of our own make good ami pure. Wo keep a'so Confection* and tlroccricg, which we n^ll at the ruling price* Ruv and sell Country Produce. Give u» a call. , w. .7. PHILLIPS <0 VO. Iuly25tf Meat MarKet AND—— PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0GK »fa*!nK pnrehased from Uarc A. ( old, the M*a "irtiei y ud Provuion 9to.e on cotton avekttt u keep on hand the very beat cute of j BMF, PORK, KID ASD SAliSACE, and uUo a full fine of Grwn Groceries and Provisions, •lofcrMnj all Had. of VmeUbk. and frultt In I?a C ?«ttcd Good*, etc. It i* their aim ‘VIP- ttr “ claas catalllahment, nad give thair uitomer* good goena at the loweat price*. ■V'nertc.., Dm. lb, jssttf POR RENT. rkl h *j*llt "“idence of L. C. Uan-alt, on gJ lro “ SIfeel. now occupied by A. A. P^WMion given September 1, rr^ ls0, »* n America*, a good four- , J»«ling t kitchen, etc., four acre* li«* i °. ot# ^oMeJwion given iuirae- jvgktlSgfl? JN "- m - Cok “- eissolution. J,!m “•■- TOXXEY * CO. Im dU- SfR^nWp. X ». Kruseo, a m.m. ire, ComL!'? tC i ® rTn ’ F® contln«« in the Broker- v Co(foa budneav. k A*aTKu., Ga.. Aug. n, 1884 tl ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before FOR O-A.SH I Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. *akih 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. T is |Ktwdi>r never voile.*. A marvel of purity strength and wIiolM.oinenu'*. Mure econumioal than (ho ordinary kind", and cannot lx* "old in competton with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder*. Solti only in (in mjw. ROYAL B lKING lWDKIt UUl 108 Wall Hrvcet. New York. uctglyl. SALT RHEUM LATEST NEWS. i wns mero providential that it fell I on no one, but it caused numerous MACON MATTERS. runaways. Horses, carriage*, wagons, buggies and drays were seen running in every possible direction. The tower is supposed to have been detective in its sup port in sninu way and the elcctiric light company will hare to suffer for tbeir negligence. The tower atone cost $1500. Tbo city was in darkness Inst night on aocount of it. Qwchand. Macon, Sept. 18.—The new Academy of Music will bo duly opened on Monday night nuxt, with ail the usual eclat that the amateur musical talent of the city can give it, assisted by Warm’s orchestra of Atlanta. Macon has a very line array of vocal talent, and especial attention ia given licru to its cul tivation by a large number. It is considered a line accomplishment j and has developed some rcuiarka- 1 Gainesville has only one vacant ble voices, consequently singing I store room. will be one of the main features on j Hawkinsville’s cotton compress Monday night. A large crowd j [, on the ground, from neighboring cities are ex- j Thoro ig uot n .Ustillerv or bar. pceted to witness the initiation and | room jn Unlon county . ' Thomas county’s annual stock exhibition occurs on Sept. 28. UEORGIA NEWS. And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Pos itively Cured. E'ii ZF.MA.orSiH Uhc dally, with t- *1, the porspin m. with it* nconizinK itch- tantly reiiaved by a warm hmew of UCTK’lfRA ii*i» tin* blood nd nnimtatinr. III. IV, .rial Lichen'i’Ynritu*. Scafiwd Head. Dandruff, and iiwciei of Itching, 8cm ly, mint /'imply 1 in mom of tneNcalp and Skin, when the beat physicians and Will Mrlloniild. r.U Dcr.rlM.rn f urateful y acknowladK** a cun-of Ssl head, (Irak, face, arms, mini leg.* fa yearn; not able to walk except on ban. for on* year: uot able to l^lp him*- years; tried hundreds of remedies; i nounced hi* case hopele**; permsnen Ctrr«!U*\ Rr.Koi.VKNi ibloml pnrlrinr ond CtTTiKiTnA^and CUttot’AA Soap tli y cured by lloiiKlitnn, Koi., lawyer, 2H Ktnto St., ofHait It lieum under hU *- wi.ich covered the pa ir hicli all known applied without red aolely by tho lean and haaltby tient'a body and linili*. lurthod* of treatment h benelit, which waa comp CCTH UKA RkUUUKKi lei ■kin. F. II. I>i-uk nt.dd torlurcu I n his bands, bead a iacyoa. After tlie insuJtation of phy. Hold by all I'UUlIOAi. ( Of cm! Cur *' K<M|., Detroit, Mich., suffered u Halt Rheum, which appeared and face, and nearly destroyed * Nkilt »fat*M«I cuTr avt-a.oojxr, oa. . tul'i # -rufttly exceed the luutnculntlmi ami other fees if inalitiitiona iu .Inch tr< n tuition rrevuiI*. The Tboolnipcni ticpnr'mcnt, dcHiirucd to pre pare yoiin*; men f.T the ministry, It presided over by Itiv. .Co. llynla, I) I). The I'reparatory Hchool, of wblrh Mr. A. 1. Bntuham, A. M , I* principal, I- lu rucccssftilope ration. A commodious "cho .l honan la altont to W built on the collage ground-, und wilt lie ready the 0|MM>inir'of the frill term. Tue Imw Dcpniln.eia h:>* a faculty of three , I’rofaaaors, with lion. Clifford Anderson, Attnmty nenornl of IhuHtn* * ’ ’ w r month and lit private families giO per month •Hall*’ fnr #10 it from #tfi to Secretary Faculty. \B DEALERS H i COMPLETE WE OF FLilF DIUIOS, Americus, Ca. For Sale or Exobange. , planing itat<onary engine*, Uucc lioilei , . _ mill. ^rl*t inlU, lath mill. Iron turning ivnirftora. tor t*au;imr timU*r in mi", ik,item, r to the roiij and M It. COUNCIL. COUNCIL & WILLIFORD, PROPRIETORS OF GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, Opera House Block, Americas, Gs. Wo would rail tbo Miration of Cotton Pl.ntor» lliot wo .ro ukuio ineporod to bandit) and store IDeir cotlon on tho most favorable term*. Oar warehou*'* it new, Are-proof, and separate from any other buildings, thus insuring low r..tes of ins.iranee. We propone to give our customer* lair weight-*, and secure for tht-m the htglifst war- [ ket price. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon ns Inti year, w e ask ” continuance of the same. • yellow p|ri- lumber at gt per 1000 ta last tbo mil I . |,<,v|>n several tears. Contract* I or million of feet of \» M.I.II ffrtll 1 | U i„bcr r:tn be had In Darien, where it can M j united at any season of the year. A cash par- ; rhn-ercaii have use of kousca, t arn*, commit i cart-a, etc., for a reasonable timo fr»o of to t The a'•ova property h located on e*-t side of Or* ! mtiltMt river, IA miles aouth o llawktnuville and »rs eaat of Kastman. Tbo nlK»ve property will be -old che p tor caali lor Amerlctia or Hum'ercc lunher particulars emiuire a August«, IKRI. tf H*0oi »ugl3m2 Dissoiutioa Notice. ^gtSegg TOOLE, McGARRAH & T0NDEE, ~ ■ and Comissloi Merchants |u ETUBN thank* to tbfc|r friend* v( Humter and adjouting couutie*|lor thvlr very libemt patronage i utbe pa*t and Miicit a eontlnaanee of the [ atne in the frit are. we take pleasure in notifying} U> { rlend* and acquaintance* or COL. T. M. PTJRLOW, thutt.mi^wkhrutb.mhitnu»l.a*etiuliyMecsilKaui.. Bi. .ipcrirac. I. tin. ra.l. DM- eratM with kb mil taown talcfrtlT. Id'd>-» —t»t» *•**•** T ’ rT l, ”* n " Arawlrtu, (bi, MM. mi Haviog ojieDf-,1 ihi: ltylamler,HIV propote to open, on Monday the 18th of Aaguit next, * School ot High Gnde for Boy. and Girl*. Term., rate., etc., as heretofore. Haring bad mnch experi ence in conducting ecbool* of aitcb char. consecration The society couples will appear in full evening dress. Tite young men wearing the regulation swal low tail of conventional black. J After the entertainment is over, a committee will wait on the autli- encc and show them all the inner conveniences of the building and the beauties it contains. The building has just rcocivcd its finishing touches and tbc scat folding lias been removed, and its symmetrical form is ready for the gnzo of the public. It is situated on Mulberry street next to tho court house, between First and Second streets, and is a very strik ing piece oi architecture, of the composite kind and is made up oi the beauties of the diilerent kinds of ancient architecture. It has steep gables and graceful arches, red brick trimmed with blaok; and gray stone tritumiugs and several colored slate roof, these taken to gether make a very pleasing con trast. The academy is erected solely for dramatic, theatrical and kind red purposes. On its crest is an historic urn. lu the building there lira no stores or places for collateral business, but the entire building is devoted to one purpose and guarantees a degree ol safety not often found in our usual play houses. There are two fine gal leries and the house will seal near ly two thousand people. The scenery is moro beautiful and complete, if possible, tlinn the other appurtenances, and is a feat ure well worth seeing, anil is sup plemented by the latest improved stago accessories. Has a full com plement of tiro hydrants and os- y - ry onpes, and the building cost not less titan $15,000. Alexander Blair is the architect, and it is his mas terpiece. The building is but em blematic of tbc public spirit of Ma con people, for tho stock is owned by a mixed company, as lawyers, doctors, clerks, ladies, merchants, capitalists, etc., who subscribed without the remotest Itopu of re muneration. Governor McDaniel and wife ar rived in the city last night, and will spend n day or so at the resi dence of Col. L. N. Wliitlte. The latter part of the week, be, in com pany with Colonel Whittle,will visit the State Lunatic Asvlum. Last evening, about dusk, tbc whole city was worked up to fever heat of excitement by the falling of tho huge electric light tower at tile intersection of Third and Cherry streets. It was caused by a horse running away with a small boy named Warner Marshal, and coming in contact with it, threw It out of balance. The lower was the tallest in tbo city, being 105 feet high. Many wild rumors “•*'' l «rnraUy solicit a Itbvral patronage , wer0 st flm 0 |[ Pr ed, but upon in- of the good citizens of America* and i ... , ... vicinity, and for the same plectqs ratisfftc- i Teetlgatlon we learn that 110 one ticn. W. H. ALIKS, IWncipM. I was hurt, and tbe damages result- Jaly 20, 189*. if j ing are the breaking of about 100 i telephone wires, several telegraph lines, and several drays and backs DURHAM’S IMPROVED HiJWBft 11DDIXE! la tie brat cMutmeM ao«l fin- ftbud, jf*vea hrtter percentage, nut power,and u *®W lor laaa were demolished and two mules in jured, and many people frightened. It was a wonderful escape for many, being in the midst of one of our busleit thoroughfares. It A citizen ol Jefferson has recent ly sold $80 worth ol settei dogs. Dawson’s cotton receipts thus iarthia season aggregate 80Q.baIe». Eastman has a dray, the Tfrst that has ever rattled over Its streets. In Barncsville, hay is bringing 30 cents per hundred, and new fod der 50 cents. Mr. Hathaway, of Montezuma, has been engaged to bore an artes ian well at Cntbberl. A bootblack of Dalton has de posited to his credit $175, “collect ed by ‘shining ’em up.’ ” The Shady Grove Methodist As sociation is the oldest association in the State, and has 12,000 mem bers. It is said that a well has just been discovered in Jug Tavern that runs mineral water half tbe year and freestone the other half. George Washington Witherspoon is the euphonious name of a negro candidate for coroner in Uecatur county. He proposes to be elected. Tbo vicinity of AdairBvlllo, in Northern Georgia, is now suffering from a continued drouth, atul the doctors report typhoid and malari al fovers on the lacrosse. A fund has been raised by sub scription to build a college at In dian Springs. Tbo location lias been selected, and tbe directors or dered to start tho work. Harry Roberts, Augusta’s champion runner, wears now a black eyo, figuratively speaking. A Northern professional, disguised as a countryman, took Harry in, and a due large purse of $100. Alas I bow transient arc the tri umphs of might! The Lumpkin ludopondent re ports politics serene In Stewart county. “In fact," says tbatjour- nal, “tbo Stewart county negro llnds it more profitable to raise corn nnd cotton than ho does to bother altout politics that will nev er benefit him in any respect." It is fair to presume from the following, taken from tho Sun, that Gridin needs a vagrant law: “There were one hundred and for ty-four negroes at the passenger deport yesterday afternoon at the,, regular train time. Before the train came in' the number was greatly increased." A gentleman in Hart county not more than 35 years of age has lived with three wives Inside of eighteen months. The first one died about eighteen months ago. In n month or so he married again. The second wife lived only a fow months, and a few days ago he married his third wife. His first wife left several children. 10H Ballots. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 18—^The senatorial convention of the firat district met In this city yesterday, pursuant to adjournment. Ballot ing was resumed, and after tbe 1071st ballot, the convention ad journed over until to-day. Frost to Xacoochee Voller. Nacoocuke Ga, September 17— There was slight frost yesterday and tbit morning. Tb* earliest In many years.