Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 20, 1884, Image 1

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Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER tfO, 1884. Daily, Pkr Ykar,...|4.00. Wkkkly, “ ... 8.O0. IAmericus Recorder, j PUBLISHMD BY r . CHiBBaNBR. DPPICB OIV COTTOW AVEWUEi | ftoniiiioittftmmm cards | ~ LA WXEBB. ' C. B. MrC’RORY, IaTTORNEY AT LAW,[ IXLAVII.LK, GA. •lKRMrs—.AH cl»im« .ftop §80 J>td c ^ |3 ■ | NEW ADVERTISEMENT. TV Jas.Fricker&BroJ AMERICUS, GA. DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, WBGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Her* hi* prowulomil service*, wlkli an expert^ rt » -2n ic»rt, to the people of Atncrl.’u* ami M.iilUV Office over Darin A Callaway'* Store. K*» ,l<*n«o at corner of Jockoon and Church itiret*. will receive prompt at 1 cut Ion. lanSliil DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMERICUS, GA. n .v.-nnort'a drus alore will r®o*lv Will be found at nljjht nt tli ncrfee nn< may C 8in. mot attention. Will bo found Km* of Col. 8. If. U.wkln., t'vlhxlge atreet*. MISCELLANEO US. __ Neil FloRett. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, ALItOTTON, --- - GEORGIA Will <!o Pin.if ring, Brickwork ond lloo.i-work tt-omiMn apactaHr. Kopnlring Sons. Or.l.r, j j .'iTiptir attended to. ocrVtf SIN WORK. mild respectfully state to the pnbllo that ' I am now prnpaired to REPAIR OLD GINS I Alter having had an experience of tevcrnl nr* in the largest gin m inufactorie*, I know at l can give *ntWfa*tlor. All work gu-ran- m|, 1 am located with inv father on Je(lbr»on nrt, in rear of Oliver * Oliver'* aht.p. Work limed. |may*9 5mi B*. A. CAMEBOS^ F.'lwx T. Mi’ler. C. Homcn McCall. Marble Works, Mll.l.Klt & MolAl.L. Proprietors, Southwest Corner of tho Public Square, AMEIUUU8, GA. Monuments,Tombs, Etc., Etc. of the bent Italian and American Marble. JOHN 8. MIF.HH. BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. We call the attention of the public to the Ihct 'hit we arc prepared to fill all order* for Fresh bread, Cuke*, Candy, Etc., of our own make— good and pure. Wo keep a No Confection* and tlroccrlcit, which wo aj)) nt tho ruling* Huy and tell Country Produce. Olvo ua a call. ir. J. PHILLIPS id CO. inlyjfitf Meat Market AKD PROVISION STORE. \ W.H.&T.M.C0BB lliilnn poKU.cil from llnre * C..U. Ih.-Vc. *4rket uud rrovlaion Sto.e on COTTON A.VENTJI3 keep on hand the very beat cut* of J •W, FORK, Kill AND SilSAUE, Vbout September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and cveiything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before FOR CASH I Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. PRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. ^AKII* C POWDER Absolutely Pure. • powder never varies. A marvel of purity englli and wkol««omeuM*. Mura economical ordinary kinds, and cannot he wold in - —iiititudooflowtest,*hort than th compel! weight, alq»n or tin mm*. HOW .... Wall yit-eef. Now York. with the i or nh KOVAL iwder*. Hold only in SALT RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Pos itively Cured. urine itch. J. 1.11). F. 125 e- o T7CZF.MA.or Salt Rheum. with it* agoniri ins and tmrniuir. insUntly relieved by bath with VVTtcUKA Hoap. and a wpp of CcTienn. the grratt Skin C daily, with two or three done* vinrr. the New Uloott PttriHe.. .. —_ cool, the perejdrmtton pure and onirrluting, the bowel* Often/tito liver and kidney* active, will •peodilyeure Ecipnta. 1 Tetter, Ringworm, Fsoriaaia, Lichen PrurituB/Hnilled Head. Dandruff, and every ■peeiea of Itching, Scaly, ana Pimply llamora of the Kcalp and Skin, when the beet physician* ana ail known remedies /ail. wledge* a Will Vlcllt ■rntefnl y ackn head. neck, fa ?or oM^aar: not ablii tobVlp hliumiif "for eight year*: tried nnndred* of remedie*; doctor* pro- nounceri hi* ca»e hopaleaa; perr OtmccicA Kcwor.vcxr rhtood^n tally. Salt Khi 1* antf kneea " * tight mently curetTSr ifler; infernally, i* (the great akin Chua. Houghton, Km., lawyer. W State Ht.. Boston, report* a caso of Salt Rheum under hU observation for ten year*, which covered the pa* tlent'a body and limb*. and to which all known method* of treatment had I km benefit, which wa* «*>nij»letejy Crrictnu Kkmciuls, leaving akin. .i applied without tired wifely bx the > clean and beolthjr F. II. Ilrnke. E«|., Detroi untold torture* from Malt ltheui on hi* hand*, head and faor, and nearly destroyed hi* eye a. After tlto moat careful dootorin consultation of physician* failed to relie he used tho ( I’TiruitA Rkmk»ii:*, and wat Mr. .lobu Thirl, Wilkeabarre, Pa.. * Bold by all druggist Rkwolvkxt. #1; hs»*i UikMK Al. Co.. lkwtt Netid for “ How t : t.’tmctnu. eo cta.t PuiTKM DttUd AMD • Pure aklN Ultra CUTI‘ MAOOMT, OA. The Fa'I term of thin Institution will open ett tt o la«t Wednesday (<fth) In Heptoinber. Tho r«te of tuition is low, and dooa not very it really exceed the watnculatlon and other (bee of tnitltatloBa In .hu b tree tulliou prevail*. The Theolngtcel Department, doafgurd to pro- i«ir«* young men fur thorn*filsfry, l« presided over by Rw. J. O. Kyau, D D. The Preparatory School, of which Mr, A. I. Hrunhau, A. M , I* principal, I* In »uccc**fblope ration. <t cominodlona •cfao d houwt la about to tie built on tlie colletfu uroorul*, gad will bo ready the opeuinflof the (nil term. Tua law Irepartuieut hua a fhenity of threvt de**or*, with Hon. Clifford Anderson, Attorney d al«o a full line of AKD DEALERS IK A COMPLETE LIKE OF PURE DREGS, Amoriovts, Ga. I Ocneral of thu State, a* ehairtn o. flood board cult Im- nad at tho ••Hall* 1 for |10 per nuinlh and in private imnllie* at from to i per mouth ; Fig catalogue* and other Infonitatlou oddicor, , JOHN J. BHANTLKY, For Sale or Exchange. Two atatioaary enginea, thico boilerr, planing ISlP.MSS'" •— -- ' • • ■ Utho with r mill, trial ml'l, lath mill, Iron turning boltera. lie with piping, I t^pirater*, i urn|:a, boll c»lon engine Tor tauiing timber to the mill itter to riv.-r landing. Ktuntab hatd wood nrM. dniMffta. and PnrMUM, I ^ ^ COUNCIL & WILLIFORD, ;y™clnit.iiHirf.ofvnr.t«M«t»»>t Yruluioj PROPRIETORS OF GEORGIA WAREHOUSE. ■ i or roantry \’i!frkua, Dr*:. 15, lWi.if RENT. Ihr Into rtftitlenco of L. C. llarrott, on harib Street, now oconpied by A. A. lvit niH * ^ 0 * HeM ' 0n givpn September 1, AiuertciiR, a good fonr- kiteben, etc., four tcros - Poiwewiiou given imme- •'"“V. Apply to Jxo. M. Cokku. AttRWt 20tb. tf I yellow pine lumber at ft p«-r 1000 to laat tho mil I ..... . I several voarw. Contracts tor tatllhm of l*H of \\ II.I.IrOKI’ j lumber cm be hod In Darien, w kero it ran bo drifted at any aetson of the year. A caab par* chaser can b:>ve use of honsea, l-arn*, commU* aarf’t, etc^ for a reasonable timefr. e of cot. The a»-ov? property It icon ted on east aide of Oc- iniitgee river, IS mile* aouth n HawkihavUle tad 12 ni'k* cual of Kaatmaa. The above property will be sold che p for ca*h or will be exchanged for Aorericn* or Burn'er county property. For funher partisular* enquire at Ueoobom office. August 27,1684. If flnndia !„/ dissolution. ,..5* ,rn * Of H. TOSI r ■'’** «°Pf«nerahip. A. ... « nsass Opera House liloek. Aineiietis, Uu. IVn hmuM call tlie nlteniion of Cotton 1‘Unttr. tlmi « iiw i.kuii bamlln nn.l nioro imir cotion on tho most hvonbls terms. Our n.irel tire-proof, and neporate from any other buildinga, thus iusunntf low r«t«-n Wo propose to Rive our cuRtomers fair weights, anil «ecnru lor tbcin tiu ket price. Thunkful for the liberal patroonge bestowed upon us last v< continuance of tho same. >! insurance highest umi ‘tar. weuhk ; nui»13m2 TOOLE, McGARRAH & TONDEE. Moose and ComissioD Mercians H. TOMMEY * CO. hna dl»- N Branouu, a w--ul timo In the Rrokrr- bcafnesr. Diaaolutioa Notioa. igssa# ii,U of Sumter and adjoining countfe* for tl nl pitronago notifying* tb IILTL'RN thank* to n the past and to kit a couUnnanec of the »mo In the future. »* take pleaanre rienda and acquaintance* or COL. T. M. FUltLOW, tbtt b. wtu b. nil* u, tb* comlnj KM, In B. MPKllV <* US ■**“ *“ u,u bn * k DM, mud'M with tui veil bnown muvritr. Ii.cro eorr,., w*Ifbl, Sir !«U*# In .r«y Is.linc. .rattle,!, 0<», Uil. HI Ifnviog opened the ltylander Academy ! I ptopoac to open, on Monday the 18tb j of AugitKt next, h School ot High Grade j for Boy* And Girin. Tcrmg, raten, etc., ' hh heretofore. Having bad much ex peri- eiioi» in condoetiog uobooU of auch char- Hcter I carncritly aolicit altWral patronage ; of the good citizenH ol American ami vicinity, and for the Hime pledgeaatiafitc- ! tion. W. H. ALLEN, IVincipal. July 20. 1884. tf DURHAM’S IMPROVED IIJSlDlIb 11BBIKE! la the keif can.-tructed and in- |vhed, f.vea hetlcr pgrcantaiffe, mote powi r, and t* told tor leea moiiiy. per boa* p-wer, tka» ■ n r farblae in the world. twte** 1 " LATEST NEWS. EROX ALBANt. Albany, Qa., September 19 , Mr. Mime, of I,ee county, was se- j vcrelv cut in u gin this alternoon. 1 Hit arm was terribly mangled. Am putation may be necessary. Mr. Sid Lewis, lately of the Tel- | egrapb ami Messenger, Is now con nected with tbe Albany News and Advertiser. He is a forcible writer, and Albany welcomes him. The paper will now be enlarged. Tbe Albany Medium bas aban doned tbo idea of starting a dally, and will instead issue a large Sun day wecekly, under tbo manage ment of Mctsra. Hanlon and Cody. Success to them. Tho talk of the town now. is the fair of tbe Jackson Artillery and Albany Guards, to come off in Oq, toner. They will visit the New Orlesns Exhibition in February next. The bridge question lias been at last settled by tbe Supreme Court, granting tbe county tbe right to build a bridge at tbe foot of Broad street. You will bo surprised to know tbat the “pet and pride” of Al bany, tlie Artesian well, is not even honored with a wooden en closure, but is left entirely’ open to tbe disgust of visitors and morti fleation of residents and tax pay- era. It is a rendezvous for geese, bogs, cows and wasber-womcn. A lady cannot approach the well with out rubber boots, run agaiust by offensive negroes and insulted by obscene language, and still our no ble City Council refuse to act for fear of offending the darkies, who of course are the principal tax payers—uo, 1 mean voters. 0. Kiiitok Keoobiieh:—The names of tbe new Kxecullve Committee for the 12th Senatorial District not having been sent with the other proceedings of the Convention, which assembled in Lumpkin on the 2nd fnst.,for publication in the RscoBOxn, 1 herewith send them and request their publication. 8lewart county—J. A Fort, Sr., M. L. Everett, W. W. Fitzgerald. (Jultman county—W. A. Hill, C. A Willis, John C. Hill. Webster county—W. M. Sears, J. P. Beaty, J. P. Walker. W. M. Skaiih, Sect'y. A Strange Death. Coi.umbus, Qa., September II.— Mr. Charles Wynn, ol Chattahoo chee county, died to-day under tbe following peculiar ciroumstanoes: Ho had been suffering with tooth ache for several days, and the oth er night applied a lump of gum- camphor to the tooth, it allevia ted tho pain, and he dropped off sleep, still retaining tb* camphor in Ids mouth. It is supposed tbat he swallowed tbe saliva produced by tbe action of the camphor dur ing his sleep, as be Anally awoke in great agony. Bis gums and mouth were terribly burned. Me lingered until tills morning when death relieved his suffering. He The Work In Wisconsin. Tbe result of Mr. Suhurz's work in Wisconsin is beginning to show itself. At a large meeting of inde pendents held at .the St. Charlos hotel an organization was formally effected. J. P. McGregor presided. He explained that tho purpose ol the meeting.was to decide upon a i State centra! committee to corres pond with and perfect an organiza tion of republicans opposed to the election ot Blaine residing in all parts of the State. While oomniit- tees were perfecting the organiza tion ex-Congressman Pound was called upod for a speech. He re ferred to what he termed “an Inter esting batch of correspondence be tween Blaine and Fisher, which had just been mads public." Be bad discovered that only the inde pendent press published the news as it was. He attacked the parti san press for the suppression of news reflecting upon the candidates espoused by it. Tho election of officers resulted as follows: President—Tbaddeus G. Pound; Vice Presidents—Herman Sigel, J. B. Foilett, Henry Baetz. Ex ecutive Committee—Thaddeus 0. Pound, Herman Sigel, Heniy Iieatz, Otto Zwictuseb, J. P. Mc Gregor, X.S. Murphy, and Herman Heyn. Mr. Pound expressed his thanks, and hoped no mistake had been made in bis selection for tbe position. He urged everybody to get to work; He suggested tbs appointment of a committee 6t three to decido upon a subscrip tion heading for scouring the en rollment of independents. They concluded to adopt a declaration that the signature involved fealty only to Cleveland as against Blaine, and that as far as the oounly, or other ticket outside of the presi dential ticket, were concerned, the signers could do as they pleased. The beading is as follows: "We, the undersigned, who have usually in tho past supported tbe republican presidential tiohet, be lieving that tho best interests of the country demand the defeat of James G. Blaine and tho oleotiou of Grover Cleveland, do hereby severally enroll oursolvea a* co-op erating to that end.” Tbo meeting was very enthusi astic. Large numbers of voters are signing the organization pa pers, which are now being circu lated. Another Distracted District. Savannah, Oa., Sept. 19.—After tbe 1070th ballot in. the First dis trict senatorial convention, yester day, the deadlock was broken by the delegates from Bryan ana Effingham counties withdrawing from tho convention. Falligant was then nominated by the Chat ham delegates. It is not known whether the delegates tro* Bryan and Kffingham wifi put a candidate in the field nr not. Fire Inches of Snow. IIAi.ivAX, September 18.—An exceedingly cold wave prevails In the marltimo provinces of Cumber land county. Several inches of snow baa fallen. Sunday five in ches of snow tell at Moncton, N. B. Crops arc suffering. .\umcrons Sentence. Wii-minoton, Del., Sept. 18.— Kd. lledden, a horse thief, was to day sentenced to pay tlie oost of prosecution, $100 restitution mon ey, $200 fine, one hour in the pllo- ry, twenty lashes and undergo eighteen month’s imprisonment. Foliticsl .Notes. If it costs $300,000 to save leaves a wife and four small''chtld- j Maine bow much will It take to rescue Iowa? The inti Blaine electoral ticket in Nebraska is composed of two democrats, two anti-monopolists and one greeonackor. While they nro raising the Tal lapoosa, wouldn’t it be a good thing to raise tbe rest of the navy, Just a little?—Merchant Traveler. Speaker Carlisle will make sev eral speeches in Iowa immediately alter the Ohio election, tho exact number nud dates of which have not as yet been fixed. There is a curious bolt io Burke county, Pa., against a candidate for local office, on the ground mat he p -rmitted his mother to be sent to the poor house. In response to tbe cry of distress from tbo Blaine manager* in Ohio, the Boston Transcript say* one contribution of 110,000 bas already gone from that city. Tbe more closely tbe political horizon is scanned, the clearer It is seen tbat Cleveland and Hea dricks are to bt elected in Novem ber and by a very targe majority. Headricks la Peril. St. Louis, Sept. 17.—A special from Farmer City, 111., says: “A morning passenger tram on tbe In dianapolis, Bloomington and West ern Railway, while pasting west ward struck a broken rail, was thrown from the track, and lifteen or twenty persons received suob iniuries as to be perfectly helpless, but fortunately no one was killed. Some lifteen others were injured, but not seriously. Ex-Governor Hendricks was going to Peoria but miraculously escaped injury. Much alarm and excitement was caused by tbe mishap.” A Kentucky Tragedy. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 18—-A dispatch from Frankfort, Ky., to the Courier Journal says Morgan Browner, aged fffleen, ton of Col. A. G. Browner, to-day abot and probably fatally wonnded aooiored boy, John Simmons. Simmons Whipped Browner and tlw Utter S at a gun anil shot tbe negro on I"' tight.