Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 21, 1884, Image 1

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m, ; - •> 'QgA 1 L y Americus v/ Established 1879. AMERICUS; GEORGIA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1884. Daily, Pkr YKAn....*fl.OO. Wkkklx, " ... 2.0o. Americus Recorder. pnBr.t«iiK» by w . xj. abwwsnm. { Uffll'E osr COTTOJf AVENUE. j |>l!HFKSSI0m&l5USl.\KSS(!,\KIIS lawyehs. _ d R. Mel'RORY, attorney at law. KLLAVU.LE, OA. DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, SlIHHEOfV AND PHYSICIAN. *flfri bln proiewlonrt ecrviee*. with »n cxjxtU cnfet.f vcrt«i to lh* people of Atneriru* an<l xjdniiy.'office over IHtw A Callaway’* Store. Res .lenftt corner of .Tackaou ati'l Church streets. i||> will receive prompt ntteutlon. lanithl DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMKRIUDS, OA. (•*1*1 left nl Itirennort’s dni* store will reeeiv i^ojupt attention. Will be found it night at Ih "-j—— -~.r iVil s. If. Hiw-klns. corner Lee an may 8 Sin. MISCELLANEOUS. Nell PloKett, CONTRACTOR AND BUiLDER, • TAI.BOTTON, - • - - GEORGIA Will doMsstcrinjr, Brickwork and Housework CaNamine a epectclty. Repairing don*. Order* promptly attended to. octStf GIN WORK. I I would respectfully state to the public that I am now prcpairetl to REPAIR OLD GINS I After having bad nil experienoe of 'several lean in the largest'tin manufactories, 1 know tUai I can give efttlemetlor. All work gmran- leed. I nni located with r * “ ' itrect. in rear of Oliver A: Yolimed. imaytiSAin) P F,dwi» J. Mi’ler. C, Horace McCall. Moniiuiciital Marble Works, MILLER A MeCALL, Proprietors, Southwest Corner of the Public Square, AMKRKJCS, CIA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Eto. «f the best Italian and American Marble. Irou Kalllug for Cemetery Kucloe- uret, a Specialty. 'V. .1. 1*1111.1 II*H. JOHN S. MIKIIN. BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. WY call the intention of tho puhile to the 6ict ihit wo are nrt pared to fill all order* for Freali l'.rea.l, Cakes, Candy, Kte., of onr own make— rwdand pure. Wo keep a'so (Ynfeetiona nnd Groceries, which we lull at tho rilling price* Hny arid sell Country l’rndnte. (lire n* a et»|l. IF. .1. PHILLIPS ,e C'O. juhSAtf Meat Market ~— a n n PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BK li ning purchased from llnre A Cobb the kit* ***•■* »«■«* Provision Sto.c on cotton Avmruia i keep in, b^nd |he very best rule of J j MW, PORK, KID AM) SAUSAGE, j and also n full line of Uiven Groceries and Provisions, j IS!" 1 "* * !1 kl "'** of Vmh-LMm, «,,.l Fruit. In I *®**on, Canned CJcoda,etc. It Is their nlm ..ehuw establlshtr.ent, aad gi\e their 1 ^tatssvur— 1TEW ADVERTISEMENT. Jas.Fricker&Broj AMERICUS, GA. About September first we shall move into! our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, | Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres-; cut store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large j stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must bo reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before LATEST NEWS. *AKlM 6 POWDER Absolutely Pure. d of purity Morp Aconomlcal it In Bold in ip toot, abort Sold only in *tR CO, 106 octfljrL lE^OIR; CASH I Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we Avill guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember wc have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ua., Aug. 13, 1884. SALT RHEUM And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Pos itively Cured. r’rXEMA.orftalt Rhotini. with it* axnnfetaf itch* XI inirand burning. in*tantlr relieved by a warm bath with CtrricunANt^AP. and a ainj^ln application Ycoticlti nSwtoL- , to keep the blond nimtatinr, tho iejre active. wiR apc««!ily cure Eexema. Tetter. Ringworm. iMoriaaia, Lichen Pniritua, Scalled Head. IJnndmfT. and every aiteciea of Itching, Scalp, and Pimply Humor* of the Scalp and Skin, when the best phy.ician* and Will McDomiiId.Ktt Dearborn St.. Chicago, gratefully acknowledge* a cure of Salt Rheum on head. neck. face. irra*. and leg* for neventeen f ear*; not able to walk except on hand* and knee* or one year: not able to help hitn*e|f for eight year*; tried hundred* of reniedie*; doctors nro- uounced hi*ca*« bopelcMi permanently tJtTTicona Rkhoi.vknt (blood ^mritien ii ially. „ ~rel by i internah/. Chita, llmighton. Eaq., lawyer, 2S State Mt., ItoMtnn, report*a c m of Halt Klieum under hU observation for ten year*, which covered tho pa tient'* body and limbs. and to which all known method* of treatment had been applied without benefit, which wa* completely cured solely by the UtmcuBA Remroiu, leaving a clean and haaltby ■kin. F. If. llrake. Km|.. Detroit, Mich., Buffered a Kkmkdikm. and w Mr. .luhu Thirl, Wilkeabarre. Pa., v Sold by all druggi«l* ltKMILVKNT. 61: Soap, CHEMICAL Co., Koatol Mercer Universiiy. Mil MMIIS Ii I OMrun.UII OF IW IlllWiS, AmericuB, Ca. ■ M. It. COUNCIL. .1 M IIJ.II ORI) COUNCIL & WILLIEOlll), PROPRIETORS OF *** j GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, AMerleu, Dec. 15, ^OB. RENT. 1 h»> fal<> resiileneg of L. C. BirriMt, on .hurch ^rc«t, now occnpied by A. A. *18si >H ’ ^ OMK<8J, * on Seplember 1, AraericnB, a Rood fonr- nf u*jv e 4* n S* kitchen, etc., four acres IQ . ° 1, p *> B «es8ion Riven inline- Vn t0 J-NO. M. Cokrk. Angast 20th. tf GA. Tho Fa>i terra of thi« Institution will open on tie la*t Wodnea<lay (flth) In HeptomW. Tho rato of tufii m i* low. and does not very greatly exceed the matriculation and other feee of inatltntiona in *vhlch free tuition prevail*. The Theological Department, designed to pre* pare young men for themiuUtry, D presided over l»y Rev. J. O. RyaU, I) D. The Preparatory School, of which Mr. A. I. Branham, A. M., H prineipal, I* In »ut«-s*nilope- tation. A commodious ncnool house la about to be built on the college ground*, and will he ready the npcniiM^of tho full term. Too Law Depaitniofit baa g fncaffy of three ProfeMor*, with Hon. C'lUroril Anderson, Attorney General of tho Bute, a* rhainnu*. Oood board can he had at the Hall” for |10 pe r month and In privato families at from |lft to gjo per month K«r raUheraea and othrr Information a<ldreae, JOHN J. BUANTLKY, julybutr Secretury Faculty. For Sale or Exchange. Two itst’oaary engines, three boilers, planing mill, saw mill, pH«t ml'I. lath mill, Iron turning lathe irltb piping* hunlretore, patnpe, bolter*, traction engine for hauling timber to the mill MM lumber to river landing. Kaoegb hard wood'and yullow pine lumber at gt per 1006 te luu the mill aovcrgl jeaia. Contracts for million of feel of lumber ran he bad In Darien, where it ran be •irtlted at any season of the year. A cosh pur* i hn»rr can bn vo u*« of house*, barns, commia* earKa, etc., for a reasonable timofr.o of co t The *I<ovj prom rty Is located on coat side of Oc* mulgm river, 10 mile* south o* Hawkinivllle sad 12 tnlks e:«*t of Eastmnn. The above property will b« sold cheip for cash or will be exchanged for Auierlcui or Nsmter county property. For further particular* enquire at Rsoosnsx office. August «7,1*W. tf 0|ipni lions** lilock, Ainerieus, (In. W»i vonlil cnll th« nttention of Cotton l'lauter. Jbot wo nro ptepurnd to lion.llo nint store tbeir cotton on tho most (ororeblo twins. Onr warebouso is new, Artt-proof, «n<l atpamle from any other baildiog*. Ihuv insnring ln\r rates ofinuiranvc. We propose to give our cUHtoiuent lair weightH, and vcctiro for them tin hiRli»*st ninr* j ket price. Thankful for tho liberal patronage btttowed upon nt lakt year, “ *• “ Kk tk continuance of tho same. MitRl3m2 DISSOLDTIOIT. •*o CumLt *, flrm ' wl *l ^ortinue in the Broker* a AnwH?? -f° tt ^°tton buine*', k ADiencu*, Gu.. Anc. M inu ,r TOOLE, McGARRAH & T0NDEE, Mm and Commission Merchants JJF.THRN thanks to their friemU < n tbe pan and solicit a eontlf>uen<-< and adjoining countie* for their very lUmui patronage ruu Id tbn Oitiire. we take pleoaure in luitllyingj th rl-nd* end acquaintance* of COL. T. M. FT7B.LOW, that be will be with u« tbe coralur ocoauu la the espocity *d BcnleraMa. Hi* expcrlenf* iu ibis bueb Having opened the By lander Academy T propoi-o to open, on Monday tho 18tb of AuRUst next, a School ol High Grade for Boys and Girht. Terms, rates, etc., •ts heretofore. Having bed much experi ence in conducting ochools of ench char acter I earnestly solicit a liberal patronage of tbe good citizens of Americas and vicinity, and for the nmo pledge satisfac tion. W. H. ALLEN, Principal. July 20, 1884. U Dlasolutioa Notice. RtiLtea bdJJeoottoS^th o' Rrokm^ sad I ness, coupled with his well known integrity, f»*driw vretfh»e frvfl foJfdeohug In ewery h.vtsnre Ate u urr , .. oglf< •• Cotta* Avenue. «■Mtkl »• ; i Amarleta, OvJ, J*, Mk DURHAM’S IMPROVED mmb itRBisE! la tLc best constructed and An* fabed, gives letter percentage, more sswtr, ar.dla arid for less IW l?r 1hose, P*y« r . than MACON MATTERS. Macon, Ga„ September SO.—A ] most unique as well as interesting esse was brought befote the M*con public this week. Upon applica tion to the City Council, Mr. T. J. Cnrling obtained an encroachment in front of Ills residence, on tbe corner of Spring and Columbns streets. The City Council failed to investigate tbe extent ol tbe en- oroacbmcnt, merely taking Mr. Carling’s word for it, and the en croachment, II used, would entire ly obstruct one Btreet and partly another. Before be proceeded to use it, soma of his neighbors got wind of it, and at once applied to the Connoil for • revocation of tbe grant. Whilst this wss before tbetn and they were annulling the grant, Mr. Carling, learning the fact, at midnight, with a large number of hands, proceeded to fence in his encroachment nnd to obstruct the street. The grant was duly annulled by the Council that night, and the question for the next day was the old ory, "fence or no fence.” The next morning, by seven o’clock, Mr. Carling had on tbe ground to protect the fence, in addition to himself, Jndge Matt R. Freeman, aJustice of the Peace, with a following of Sheriff Woo- cott and three bailifts, and his ad vising attorney, Mr. Thomas Wil lingham, Jr. The adverse party soon appeared on the scone, head ed by Chief Wiley, of tho poliee, with numerous adjuncts; Street Superintendent Deaton with the street force, with axes, ploksxes, hoes, dump carts and picks, and numerous oilier articles of warfare, sufficient to demolish the fence. Upon their arrival, Judgo Freeman served each, through his bailiffs, with a peace warrant. That is, be served tbe City ol Macon witli a peace warrant through thoir au thorized agents. It was a novel proceeding—requiring a corpora tion to keep tbe peaco with Us cit izens, a proceeding never known or heard of before in tho history of our commonwealth—a proceeding in which-Judge Freeman stands is olated, singleized,diitinaisbed and alone by it lYom his brethren of the J. P. system of Qeorgia. Chief Wiley paused an instant, then pro ceeded to tear away tho fence, dis regarding the warrants, amid great excitement and hurrying to and fro, for by this time a largo orowd had collected. Tbe street* were soon cleared, and no casualties are reported as tba result of tbe fight, and on tbe battle field quiet again reigns supreme, and the electrio light again flickers aver a quiet street and a peaceful neighborhood, Vehicles again pass and repasa without obstruction, and not a trace ol the encroachment ie left. The tronblo will probably be ad judicated in a court of equity. The Macon Bicydeets are build ing a beautiful race course at Cen tral City Park, inside the mile track and in front of the grand stand. It is the Initiatory step to tbeir grand tournament they pro pose to have in October. The Americus wheelmen will be espec ially invited and cared for. Macon wss the first town in the South to grasp tlio cycle movement, and consequently they are ’ more general and popular here than elsewhere. The varieties and contrast of machines that can be seen ou the main thoroughfares are striking. There are three or four distinctly different machines hero, and are propelled by entirely dif ferent power. There are a dozen different makes, but many come under tbe same head and are of a similar pattern. There are about 30 wheels here In all lu use, but tbe rivalry Is between tbe Star (little wheel in front), the Budge and the Columbia. Th* trloyet* I* also represented, »nd Is growing popular with the less bold ath letics. Tho City Council have routed the bicycle from sidewalk travel, and on account ol several acci dents, a certain class of citizens have inaugurated u movement to prohibit the use of the principal avenues. The bioyolcst will con test for every inch of the ground, and at thoir meeting last night considered the advisability of publishing a weekly paper to rep resent tbeir interest. A popular young dry goods salesman here is responsible for saying that it is impossible to sell dry goods without lying, and that to bo called a “successful dry goods merchant" is nothing more than a more genteel synomym of a "successful liar”. To eluoidste, be says that if a lady calls for “Fmit of tho Loom” bleaching, nothing but “Fruit of tho Loom” will suit her. You may not have sheeting of that name, but some Just like it and equally as good, but you can not so conviuco her; though sho could not tell the difference she Imagines one. Here, then, to tell her tho goods he has to make use of lies and other fraudulent mrans and sells her Farwell’s bleaching under the same name of “Fruit of the loom,"scratching out tho name Farwell’s bleaching is identically tho Barae. The first question lie puts to the customer, though, is how many yards they want, as he will not go to the trouble of lying for the sale ol 4 or B yards, but lies by the holt. Another elucidation. If a son of Ham diops in and thinks his pedestal extremities Arc small enough for comfortable accommo dation in a five shoe, you cannot sell him a slice unless you will show up n number five that will fit him. Tlio modern shoo clerks have long since learned the idlo- syncrosicB of tlio darkey and soon manipulate a pair of clovons so that a figure five will boldly ap pear in the top of the eleven shoe. Tho negro sees the five, tries on tho shoe. It fits liko a glove. Ho is proud of his small foot. Buys tho shoe, wears a number five, goes off a happier but not a wiser man. Such are the weaknesses of the human race. Qijicuand. A HAIM'ASH OF HIIAKE8. Am Barihqaike In (he Middle Statee. Despatches from Michigan, Indi ana and Ohio state that tboso three States were slightly shaken up, and tho people terribly frightened, Friday afternoon. Nodamagewas done. Buildings were shaken, win dows rattled, crockery and Jars were shaken from the shelves, and people made dfzzv. A rambling sound, like that of a heavily loaded wagon driven over a stone pave ment, accompanied the vibrations, of which there were two, toward the Sooth and back, lasting about fif teen seconds. In some places it caused a panic nmoog tbo people, who ran out of their houses In fright. A Negro for Congress. Washinoton, Bept. 19—Evans, the nominee of tbe Cameron fac tion for Congress In the Fourth Virginia district, is a colored man, and be is making his light directly against Brady, Senstor Mnhonc’s candidate. The colored peoplo have about T,000 majority in the district, and Kvans is appealing to them to assert their snpromaoy at the polls. He has Invited Fred Douglass to stamp for him, but has not yet bad a reply. We were mistaken about A. J. Taylor being the nominee of the republican party to represent this county in the next Legislature, as announced in oar last Issue. Wo learn that he is an independent, and that Seek Harris, colored, the nominee of the republican party, has come down la favor of Mr. W. C. Gill, tbe democratic nominee, and will nae hia Influence to elect him.—Smlthvllle Enterprise.