Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 24, 1884, Image 1

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"„' - .• . - : - v 7 ' -■•' • - ' ;> , : DAlLy Americus Recorder. I Kstablished 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1884. Daii.y, Pkb Ykak,...JO.OO. Wkkkoy, “ ... 2.0 Americas Recorder. 3STEW ADVERTISEMENT. W. Xj. PCBUSHKD jiY eHjEaaiffBH. j OFFICE ON COTTON AYEWIE, PROFESSIOSAL & liuSIXESS CARDS I LA WXEllU. ~ j C. B. McCKOBY, | ATTORNEY AT LAW,; jsLI.AVII.LE, GA. j Jas. Flicker&Bro. AMERICUS, GA. from $30 1 ■ unle** coltatloi uocTons. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, Sl liGEO.V AND PIIl’SICIAX. >fi<r* hi* proumkmnl nervier, w ith *11 expcrl* nr# of 20 VP!*r.o. to the people of Aniericu* ami >cimiy. Office over l>*vi* it I'tllnwav’* Store, lies ilrn’o at corner of Jackson am! Church stp-el*. •.,j|4 will receive preuipt ntteution. lantlrttl DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMEKICU8, GA. c*i:» left at Davenport’s tlrujr store w prompt attention. Will bo found at nlj resilience of Col. 8. H. Hawkins, coroei ColUdjje streeU. «» MISCELL ANEO US. Nell Ploltett, About September first we shall move into j our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, j Public Square, where we shall open the most] elegant assortment of goods in our line ever! brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres-j LATEST NEWS. MACON MATTE 1!S. ^AKlH* 5 POWDER eompetinn with the multitude of low tent, abort weight, alum or phosphate powder., M/ ottfy in tin can*. KOVAL BtKlNU DOWD if It CO, 108 SVnll 8»r„et. New York. oct2lyl. Absolutely Pure. ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large l .,,Cr,r:^ r wM;.:.rJ.”;. ^r:L 0 n r s«i stock of Watches, Clocks and Jcwehy, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must SALT RHEUM TALBOTTON, .... GEORGIA Will do bartering, Brickwork and I C.ii-otoino a specially. Kepairinv iloi po/mptly »ttended to. be reduced to save moving and make room And Every Species of Itching and Burning Diseases Pos itively Cured. GIN WORK. i I would reject fully ft ate to the public that REPAIR OLD GINS 1 • bavin/ End nil experiem n th* target t da tawti fact P.indve witi-faHm. All •if*. 1 1cn. ?j8K 0. Horace MuCull. Monumental Marble Works, MII.I.Klt A' Mil Al.l., I'ropricturs, K,.ntliwest Comer of the Pnttie Square, AMERICUS, OA. Monuments, Tombs, Eto.,Etc. for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before £ (.'ZKMA,nr Salt Rheum. with it* agonizing itch ing cml burning. instantly relieveit by a warm hath with l'uricURAHn.u».*nd a ■ingle application of CtrrinUBA, the great Skin Cum. Thin repeated dafty. with two «rjthree diHM* of Cirri«?tr»A RksoLj cool, the perspiration pure anil unirritating, tha buiraU upon, tho liver and kidney* active, will speedily cure Kczmna. Tetter. Ringworm. IWiaaia, Lichen Pruritus, fe'called Head. Dandruff, and evory ■iieriea of Itching. Scaly, and Pimply Humor* of tti.* Scalp and Skin, when the beat physician* and FOR CASH I nd American Marble. is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t JOHN *. MlKKti. BAKERY, Cotton Avenm». . tho flic Wo call tho attention of the j, f to»t wo arc prepared to fill all order* for Pro? bread, Cake*, Candy, Kte., of our own make. rnM and pure. We keep :»'*o Confection* nr tlrocirlcH, which «-e a.-ll ut the rulin'/ prici Hu? and *11 Country Produce. CJIvc u* a ral tr. J. PHILLIPS <(• CO. July2fltf Meat Market Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. Will Mollnimld,£U2 I head. neck. I year: not able to help him*elf for *i .. .fied hundred* of remedh**; doctor* | iced HUcaae hopele**; jicrmanentljr cured igbt rier S ^vvr^he i?re.??k& t-uroi) eater tuny. Chita. Houghton. I'*o. t lawyer, a State Ho*tcn. report* a case of Salt. Ulictim under t’ient'iTbody and timbal an<| to which all known method* of treatment had been applied without benefit. which wa* completely mired »ole y by tho tttuiUHF.*. lenilng g clean and haul thy F. II. Di-itUe, Bm|. ( Detroit, Mich., -offered mtold torture* front Salt Rheum, which appeared >u hi* hand*, head and face, and nearly destroyed Mr. John Thle dby all druggists. Pri Macon, Sept. 23 Tlio season of pleasure was thoroughly inaugu- rated last night by a dual perform' mice. At the Academy of Music, to wituess its initiation wore assent bled the elite and society of Macon in all their strength and glory. All the beauty and chivalry wurogath ered here, and everything passed as smoothly as a marriage bell. The people begun to assemble early —all were anxious to soo the cur tain ti rat rise. At 8:20 tbe beauti ful curtain majestically arose to tbe top of tbe building, uncover ing u scene well worth seeing, and tlie people were gratified. Vocal amateur talent occupied the prin cipal part of the evening, which was one of pleasure. The entertain ment was a success, and everybody went away pleased mid in good spirits. Barlow k Wilson’s Minstrel will ! occupy tho house to night, and j Lizzie May Ulmer to-morrow | night. { The other performance was at | Ralston Hall, and was given by I Lillie Clay’s Company of Ladiet Only* 1 An Adaniless Kden.” Tbe writer bad not tbe pleasure of at tending their exhibition, but learn that the house was paoked to 11s capacity with a mixed mass of males, who paid their dollar to see legs and not the performance, as tlie performance was said to be so poor that it cannot be even third rated. It is said that though it was an Adamicss performance, they had au Evcicss audience. They will bo in Americus to-mor row night, and the same thing may be expected as was here—old men, middle-aged men, young men, and boys to the front. Tlie war of rates between the two rival telegraph companies here is without parallel; but all to tlie people’s benefit. It is Baid to be almost as cheap to send by wire as by letter to principal points. You can send a hundred words for fif teen cents, after six o’clock. Quiouand. Hr ml for " How lo «'ti CUTI An exi|iil*ll« Toll. PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.C0BH purchased from Ilart* \ Cobb Marki t find JVovIati cotton avbndjs keep ou hand the very Wat cot* of J MM, PORK, KID AM) S.UN.KJE, uoti al»o n full lino of Breen Groceries and Provisions, Vq^UblM awl trait, lu IMA SON DOTS. Dawson, Sept. 28 Mr. Den. Brim, an honest farmer residing six miles south of this city, bad r.n arm lorn to pieces yesterday by his gin. Drs. W. 0. Kendrick and i G. W. Farrar went down and re- j paired damages so fur as could be done by art Nature and nursing will have to complete tlie fob of restoration. Miss Mattie Vanover, of Cbicka- sawhatchee, is visiting tbe family of Dr. Faruum. SPEAKER CALISLE SANGUINE. H. I. Morally Carl.In that* will b. Kl.ela* la Silt, All School Supplies, SB DEALERS J\ A COMPLETE LINE OF PUKE KRUGS, Amerious, Ga. ELI.AV1LLE. Ki.i.avim.k, Sept. 22.—Superior Court convened yeaterday, but 0W' ing to a absence of a majority of tho bar, who are in Atlanta attend ing Supremo Court, court adjourn ed until tlie second week in De cember. Work on the Buena Vista road is progressing as fast as hands can push it through, and it ia expected that the track layers will reach Ellavllle by next Saturday. Air. W. D. Murray is erecting a ootton warehouse, and will make arrangements to buy all tbe cotton offered. Mr. B. A. Strange will enlarge ’ hit store room, and aeveral new j business bouses will be built this ! fall. Ellaville is looking forward to a M. B. COUNCIL. -"If AJi .Jill], ol Vr.rUhlr. „«•! IVllHl "•••on. Canned Oooda, etc. It la tliilr ,n “ Ural ijiwa cdaMiahniciit c u «tQ|ner, coo*rgou.u :»t the lowei* price*. 1 HleRept price paid for Cuttle, H vs ur. , * f of coentry prodaee, V.u rlcu*, Dt-c. 15, IfOR RENT. .1.1. WIM.IEOHI) COUNCIL & WILLIFORD, PROPRIETORS OF GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, 0pem House Block, Americus, Ga. MRS. FRED LEWIS’. i big boom in business and growth j as soon an the railroad is put in (operation. | Our candidate for Congress, AmericUH, Git , Aug. 21, 18H4. tf A VALUABLE FARM FOR KALE. Wo would cuil lb** attention of Cotton Planter* limr w. » bandl»> and store tlieir cot-ton ou the most favorable terms. Jhe late reaitlenco of L. C. Barrelt, on ! fin*-pro*»f, and aepante front any other bniMtngn, thua inauriDR low rate* of ni*ur* Lhnrch Street, now occupied by A. \ Wo proposo to givontir cnatomerK fair weiKhta, an«l «ecure for thcni tb« liiKlM at AdatnH. Poaaeaaion given September 1 l )r ic*** Thankful for tho liberal pitfroauge bestowed upon itn last year, we u ii-lred .m«l Ten Acre*, eleven and a went of Amrricna, on the rood from . ... i I'reaton one-half In rulllvntion and «itLcr h» I <o wood*, with plenty of tood tlm- i the place tome very dnu l«ttom flood Oln ml in eultlvatii * , llmue and Htrew, Tenant llouae*t ■n'* , cient tor i ! tho firm, Klghl-rotrm Dwelling lfou*e, eooven* i ntly amused, one-half mile of Magnelia _*|*°| •“ Amerious, a good fonr- I , i’ 1 dwelling, kitebon, ole , four acres f land in lot. Pusaegsioo si von injure* . mutely. Apply to Jxo. M. COKEU. Augunt 20th. tf , DISSOIsTTTIOKT. TOOLE, McGAR AH & T0NDEE, ffarebonse and Chism Merchants „ . le-half mile | Spring*, and near I'o late aarveyed America*, ; Freatoo nnd Lumpkin Railroad. Convenient to chan h iiud echo d. I’oat-Offlre on the piece (IMulti* of Diiiii). plenty uf g-*od water. I am deter- mined to eed, and If }<>u will not give m< akeyw— - - , I will take your*. If re*A September 28. dllwlf look. Hon. C. F. Crisp, addressed tbe people at the adjournment of court yesterday, and made a speech wor thy of a pure statesman. He did not make converts, for the reason that ail our people are for him any how? Hon. .1. X. Hudson made a speech in tbe afternoon in advo cacy of his claims to tbe Benator- sbip. “Uncle Newt.” is always good humored aod respectful to his opponents, aod as a conse- Cincinnati, Sept. 22 Speaker Carlisle was met this aftornnon in his law office in Covington, and questioned as to tho part be is taking in the campaigu, and his opinion of the outlook. Ho said he had made a number of speeches in both Ohio and Kentuuky, and was expeoting to do some hard campaigning before the eleetion. He bad received more invitations to speak than he eould possibly fill, and modestly added that he supposed the reason of his ser vices beiug in such request was tho high offleo witli which he had been favored. “Who do you think will be suc cessful in November?” “I don’t think, but am morally certain that Gov. Cleveland will be our next President." “Why?” “I am too busy to go into a long explanation, but will give you the figures und you can work out the result. Tiicro aro 153 electoral votes in the South, and Mr. Cleve land will positively Bccure every one of them, no mailer bow much talk there is about West Virginia, North Carolina, Florida or Louis iana being in doubt. Then ho will juvt ns certainly carry Now York with Its 30 votes, New Jersey with 9, and Indiana 15, making 218 votes, 12 more than are realty re- quirkd; and then we feel very san- guino ol carrying Conncotlcnt, Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, and California, so that Mr. Blaine wi l fall vory short of getting enough votes foi success.” True as Gospel. There is not a newspaper man in the land but who will appreciate the trutli contained in the follow ing from the Augusta Evening News, and which is applicable to a certain class in every community whoro a paper is published: “It la strange how closoly peo- plo read tho papers. We never say anything that anybody don’t like but what we eoon bear of It, and everyoody tells us about it. But if once In a while wo happen to say a good thing, we never hear of that —nobody seems to notice that. We may pay some man a hundred com pliments, and give him a dozen puffs, and he take* it as a tribute to his greatness, and never thinks it does him any good. But if we happen to say something ho doesn't like, or something that he imagines reflects on him or bis character, see how quick be flies up and gets mad about It. All our evil Is duly charged to u», but we never, ap parently, get any credit for what good wo do. Such ia the life of a newspaper man. For Sale I quence all enjoyed his speech. The Cotton Supply. .nhii ,,m «-Jl TOJIMEV Sc CO. hu .11- an iw ’Ml 11 m ' wl11 c °aUnB. In tha Orokcr- af». huU* .nd Colton l.nalnc,' k AmrKQi, «... An*.», 18*4. if * of Burnt. e<- of? Lo ktne in tin* * tor lliflr vary li'* ntllylDfl tb Dissolution Notice. 0*8 te^O-H-TOMmy a c it.. * WillCMhnB* tha - i* uiaaoireti. J|ETUMX thank* U. tl u tbe ji«*t onU *o!Uit n rlcad* and acquain tance* af COZs. T. M. FT7M.OW, .. ... , I m, I. ,u, t-,1. j Kntmetly u( Auieriea.. G». Pries 60o soil h, *1.1 b. *.,.,,nine fcl «n -a.1. «*•«# - »«•«“"• " ‘ ™ | (, each / App „ t0 Jxo . J,. C o«R, _ n»*a, coup’ed wit a hu will known latoffritr. *"»»«* • orr# ^ t *l» deslls* In A in •He**, Cfli J«I y 11, ]8H. >1 THE WONDERFUL BOOK, — 11V C. II'. COKEtt, of Oregon, Apply t Cotton Avenue, AmeHene, Os. August 10, 208ft. m2 New York, September 22.—Tbe total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,397,274 bales, of which 705.876 aro American, against 1,025,703 and 1,027,863 re spectively last year. Receipts at all Interior towns, 82,696; receipts bom plantations, 84,IITt crop In sight not given. Tbe Drouth In Pulaski. Cocahax, Ga., Sep. 22—A sev en weeks drouth has caused a ces sation of tho flow of all small streams, and the reaching ol low- water mark in tho river and large erceks in this county, and tho wells aro beginning to fall, and water it now an item of much im portance with us. Tbe dost satur ates the atmosphere and fills stores and dwellings to a very troublesome extent. Train Wreckers Arrested. Albany, September 22.—Yester day the sheriff arrested Joe Hen derson and Sam Lewis, two col- ored residents of this city, as being implicated in tbo wrecking ol the train on tlie 24th ult. Joe Hen derson' made a confession of the deed, giving all tbe details, and implicating several otbeis. A CARD. To all whs are suite nag from the error, sod ituliecrtUou. of youtu, nervous weakness, early decay tom of manhoods &e., I will send s ipe that wUl cure you, FUEK OF ( RADGE. This gnat remedy waa discovered by a missionary In South America. Btndaaelf-addressed envelope loth* Bar. Jo**)* tf. !***».- JUIlaA D, /ft* Turk (Mr