Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 24, 1884, Image 4

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Americus Recorder. TV DAILY RECORDER U |>a>>n«hed rrerj morning (Monday excepted). Tbe WKIKLY RECORDER ;U paMDhed every Friday morning. HITB&CR1PTION HATES. Dali? Im*ordor, per montli, Me. Weekly ltecord< r, per year, 00. DAILY ADVERTISING RATES. Transient Kate*—24o per square of ten llu^i* for first luiwition, and 15e for rich au1»aeqnent inser* lion. > ba mad-' with W. L. GLEASKKB. Poblhher. <1. C. STOREY, Local Editor TO 017 KT TAIig. lfera wleo people have thtlr cay, « And aom- thing new tell every day. 7"“ LOCAL SCI1EDULE. On and alter Sunday, Angoat 3rd, (raina will ' rth aa follow c:| Day passenger down arrives dally, 1:33 P m. “ « up »• “ ..... ft28pm. Night •* to Albany, “ 10:0« p “ ** Pom Albany, “ 4:29 a Day f.eight down arrive* dally at 4:l» p Day freight op arries dally at 9;?0 n Night freight doily except Monday down 1:49 a up. 3:20“ RUN, Election one week from to-day* I DOIflfGS 01* OUR DADDIES* A Hard worked Well* It would gratify our curiosity j A grand cntcrtainpJeWteay be | Th * u f;*J 1 c ,“ d “7^Vr ** ' could we find on*, how many buck- expected to-night, af Leavitt nev- j or Health. t e ^ g 0 f water are drawn out of the . cr sends oat anything shortuy. 1 artesian well each day. From four ! Present—Mayor Folder, Aid., ‘ . . ./ „ Chickens and eggs are at a pre-1 ]j c || u ur t Morgan and Hawkins. | ° c ° 01I \ ® nfe ", , j ■slum. The dry weather seems to | A ’ b9cnt l A ld William and at nl S ht , 1 buckct «°“ J , 0 " 1 ' aml have had a bad effect on them also. I Cobl , ! “P- h is no " n , us,, " , sl S bl t0 , 6l!U | — i „„ . #Tr „ . « : u crowd ten and twenty feet deep The Augusta Chronicle says a j le appea ease o . urg iai i aroun( j j| le we || vvaiting for water, daily paper is a most valuable ad . j ™ taken u,,. Aid. Hawkins ask-, fatbers ihouM pul ta ' * . . I r,i 1 In nvnitoorl Irnm eitlmfy mi " * A POSITIVE NOVELTY. 4 •HIM ill J i Wednesday Evening, Sept. 24,18S4, j J, WBXOl PREPARE FOR A SURPRISE! (JLOVER’S OPERA HOUSE. junct to a town and the people should support it. I cd to be excused from sitting on the trial of the case and retired. i After hearing the evidence, AM. Meat has taken a rise, and the j Hurt moved to sustain the judg- poor planter who thinks it does not j meat of the Mayor. Aid. Bell pay to raise pork will have to go j moved that the fine be remitted, ALL LADIES t ALL LADIES I LOTT WAItRK , Agent. DEPARTURE OP HAILS. Going west and south done at.. 1:00 pm Going coat and north clone at.... 3:00 p m Night mail north olose at b<K) p ta For Bnenn Vista and Ellavillo clones daily except Sunday at 12:30 p nt Lumpkin, Preston, Weston, aud Plains of Dnna closes on Mon day, WoJnostlayand Friday at 1 NMi p m Friendship, Dmncaville and Church Hill dost a daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 a in llottstord, Providence and Heals closes Saturday at 0:00 a in Hudson closoa Frid »y ut....... 8:00 a in linmar closes Tuesday aud Fri day at 8:00 am The above arrangements will continue until change in railroad schedule. W. A. Black, P. M. Cotton Report. flood Middling. fij Middling 9 Low Middling Received yesterday 236 Received previous to date. .. 4,035 Receipts to date 4,271 ‘•Our Boast" cigars at McKenzie's, tf “Old Sinner" cigars at McKenzie’s, if Sweet Briar Whisky nt McKenzie’s, tf Lincolu County Whiskey at MoKou- zie'a. tf Apples and Cabbage at the A* Bakery 'fell norn. tf Sausage, Onions, anti Cheese at the Star Bakery. Kmperoi- Cigars, genuine Jlavauna; twenty-five iu a box, at McKenzie's. J. A. A D.F Daveuport’s Skill iu connection with pure drugs can always bo relied on at J. A. & T>. F. 1)an ksport'h. tf Oo to Harris A .Tames, and get some of those flue Mixed Barrel Pickles. Sept 20 wl Colored tl«or««. Tho charge for the colored henrso and a span of horses will hereafter bo $1.00. if D. B. Hill. Notice. Wo will bo closed ngain On Monday, Sept. 20th on account of holiday. Will open bright and early Tuesday morning, •T. Waxkmiaum A Co. Now York Store. “Eider Down" and “Calla Lily" elegant complexion powders aud are used in many places with porfect satis- motion. In white flesh and pink at tf .1. A, A D. F. Davknfour’s. Lilly Clay’s Opera Company, with their lordies Brass Band, will appear nt Glover’s Opera House on Wednesday, Sept. 24. Secure sents nt Mrs. Lewis' und Mum Ay cock’s. td down deeper in his pockets. Since the fir*t of September eight new business houses have been opened in Americus. This looks something like the city »vas growing. From the Atlanta Constitution Seconded by Aid. Morgan. Mo tion of Aid. Bell put and carried. Yeas—Bell and Morgan. Nays— Buit. Minutes of last regular and call ed meeting read and confirmed. The ordinance introduced by Aid. Hawkins in regard to school some kind of a pump that will ! draw the water quiekjy, as tuere : is no doubt about the well aud the M "» ami J*.T?." r _ ° r f ,‘ b A ft “* H K “" 1 I water in it being there permanent- I ly. But won’t some one please count tho bnckets for_ us one day? I ANNOUNCEMENTS. ,s VM J Hit C U f /A TV. we learn that the opera company i fund was taken up and read second that appears here to-night played ! time. Aid. Bell moved to lay there to the largest house ever played to in that city. Mr. Henry Smaw, of Albany, was up Monday, in attendance on the funeral ot his brother-in-law, same on the table. Motion carried. Veas—Morgan, Burt and Bell. Nays—Hawkins. Aid. Burt moved that the Coun cil go as a committee of the whoio FOB MAYOR. i We are nutlmriK'Sl to emu,once the I name ef A. BELL a C'liftif.,i Mayor of Americus nt the Municipal el, c- i tion in iteui-ntber fi> st. au&l tf FOR SHERIFF. \V„ are authorized to announce the | name of W. H. COBB as a candidate for \ Sheriff of Sumter county. it'elect,,l, X. : It. White, of til.* tatli Bistrict will l>e deputy. LILLY CLAY’S OPERA COMPANY OF LADIES OEY, Appearing In ihe great tendon and Pa»L Sacc#** j -A.3NT ADAMLES 3 I BEEN. rre»cntiiitf till* impo*«iti!e folly of the day, In tie- I it-«l Spleudor and Mnaniticencv, by a heavy ; of Coartniiitf niid Culllvated Lady Comedienne:', Lady Vocalists. Lady SpccialDlii, Lady Musician*. Remember! AH I^uliee ! No Genl lemon. Leaders of Muon, i and nreaented by puny of I^uilcs only, Sajtet b Complete Lcdiet Orche-tni. Ornnd Ludie* Mi'ltorjr Bind. 1 Tho lb nit r«- truin'formed for the iibove (MCH*)on into iY Grardou of HTdoxi, DKAK IN MIND TIIK DATK, Wednesday Evening, Sept. 34th. It in tikes the advent of the only real novelty that j OU Will Winters thU fCRHOD. tsr’.vo advanck in pricks.^ -eare Reserve<l Sents well In hdvnnc!, >1 Jthe iisiiiil platren—Mrs Lewi* und h Ayevk. M**» LILLY CLAY. Sole Mnimgrrcss and Dlrct-tn'?-. '■ ADMISSION AH USUAL. t*e|.17td i 2Totics n£ Dissolution | Notl'o 1* hereby given that the lirm of KVASS j r.tiro Eve: III*'* Eddie Hare. Henry does not look J"' 1 al rftn 8 u '' 0 ‘- tllu »P«" , on as well as when he lived in Ameri-1 U,m P tou w 8t,oet w ' w, ‘ 1 '’ Moli ° n i earned. Matter in regard to the i sewer at the college was referred Look out for some of the grand-1 lo stl . cct committee, est music this t vening ever heard j (^ t , ost i 011 0 f lump at Minim’s cor- in the city. A lull brass band and j 1|er refer ,. ed t0 8trect comlniMce orchestra, cm.posed entirely j wilh alllbol . it y l0 llc t. ladies, the Adamless hden com- . . 1 ; 1 he following report and recooi- ^ j mendation of Board of Health was Change was so scarce Monday I received: 4 e beat ccti I, give* hot I Lyy Tv hit llonvr, Mvyor John Jl. Veldcr, and j City Coancil of Am-ricu*. (i i: Your Board of Hesllh in a body, will. , tlmt when the National Bank clos ed they had just one nicklc left. Some times the banks wait lor de positors to come iu before they make the necessary change for checks. We extend our congratulations to Editor Jclks, of the Eulania Times, upon the accession lo his j Mr. W. T. Davenport, (ffro in number), household of ii little daughter. Our'and one perhaps that the the water baa wish is that she may grow up to be ! no '* or *» not now standing upon, or as handsome as her mother and ns i llol " in R over - Tlle,e “ d ,h,,ir ' siirroumlinKN, wo think, are conducive to DURHAM’S IMPROVED THDH 1 LlItUAi:!; id is gold lor Icbn --—V_ jrtrNow jiarnpi.ift «ph1 DUnilARI niton., New York. FOB, SALE. I of MiiVm, one goo.l Iwo-horse * irr«l Mprinjr waion, with t<p, oue tw ..log plow, one twa-l.or* double M. M Knr|Uirc nt — i & MKItUirV ha«.th TO PLANTERS, i SS2L“K?ta!i A gentlemun ofcxporieneonnd well rcc- J H. Kran , , f _ , „ , ommended degires ft situation ns overseer! *!}|t the excepliou of -Tamea Dodson, Lsq., t of a plnntntinr. For further particnlars J one of ihe Board, this day made a careful j en ftiire at thin office. eji-17 tf and thorough exauiinatiou and survey of j T rv irrtTirh ,, tl.0 various ponds of water within the j (j 11 LAP LiU MljEll ih-ir“,l city limits couiplaioed ot as nuisances by J | ul „ nou . ,, j| t .u*, t n(:ir Anu-rini lu t *\ °/ n v lure I will <h-!|vrr lumber »t mill i»r Kigli " ^ " Do Have p«r 100M loci, atti in the city for Xis< .. —•* W. JORDAN. Boots, Siloes, Bat i! by W. i**utnc A n|| tlio .lo'*t* of tho firm, all person* indebted to the Him W. II. KVA NS. T, M. JJE Hit ITT, .Ir. iV CARD. the citizens liviny and residing around them. The fish pouds of Dr. Black with Rt’<i Jb-llai • looo. tf. ‘CpllCcotiyw and I'l •Id llrui for • ask i"r a oonilnu- • found at the oi l 1 at y iowc1.t , * Pl ''e *°“ NV. II. EVANS. CARPETS PLYMOUTH ROCKS. anting * t them b at A in vi e of this fainon< nlling on or m ix i *, tin. i her father. their DAVID JAMES. Ch-oap Engines. I have for sale a few Cooper rortablo Engtnts, tho best made, which I will sell dirt cheap if called forsoou. *ifpl7lf It. T. BYRD. some extent i dttciog sickness in that ! The A sierk us”lt BCOKDKK comes | The surrounding, of i these ponds, we Ilium, are more dumag. , to us as a daily, of convenient size, and as usual full of fteslt and uowsy matter, and a tine display of good paying home advertise ments. The Recorder is an en terprising newspaper, and Ameri cus is lo he congratulated upon its daily edition. Mr. tiloasncr is a thorough journalist and will make the Daii.y Recorder a success Oritlln 8iin. Holmes’ bciik cure muutii wash axd dentifrice is an infallible cure for Ulcer ated Hore Throat, Bleeding limns, Bore mouth and Ulcers. Cleaus the Teeth and keeps the Gums healthy. Prepared sole ly by Bra. J. F. A W. R. Holmes, Den tists, 102 Mulberry Htreet, Mscon, (la. For sale by Dr. W. P. Bart, dentist, 2. K. Hell, and nil druggists and dentists. engSmff. The lt.asou Why, I. W. Harper’s Nelson County Whiskey is preferred above all other Brands is because U is the moat tegular and most perfect Product, inoontratnbly erer made. A long experience in the manufacture ot the Htupcr, the large capital of the Diatilter which cuahlca him to hold his Wbiikev until it haa fully ma tured, together with the fact that the Whiskey is ltought by and whipped me to direct from the Distillery accounts for the unvarying aatiaraelion it haa given those heat educated to a Hue Whiskey. -I. ItlRjurtn, Sole Agent, apria tint Americus, Go. THE ■IANOTRV HOOP SKIRT WITH HUSTLE COMBINATION. There haa never been anything in Siti.k, itdaEtsa durability, that gave the gen eral satisfaction to the wearer that the “Langtry Skirt" thies. Aak any kuly who haa ever worn one. and the will tell yon that she will wear no oilier—only tt.Sd. Second lot just received. JOHN R. SHAW. ■*■ B.—Cali and see the “Perfection" Biutle. The lightest, moat comfortable and durable Bustle in the world—Toe to vl.00. Also tbe celebrated “Duplex,* “Ban-Ton" and “Dr. Strong’a" Coraeta. John’ & suaw. t'loaed. During tho Jewish holiday, Saturday, September ffntii, aud Monday, Septem- her 2tttb, my Kioto wiil he closed. My uiistomers, especially thoao wanting ice. will confer a favor by getting it full sup ply the days proceeding tho above. Will open ut II p. iu. Respectfully, etc.. 1 »■ J. Israel. Kl Capitolio. Jake Israel rcucivetl a case of theme line Key West cigars Tues day, and presented a Recorder man witli a bunch. We found them free and easy smokers, with a line Davor. Old smokers will Dud them to be a first-class five cent cigar. The Way You Should Uo. Jl In another column will be found a guide-board directing those in need of bools and shoes in the way they should go, if they wish tbe best at the lowest prices. Vou will notice that the hand points to ward the store of Calvin Carter A Son, and you will do well to follow the direction. Death of Eb. Westbrook. Tuesday morning the news reached this city that Eb West brook, who lives on Flint river, near Lee county, had died the night before, nt 8 o'clock, of Lee county yellow fever. His death was very suddeu, as he had only been ill a few days. Eb was a bright young fellow ol about 20 years, and managed his father’s plantation on tho river. To Meet in Debate. We are informed that Maj. J. N. Hudson and Hon. W. 0. Murray will bavo a joint debate at the Opera House to-morrow (Thurs day) night, when they will present their claims to tbe people of Sum- ter county. They will also speak in Macon county before tbe elec tion, but the time and place has not been decided upon. Every body is cordially invited to attend III* nesting to-morrow night. inn to tho health of that neighborhood limn the ponds themselves. Tho marsh along the traot of those branches should ! be dried, ufl that als", in our judgment, is j productivecf disease. Marshy bind iu front | ol Milch oils dwelling, nful uot far from j Mrs. Hare’s door, wo think objectionable, j Then tho mill pond of Mr. B. C. Mitchell from the dam to above the railroad at the j old butcher pen, (just below Elbert . Head’s pond), und on tbe north side all the way up to where the street runs uu» j der the railroad, above which point the j water is stagnant, or nearly so, all day j and all night. This pond and its sur- j roundings wo deem very detrimental to j the health of the neighborhood, from ! whom daily we get the complaint that j “thoso ponds are killing u»," and “we j will bo compelled to sell out and leave.” | Next, but not least, is tho fish ponds of Elbert Head, which,iu our judgment, aro absolute nuisances and should he | abated at once. Tho little pond at the j old hath house, and tho one opposite, | emits an itHnvia that is calculated to t make all sick that comes iu contact with j them. The largest poud we think is j equally productive of sickness, as the water is almost entirely stagnant—tho water escape is very diminutive indeed. As wo before stated, tho hacked water from Mr. Mitchell's pond and just below the large pond of Elbert Head’s, with tho decayed and decaying vegetable mat ter that is there, will make it fearfully sickly. It is not onr province to suggest to the City Council what is best to do with these nuisances, but simply to say that in our judgment they do exist, greatly to the detriment of the health of the city. We would respectfully say that a thor ough system of drainage is the only rem edy, and that that cun only be done by a competent engineer, so that when these cess pools are abated it will be lasting. Now tho ponds of Dr. Black and Col. Davenport per re are not so prolific of disease ns the others, but their marsh and mud surroundings render them very obnoxious and unhealthy, much less so, however, than the ponds ef Mitchell and Head. Respectfully submitted. S. B. Hawkins, Chairman Board of Health, • Jok. C. Honey, A. J. Buchanan, i John E. Sullivan, M. B. Council, Hou’t C. Black, 8r. September 8, 1884* I fully concur in the writteu reconi- : mendation for the reasons therein stated James Dodson. Bills read, referred, and ordered ; paid. The petition of Wynn A: Bell ; for transfer of whiskey license to Wynn A Wood was granted. Aid. Hawkins introduced a res olution that the finance committee 1 be instructed to report estimate 1 for taxes at next meeting. Car-' fled. Coaoeil adjourned. i Ijggr' “»*« • • CALVIN CARTER & SON For SQCXS A£TX> GUOSS, Public Square, . . American, Gu. m BEST BOOBS FOR LEAST MOSEY ! New Store AND New Goods. Mi i fur. I,Dinar SI. ami folio# An*t| AMERICUS, GA. R. T. BYRD, INSURANCE AGENT, OFFICE IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL BLOCK, Forsyth Street, .... Americas, Ga AGENT FOR THE LEADING GULLET and LUMMES COTTON GIN?, Tko Boat Olua RI*do I CALL AMD SEE ME, WHEN IN WAMT OF INSURANCE OR OIN8. leptlSmS R, 1*. ; STYLES* THE GRANDEST DIsPI' W EVE BEFORE KNOB N 1-'* I AMERH’OS. $100,000 (ONE HUNDRED TBOUSARD I WORTH OF GOODS, UOMI'Hls INOTIIE LARGEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PRICES 1 CAN MOTnWTABLWW'SNT 1 ^ J. WAXELBAUM & ^1