Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 25, 1884, Image 1

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D AlLy* Americus Recorder. Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1884. Daily, Pkr Ykah,...*6.0o. Wukki.y, “ ... 2.00. Americas Recorder. PUDMIBKO BY I w, x*. OIiBSSNSR. OFFICE OXCOTTOXAVEXtX. 1 PROFESSIONAL £ IHJSI.TO CARDS j LA WYERS. _ " C. K. Met KORY, attorney at law.. jsM.AVIMiK, U:iiMS— All claim* from $30 or nnfor, }3: ! • !0to $500, «on p r coni.; over $.VO, seven : credit. chorees unlcMcoMcctloi.s ire h KTEW ADVERTISEMENT, SILENT ! TUB SITUATION. r jkfp HANCOCK. Jas.Fricker&Bro. Dr. 0. B. RAINE8, miRQEON ASTU PIIISICIAR-. hi? proir.mlonnl hervlcc*. with an exj'cil- , nee ol 20 vcur*, to tl»« peoi.te of AimTicun aii-l uc Italy. Office over Davl* it C’allnwa.v’- Store. It- * Jeie’u at corner of .Tuck-on jvikI Church ati'-et*. Hall, -.vill receive prunpt attention. InnSltil DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMEKICUH, OA. MISCELLAXEO VS. Nell PioRett, I iloPlAfttcrioft, nrickwork p nine a specialty. ICepalrim GIN WORK. , i 4'oultl reaped fully Mato to the public that 1 utn now prewired to . REPAIR OLD GINS I mtl-faetlor. A located with mv fa r of Oliver Ac O'. In P. A. OAMKllON. 0, Horace MoOall. MILLER k MtA ALL, Proprietors Southwest Corner of the Public Bqnarc, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments,Tombs, Etc.,Etc. »f the bf»t Italian and Amorlcan Marble. iron Hulling for Cemetery Kudos- urea, * Specialty. JOHN S. MIKK*. BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. Wu call the attention of the public to the I ’hr.t we are urcpnrrd to flil nil orders for Fr bread, Cuktn, Candy, Ktc., of our own mnk K'MHlaud pure. Wo keep n’*o Onfactiou- t Uroc.rleti, which wo aril at the ruMntr prl Huy and noil Country Produce, tllve m a c ir. .7. PHILLIPS «P CO. inly25tf i AMERICUS, BA. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large ! stock of Watches; Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before IF’O-R. CASH I Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. PRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. • I know my friends and cus- ! tnmers think that I am rather | silent since my return from the 1 North, but it was done on ao : count of moving into my new j mammoth store, and also in I opening and arranging the stock. I will break the silence by stating that I have bought a very large stock of goods, comprising Dry Goods, Furnish ing Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and in fact everything pertaining to ladies and gentle men’s wear. I “struck” in time the Halstead, Haynes & Co. which stock, was sold at auction through the assignee. These goods are of the finest ami best makes, and 1 will offer them at prices that will make you think that I have got them without buying them at all. I will take pleasure in showing and pricing them. Come and examine whether you wish to buy or not. One word to the wise: I bought these goods to sell, and go they must for several rea sons, hence take advantage of the low prices and lay in your fall supply in the wearing line. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN, The Bargain Mnn, Opposite Rank of Americus, Sign of Red Flag. Anierioutf,'Ga., Sept. 14, 1884. If Meat Market AND PROVISION STORE. W. H.&T.-M.COHRi n.> :, u,pn,cW<Hl A c«l.<i lii. »M Pm,1,1,,,, # 0 , CI „ OOTTOM AVBIVCB j Wp o„ lm.4 u, c vr y lot . tit. „f ; I KEF, PORK, KID ISO N,USAGE, m.H. ••orscn.. AM) DEALERS 1\ A COMPLETE USE OF PURE DREGS, Americus, Ga. .1. .i wn i.iroHi) Breen Groceries and Provisions, j allikln4. or VcpUltlM « * first clans enUblii u»totneM good k.hmi at tl V Ghent price paid | "el* 0 rcentry pr,*W, Atnerlcu*, l>ec. 16, m%.l( &OR RENT. . *"■'J*** "•I'lti'cn of r, c., on nuieh street, now neeunied by A. A * ‘ts*| ,llS ’ piveD September 1, AKo iu K„, A m „ricu., n W oo,l four- of | |‘ ' . ** ln 8t kltoheo, etc . rmir acres t lin.liu lot. l'„«,e.,|o ;1 ci*en ilitme- VfL y ’ . Apply to Jxn. M. toKtu. Aogost 20th. if DISSOLDTIOIT. on Notice. COUNCIL & WILLIFORD, Guod Lord! what a fix Tlio mixed politics Of this favored land have got into. Thu whit* and ths black, Jim lJlniuo and Black Jack, And Butler, the soft morr Mint'*. And Cleveland Ike Great. Tom Hendricks, aodate. Still binding soft rags on las sore toe. Big Davis, the prosy, And Belford, the roi.v. Who lately cavorted and awore *-». Tom Ochiltree posing; Proud Roicne a dozing 0>r briefs that will add to his riches; Aud Lincoln (young Robin) With sharks a liobnobbin’ To make them give up Chandler's breeches. Poor, dried-up John Sherman, With Allen G. Thurman, Still seeking for bonds that are busted. Bravo, eagle-eyed Billy, Aud U. 8., the silly, Bemoaning the men whom he (rusted. Sleek Arthur, tbo dude; Old St. John, the crude, Crying “woter! oh, gimme more water!" And last, but not lcaat, The Queen of tho Feast, Gay Lockwook,*Columbia’s lair daughter. Bold Beecher, still preaching, While Ingcrsoll’s teaching The people that hell is bn! hadrs. And Billy Mabone A gnawing his bone And snarling at all, e'en the ladies. Small men of all races Are seeking for placea Where thoy may grow fat and talk saasv; From President down To men ahont town, Who modestly ask nn embassy. j vote that Schley was entitled to the Sen- ! ator, when she named the man who was i iu all respects competent and qualified, j and tho unanimous choice of the people j of Schley, as was shown by her delegates, ! then that choice should have been re spected by the other two counties. In all public legislation that Senator votes for every county of the Slate, or in other words, every county is effected for good or evil by the vote of tho Senator from the 13th distriet, os well as all other Sen ators. Now if Col. Hudson had propos ed further, that after both had with drawn, to allow a mass meeting of the people of Schley or by a primary to say who was their choice, then if Sohlcy had n second time, by a decisive majori ty, oalled out Mr. Murray to abide such choioe in good faith it would have been proper for Mr. Murray to hsvo ncceeded to Much a proposition, Now you can readily seo that the people of the State are forced to abido the choioe of other people, to rule and govern over them in all public legislation by senators and representatives. Quitman. MERRY MOULTRIE. I know whnt I’d do, I'd make 'em look blue Were I of tho same mind and notion; And could I bo dictator. Though I’m no man hater, I’d dump tho whole gang in the ocean. QUITMAN COUNTY. PROPRIETORS OF KNOW THYSELF. A Ureal Medical Work on Manhood. K\L’iu»te>l Vittilll^, Nirroi ;GEORGIA WAREHOUSE,! Opera House JMock, Americas, On. toM i riptli ml l‘hy*te*rD«.- sHultlnff from in' multi* 125 j.rr. jc i-meh »g*»«n preptirod t" for tli« in lit* high* luM \ car, v. Wo would cult the Attention of Got ton Fiantvri that w« ur.t handle anil ttoro their cotion on tho most fnvnrahlo terms. Our fire-proof, and sr-pirufe from any other building--, thus instiling low Wo pruinite t<» giwonur customers lair weights, and «e ket price. Thankful for the liberal pntroottge bestow continuance of tho same. s,n 8* ,,n - TOOLE, McGAR AH & TONDEE, ’Moose and Conissioi lorclaais j, | 2|LTt;HN thank * tn ihcir frit a-U Kurutu i n the paj»t and solicit:» oi the . A hook d.ile mvt Mid chi. it ci fnrnll acute and ehrua 1 v. tilth la InvaluaMe. H*» to wltoae . kr^rli-ut-f or 1\ p are l« »mh aa iMy iH-ver hetore If II to th« lot of any j-liyai- 300 |ku<* hound tn b* auti.'nl French , (all (tilt, f ■>rlc lit every w to!. >»loiuil-timu any o nullify tor |2 30, or Hie oitin work Hihl In thi. ! paid. . Gold r i AaaocUtlon, t tho oAicera or which he and ad Jot i me In the r.olltyfjiK'* th j • . r.etlt all.—I»nd»n lancet Th. re is “.ok will a ... inrdhtn, Instructor or clerxt man.-Argonaut. Aildrea* tlm 1'ea'sxty Mmlk-at Instltiite, or D i.f skill ar.d e*|K*rieiic-. Uhnniic nod »Linl- diseafcs Ih it have L.Ul.u tl.etj PA I skill ;ll other ]>h)»M:la>.ft a •p**rinLnL»!ty. '"-THYSELF tf i rtvn>U ami acqtutir Diesoluti S r a,fe2^,'LT2““?Y ACO.l, dlHoInd. i H c « 11,0, cvupi.l with iu. w^l known tcAffritTi IK.W. wrnol fini Ulr dt^Hot in t S«WMCt«H A TrtM, | * ** Am«tt(l«, Oi, Jily ]|, llil. coil. T. M. FT7211.0W, the capacity ^1 Scalejman. Ills txperianeo b FOR SALE. O. e span of Male*, oat good t»<*-hor-.« wngon , (Lt* busi- j ‘ >,e «cod aprlaf wa«on, with tr-p, one two-horse : uirnlnf plow, one two-horse cultivator, double ryli—nce | WUI heaoldcbear. i Ana«.» IT, ISSitf Hatciikii Station, Ga., Sept. 22, 1884. —Our Superior Court convened lust week with Hon. J. T. Clarko presiding, than whom a more efficient and onpablo officer docs not gruco the Georgia bench. Ablo, affable and unswerving; indeed he is a truo specimen of tho “nobleat work of God’s creation." In addition to the local bar, were present Col. J. H. Guerry, Solicitor, Col. J. T. Flewellen, Col. Ar thur Hood, Judge W. D. Kiddoo, of Cnthbert, and J. B. Bussey, stenographer for the court. No cases of importance! were tried from the civil side, snd only a fow un important criminal cases wore boforo tho court. Jas. Brooks, a sly old coon of tho colored ministry, was up for corn stealing, was convicted and punished commensurate with tho dignity of offense snd position. Oliver Moore, another colored brother, was convicted for steal ing cotton seed. Fine aud costs sixty- nine dollars, or six months in chain gang at home. Very few truo bills were re turned by the grand jury, whloh is ovi- denco of a gradnal.reduotion of crime in our county. Tbo weather is very dry and hot; the dry atmosphere passing over the swamps, tho recently dried out lakes and utud holes whioh contaiu an abundance of miasma and malatia bocomos impregna ted by moisture, with theso offensive matters and furnishes tho surrounding adjacent inhabitants with very un pleasant and unwelcome* visitors, chills and billions fever. Very few families near the river and creeks have escaped these complaints, though we are glad to know that nearly every case yiolds read ily to remedies. The Midway neighbor hood have suffered generally, which ts very nnusnal. Mr. J. M. McDowel, of Northwest Texas, is on a visit to his old home Id Fort Gaines, both for business and pleas* are. He says that no raio has fallen in his section ot Tex«s since the l'Jth of June, eonwqaeutly cottou crops and late corn aro seveioly cut off. Yet he says notwithstanding this unprece dented drought, their crops are better than in this country. Mr. Me. speaks very highly of Texas as a farming coun try, though there are many inconvenien ces to contend with. Y’et he saye, all things ccnsidered, be would uot move hack if be were offered a good plantation hero gratuitously, He hea farmed the last two years there, and is a tbnfly and successful farmer, snd bis judgement is good; therefore his statements ore cer tainly entitled to consideration. Mr. M. had a genuiue Jack, or mule-eared rabbit, which is quite a curiosity here. In col or it is a dark gray, with ears retching, when turned baekward, more than half the length of the body, woigbing, when full grown, from 25 to 30 ponnds, snd fleet as a deer. No dog except a gray- honnd is able to catch one. Our cotton crop is poorer than we ex pected . Very little if any more than half a crop will be realized. I regret to see the strife and division in yoor Banstorisl district, and hope the trouble may yet bo settled satisfactorily before the election day. I mast say, however, in this connection that I think Col. Hudson's proposition tor settlement did no) go far enough, as it ttcema to na Umt after the convention declared by MKiiinr Moultjue, Sept. 21.—I was shown quite a curiosity a few days since, by an itinerant Jack-of-al 1-trades. Being a skillful amitb, he showed us some rooks in Western Decatur county, Ga.. contain ing iron, and welted and hammered until he obtained a small obunk of row iron therefrom. This he wrought into a knife blade, aix inches long, whioh he succeeded in temporing until it holds an edge equal to the ordinary pocket kniio. He made u handle for it, and, though rough, yet it answers very well for a “bench knife," and he uses it In belt cutting, etc., when working sround steam mills. Tho maker’s name is Levi -Webb, and ho is quite a genius in his way. I notioe some progressive farmers are engaged in turning under their .stubble lands, preparatory to oat sewing, when we get so we oan keep our plows right the year round, instead of jetting them walk, and rest on stumps and in fence- jambs, then wo will begin to mako rations. Hurrah for tbo Daily Recordf.r. May R meet with the success it so richly deserves. Guess Eds. G. A. 8. still allow their ohildren to play with their neighbor’s children, eh ? Two of the carpenters engaged on the new court house building have been crippled. Mr. Rioks, by his foot being wrenched and ankle fractured in a belt at Wheeler Normon’s saw mill, and Mr. Joe. Rowse l»y falling across a sleoper, injuring bis leg. I do not tbiok the inju ries of cither are permanent but both hurts arc exceedingly painful and for the time the men ore disabled, their placea being filled by two carpenters from Sumner, Ga. Hr. Watkins received tho nomination for tho Legislative moo, but Pattersou and Gay, are both running independent. Pattersons cbunces are fair if Gay will withdraw, but at presont he ia not dis posed to do so. In accepting tho nomi nation, Dr. Watkins laid down some solid truths, whioh our people would do well to ponder on. Heretofore, after •looting a representative, wo have aet down and let him do as beat he could, never indicating our wishes as to bis course, by mass meeting, petition, or otherwise. We are now to hare • mass meeting, whoro measures will be formu lated defining his course on the grave quostions which he, in common with other members, will be required to settle daring the coming session. A good many cases of intermittent fe ver. Doctors, I believe, call it malaria) faver, but as all tho fevers, strictly spank- ing, wnich occur iu this country are, 1 believe, traceable to “malaria," I (ail to aeo why “malarial" should be used aa a distinguishing appellation. Howaver, tha fever is present, all the same, and a few fatal instanoea are reported. The smart er half of your reportorial staff at this point, has a bad eye. Not chronically, but for the present. Optbalmia, or sum mer soro eyes. Road making (7) ia now going on. 1 worked the road once, and wa had a regu lar pionio. Fact; I had rather work the road, under the present management, than to i un for the legislature and get beaten. You must come to our barbecue. We will get it up at an early day, and 111 let you know in time to be present. Your whole stall, the “devil" included, are in cluded In the invitation. J*r» Hancock. Hawkinsvillo Dispatch; A few days ago we mentioned iu the Dispatch that Hon. 8. W. Brown, of Pulaski county, had picked 25,- 700 pounds of cotton from a patch of 17 acres. Since then the pAtoh has been picked over twice, and up to Friday last the 17 acrei had yielded 35.000 pounds of seed cot ton. Allowing 1,500 ponnds to make a bale of lint, the yield to far is 20 bales on It acres, and there wit! be several thousand pounds yet to open.