Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 26, 1884, Image 1

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page.> Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1884. Daily, Pur Ykak,...*0.00. ' WKKKi.y f '4j i iif> A00. Amkbicus Recorder. IMTBI.nllKD I1V , Xj. GHiEBaNEH. OFFICE O.V COTTON ATKIUIE. rilOFESSMAUBWm CARPS LAWYERS. C. R. MfCROBY, attorney at law. M.I.AVII.LK, OA. TKBMS—All HMi.i. Iron. »S0 cr nn.ltr, M; , M *i0 In SWO, 'I'll p r rent.: ov< r •■Vo, Mira Irr rilit. X*. chnrti*. onlM.r‘>:I.PIion. *IV nlii,'. M.y M II. DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, ! KlItfiEOM AND P1IVXICI AN. iih r# lii* protc**lon*l gorvlee*, with i ■nc*-of 2ft v«tir». lo the poo *- " *“ kuit.tiy. office over Davi s A at oornor of .lacknot i 1 :l|« will receive prompt nl lent ion. 'uniti DR. C. A. BROOKS, SILENT LATEST NEWS. I»A » SON IIOl.MiS. I kmnv mv friends and ous- Dawkon, September 23. Mrs. Sophia Lasseter, wife of Mr. tomms think that I am rathi’i ‘ ,jas, a. Lasseier, ttvo milpn east of silont siiirc my return from the I Dawson, died yesterday afternoon ; North, hut it was done on ne- j a,t01 ' vn illness of nearly three I count of moving into my new ! monlh "' 8hu »*• lho daughter ot AMERJCCH, OA. iii.t attnntion Will bo loom to lice of Col. 8. II. Hawkin', edtre Mrcete. t nljflit at tl mojr 5 Sm. ,Mi8CEL LANEO VS. j Nell 3E»lols.©tt, VAl.BOTTON GKOKOIA, Will ilo Ph“tc*rimr, Brickwork .in4 Housework ' tV- ooiinr n specialty. Kvpairin? done. Orders I l-i.iiuptly aiieutlcl to. oct2tf GIN WORK. REPAIR OLD GINS I Al..r liavio; had an expcrieiiee «'f several i ili'n I em bIvo mtl-fa-Hor. All work 2tiiran- J.thvp J. MiMer. 0. Horaeo McCall, j ' .ilonmiimiial Marble Works, MIM.tiU* Met A I.I., I’ropriflers S'.iiOiwcst Corner ni I b.< Pnhii.i Square, AMEltlCUS, OA. M onuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. of the lic et 1 talma and American Marble. ir»u Hailing for Cemetery Kudo** ore*, a Specially. j v.', j. riiu.i iiM. .ions ■». mieih. ! mammoth store, and also oppning and nrranging the : stock. I will break the silence j by stating that 1 have bought Ml) KUOS III ovum (.LIE OF PURE »Rli(B > j^d!^ y G^°kS«: r Amorious, Ga. >“g Ooods, Clothing, Shoes, —- —-r- | Hats, and in fact everything I pertaining to Indies and gentle- j men’s \vear. I “struck” in time the Halstead, Haynes & i Co. which stock, was sold at j auction through the assignee , These goods are of the finest ; and best makes, and I will offer | them nl prices that will make | you think that I have got them I without buying them at nil. I will take pleasure in showing and pricing them. Come and examine whether you wisli to buy or not. One word to the Aviso: 1 bought these goods to sell, and go they must for severe I rea sons, hence tnke advantage of the low prices and lay in your fall supply in the rvenring line. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN, The Bargain Man, Opposite Bank of Amcricus, Sign of Red Flag. Amoricu*,'Ga., Sept. 14, 188-1. t( [fl5@r ««»« • • CALVIN CARTER A SON rox SOOTS AETD SHOS9, Public. Square, . . Amerlcuc, Ga. IIKST HOODS TOH LilST MOSEY 1 New Store AND New Goods. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Jas. Flicker &Bro. SALT RHEUM AMEMCUS. GA. And Every Spocies of Itohing and Burning Diseases Pos itively Cured. (Ybout September first we shall move into ^ I our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, BAKERY 3 j Public Square, where we shall open the most rot ton Avenue. elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and ; Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must \\r h foX M COBB be re< luced to save moving and make room (for new goods. Therefore, for the next j Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any HthF, PORK, KID AMI S.USAGE,! t hi n . wc j iave j u s toek at prices lower than •iiwn Uroreiies and Provisions, j ha VC ever been reached before Wc Civil the niU-nlKtii of the public W it... fm-l ’hut w«* arc m. pared to llii nil order* for Fr#sli lircad, Cuke-*, Cnndv, Kus, of our own make— gKnlfni.l puio. Wa k.vp ;.Vi ('■ ufretim - and <*roc*ri«a, which wo i*-II nt tin* ruling prLm* Buy and soli Cwuuirv Produce. (Hvc us a nil. If'. •/. PHILLIPS «e CO. iulyShlf Meat MarKet PROVISION STORE.! llHvIng |%orrh.i«rfi (Tom liar.' X Col.b the Vn Maikauml I’rovUion Sio.F <. n OOTTOK AViaBTUEl A.-.P '..I l.arl (In till ... .1 fill, I.f I nil,- liH«K.>nixinititch> Hliivtxi by » warm ftincU application >fi;t riCU«A the (m at .skin Cnrn. T'hU ropMUd daily. wi*h two or .brc ili^iifl'nirru Uksol- VkNT. th* Now Hlood I'lirillor, lo krap lha blomi ••oc.1, tha perspiration pure ami unirritatinv, tli« bowala open, the liver ami kidney a active, n>it cure Eczema.T»t|rr. Kingworm. iwiaais. Lichen Pruritus, hen I red ll*-ad, Usndrnli. and every speciea of Itching, Nealy, and Pimply Humor* of the .Scalp amlHkfn. when the Ire.t phy.i-Un* and Will MtHoaaM.ZUi Dm f" ji 8l.. Chicago, aeknowMge* a core of Halt Ithenmon lead. neck, face, arm*, anil legi for eovonteeu car*: not able t.» »*‘k eteept mi hand, ami knea* • year: not able t • belli him*elf lor eight tried hundred, of Macdiee; doctor* pro- hI hi* ca*e hopelet ; , -ri.iMU' ntly cured by :!*a lliiaot.vrsr bloo.1 purifier) Internally. ;ik i’ba and Curi. raA d.m- itbe great *kfa ohoervationft. .... tient'r. body and limit*, a nirthreUof treatment be lieueHt. which wa* rninph Cirnciiu Hr.MKitit.*. !ea< V. II. Brake, IU«|., Ih-ti untold torture* from Halt Hite on hiK bands head and face, t Mr. dnhn Thiel, \Yi!ke»b*i ted tht o aaIucIi all known •n applied without cured aoleljr by tho a cleau and healthy l.roly ennui m« of tl.i Hold by all druggi.t OUTI •uoraiinguU kind, of Vegcubba h’.if Canned Oood*.etc. * k. op a flrai olae* eetabllaluncnt, ,! A^2 , r r .' 1 K«»i* III the* kiweut C« r H.giie.t price n.U for Cntt'i "*•1 < of conntrv priHlnre, lAlUUfeW, ft., H ISsJ.lf mid J i oita in . it I- aim ! .ad tivo llirir ; FOR CASH * r dun* will continue- in uge. Commit-don nnd Cotton bt '.neriuis, On., Antf. •», |ML August 10,1881. m2 For Sale I I'the worn, BOOK, — I»V (# IF. COKE It, of ()ri‘{jou 9 T . TrF1n - l — T — , , . I’oruirrly of Am«r»ctiH. Gn. Price JOcnml •ijissoXiuTION. j Como and examine our stock, gel our'o •■•eh. Apply to Jxo. M. CoKr.H, *•> let* dl*- i ^ <>otton Avenue, Amcricus, Go. prices, and we will guarantee that you will i _ he convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to oiler for w-arisr j (!xan( j t j ie ti m e in which to secure them! FOR rent. is limited. Gome one, conic all, and don’t| I tie Ini, rr-.i.lenee of I.. C, ihirell, on | bitrab Xtreet, uow ncnitpicil by A. A I/. *. I J _ ■ I'liswitfiun KiV eu sepiomber i,; tail to come early. fUo. in Eut Amnion., a (jooil four-! JAS. FRIGKER lie BRO. 'l.ellinn, kitohon, elc., four acres ■ 'f lonilto lot. FuM«t.ioa yiven imme- , it, -IOOA ISSuaSSfl? Jm Co “ R 1 Amencus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. the into Jmlge Haley Johnson, wa> about (lrty-four years of age, was s good Christian, a patient and loving wile and mother, and was very much respeoted and loved by the entire community in whloh she lived. The vncaul lot oil Stonewall street near the court house square, formerly intended for the Presby terian church, is soon lo be made into n city park, aud our energetic young ladies will give an iao cream festival to-morrow (Friday) night in the court house to raise funds to pay for the necessary improve ments. It is a beautiful lot, con veniently and pleasantly looated, and lias a natural growth of fine shade trees. Wc must havo it em closed with a nice fonec, a gate on each side, graveled or aandod walks, a number of summer houses and plenty of vines and flowers, Let everybody attend the festival. They will got double lho worth of their money in ico cream and fun, besides aiding in an enterprise that will he a lasting benefit to our city and a great pleasure not only to those residing here but to visi tors ns well. Out 1 need say no more, for Miss Ueulah Farrar has taken hold ol tho matter and she 1. a whole team that never balks uor runs away—at least she hasn’t run away yet. Col. A. S. J. Henderson has pur chased one-third interest In the tho Dawson Appeal and will dl- vide his time and attention between that and the law. If he does not make a fortune out of tlieso two enterprises they will certainly keep him out of other mischief. While he Is only about twenty-one years of age lie lias the energy, the judg ment nnd Hie moral ami social qualities that will warrant success In life. There is no worthier young man in this section. Tho Col. left yesterday for Irwin county Supe rior court, in which ho lias a num ber ol cases, twj of which are of considernbl. Importance. - Messrs. Tom Cheatham and Jaok Martin, of Macon, are here taking in our city one way and another, generally a business way. They can wnlk over a great deal ol ier* titory, and interview ■ great many merchants in so short a time at to make a disinterested spectator's head swim. Miss Uriole Piisbory returned to Amcricus to day, accompanied by her aunt, Miss Mary Pllsbury, ol this oily. The singing nl the choir mei was not qaito a* good last nlgl usual, on account of the non- attendance of the young men who usimllly “run the coarse part,” as Sip Tamer would say. Hope they will do better next time. The la dies never fail. J. F- ill)ENA VISTA. From lha Hentlopl. Count It. B. Kvans haa embark ed in the cotton business In Atner- icus. Mr. Gd Miller, of Americus, came up on a visit to bis parents Monday. Judge Lowe went down to Ella- ville Tuesday on business connect- cd with the road. Mr. Arthur Rylamlcr, of Ameri- cus, spent last week among his old friends in Buena Viata. Tho regular scheduto on the Buena Vista railroad will probably go into effect Monday morning, Anderson Taylor left with a force of hands Monday for Ellaville, where be goc. to bnild the depot. Our merchants will havo their goods shipped to Kllavillo after this week. Kllavillo is nearer than Geneva, and the roads are much better. A number ol wagon loads of railroad hands passed through town Friday morning. They were enroute from Birmingham Ala., to Americas, where they go to work on lho road from A merlons to Lumpkin. The Amebicvs Recordkr i. now a daily and most welcome visitor to our sanctum. Just as we ex pected, Glcsancr is making a newsy and lively sheet of tho Rccoanca- Messrs. Myrtck ii Bowmsn have been scarce of bands this week. They expect a full force next week. A good many of their hands left them to go to the A. P. and L. road. Will Singleton has purchased his conductor’s uniform and bos ordered his cap from Now York, which ho is expecting dally. Will is a verltablo daisy when rigged out in habiliment, ot bine. Myrlek A Bowm.n have made a large hole In the Burkhalter bill. A large stratum’of iron ore was strnek on the opposite side of the hill, and nndorncath it there Is a hard substance of oalico olay. The contractors will blow the bill up with dynamite In a Tow days. FIHDBISS SEVER LIE. Dissolution Notice. DURHAM’S IMPROVED milURI) HBBISK! la tlic brat .'uMract* <1 ami fin* i*he«i, «,vm Mi<r percentage, FO... W.W York. than nrhlm- in' »h*? world, pi.ld aopt free, by PLYMOUT HROCKS. om DAV1I> JA.MW. Horse Wanted. Alleged Counterfeiters Arrested. Bed Ci.av, Ga., September 34.— For some years our section has been troubled liy counterfeit coins. On yesterday two young men .from Bradley county, Tcnn., came to our merchant., making small pur chases and offering silver dollars, receiving Hie change. Their ac tions nnd strangeness of purchases aroused suspicion, which revived the fact that all coins they had passed were counterfeits. The mer chants who bad been imposed upon held the parties until our deputy; found and arrests made in legal form, and Messrs. Worley and Dock Farris arc now in durance vile. Sheriff Simmons followed a clue, and now has the moulds and other accompaniments ol this bus iness, and wc hope will succeed in breaking up a gang that has hern In existence for a long Whllo. Washington, Sept. 84—A table of presidential calculation prepar ed by an independent, |nat now Is somowbat interesting reading. From the democratic standpoint no one will dispute that.01ereland and Hendriok. will receive the 168 votes cf tho south. The majority of the electoral oollege is 901. Thus they are within 48 votes of having the necessary number. New York 88, and Indiana 16, would givo 61, or tbreo more than necessary. New York 86, aud Ohio 33, would give 69, or eleven more than needed. New York 86, California 8 and Michigan 7, would give 61, or three more than need ed. California 8, New York 30 and New Jeraey 9, would give 63, or live more than needed. New York 86, Mfohlgan 7, and New Jer sey 9, would give 63, or four more than needed. New York 86, New Jersey 9, and Wisconsin 11, would f ive 66, or eight more tbsn needed. I tbo democrats should lose both New York end Ohio, Indian. 16, California 8, New Jerwy 9, Michi gan 7, and Wisconsin 11, would give 60, or two more than needed. On the other band, the npnbli. can total ol certain atatea la 130, or 71 lea. tbsn a majority. They must carry, therefore, flout of )18 doubtful electoral votes. From these figures it it evident that tbo democratic chance* of success are very enconragiog. They start for the doubtful states with s certain etqotojral.vots of 38 more than tbsir opponents. They have only to gain 48 votes to win, while the republicans most bare 71. Tbo figures are all in favor of the democrats. The states generally conceded to be doubtlul are: California, 8; t !* II dl _ •.!* iJ MJ W UUUVIIUI IMC« <J| sherifl, Mr. Simmons, could >* Indiana, 16; Michigan, 13; Nevada, r , - —I. i_ i i g. yew Jersey, 9; flew York,'86; Ohio, 98; Wisconsin, 11, and Con necticut, 6. Total 134. The claim that Harper’s Weekly is suependiog its advocacy of Cleveland’s election Is not bone " out by this week’s Issue, which hss two editorials (upportlng him.