Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 27, 1884, Image 1

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Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1884. Daily, Pkb Ykau,.--$6-00. Wkkklv, “ ... 2.00. Americus Recorder. [■L'BM8DKD IlY W. *A on»—mmr. OFFICE ON COTTOXAVF.MIE. PK0FESSI0HAL& BUSINESS CARDS; JjAWYJtaar ~! C. B. McCROBY, attorney at law, KLI.AVILLE, oa. terms—All claims from |30 < romfVtotBOQtt. prr coot. Xor u — slsy 14*tf. . oudcr, f3; PHD IjU Ml «oua i«:S per Milt. } OVff ISTO, fcOVfQ percent. Xochar*** snlesscollections are at*!**. DOCTORS. STORBMNES, SIIR6EOH AND PHYSICIAN. SILENT ! I know my friends and cus> i tomers think that I am rather | silent since my return from the j North, hut it was done on no- [ connt of moving into my new ' mammoth stole, and also in opening and arranging the j stock. I will break the silence i by stating that I have bought m DEALERS IN .4 COMPLETE IM OF PURE DRUGS, comprising Dry Goods, Furnish' jflrrs bis protctnlonal scnrWs, with ao expert* i enccof Jlrwmtotbe people of Americas and ) vicinity. Office over Darf* * Callaway’s Store. Res j dence at corner of Jackeon and Church streets. I * jails will receiro prompt attention. lanfffil ( Amerious, Ca. DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMERICUS, GA. 0*1 i* left at 1> Aten part’s drug store will receive j prompt attention. Will be fonnd at night at the ; residence of Col. 8. H. Hawkins, corner Lee end MI SC EL LAXEO VS. j Nell PloKett. w UO TO • CALVIN CARTER & SON fq« soot* Mxm sxomm. Public Square, . m Americus, Oa. TALDOTTON, - - - - GEORGIA j Will do Plastering, Briekwork and Ifoasework | C*l«owiao a specialty. Repairing dona. Orders j promptly attended to. octStf J GIN WORK. £ 1 would respectfully state to tho public that I am now propalred to REPAIR OLD GINS I After having had ail experience of several j year* in the hugest g'.u mi mi factories. 1 know : that lean give iwtlifactior. All work guaran- l teed. 1 am located with inv father on .lefTerson ' struct, in rear of Oliver At Oliver's shop. Work • solicited. tmsyiSSm] P, At OAMEROBf. j Edwr J. MiHer. C. Ilorace McCall. BEST HOODS FOR LEAST MOM! New Goods. ing Goods, Clothing, Shoes. | Hats, and in fact everything j pertaining to ladies and gentle- | men’s wear. 1 “struck” in j timo the Halstead, Haynes & ; Co. which stock, was sold at | auction through the assignee' These goods are of the finest and best makes, and I will offer them at prices that will make yon think that I have got them without buying them at oil NSW ADVXRTXSSSOXffT. Monumental Marble MILLER A MeOALL, Proprietors, Southwest Ooru.r of tho PtlWio Hqnsre, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Eto.,Eto. of li e heat Italian and American Marble. Irou Railing tmi K. J. PHI 1.1 IN. JOHJC R. MIF.RR. BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. 1 We call tbe attention of tLo public to the Diet thrt wc ara prepared to fill all orders for Fra ah Bread, Cukes, Candy, Etc., of our own make— good and pure. We keep a'so Confection* and Orocarle*, which w© acll at the ruling prloca Buy and *cll Country Produce. Clive u* a call. . W. J. PHILLIPS <f CO. inlytftf Meat Market AND PROVISION STORE. W.H.&T.M.COBB Raring purchased from Hare A Cold, the M*a Marktt and Provision Sto.e on oottoktavunub keep on Inad tho very beat cuto of J BKEE, PORK, KID AHD SAUSAGE, and alao a full line of Gwen Groceries and Pro visions, .It fclkd. of V.wt.Mc. .n.l Fmlu In Cum OmhI., «c. ll I.' ulra to keep ■ Cm rto. ..tibll.hment, »d pit. tlMlr • nrtom,f. nod poort. m the |>iicci. “aToV^£y^j£ “* c * ,, " s “ 4 * Amertcna, D«i:.15, ltotrtf BISSOZiUTION. Jas.Fricker&Bro. AMERICUS. GA. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Oigans and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Stove, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before will take pleasure in showing and pricing them. Come and examine whether you wish to buy or not. One word to the wise: 1 bought these goods to sell, and go they must for scveml rea sons, hence take advantage of the low prices mid lay in your fall supply in the wearing lino. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN, The Bargain Man, Opposite Bank of Americus, Sign of Red Flag. Amerioua/G*., Sept. 14, 1884. tf miBHEJIM And Every Species of Itching and Burnlns Dlseeeee Pos itively Cured. LATEST NEWS. _ Macon, Sept. S6.—The «porting men of Macon have just arranged for a three day’s walking match, seven hours a day, to take place in tho Hippodrome during tho State Fair, and it will be ono of the fea tures of the Fair. J. J. Clay will baveoharge of the match, which in sures success. The track will be oi sawdust, and liavo oleven laps to the mile, and the prizes are $200, $150, and $100. McKay, Haskins, Harris and Ford have entered from Macon. Amateur walkers from sll over the State are invited to enter. Mercer University opened this week with tho largest attendance and most flattering prospects ever known to the history of this insti tution, and its patrons and sup porters are jubilant with the fac ulty. The centennial fund will un doubtedly lie raised. Hawkins, MoMath, Boone and Olark, all from Sumter, are among the new scholars in attendance. Quiciianu. DAWSON* 1101 NGN. Will M.D.««lrt,VSU Ite.rlmm HC. Cbkwo. R ratsfalty acknowledge* a car* of Nall Rheum oa ead, neck, face, arm*, and lag* for seven toon year*; not able to walk except on hands and knee* for ana year: not able (o help lilmx>lf for aight year*; tried hundred* of remedies; doctors nra> nnusced hisceeakopalee*; iwnuansnlly cared tar CuncuEA lUaolYlurr (blood verifier) latemaUA and (Jutk’I'RA and Ouncesa Hoai* aha great akw carta) eiternally. r. M. Drake, 1kg., Detroit, Mich., suffered untold tortures from Halt Rheum, which appeared ou hi* hands, head and fftoe, and nearly destroyed his eyes. After the wok careful doctoring and n consultation of pkyrtciaa* failed to relieve him. My hoeiaee lot weeks a mid net attend to , time. Three bo*ee of CirrWMA, and tomr hoi lie* Kreof.vfcjrr, have en tirely cured me of this dreadful disease. Mold by all druggist*. Fries: I'cnaiu, 50 et#-l RR.soi.VKNr. ft; NoAr.3tt.-ts. Pirrrmt Dntn XVU Cut.wn’sf. Co., Mmtii*, Mi«. Mend far “ Hew $• Cars* Mkln lltarneea.** ..?** s «" »< «• H. TOJClfEV * CO. hf.1 dta- eo P—f*—^.Ip. A. W. rnnnoH, . m«B- _ V* •“•*".*« CMUino. Is lb. Brakfr- W.Cum.W’rto. Colton bortneu. Am*—, on., am. », i«4. tc • oo Cotton venae. Dissolution Wottos. n’u rtSLSf®.• ttTOMIIg Y * CO. I. dl»ol,.d. UM. *OR RENT. r , TU *UU resilience of L. C. Birrett, on Church Street, now occupied by A. A. “jjuus. l’oueceion glren September 1, SHeiB90S “ ' it Coma. “"assottifs For Sals I T THK W«m BOOK, —BY j C. W. COKES, of Oregon, m [ Formerly of AmericoN. Gn. Fries 50c and Come and examine our stock, ?et our *.-*•*^^235^ prices, and we will guarantee that you will * 7 .as DURHAM 1 ^ be convinced that we mean what we say! a improved A JL) hTAADHID TL1I1IK! Remember we have great bargains to oiler tor j ‘“Sfl mors powtr, and u sold lor Ism I i[U msktjr, per boos power, than ailr »y* th r'UrMnc in the world. BP^Kew pamjd.let aer.t frs«, bjr AM BROS., HSW Twrk, CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early.' . ii;jc- ’ J ^A& FRIOKER & BRO. Americus, Ga^ Aug. 13,1884. - PLYHOUT HROCKS. Aar owe wsotisr msm of this Umm —sta get iheai bj railing as or mi ir dA-^? Viyii) fowhs ordeti MfUltf Wwatsd. A |U»h Italle auiily hetw, CM list e UAr W itln, AiyVetUtteSM, Hawson, Ga., September 26.— On Tuesday last Mrs. Clara Rob inson, col, was kitten on the foot by a ground rattle-snake. The anake died instantly, hut Clara lias reoovereil. Miss Leila Jones, of Leo county, is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. Lewis, of our city. , Miss Caroline Hunter, of Spring Vale, and Miss Cora Smith, of Montezuma, are on n visit to Daw' aou, the guests of Mrs. M. M. An thony. Mrs. W. W. Farnum left to-day (or a visit to North Georgia, and her son, Jas. Sharp Farnum, left for Athens to attend Emory Col lege. Littlu Tommie McCall, youngest child of Mrs. Jane McCall, died yesterday rather auddenly. It is thought his death was caused by sating green pomegranates. Miss Priscilla Simpson is oil ou a visit to her halt-brother, Mr. M. W. Kennedy, formerly of this place, bnt now of Winston connty, North Alabama. Col. L. C. Hoyle has accepted the nomination as candidate for Senator for tbia district, and will be elected next Wednesday with out opposition Our ootton seed oil mill shipped 28 barrels of oil yesterday to New Vork. J. A. F. SMlTimi'LE SPECIALS. Smithvim.1, Ga., Sept. 26.—The Johnson House was opened to the public ou last Wednesday. The health of the community is fast Improving. We hear that a prominent citizen of your town is anxious to niovo here. Wo will gladly welcome him. Mr. C. C. Ansley baa embarked in the mercantile bnsineas. Mr. T. S. Burton, one oi our merchants and cotton buyers, wears a smile, although the cotton market i* dull; it's a girl. We were confidentially informed yesterday of the approaching nup tials of a couple well aud favorbly known in our town. In advance we congratulate. We bear othera are soon to follow. Tbe usual “short crop” is made this year, but from the way it is coming in we would guess it to be a “long” one. The business of our town is bet ter than for years past, and as a consequence thereof onr town is on a big boom. Politics U rather alow, though we are sanguine of the election of Hon. W. C. Gill, our nominee fur Representative. J. Tke First Shipment Savannah, Ga., Sept. 25.—Tho steamship Connfston cleared to day for Liverpool with 7,020 bales of cotton, valued at $356,427.60. This Is the first shipment direct of foreign ootton this season. The Aral shipment last year was by tba Gladiolus, on the second of Ooto* Inf, of 5,451, BIDS TO BUILD THK CAPITOL. TMIrfty Firms Tryls* M Stem (hr Csatrset—Thr Bear I hr Mark. Atlanta, Sept. 24—The foil board of Capitol Commissioners met this afternoon at 4 o’clock. After the preliminary organization bids and proposals were 'opened, road and recorded. Business of this lino took up the time until afternoon, an adjournment not be ing bad until af-cr dark. There were thirty bidders, some of them having in as many as five bids. Prominent among thorn were pro posals to put up the entire build ing and turn it over to the State for use. These wero as follows: Ou the whole bnllding, Miles & Hearne, of Toledo, $776,000. This bid specified wooden joisla. For tbe whole building with iron joists tboy bid $910,000, and according to tbe oricinal specifications $972,- 000. The Hallowes Granite Com pany, of Chicago, bid on tbe origi nal specifications $982,609. The name firm on revised specification bid $867,727. Chas. Pierce A Co., of Indian apolis, bid on the whole building of Ohio sandstone $922,860. The samo firm bid on the whole build ing of Indiana limestone $229,000. The samo Aim bid for Georgia marble $1,015,000. The came firm bid for Georgia granite $1,141,784. D. W. Thomas & Co., of Akron, bid on the whole building $1,097,• 974. Blaise Sick. New York, Sept. 24—The World will thii morning publish a remarkable story concerning the physical condition of James G. Blaine. It is to the effect that a prominent New York physiolan diagnosed hfe case at Bar Harbor, Maine. This physician declares that Mr. BlainC is in the laat stage of Bright’s disease, and is certain to die soon, probably before he could take his seat as President, if elected. It is an open secret that Mr. Blaine has been afflioted with this terrible malady for years, and it has only been a question of time when the insidious disease would complete its work. The cates and anxiety attending tho nomination and campaign have stimulated the disease, and its rav ages in the last few weeks are said to be frightful. Shooting at Valdosta. Valdosta, Soptembcr 26—A serious and probably fatal shoot ing affray ocoured here about 10 o’olock to-night. John Hioley la probably fatally injnred and a youth named Willie Rollins shot twice. At this time it is impossi ble to get particulars of the affair. Considerable oxoitoment prevails Seven shots wore fired and two or three parties thought to have been implicated cannot be found. The allalr seems to be complicated, and when tbe particulars are known it may be worse than was appre hended. Sentenced to Death. Sandzbsvill*. Ga.. September 25—Warren Price, who was con- rioted at tbe March term 1883, of Johnson Superior Court, of the murder of bis aon-in-law, Romanua Perry, and who has been confined in our (all for safe keeping, was to day taken to Wrightsville under escort of the slierifl and a Urge body of heavily armed men. It waa rumored that an effort would be made to rescue tbe prisoner. The death sentence waa imposed. Iowa Certain to go Democratic. Wasrinoton, Sept. 24.—Tbe public evidently takes a deep in terest in the Mulligan letters. Tbe Democratic Congressional Committee baa received numerous requests for them from all over the country. Letters received from responsible men in Iowa by the Democratic Congressional Com mittee to-day speak of tbo fusion between the Democrats and Green- nackera as certain to carry tbe State* Xethodtiti Indorse M. Jobs. Chicago, Sept. 23—At a meet ing of tbe Illinois Methodbt Con ference at Carlinville yesterday, a resolution was presented to tbe effect that tbe body give its aup- poit to ex-Qovernor St. John u tbe coming Presidential eicctien. A motion waa made to table tbe resolution, but it was lost and the reeolntion wee adopted with bat few dissenting votes. The Springfield Republican thinks that Congressman Chaos is easily tbe foremost competitor for •enatorsblp nude vacant by the death of Senator Aatboay.