Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, September 28, 1884, Image 1

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Macon, September 86.—To-night when the Central railroad late height roiled in the freight yard, Major A. C. Knapp, the agent, waa standing near. He smelt smoke, and made an examination of a car, and df>corcred it loaded with cot ton and on Are. He secured a Bab cock Are extinguisher, and, with the assistance of a negro, putit oat. Only one bale bad caught, and the QUICAAND. is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. 13,1884. tfOR rent. Tha lato residence of L. O. Barrett, on Chareh Street, now oeeapiad by A. A. Poaaaasion giran September 1, i“ Bast Amedeo* a good taor- *JM>4wilUog, kttahao. ate., four aerea CHEAP LUMBER Tammany may be myatoriona, bat tbere'a nothing mean about her. She baa Just erected a Cleyc- land-llendrieka transparency 16 ib-r it 'mill 'AttttfiSr where 1 will Atiw !• Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1884. Daily, Wkkkly, Americus Recorder. rUBLUBKO BY Xa. oil—Ifm OFFICE Oil COTTOiS ATE1UIR PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS LA WTEIiS. C. B. MeCBORY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KLLAVILLE, GA. TKBM8—AIT claims from MO or J2? #r 'Wi rom MO to 9000k tan prr ocBt: ofpf foTO, aeren £rnvt. NocKrgtti tmlet. collections are mode. May 14-tt DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, SVBGEON AND PHT8ICIAN. ifltra hla proieaalonal Miric**. with aa expert a-eteo at 90 vaarat to tha people of Americas and rtciniiy.Officeorer Darw^toCallaway’s Store. Rea dence at corner of J Call* trill reccifo prompt atMntlon. ’mlAl J. L & II. F. SILENT I LATEST NEWS. AMD DEALERS IN A COMPLETE LINE OF PURE DRUGS, i»tr Amerious, Ca. DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMERICUS, GA. on left at Djrenwwt'e drug .tore will recelre prompt attention. Wlllbc TooDd at .t the residence of Col. a H. Hnwklnf, corner Leo and Colledp. MreeU. m *Z 0 US. tllBOELLANE Nell PlolKett TALBOTTON, - - - • GEORGIA Will do riutcrinr. Brickwork end Ueaeework Cnbeallaaa apeelally. Eepalrlnf done Order, promptlf ettanded to. octttf GIN WORK. r .1 would respectfully aUta to the public that lam now REPAIR OLD GINS I liter haring had an .xprrUnc > nr reranl rear, tn the largest aln muuhctorloe. I know that I ran giro will,felon. All work ganran- terd. 1 am located wltn nr fetter cm JelUrnori Eilwr l. Mi'ler. O. Horace McCnll. Monumental Marble Works, MILLER k McOALL, Proprietors, .Southwest Comer of tho Public Square, AMERICUS, GA. Monuments, Tombs, Eto,,Eto. of th. beat Italiaa and American Msrble. BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. We call the attention of the public to the Aict that we arc nrepared to fill all order* for Fresh Bread, Cukta, Candy, Etc., of our own make— C»dand pure. We keep V*o Contact Iona and Croceriea, which we sell at tha ruling price* Buy aud Mil Country Produce. Olre ua a cull. IF'. J. PHILLIPS CO. iuljttcf Meat Market AND PROVISION STORE. W.E&T.M.C0BB ll'.tlni purehaard Pram Haro A CoVb the V.o U.rk.1 and ProrUlon sto.e on COTTON AVnum ifF^ u "*<> • • CALVIN CARTER & SON Vqs SOOTS ATSm SHOES. Public Square, . . Americus, Ga. LEAST NOSEY! New Store AND New Qoods. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Jas.Fricker&Bro. Irecp on hiiad the very boot cut a of j BEEP, PORI, KID AID SAUSAGE, and also • full line of Green Groceries and Provisions, -mil,King ill kind, of Vrretebtra ud fruit. In 'hair season. Canned Goods, etc. It la their alia to keep a first does —labUahmont, sad give their P® 4 •***• the lowest prices. *>ar,?sS , £us* & * 5 ** wi A merles*, Dra/lS, DZSSOZiTJTZOlT. f-S Z! '*'• ftrm. wiu eontlnn. In the Brake W*. UoowUUoa and Cotton bsNneas Anuncu, On.. Ang. ft, USL If Siaadution Notion. Si?*«TO. D.TOMIIEY ACO.IndlMoleed. 2wL£SS*Srottinoo tho Brokeragenml C , l “**ra*!”ra. Offlc. OB Cotton Arenoe. AMEKICUS. GA. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegaut assortment of goods in our line ever wrought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually jept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before FOR O-A-SIHC I Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them I know ray friends and cus tomers think that I ara rather silent since my return from the North, but it was done on ac count of moving into my new mammoth store, and also in opening and arranging the stock. I will break the silence by stating that I have bought a very large stock of goods, comprising Dry Goods, Furnish ing Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and in fact everything pertaining to ladies and gentle men’s Wear. I “struck” in time the Halstead, Haynes & Co. which stock, was sold at auction through the assignee These goods are of the finest and best makes, and l will offer them at prices that will make you think that I have got them without buying them at all. will take pleasure in showing and pricing them. Come and examine whether you wish to buy or not. One word to the wise: I bought these goods to sell, and go they must for several rea sons, hence take advantage of the low prices and lay in your fall supply in the wearing line. Respectfully, S. M. COHEN, The Bargain Man, Opposite Bank of Americus, Sign of Red Flag. Amend]*, Ga., Sept. 14, 1881. tf MACON MELANGE* Macon, September 27. "Then lay on, Macduff, and damned he who drat cries 'hold, enough."' For Sale or Exchange. Two stationary engine*, linen Iwiler*, planing mill, saw mill, trial mill, lath mill, Iron turning lathe with piping, Inspirators, | nmra, boiler*, traction engine for hauling timber to the mill ui d lumber lo riv.-r landing. Enough hurd wood ni d yellow pine lumber at 91 per 1000 to last tho ml I aevcral tear*. Contract* for mtllfcm of feet oi lumber can bo had In Darien, where It ran be drilled at any seaaon of ibe year. A caah pur chaser can h.-iro u»o of fcouaea, bam*, commie, eari'-e, etc., for a rer onaMe ilmefn e of co l The u'-ovj properly I«located on etui aide of Oc- mulgce river, 16 inllea south o* Hawkinavllle and 12 ni'lr* cast of Eastman. Tho above property will be told che»p for caali < *• *— - * 'nr A merle u a or Huir - unher particular* enq August 27, 1884. tf Copartnership Notice. I hare this day associated with me In my Unh and Commission business Mr. V. A. IIKI.Lto bet ter carry on tbo mine, at my old stand *>n Coil >n A vei-v**, under tho tirm name and stylo of M. M. COIIKN& CO. Respectfully, 8. M. COIIEN. Thanking the public for the liberal patronage and confidence put In tn« while conducting th s business, 1 bespeak fur lb* now firm a continn - of the same. Mr. lisll alone will a't*:id to Ih* purchase of any and all Country Produce, and hope* ty f«lr and liberal I roatment to merit lair patronage. H. M. COHEN * CO. s-pItSda vim Notice nf Dissolution Noil’s la hereby given that the lira of EVAN8 * MKRKlfT ba««thla day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Mt-riit retiring from the business. The « usln«s will be continued by W. II. Evans wh » assumes all the dots of tho firm, and with whom all persons indebted to thu firm will settle. W. 11. EVANS, T, M. M KRUITT, Jr. Thanking tSe customers of tbe old firm for their patronage, I respectfully ask for a continu ance of the same. I will bo found at tbe old •tsnd on Cation Avenue, ready to supply you with groceries and provisions at lowest prices. septldeodSw W. II. KVAXH. For Sale I THE WONDERFUL ROOK, —ijv— C. W. COKER, of Oregon, Formerly o! Americas. Ga. Price 60c and $1 each. Apply to Jno. M. Coker, Cotton Avenue, American, Go. August 10,1884. m'2 DURHAM’S 111 PROVED ITJtSP/BD 11 HELVE! power,and Is sold lories* owey, per hose power, than y oth r Turbine In Ibe world. ~ Orttew pamphlet sent free, by DURHAM BUDS., Blew Yerk. PLYM0UT HR0CKS. Any one wanting —*- mr art them . Americus, Gs. tending tb tr Tho itbove ia now an applicable motto for the six loiulingdry goods houses of Macon. Since the nd vent of I.yon & Clem, a now Arm into the market here, there has been a great commotion and stir in those circles, and every issue ol tbe morning psper Ims a reduced price list of goods from each house, with a great flourish, until tbe innocent private citizens are induced to be' licve that th* price of goods will Dually go bclow'zero, and that they will bo paid lo haul, them away. The advertising man of one house quotes Shakespeare and Pope as header. Another furnishes us with a vivid description of the falling of the elcctrio light tower. An' other with a graphic account of tho midnight dynamio explosion that occurred a few nights since in the centre oi tho oity. Another speaks of the big summer failures in New York, and of tbe trentem dons bargains lie made thero for the beneflt of his customers. The underhanded outs that they make at each other are numerous and bc- vere. Some are sly nnd well com ceived, and the lash is laid on un mercifully. The disinterested cit izen calmly sits down and views the situation from a highly amus' ing point. They enjoy tho blow, and take advantage of and proflt by tho light, and buy what goods they need very oheap. The news paper men also reap a harvest, en joy tbo fun, nnd are willing for the light to continuo so long ns tho be- ligernnts pay for their advertise' ments. Chough they all pretend to scii goods very cheap, some of them below cost, no fatalities arc reported as the result as yet. As before written, Mcrecr Uni- versity opened this week witli the best prospect over boforo known in tho iiistory of that scat of learn ing. We sincerely hope that the people will begin to patronize their homo institutions and to build them up to tbo standard of colleges at a distance, and that tbo only chance for us to have home institutions and facilities of every kind Is to uphold them by our pat ronage and support, as well as by our good wishes, and not send oil to other communities for every thing we get, thus enriching them with what Justly belongs at borne, and crippling every homo interest. Their exouse is that no such ad- vantages arc offered at home. We say yes, and that thero nover will bo unless we build up whst we have by our patronage and mak* tbcm equal. This has been a lively week with Hie fun loving part of our popuU' tion. Sinco tbe dual performance written about of Monday night wo have had two trou pcs. On Tucs- uay night Harlow & Wilson minstrels appeared before the largest audience that over greeted a minstrel company in Macon, or perhaps any other kind of compa ny. Over 1 500 people wero in the audicnco, and nearly fl,100 were tbe receipts. It is said thal they gave a good laughablo perform ance, but we deem it no compll moot to Macon that minstrels draw the largest bouses. Or. Thursday night, not a very large but very intelligent audience witnessed the first appearance of Lizzie May Ulmer before a Macon public. Tbo play was liquid nnd beautiful, and beautifully acted. Miss Ulmer made many friends in Macon, and a large bouse will tercet her next annearance. DAWSON DOT*. Dawson, Ga., Sept. Ice Cream Festival given ladies last night, for tbe the City Park, was a decided cess. Thero wero not as tnaay in attendance as might have been reasonably expected, but wbat we lacked in numbers was more than made up in beauty, intelligence and generosity. In fao select and elegant party be found (as an old frien say) “’twixt blue sky gross.” There was plenty of ex cellent oake, Ice crOHm, lemonade and—and—something else, with an outlandish name, smell and taste, which I oonld neither spell, pronounce, eat nor drink. Bnt it was ever so nice, they said. The net proceeds of tho entertainment wero *36,55. A very beautiful cake, made by Mrs. S. S. Cobb, was voted to the prettiest young lady present. It bronght'$16,60, and was voted to Miss Olando Farror by a large majority, “amidst prolonged applause.” Mrs. D. O. Trammell and ehll- dreu have returned from a three week’s absence, ana our worthy marshal is no longer a forlorn widower. J. A. F. BLAINK SKIFFS DEFEAT. Hie Westons Trip tbe Lest Keserl ef Desperations Wasuinuton, September 8A.— Secretary Post, of the Democratic Congressional Committee, has re turned to boadquarters In this olty. He attended a conference of Demo cratic leaders in Now York yes terday. “ What do the Democratio managers in New York sty of tbe situation t" asked a reporter ol Mr. Post. They profess to be well satis fied,” he replied. “They speak with confidence of tbe onteome in New York, and they really feel confident. They regard tbo Blaine tour as an cvldenco of desperation. I saw men—Democrats, or conrse- who attended tbe Blaino meeting in New York, and they said that thero was not that hearty enthusi asm manifested whioh has marked the Republioan party in past fights. Tho faot that none of tbe prominent ataiwart leaders oalled on Mr. Blaino is commented npon in New York as very significant.” Mr. Post will not publish bis re sponse to Secretary McPherson's letter in regard to dolaloationi under Republican rule In tbe shape of a loiter, bnt will inelude it in a speech which ho intend* to deliver at an early day. -run outlook in oonmiotiout. Representative Mitchell, of Con necticut. said to a reporter to-day: “I feel quite euro that Cleveland will carry Conncotient. He will get a great many Republican votes. The Independent Republicans are well organized and are doing effec tive work. Their committee send out about es many documents as cither the Republican or Demo cratio committee, and they only send them to those who apply lor them. There are a great many Republicans who intend to vote for Cleveland, but they say noth ing about it. Tbcyaie quiet men. who go to the polls and vote with out making any fuss. I know ol a single block in New Haven in which fourteen Republican* reside. Twelve of them are against Blaine, and most of tbeq (perhaps the whole twelve) will vote lor Cleve land, but they don’t talk any. The Independent Republican* will vote for Cleveland, but they will sup port their party candidate for Governor, hence Cleveland will run ahead of ou- state - ticket, bnt I believe we will win on both tick ets.” “When Boiler first declared himself a candidate, I waa disoonr- aged,” continued Mr. Milehell, “bat I soon got over that. Butler docs not cut mueh of a flgnie in our state. He hat played out.” A Freight Train on Fire. Macon, when tbe