Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 16, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. W. I.. OMIHiill, Editor. UMrUI Urmn at Hrlwlrr Iiinnlj. 1884 THVIODII, OCT. T.^0, i POWDER Absolutely Pure. ... ** i«»ld in eoinpoit'in w»U» the multitude of l*»w tMt, nhort weight, aliitn or phoepbxti- tutwrder-. M>t only in •in cun*. KOYAI. R t KINO POWDER CO, Iu6 Wall H»re«t. New Y*»rk. oct2tyL A POSITIVE CURE For Eiei) Fora of Skin and Blood Disuse, from Pimples to Scrofula. I hare had the PaorUaix for nine months. About five months ico I applied to a doctor near Boston, who helped me, but unfortunately I had to leave, but continued taking h is medicine for nearly three months, but the disease did .not leave. I saw Mr; Carpenter e letter in the Philadelphia Rtmril, and hie case perfectly described mins. I triad the (.'trrictniA Rkmkmks, using two bottles Resol* ykht. and Cuticuma end citticora Hoap in — portion, and call m) self completely cured. L. F. BARNA1 Watekforo. N. J. ECZEMA TWENTY YEA US Cared. Not u Also of Its Beappearnnee. Your Ctmctnu has done a wonderful curs for me more than two yaara ago. Not a sign of Its reappearance alnce. It -rated me of a very bad Kcsema which had troubled me for more tha twenty years. I shall always speak well of Curl cuitA. 1 sell a gnat deal of it. FRANK C. SWAN. DnggUL UAVtniiiLL. Mass. BEST FOB ANYTUINO. Having used your Cuticcra. Remedies for eighteen months for Tettsr, and finally cured It, I am anxious to get it to sell on commission. I can recommend It l>eyend any remedies.I have aver used for Tetter. Burns, Cuts, etc. In fact. It la tha bast medicine I have ever tried for anything. R. B. HORTON. • Myrtle, Mias ..tedies I maid hear of/sad at last tried your i;uticlha RemEDlga aud they have cured me. JXO. GASKILL. Herron, Thayer County, Penn. Every species of Itching. Hcaly, Pimply. Scrof ulous, Inherited and t'-nntagioua Huaiora. with Loss of Hair, cured by Outkura Resolvent the new Blood PnrWer Internally, and OPnctm* and CI’TICURA Soap the gre«t Skin Cures externally. Bold everywhere. Price. CuncuiU, SO oenta; Boaf, 35 cents; Resolvent, f 1. Potter !lru| nnd Chemical Co.. Boston. Only seven Jews have beep in fected with tiie cholera in France. The Jewish diet Is the hetlibic.l in the yprld. There sre live million land own ers in France, the average size of the farms being ten acres. The best land, outsifle of the vineyards there, is worth about $400 per acre- Col. E. P. Speer has purchased tbs Grifflo Sun. “Gene" is a keen end spicy wrilsr, an enter| rising publisher, a shrewd politician, and will mako the Sun shine brighter than ever before. Though women were at the polls distributing “no license" tickets, Hartford, the Nutmeg State, voted for s liquor license b/ a majority 011,880. The New Englander is no longer satisfied with cider. In Putnam county, Tennessee, the Mormon elders were peisecut- ed ID it mdst cruel and vindictive manner one day last week. AI though their meeting was exten sively advertised not a soul went to liter them preach. A large party of Seminole ne grots, who have been in the Unlttd State's service on the Mexican frontier fighting the Indians, were mustered out t^ie other day at Baiie Pafs, Texas. They hav returned jto their homes in Mexico. Pet’s retort to his Republican employer who told him if Cieve land wss elected bis wages would be cut down to 60 cents n day. was a pretty ahrewd answer to the Re pnlilican sophistries of this cam paign. Pat replied: “Be gorrs an’if you helaved that, you’d be tor Cleveland yourself ivery time. The Savannah News makes this good point against the loud mouth ed proteoiioniets: “The girls who make shirts in some of the New York factories at fifteen cents per doien need some of the protection promised to American labor, tbeso girls can’t vote, however, it seems they don’t even get the piomlie of protection." The early returns from Ohio, as given in the Recohded yesterday morning, favored the Democrats but the later nows showed that our Griepds were too sanguine and the Slate has gone Reputlican, as it has in'every presidential election slnco'1856. The fact that tbo Re publican qa|ority has been re duoed, notwithstanding tho tre mendous efforts made by Blaine and hta followers, is encouraging for Democratic success in Novem ber. '' Judge Torrance, of New Ilaven is a model which some of our Geor giaJuMlal officers might imitate with profit. Weary of the numor ous continuances in his court, be tbs other day said to tbe pracll timers before him “I wish to give notlqe that cases on this list which are not ready for trial or assign msnt when tbe court opens next will be stricken off the list at once. I am tired of all this unnecessnry delay." The New Orleans Picayune esti mates that unfavorable weather has reduced the cotton crop to six million biles or less. It adds: “There is no indication pointing to renewed activity in the good! trade, and until that comes manu facturers are likely to purchase sparingly. In the meantime the financial position is such that plant era will be unable to bold back their crops, and the product will ot necessity be sold rapidly at cur rent rates, whatever they may be." People wonder why it i» that America import, rags from Ej-yi l and India. The inhabitants ol these lands wear chi, fly cotton garments and an Arab', baggy breeches, tunic ami turban contaio about aa much cotton as an ordi nary family wardrobe in America. When a Hindoo or Arab .hakes his old suit be 'cues a pretty big pile of rags. When you read the “test news from Soudan in die Daily IUcobder you may lie read°e B dis^^t?, f ,, t T r »«V,aT..«.'.a-Lri,.s- rromth.diK.rdsd breeches of El • Meunsi uxVuV To Giie Too aildtatf What H?s Been 8kin, (juticura Boat. All School Sijlios, MRS. FRED LEWIS’ Americus, Ga., Aug. 24, 1884. tf HE QUOTE THE FOLLOHI.NG FBICES One Hundred Mm’s Custom ere Fails Rcmi'tir price $10 (X*, fm $5.00. 2‘0 Panso! Pants. Former piico 12 00 now $1.00. ' 250 Pairs of Pants. Ft inner price $5 00; now $2.00. Men's < sssimere finite, nil sizes from 33 I to 42, ai 5(Jc ou the dollar. Four-Button Cut-A« n\ a at 33 per cent, leas than ever known In-fore. Pluida and Checks nre all the go thin aeaHon. We have got them in latge vari ety, and at pricea that place competi tion in the back ground. We can show yon n varit ty of One Thou- Hand different style*; more of them thar nil tbe houses combined, from Mncon t« Montgomery, nnd nt prims cheaper than you can buy common Juana to make them. Is larger than ever before, at prices wi defy competition. IN BOOTS AND SHOES! He are Just Lcadlug (he Caravuul Five Thousand Pairs of Women Pokers, from 3-7 and 6-0. nt the startling low price of 65j per pah; never known to sell for less than one dollar eince America: has b*-en a city. One thousand pairs Children’- C »pper Tips, n« ver Ht/id le*s ’ban 75c, i.o« he bought lor 50c; n good, honeM eln*e # 10 Cases of Brogan*, from 6 to 11, nm' 10cases Plow Shoes from G to II. eolid i r nersole, white oak bottom, oli«l 1 a her ennmer, always sold nt $1.50, now re tailed at 81 00. In Ladies’, Misses, and Children’s Fire Shoes we can show y- n an elegant tins and retail them at prices 25 per cent lesH than any house in town can buy them. J. WAXELBAUM & CO. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA. CONVULSES SEW YORK m CITY IULLHCEKTR1L PARK. OLI) ESTATil I C HID M11ICANT.1LF HOUSFS, WHOSE 80[,VFN< T WAS bUPI’OSF.D 10 Bh H DNDW? ON JNI'rSTItUCTARLE HOCKS OF UNLIMIILDCAPA-1 ALAND UNQUESTIONABLE CREDIT, Tottered and Fell in a Day! Sporinlly was this true of many large nnd ceKbrated Clothing manufacturers who l.nd made up numerous storks Irom materi als bought i-ii er< di\ 'I liese nininiliirturers plarrd their faith on lively nnd profitable September trade, ab-olutely relying on it for funds to meet llieir ninturing jwper, wliic-li they hud given for piece poods, but tbe trade did not come, the continuous warm weather nnd no customers cooked their “goose,” nnd there wns nothing left for them to do but to liiil and turn their poods over to an Assignee. It wns bad for tlum, but it is in your power to make it good for you, for, as usual, when good goods are to be sacrificed we nre always on hand. Our Mr. Joe Waxelbaum wns there, and notwithstanding the fact that we were already prepared with a stock of Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars, we bought Thirty-Three Thousand more in Hoys, Chil drens and Men’s Clothing, Dry Goods. Dress Goods, Fancy Goods. Corsets, etc., at prices varying from 30 to 60 per cent, of the actual value. Promptly at 8 o’clock Monday Slot IliiL' nnd it will be to the interest of ev< ry one in tips city or country to he on hand, for at the prior s we propose s< lling these goo<(s you were never offered tin tn in the history of the dry goods, clothing, boot and shoe trade. J. Waxelbaum & Co. PROPRIETORS NEW YORK STORE, Americus, G-eorgia. T-n Pieces Black C*»tdm;er-*, C6 nchf* wule, warranted all wnol, » 3; 0 per yard, m*v r m>M Ihmi that. GUo. p Ten PiHien Black ChhLiu re, 42 Inch** thte, aii 42* cants pvryanl, warmtiM U u W'ol. Goode worth any man’suionev 75 cenle. 3 ‘ • 5 F* cm Black end C. fared Aniama 38 l jrh*i» wide, all Hliadts,, t 50,- Hrd. Got ds ie ailing «nywtitie H i $1 cm 50 Pi. t ea BmwH G o in, in all it v al'inle*, hi 7^0 per jnr.l, worth 121c in i*fod CMuh. 3 CO Pieces Brncnde Ma'.li.aney, wor»b 25c |»»r ‘Hr*!, f tailing by u- now at 15c, In BiIh**, fining, and V. Ivhs »e a , a»wa>r, tl.e i-ckm-wlp'ued IcideiR, h> vine »h- m in price irom 25c per y>r*l t-* eo no* Unr$100 B'ack fink r^aua at fiixtii Avenn*-. New 81 25. U la Colored Silks anil fi-itina we give you any imaginable abndt; from 50c to $1 60 per yard. In House u nhhtn» (J ods we lmve b'ltiglit direct f»« ni iiii|Huicr-, who hml he luihfortune to retire fr- m huhin.Ks atner nncxpeotedlv We houghl them i c on the d« Hnr. The> li.tve to be been b» b* npi-r.ciatt d Call snd hcu «»nrT* n-Ccnt Towel, inllv 24 iuoIich lung; a'l linen, w«tiIi 25c. Twelve guo * Nepkius, nil linen, for 50c. 500 Lin n II mined Nmkinn, nt lip with colored holders. Never sold for biMthiin 25c. 600 Mureeilies Q lilt*, always sold at $1 50, Utin now b; bought tor 05c. OUR LINE OF osii-rv, Ribbons and Buttons, Ih ton nnmorons t«» mention, ca ning a no kol tlie-e h* Fift- en Tboisan’i D-d- Imin in < u Ket iil D -pir'uietit idone, ni-d any b og we Imppeu i ot to have ikegoud old m-in never ma’e. IJARPEI8 LUGS we can wive you 83 |h r uei-t. lean tlum you have ever known them b f r--. nod yne yon iiHit.i-k q ml to ny lu nae ibis aide <•! Baltimore t- Heiect tr in. It in thi* er ■ wly in the seimon to talk nle-nt CLOiKS. But remember we ufeopirf eve»y garment we sell, and talk about tli m h-t r when ibr weatlu r . row a odder. We » r»* c u fi bnt iher.* wtl hp no o* use to o. n«pl in < f our pr-oex, nitd ho far hh amor'iucni nn<l i-tjle m t*une**rne i, we can o-mpa-e wiilisnv bonne i i 'he Suite, and will take m- ninth p’enRure In rbowing our gooda an in b»li ng hem. ('all parly and Amid I lie linsli! J. WAXELBAUM & CO. Pnrrittoii New YcrK Store. AMERICUS, - - - GEORGIA STILL LEADS! The Losi is Fold AND CAN BE FOUND AT BUG CHAPMAN’S Bar aid Resianrant. ElT,DRIi\K AND BE MERRY, ■ r-rp «n •“free b-tL Fterjll Ing he 'been . i-tvaitd MR.1 U «t»cei and clean. 1 lu4 in hug** wing Cv- tar Liquors from S (o Iran Old! Cn'l «n-l get y«nr sbarv of ibe Iru. Bgcxhr* Ik* Bv-eund in tlr.Lka. a rival o l»r'.m-Die- In jp«H We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufacture, and will bo sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to introduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the present time constantly improved them, and we believe we now have them perfect. We keep on hand all the while finished from 15 to 25 of these Buggies, with first-class Harness to each buggy, and can sell you a Buggy and Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now fa those who have old bug gies and wagons and desire to have them re paired or made new: Wo will give you more work, and a better job, for less money than any other shop in Americus. Try us and be convinced. Americus, Ga., July 25, 1884. «» Wlieatley’e Corner, IIo! every one in need of Clothing, “C'OME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buy The rplcntiitl succrwhich aCcmu-tl’uur efforis.ln Introducing the >alo of FIINTE CLOTHING In.our e i ha» induced.ii> ta brine out for the Spri <n (rede tho Urgcet, handionte t and moxi cumj'le e lino of Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS I Three good* have bet-n relectcd with gicgi care and pouea*' an elegance ef tVaign, beauty of flnl»b and durab iity of texture, that (• w indeed can equal, end non*- aurpa-a. In every in-tauci* «'* GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE Wo havojalso a large a d well selected *tock ol per ect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear I And everything In the wiiy o f Oent’a Puruirh'ng Guupa. Tolite and n»»coitve 8ule«nen * III ,ake p'eaaure In dl*| laying ibew beautiful g -ode whether jou with to »>uy or not. TH0KNT0N Wheatley’s Corner, WHEATLEY, : : Americus, Ga. BOOKS 1 HAVING MY STOCK THAT WAS LEFT FROM TIIF. FIRE IN ORDER AND REPLENISHED WITH NEW GOODS, I AM NOW PREPAR ED FOlt BUSINESS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. BOOKS S AND O PERIODICALS AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! Best and Cheapest Writing Paper and En velopes in town! Croquet, Base Balls, Hammocks, Chess, and Light Reading for Summer D- vVS BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWAY- NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. A.C3r3\TEUS AYCOCl^' •»W AM23H1CC7S GtA.