Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 23, 1884, Image 1

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D AI L y Americus Recorder. Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1884. Daily, Pbh Ykak,...$6.00 Wkkkly, “ ... 2.00 Americus Recorder PUBMSUZU I‘V OIiZiaSNBR. r ncE our cotton ayevie, americus. .^.riomiitbJooontjr ae»t of Sumter Georgia, ait uate;l on the Son!h- ' . railroad, 71 miles southwest of «"no and about 0(> rnlloa north of tho S*AU*ioe It ia situated in the flneat 1 a of Georgia, raising n greater van- „cultural and horticultural pro- rs thanany other part of the Mouth, - „11 the Irnita. grain and vege- S oftba temperate and semi-tropical a .„ e ,-wheat, corn, rye, out., rice Irish a sweet potatoea. pennnts. chltfaa, “in, peaa, auger cane, apples, pears, !,hea arapos, plntns ami other fruits. Emmie ia mild and equable and one 7ihe moat healthy in the world, the air being pure and n r/and montbenefloinl tor Sand throat diaeoaea. All kinds of notdeor work can be performed without tncoarenience from summer heat or . per cold. Americas has a population TeiiO is beauiitully situated on high ..a rolling ground and toaata of some of a, handsomest business blocks in the L'| b The city Ins fine public schools; Pclinches; a largo pnblio library AND WHY NOT? Whv should not GYLES the CLOTHIER and HATTER sell the FINEST nntl BEST fitting CLOTHING lower than any other j _ , 7 ~ ~ merchant in Southwest Georgia. L0UIS13iI18i StRtC Lottery UO. Vile first place he buys tor *• H’e do hereby certify that we supervise CASH pays no BIG RENT enga- j the arrangement! for all the Monthly and ges no large array of EX PEN I Semi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana cr VP fTPltk’S „ j State fatten Company, and in verson man- MV t, CLERKS, etc age and control t£> Drawings themselves, Look what a profit is light here - - — - d&ilv, one eemi-weeltly and two | v newspapers; a new opera house, ". elely furtished witu scenery ond mm tie of esating 1,000 personals well mired fire department, inclndtog iw„ tine steamers; the streets are well ,,| sewered uod lighted; there are lionring mills, a cotton need oil mill, riming mill and variety works, carriage L.„ r , sod a number of minor manfncto- «,-about two hundred firms arecngnged in mercantile busintsi; Ihree banka with abondanea of capital; two good hotels tarnish good accommodations. Americas ia the centre of trade for six toamies comprising the richest egricul- ,oral section in Georgia, tho average un noslcottOD receipts being 30,000 bales, which will be largely inoreaseil by the completion of tho Preston and Lmnpkin railroad now in process of construction. It is the largest city in Southwest Geor- m, and has been appropriately named the "Commercial Capital" of that sec tion ami it is rapidly growing in popu lation and wealth. Aa a place of bll-i- nws resilience it presents attractions equaled by lew ciliea in the South, property nf all kinds is comparatively chop, ultliongb rapidly advancing in nine: the inhabitants of both city ond conniry are cultivated, courteous and hospitable, with a cordial welcome to ini- migrants. To enterprising tradesmen, ju dicious capitalists and industtious farm ers this section of Georgia offers lino op- portqnilles. Any information in regard to city or country will he cheerfully fnr- tiihre by addressing the Amkricus Rr- i'uiidkk, Americus, Go. saved to you. This alone enables him to sell goods at least FIFTY PER CENT, less than these slow plodding dealers who are almost gasping for breath at GYLES' LOW PRICES. These concerns are desperate now because ol their inability to compete. DOWN WITH PRICES! Says GYLES, and they THEM BLE because they know they can’t follow. Their expenses avo enor mous and so they have to sell for big profits. Somebody has got to hear it, and it is Y'OU, customer, that has it to pay. Yon, yourself, don't indulge in any such extravagance ! Will you tolerate it in others? NO, YOU WON’T I We know you too well for that. THEN FORWARD ! MARCH !! Just fall right in the procession to Gyle’s Corner and buy there whore $26 will go further than 250 elsewhere. The band will please strike up, Hail to the Chief Clothier of this happy land; His motto's '‘Low Prices. With tho angels he'll aland. 'rawing! and that the tame are conducted with hon esty, fairness, and in good faith toward all partus, and ice authorize the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of oui signatures attached, in its advertisements.' Commissioners* Incorporated »•* 18G8 for 25 year* l»v the Legbia- lure for Kducntlonal and Charimbfo purpose*— with a capital of |l,ooo,(K>o-u. which u iTHerv* llirut of over $550,000 has hIiico l«*i*n added. By an overwhelming popular vote it* franelili , A. !>.. 1879. 'on»t‘tutiot> «9 THE TERRIBLE UltOL'TH. the people of any State.- It never scales or pnstponts. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. SPI.KNDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN 4 FORTUNE. ELEVENTH (JitAND IO, CLASS I*. IN THE ACADEMY IC. NEW ORLEANS. 'lUESDAT, November 11, 1884 174th Monthly Draw tnjt. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions, in Fifths, in Proportion. list up ruiZK?:, CAPITAL PRIZE $76,000 do do PKOFESSIOML & BUSINESS CARDS LA lri’ERS. C. R. McCUORY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLA VILLE, ga. TEKllii—All claims from *30 or under, $3; fern | ti) to 1600, ten per cunt; over 8500, seven yrctht. Nh charges unites collections arc made. DOCTORS. Dr. C. B. RAINES, SURGEON AND PIIVSICIAN. ■^"r» his proicuxlonul services, with an experb* •iicv ot 21 vetirs. to i he people of Americus and ti'iTity. Office over Davis it Callaway's Store, lies fl'-uer »t cortHT of Jackson and Church streets, will receive prompt attention. lanlthl DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMERICUS, GA. f/t a? D.venport's drujr stop m<'iiiloa. Will be found at *°fOol. S. II. Hawkins, cor _ miscellaneous. Neil PioRtett. Meat MarKet PROVISION STORE. W.II&T.M.COBB IlavInK purrhued from Hare A Cobb the Met Market ami Provision Sto.e on COTTON AVENUE keep on baud the very best cuts of BEEF, PORK, KID AM) SAUSAGE, Green Groceries and Provisions, embracing all kinds of Vegetables and Fruits in their season, Canned Goods, etc. It Is their aim to keep s drat class establishment, nnd give their customer* pood jfourta at the lowest prices. Highest price paid for Cuttle, Hogs, and a _ price nsld I kind* of country prod#ce, Americus, Dec. 16, lSH2.if 25,1100 1 *io no 10,000 2 PRIZES OF $0.000 12.OU0 6 do 2,000, 10,000 10 do 1,000 10,000 !0 do 500 10,000 20,000 :jo,ooo 25,000 100 :io,ooo 600.. 4,.>00 1,967 Prizes, amonnllng to 8205,600 Application for rate* to clnbH should ho made only to Ihe olllco of the Company in New Orleans. For further Information write deafly, giving Dill address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Kxchnnge in ordl* n»ry letter. Currencv by Express (all sum* ol 85 nnd upward by Expreso at our expense) nd- M. A. DAUPHIN. Now Orleans, La, or M. A. DAUPHIN, 007 Serentb 8t., Washington, D. C. Make P. O. Money Order* fuiyaole and iiddres* NwW Orleans, La. 2G0tli EDITION. PRICE ONLY $1, l M .HYSELF, 4 Great Medical Work on IHanliood. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and 1’hyMcal 'Du the untold miseries resulting Iro discretion or excesses. A book lor every younr, ntlddlo nd old. it contains 125 pre. ... for all acute and chrtmic iiise;ues, each one of which Is Invaluable. Bo found hr the au thor, whose experience or 28 years Is such us probubly never before tell to the lot of any physi- 800 puKis bound In beautWnl Ft cinltoised cover*, lull gilt, fi work In every H*n*«- professional-lbun auy country ior$2 50, as. teed to lieu liner hanie.'d, literary and r work sold In ihit ney will tw refunded ALBOTTOX, .... GEORGIA VYI,! do Fluttering, Brickwork nnd Ilou*ework ‘“>wine s *j>eciaUy. Repairing dona. Or>!er* 1 D'ta&tly attended to. oet2tf j SIN work. -; fcl Vould respectfully St At,* to the public that REPAIR OLD GINS ! Tra.” b f lw h ‘> *a Iira-nnira „f uraral ■"* laiarat ala ni>.'• netorin. I know vm. .*!! "'" rk ,«; This hook should l>« read by the young for itriicttou, and by thetfllicted for rsllef. It 1 In-no tit all.—London fano. * embe.- of A. VOICE FROM THE CORNER! I HAVE SOLD OUT MY STOCK OF LIQUORS AND SHALL DEVOTE MV TIME AND ENERGIES PRINCIPALLY TO THE TRADE, THEREFORE I INVITE ALL, AND ESPECI ALLY THE LADIES. WHO DK- SIRETOSELECT FORTHKMSRLVE8 PURE AND UNADULTERATED ARTICLES IN MV LINE TO GIVE ME A CALL ! ! rjuirl of all nthi Such treat* located with r... eUttitnA rt> ,r tJUrer 4t Oliver s shop. Work ,l *d. Hn*vv86mi F. A. CAMERON, tt *' 1 Mi'ler. C. Horace McCall. Marble Works, FILLER & McCALL, Proprietors, k «l.»eet Corn., of the I’nblie Sqnare, AMERICUS, GA. _ hether youth, parent i, Instructor nr clergyman. - A rgonaut. m the 1‘ealKMly Medical Institute, or I»r. •rker, No 4 Dulfincb Strc*t, Boston, ho may lx* eon«ulted on all diseases re ,k'U urid experience. Chronic uuduhMi-* that have burned the*! rs I skill pbjsielans a sped l! Cef4 l^slty- “'THYSELF ■lurch, w4w PLYMOUTH ROCKS Anv one wanting some of this fi*m< u« breed > (owls, cm get them by calling on or M-uding IL lr orders to me at Atnencue, (la. septlltf DAVID JAMRB.^ ~~ FOR SALE. Two second-hand two-horse wagon**, two gtwid mules, u good horse nnd mure. Apply to ondendgDtd on his farm, thir teen miles southeast of Atnericn*. octl’dlw w3w J. W. BAILEY. >,Eto. ^tbe be«t Italian and American Karhla. I,% * filing for Cimi—. HUy * r ««, a Specialty Clioap Engines. I have for sale a few C« opt r Portable ! Enign'e, the beat raa,le, ahieh I will cell ! dirt eh. ap if colled for soon. i i.t.ry Eucloa-! aeplTtf R. T. IiYRD. I JoHNi-aEKvir.i.K, Oot. 20.—See a little cloud in the west, with the wind from the south, and ruin is daily expected. Get up and dust, Now is the time. It is the opinion of many that if we don’t get rain soon we will have a great deal of sickness. In some parts of the country it is most impossible for stock to get water. Many of them have to go miles to get it. Most ot the water gins and mills arc out of water, and the steam gins are crowded. Right here wc will-say that we have plenty of water, en gines in fine order; nnd ono of the best gins in the State, and parties wanting their cotton ginned oan bo promptly attended to by bringing it to us. Our arrangements are such that we cannot be crowded. Wc have for sale a good 45 saw gin in fine order. Also set 8 feet cast gin gearing that we will sell cheap. Any one needing such an outfit can buy them cheaper for the money than they were ever sold in Georgia. The gearing lias been run only one season. *SWe havo been asked the qncs tion many times if the contract for grading the A. I’. A. I.. road was not let out before the Directors decided to make it a narrow guage. This is a question wc cannot an swer, aswc don’t remember. Many think it was, and don’t think it right to pay as much for grading t narrow as a standard guage, anil if there is so much difference in the cost ought there not to be some in the grading? Will some one answer? We hear it reported that tho road from Jlrainbridge via Outh- b.-rt will reach Lumpkin before the Americus, Preston nnd Lumpkin road does. We don’t know as this is true, but wc can accommodate them both. Hurry up, friends, somqot us are going to hold soma cotten to ship as soon as tho road is completed. Many of us expect to buy our next year's supplies in Americus, and have them shipped to our nearest stations, which will be much cheaper than hauling them from other places. Everybody over here likes Americus, hut every thing is so dry nnd! hot, and the sand so heavy, many of them won’t pull their stock so fur. Give us the road and we will make Ameri cus headquarters. Mr. Wiggins, of Marion county, and Miss Maggie Roberts, of Stew art, were married, yesterday eve ning, at the residence of the bride, Rev. William Crymcs olliciating. To the happy couple wc tender our sympathies, and wish them u long and linppv life. Weston now supports a line mil itary company, with ,1. S. Parker as Captain. Jack will make a good one, and will train the boys up iu the way they should go. Matrimonial market steady, with a good supply on hand. Boys, how can you allow yourselves to become old bachelors? Can’t you face the music? If you cannot, get some of , vour friends to help you out. j .Mrs. (). S. Pace anti children, of Terrell county, are visiting in lire ville, guests or Mrs. N.C. Savillc, ' their mother and grand mother. Miss Ida Healer, also Rev. Wm. ; Crymcs and lady, spent last Sun day evening in the ville. Miss Katie Johnson, of Kufuula, Ala., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jen nie Hester, of lire ville. Em.ivas. •SICKN ESS IN AN PERSON VILLE. GROUND ON MY MILL AND PUT UP IN' Alii TIGHT tin- cans. YOU WILL FIND IT WILL SAVE TIME, TROUBLE AND MONEY TO YOU. aron sags*—CHEAP LUMBER-; •ELEITT* I rnn now Iflrtiedut Bell’. |*lar«, A,H»ncT The lot-a ' »ber« I will delivrr lumber at null N>rKI(fht| 2"? ZViLZfTSL-. T ! K > .u«.^: r r , . 0 SS.. , ",'r’ ,n "- , KESPECTFUIsI.Y. ism.*' 0i “*sioti gireo September I, j WANTED! i H. D. WATTS. , * a M- C0K “' Americas. Gt., Oct. fi, 1684. tf Another record has been beaten. At Cincinnati.! the other day Ed. Crane, ol the Boston Unions, made lire longest, throw ol a base ball on I record. His throw was 135 yards II inches, nnd was said lo have been made without the slightest effort. John Hatfield, formetly of the New York Mutuals, threw 133 , yards, 1 foot and 7 J inches twelve years ago, and this was rite longest throw ever made until Crane’s performance at Cincinnatti. The ; balls were thrown across the wind ' in both instances. A NnritsoNvim.k, October 22.—It would give tno pleasure to comply with your request to furnish the RwonDKit with nows from this point, but it requires tho services of a skilled reporter to find news where there is none to find. There is a great deal of sickness in the neighborhood *f Anderson- ville, and the physicians complain of being overworked. Pr. West brook hardly gets time for necessa ry sleep, there being but few nights that he is not called up to visit some sick person, frequently miles in the country. It has been over two months since wc had any rain, and farmers are gloomy over the prospects for the future. Guano agents are about scraping up wbnt little the farmers managed to save this year, and obtaining a firm grip on next year’s as well There was a slight shower south ol hero just after the news from Ohio, and no doubt after the November election we shall have an abundance of rain and all the good things moistmc promises for Southwest Georgia. The Ueunu Vista railroad appears to be prospering. I am told four car loads of cotton bavo already been shipped through from Ellavillc to Macon. 1 can learn of none having gone to Americus. Tho freight to Ellavillc is also quite heavy, frequently as much as the baggage car will bold. Business at Andersonvilie is fair, but not what it ought to be. Talk of a hotel still continues, but tho man with the monoy has not been found. If some one from abroad would come and make the invest ment, Andersonvilie would not object to reap the advantage from the enterprise. A W AR TV THE DEATH. Ib BllteriteM. NbwYobk, Oot. 20 The rail road war between the Western trunk lines still continues, and the Erie Company to-day announced that it would to-morrow meet the reduced rates of the Central and West Shore Roads. The predic tion is mado that tickets will yet be sold to Chicago for $5 each. The Post says: “The newa of the morning arc all in favor of a depression of prices. It is report ed and believed that the West Shore has contracted to take grain from Cbieago to New York at 7 cents per bushel. There seems to be no prospect of an immediate improvement in the war ol passen ger rates cither between Now York and Chicago or west of the tatter point. Buffalo dispatches this morning say that the New York Central officials have ordered a reduction of passenger rates to one-half from Chicago to the Mis souri river. Tho passenger rates are in quite ss discouraging a con dition as far as the war in rates between the trunk lines east of Chicago is concerned. It eoems to bo coupled with the purpose to break down ail prices in order to get possession of certain stocks, of which Jersey Central is ono, that being the key to the local trade from New York and points East. It is apparent that Reading can not hold control of Jersey Central, owing to its own increasing finan cial embarrassments. A note of Reading for $750,000, due Oct. 15, is reported to have been only half paid, and the company has no other collaterals which bankers are willing to take to extend the bal ance. DAWSON DOTS. Dawson, Oot. 22.—The young peoplo met at Judgo Orr’s last night and had an excellent musical entertainment. The vocal and in strumental music was of the very best quality, and the young ladies and gents had on their best looks, and the world weut well witli all who attended. Messrs. Hill and .Simpson, of Broil wood, and V/. U. Long, ol I-e; county, attended preaching a' the Baptist c-lmrcl; in our city last Sunday. Mr. S. K. Taylor, of your city, spent several days witli his son and daughter in our county this week. Returned home to-day. J. A. F. DKATlfoF DILDUUAS. IIIs Llfa aud Horvlcts—Iiarxs or swds Atteurt Ills VBBsral. Augusta, Ga., Oot. 20 The dislingiiishud physician and snr- gron, Dr. L A. Dugas, expired at 8:15 Sunday morning in his sev enty.ninth year, after an illness ol two weeks. He was born in Washington. Ga., in 1806, and, after completing bis education in America, spent tbreo years in Eu rope in the prosecution ot his med leal studies, paying particular at tention lo the branch ol surgery. For a number of ycais he edited the Southern Medical and Surgical Journal and contributed a large number of valuable and original papers, among which are the differ ent diagonis of the fracture of the shoulder and the heroic treatment of woundB in the nbdomcn. He Is the only physician in America who has accomplished the ligature of tho ircliiatic artery for aneurism. He wus one of the founders of the Medical College of Georgia and its deal, for 2(1 years. The funeral was from his residence on Broad street at 11 o’clock this morning, and wus largely attended by the citizens, facilities and slnue.its of the medical college and Kic'nnond Academy. ITard. To all whs are suffering from the error, end indiscretions of youin, nervous weakness, early decay lose of maohooda Ac., I will send a ipe that will cor* you, FREE OF ( KAliGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In Rootb America. 8end atelr-addnsaM envelope to the Ruv. JostM T. tXKDf, Station D, Nets York Oft) EurAUhA, Ala., Oot. 21.—Mrs. G. M. Bates, a widow lady, aged 72 years, died yesterday morning sev en miles south of this place. She had an cstato of $5,000 designed to bo left to a stepdaughter. She had, besides, an own daughter. While attempting to make the will last night she became speechless before the instrument was executed, and remained so till her death, th* property thus reverting to he! daughter. ANNOUNCEMENTS. HOM1ICR COUNTY. FOR MAYOR We nre authorized to ennounoe the aame of A. 0. BELL m a candidate for Mayor of Americas at the Municipal elec tion in December next. eugl If FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce the name of W. H. COBB a« a candidate for Sheriff of Sumter county. If elected, N. H. White, or the 15th District, will be bit deputy. te MAGNOLIA SPRINGS AND FAB* FOB HALF. Three hundred and fifty acres of land, eleven and one-half mile* west of Ameri- cum; one hundred and forty acre# cleared and in good mate of cultivation, balance in woods with plenty of good Umber. These it* on the plaoe twenty-five acren bottom land ditched and in cultivation, *ix room dwelling, tenant houaeii onfil- cient for the farm. Bath houso and good Htablex at the Springe, near the late Har vey of the Americus, Preston and Lump kin railroad, convenient (o church and school, plenty of good water. A chance for&htrgain. Come aud look. Ad drew all enquiries to J. A. REID, oci9(f Plains of Dura, Ga. f M«4*l **4 DIdImm, n X *ff*i*st lit w«vU. (J Mrs Hi4—$. . - . . mdfif ChetnUm E. I. KNOWLTON, Aaa Artier. I Weigl t fifteen poll ml*. Adjaalxblr. FOR PHYSICIAN'S AND FAMILIES N*Hte»tJ|CbMp«*t, Real. ••CleanlineHS in next to GodlineH*.” octn-ly Z.Q Conte Nursery. W. W. TH'*MPi*oN, Dissolution Notice. Haring sold our milling infereeta in thia olty to the Americoa Oil Company, the firm of Baldwins A Davenport u dis solved by mutual content. A J. BalLwix * Co. MtttUwa* JoDavixroWt