Newspaper Page Text
plERJc^ '
Christmas Goods
l offer for next ten days the fol
lowing very low prices:
3000 lbs New Crop L. L. Rai
sins at 20o lb*
1000 lbs New • Crop Nuscatel
Raisins at 15o lb,
1000 lbs English Walnuts at 17>£ lb.
500 lbs FIlbertB at..: 15c lb.
500 lbs Almonds at 2.5c lb.
600 lbs Brazils at 25c lb.
SOOO lbs Mixed Nuts at 20c lb.
100 J^-Boxes Raisons at ... ,85c bx.
Thousands of pouuds of Fancy Can
dy at 12J£ to $1.00 per pound.
The Little Coquette.
A good audience greeted Hettie
Bernard Chase at the Opera House
last night, In "The Little Co
quette,” and were well pleased
with the performance. The sup
port was above the average, and
the little coquette herself was ex
cellent. She is pretty and grace
ful, and is without the common
fault of soubrettes—that, overdoing
the part. She always pleases
Amerlcus audiences, and every en
trance by her last night was a sig
nal for applause.
There will be a matinee this af
ternoon, and "Uncle 1 . Darling”
An Americas Enterprise That is Doing
Hamil’s brick yard is equal or su
perior to any In the State.
And that gentleman Informs us
that In a short while he will be
turning out 100,000 a day best brick
In the country.
Yesterday be brought several
specimens of his work up to The
Recorder office, and they are as
good as any ever exhibited. His
yard is down near Magnolia Dell,
where he has an inexaustlble sup
ply of the finest sort of clay. It is,
the best brlok clay to be found, and
the brlok Mr. Hamll shows are ex
cellent In quality.
This Is an Amerlcus Industry
most prosperous, and which will
■ not only be profitable to the owner
and managers, but a splendid ad-
* vertlsement forthe oity.
To the Buffering.
Over one hundred columns of
voluntary certificates have been
printed In tbe Atlanta Journal from
■uoh people as Rev. J, B. Haw
thorne, Rev. Sam P. Jones, Hon.
H. W. Grady, Ms). Chas. W. Hub-
ner, late of the "Christian Index,”
Gen. James Longstreet, Col. W.
Avery, late editor Atlanta "Constl-
tion,” and hundreds of prominent
divines, editors, doctors, specialists
and others, certifying to remakable
cures performed by Dr. King’s Roy
al Germatner, after eminent physi
cians and all known remedies had
failed. Send two-cent stamp to
King’s Royal Germatuer Co., At
lanta, Ga., for book of particulars.
It is truly a great remedy, mid
•urelj cures when all else falls
Grows Kora Bsrisoa Every Day.
You will find many cities where
there are plenty of houses, but no
body to occupy them. Here Is a
city with plenty of people, but no
houses to oocupy.
The Recorder has taken occa
sion several times to mention the
subject, and call the attention of
capitalists to it, showing how our
city was kept from growing as fast
as it might by the Inability to se
cure houses. We cortalnly bead
the list of growing cities, and every
contractor and meohaalo has as
muohasheeando. Butsomethlng
must bo done to provide for those
who desire to move here, and thus
give onr city loose rein, and let her
do her best-
, Yesterday, In hl0 round** a
porter had no lest than half adoxen
men to broach the eubject. Borne
were married men who were work
ing here, but wbose families were
elsewhere, end whom they desired
to have with them.
Bald one: "I have been here
some time, and am delighted with
the city and mj& poaltlon, but would
be much more bleated If I could
get bold of a house and oould bring
my faintly herd t can’t get one at
any prloe, am? «an’t even find a
place to board /without going to ft
hotel, and tbls/I can’t afford to do.’.’
Mr. H. T. Castleberry Buns Down a
Chicken Thief.
Yesterday The Recorder men
tioned the stealing of 16 chickens
from Mrs. W. W. Guerry.
To-day the thief rests In tbe
The work was done by Mr. H. T.
Castleberry, Mrs. Guerry's son.
It seems that Thursday night
Mr. Castleberry found some chick
ens, which he knew to be bis moth
ers, at Mr. Tom Guice’s meat mar
ket. To be certain, however, he
brought bis mother up, and she too
identified tbe chickens. ^
Mr. Guiee told them from whom
be bad bought tbem, describing
tbe uegro. and saying that be work
ed down at Mr. Wheatley’s variety
shop. Mr. Castleberry went down
there yesterday and found a ne
gro answering the description, and
recognized him as a negro be had
bought some stolen ehlckens from
a few weeks baok.
The name of the negro was given
as Osborn Bullook.
He then came up town and saw
Mr. Gulce. Mr. Gulce, too, had
been on the lookout, and found out
that the name of the negro who
sold him the chickens was Jim
Banders. Mr. Castleberry swore
out a warrant for Jim Handers, and
tbe officer who went down to
Wheatley’s brought back the ne
gro whose name had been given as
Osborn Bullock.
He was landed In tbe lock-up to
await trial. Chicken stealing is
getting too common an occurrence,
and a few mure arrests like this
will put an end to it.
Call and see our large and band-
some assortment of Christmas
Jaheb Fricker A Bro.
Is ruled With Arttiti Articles.
Mrs. M. T. Elam’s store, with its
holiday goods, is truly a bower of
beauty, aud the artistio eye Is
pleased with the artistic taste die-
played in the selection of the vari
ous articles. In plush goods there
are dressing cases for ladles and
Infants, writing desks, memoran
dums, manioure Bets, work boxes
from 75 cents to $8.00. collar and
cuff boxes, smoking sets, whlsp-
holders, card receivers and purses.
Then books from 60 cents to $2.00,
pockets In velvet, cloth aud paint
ed chamois. In new and artistic
goods, lambrequins, mats, soarfs,
head rests, each a poem. Here are
screens of all kinds, large and
small. In willow ware, there are
baskots, oradles, bedsteads and
wagons. Dolls there are without
end, of all sizes and styles. The
Japanese, Chinese and ivory ware
is simply exquisite. Tbe decora
ted tete-a-tete China sets are
dreams of delight. Then there are
bronze goods, glove boxes, hand
kerchief boxes, and hundreds of
other pretty artloles, so that tbe
taste and purse of all ean be suited.
If you want to see something that
is handsome, spend a quarter of an
hour at Mrs. Elam’s.
The Davenport Drag Company
have made a large purebase of W.
W. C., Wooldridge’s Wonderful
Cure, the greatest Blood Purifier
aud family medicine now on tbe
market, for tbe purpose of supply
ing the trade throughout this sec
tion. Send them yonr orders, and
save freights from distant points.
A Pleasant Entertainment.
A delightful evening was spent
by a number of tbe young people
at Mrs. Flotard’s last night. The
Invitations did not give any Inti
mation of tbe kind of entertain
ment It was to be, and the guests
were most agrseably surprised by
finding an old fashioned eandy
palling awaiting them. Those
present say a more delightful time
was never had, and were charmed
with the hostess, Miss Maude Liv
ingston, in whose honor the occa-
caslon was tendered.
Those present were: Miss Jen
nie Stapleton and Sam Hawkins;
Miss Georgia Glover and Joel
Hightower; Miss Georgia Hawk
ins and Willis Hawkins; Miss Em
Prlnoe and Stewart Allen; Miss
Maggie Brannon and Ed Haynes;
Genevieve Adams and Terry Hin
kle; Walton Callaway. Joe Mardre
and W. A. Antllottl.
Oar store'will remain open at
night until after Christmas. It
will be beautifully lighted by elec
tricity, kept warm, and we will
have good mnslo and Jolly crowd.
Wo invite everybody to call.
James Frickkr A Bros.
Advice to Motbm.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Srft-
or should always be need for chil
dren teething. It eootbee the ehild,
softens tbe gums, allays all pain,
cures wind collo. and is the best
remedy fui d!arrnu». Twenty-five
cents per bottle.
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry,
Hoi Id Silver and Plated were, all
nlted for Christmas presents.
James Fkickkr#B)“<.
Chick Nils* Tells the Columbus Polks s
Paw Things.
Tbe Columbus Enquirer-Sun of
Thursday contained a lot of men
tions of Amerlous. some of which
will be read with interest by our
citizens, and tbe faet that Chlok
Niles Is responsible for them will
add flavor.
Here are some of tbem:
Tbe Columbus delegation have
been well treated by the people of
Amerlcus. They registered about
tbirty-five at tbe Alien House, and
other guests, with whom the hotel
was already filled, complained a
little of being c>owded. This goes
to show that Columbus requires a
great deal of room wbeu slie goes
Judge Fort presided over tbe ha
beas corpus case with a fairness
and ability that challenged tbe ap
proval of both sides. Notwithstand
ing the length of tbe proceedings
bis Honor’s patience was never ex
hausted nor bis temper rufiled.
Tbe new Sumter court house Is
an ornament to the oity and a cred
it to the county. It is a splendid
building, and tbe court room is
handsome aud well arranged. It
Is, however, sadly defective In tbe
Important matters of lighting
and heating. Tbe grand Jury yes
terday recommended that the
county commissioners take Imme
diate steps to eorreet these defeets,
a reeommendatlon wbleh .the
court vigorously endorsed. Judge
Fort stated to-day, while ■ every
body was suffering from the chilly
atmosphere, that be was not par
ticularly fond of bolding an open
air court, aud directed tbe Sheriff
to break that piece of Information
to the county commissioners.
Col. Carey Thornton surprised bis
Amerlous friends, who knew of
hie loug illness, by bis physical
strength and the vigor of his argu
ment. Hts speech last night was
the flrstextended argument be has
attempted since he was taken sick,
and the "old war horse” was con
gratulated on all sides.
The appointment of Judge Fort
as a member of tbe railroad com
mission gives untversalaatlsfaetion
here. Indeed, tbe whole commu
nity is rejoicing over it. The ap
pointment will create a vacancy on
the bench of this circuit, and the
campaign for it has already opened.
Among the names already mention
ed are Judge Fish, of Oglethorpe;
Col. Eugene Hawkins, sx-Senator
Hawkes, Hon. Edgar Hlmmons,
Solicitor-Genera! Hudson, and
others of the Amerlens bsr.
That "Tired Feeline."
The newspapers are having a good
deal of fun nowadays over that
"tired feeling,” so mneb spoken of
In medical advertisements, in con
nection with the 111-health of fe
males. It may be a source of hil
arity to witty paragraphers, but
not so to suffering women, who, by
overwork, aud a disregard of tbe
laws of health, have lapsed into a
condition bordering on Invalidism.
Wbat most women need Is to be re
lieved of some of the slavish work
that Is piled on tbem, and a free,
but judiolus use of strengthening
snoh as P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
Root and Potassium), tbe greatest
blood purifier and inylgorator in
use. Superb as a builder up of
women, bringing baek lost energy
to tbe body, and color to faded
cheeks, restoring the appetite, and
thus renewing In ber that healthy
vitality long lost. P. P. P. enres
all blood diseases, snob as Rheuma
tism, Syphilis, Gout, Scrofula, and
all ulcerous affections, even van
quishing that melancholy enemy
of man, Dyspepsia. All druggists
sell it.
Will be Held on Tuesday, Deoembtr SO,
for Tax Collector.
The race for Tax Collector grows
warmer dally, and the candidates
are stirring things up generally.
There are six announced candi
dates, Messrs. John Sims, Dick
Windsor, J. B. Dunn, S. W. Small,
P. V, Wesson and Merrel Callaway.
' That’s a pretty long list, and a
good list. The Executive Commit
tee set aside Tuesday, December SO,
as thr day for tbe primary elaetlon.
That Is, Tuesday week.
Tbe time Is growing near, and the
six candidates are hustling. The
people are Interested In the race,
and are watching it closely.
Lames needing a tonic, or children who
want building up, should lake Brown’s Iron
Bitten. It if plaattnt to *»k«. «“*•
rin. Indication, Billonsaas end Liver
Complaint^makes tbe blood rich and pure.
I have removed my Pharmacy to
Lee street—Slappey .corner, netr
irtesian well—whero I offer every-
htngln Drugsand Medicines. Will
oe pleased to have you call.
W. A. Cook. *
s and whiskey HaMte
■ curad n homo kb-
I ttcuisrs sent I'SKZ
5mm wimi.t.Bv.s.n uihcetotM Whitehall tto
Thursday night those who hap
pened to be on Jackson street tlown
towards the 8. A. M. depot about
10 o’clock were startled by hearing
a shrill scream. Several pedes
trians stopped and ran towards tbe
plaoe from which the scream
seemed to come.
As they ran, a negro man rushed
out and made away*at his best
On one side of the road they
found a young negro woman crying
aud trembling as if badly fright,
ened. She was asked wbat was tbe
matter, aud told her story as fol
lows: ,
"I catuo la on the 8. A. M. road
to-night, and after staying at tbe
depot a while, started up town to
find a boarding house, or some
place whero I could stay. 1 don’t
know anybody here and am
going to leave in the morning. Just
as I got here, I beard seme one
walking behind me and turned to
look back. As I did so, a big, black
negro grabbed me and dragged me
to ono side. I told him I would
hollow, and be put bis band over
my mouth and said he’d kill me If
I did. I struggled aud strugg'ed
till I got aloose and then sereamed.
He just drew baek to bit me when
I heard you all coming.”
That’s tbe substance of tbe wo
man’s story, the language changed
of course. She seemed badly
frightened, and if her story Is not
true, was wrought up over some
thing. Those who gathered around
ner dispersed after awhile, and an
old negro took the woman to his
It Is that Imparity la tbe blood, which, *o-
simulating la tbs glands of the neck, pro*,
daces unilghUy lamps or swellings; which
carnet painful running sores on tbs arms,
legs, or feet; which develop*. ulcers la tbs
•yes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can
cerous growths, or thsmsny other manifest*.
tlons usually ascribed to “humors;” which,
fastening upon tbe longs, causes consumption
and death. Being tbs most ancient, it la the
most general of all diseases or sffeeUons, for
very few persons are entirely free from U.
How Can
It Be
’ By tak'cc Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which, by
the remarkable enres It bus accomplished,
often when other medicines bars failed, has
proven Itettt to h# a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of them
eureesr* rosily wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
“ My daughter Mary was afflicted with acrof-
oloossorsieek from Urn ttms she wasrimonths
old tin she became six years of age. Lumps
formed to ber neck, and one of them after
growing to tbe tlse of aplgeon’s egg, became
n running sore for over three yesrs. wsgsvs
her Hood’s (tf-v«r»HWe. when the tump and
■U Indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now the aeons to he a healthy
ehild.” J.8.CAauu,Hauright,K,J.
H.B. B vs to gel only
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
•eMhraldntWts. SHetxfwM. »re»sre4etoy
Sr ax. HOOD SCO., AfeeSseeilss.Lewell, Mass.
IOO Dose* One Dollar -
Holiday - Presents
Popular M
# Merdasliery
Consists of
Stylish Silk HaU,
Fins Dress Shirts,
Patent Leather Shoes,
Lovely Neckwear,
bilk and Linen Handkerchiefs,
Silk Umbrellas,
Walking Canee,
Collar and Caff Boxes,
Gent’s Toilet Cases,
Gents Toilet Slippers,
Blaok Silk Half-How,
Traveling Bags,
Sleeve Buttons,
Scarf Pins,
Eto, Etc.
All at Bolton Prices.
ff. D. BAILEY,
Dunlap Hats
Nellie Bly Caps.
Is Your Property Insured?
I represent Unt-olei* companies and will be pleased to pla jt policies for yom.
Bank of Sumter Building.
An excellant Truck and Dairy Farm, one-half mile from efty.
Apply to
M. Callaway,.- Real Estate Agent
The. People's. National. Bank.
S, Montgomery, President. J. O. Roney, Vice President.
John Windsor, Casbler. E. A. Hawkins, Attorney.
H. C. Mitchell, Book-keeper.
CAPITAL, $50,000.
W. W. Wheeler <fe Co.
are now in their new quarter*.
They have also secured the services of
A First-class Shoemaker,
Repairing a Specialty. Prices reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed
The Great Writers of the Day,
To oonvinoe everybody, before subscribing, of the nigh quality
Interest of onr BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED Journal iu its
form, we will send to any address
3 Weelis fox*
lO Cents.
Send ten cents for a trial subscription, and we will send yon thro*
numbers, Including onr Christmas Number, with an artistio oovsr; alto,
onr Calendar Announcement for 1891. with a painting—"The Minuet”—
by J. G. L. Ferris. These three number* contain tbe following reading
(1) Mrs. Amelia E. Isn't new serial, "The Bead* of Tantner.” Mr*. Barr >•
the author of that most euooetsful serial, "Olivia,” Just completed
la The Century; but hereafter Mrs. Barr will write exclusively for
The New York Ledger.
(t) Hte. fitergs Bueroffs description of "The Battle of Lake Erie,” beauti
fully Illustrated.
(I) Strgsrtt Delia#* latest etory, “To what end t”
(4) Jsm«i Ruttell Leweir* poem, "My Book,” written expressly for Tha
Lodger, beautifully Illustrated by Wilson de Mesa, and Issued as to
(5) Sro. Dr. Jails Htmti Inlth starts a series of artloles giving very vain*-
ble information to yonng mothers.
(6) Hebert 0net's entertaining society novel "Mrs. Harold Stagg.”
(1) Hsrrtrt Protest! Met, Szrlee HtrUnd, Ssrqslte Ltu% Surf's Thompies aud
‘ ‘ ■ firioegc • v
Oeergs Frederic Pzroom contribute short stories.
(D) Jimeti Paries, S. W. HizsWss ud Oliver 0y»r (author of "Great Senator*”)
contribute irtiolM of tntereit.
In addition to the above, SPARKLING EDITORIALS, Illustrated
Poems, Hun Marshal North’s ohstty column, and a variety or de
lightful reading of interest to all members of the household.
The foregoTng is a sample of the matter whlob goes to make up tk*
most perfeot National Family Journal evsr offered to tte America*
*** idendTen Cent* for these three numbers and judge for yonrielf, or
■end only Two Dollars for a year’s subscription to
Robert Bonner's Sons, Publishers, 52 William Street, it. Y.
cmomirtnemum. ntv c
Hassons of tbs bed furnlened sad best
equipped doctor's oSsee la the South
Vo. 95 Jaebon Stnei, AaoienA 6s.
relltocsll'end^wmelr jnsesrontny
examined and tested and gMMSM HUM
its. Build
tort, and otheu Admitted to 1
the greatest improvement fs
made tu tackle Blocks Ptelffk
prepaid. Write for catalogue.
Fulton Iron A Engine Worn,
IUIH ■»..
__ _ Established 1832. 10 Bkueh
Detroit, Mich.
suitable to tbe eye,
DB. A. B. HINKTiN hss recently taken
—■ ir»o of special in-
ork Poet Graduate
8:*0 A M to 1:30 P M end 2:30 P M to 5:00 P
M and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and 8atu~ *
Knights of honor
In Americas Is over ten veer#
iiuurcd for WgMtw. Assessment* llfhf
Beifeet and cbeapeet life Insurance. ¥o
nformatiou apply to.
m»y iT-
r many years used End pr<
*1 by Fhv s, Lu. °nly?«
ntly introduced generally. :|C
The beet Porous Hatter i
lnl'£* other plasters, to be i
■ (•::