Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 24, 1890, Image 1

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AMEBJCUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24,1890. ESTABLISHED 1879. IT HAS ORGANIZED. THE APPOINTMENTS. CLOTURE INTRODUCED. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE AP. POINTMENTS. THE COMMISSION GIVE THIRTY DAYS TO EACH SIDE. ALDRICH INTRODUCES THE MUCH LY EXPECTED GAG RULE. For Men, Women and Children. A Handsome Black Silk Dress for $16.00 A Handsome Colored silk dress for $16.00 A Handsome Evening silk dress for $16.00 / A nice Black silk warp Henrietta for $8.00 A nice Black all wool Henrietta from 4.00 to 10.00 A nice Black all wool Cashmere from 8 60 to 7.60 A nice Whipcord for 7.60 A nice Biarritz for 7.60 A nice Serge tor 6.30 A nice Cashmere Stripe for 5.25 A nice Striped Henrietta and Oros Grain tor 7.88 A choice colored wool Henrietta from 3.75 to 7.00 A choice colored wool Ladles Broad Cloth for 4.98 A Fancy Stripe cloth for 6 95 Real good half wool Henrietta cloth for 1.75 Real fine engllsh Farametta cloth for 8.98 Real handsome novelty salts. A stylish doth or plash jaeket A Jaunty new style snoulder cape 7 LINEN GOODS. You can yet here choice table damasks from 50c to 1.25 per yard. Linen table sets (cloth and napkins to match) 4.00 Linen table sets (doth and napkins to match) 4.60 Linen table sets (doth and napkins to matoh) 5.00 . Linen table sets (doth and napkins to match) 6.00 Hemstitched linen table sets (cloth and napkins to match) 7.50 Hemstitched linen table sets (doth and napkins to matoh) 9.00 Hemsticohed linen table sets (cloth and napkins to matoh) 10.00 Hemstitched linen table sets (cloth and napkins to matoh) 12.50 Hemstitched linen table sets (cloth and napkins to matoh) 18.60 One dozen nice napkins. One dozen nloe towels. A nloe counterpane. A linen table scarf, tidy, dresser scarf, various and sundry useful articles to be found In this department and at prices very reasonable. In small articles you find to make nice presents: U dozen or 1 dozen ladles or gents plain handkerchiefs Bordered handkerchief. Hemstitched handkerchiefs. Embroidered handkerchiefs. Initial handkerchiefs. White or black silk handkerchiefs. The largest and handsomest assortment of handkerchiefs ever offer* ed In Amenovs. Then you find a pair of Centemerl kid gloves, for either ladles or gentlemen. Vsrlous other brands of kid gloves. Nice Silk umbrella, either ladles or gents. Ladies gossamer Gents or boys rubber ooats. Nice wool shawl or embroidered scarf. Nloe pair white or colored blankets. In notions and small warves we have a great many particularly use* ful and descriptive articles First, we have the largest and most com plete line of pocket-books, shopping bags, card oases, purses, leather goods generally than was ever carried by any bouse In this sec tion. Buying direct from the factories and In such quantities as ena bles us to give you lower prices than you have ever known these goods offered. This line of goods make nice and inexpensive presents and are always appreciated.' For men and boys you can get % dozen prs. sox. Pr nice suspenders.. Pr wool, kid or aog akin gloves. Four-in- hand tie or scarf. Pleated,plain, or fanoy bosom shirts. Nightshirts. Leather collar and cuff Boxes. Traveling comb and brush cases. CURTAINS REDUCED. If yon want something nice for your house, buy a set of lace or silk curtains, or a pair of Chenille Portlerres. We *111 give a special out on - * — *— * ' great many an opportn- * hi, be WHEATLEY & HUM The Leaders . of the Fine Dress Goods and Dry Goods Trade. New - Quarters, To Hake Claims and Counter Claims— Hammond Hade Preaidant—A Short And Formal Sesalon Held Yesterday. Special to Bbcorosb. Atlanta, Dec. 23.—'The W. A A. commission held a long confer ence session to-day, and organized by electing Hon. N. J. Hammond president. • All were present except G. Gun- by Jordan, of Columbus. He was here yesterday, and consented to serve on the commission. The oath was adminiatered to the other seven by Chief Justice Bleckley. Gunby Jordan came in later, so that all members of the commit' slon were present. Cooper Nesbitt, of Dade county, made sergeant-at arms, and a stenographer was ap pointed. There were present, beside com mission, Gov. Joe Brown, MaJ. E. Stahlman, Maj.J. B. Cummings, Jnllus Brown, and President J. W Thomas, of the new lease, and Clifford Anderson, for the State. The lessees are given to February, to submiss their olalms In writing. Then counter claims of the State will be submitted by Jndge An derson. The Commission meets again Feb'y 28, two months from to-day. Attorney-General Lester is some better, and may pnll through for the present. He will never be able again to attend to the duties of his office.- A WORKING LEGISLATURE. A’llilitffcbk Amount of Work Done- Hot a Set Speech Made Dunne The Session. Stoves, Stoves, T'he oheapest and most varied assortment of cooking Stoves, Ranges and Office Heaters, FIXTURES. IN THE ITY. ST RECEIVE!?, A LARGE LOT OF and Grates! Call early and knspectjour'goods.; ' tare ordered and will mwm «iMt,'bein.7 • Plumbing and Repair Work Our Specialty CAiLAlTOI IT7S* Special to Bnooasaa. Atlanta, Deo. (23.—This has been, pre-eminently, a "working legislature.” It Is further a notable fact that not a single "set speeoh” has been made this sesalon. in either the Home or the Senate. The lawyers and the yonng and old men elo quent have been relegated to the rear. Quiet, honest, hard work has been the order of the day. The flgnres are really surprising. Three hundred and twenty-three (823) bills and resolutions were sed, and have been signed by the Governor, or are now on hts desk awaiting that official act. The only legislature that ever ac complished anything like this amount of work waa the last one. They passed 166 bills and 16 resolu tions at the winter session, or only a little more than half the num ber passed this yesr. REGRET HIS GOING. Tbs People of Atnerlous Lot# Dr. J. P. MoFerrln. arris & Payne, Dr. J. P. MoFerrln goes to Mul berry street chnrch, In Macon. Bo the conference Just adjournod decided Dr. J. B. Johnstone ie appointed to the first ehnrch here. Yesterday, expressions of regret were heard on all sides of the re moval of Dr. MoFerrln, who has so ably filled tbe position here. He has endeared himself to all the people, and by his masterly ser- has proven himself a man of ability. His loss wUl be deeply felt, and the people already feel It. He will leave for Maoon in a few days and will probably preach there tiunday next. Dr. J. B. Johnstone, who will now take the first chnrch here, comes from BarnesvUle, going to that place from Dalton. He la a young man, not over thirty, but has made great reputation aa a preacher and pastor. Those who have heard him are loud In their praise, aad he oomee with the highest ofreoom mendatlons. No minister of his age Is better thought of, both aa re gards his ability and Christianity, and white eorrowful at toeing one who has made himself dear to hts flock, we are to be congratulated In getting such a man as hla sueceseor. t.In another eolnmn wUl be found the entire HstJ of appointments. Rev. R. F. Williamson U appointed for another term at the Seoond ehnrch here, which give* gnat 01 pleasure to all who know him. Rev. Utnv Chants* Usds—Dr. J. P. MoPsr- rin Bent to th» It til be nr Street Ohuroh —The Distriote Aesifnments Given in Detail. ■The following are the appoint ments for the South Georgia Meth odist Conference for the ensning year, a*, annonneed by presiding Bishop Haygood Monday night. SAVANNAH DISTBIOT. W C Lovett, presiding elder. Savannah—Trinity, A J Jarrell; Wesley Monumental, C E Dow- man; C H Carson, Supernumerary; City Mission, JH Mather; New Houston Mission, G S Johnson. Guyton, J E Wray. Eden olroult, J W Connors. Springfield eircult, W D Mo- gregor. Burke olroult, J W Arnold. Sylvanla olroult, W J Flanders. Bethel circuit, C T Clark. v Waynesboro olroult, Bascom An thony. Millen circuit, J 8 "Jordon. Wadley and Boston, C H Branch. Scarboro olroult, J C Flanders. Jefferson olroult, F W Fla iders. Louisville and Daviaboro, U C Thompson, Statesboro, A E Caioway. Bullock mission, ET Tucker.• Hinton circuit, T A Strong. MACON DISTBIOT. J O A Clark, presiding elder. Msoon—Mulberry Street, J P MoFerrln; First Street, T M Chris- tlan; Vlnsvllle, MoK F McCook; East Macon, H A Hodges; Csnten- □ary, \y E Vangban; Grace Mis sion and Sandy Ron, E J Bnrch and J W Burke; South Macon Mission, Wesley Lane. Bibb circuit, T E Davenport. Payne mission, : M F Bed, Byron olroult, JM Foster and J B Culpeppei, supernumerary. HawkintvIUe, J W Simmons. Fort Valley, J A Thompson. MatsballvUle and Montesnma D F Riley. Perry circuit, N D Morehouse. Knoxville circuit, * T’ ft Mc- . ! il - * Telephone No. 1»3 §5, H. McGhee remains presiding g-a* . 'mmm «■■■■■■■■■ Michael. Snow circuit, TI Nease. Vienna eirenlt, T WDarley. Commissioner of education, W M Hayes. President Wesleyan Female Col lege, W CBais. DIstriot superintendent Ameri can Bible Soolety, H P Myers. . Superintendent Orphans’ Home, L B Payne. Agent Orphans’ Home, F A Branch. Assistant editor Wesleyan Chris tian Advocate, T T Christian. Conference colporteur, J W Burke. COLDMBDB DISTBIOT. J B McGehee, presiding alder. Columbus—St. Luke, A M Wll llams, St. Paul and Pearl Chapel Mission, J W Domingos; Broad Street, C W Snow, Bose H1U, J G Harrison; East .Highlands and Midway, H W Key. Catania olrenlt, IF Griffith. Hamilton drenlt, W E Mum- ford. Talbotton olroult, K Read. TatWt olroult, W O Wade. Central olroult, J B Grlner. Geneva olrenlt, J T Mims. Butler and Reynolds olrJuit, M B Ferrell. . „ Howard olrenlt, J M Boland. Crowdl olrenlt, W W Tidwell. Buena Vleia circuit, JM Austin. Macon olrenlt, R M Allison. Cnsseta olrenlt, G T Roberts. Book editor, W P Harrison. AKKRIOUB DISTBIOT. E HMcGehee, presiding elder. Amerlout—First- ehnmb, J B Johnston; Second chnrch, R F Williamson. Snmter, W T Clark. . 'LaCrossc, A H Oglethorpe. EllavlUe, O A Thrower. Oglethorpe, H M Morri ,m. Magnoda, H Stubbs. Boaster wttetoB^S S KsWp. Weston, D B McWilliams. Dawson and Georgetown, E M Whiting. . i:-- • ■ -a: Bronwood, S W Stubbs, Terrell, L R Allison. SbeUman, J O Langston. Cntbbert, H R Felder. Springvalc, WF Hixson. Fort Gaines, B S Sentdl. Lumpkin and Richland, H O Brswton. «■.- >■' •••M Florence, JT Lowe. Andrew Female CoUsge, P B Twltty, Thomasvllle, A M Wynn. Albany, W J Robertson. Attapnlgns, M A Phillips. Balnbrldge, T B Reams. Boston olrenlt, W W Stewart. Blakely olrenlt, R F Evans. Cairo dreult, N H Olmetead, Camilla dreult, H T Etheridge. Colqnit mission, to be supplied by B. P. Fain. Decatur Mission, R B Rota. Leary olrenlt, D D Bateman. Mara Hill mission, to be tnpplled by J S C Glenn. Pelham dreult, J W Tlnley. Pierce olroult, W C Jones. Meigs’ mission, W C Brewton. Suoiuer olrenlt, G B Chester. KASTMAN DISTRICT. J D Anthony, presiding elder. Eastman, G C Clrrkc. Cochran, C D Adams. Dempsey, E D Phillips. McRae, H O Fentress. . Rhine, G W M Lake. Jacksonville, J S Funderburk. Towns, C C Hines/ Lumber City, W A Hnokabee. Mt. Vernon, J H Lewis. Graham, E L Ptdrlek. Baxley, G B Allison. 8Urllng, D F Milee. ReldsvUle, >. A Sanders. Eason, A A Gordon. Altamaha, W M O Conley. Odom, W T Rae. Spring Hill High School, T W Ellis. VALDOSTA CIRCUIT. J O Branch, presiding elder. Valdosta, B F Breedlove. Adel elronlt, J Sblrah. Greenfield mission, to be sup plied by J H Taylor. Branch drenlt, to be supplied by J M Hendley. Alapah* circuit, P H Crnmpler. Sycamore elronlt, G P Revler. Lowndes, J W Foy. ■ f* Ashburn and Warwlok mission, R M Booth, and to be supplied by JJ William*. ' WlUaooochee and mission, C T Blokley, and to be snppllsd byJA Adams. Roberts elronlt, to be supplied by G A Kelley. Abbeville dreult, to be tnpplled by O A Myers. , Seville elronlt, C R McCoro. Crisp, 8 W Brown. Quitman, J M Lovett. Brooks elronlt, J T Ainsworth. Douglass elronlt, W F Carter. Irwlnvllle Mladon, J A Wethers. BRUNSWICK DISTRICT. G G IT MoDondl,. presiding al der. Brunswick, First oborcb, J O A Cook. Bronswlok, Second chnrch, E F Cook. Wayorots, G W Mathews. Blaekshear, G P Parker. Slokly, D Morrison. Jsstnp and Johnson, J R Wwen. HinssvlUs, F L stokee. Taylor’s Creak, G B Culpepper. Davien, J T Ryder. Joneavllle, A J Bell. St. Mary’s, T B Kemp. Bryan, W T MoMlobael. Hortense, G P Purnell. Camden, J P Dickinson. South Camden, J O Parker. HomervlUe, A H Baxemore. Statersvlllt, WO Glenn and JG Groom*. Wareaboro, W J Stallings. Duker, W C Austin. Trader’s Hill, W J Meadows. 8*ANDER8V1LLB DISTRICT. J P Wardlaw, presiding elder. Sander*vllle, J W Wesson. Wartben drenlt, E F Morgan. Gibson mission, J C Grlner. Washington drenlt, IF Carey. Now Hop* eirenlt, O E Boland. ^Wrl|htavllle and Mission Ridge, Rhine circuit, to bo supplied CorLath, G T Flanders. Lovett, to be supplied. It dost Over, and » Bis right Is Looked For To-D.p—Sherman's FinsnoUI BUI XU, SUver Ken Indignant. Special to Ricobdex- Washington, Dee. 28.—Affairs In the' Senate are approaching a eritls, and tbe fight between free coinage and the force bill cannot be delayed much longer. Aldrlob presented the doture rule to-day on hla Individual re-, sponslblllty, and It waa laid over until to-morrow by consent. If Aldrich attempt* to call the role up to-morrow and pass It there is going to be trouble. All the repub lican silver, men are in an Inde pendent frame of mind and the indications are they will forma oomblne with the democrat* when tbe crisis cornea. The House met to-day aa usual and after the journal was read ad journed to next Friday. Sherman In the Senate to-day re ported the much talked of finance bill, prepared by tbe committee on finanoe. It provides for an Issue of $200,000,000, two per cent bonds In . lieu of the fourth suction of canons finanoe bUl, whleh last provided for the purchase of the silver to replaoo bond notes. It was referred. Stewart, of Nebraska, and other silver men, are greatly indignant over the snbetltnte measure. The President to-day nominated Henry B. Brown, Jndge of tbe Eastern elronlt oourt of Mlohlgan, to he associate justice of the Su preme couurt, Vice C. MlUcr, de- Wm. T. Moore has been made postmaster at Altoona., Senator Colquitt 1* quite ill and oonflned to hi* room. Capt. Harry Jackson and ex- Governor ' Bullock, of Atlanta, Judge Twiggs, of" Augusta, and Gtn. Prince Young are here. GOOD NEWS. Tbe Street Oars WUl be, Pot on To- Xorro<r. SSi&SOTU Summerton mission, B F Bales. Hwsinesboro, IC G Rabun. Irwinton. J A Harmon. Gordon circuit, J.Cair. ■ Brewton eirenlt, J D Maudlin. Jeffersonville elronlt, O E Craw- to be i Nannie Lon WartSen'instltat#, M A Morgan, Principal. Tbe street ears were taken off last nek. r % f\. And for a week tbe people have been oompeUed to do without them. It has been bard on those whose home# an at tome distance from the basin tea portion of the city, and all have suffered more or lew lnoonvenlenoe. But now this edict has been re voked, and to-morrow the people can ride. The ears will be put on bright and early In the morning, and tbe Christmas crowd of folks’ will have the benefit of them. And above all other tlmee now la when the ear* are most needed, and when their lots would be greatest. Bigger crowd* on tbe street, and more who want to ride. Everybody is glad that they will b* pot book on, and hope they will keep running. It Is probable, how- ’ever, that they wtU be taken off for a week or two after the hoUdaya. The Orsdy HmpitsL Special to Bscobdbb. Atlanta, Dec. 23.—Just one year ago Henry Grady died, and tbe first anniversary of hts death waa commemorated to-day by tbe laying of the eorner stone of the Grady Hospital. A large crowd was In attendance,'.and the cere mony was a very Impressive one. The Davenport Drag Company have mado a large purchase of W. W. 0., Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure, the greatest Blood Purifier and family medicine now on the market, for the purpose of supply ing the tmde throughout this sec tion. Send them your orders, and save freights from distant points, ■MBTH ' lO'iV ci. H ighe st of all in Leavening Po we r. —U. & Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1 HSP^ Powder ABSoumran THOMASVILLB DISTRICT. Th« OUb rated Royal Baking Powdsr !«*» 4 lU Aflm