Americus daily recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 31, 1890, Image 2

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rear-:/ ush, oysters, live ami dressed poultry, egss, tame, from and vegetables i.. tali' > *' - - ’ noil aim to handle the. heat Ui(»t,can be bought nt homo or ordered from the out aide markets. In trading with 'me you rao feel assured that you will get THE D IT. E1TIHI Orders left nt {tore, telephouu or fuel.' will receive my personal nnit prompt ftttrn- il am Agent for the Ideas of a new chief was stopped upon his aasnming oantrolcf aCairm and awai U ed {he coming “ofTmother”BHBT A Mir sample of this is the Courbet! fttftfiy called the Foudroyant This vessel,' Tffir^own Bnwy^arsBpaa^ 1888,'4 Zl tel add' U W Beer. JLTolt b«er la too well kuown hero aa* need* no recommendation from me. catormortiy for tho family trade, and wU tnako them apcolal prices on one or more S. M. TELEPHONE NO. 98. COME TO *■’<» ' 111 ! 1 I 1 SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS AOl l ttllf' , -Jf'li.l " ■’ *fi> rtT . - a*i ' ,f ,i* >*► ll/iJai —1-ATtTHE—n TER „ OEN,T^;RTORE :h Holiday floods of all kinds. f ""rttish,' Goods, Dolls, Vases,' Toys, Work Boxen, Albums, a handsome lot of Toilet'Cases, etc. If you want to make a liaiiilsoroe resent Ely y,,lfr"irkfc<V, the TEN !.;a furItn« ten Cents stork u t^e place to select It, — J.Z SOLOMON, fv>Tt-iti) oi i-,«*| nii'f ii is «7i (POTTOS A'*SN L'E, ,#1 ouse ml tin BOARDERS WANTED. I •IhaveopMWitrtimr Unit-flaaa boarding •*tDrj! Hall’s .resident*, oppnatte .J'WtatVs J*iT»<»N , w«» -Lw a«»«t aowd with °r wiU)<;>U,i<A^M, at cheap ftatlsfucfloh gttaraiueed. Call early snHg un!* m*«w *-iHI JkftiU’.iHWtN* tiir.fl ;p E -■% a un MPQCKJ HOUS ELLAVILLE GEORGIA KEW t Hb'JCE,; NEW: FURNITURE 5| ii**! dug rooms for •even or eight years ago. The Magenta U the only one of: too three that has oven yet been launched^;11<{ The present ^French building pro gramme calls for ten first class battle ships. If (fipy are Completed by 1900 Franco will have broken all her previous records. Three were to bo laid down daring 1800. A sadden change in the naval administration may postpone their completion indefinitely. " The latest additions to the French navy are the Mareeau and the Neptune, the Magenta, just launched, and the Hoche, which has boon completed about a year. The latte: vessel differ* from tho other three It eoveijgl essential points, but the changes were introduced, in building. They were laid down from the same designs. A good idee of the Magenta, Mareeau, Neptune doss may be obtained from the following, list of tbeilfeatnres; * *.41*1 v / f •>. * t Thoir length is 830 foot, >ctun Col, feet draught 88 feet, displacement IQJfiBO tons. Tito annor consists of u complete water lino bolt of 17j inches maximum thickness, and fonr barbette ^nn towers of 18J inches. Tho battery is 4 18.4 ihch breech loading rified gaits and *17 5.C inch rapid fire (puts. Their l estimated speed is 171 knots and coal capacity SOP tons. These three ships were all laid ad down in 1880, ana us none is yet actually complete, they are additional examples of the slow ship constraction in the French navy.—New York Heritld. HBBWBBf—I der bid fatailpg to.'to»Jaf frya." Jack, a hnge bulldog, with a bound left his master, and sotm the "cat and dog Were fat a deadly eoflfiiet. r) TB^efafW cat was a monster, with claws fnllliilf an inch in length and as sharp aittfeedles, and when Snyder floored the combatants the snow was crimson With blood. The cat hall a'decided advantek>ovct the dog When Snyder com* to the rescue, but he dared not shoot for fear of killing the faithful animal.,!; ■ He raised his gun and btpnght it down with full force upon the wild cat’s skull. Tho animal reeled and seemed staggered, bnt it was for a moment only. With glaring eyes ft sprang upon Snyder’s shonlders and sent its teeth deep into the flesh. Jack was np in time and grappled with, the brute, ami then came a rough and tumble fight u> which all three engaged- Snyder rained blow after blow upon the .cat’s head .with his gun., barrel ‘until ‘the ferocious beast' lay quiv- \ A*7 r .i () Both Bflyder ona'ftfs dog had paid ‘ dearly for their victory^ The former had a deep wound in his shoulder while the latter’s fleshwos lacerated and torn, and Uto blood ebbed from a tjosen gaping wounds. ' Tho animal weighed thirty- fonr pounds and is the largest of its species ever killed in the Catskills.— King - STOVES ’AND 1 of’Paffitb, : NUd Builders’ Material Agents for the CelebraW ^aAvEST HTfiVEfl and 0HATKH. . JAiiflj^Jor 0ie,Celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Bugsfieisi# SCI ,7 vkAGON AND BUGGY MATERIALS* SADDLERY ANDIHARNESS* CROGKERYfAND GLASSWARE,: AND A S|PEOIAL LINE OF CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE, ETC* We specially invite the trading publifl to call and examine our goods and prices. We beep the best, as well as - tho cheapest goods inj this market, and will give our customers the value of their money. Tullis’ Old Stand, 433 and ^^.Cptton Ave. - AMERICUS. G-A , inqvfsAwiy , ,, SingstOn Argus. Patty Shoplifters. Shopping seems to be as brisk this year as it was last The large shops np town have been crowded almost every day in the past week, and tl)e extent of the bnying does not suggest any unhsual scarcity of money. Most of the great emporiums find it necessary in the holi day season 'to doable and* sometimes treble their detective forces. * * f f It ie am ateur shoplifting that causes pa the most i^ble.j’ n^airj^^LJ^iV! totectiw third street “We know nearly *11 'dt the professidtiala and ean spot them 1 at the door, hot there are a large number ofwaneaWboeoawlAbtM wtthuolthe slightest intention cf steelihg, bnt who yield to the temptottoo to pick up. little tW»*» that happen to please their fanny. •They set tote cT pretty articles scat tered about lpoaely and apparently un- watebed, and ahflost unccflsdtmAy they commit petty thefts. Such ’ woaun, 1 presume, do 1 not realise that they are stealing, and there ore instances corn ■tan tlyoecorring where their consciences compel them to return the pilfered arti cle, anonymously. Arrests, did yon ■ay? Np; we seldom cause an arrest to be made. It ii the policy of onr firm to avoid scenes and scandals. When We detect any person ftl the abt of stealing, a quiet word ts gbneraUy *n that la necessary to secure the return of the stolen article, and on ’amateur shop lifter’ ie not likely to repeat, the offense Otter having once been found out”— New York ' f ha AUSaaata of Royalty. Of late there harp been some rumors concerning the health of the Frtoof qf Wojee'eldest eon, end every one know* how. strongly insanity pre vails iu tho house of Brunswick. The other day the czar's - ancle Went' raving mail nt fho autumn maneavers, anil tho Or. tr hiiuaelf is suffering from some mys terious nervoos ooraphtinh From Ger many ogiiu we hear of a return of the chronic iduess which afflicts the young cmperoi and tbreatona to bring him early tothe giiive. The practical separation of the citmeror anil empress of Austria U‘b proof o{ fhef finhealtbin* f 3 Of the Hapshtirga From Voder the MUtletoe, Christmas romping lias neTer goncofit of vogue, and os it is, after all, an in nocent romp, who would want it to? No son thorn girl wonld do like the elderly English maiden who wore a wreath of mistletoe on her head, thns inviting a oontinned series of kissing,, bnt each one is considerate enongh to never get under the mistletoe unless her very own sweetheart is near her. The mistletoe is removed after Christmas nig^t, for it represents a frolic only kept np while everybody is present The great delight of the establishment Is always to get grandpapa or grand mamma under the mistletoe bough, and tksn to let a prnneiinai be farmed, tocb member of which imprints a kiss an the diprffteet Those kiasss ire good, ■ meet, pore' once, and there {a, no girl who should be advised against being in the im wbeto the mistletoe is. It'is true ’ft* a minirtwto be under the waxy iag berries; it is true that yon may in cite your mother to kiss Tom as be stands than inviting tribate from fon. bat this toaU'hoaa^t pipy to toU^U,■.»*«• bnt Get the dear mother to take her place then, and see how the boyS, young and old, will strive to kiss the Up, that say the kindly words, or to make a rosy bloah come on her face os the tender tribute is placed on her forehead by eomo friend of her, girlhood, somebody who reverences tho beautiful lips she has had. As long as the mistletoe repre sents sweet, pure fan, bang it up, and do not let the waxen berries bo for gotten.—Roth Ashmore in Ladies’ Home Journal. - A Slx-ycmr-old Harpist. Frank Harris Pool, son of John a Pool, clothing merchant ef this city, is 8 years old, beantifnl and bright und the pet of Paris. Strange to say, he is a fine harpist He plays nil the popular tnnes on a harp, bringing out the notes fall and strong and keeping perfect time. He can play any tnne bo hears whistled, played on the piano or otherwise. His rendition of “Home, Sweet Home,” “Cricket on the Hearth," “Patrol Com- ique" and A score of other pieces has rendered him noted here.—Paris (Mo.) Cor. fJt Louis Republic. | . A Cano of Many 1‘arts. Lawyer A. B. Bragg, qf this city, has nr .. . . ... j been presented with a valuable Cane, mtu which was made by one of the inmates AlAmoo of,Spain died; tndthat Us little Massaehnsetts 'state prison,'who son is very delicate, and was a short I hu r ^ >lnri Ur . Braggto represent his interests in a petition tor pardon. The time ago so desperately ill that every one deepaired of saving his life. The present sultan reigns only rightfdl beir to the TnrldsU a madhouse. Alono'among'the import- ! Iv, 1 finest' ■at European monarrhs King Humbert of JUly can boast at sound .health. L Oa * lnotfnted the. ether band, his positional tho throne Gazette. I .>ii Tho haniiio of tho cone th ‘Gertnttnxilver.—Wor- Jilt. ,1*1!! j Clta'or .* ‘ eWab.„:r**inWBiU ■^Hcn^y Firgnioa, bLLi Grange. Ga.f colored.’tllod' tho 'father day from <hb cffocte nihitei oai th* handithrob mudhs: «goi by; Joe Straxier. Blood negroes tviMMbrteljiytMUg te fid wi hU burildan'aecetont 1 ef 1 theiri i tious ffora* .in regard to a death of charaqicr,HUr^ Atlanta ConstitUltoU. i .A,*vH»**U few,Loss.. Fred Backlii?, toq, capt»red a Igrge en fixiHf species Wter taken in kratenr along -Ihtstieextbt* within 1,800tnilmftoUr'hJm.i * Where he»ckiie from, np-how ha came to SL George, is n wystsry. ...Bods nn caormona fellow, over six feet JqpK*. Ho woa alive when fopnd. and we* M to preyent him ,-r-Bbngor Cota- . Uloasa *Aqt|sss, MUpflto A CoiigrrMnum Stud^Iag Law. The Hon. William T. Crawford, < ’* greagflimnelfict. from the Nlritl " of North Carolina, has entered the itomtotehtjareeree |tote. J»f to. i from Au- ,,u., huvuA' Tobiqpe. __ nave’fWentV-bAo prongs arid moos- "urein S*ie* widerf spread 4 feet 8 indites, r heirs nmclitorgeathan-thlMBof * the fa- 4H|rteus4GB,bwtakew-to Fraiiklinvconqty I two or three years sgu,.and mounted by l ft. J*. C.o.lqr, who will mennt these;— Langto Whigi ut- .K , ( .j / • •ill ^ulnrtuT”vdi u>»; - ** ' ' .tare; be cir PP. ilrttosW'i v t-eii j ■-P.'fcHOLT, ■ /•»!» ■ «*,, ■■ ■. ■ ivfiALER IN— ■ ■ BUGGIES,”. WAGONS. AND HARNESS Wlll'^uplicato Atlan- * and MEicon Prices in Cement. «7 LAMAR S'rtlEET, PriceH given in the HtHte# ■ HandleH the Sti h:»keT Wugon aXIEBICUS, GEORGIA, ' v » : WHOLESALE A/»l> RETAIL DEALER iV m PIBST-CLAB^ BRICK. R. T BYRD, REPRESENTS THE SAFEST *40 STRONGEST COMPANIES IN THE W0RLC. Insurance Placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jackeon Street, two d-mrs north of Telegraph Office, i ... mchtatovir jui ' toUsataa luJ ss rets Savannah, Americus& Montgomery Railway Time Card In ffect October 11, 1890 -mead povy.- Western Division. rsr STATIONS. Leave.....Lou val ....... jLrriv* ..eLampkin.... Richtond Prentoc Plain* Arrive Amcricnn I*eave| Eastern Divis 7 85 M S 2u 4 :12 Jt5 y jio p i 9 H 8 ra HMf 8 52 18 07 10 13 10 28 .. ....**## 10 45 h ’0 50 1110 1117 It 28 11 43 U 57 12 07 12 JO 12 2H 12 50 % ‘i ii 1 38 l 4r; t t 2 01 2 13 2 30 3 00 1315 pro % ... Desoto,. ....Cobb’s,. ..^Johnson,. ..Co ouejv,..., ,.,.*4 Cornete,.... Pun la, Williford,.... ■f’ i* i ■ J* A. HIXONs i | TTOBNEY AT LAW, Amerloua, Qa^ net In BrrIvk building, opposite^ Projn^i ^it^entloD^given^to DuPo2*TGUKBl.r. Macon, Cia, AW YEHH„Amerlcos; (Ms OOicoTn Peo- 4 pie's National Hank JiuUdlng, Lamar street. Willpraotlce In 8nmtdr •Superior and County Court*, nnd in tho Supreme Court. . Our Junior will regularly attend the sessions of the Superior Court. The Arm will tatce spfccial cases irt any Superior Courton Eoutnwestern KsUroao. HUDSON & BLALOCK, Lawyers,. Ameijtquf. >; Qa. *nd Lamat Artesian lee&Myr T..L. HOLTON, , awmr. A ^?vi,gp«vkSe'? tice In all the counties of the State. Prompt PHYSICIAN AND UBGSONS. d. M. R. WESTBROOK. M. D. P HYSfCI AN AND SURGEON. Ofllce l ‘ ‘ “ " G. T. MILLER, M**D. P HYSICIAN AND BUaGEON. Offlco at I)Svonport’» Drag Store, aad re.ldonce, corner Church and Prtnc. streets. 8. B. HAWKINB, Sr., Telephone 80. C. A. BROOKS' Telephone TI Hawk’ns A Brooks. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 'Americua, Georgia OOfflealn second itory In old Gi Corner, Calls by telephone, or 1< * drldgo’i drug .tore, promptlyat . L Have one of the best furnlsned and bca equipped doctor’* ofl^o** In tho bonth i,i. ........ ,.?rVllH,.M I.... e. .... Tf ' MoJ ..tJVr'.Glenwood, | 13) . .429 . | Meal ststtoii.< Dally? f Flag utatlon*. or any in/ormatlon ns to rates, etc., cull on your agent, or aildre.s * W. N..MABHHALL, O. rf. E. H. GOODMAN', , i Buf.cristoudeut. Train Dispatcher. Geu. Pus. Agent. “•••• I J*.* - Correct Schedule, Not 19, *• *./ ••* , >.u I specialty. Pereon. having defective vision will dc Cell to call aad have their eyes carefully examined and teated and flaues fitted suitable to the vye. DR A. B. HINKLE hasrecantly taken a second extended eourso^if special ' (1108 ,5th Avenue, Columbus, Ga Blindness, Deafness, Catarrh, etc , Eye Ear, Throat and Nos. diseases exclusively. DR. W. P. BURT, j^K^TIST. Dental parlor* over Oran- DR. 0. d- WORSHAM. D ENTI8T. Dental parlor* over National Danl^ w ^deoiOtf. ; . x . SAV^NAH & WESTERN DIVISION h «• * > Roh*A«leNo.4a, taking effJ n .lNo.8,*- Between Bavajiiiah m?il T —. Daily. vlaAmericut, Daily. ’i,||I5bi|1. Leave Bavannali Arrive 7U)p» J lS)>Gm‘ ” ..Lyon* 3 35 . (i&j A>neri<?n*,... Jr 15a; 8 CO ...Buena VI<ta, 7 35 l -rd»4S 4. Airive . ..Columhuf* Leave oou 11 35 ni tffBJSbTT&or^lS STERN DIVISION able price., \ STEVENS. COL*. OR. 1. prepared to do any / 11 ,*. < y.** rr> .ii... No. 8 No. fl Past**}.! . HlrmlnehMi 23lpm CV.^ Amerlcusi Ar. llip iw* : W r L™! CT V-'MS* 1080-**' *• Atlanta “ ; 7 In • L “_ >i». !•) to p m ¥3» “ 7»n ■2 15 iloiiy. i WEST BOUND. lWger,Fu.t 1 J l LaiA!__ _| Fast S\ iO iirTnri 1 p m iLv. Americu* Ar. 2 3i~p » 11,40 t i«V 'lAf. BmlthvIlUi “ i 130 - 4 4i a m U«7. •’ " • * No. 8 Dally PaMhengi JSSam I 7tg •1 «J» ni ii M " agpw^i^TO * jf VJ$ ' J ‘/V 1 ! >>7 j ggjA I TO FLORIDA. v “ ’ v ” ro^unT! fi3pm“! fi ':* AmjrletM ApjSWpn. SHAW.Trav. Psi^ W. T. A. DUNN, Agent. Trouble Brewing Stqck A— iauai/riL.. get the freight nn HallVlmmens, qhah io 3m Jooa GardenSeeds Listen for Competitive rates. Thp struggle for Pearl Osina Seta has commenced—first romes, - first served. All know that HALT keeps y,e best of evq^g^Jpg—fiou ge«^ i , «a»5^ ykno, ' 3 >"‘ *'• m