Newspaper Page Text
The weather this season has “forbidden |fruit” to many of our
customers, but
Takes pleasure in offering a “FULL CHOP” of NEW and SEASONABLE
DRY GOODS at prices within EASY REACH of all.
CASE AFTER CASE of new goods opened during the past week has
about completed OUR SPRING STOCK, and close relationship to the
manufacturers enables us to present this season a] line of goods UN
Special for this week—
25 Pieces
25 Pieces
20 pieces LOVELY WOOL CIIALLIES, solid and figured, at 20c.
per yd.
Just 15 more of those SUPERB CAMELS’ HAIR Pattern Suits go
40 patterns BLACK SILK GRENADINES, finest quality, 75c. to *1.25
this week. THEY ARE BEAUTIES and worth from *1.00 to 12.00
A perfect profusion of BLACK SILK DRAPERY NETS—the correct
thing this season, at prices which will astonish you.
Our BLACK DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, the very best in the city.
You can find JUST WHAT YOU WANT at a very moderate cost.
Grant us the pleasure of showing you our LACES, EMBROIDERIES,
and NEW WASH DRESS GOODS, consisting of everything new
Plain and figured PERSIAN MULLS, CHINA SILKS, b A5 AJ.
15 doz. Black SILK MITTS, at 25c. per pair this week.
18 doz. LADIES’ BLACK SILK GLOVES, 40c., (worth 65c) this week.
Forty doz. Diamond Dye LADIES HOSE, absolutely stainless, at 26c. per
pair this week.
He Brine® Forth Argument® tn-* Ex
ample® Why ThU Should be Don®—A Sen
sible Card From ® Leading Citizen—Re
duce the Tax*®.
Our Stock is Warranted Matchless in
size 4 to 14 years, *1.50 this week, worth
*8.00 elsewhere.
300 Child’s Sailor Saits,
School Suits, * 2 - 5010 * 5 - 00 suit ’ worth a ° uWo eis «' vhcrc -
a specialty; good value, 25c. to *1.50 per pair, any size
0or. Lamar St. and Cotton Ave. '
To The Times-Kecordeb:-—There Is
great demand in Amerlcus for more
dwelling bouses. Why do our citizens,
who have the money, fall or refute to
thus Invest It?
It Is not because the bouies cannot be
rented, for It le known by all who have
taken tbe trouble to investigate, that
many applicant! for houses have failed
to obtain them, and decided to go else
One reason why onr capital la timid
In this direction, Is tbe high rate of tax
ation In onr city. Tbe rate las; year was
1 43-100 per cent, or *14.60 per thousand
dollars. To this Is to be added state and
county taxes, also tax for water whlefa
amounts to about one per cent, on an
ordinary house.
The time Is at hand for our city fathera
to assess the taxes for the present year.
Can’t they be materially reduced be
low last year’s figures?
Let ns reason together and see.
Four years agu one-half of one per
cent, provided ample fundi to pay the
ordinary expenses of the city govern
ment. Our property this year Is fnlly
twice ae much In value ns then. Is there
any reason why tbe expenses should be
doubled so as to still require the assess
ment of one-half of'one per cent, for
that purpose.
Again, four years ago one half of one
per cent, the amount levied to maintain
our public schools, was more than
enough to meet every demand made
upon the council by efficient board of,
education. Rave the expenses of the
schools more than doubled so as to still
require the assessment of one half one
per cent, for that purpose, as was done
last year? The writer is reliably in
formed that the one half of one per cent,
levied laat year raised about *6,004 more
than was necessary to pay the expenses
of our'schools.
If this statement be true, waa not this
excess of money wrongfully and Illegally
taken from the pockets of our tax
payers ?
Once again, four years ago when the
first SSO.OqO water works bonds were
authorized to bo isssued, one sixth
of one per cent, was sufficient to provide
a sinking fund to pay both the Interest
on these bonds and tbe bonds os they
fell due. Last year tbe amount of
property in the city was almost twice as
much at when this one sixth of one
per cent, was levied as the law required,
but the same one sixth of one per
cent, was levied which tcok from the
taxpayers two or more thousand dollars
not legally reqslred for that purpose.
To show that this one-sixth was ex
cessive It is only necessary to state that
one-tenth waa considered sufficient to
provide a sinking fund for the 433,000
sewerage bonds, and the same amount,
one-tenth of one per cent. for publle
building bonds, while one-twelfth waa
considered sufficient for tbe 425,000
bonds Issued to extend the water works.
So far no allowance hat been made for
any Income to the cl :y from the water
The city owns and la paying taxea on
435,000 or more invested in our system
of water works.
Are we receiving any Income upon
this investment? If so, the bond tax
ought to be proportionally reduced, If
wo arc not, it Is surely a poor Invest
ment, as our people have to pay taxea
to cover the Interoat on the Investment,
and also pay for the use of water same
as if owned by a private corporation.
The above Is written to show that In
the opinion of the Is possible to'
materially reduce our taxea below the
rates fixed last year.
Is there any reason why taxes should
be higher In Amerlcus than In Co
The following figures from that city
are absolutely reliable:
The tax for the present year upon all
real and personal property Is three-
fourths of one per cent; one half of one
per cent, goes to pay the ordinary ex
penses of the city government, Including
420,000 appropriated for publlo Schools;
one quarter of one per cent, goes to pty
Interest on bonded debt of 448,000 and
410,000 of bonds annually retired.
The above la written in all kindness,
and offered for the serious consideration
of onr city fathers in particular and onr
tax payers generally. Tax Payee.
Americas, Os, April 18, 1801.
They Chanted too Much.
Atlanta, April 10.—[Special]—Tho
railroad commission to-day Issued an
order summoning a number of roads to
appear before the body April 27th, to
adjust certain discriminations in freight
rates, whereby the roads are charged
with violating the law by charging more
for a abort haul than for a longer one.
The Central, Georgia, State road, ^, jp’
Tennesaee, Atlanta A West Point and tie ’ ' ' _ ..
Savannah, Amerlcus A Montgomer s'* 1 " ’ .Trtukta
among those summoned. * ® Hawkins and DM raita;
Many Thine or Interest About Progressive
Cobdei.e, April 18.—[Special.]—It Is
with Interest that we note tne large
amount of fright and passenger busi
ness that Is being done along here by
the prograulve and ever popular S. A.
M. railway, which hat been auoh a ben
efactor to Cordele, and which it doing
so much for tbs development of all por
tions of the country through which It
AH honor la due to tbe Americas In
vestment Co., and the other men who
are to skilfully managing this wonderful
The G. 8. A F. railway, ’ under the
present management, seema to be mov
ing along smoothly and doing a very
large business.
It is estimated that from one bundled
to two hundred persons get on and off
the trains at Cordele dally.
Several Cordellans speak of exeurtlng
to Omaha on the 7th of Hay.
There hae been an Increased activity
In Cordele real estate within the past
few days.
About a dozen life Insurance agents
are doing up the town.
Hrs. M. O. Kline, of Auburn, Ala., It
here negotiating for a home In Cordele.
Such persons always receive a hearty
weloome from Cordellans.
Hrs. W. £. Uurpliey, of Amerlcus,
and Mrs. J. W. Williams, of Columbus,
are visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Dr. J. O. Branch and her beauti
ful and accomplished daughter, Hiss
Carrie, who have been stopping In Cor
dele for several weeks, returned yester
day to their home at Dixie. Their many
friends here expressed their sincere re
grets at their departure.
Sonio new members were reeeived
into the Methodist church here last
uight by its energetic and faithful pas
tor, Bev. O. W. Branch. The meeting
will be protracted during next week.
A Savannah Girl Stopped Yesterday In
Atlanta, April 18.—[Special.]—Ma
mie 0 ill tne. a pretty eighteen-year-old
miss from Savannah, waa arrested at
alio stopped off the Central train this
morning, aud detained at the station
lionte awaiting the arrival of her father
to take her back home.
She wanted to marry her sweetheart
In Chicago, to whom her parents ob
Last night she rsn awsy from home,
and was on her way to Chicago to join
her lover when detained here.
Smoked Cigarettes and Turned Green.
Anderson, Ind., April 18.—George
Stark, a fireman ou the C. W. A H. R. R.,
died last night. He was an inveterate
cigarette smoker, and an excessive use
of them Is said to have caused his death.
A short time after death hts body turn
ed^ livid green.
The Bridge Finished, April 18.—[Special ]—Th#
bridge over the Flint river on tbe Albany
Elorida and Nortoern oatlroad was com
pleted this afternoon. Regular sched
ules will be teaumed next Monday which
will be goed news to it* - many patrons.
A Coining Marriage.
There will be an Interesting marriage
on Wednesday Involving the happiness
of two of Americas’ young people at
noon on April 22nd.
Mist Lizzie Furlow will be united In
marriage to Hr. Dave A. Rogers. The
prospective brido la the daughter of the
lake Col. T. M. Farlow, and la possessed
of many accomplishments, beautiful In
person and lovely In character. She waa
tbe sunshine of her aged father’s declin
ing years, and the man Is to be congratu
lated, who Is so fortunate as to win for
his life long conpanlon such a jewel,
Mr. Rogers Is a prosperous young
business man, and In every way worthy
of the woman of his choice.
The ceremony will be performed at
the residence of Mrs. F. H. Farlow on
East Forsyth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will leave Im
mediately after their marriage for a two
weeks bridal trip to Savaanah, after
which they will return aud make Ameri
cas their home.
Many friends join In wiping the young
couple a life of unalloyed happiness.
1 Off to Cumberland Island.
The Americas FUhlng Club has per
fected all arrangement* to leave to-mor
row evening on their annual fishing
Heretofore the club has waged unceas
ing warfareagalnsk the finny tribe In the
ponds and lakes of south Georgia, be
low Albany, but this season they will go
to the St. Ilia river and Cumberland Is
Tje following named gentlemen com.
port the party that will leave to-mor
row night for Brunswick, via the S. A.
lc M; W. H. Tondee. James A. Fort, Sr.,
C. M. Wheatley, C. W.
Chapman, R. T.
Fluttering Comments Upon Bis Hpeeek
Them Wednesday Laat—What The Kan-
aaaCIty Papers Have to Say About It—
The Next Speaker.
The gallant and fearless leader of Dem
ocracy received a grand ovation In Kan
sas City Wednesday, the occasion being
tbe first Western states commercial eon-
Judge Crisp spoke on “taxation,” and
tbe people of Kansas City declare It tbe
finest address of the kind ever delivered
in tbe city.
The Kansas City Times is full of praise
for him, and make* hit speech the lead,
ing topic. Head lines of a moat com
plimentary kind are ntsd, and tbe ad-
dress, with a cut of the speaker, Is given
In full.
All can not be reproduced, but below
will be found a few extrsete from the
Then earns the heartiest demonstration of
tbs convention ou the announcement of an
addmeeon "Taxation" by Congressman C,
F. Crisp, of Georgia. The galleil s were es
pecially enthusiastic as tbi- square shoulder
ed, well built, graceful congressman stepped
upon the etage. He •eeelvrd aver/ decided
ovation Mr. Crisp's argument was
against the protective po ley pursued by
the government to* the past twenty*five
yean and held the closeet attention. But it
waa ,n replying to Interruptions by delegatee
that be made tbe greatest hit inpopnlsr fan
cy. There wire three of them, and tn each
oese Mr. Crisp's reply waa pat.
He was telling that the result of tariff re
duction was seen to-day In the price of sugar,
when a gray haired gentleman In tha Texaa
delegation aroae,
I would lixe to oak,” said he, “If the gen
tlemen voted to take the tax off of sneer?”
‘The gentleman will elate,” came Ur.
Crisp’s reply, quickly,earnestly, "making a
pqreonal application—which I did not do bo-
euuse I waa told I here woe no politics here—
I will elate that coupled with the measure
which reduced the price of sugar there wen
In that bill aueh a boatof Iniquities, such n
mate of outrages on the people of tbe United
States, such so unconstitutional use of the
taxing power, that 1 voted against It.”
There waeatempeet ofapplause at the re
joinder. There was applause and laughtar
again In a raw minutes. Mr, Crisp bad been
talking ofa duly or 47 per oent. and la make
rounder senteurca, probably, called It one-
half. . A delegate Interrupted to say that II
the duty waa one-half It waa ICO and not 47
per cent, and he did not wl»b his party mis
'•Why, toy friend," esld Mr. Crisp, "If the
duty was 100 per rent. It would use all.”
Again he epokeora>.000 millionaires in the
country. Adelegate asked If they were all
"11 would not be proper tor me,•’ said the
congressman, "to name them. But I do hare
to view one-a gentlemen who bolide carries
In Wmes and who drovostattyho through
Scotland, and he Is a manufacturer.”
if the people an ever wakened up,” said
Mr. Crisp, near tbe end of his speech, “I
think 1 know which party they will Indorse.”
He paused to look at some flf iros he ted,
and a piping votes called out:
'2 was speaking, ray friend,” was the dry
retort, "ofa p .Utica! party.”
Then came a cyclone.
Hera la an editorial upon tbe subject
In the same paper:
Congreaeman Crisp's speech yee’erday af
tetnoon may fairly be called the most lorcl
ble turn! argument ever dntlvend In the
olty. It had the more significance because
certain assertions had been disseminated
through the west to tbe effect thst tats lean
ings toward protection separated him from
the earoeat tariff reformers A cleanr expo
sition of tho practical, Immediate evlla of
burdening one Indnetry for a doubtful bene
fit of another bae rarely been heard any-
when. Thera was no declamation and no
politics. The letter.of President HaaMen
and tbe speech of Du Parsons hsdgtvsn
prolectlQotst side of tsxa'lon. Itwai
■hat they should* Thla confess is
consider .all shies of current Issues. I
Georgia congressman's presentation of
otmrslUa was aispawloniu nut power
The new Bout i >paXe to the new Weal and
tbe two sections In convention assembled
found, If there waa doubt before, that they
an together In Interest and ought to he to
gether In action. Every eentenm of the
address bore toward tea point. They follow
ed each other logically, and when the laat
word fell upon the audience It most have
been a dull westerner who did not see what
taxation and tariffs mean for the trade, la
bor and land of thla psrt of the country.
In tha) welding or almpllolty with close
thought, of philosophy with experience, of
general principles with exact Information,
there was the fruition of an able mind,
fertilised with study and mellowed with
years of Intimate contact with publle affairs.
The Choir.
Thla afternoon at 4 o’clock tho choir
which will furolib motto Memorial day
will meet at the Methodist chnrab.
Everybody who lings should by all
means be present, and those who an
absent wilBahow themselves most unap
preciative of the ladle*' work.
Be eura and come out if you can ting,
for you are earnestly urged to attend
and an expected.
A Peculiar Trip T»k®n B7 * letter To An
America® Gentleman.
lire. Chapin talked yesterday morn
ing to the mothers of the city, and suc
ceeded In Impressing them as she did
heT audience the night before.
She will lecture to the children this
afternoon at 3 o’clock, and will deliver
another address to-night.
Gwaa Owt To-morrow.
Some excellent work
tho 8. A. 4k M.
baa jast been
Yesterday Postmaster Roney received
an envelope enoloslog a letter to Mr. H.
D. Watts, of tbla city.
It earns from Baltimore, and Inside
waa a statement of how It got there. It
seem* that at one of the factories In that
city a bale of cotton was opened the
other day, In the middle of wbioh was
an envelope addressed to Mr. Watte.
Tbe letter was turned over to the head
of the department, who had It sent here.
It waa dated October 24th, 1800.
It was a long and peculiar trip, and It
wlU be of interest to read the epistle
which la reproduced below, the spelling,
punctuation, etc. being exactly tbe
October (he filth ISto-fiwan po lr«Tn CO
gA—Mr Watts serl hav bln informed that
yon air dealing 1 grogiers I my Self hav eom-
euce Dealing In tho same pleat send mat
prise list or your gods and notlona yours
truly a soon H J) Watts"
Tho Rad Mon.
Mr. W. H, Hafer, state organiser for
the Improved Order of Red Men has
been In the elty for tbe past few days
for the purpose of organising a tribe
here. Tbla order Is one of the roost
auccessfol of secret societies, and la very
strong In Georgia. Amerlcus la by far
tbe largest place In ■ the state where
there la no tribe, and one will soon be
established here.
Within the past year the membership
In Georgia haa increased from 1,600 to
over 3,000, The meeting of the Great
Counell occurs In Savannah In ■ about
two weeks, and nnlesa tbe application
Is made before that time, Amerlcus will
have to wait a year before a tribe la In
Mr. Hafer says the suceess bo has mot
with Is very Battering, and he is sure an
application will be made to morrow. It
this Is done, the trlbe ( will be in shape
In a few weeks, and another secret so
ciety will be added to Amerlcus’ list.
There ean be no doubt about Its or
ganization as there are a dozen mom-
of the order living here, and some
forty more have signified their desire to
The Seaton Opens.
The picnio season lias fairly opened
up, and nearly every day some happy
party of young folks hie themselves to
some out of town resort for a day In the
shady woods.
Yesterday, little Miss Stella and Mas
ter Robert Scarborough gstvo a picnic at
Magnolia Dell to a large number of their
little friends. The party numbered
about twonty, and tbo day was delight
fully spent In pleasant games and child
ish sports.
Mesdames J. N. Scarborough, C. F.
Crisp, D. F. Davenport, J. C. Roney and
Miss Carrie Brannon chaperoned tho
young people, and by their presenco con
tributed not a little to the pleasures of
the day.
A Handsome Itoaldsnoe,
In aplto of the hard times it seem*
that parties In Amerious still have
money, and are apendlng It here.
Yesterday a reporter dropped in at the
office of Col. Edgar Simmons, and. while
there noticed a plan of a handsome ten-
room residence. R was the plan of a
residence which Col. Simmons Is going
tobavabnUtonhls beautiful lot, and
will make it one of tho loveliott places
in town.
Mr. J. J. Holly has the oontreot, and
will begin work at onoe.
The house will be finished before the
first of June, and will be ppened with an
old time house warming. It will be ono
of the handsomest residences In tbe elty.
Kite Is Coming.
Under the above head the Montgomery
Advertiser says: ...
“Tbe Savannah, Amerious and Mont
gomery railroad people expect to blow
their whistles for Montgomery by tho
first of June. .
“The grading forces have made splen
did time since the good weather get In,
aod they will reach ML Melga about the
first of May.
“Treek baa been laid thla tide of Cn-
babatchoe, only thirty miles from this
elty. Tbe work Is progressing finely all
along tbe Une.”
Mors Baaa Balt.
Besides the nine mentioned in Tbe
Tmes- Recorder a few days since, an
other haa been organized In the city.
This last to composed of somewhat older
men, and the members propose to do
some fine playing. The two nines will
probably meet on the diamond this week
on next.
. Taken From tho County Jail.
John Taylor Is tbe negro brought
here n few days since for safe keepii
He was convicted In Wilcox sop
court of assault with intent to murder,
and yetkRlay Capt. W. A. Starnes
name here and carried him to tbe peniten