Newspaper Page Text
jfevi =■-■: ' =r-
The weather thU season has “forbidden ifruit” [to many of our
customers, but
Geo. D. Wheatley
A vromtn of 111 Hopttto Killed and Horribly
Cut lTIth a Dali Etaxo -Tha Boo
Under Inspect lon-Tbe Officer, (ay It IT a.
Undoubtedly the Original ••Jack.'*
Taken pleasure in offering a “PULI. CHOI”’of NEW and SEASONABLE
DRV GOODS at price* within EASY REACH of all.
CASE AFTER CASE of new good* o|iencd during tiie past week has
about completed OUR SPRING STOCK, and close relationship to the
manufacturers enables ns to present this season a] line of goods UN
Special for this week—
25 Pieces
25 Pieces
per yd.
Just 15 more of those SUPERB CAMELS’ HAIR Pattern Suits go
Nkw Yoiot, April 24.—[Special
Jack the Itlpper has emigrated
America, and began hie bloody work
tble morning in an Kast Hirer hotel
low resort in this city.
The butchery was of such a beastly
ly character that the police declare that
there is no doubt that it was the work
of the celebrated “Kipper.”
Last night a man named Klniclo, ac
companied by a low, drunken woman
who frei|nenta the wateralde dives,
went to the hotel, where they registered
as man and wife.
About 10 o’clock thla morning the
clerk, having heard nothing from the
| couple, opened the room assigned
them, where he was confronted by
horrible spectacle.
The woman wae found lying In a mire
of her own blood. A dull, broken razor
had been used to diameraber her body
in the most (hocking manner, A cloth
was found over her face, but her cloth
ing was entirely stripped off.
Inspector Byrnes has had the home
closed end declares that “Jack" Is cer
tainly about Three of Byrnet' detect
ives commenced hunting the murderer.
A bar tender named Fitzgerald, and two
women have been arrested. The evi
dence against them ie not strong.
The brutal murder has caused the
most Interne excitement among the low
er claaaee residing In that portion of the
40 patterns BLACK SILK GRENADINES, Hnest quality, 78c. to #1.25;
this week.
A Prominent Uftl Firm Incurs the Dis
pleasure of the Court.
THEY ARE BEAUTIES ami worth from #1.00 to #2.00 j Atlanta, April 24.-[8pedal]-There
1 was something of a sensation In the
i supreme court mom to-day when that
.tribunal issued an order calling on
A perfect profusion of BLACK SILK DRAPERY NETS—the correct j r^ecter A Kavcncl, a prominent legal
. - i • . • , • . -ii i, Ilrm of Savannah, ol which Congress-
thing this season, at prices which will astonish yon. railu ^ (> mlm p „, ner> „ hnw
, . . . cause why they should not bo doalt with
Our BLACK DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, the very best in the city. fm eonte „ pt .
You can find JUST WHAT YOU WANT at a very moderate cost. In a brief furnished by this firm, and
read before tlic court two days ago,
and NEW WASH DRESS GOODS, consisting of everything new: decisions, which It was Insisted could
not be constitutionally applied to the
in WHITE GOODS. j decision of the case then before the
i court. —' * * '**
The verbage of the order Is sharp and
very much to the point It pronounces
||5 dot Black SILK MITTS, at 25c. per pair this woek.
In dot LADIES’ BLACK SILK GLOVES, 40c., (worth 65c) thin week.
Forty dot Diamond Dye LADIES HOSE, absolutely stainless at 25c. |ier
pair this week.
the brief in question discourteous and
disrespectful, and furthermore charges
Its authors with misbehavior In their
official conduct as oliosrs of the court
Our Stook i» Warranted Matchless in
size 4 to 14 years, #1.50 this week, worth
#3.00 elsewhere.
Child’s Sailor Saits,
yj’ School Suits 12,60 *° 06,00 * uit ’ worth <louWo cl,ewhcr0,
ee Pants
a specialty; good value, 25c. to #1.50 per pair, any size
eo.D. Wheatley
Oor. Tfflnmr St. and Cotton Aye,
A Clergyman oe Trial for Arson
Ipsuicu, Mass., April 24.—The trial
of George A. Andrews, of Kasex,
licensed clergyman, on the charge of ar
son, was begun here to-day.
The government expects to prove
that Andrews was carrying an excep
tionally large Insurance for the stock of
goodaln bis store, some #4,200 la all;
that the greater part of the goods were
not to be found In the store when the
firemen got In; that not only were three
distinct Urea found on the premises,
but that the door was locked and
braced, and that Andrews was tho last
mm in the building within less than an
hour of tho time that the lire was first
A llran In Her Throat.
Toci.'oa, Ga., April 24.—A sad death
occurred here yesterday.
A two-year-old child of Mr. John
Bently, of Franklin county, got a bean
la its throat day before yesterday, aad
the parents brought It to Doctors Mc-
Junkln and Davis, ol this city, yester
day, to have the bean taken oat, but
Joat aa the child waa laid oat to have
the operation performed, It breathed Its
laat, and to the gnat grief of Its parents.
Instead of carrying thslr darling baby
back to brighten their home, they car
ried it back la Its little casket pnpared
for the grave.
Kmperer WIU net Yield.
April 24.—Representations
have again been made to Emperor Wil
liam ol Germany asking him to relax
the passport regulations In force la
Alsace-Lorraine in order to enable the
Inhabitants of French towns near the
German frontier to attend the fain and
markets held In German territory. The
Emperor has refused to accede, aesertfag
gal the time for such a change had not
yet arrived.
A.aett far (MMte
Tkextox, April *4.—A . declaration
was filed to-day, la the United States
circuit court, la a #3,000,000 snlt for
damages for breach of ouatrset, brought
WIU be Repreeeated-The (intern
er Issuers a Circular Letter.
Atlanta, April 24.—[Special.]—No
efforts will be spared to mako the con
vention to be held here next month to
strange ways and means for creditably
representing Georgia at the World's
Fair a success, and all the Indications
appear farorable. The gorernor has
Just Issued the following circular letter
to the ordinaries of the various coun
“As you are doubtless aware. I have
called a convention of the people of
Georgia, to be held In Atlanta, May ilth,
for the purpose of securing for the Co
lumbian Exposition at Chicago, In 1802,
an exhibit that will be creditable to this
state and Illustrative of her pragma,
her industries snd her resources.
Among the delegates to this conven-
HeCaoghts Glimpse el s Lovely Woi
sad (aid Sha Waa Ills Pat*-H« Couldn't
Marry Bar-go Bo (olddod-A
collar Case.
The Idea of love at first sight Is scout
ed by many, and few bellevcn are
found to this romantic notion.
Here, however, is a tragical example
of the truth of the fact that such a thing
love at sight exists, and that It la of
ten terribly strong.
Cbaa. Patterson saw a woman for the
first time on Thursday last, and that
night cut himself from ear to ear on her
lie never saw her before day before
yesterday, never spoke a word to her,
lion are the officers of county fslrt and
expositions throughout the state, snd
the mayors of all Incorporated cities and
“To aid In the assembling of a large
and representative body of citizens, for
the purpose In view, will you not aarer-
taln for me, and send me by return mall,
the names and post office addresses of
the president, vice-president and secre
tary of your county fair; the names and
post office addressee of the president,
vice-president and secretary of any expo
sition that may be held In your county,
and the name and address of the mayor
of every Incorporated city or town In
your county.
‘1 want this Information for the pur
pose of securing for the delegates free
transportation to and from Atlanta.
‘You will very materially asaiet me by
furnishing this Information by return
mail, as the time Is limited.
“Hoping to hear from you very short
ly, I am, very respectfully,
W. J. Xortukx, Governor ’’
never met her, and yet her beautiful face
Pater Jackson MuebBattar.
San Francisco, April 24.—Peter Jack-
son, the Anstrislian pugilist, who Is
matched to fight Jim Corbett for a *10,-
000 pane baa thrown aside hie crutches,
and says be can now sorely get In trim
for the battle. It was feared the bruit
ing be received by being thrown from
the eart about three weeks ago would
cause a postponement of the match, the
date set for which is May 21. Jackson
will doubtless bo a favorite ovsr Corbett
now that be w'.ll have over four weeki
In which to train. Jackson has written
the Sydney athletic club accepting
another offer of a #5.500 parse forego
between himself and Joe Goddard.
This match will go whether Jackson
whips Corbett or not Peter will set the
date himself. Goddard recently whip
ped Joe Choynekl and fought Jackson
a draw in eight rounds.
The blaek man’s friends all claim that
Peter under-estimated Goddard's ability
and did not train an hoar for him, while
Peter himself esyt he wee lucky to get
out with a draw under the rlreum
Dick LldUel Arrested.
Kansas City, Mo., April 24.—Dick
Mddel, the ex-member of the old James
gang of bandits, who has been racing
horaea around New York for several
years, was arrested at Klulimond, Mo.,
to-day, on a charge of murder commit
ted in 1882, 'when Jesse and Frank
James terrorized Missouri. The victim
wae Wood Hite, a cousin of the James
boys, who belonged to the gang. The
■hooting occurred at a farm house near
Richmond, where the gang stopped for
supper. They hsd a quarrel with Illte,
and when be appeared In the room Lid-
del, Charley Ford and othera began
■hooting. Hite fell dead, but not until
bad wounded Liddel. Llddel could
not get bail to-day.
Osbarn Mast Has*.
Atlaxta, April 24.—[Special.]—Cbaa.
Ozburn, the white man who killed gro
cer Bradley here last year, baa no
chance of escaping the gallows.
The supreme court to-day affirmed the
decision af the court below, and the
murderer, who was first condemned to
be executed In January last, will be ra
sed, and will pay the penalty of
his crime at the rope's end.
Atlanta, April 24.—[Special.]—Mrs.
L. Byington, president of the Wo
man’s Press Club of Georgia, has called
iting In the parloie of the Kimball
houae, Monday, May 4th, at 530 p. a
The regular business session will ha
held then, and another sees!on will be
held Tuesday, May Stb, at 10 a. m. All
tha members an expected to ha present
The farmers’ Alliance la*.
■Waco, Texas, April 24.—Th# Drat an
nual masting of ths Farmers’ Alliance
■thla state convened bare. Evan
Joans, the preeldaaf, mU that stner
January 1200 new Alliances have been
organized, and 400 during the past year.
KUlea by Lightalac.
Mononoamkla Cirr, Pa., April 24.—
Daring a thunder storm this afternoon
C Hr. Jewett against Robert Garrett, I a farmer named Cal McClure, of Carit-
Ilenry Frick, and Mr. Latrobe. The suit loo, a small town near this city, was
Ii the outcome of I transaction In lot-1 struck by lightning whlla sowing Mod,
) and was ins lastly killed.
and form completely enraptured him.
He saw her for only a minute or two
but in that time fell passionately and vi
olently In love with this unknown wo
As a result, he lice a bleeding corpse,
dead by his own band.
On the day mentioned, Chas Patter-
eon, a young white man, etarted from
Macon to Scotland on the E. T. V. A G.
road He has been living In and around
Maeon for some time, but left for Soot-
land to accept a position. He seemed In
exoellent spirits, sod on the way talked
and laughed with the railroad men with
out the least restraint.
At Helena, however, just six miles
from Scotland, a change took place, and
a fair woman was the cause.
When Helena was reached Patterson
went oat on the platform, and began
joking with one of the brakemen.
the train stopped before Hotel Sam, he
glanced up and there on the veranda he
taw a woman
She presented a most beautiful ap
pearance, and aa the young man gaxed
her fascinations grew upon him. His
manner suddenly changed, and with
groat emotion he asked who the was.
He stood charmed, and as the train
palled out, he remained to eatoh a last
glimpse of the fair creature. When ont
of sight, be returned to his seat, but
seemed lost In thought He acted
strangely and would talk of nothing but
the vision ho saw.
“I love her," said he to a friend, "and
never saw so fair a creature. Already I
am wrapped npffn her, and can think of
nothing else. I have met my fate, bat
what can I do f I don't know her, and
If I did what good wonld that do T I
know I couldn't many bar, but I can’t
live without her. I can't many her, bat
I can die for her."
Ho was laughed at, and then remon
strated with, bnt all to no purpose.
On reaching Scotland he went to the
hotel, bnt continued bis wild talk. He
seemed perfectly sane and saw bis fool
ishness, but protested that ha bad assn
the only woman he could love, and ss be
didn't evsn know her be wonld die
for her.
He went to hit room early, and would
say Uttls slsa than what Is given
About eight a peculiar noise was
heard In the room, and on effecting an
entrance ahorribla sight met the gate of
the hotel men.
Patterson was lying on the bed gaspv
Ing for breath, his throat cut wide open
and a bloody knife lying by bis side.
He could hardly speak, and died In a
few minutes.
Ills last words were: “I am dying for
It was a peculiar esae, and especially
since there can be no doubt that Patter
son had not a thought of doing such
rash act until after seeing the woman at
Helena. He was a sensible and good
looking young fellow, and la said to have
come from Booth Carolina.
Parties were In Americas yesterday
who went down oo tha train with him,
aad say that his words eould not possi
bly have been given aa a blind. - -*•
Raws/ Hams From tha Magi* City af th*
CoaoKLK, Ga, April 24.—[Special.]—
Tha farmers In this locally report thslr
farms in good condition. They say the
fruit crop Is ent off half. Applsa have-
not been damaged so much aa peaches
and pears.
We have met to-day sevsrsl persons
from higher portions of Georgia, who
era here prospecting with the view of
locating among us.
A large number of friends assembled
laatevenlngat the home of Mr. Samuel
Bussey, to witness the marriage of his
daughter, Miss Mary E., to Mr. Ben 1.
Knowles. Judge 8heppard performed
the oeremony.
On account of numerous requests ths
Knlghte of Pythias have decided to re
peat “The Ancient Order of Hercules,"
which was presented at 8blpp's Opera
House not long since.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows
have recently organised a lodge hero,
which Is In a flourishing condition.
Misses Nettls and Mattie Sherwood,
the former a popular music teacher of
Albany, and the latter a teacher from
the state of Michigan, are visiting Mrs.
G. H. Tommey. These young ladles are
highly accomplished and entertaining.
Cspt. I. B. Sherwood, of Maoon, has
come to Cordate to meet hit daughters.
Sevsrsl Cordeleans spsak of going to
Savannah Merchants wsek, over tha
popular S.A.4M. route.
An Aboard (er Omaha.
The picnic to be given nt Omaha oo
Thursday May 7th will without donbt ha
one of the most delightful events of the
kind this season.
The affair will be under the auspices
of the Order of Railway Conductors, of
this city, which fact In Itself Is abun
dant guarantee that nothing will be left
undone that would In the least contrib
ute to the success of the oooaslon.
The boys In blue and braes buttons
have chartered a special train for their
friends, In whloh the excursion to the
foothills of ths Pledmnnt escarpment
will be made. Eaeh car will have a
special conductor In charge, who will
look after the comfort of their guests en
The spot selected for ths picnio to a
beautiful dell on the banks of the Chat
tahoochee river. A fine band has been
engaged for tha occasion, and with ma
rie, dancing, feasting and 'fishing the
day promises to be one continued round
of pleasure for all who attend.
A New Fins
Beginning May 1st, then will be a
new firm In the city, Hawkins A Lov
ing. Tble win merely mean the taking
Into partnership of Mr. Oscar Loving by
Ur. C. C. Hawkins.
Mr. Hawkins has long been known as
one of the leaden In furniture dealing,
aad Mr. Loving baa -been associated
with him aver alnee hie start. Both are
known aa leading buslnees man, and tha
■neeese which has characterised tha old
firm will doubtleia he Increased In the
Mr. Loving's promotion Is a source of
gratification to hie friends,and all thiak It
nothing but natural that be should rise.
Beaseaead te Death a This# Tima.
Prtcurvbo, Va., April 24—Randall
Watson, who killed Jo* Bobiaaon four
years ego at Greensville, waa taken to
Hldteford, the tounty seat of Greensville
county, this morning, where be was sen
tenced by Judge B. A. Hancock to be
nangad on July 10th next Twice
ton Watson has bean sentenced to be
hanged, bat through the efforts of his
counsel the supreme court granted to
him each time n new trial. The court
refused to listen to a third appeal.
Brunswick, April 24—Mr. F. W.
Carnahan, who has for some time h
the general agent of the B. T., Va. A Qe.
road at this place, has been appointed
iter of trains for Superintendent
Bsanprie's division, with headquarters
at Atlanta.
Gom to tho Poor Hun#.
Chaklottz.N. C., April 24.—S. Frank-
snthall, an old Jewish dttsen of this
city, mad* application to eater the
ooonty poor hones. Mr. Fnuskenthall
was formerly one of the most well-to-do
Jew merchant! la this eity.
The Hotel Committee.
The directors of the Americas Im
provement end Manufacturing Company
held a meeting yesterday morning, and
discussed many matters of Interest about
our handsome new winter resort. The
'matter of furnishing and plumbing was
touched upon, and will be probably de
cided at the next meeting.
What Is to be the name of the hotel#
This point was discussed, and much
interest was shown In this particular. It
was decided to have luggeetions entered
at the next meeting.
TweCase Demolished.
There was'a email wreck on the Cen
tral near Baeaa Vista yesterday after
noon. A special freight from Columbus
was ditched at the place, completely ds-
mollahiag two of the ears.
‘ Th# ptawngar from Columbus doe
hero at 0:40, was delayed, and did not
arrive until M# No one was hart In
the wreck.
" Te Betera To-day.
That fithiag party, tha Americas fish
ing dab, is expected hom* to-day. An
idea of the (access met with waa given
In the (pedal to Turn Turs-Rbcobdnr
published yesterday morning. After
reading that the people hare some idea
of what to expect in the way of the Tile-"
tory of the trip.
There waa a marriage In the dty night
before last The contracting parties
were Mies Lanra GUes, of Buena Vista,
and Mr. A. J. O’Hearn of thla city.
Judge Oliver officiated, and the young
people were given cordial congratula
tions and well wishes.
T> AdvafSJs* Thslr Tawa.
Chaklottk, N. C.,- April 24.--Th*
Charlotte Consolidated Construction
company has oontrlhated #5,000 for the
porpoae of advertising Cher totes. Other
cHtseaa are now raising #5,000; making
a total of #10,000 to advartile the dty.