Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, June 30, 1891, Image 2
THE AMERICUS DAILY T1MES-REC0L DEK: TUESDAY. JUNE 30. 1891. THE # t " Duns' and Weekly. I Omit, On Mona, Tnut.OnTui, - . . . 1.00 I F-MmiWCPM® I ■ > A e M trice, Editor and Manager, THE TIMES PUBMSHINO COMPANY, Qe- ul AWdrirtiifQ'l,' r Jtttle~ SO. 1881. I f I I The financial "WstiHri high cool, low prosperity, low cool, high prosperity. Vo manafaeluring industries can live with coal oyer (2.20 per ton. Americas K paying (4.00. What are we going to do aboilt It? Ex-Senatoii Inoalls is to deliver the Fourth of Jaly oration at an alliance masa meeting, end there will be hay seed In his hair. The railroads haul a car load of cotton 600 miles tor (SO; yet they charge (flO to 75 to hanl a car of ooal 250 miles. Where la the equity in such tariff rates? Commission eh Pokteu of the ' census bureau denies the report that he Intends to resign his position. But be would hardly deny that he wishes be bad never accepted it. The Washington Post tells the Atlanta Constitution that If it must have for its presidential candidate a man to match Its views on finance, the best thing that It can do is to come oat at once for Peffer. Vo interior city has grown up, or ever will, apart from manufacturing indus tries. Cheap fuel is essential to their prosperity. Americas is paying (1 SO to (200 per ton for coal; more than she can pay and prosper. The future of Americas depends upon the growth of her manufacturing enter prises. Atlanta never did anything in that Une until she got low freights ((1.00 to (1.25 per ton) on coal. Does Ameri- purposo to be throttled f It is stated that Senator Oorman, of Maryland, will take a hand in the Ohio campaign, and his assistance assures the success of the Democratic party and the re-election of Governor Gray, campaign manager Senator Gorman has no superior. , ... Last yeaethdtatoon ooal from Bir mingham to AmfertCua was (1.00 to (1.85 per ton; this year, those rates have been nearly doubled. "Hits means the ruin of manufacturing enterprises in Southwest Gtiofglli. Dti' Our'people purpose to sobmlttbl^'-" 11 ’ . VVh^t say the iron Works, the Furni ture Factory, the &, A. A M. railroad, tbs lee Fsotoryaad numerous smaller eoesumera, to paying (1.00 per ton for coal within.a day’s run of Amsrious, and paying the railroads (2 60 to (3.60 per (ga to bring It here? BlpMinqiiAK I. crowing over •d freight o* eo«-. ll alaim, that «h* frslgston s tono:*»al from Birmingham to ■ k will buy U outfight In ibe former That's nothing; the freight on a ton of coal from Birmingham to Americas will buy three tone ofc<jM,laBirmingham. Mas. JenKbss Mii.lee, the luaugura- tor and ;ndvouase ofthe divided -skirt ' v h*» some to grisf. - Bereetabllshment is Nsw York 1(1 a the bands of the Sheriff, which is evidence that there ere not yet enough- women In this country who favor wearing breeches to- support hn estab lishment for their manufacture. .‘I f.,.M e , ■-. > „l Pees in ext Hawkins of the Havan- nsh. Amsricas A Montgomery railway, (nnonueea that the July, proximo, maturing coupons of the road will be paid, on presentation, akmsturity, either at the office of tbo Meroentlle Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore, Md, Bank of Amerioqa, or office of the trans it I • nrer of the comdany In Americiu. pi s Mb. Pat Cammu* made a most pow erful argument before the Legislative Committee to prove that the consolida tion of railroad lines meant reduction of operating expenses, and, (be lowering of freights. Hie arguments prevented bos- ; tile railroad legislation, mid Inside a year, bis Terminal linos double the rates on ooinL Will Mr. Ctibona please rise and explain the raise? ' Tub courts have decided that the gov ernment ha* collected more duties on hat trimmings titan the law provided for, consequently there are some five million dollars of duties that will have to be re funded to the Importers. The consumers paid the exease of duties but not one red cent of the money refneded will find Its way back Into their pockets. This ■hows how the tariff benefits the people. The police authorities of New York have accumulated a good deal of very 'Stoss* «, i fi e u c e (gainst Pranefay Vo. i, who is suspected of being Jack the Rlp- per, tndtiie muntarer of the woman (hrrie Brown In that city a abort time ago, bat It appears to be a difficult mat ter to get the murderer to trial, owing to tho f(ct that the attorneys for the de fense are resorting to all kinds of tac tics In order to delay the case, and the result is the press of Hew York lade- Bouncing the tardy manner In which Justice le administered in that city. B COAL PKKIGHT EXTORTION, j CONTESTED ELECTION CASES. Tim TtMKH.RKomiDER was the first Remembering bow largo a portion of paper in Georgia to enter a protest the time of the fifty first congress was against the injustice of tho raise in rates consumed In wrangles over contested of freight on coal made by the railroads, seats, and how much its decisions con- Tho rates were advanced on coal tb I tributed to the infiaroing of sectional Amoricus some months ago; but it was I animosity, It is gratifying to know tiiat-j supposed that tbo usual summer rates there will he but very few such cases be on steam coal would be restored; hence I fore the next congress, perhaps not The Times-Rkcordeb made no attack I more than one-fourth as many as were until the first summer month had gone, before the last Some eighteen or and no signs of reduction had been twenty contests were made lu the last congress, the majority of the contestants On the contrary, tho rumor bad be-1 being republicans. If there were now a come current that a raise in other quar- republican majority in congress it is ters was imminent, and simultaneously probable that a far greater numbet of therewith The Times-Kecoiiiieb deter- seats would be contested. There Is mined to utter ita protest. evidently no such desire among demo- As soon as the news reached Atlanta, cratic candidates to seise upon offices in the Constitution came boldly to the de- defiance of the expressed will of major! fense of the people; and has continued j ties, day by day to put iu most excellent Testimony In but five contested cases work against this uncalled for piece of has thus far been sent to the clerk of extortion. the house. Thomas S. Grevey, demo- Atlanta is now subtmitting under pro- crat, of the 20th Pennsylvania district, test to what Americus has stood for contests the seat to which a republican three months; but see tho difference: claims to have been elected by a majori- Atlanta merchants are raising a howl ty of 620. Another Pennsylvania demo that will force itself into the ears of the crat, Alexander R. Craig, of the 24th Railroad Commission or tho Legislature; district, will try titles with bis oppo- whlle Americus manufacturers seemed nent, who claims 123 majority, disposed to submit to the extortion Of the three other contestants one is a without a murmur. Vcw York republican, II. T. Voyes, of Vow let our people take action on this the 28th district, and two are southern subject; it is one of vital interest, negroes. Miller, of tho troublesome 7th Americus can never thrive with steam South Carolina district, claims a seat be- coal at (4.00 per ton, three-fourths of cause of alleged irregularities, in the which is chargeable to highway robbery printing of ballots, McDuffie, of the by the railroads. 4th Alabama district, claims that he had The Legislature meets iu the next ten a majority, although the returns show days; let our representatives be advised that the democratic candidate received that the people of Americus expect them 4,000 more votes. The republican vote to see that this extortion is done away was divided between a black and with; If the power is not now vested in white candidate and both wore defeated, the Railroad Commission, then the Log- Probably none of the cases will give tho islature must Increase their powers, so | country any serious concern, that they may no longer oppress the people. • I Congressman Yoder, who Is one of Within reasonable distances, any rate I ^ b ® clearest-headed Democrats in Ohio, of freight Is extortionate that oxceeds « a 7* tbat despite the statements of tho the cost of tho goods at the initial Republican leaders to tho contrary, Mc- polQt. Kinley is os good as defeated right now, 1 and that the Republicans are beginning improved finance. 11° realise that they made a mistake In The financial condition of the leading nominating him for his high tax views, European banks is so much improved because the farmers have studied his since this time last year as to encourage tariff bm and ar ® opposed to It, for the the belief that a very easy money mar- mason that while it is protended by the ket may prevail over there and be re- Republicans that the bill accomplished fleeted on this side of the Atlantic. an lnore “ e ln tb ® P rlc ® of wool » tho fAct The Bank of England has (32,000,000 ot tbe matt ® r >■ that wool sells for three more of specie in its vaults on the 18th cent ® » pound less than it did before the of June, 1801. than on the 10th of June, n « w t » rlff 001 wa ® P aMed b F Congress. 1800; the Bank of France had (2,000,000 Th ® , » rm ® r ® also thlnk tbat lf “ I® » more of apecte of both kinds, although 8°° d thln 8 *° remove the duty on sugar, the amount of silver was practically **- woldd h® * s*S better thing to remove the same; the Imperial Bank of Ger-1 H on a « r « at oth ® r n « c “* ari ®» »< many had (10,000,000 more of both llf »- The Democrats are determined to kinds, although it showed a falling off mak8 “ « arne,t and thorou 8 h campaign In silver of no less than (23,000,000; I * nd 10 ® X P 0, ° «>e Iniquity of theMcKIn nod the three banks taken together had I ^®y b ^ every cross-roads in the state, (44,000,000 moro of a metallic reserve I and 40 1# ‘ tbe farmers know what Rial no than they had In the corresponding I thought about It when he said that it week of 1800. Tho Back of England In »°" ,d not °I ,en a “« k ®» lor a particular makos a good showing fot barrel of Hour or a bushel of pork, the year. Its reserve has advanced in after a laborious search through all the twelve mouth, from (07,352,170 to t l 10 po i, t | clan , of lll0 <tate of Virginia, m.m.OSO-an Increase of almost tll0 It , chmond o^u-li managed to find (30,000,000. only tbirteeo who are opposed to the ro- It was also a very wholesome tudlca- Dom i natu>n ot Cleveland for President. Son that the Bank of England several atK ; j|,„y a |; probably followers of theinerees week, ago reduced the rate or discount I John s Biirbouri wbo ono ot thuss from 4 to 3 per cent. disgruntlod because ho was not allowed The depression caused by tho Argon- iq cou duet the former administratiuu of Une trouble, and tho consequent sm- Ur , tlswland to suit himself All of barrassment of Baring Bros, seems to Cleveland’s opponents base their real oh- have entirely passed away. jectlou* to him ou pretty much the »ame The Baok of England Is usually the g rount i |f the truth was kuowu.—Savau- baroraeter of tbe financial world and Us 0ii i 1 Improved condition augurs better times generally. | Euvelopest Envelopes BEALL & OAKLEY. BABGAINS! And Special Prices still the rule of the day with us. For TWO WEF.KS longer wc offer cut prices in every department. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE Beautiful While Goods, Pine Apple Tissues, New (’ream Valencienne Laces, different widths to match, New Black Silk Laces in Flouncing?, and narrow to match. BARGAINS IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. Our Table Damask and Towels arc selling rapidly at the prices we arc now making. Grenadines at Cost! Figured China Silks at Cost T Straw and Stiff Hats at Costl Ladies,' Gents’ and Children’s Shoes at Costl BEfTLL & OAKLEY, 313 LAMAR STREET, We have just received a big job lot of Tint will of Gen. Albert Pike, tho late I ntanllla envelopes of fine quality, that grand commander of the Scottish Kite were bought at a bargain, and vie can Masons, southern jurisdiction, has been I print them for you witli card, etc., chca; filed for probate, and is stated to he as ® r than you can buy them plain by retail follows: lie leavos all bis personal | anywhere. They are more durable than property to the order, and directs that if white, and are good enough for alt bus) any of his children attempts to break ness purposes, and are much cheaper, the will they shall forfeit all that is de-| Times Pt-DusniNO Co, vised to themsolvcs. The foo to which I a three-year old corpse is carried ho was entitled in the famous Choctaw I » round llle oountry ln a zinc .i| DC ,i ca>0 award ho leaves [to his two sons and I by a Chicago drummor, and shown to daughter, and all bis real estate In Ar- undertakers as evidence of the excellent kansas to hit san, Yvon Pike. Tho I quality of the embalming fluid used to moneys In the treasury of tho United I preserve It, of which he Is agent. States, arising from tbe sale under pro-1 " of confiscation of his property ini A fashion writer says that at least one Little Rock, he wills iu the United I (bird of the handsome hats ono sees on States, “that it may have ao honest title (he fashionable promenades of New York thereto, and no longer hold them as tho | wcru made by their wearers, proceeds of plundering under the form law; and also the indebtedness of the! United States to me for four horsos lost by mo In the military service of the | United States In Mexioo.’’ It is stated that Mrs. Jefferson Davis I has made a final decision as to the place I where the remains of her illustrious I husband shall be buried, but it has not | yet been mado public. Several commit-1 tees from cities desiring to be deslgosted I ee the lest resting place of the chief of the confederacy bare visited Mrs. Davis in New York in the past ten days, but ■he did not give any of them a definite snswer. Her decision will be made [ public in a few daya. &AKIH6 POWDER A Bomb Judge has been downed by a Absolutely Pure. . A cream of tartar baking powder. * Richest petit Jury. Several whiskey dealers tycre uBSS indicted tor selling liquor to minors, and I Junel5 dewlyr ' port ' aa the cases were called positive test!- — —— , mony tyas Introduced to show that the Teachers Institute jUry TO® Border Eduction *>r the eountyof My returned n verdict of “not gnllty.'' B<^r,Mth*trMatsM.tim,dntd«ktororai The Judge grew weary with long suffer- Mo^'S.feh'diSr oVJS r. tog and dismissed the whole bntine«, ta' J ^;%« b ^|»^or^ jury and alb He Intends drawing a new era eartwoiir lequotcd to st- A Household Remedy BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES |-BUN \ Botanic Blood Balm U rttroe. SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT V.Mrg? RHEUM. ECZEMA, .tail ) firm ot moligo.nt SKIN ERUPTION, bt- ) !.4ii being clbcaci.ut In toning up th* . crilem and restoring tb. constitution, " when Imptlrod (nun ant cause, fib I almost supernatural healing properties ) lustiii us In nuaranttsint a cure, H \ dirtcllons art followed. | SENT FREE -«5KnSBL- ) BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. THE NEW WEBSTER JUST PUBLISHED—EHTIEELY HEY. j SKIN, BLOOD, \i LIVER, i KIDNEYS, I bladder' Are they diseased ? * la m question that affects your life. Through the stomach-hencs through tho blood ■-can bo cured all dJgeuos ot tluwis orgiu, (Wooldridge’s Wonderful Curs; WOOLDRIDGE* WOMDEKFDL COBS CO., rvTT TTMtITTU n a ’ YOUR —can u> cured all dUe W.W.C. An Ideal Hummer Uesort UbkryW. Gbadt. SWEET WATER PARK HOTEL LlthK Springs, Georgia. Elegance and comfort. Table, service and furnishings above criticism. The best for the least. Recreation for the pleasure seeker, rest for the invalid. The finest Bath System In the United States. The most valuable natural uiinerui waters In Ibe world free. Hlfh-class aecoramodntiona tor 600 guests. Elevation I,WO feet. Pure pine wOoda air. Vo malaria. Thegrest Piedmont Chautau qua, with Us brilliant attraction*. Asa ns (on postal card), to scud booklet and r.itte. Unce a guest always a lino friend. Open May 12. fc. W. M AltBH A CO., msy8>3m. Proprietors.|B ■WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL .DICTIONARY IV,' ^ Ths Authentic " Unabridged," eomprisinf tho Tiled and XInlarged, and bears tbs ot | Webster 1 * International DlotionarT. h “ U ~ ln «ot ten than .One Hundred paid editorial laborers hare been engaged upon it ,u *«>•»““■ i.“^ M STl t W lli^ lh ' t VlC “° aU ’ (oMbyslIBcokMlkts. IllUitntcdpwiphlMfrM. 1 V « Old Nick Whiskey is the best ami is noted for its age and purity, having been made on the same plantation over 133 years without a rival as wo constantly keep four year old RYE AND COHN on hand—ship any quantity, so write for price-list. Old Nick Whiskey Co., Yuhxn Co. PANTIIKR UlKliK, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS A. KIAJTTZ, Arcuitect and StrpntnrrEXDXNT, Americas, Georgia. La ar street—Mnrphey Bolldfng. s-l-iy J. WORSHAM Offloe over Peopis’s'NattomU Bank. Dzsmar, W P. BURT, . ^ t DBHTI8T, • Cranberry’s Corner .Amerioos, Gk., ASSSS* 10 friend » to ell branches or dentistry. jan9-tf D R. J. W. DANIEL, DENTIST, oners bis profesaional services to tb# pr°pl© of Americus, and surrounding coun try- Office ln oew Murgbs^ bonding. La mer street, over Beall ± ( I U. It. WESTBROOK, M. D. . ^PnVHIUIAN AND BURGEON. • Office and residence, next house to C. A H noting ton, Chorch street. feb 7 tf J A. FORT K. D. . Office at Dr. Kldridge'srd • bo found at night In hi _ EldrldgoU drug store, Barlow Block. Ian ft-91-tf 1NCHERTKR. " „ . SURGEON. . , s Offloe at Davenport's Drug Store. Resi dence. corner Forsytb and Maypl street*. Americas, Ga. dfian Telephone No. 104. ) R. T. J. KENNEDY, M. D. PHYBICIAN AND BURGEON. Office at Dr. Eidridge's Drug Btoie. Car. be .found at night in hi* offloe room over Eldrldge** drugstore, Barlow block, fobft-ij DOCTOfiS J. B. AND A. B. HINKLE Hare one of the best famished and best equipped doctor's offices in tbe South, No. 816 Jackson street, Americas, Ga. Genera! Surgery and treatment of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. ' C HAS. A. BROOKS, U. D. (Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. N. Y., twice gradaate of N. Y. Post Graduate Medical Bchool,Chief Burgeon H. A.M. R R.etc.) Offer* his professional per* vices as a geoeral pmctltorer to the cltisens of Americusxnd surroundingrountry. Hpe- cisl attention alven to operative surgery, Including the treatment of hemorrhoids, fl»- tula, stricture, catarrh and all diseases of Anus, Rectum, Genltouridaty system and nose and throat. Office to Mnrphey building Lamar Bt. Connected by speaking tnbe with Eld ridge's Drug Store. Calls should be left or telephouod there during the day. At night call at residence on Lee Bt. or tele- phone No. 77. apr29tf * E A. HAWKINS, • _ ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Offloe op stairs on Cranberry comer. (UTT A LUMPKIN, ) ATTORNEYS ATiLAW. A _ . _ . Americas, Us. Office In Barlow Block, up stairs. W P. WALLIS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, WM1 Americas, Ga. National Bank 6 lD * U <5oarU * 0fflce over W T. I.ANE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americas, Ga. Prompt attention given to all business placed Id nv^handA Office in Barlow blocs, room 6. A. DIXON, ATiORNEY AT LAW. n - . „ , . .... Americus, Ga Offloe In Bulsy bnlldlnx. oppo.IL tb. Cenrt tlouae. Prompt attention given U all bualnei.. InnS-tt. E. F. Hixtox. e. H. OtJTTS. HINTON A CUTTS, ITTORNEYB AT LAW. PracPreinthc Federal Courts. Office over “Hart Building, on Forsyth street, marl- \ S ORT. L. MAYNARD, ATTORNEY.AT LAW. Ptot pi and carcfhl attention given to all bnsiness entrusted to me. Lnm«r street sep iMIAw’ftrn* overP. L. Holts. L. HOLTON, ATTORNEY AT L \ - 4I , ■ t I.. Abbeville, Ga. rartice In at! the ci.umies of tbe Tompt nfienti ui giyou to all col- Will Htetw. lectio s entrnstcf to my cafe. Dissolution, The drin or Andrew. A Carter Uthladsy du.olvtd by mut i.l conMnt. R. M. Andre*, retlrtnj. Me wl l be .ucc**J«l by O. c. Car ter an3 the Arm here*, ter will aeO. O. Car ter. wlio.a.nine. .11 lb. Il.blittl.a of tbe late firm of Andrew. A Carter and will culleel *11 debudue them. C. O. carter also sworne. dlbu Jao gTS'-c^Sr 8 - In vett.tna from tbe drat of Andrew. * Carter I return thank, to Ih* public forth. •tronsge beriowwf, and o-ipe.k r firm a eonUnnsne. erthenme. It-M. AnnaBws. dim. Auariens. Oa, June UrUnT* ANSLEY Sc ANSLEY, 1 A fTORNEYH AT T/AW, A merles, Ga Will practice In the coun«te* of Hum- fer.ychloy, Macon, Dooly, Webster. Stew art, In th» Supreme Court, and the UnHod States our. J C. MATHEWS. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, \V I.LBOHX K. CI,AltXK. PHA.VK A.ILkii-KK. CLARKE A HOOPER, Attorneys at Law AMKniCUH 01:011 ,IA iua>l.i-d.«r-ly b' WALTER K. WnUTLSV, J. B. PlTZOEXALn Wheatley Sc Fitagorald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offlce: 409 Jackiuin 8t., Up stair., AMEBICUe, • i GPJORti]/ jan7-tf . HUDSON ft BLALOCK, 11 lkwvbrs, , AxERjutiL OaoaotA courtl - fsrtnerehlp limited to civil oases. Office up stairs, corner Lee and Iumar etroet, in Arteman IIloclc. dartl-thwly E. O. SIMMONS, W. H. KIMBROUOil SIMMONS Sc KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Harlow Illoolc, Room 4. ln 8t », t ! “,■* F * d ®" 1 COOrt*. Strict attention paid to all hualne.. entruitad to them. Telephone No. 109. 12-to-yotf -ABBQi EASTfrtjANi b Union^ WARTs Eedily^^ t>!TH0LiG pain. CO F MPrM^ E oY° BT DRU0 V. B. GUKBRY. Americas, an. • rmnnt DuPont aukttkr GUERRY Sc f L AWYEHM, Amerleu., ■ Ga. (him In Pro pl.'. Nrtlon.l B.A Building, Umar will praetlca ln Burnter Kuperlor and County Courts and In Ibe Supreme Our Junior will regularly attend 8 ®P®rior Court The fi™ 1 -i 11 ttht® *peetal cues to any Bnperioi Court on Houtbwmtern Railroad. G. OPPICKS K* 7 * C 1 f u5i5Sfkh?a 1 « ly. Comrannleatlnna by malt »ra ptartiTtiitTXrt^ summing ns I WIGGINS ft HERNDON. Hawkei’ styles, specs Leoseg tf all glgltlii sold with a guarantee to please or money refunded V7 K. J. Elduidok.