Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, September 22, 1891, Image 1

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fall isoi.
Annual Announcement.
Mammoth New Fall and Winter Stock of
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Shoos,
The time has come for a ‘‘matter of fact” talk upon a matter of
fact subject. You buyers of fall and winter goods are about to sup
ply your needs with suitable selections for the comiDg season’s re
quirements. The idea uppermost in the minds ot all, no doubt is to
I procure something good and serviceable at the Vert Lowest Price anc
' \ with all of you it comes down to a question of The Right Place to Go,
You have no difficulty in deciding that you want to But
'Goo s Ch ap—no indeed! But what firm will do the best lor its
/ customers in that direction ? That’s the question, isn’t it ?
Why not say it when we have the goods and make the prices th ® co5dnct
that will prove the statement every time ?
We realize the fact that ‘‘times are hard and money scarce,” but
we have expended the greatest effort, in the purchase • f our stock, to
procure Everything at the
Our spacious store is filled to overflowing with the most complete and
elegant line of Fall and Winter Styles ever shown in this locality,
and from one end to the other, from top to bottom, it all the same—
just the Best Money Buys, just the Newest of New Styles. Every
thing bought at figures that make it not possible, but EASY to sell
at the Lowest of Low Prices.
We call especial attention this season to onr
Black and Colored Silks, Dress Goods and Trimmings.
Wo have really outdone ourselves in the effort to procure the very mweit ideal, the very latest
Novelties ol the season. Our stock Jairly teems With beautiful and stylish selections, many of which are
positively not to be found elsewhere. You will find our assortment of
not only contains the handsomest and most elegant Materials to be found, but» greater abundance of
Practical Selections—goods desirable in every respect. , . .
We have secured the sole agency here for the sale of the celebrated
p. & p. Brand of Kid Gloves,
which we show in every desirable style and color. We guarantee these gloves, from 75c per pair upwa .
anci wUl gladly refund your money, or another pair of gluvea for every pair, fonnd after trial to be
Carpets! Carpets! and Rug's!!
We have fitted up an excellent and spacious carpet department, where wo are now exhibiting a mag-
nificent line of
Body Brussels.
Cotton onaln,
Extra super.
8-Ply ingrain,
You Want a Garni•! Thb b Yora Chanca ■ " , „ exnmine onr t ^orfment, and select
• iT0DBEX -
PENSE. We are ablo to sell you CHEAP and " E DO.
. , ___ nr0 vou re ady to take us at our word sufficiently to come and see that our goods and prices
i^IvTrenresented We ask no one to buy because wo claim to give such bargains, in quality and
are really as represeniwi come. When you are once in our store, we
p“ovet your entiJe satisfactio^ basins with us do exist, and that we give them.
Sere ^ be pleK ^faction and economy in buying your fall and winter goods of
Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Furnishing Gooods, Capets, Shoca, Hats, etc.
• Cor. ‘Lamar St. and Cotton Ave., AMERICUS, GA....
„ . ... v.t.rui Drv Goods Salesman, who for so many yearn haa nerved you
n a tphft nld reliable Mr. Henry 8. Davis, *“ f , lr all our customers aod nis friends.
r.i,MAl?>TJthe oa,7. Is still with u *^S ver « rt M r Tim Quarry Will Dudley, Tim Killen and Sam Warliok compos*
Wt Mesfe». Jno.Bohiver,JuUvtSt.nfleld,Jim^ ^ mt (jcoof Mr . Jno. P. Cato, our efficient and popular
A Serlont Blot Ocean at Marseilles—Th.
Spectator, at • Bull right Become Bn*
raged and Attempt to Born np the Bond
ing—Police Summoned.
Mari niu.KK, Sept. 21.—A serious riot
has occurred in this city. A hull fight
was in jiroureas at the circus here, hut
the s|ie.:tntor.. became displeased with
the perfoniinuun of the toreadors, eliiiui
ing that they were not doing their best:
that they were cowardly mid were sim
ply making a weak pretence ot fighting
the hulls.
Finally matters beenme so warm thnt
the sjiectators.not content with hooting
and yelling nt the hulls, arose from
tbeir seats and broke into the arena,
chased the toreadors and torus out uf it,
tore down the seats, piled them up in
heaps and eventually set fire to the
debris, threatening the destruction of
the whole building.
At this stage of the proceedings a
strong force of police came upon the
scene, having been hastily summoned
from all available posts. The nlUcers
of the law with drawn swords cleared
the circus and pnt out the fires, uot,
however, until the building was par
tially destroyed, A namber of arrests
were made by the police and local au
thorities, and the proprietors of the
circus announce their intention of pros
ecuting the rioters to'the utmost extent
ot the law.
Removed from Office.
Washington, Sept. 21.—The presi
dent removed Charles M. Bradshaw
from the position of collector of Pnget
Sound, state of Washington. Mr. Brad
shaw was appointed by President Harri
son early in bis administration and was
removed on the report of Special Treas
ury Agent Malty for "irregularities j u
■ of his office." It is stated
jury department that Mr.
Bradshaw's removal was mode in this
city and not at his home. The irregu
larities complained of were extensive
smuggling and allowing frequent en
trance of Chinese. The president ap-
minted Andrew Wasson of Washiug-
on. to he collector of enstoms for the
district of Puget Sound, Wash.
One Promineut Negro Shoot* Another
Louisville, Sept. 21.—Jacob Ray, a
United Slates storekeeper, was shat and
killed l>y Chancellor Morris, editor of
The Champion. Both the men are
colored, but are among the most promi
nent men of their race in the state.
Ray was sitting in front of a barber
shop on Tenth street, when Morris ap.
pruaclied and charged Ray with o r-
dilating statcm,.-...a that Morria had
robbed ins lather, who is owner of The
Champion, ltay denied it, when Mor
ris called him a liar. Hay resented .this
by a blow, when Morns drew a pistol
nod liml one shut, tile miliet striking
Rnv it. i lie left aid-and passing through
bis body. Huy died in 5 minutes, and
Morris wii.-ep.uced in Jail.
The Tftn Minn, to .Speak In Atlanta.
Atlanta, Sept. 21.—Next Thursday
evening Rev. tram Jones and Rev. Sum
Small will deliver a joint address in At
lanta. The aiinonneement was made
that the two wonld tackle the “Bar
room Nuisance'' at the Prohibition hall,
on tile evening ‘named. This is re
gard*,t us an opening shot for the city
cuuipuigti. In fact it is stated that the
two Maui* will he in Atlanta with a
tent two weeks prior to the city elec
tion, and t lint they will talk against
burruoms mini that time until the elec
tion is over,
Vamli-rliilt In Jail.
Dennison, O., Sept. 21.—Pearl Rnby
and W. H. Vanderbilt, aged 22 and 23
years resjarctively. were arrested for
burglarizing the hnnlwsre store uf D.
C. Foster, at Ulrichavtlle. Aliont (200
worth of cutlery, knives, revolvers, etc.,
was stolen. A large part of it was re
covered on Hie persons of Knby and
Vanderbilt. They had n preliminary
hearing ls-lore Mayor Malone ot Ulricii*-
ville, and were lamud over to the grand
jun-, and in default of bail were taken
to New i'liibnl -lphni ami placed in jail.
Vamlerl.ilr claims to be a relative of
Mew Voile Vanderbilts.
They are Praying and Crying.
DahL"Si:oa, On., Sept. 21.—Miss Kate
Maslibiirn, the pnruinonr of the liev.
Z. T. Bell, was arrested here, aud they
were both arraigned before Justice Al
len on tin* charge of adultery and forni
cation. They waived examination and
were lamud over to the next term of tlio
superior court, ami n|ioii failure to give
bond they were committed to jail. They
take their confinement very bard, and
they consume most of tbeir time praying
iu (Tying.
Irani title and Foreign anti t-f General
Sheffield, Ala., has had a disastrous
fire. Los* about (110,000.
Considerable damage has been done
to crops iu Minnesota and the Dakotas
by prairie fires.
Sturviug jieusunts in Rnsiis are sai-l
to have burned houses in order to gef
to plunder them.
The record for trotting stallions was
again broken nt Independence, la. Al-
lertun made it in 2.U0j.
Ex-Congressman W.L. Scott of Penn
sylvania, .tied at Newport, R. I. His
remains will be interred at Erie, Penn.
The mill* of the Lyons Paper Mills
company ot Lyons, la., were destroved
by nre. Loss (73,000; insurance (80,
Catarino Garza, the Mexican rebel,
was defeated in an engagement with
Mexican troops and then hanged to
tree. •
A dispatch fiom Constantinople says
that Agup Pasha, former minuter of
finance, was thrown from his horse and
It is re]o<rted thnt the sultan has
granted a iiension of £2,240 yearly to
Kiarnil Pasha, the receutly Reposed
grand visier.
The business portion ot the town ol
Needles, Cal., was destroyed by fire,
the losses aggregating (27,000, with
(10,000 insurance.
It is sHid that Moses Bunmgarten of
Charlotte, N. C\, who was retained to
have committed suicide iu Charleston
died ot neurt disease.
At St. Paul, Minn., an internrban
electric car Jnioped tne track at mid
night at Lexington avenue aud four
persons are retained killed, besides
many injured.
The Atlantic transport line of steam
ships, between Baltimore and London,
have arranged to start a line between
New Yura and London, The first
steamer leuves Nov. 21,
Auditor General McCamant was ask
ed by the legislative committee of Penn
sylvauin to explain his letter to Bards-
iey asking for (100,000, "ns the state
treasurer Is a little pressed and this wilt
help him out. ”
The unveiling of the monument to
the late Thomas C, Wickham, vice pres
ident of the Chesapeake and Ohio rail
road, the tnnda lor which were con
tributed by the employees of the com
pany, will take piuce Oct, 29, at Rich
mond, Vo.
Carlton Marks, who was convicted
and sentenced to the peuiteutiary by
Urn county court of Sussex, Va., last De
cember, tor killing N. M. Bain, has
been pardoned by the governor of Vir-
Tiia on account of the dangerous con-
tion of hia health.
An Oglethorpe, Ga., special says: A
new era of prosperity seems to have
struck Oglethorpe of late. Th
more building going on here now
at any time since the war. Improve
ments loom np ou all sides, and a spirit
of enterprise pervades theair all around.
What Folks Think About It In Atlanta—
Holding Off on the Georgln Southern and
Florida—A suggestion to the Richmond
and Danvltla.
Whipped the Negro.
Dallas. Bept. 21.—A fight with fonr-
onnee glove* took place here between
Charles Johnson, champion light-weight
of the Northwest, and John Bow
Thomas, ‘colored, middle-weight of
Weight of Texas, in which Johnson won
in the eightli round. The fight was for
$100 a side and 73 per cent, gate re
ceipts to the winner. IWMfejE
Another Suit Acaln.t the lists.
Los Angeles, Cni., Sept. 21.—A *ec-
ond libel lias been filed against the Chi
lian steamer Itnta, at Muudiego, by
Uniie.1 State* Marshal Gardener, of
(2"0.0u0 tor damages sustained in bring
ing tLe vessel back from Chili, The
rase will come np before Jndge Roes in
the Baited States court.
A Hcnhziliub, Ga., special Sava that
Sandy William.*, colored, who live* on
the iarui ot ‘Mr. B. R.i Clark, was (hot
in the back part of the bead by Will
Jones, also colored. It is thought that
Williams will die. A woman was the
cause Drs. Baxley and Tarver are at
tending the wonndql man.
Pietro Lumnnda, a wealthy fruit
dealer of Turouto, was lnred from his
home in that city Bept. IU ami Ills life
threatened miles-i (1.00J he paid. He
paid (UOO and was released. The chief
alsluctor was arrested nt Detroit mid
will be retained to Toronto. Pietro's
watch wo* found on bit person.
The first delegate to the Republican
national convention elected in Pennsyl
vania, and it Is believed in the United
States, is Angnstns M. High of Read
ing, Pa. He wua named by the county
convention, which organization issue I
iron clad instructions Flint the delegate
from Berks should Biqqiort the cnildi-
dney of James G. Blaine for president.
A London dispstrh slates tlmt Mix
Ashton Dilke married Rawed Cooke.
It was a qniet wedding in Kensington
church. The bride was ntieiideii by
her sister, Mrs. Robert Priestley. Sir
Charles Dilke was not present. Tim
Loudon senool board, of •< idcli Mrs.
Dilke is a member, made her a hand-
iome gift. Mr. mid Mrs, Cooke have
gone to Italy.
A Goshen, Iwl.r special says tlmt
John Duffy, a young (metal clerk, resi
dent of Elknart. was arrested for rob
bing Hie mail, three decoy letters hav
ing disapiieared on iiis run. Hi* prac
tice was to qmckly remove money from
regist-red letter* nud re|««i them to
tlie head clerk. He confessed hiscriuie,
saying tlmt lie did it to help support his
aged mother and sister.
The London Times published a dis
patch front iu Melbourne correspondent
saying that Sir George Gray, ex-pre-
mfer of New Zealand, has made a prop
osition which will lie submitted to the
house of representatives tlmt u new up
per chamber be formed iu the govern
ment of New Zealand; tlmt this new
legislative liody be composed entirely of
women, and that it replace the present
upper chamber.
A lteno, Nev., news report states that
Louis Ortiz, a well known and desperate
character, and another Spaniard, imiued
Rnptist, quarreled ou tlie street. Officer
Richard Nash attempted to arrest Ortiz,
when the latter shot him throngh tile
groin, indicting a severe if not fatal
wound. Ortiz was taken from the coun
ty jail by 100 or more determined men,
and banged to an iron bridge. He met
death coolly.
At Bninbridgc, Ga., Mr. Will Ingram
was presented with an alligator's egg
from Fla., by a friend. He placed the
egg on tiie shelf in the bur three weeks
ago, and on snlunmy last, thinking it
wo* sjioiied, lie bniwe the shell and
there scuffled from the satire a live ami
lnsty young 'gator eight inches in length.
He was placed in a tub of water where
he has couUaued to thrive a* though he
were ou his native heath. He eats beet
readily and bids fair to grow to become
t icaty ’ gator.
Atlanta, Ga., September 21.—The
railroad eommlsalon will Investigate that
boycott Colonel Erwin will arrive to
day, and thla afternoon they will oonanlt
about the matter.
. Col. Powers Is already here, so Is Mr.
Knapp, the traffie manager of the Geor
gia Southern railroad, the company
whioh has been boycotted.
That something will be donels certain.
The only argument that the railroads
can employ la that the commission has
no authority to force them to act az
agents for another corporation or to
make them appoint another corporation
as their agent, as would be the case If
they are forced to sell the Georgia South'!
era railroad tickets and the Georgia
Southern sell theirs. But this 1* an
evasion of this qnestion at stake in
which the whole people are interested.
It Is a combination against the Georgia
Southern, not because they are afraid
the Georgia Southern will not pay them
for the tickets they sell, but because the
Georgia Southern la selling tickets over
it* line cbesper than the combination
wants them sold.
What ia easier than for the Richmond
Terminal to bottle rp the Georgia South
ern. They own every through line lead
ing Into Macon, and they oan refuse to
deliver freight to the Georgia Southern,
cripple It and buy It for a song. Macon
Is especially Interested In this question.
If the combination la allowed to do thin
they can ruin any road In Georgia not In
with them, and can absolutely prevent
the building of other lines.
This Is s foretaste of what may be ex
pected It the boyoott Is not Immediately
broken np. If, this afternoon, the com
missioners experience any doubt as to
their authority) a letter to tho governor,
asking him to present the matter to the
legislature would no donbt bring tbo
necessary legislation to defeat the scheme
to wreck and rain a competing lino ot
While Shaving • Han and Attempts to
Make lllm a Corps*.
Kknnett Square, Pa.. Sept. 21.—A
barber becoming insane white shaving
a man is what every man who ever had
his chin scraped has feared. Therefore,
li great sensation was created here when
Win. Reese allowed signs of insanity
while shaving Larkin Jackson. Jack-
son had been lathered and was altting
quietly In the chair when .Kcere made
him shiver clear down bis spine by re
marking: "Jackson, you would make a
beautiful corpse. I think twilltske
you to heaven with mo. ” The barber's< grew wild and his hand moved on-
easily, scratching Jackson's face. Keene
laid ilio rnioV down fora lulnnteand
ruhlieii Ids hands. 11lls was stipposcd
lo oe prcnatiitory to making Jackson au
gel. Jack-oil, thinking it was time
im l.iin lo gel out, liinue lor I lie dour,
bin ire wa* nor quick enough fur Reese,
ivliu nisi Him at tho door, and after a
hard n'i-de he wrestled ufiu»elf liswe
an . sit,, .e » diitvn the -tied wilii Kcestl
i*. i hi -nit. K e.u *1 itwbled and
h i on* captured mid will uqi do
■iiiv s:,a\ ::ig fur xml* time to Come.
llrmtimer Suicide*.
Halifax, N. S., Sept.21.—Alex. M.
Liddell, a well known commercial trav
eler, cuo.kd.t-d suicide in tires woods at
Windsor Jc.nction by cutting hi* throat.
He iiuil Uuu ou a tLree weeks' spree,
hml lost hi* (tositioii, aud was asliumed
to return .o hi* frienna. His brother,
also u ccii.metdal traveler, committed
nicide by catting lit* throat in Mon
ica) five years ago.
Jour* Wouldn't Pay Freight.
New York, Sept. 21.—The Press’s
Bingkamptoii special says: Two prom
ineut Allimice leaders have arrived here
and are trying to induce Lieutenant
Governor Jones to become the Alliance
caudidifte for governor. The World's
Albany special says: Jones telegraphed
to the Aliiancewen in that city refusing
to permit the nse of his name for gov
ernor on the Alliance ticket.
Negro Killed St Night.
Athens, Ga., Sept. 21.—Dollie Jones,
negro living noar Center, was assassi
nated in his yard while standing in the
moonlight. Some one larking in tho
shadow of the trees, shot a load of
buck snot into him and he died instant-
lt is supposed that this airassina-
ion was by another negro by the name
of Strickland. They had been to Har
deman's grocery store where they had
Highly Prised Heirloom.
Martinsville, Ind., Sept-21.—W. 11.
Hostetter of Jamestown, possesses a
sword and well preserved coat worn by
Major John Byrd when he wu* killed
at tlie battle of King's Mountain, S. O.,
Octobe r U, 1789. The coat wa« made of
fine blue cloth, emblazoned with buff
trimmings, ami ia of the long-tailed,
claw-hammer variety. Major Bynl wot
soldier under General Ureene.
Murderer Hangs Himself.
Cleveland, Sept 2).—Fred Rammer*
er, who murdered hU wife Thursday,
hanged bimnelf in foil. here.