Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 13, 1891, Image 3
OUR FOOTWEAR L ANTING. Daily papers, Magazines, etc. Subscriptions for any pa* per or publication. Rubber Stamps, any kind, ' or price. Pictures, Easles and Sheet Mtasic. Picture Frames to order’and to our picture-frame depart ment we have just added new machines, glass cutters, etc., also an experienced workman. Satisfaction guaranteed. 105 FORSYTH STREET. TELEPHONE. 106. In front of Allen House where you can call at all times and find fresh fish of all kirids, oysters received daily, fruit of all kinds on hand; candies, crackers and cheese, fresh and fine. Call and see us. , m McELROY BROS. THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECQRDER: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 18»i. COURT HOUSE AMERICUS, CA. Nice Oak Suits at - $ 25.00 Parlor Suits at - - 35.00 Plush Rockers - - - 4.00 Side-boards, - $15.00 to $250.00 China Dinner and Tea Sets, - - $7.50 to $75.00 Picture and Room Moulding, Picture Frames, Pictures, Easels, Cords and Hangings—all on a basis of 6c. Cotton. 1891 D. 33- HILL WILL GIVE VOU GOOD GOODS AT THE PRICE OF • . — Why do the people with one voice say that D. B. Ilill keeps the best goods r BECAUSE They have used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock ery china and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and had good light; " c “d our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought ■ window-shades when they didn’t need them; bought curtain poles for themselves and joor km because they were so cheap; used our knives and forks and piaised the butcher- sought our pictures and got credit for lots of good taste; hung our wall paper and didn’t know the old house. Our stock of Royal W orcester, Doulton aud Dresden China, Hunga rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes # Suits, BURIAL SLIPPERS AND GLOVES. This branch of our business is replete with all that is new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has our pa tronage. Nothing escapes us. EMBALMING done ly EXPERIENCED Embalmers. Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls. Residence in front of Methodist Church. Malaria, Catena CURES OODlSON bwrcnrT—TrarTrossOTST US? carta] Potion, Tetter, Scald Head, ate., ate. P. P. P. I« a gowrtWl tonic and an tmttaft «pr*ttur. RRP.k CURES ALARM [gsa TK snsfcrtLia. w P. p.p. Cures dyspeps'iA LIPPMAN BEOS- Proprietor*, Dnggliu, Llppcu', Block, 8AVAHHAH, 03. ft* Mis by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Amorlcus, Ga. „ I'lHitoeraphlns m llutihln. Alter running Horses, jumping utb letes. Hying cannon balls Hashes of lightning am] the shifting spectral lines of revolving double stars have been sno- ceaslully photographed, the airy eoap bubble bas furnished a stumbling block that the scientiHo photographer bas had great difficulty In surmounting Lord Rayleigh, in a lecture before the Royal Institution of London, said that for sometime it had been his ambition to photograph a eoap babble m the act of breaking He anticipated great difficulty because be knew the time occupied in the disap pearance of a breaking babble must be bnt a small fraction of a second. Whoever has watched a brilliant soap babble burst knows how instantaneously It vanishes Lord Rayleigh thought it might take one-twentieth of a second, bat by repeated experiments he found that the time occupied m the disappear ance of tbe iridescent film was not more than one three-bnndredtb of a second. To catch and picture a vanishing film between the instant »f its breaking and that of its complete extinction proved a most difficult undertaking, but it was accomplished Some pertains may think that it would be equally difficult to photograph a lightning Bash, but it must be recollected that lightning make* an intensely vivid impression, while the soft reflection of a soap bubble is evanescent, even in tbe bright glare of an electric spark. From printing tbe image of tbe flying edge of a broken bubble lii the tbree- bundredtb of a second j to disclosing the existence ol great nebula in t|ie, heavens by tbe cftmnlative effect of several honts of continuous exposure.: 'tile .modern photographic plate is performing many wonders m behalf of science, and prov ing itself oue of the most powerful means at man s disposal to unlock the secrets of nature Youth's Companion. —. ■■ SB Hat Pom Mile* Are At tula* The transforming of flqweip, Health is Wealth! Enais ,?*■ Wen's NilVI aid Taxer ST 1 * i gnirenteed mcifle for Hysteria, Din! S fit*. Nervous Neualate toheeeo, Wakefulness, Mental «t»Mlon, Softening of the Brain, remit Ing in and leading to misery* decay and death. teS"Old Ag.fB M rennSi,£SSTfpS‘;. n ; tavolnntary Lowes end Sperm- byover-eiertlon of theMwsin, Bub box con— month's treatment. SI.00per box,or «*l^of"nSi.* M0 ’ *“* b» ■»#. Prepaid, on re- WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXE8 w «b*Mh order reoeival by Americna. Qa JAPANESE CURE ,iSr.*5 teed Cn ^ for Pflee of whatever or XWwM Blind B"nS ne ’ |* eW » *> Obroolo. Beeent or ^ 10t * box; 6 boxes, $5.00. P* 00re0 ® i P'o*Pries. fr **- ^Pldfree. • with deocrip- or not, free at yar fee l>atent 1*secured, to Obtain Patent*.” with to your State, county, or C d:8NPW&CO. ^"•WestWU*. WuMeeUe, I. C. I he transfurraiug or (lowers, once grown and picked; into marketable per- lumen and pomadea is nut an affair re quiring great skill. You can do the thing yonrsell on a small scale if yon have a garden Take • frame like n Window saslt. bolding a single pane of glass, wash the gluss carefully and cover both aides of it with a thin layer of grease made of two ports of lard and one of tallow Pick off tbe petals of a lot of roses anil violets, throwing tbe rest of the flowers away, and lay them over the grease. Rave a dozen such frames thus prepared and stack them np by laying them evenly on top of one another. Thai, you will have a eerie*,of- dosed chambers, each containing a layer of flower petals between a floor and a ceil ing of grease. Fat or oil of any Idnd has a strong affinity for perfumes, and ■o the grease absorbs the smell of the violets or rosea Put In fresh petals every day, and at the end of two or three months the grease will he intensely im pregnated with tbe odor of the flowera Scrape It off tbe glass anil then pnt it In alcohol. The latter has an affinity for tbe perfume even stronger than that which the grease possesses, so it will qnlckly absorb It from tbe grease, and npon pouring tbe alcohol off into an- other vessel yon will have exquisite can de cologne.—Washington Star Three Carious Bells. There is a curious legend connected with the bells of Messingbain clmrch. It is said that a long, long time ago a traveler wae passing through Messing- bam when be noticed three men sitting on a stile In the churchyard and saying, 'Come to church, Thompson, come to church. Drown,'' and ao on. Being very much surprised, he asked what it meant, and was told that, having no bells, they called folks to chnrcb in this way The traveler remarked that it was a pity so fine a chnrcb should be withont bells, and at the same time asked the men if they could make three fpr the chnrcb. promising to pay for them himself. They undertook to do this They were respectively a tinker, a carpenter and a shoemaker. When next tbe traveler passed that way be found the three men ringing three bells, which said, “Ting, tong, pluff." being made respectively of tin, wood and leather!—London Tit-Bit* What Cared Him? Disturbed, disturbed; with pain oppressed, No sleep, no r*H'; what drenifnl peal ch terror* thus ensnared him? Dyspepsia all night, ah day. It really seemed had co«»e to stay ; Pray, guess you, then, what cureJ him? It was Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. That is the great cure for Headache, Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Kidney Disease, Liver Complaint and General Debility. An inactive Liver means poi soned blood; Kidney disorder means pot soned blood; Constipation means poi. soned blood. The great antidote for impure blood is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Acting directly upon the affected organs, restores them to their normal condition. The “Discov ery” Is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all eases of dlseese for which it Is recom mended, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. Tbe telephone between Parls-and Lon don having bden so sneoessful It Is pro posed to connect Brussels and London For that purpose a cable will be laid between Ostend and Dover. Hneklsli'a Surprise. “Wal, Hiram, if this don’t beat alii The old -way for doctors was ‘kill er cure,’ but here I’ve found a piece In tills here newspaper where a doctor offers ‘cash er cure.’ It’s fer catarrh! I wish wo had it—I’d like to try him I Jest listen, Hiram! ‘The proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy offer a reward of 1500 for any case of catarrh which tboy cannot cure.' That beats lotteries hoi low! The medicine costs 50 cents—your catarrh Is cured, - er you got $500' Where’s my hat? I’m going, right ovef to neighbor Bfowd’s to show- hi never wanted to gel within Jeif f< him befoee, but if ft is tlieJbute if L; catarrh, i, guess can stand It onc't.” Sold bydfhggliMp^ i There are too many pebplp who think they can If •Tf*^^** the editor, but who have been complete ^llutpj Inmanaglog, their, own.buslncsa THAT TERRIBLE COUGH the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse chillness In the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker’*: English Congb Remedy will onre these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive uarantee by Feetwood A Russell, mericus, Ga. 5 A resident of Evart, Mich., lias in- vented a device whereby brake* applied to a locomotive will operate every brake on jfhetipln,/ People with Impure blood may be satd to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of baltlto joys when the blood is loaded with impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWltt's Sarsapa rilla, It is reliable. For sale by the Davenport Drag Company. A complete assortment of toilet soaps * J - g £ Jp8, ELpiupaK’s.- “Tbe road to fortune If through print- era’ ink.—P. T. Barnum. The Best Place In South-west Ga. TO BUY LUklira, (Huecessors to W. L. Mardre.) SCHOOL BOOKS for any County in the State. Blank Books, Amarlcan Bibles at actual cost. Oxford Bibles, Teachers’ edition, ill! AT FAIR PRICES “EAGLE” SHOE STORE, 119 Forsyth St. The annual Increase of the forests by natural growth, representing the interest which we are at liberty to’draw without impairing tbe principal, exceeds in the United Stales alone ten times tbe veins of the gold and silver output of this country end is worth more than tiues times the product of all our mineral and ooel mins* not togstksr. SSmBI DOCTOR INGUSH ^^imone night, chock a Cold In as day, and CUEX Consumption if taken in time, IF THE LITTLE ORES HAVE IWH00PWC COUGH OR CR0UP| ■cultPraDtlyl drug- to r it* Tastes Good. Dr. ASg«ffSlI. CURB CONSTIPATION.. Snail, sUaMkat, afav.rlte —US ts« latlaa. W. H. UOOKEK X CO., U W«B» Broadway, K.Y. „,aan,Bl,M„„„a,„„ For sale by IV. C. RUSSELL. Notice of Dissolution. Notic^ik hereby given that the Martin Jk Lew I* has thin day teen dliwolvi . by mttttAt T consent, R. M. Levi* withdraw* from thfefirm. The business will be continu ed bywrm. Martin, who retain* all the u- sets *11 the liabilities of **kl G-reatiassortment, Latest Styles and No. 1 Qualities; for little, big, old and young. .1 : f :n •=. 1 1 . ■ v . . + No Better Stock to be found anywhere. REAL ESTATE Business Property, Residence Property, Vacant Property, Suburban Property, Small IFarms, Large Farms. ns I tab! Hues or wua _ — __ __ _ MERREL CALLAWAY, R. M. Lewis. * ' ABBOTT cor Ns ^s. ^unions , ^.o WARTS ^ P fE0lLV^ f ’ fe-. 1 vvi PAiN ^ ^ th « davenport drug COMPANY America*, Chu Notice of Dissolution. Th* firm of Jofuer A Nfcholaon.. doing m s ^ et 7 ba*l»*** in Amerlea*, 1* this day dissolved by mstvtl oonaont. The bwlDMi wlH b* eootlotxvl by nmnu < Joiner, at the old stand, who retains mU , W5?kfei«Sr. UOV7-dAwl