Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 03, 1891, Image 1

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Here, Boys!
Are yoc
Then don’t put your hands in yourl pockets,
whistle “An lie Rooney,” and expect .to keep
warm these cold November days. You had
much better select a nice, warhn suit from our
fine new sto&k.
Get a Free Ticket
Boys’ Safety Bicycle Drawing!
A Un|V.A Fresa Com.poad.nt Secure. In
formation From a Chilian Official In San-
tlacoThatth.aor.rnm.nt Ha. nolntaa-
tlon of Chanrlnc It. Reply.
• She Imlcm Hi Xm York on 1
FATHER AND MOTHER ARE BURNED BlaraUky and B.lncaraatlom
TO A CRISP. ' | New Yojuc, Dec. 2.—Cl ad becomingly
in black lace, with a large white, chrye-
Aa Awful Cat aatropha Occur* in the Bout | anthemum at her throat and the green
of Night-.An Overturned Store W*i seal ring of the dead high prteateas on
Probably the Cum at th. Terrlhla Cen-| her Unger, lira. Annie Boront, the dla-
flaeration. |tingniahed English ’convert to thdo-
aopby, lectured at Cbickering ball o
Detroit, Dec. 3.-The moat appalling | "Mme. Blavatsky and Reincarnation.
—*■*» m, h.. asm
■iiioe the burning of the Tilden eciioo I American section of (he tbeoeophlcal
two year, ago, took place here aliout * ocie ‘y- She spoke fervidly and elo-,.I. qnently ,0 , | argB andiencegathered
8oclock in themoniyg. from the higher ranks of sodetyand
Fire broke out in tbe grocery etore of I was frequently eaoonraged with ap*
Ckorge J. Deis, 833 Orleans street, and. 15^?®* _
-2-5-1 'TJrr??**: sjsa
•mothered to death Charles Kelt, agei. I i n t be nature of au euthusirotic eulogy.
88, and his brother, Joaie and Eddie .1 American reqnrot, and that any expec-
chnd™n° nd V**?; ilT ln !' er high aocial position, who Eft bernative tation that President Montt would in
children were found in their bed, andan country early u life in search of troth, any respect modify the policy adopted
older boy discovered by the firemen ly. I and traveled over the world on monev •>- th* innt* niUUmiinc/ ti.a
ing upon the floor before the window, ns by heather. She was
if he had realized his danger and nt- the good will of her family to earneat advocate in the jnntaof ade-
tempted to make his escape by that | the day of her death, and also a goo i fiant retort to the United States, and
(Ion throughout Russia. Sirs, virtnally dictated the answer sent to
reputation throughout Russia.
iocfed f in t esch a ofheV° t *rm "'Tt/T"' I S^t^uu^hUoeapbciu ““appeal Minister Egan. Montt baa not changed
locked in each others atom at the f°o r J on earth in the last quarter of every bis views since be exchanged the office
of the stairs leading out into the yard, oentory. The lecturer decl^a from of cWef of tbe jaQU for that of pr&ti .
They had burned to a crisp in endeavor-1 the experience of daily life with Bln*
the op«n air. Why thJ Snd k , y n^lLh h . e ndXo.r^nS^;,t
took the rear stairs may never be in ul j1 j n jj Br knowledge, possessing also pow-
known, for if they had gone down by I era which the majority of the hnmnu
tbe front way they would uudonbtu Uvl raoedo not hold. Her philosophy bud
have been roved. As it was, they rod,- » powerful effect
mi <h. fi... . . .. ,, on the world, having impressed itself
ed into the 8ery furnace, for the con.'.t-1 CTpec uii y on literature, and her duc- the most damage whore I trine of reincarceration was now ac-
their bodice were found. , I oepted an a hypothesis which would till
Two other children. Max, aged 15. and of incarnation, - said
Tony, aged 15, and a hired girl whose Mrs Besant, is this: "Every person cou-
name could not be ascertained, escajied] slsta of a threefold nature, the divine,
by jumping out of the windows into! the human rod the brute. There is the
th- arms nf the nolle, .mi brute with its impulses, appetites, pas
thearms of tbe police and Bremen. iiong ud emotlotu . There it the ,||.
There were no means of finding out I vine, not evolved rove in the very few,
jnat how the fire started. When firs I but showingaglimmeringinall. There,
seen It was issuing from the front win I {®®»the human. the link between the
Snm w ... . I brute and the divine, giving to the
dows upstairs, but au examination «* brute tbe possibility of rising, and-giv-
the grocery store showed an overturned I tag to the divine the possibility of in-
atove, and the damage done to the lower I spiring tbe brute,
story would indicate that the fire start- „" d ^ to P 01 ** 1 * **>« * rot ?'
ed in the store.
ansitory; the divine is clearer
eternal; that which is not reiucarnul
, is the brute—mortal. Gradually in the
CALVIN 8. BRICE. I course of many Uvea there is Built up
Croat, Trsasarer^Hotmaa Sue. Him for f^oCSZS'iS ST'* *** ril,ed
Lika, O., Dec. 2,-County Treasurer |jt^cughtT^u^e^dn
Edward Holman enter* auit .gainst | SH^?ZZ !*der V>. iS&.jS S Lm
Which you know occurs on next Christmas
Eve, and be liappy. We are going to gfye
away a brand new Safety Bicycle, absolutely
free of any charge
whatever. Every boy
who buys his suit from
us before Christmas
Eve gets a sure enough
bargain and a chance at the machine for abso
lutely nothing. The time is drawing near I It
is going to be a daisy! Everyone will have a
fair, square showing, and you may be the lucky
There is nothing small about our stock of
Boys’ Suits,
And Odd Pants,
Except the price, and that we make exceeding-
,y sma II. We can fit you perfectly, and by
selecting now you secure the pick. Don’t fo r-
6©t the place.
Gauge D. wnealley,
Cor. Lamar Street and Cotton Avenue.
Calvin 8. Brice for unpaid taxes. Brit
came here tbe other day, as he has d
at regular intervals ever since he
senatorial aspirations, and Holman iin-
mediately commenced snit against tin-
senator. The petition filed reads asfol
I into our mental attni
' capacity fur afflicting other per’
i?^ta Uwfolfv'ShS^^n "* Aprokro ffiBteSI on. M.„ -ad
duplicate of Allen conntv with taxes in I _ A “ th *
thesnm of $1,500,145, that said taxes Wilcox, A. T„ Dec. 3.—TheApaclies
have become delinquent; that the same I are on the war path and have committed
uionnt, with penalties thereon, are I several depredations. One man has
mw doe m* whoUyraprid.The. R lain-1 been killed mtd Mother wounded an,
tiff prays
intent against said do
fendant for said sum of $1,500,145, with the settlers are arming to protect them
penalties and costs of suite
Daniel Brewer, the Aaent.
i, O., Dec. 3. —Several montl
ago Daniel Brower, a frait tree agen
representing the firm of Snyder Broe.
of Qridenville, came hero for the
poee of soliciting orders for tha firmj
After several weeks’ tojonrn he retorn
to Cridersville and tamed in his
for a large amount of trees, eta, au
received his commission, which amonnt-
tliis place, rode in in great baste Thnrs
day night and reported that one of his
mm bad been murdered by a war party
of Indians, who disappeared soon after
the killing and cannot now he found.
The name of the dead man is B. H. Dan
iels, of Ontario, Canada, ap ex-soldier,
and about 35 years old. The following
i has 1
received from Fori
Major Downing was shot from am
‘ “ *“ gin
i&'-’SssviKi Ta.'trfl “si 4 ™
the amount of $0,000, they struck off
Into the impenetrable mountains and
forests surrounding the Grand Cauyon
of the Arkansas. They were so closely
pressed by the officers that it becam
:essary to dispose of the plunder in
ler that it might not be evidence
against them in case they were cap
tured. Accordingly, when the party
reached tbe head of Brash creek, the
booty, together with valuables stolen at
times, was cached under a boulder
where it might have remained had not
the majority of them being those of I one of the gang betrayed its hiding
dead persons and evidently taken from h* t. VwL P lllca - The robbers have all been cap-
toombattme*. The grand jury indicted ^“Wect onb. mnrderen. It is the { nred >nd m Tom McCoy, Frank and
Brower, and SheriTO’Neill located bin! !^ n i John Price- Jim L'nrti., Teg Leg "
in Indianapolis, whero be arrested bins f*. >n, r, _ e Eldridge and Tom Ferry. Since their
and returned him here. | co ' 1 “ nl ~ to look to their arms cap ture thev have been endeavoring to
»*?. «» .wantonly-, taken. g «t one of their number ont on bail in
Ie8 -uV om V . order that he might "raise the booty”
Lottnos, Dec. Viseonnt Cro's,-,v;-1 eJerv prri^ution to defeml'the^Uler K ’^V., h "?, , th «“ »"*'•
rotary of the aft. for. Indta, has
transmitted to Mr. Edmund J, I Uws, who fear a raid from th© Cbira- about the robbery and where the money
Moffat, the agent in London of f° hn * w “ hidden. Tbe general manager of
tha United States agricultural de- S^rro Ue tam^h2Sl« are
partmenr, a request tarwarded SStag SSita No “h« ww “ oh- d ? pU,J Unite.1 States marshals
to him by the governor and oon-1 talnable.
sul at Madras prteidency. This re-
quest is in printed form and asks for
information regarding th<
the remit of thy j T0 W0RK AGAIN8T HARRISON.
test for nuking rain lit Texas and other I w „,.„
parte of the United Statea The potl- • ™ •* * B * pubU *“
;ion baa been forwarded to Secretary
Held at ladlroapolls.
Fort Wayke, Dec. 3.—Ex-Congress
man J. B. White of this city, who pro-
A Singe-Struck Girl Elope*.
Little Bock, Dec. 3.—There is a
great deal of excitement at Des Arc,
I. th. Hand. Of a itorolver. . I T/'""'""""™ “■£ w “ u p rairie connty, over ascnsation.l eloi*-
tw, th„ iT„i.^i sided at the unti-Hamson meeting at ; ™ 1 i™ iuu.i n. (
|taromi, lha 8,-In the UmH.I [ Indian;ilH)lii ]Mt ^ lnri COIl(irms ment. The I ,-year-old daughter of
State© court to this city, on tbe coin-1 , V\ . . „ W. L. Willoughford, an official of that
plaint of the Central Trust coinpauy ol onr ^L,^ county, eloped with one Smith, man-
New York, and other creditors, the r’*'* 1 “ I n pose' of our mu .ng l|f travelling theatrical compaiir
Kichmond. Nicholasvilte a*. Beatty; | was to work against Harrison’s renomi- which is playing in small towns in this
There is a strong opposition to ,^ e> xi,e girl was dressed in boys’
„ , clothes, hot was detected by tbe psa-
“ at seugers on the Little Rook and Mein-
are phis train, which arrived here. She
was pursued by her father and three
deputy sheriffs. Smith turned the girl
over to another man, and she then
eluded the officers, and Smith was
fou*d on the train by tbe officer* and is
In the custody of tbe sheriff. Tbe girl
can not be found. The girl was stage-
struck and choee this method of get
ting away from her parents and joining
a theatrical company. It is 1 thought
that she has joined the company below
Pine Bluff, where they are playing to
towns on the Cotton Belt.
_ ty-1
Title railroad wa* placed in the band* nation,
of a receiver. John McLeod was alt | him (hr*
pointed by the court to act in that ca-1 nominated ! have but. little doubt tl
>acity. The liabilities aggregate nearly I he will lie defeated. Our meetings i
3,000,000. . I for the purpose of crystalizing RepuK
Ucan sentiment on this point and to
. . show the Republicans of other state.-.
Philadelphia, Dec. 3.—Tbe schoonot that if Harrison is nominated he will
George W. Fehimore, from Broton, ite| hAA^strj.iiK republican opposition right
ballast, and the steamer Deesong, hern “
for Savannah, collided abreast tin
thin John Light. Tbe .choonsr sank,
the Bteamei’. bow waa rtove fa and rhe I „„ ... „„ „ w . „„
returned to this port. The Fenimore. I Htrrison’. administration, and I think
crew whs saved and brought to thu 1 *- * * — - *
port ou tbe Deseong.
here in Indian©.
"If Harmon is nominated what will
yon do?*’
w We will neither work for the elec
tion nor rote for him. I do not like
Valparaiso, Dec. 3 —The United
Press correspondent was informed, ou
the authority of an official folding a
nigh place in Santiago, that the Ciiiliun
government had no intention whatever
of offering an apology or indemnity,
inch as the American president request
ed, and has bad no intention of recall
ing or modifying the reply given to tbe
dent, and Chili ia silent now became
there ia nothing to be said. Menutime,
although President Montt lias recoup
mended a cutting down of tboarmy
and navy, no steps have been taken to
carry ont the recommendation, and
even tbe volunteers sent back to their
homes in the north were told to retain
their arms.
Tbe Condition la tha. Famine Dl.trlet
In Raula Continue. Dlitrenlng.
St. Petersburg, Dea 3.—A decree
has been ironed announcing that % the
export of poise and oil seeds is not pro
hibited. Though there ia at present no
change in the condition of affairs in
famine-stricken districts, tho govern
ment is doing everything in Us power
to relieve the distress. It is reported
that the authorities have decided to buy
all the grain in the hands of private
persons in some of tbe distressed dis-
lh Sul2lJ e i7 iSTf being blocked with grain in transit
from C'HiioansHB, grain fur the western
provinces can ho shipped to Novoros-
sisk on the east coast of the Black Sea,
and that it will he conveyed then
Odessa free of charge. The law repeal
ing the prohibition of the exportation
of pulso and oil reeds again permit* the
exportation of all kinds of oil cake.
An y.piicwh. off Happening, ftr.m Kvery
The smallpox epidemic on the coast
of Georgia is on the wane.
The new issne of the Windom $3 sil
ver certificates has begun.
The Chicago Times has started a pres
idential boom for General Nelson A.
Miles with a page of history of bis life.
Sir Alexander Campbell, lieutenant
governor of Ontario, Canada, has been
Stricken bv paralysis and it in a critical
Francisco Hernandez, who robbed
the paymaster of tbe eleventh battal
ion of the Mexican army, in Chihnahua,
will he shot.
A Bordentown, N. J., special says:
John Parnell, a brother of tbe lain
Charlea Stewart Parnell, arrived at Old
Ironsides from West Point, Ga. He
and his mother sail for Ireland.
The eight women on the Illinois
World’s Fair board have decided to ac
cept invitations to go to any part of tlie-
state to deliver addresses in the interest
of the proposed exhibit by Illinois
An Esprrn Ituliber Give. Away the
llltllnx Place of Valuable*.
Denver, Colo., Dec. 2.—After the
McCoy gang robbed the Bio Grande ex-
selves. Major William L. Downing. pres3 train at Texlts Creok several
who live* about thirty miles south of weeks ago of valuables aud money to
left here in a special train for the scene
of tho robbery, and they returned with
the stolen valnables and enough evi
dence to send every one of the gang np
for life.
Mitrli*f Waffob Work* Barneff.
Snmuxo, His., Dee. 2.—The Sterling ]
wagon works have been destroyed
fire. Adam Splat, the proprietor,
the joes will reach $100,000, covered
*10,000 insurance. The Sterling
works were damaged $35,4 '
Prownotl In .
Parra vim. Pa., Doe. i
ring tun. a miner Bring
Patch, met death in a mine.
it he i. renominated he will be bra
lu case of a | ositive decline from Blaine
to accept the nomination, the anp|iori
of the anti-Harrison men wUl go to Mc
Kinley, or Alger or Gresham."
The next meeting of the Indiana anti-
Harrison ieagne will be held in this
city. Captain White ia one of the moat
influential Republican politicians in tbe
state. He oooe carried this countv,
which has a normal Democratic major.
" ~ “* several tboatand, and wan
n for re-etectfan becanae ha w
irder for Harrison's tnanent i
In spite ef his
CbBjean* <$b4 AnpibM Claim.
Wamhxotoh, Dec. 2.—A delegation
of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians had
a conference with Secretary Noble and
the $350,000 doe them as
for their lands ceded to
be paid in cash instead
he secretary said, in the
nation, that be w “
request after
to taka Ian
A special from New York says that
Ex-President Grover Cleveland, accom-
iiuied by Mrs. Cleveland Bitd Baby
_,uth, left the city for a Jerser winter
resort. Tlie period of their absence is
not known.
At Philadelphia, Chris Magee of
Pittsburg, said that the Pennsylvania-
delegation to Minneapolis wonld be for
Blaine. Blaine could have the nomina
tion if he wanted it, and the indications
are that he is iu the field.
A St. Louis special says; It has just
been discovered by the Corcordiu Pub
lishing company, printers of religion*
books, that Martin C. Barthel and Mar
tin H. Barthel, fattier and son, two of
its most trusted employes, are short iu
their accounts.
A Braddock, Pa., special says that
Mrs. Mary McVeagh, who lias been
fasting for 148 days, lias died. Mrs.
McVeagh has been Suffering with a
cancer in h f, r month and has he?n sub
sisting on buttermilk, wine and Iau>1a-
nuiu. Site was 08 years of age.
The London Times in its financial ar
ticle says that the report that Russia is
haying silver is true, but only enough
will be bought to provide a new subsid
iary coinage to replace the nickel nllov
known as oillon. The fairly large
amount required for this purpose, the
Times adds, will be purchased in in
Rev. Dr. S. J. McPherson of Chicago,
at the instance of a number of associ
ates prominent in religions circles, will
correspond with individuals and soci
eties in the various denominations with
a view of having a conference of dele
gates from all parts of the country to
arrange for a religions exhibit at the
World’s Fair.
A Clarksburg, W. Vn., special says
that O. D, Matlienyof Mineral Springs,
attempted to pour powder from a bottle
into a lighted pipe"just to see what it
wonld do. ” He saw, bnt he sees no
more, as the bottle exploded, tearing
Ins baud and arm badly and bnrning
his face and eyes so severely he limy
possibly lose his sight.
At Ottumwa, la.. Miss Ora Heady,
Die affianced of Earl Sylvester, killed ki
the Charlton wreck, created a sensation
by swooning at her lover’s grave. They
were to have been married. A strange
coincidence is that while her brother
and her lover’s sister were being mar
ried at Guthrie Centre, a telegram waa
handed them announcing Sylrester'a
A Dubuque, la., special says that a
member of the firm of Olkenheimer Jt
Co., eurtlienware importers who went
to Germany a year ago for the purpose,
has discovered the secret of the white
enamelling of pottery hitherto known
only in that country and will locate an
establishment here, the first in the
United States. These goods now boar
a duty of 80 per cent., as they came in
competition with the slate-colored en
amelling mado in tbe east.
A Lincoln, Neb., special Mrs; Con
vict George C. Bullock, in the tfebroska
penitentiary for burglary for five years,
made a confession that iu August, 183n,
he killed two policemen in Geneva, Ills..
and some months later he killed a ;m 1
in a barn north of that town, audio
1889 he murdered a widow woman iu
tlie same pluce* He will be liberated
here in Sept. )8911, but says these mur
ders are so working on his mind tbut he
coaid stand it no longer, and he decided
to face the music aud be done with it.
Josiah Carpenter, the oldest inhabi
tant of West Virginia, died at his re.i -
dence in Preston connty. Estimates of
Carpenter's age varied, bnt none placed
him uuiler 120 years. He claimed to
have been born in London county, Vir
ginia, in 1733, and was, therefore, 139
years old. He claimed to remember
Brsddock’s defeat and to have served
as a teamster at that time. Carpenter
had a soli who died ten years ago at tlie
age of 80, Until recently his health
has been fairly good. He bas oue
daughter still living who is over 80.
A London dispatch says that five
boys, while playing on tbe beach at
Southampton, found a bomb imbedded
in the sand. They did not know wbat
it waa and began playing with it, toss
ing it from one to the other and roll
ing it along the shore. While they
were engaged in their sport the bomb
exploded and pieces of it flew in every
direction. Oue of the boys was in
stantly killed, another was so badly
injured that be is now dying, and the
it lets were so badly wounded that
small hopes are entertained tor their
Woman Bnraod to Doolk.
Columbia, S. C„ Deo. 3.—News rescu
ed here of a horrible accident at Har
din, N. C. Mr*. H*H a Osntaa’fe drees .
became ignited fiat her cooking stove.
She ran out of bar boas* screaming (or
help and felt prostrate oa a pile of stub
ble from a cane mill near by. A man
who happened to be pt
at the ume ran to tU
lady’s roltef, but was too late to 1
asafstauas. She waa burned alma
s step and died fa a few mien tea.
tour little orphan!